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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: Indy Gent on 08/07/04 at 3:54 pm
Charlie Daniels has decided not to play the song "It's Not A Rag, It's A Flag" at a weekend festival in Dearborn, Michigan, because it has offended the Arab-American community.
More details:
What do you think?
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: LyricBoy on 08/07/04 at 4:14 pm
Charlie Daniels has decided not to play the song "It's Not A Rag, It's A Flag" at a weekend festival in Dearborn, Michigan, because it has offended the Arab-American community.
More details:
What do you think?
Well since this is America, it is his right to sing it as well as the right of the locals in Dearborn to complain about it too. That's the good news !
I defer to his judgement on this. I'm sure that he made his decision on not wanting to offend his fans, since he is not the "type" who would cave in to anyone just to be politically correct.
Now... That said... We must not let ourselves forget that our enemy is Islamic and in most cases, is Arabic. Note that I did not say our enemy is all Arabs, or all Moslems, since that would be factually incorrect.
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/07/04 at 4:21 pm
Frankly, I'm glad he decided not to play the song. Songs, like sound bites and political ads, cannot adequately address the subtilties needed for true political discussion, but can inflame people's emotions, sometimes to violence against innocents. It appears that Danials appreciates this, and is acting responsibilly. My guess is that 99.9% of all Americans of Arab decent are good, loyal citizens. Inflamatory lyrics can only antagonize them, and inflame others against them.
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: Indy Gent on 08/07/04 at 4:26 pm
And I believe there hasn't been a song he's done that hasn't offended a certain American group. Even "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" can stir controversy from Satanic groups. Like LB said before, Charlie Daniels isn't one to cave in to political correctness.
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: MooRocca on 08/07/04 at 4:51 pm
Not to pick nits or anything, but the article differed greatly from what I expected when I read this thread and decided to clck over to read it for myself. We don't know from that article why the song isn't on the setlist or whether it was ever even considered as a possible song for that setlist. The article clearly states that they contacted him because they were concerned whether it was on the setlist and learned that he had never intended to perform the song at that event, anyway. That's a far cry from "has decided not to play the song... (at this particular festival) ...because it has offended the Arab-American community."
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/07/04 at 7:18 pm
I think Charlie Daniels is a bigoted pig. Period. Songs such as "Ain't No Rag" and "Simple Man" sound like something from a Klan rally. Unfortunately for Charlie, a bigot who wishes to remain in the limelight has to tone it down.
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: LyricBoy on 08/07/04 at 8:01 pm
 My guess is that 99.9% of all Americans of Arab decent are good, loyal citizens.ÂÂ
With 2%-3% of the population either in prison, serving probation, or on parole, I suspect that there is NO segment of American citizens who are 99.9% good and loyal citizens.
And that doesn't count the ones who have not yet been caught!
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: LyricBoy on 08/07/04 at 8:04 pm
And I believe there hasn't been a song he's done that hasn't offended a certain American group. Even "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" can stir controversy from Satanic groups. Like LB said before, Charlie Daniels isn't one to cave in to political correctness.
I remember this line from his novelty tune "Uneasy Rider" way back in 1972 or 1973...
"He's one of them long-haired hippy-type pinko faags. I bet he's ever got a commie flag, tacked up on the wall inside of his garage..."
In fact the song was a send-up and satire of Southern bigotry.
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: Indy Gent on 08/07/04 at 10:25 pm
But if he never intended to play this particular song, then he must have known he would have offended a lot of people. So the ends justify the means. (Maybe) ;)
The article clearly states that they contacted him because they were concerned whether it was on the setlist and learned that he had never intended to perform the song at that event, anyway.    That's a far cry from "has decided not to play the song... (at this particular festival) ...because it has offended the Arab-American community."ÂÂ
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/07/04 at 10:26 pm
I know, let's boycott EVERY singer/songwriter who has ever written or sung a lyric that is offensive to anyone...would there be anything left to listen to besides teeny-bop pop? :)
^^^that was sarcasm, people ;)
I'm not suggesting anybody boycott Charlie Daniels, Jack Daniels, or the kitchen sink.  And if I had to choose between Charlie Daniels and N'Sync, I'd choose Charlie every time.  Truth be known, I kinda like his music.  I just don't dig his politics.  But as Lyricboy implied, the whole thing might be a joke on the good ole boys in the end.  I dunno...
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/09/04 at 3:50 pm
With 2%-3% of the population either in prison, serving probation, or on parole, I suspect that there is NO segment of American citizens who are 99.9% good and loyal citizens.ÂÂ
And that doesn't count the ones who have not yet been caught!
