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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: danootaandme on 08/14/04 at 8:21 am
A little known provison of the No Child Left Behind Act requires schools to releae the names, addresses, and phone numbers of high school juniors and seniors to military recruiters. Districts that don't report names risk losing federal funding. Parents are now being made aware that they are able to have their childs name taken off of the list, but this is done on an individual basis. So the government is asking for information on minors, before they have gotten out of school, and are able to deny fed funds if they don't get the information they request. The Bells are ringing !!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/14/04 at 8:53 am
This really makes me angry-of course the entire "no child left" makes me angry. What really bothers me is that there are many, many people who do not realize that this country is turning into a fascist state. Dubya is making things possible so that programs that help us all (like education funding) is erroded and his oil buddies get richer. I really do believe he is going to slip the draft under the radar (like he slipped so many other things in). It is becoming very, very scary.
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: danootaandme on 08/14/04 at 9:01 am
That's one of the reasons I tell people "stay close to the border, you never know". Most people with high school chidren don't even know this is happening, I read about it today because in Boston they are becoming very pro-active in getting the message out to parents. Even the parents who would like to see their children in the service are very upset at this tactic, and rightfully so. I have a 13 year old, his has PDD, I used to think, well the military can't take him, now I'm not so sure.
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: LyricBoy on 08/14/04 at 9:25 am
This really makes me angry-of course the entire "no child left" makes me angry. What really bothers me is that there are many, many people who do not realize that this country is turning into a fascist state. Dubya is making things possible so that programs that help us all (like education funding) is erroded and his oil buddies get richer. I really do believe he is going to slip the draft under the radar (like he slipped so many other things in). It is becoming very, very scary.
Note that the NCLBA was voted in by an OVERWHELMING MAJORITY or congress (that means democrats and republicans)?
And if I recall correctly, Ted Kennedy was either a sponsor of the bill or a huge proponent.
By the way with regard to education funding: In my home county, the school district that has the HIGHEST SPENDING per-capita has the LOWEST TEST PERFORMANCE. But yet they still make it to the State Football and Basketball Championships every year. "School funding" is a red herring.
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: danootaandme on 08/14/04 at 9:39 am
And if I recall correctly, Ted Kennedy was either a sponsor of the bill or a huge proponent.
By the way with regard to education funding: In my home county, the school district that has the HIGHEST SPENDING per-capita has the LOWEST TEST PERFORMANCE. But yet they still make it to the State Football and Basketball Championships every year. "School funding" is a red herring.
If you read beyond the headlines you will find that Ted Kennedy has been extremely outspoken about the way in which the No Child Left Behind Act has been adulterated by the present administration, very much like it adulterated it's permission to go to war.
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: LyricBoy on 08/14/04 at 11:14 am
If you read beyond the headlines you will find that Ted Kennedy has been extremely outspoken about the way in which the No Child Left Behind Act has been adulterated by the present administration, very much like it adulterated it's permission to go to war.
But this thread has to deal with NCLBA's provision about military recruiter notification.
Are you saying that Ted did not know what he was promoting? He promoted it, so ya can't simply blame that provision on Dubya. And Democrats as well as Repubs OVERWHELMINGLY approved NCLBA.
Now, in my opinion, I am against the NCLBA because I believe that the Federal Government has no business funding local schools. Let the states handle it since the constitution does not give the Feds the power to do it anyway. Maybe then, the states would stop squandering their money on building Baseball Stadiums and other nonsense, and put it into schools if that is their problem.
Funny... when I was growing up there was no Department of Education and the schools did just fine. Now we have all this Federal intervention and funding and everyone wants to complain.
The only thing the Fed should be doing w.r.t. education is to ensure that any given school district does not discriminate against any legally-protected group (ie, enforcing the Constitution, which is a Federal power). So that each district offers equal opportunity (within the district) regardless of race/creed/etc...
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/14/04 at 3:02 pm
I kinew about the recruitment ploy because Vermont (close to the boarder ;)) was considering telling the fed to "shove it". I have no problem with young people joining the military, or performing so other community service, but this is just one more facet of militarization, which is becoming increasingly necessary for the maintainance of US imperialism. It is also just one more thing Georgie slipped beneith the radar.
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/14/04 at 8:34 pm
But this thread has to deal with NCLBA's provision about military recruiter notification.
Are you saying that Ted did not know what he was promoting? He promoted it, so ya can't simply blame that provision on Dubya. And Democrats as well as Repubs OVERWHELMINGLY approved NCLBA.
The Dems have played a dangerous game of "me-too" over the past 25 years. I can only hope they've learned their lesson. But probably not.
Now, in my opinion, I am against the NCLBA because I believe that the Federal Government has no business funding local schools. Let the states handle it since the constitution does not give the Feds the power to do it anyway. Maybe then, the states would stop squandering their money on building Baseball Stadiums and other nonsense, and put it into schools if that is their problem.
The states will never stop squandering money. I consider education part of a "common defense."
Funny... when I was growing up there was no Department of Education and the schools did just fine. Now we have all this Federal intervention and funding and everyone wants to complain.
Depends on the schools you're talking about. If you're talking about the schools where poor kids went, you are deceiving yourself. Prior to the Department of Education, it was easier to pretend problems in public education didn't exist.
The only thing the Fed should be doing w.r.t. education is to ensure that any given school district does not discriminate against any legally-protected group (ie, enforcing the Constitution, which is a Federal power). So that each district offers equal opportunity (within the district) regardless of race/creed/etc...
Uh, yeah, discrimination was a big problem, such a big problem that the Johnson Adminstration established THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. If you ask me, we need a revitalized federal effort to bring schools in poor districts to the level where poor kids can compete with rich kids. You know, of course, that rich people don't like competition, so the rich people who control this country will fight any such effort with threats and propaganda.
NCLB is a ruse. It pretends you can improve schools by giving standardized tests. It should be called "No Child Left Untested." The Bush Administration has no intention of improving the lot of underprvileged children, they just know they have to make it look like they do.
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/16/04 at 4:09 pm
How does this jib with the constant conservative mantra of "keeping government off our backs" while increasing government access to our most personal and most important data? Talk about hypocracy!
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/16/04 at 4:30 pm
How does this jib with the constant conservative mantra of "keeping government off our backs" while increasing government access to our most personal and most important data? Talk about hypocracy!
NCLB is all about getting government off your back. If your school district flunks, the government will relieve it of some of those burdensome federal dollars, the ones weighing your schools down and keeping them sluggish and bureaucratic. When you have to hold bake sales to buy your desks and books, you'll do your best to get the most out of your education!
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: GWBush2004 on 08/17/04 at 12:00 am
NCLB is all about getting government off your back. If your school district flunks, the government will relieve it of some of those burdensome federal dollars, the ones weighing your schools down and keeping them sluggish and bureaucratic. When you have to hold bake sales to buy your desks and books, you'll do your best to get the most out of your education!
I agree. Less government is the way to go, down with the democrats! The republicans should stop being the silent majority.
Subject: Re: No Child Left Unrecruited
Written By: danootaandme on 08/17/04 at 5:37 am
The republicans should stop being the silent majority.
Say What?