Jeezuuus. Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: Mushroom on 08/09/04 at 6:06 pm
I think Charlie Daniels is a bigoted pig. Period. Songs such as "Ain't No Rag" and "Simple Man" sound like something from a Klan rally. Unfortunately for Charlie, a bigot who wishes to remain in the limelight has to tone it down.ÂÂ
I will not even comment on how ignorant this statement is.
I remember this line from his novelty tune "Uneasy Rider" way back in 1972 or 1973...
"He's one of them long-haired hippy-type pinko fags. I bet he's ever got a commie flag, tacked up on the wall inside of his garage..."
In fact the song was a send-up and satire of Southern bigotry.
Charlie has a long history of writing both controversial and thought provoking songs. He has also been attacked by BOTH sides of the political fence because of his lyrics. But he is quite often right on with his views.
Uneasy Rider is a great example, where he attacks the George Wallace faction of the South. In it, he attacks people who view "long hair" types as anti-American.
Conservatives attacked him for "Long Haired Country Boy" for some of the following lyrics:
Cause I get stoned in the morning, and get drunk in the afternoon.
Preacher man Talking on T.V., puttin down the rock and roll.
Wants me to send a donation, cause hes worried about my soul.
A drunkerd wants another drink of wine, and a politician wants a vote.
I dont want much of nothin at all, but I will take another toke.
Then of course, there is his classic "Still In Saigon":
The ground at home was covered with snow. And I was covered in sweat.
My younger brother calls me a killer and My daddy calls me a vet.
Of course, I am sure that those that hate "This Ain't No Rag" would *HATE* "In America", written during the Iran Hostage era, when the USSR attacked Afganistan:
Well the eagle's been flyin' slow, And the flag's been flyin' low
And a lotta people sayin' that America's fixin' to fall
Well speakin' just for me, And some people from Tennessee
We've got a thing or two to tell you all.
This lady may have stumbled, But she aint never failed
And if the Russians don't believe that They can all go straight to hell
We're gonna put her feet back on the path of righteousness and then
God bless America again!
And of course, I am sure they had fits when they first heard the follow-up to Uneasy Rider, called "Uneasy Rider 88":
I said, “Jim, don't do it, there's something missin', there's fellers dancing, and fellers kissin',
That's a feller in high-healed shoes wearing pantyhose.â€Â
I grabbed her by the hair and it come off in my hand,
and that beautiful girl, was just a beautiful man,
ol' Jim just got sick right there on the floor.
I always love it when people attack Country music for being "Pro-American". Charlie Daniels has written a great many songs AGAINST bigotry and ignorance. At the same time, he writes of the pride he has for his country.
I have heard "This Ain't No Rag". And while I find some of the lines questionable, it is obvious that he is singing it to those who hate this country and attack it, not against ALL Arabs. But here, feel free to decide for yourselves. Just look at the end of the first verse, and it is obvious it is written to a particular person (group of people), and not ALL Arabs:
This Ain't No Rag, It's A Flag
Charlie Daniels
This ain't no rag it's a flag
And we don't wear it on our heads
It's a symbol of the land where the good guys live
Are you listening to what I said
You're a coward and a fool
And you broke all of the rules
And you wounded our American pride
And now we're coming with a gun
And we know you're gonna run
But you can't find no place to hide
We're gonna hunt you down like a mad dog hound
Make you pay for the live you stole
We're all through talking and a messing around
And now it's time to rock and roll
These colors don't run and we're speaking as one
When we say united we stand
When you mess with one, you mess with us all
Every boy, girl, woman and man
You've been acting mighty rash
And talking that trash
Let me give you some advice
You can crawl back in your hole
Like a dirty little mole
But now you're gonna pay the price
You might of shot us in the back
Now you have to face the fact
That the big boys' in the game
And the lighening's been flashing
And the thunder's been crashing
And now it's getting ready to rain
This is the United States of America
The land of the brave and the free
We believe in God and we believe in justice
We believe in liberty
You've been pulling our chain
We should've done something 'bout you a long time ago
But now the flag's flying high and the fur's gonna fly
And soon the whole world's gonna know
This ain't no rag, it's a flag
Old Glory red, white and blue
The stars and the stripes when it comes to a fight
We can do what we have to do
Our people stand proud
The American crowd is faithful, loyal and tough
We're good as the best and better than the rest
And you're gonna find out soon enough
When you look up in the sky
And you see the eagle fly
You better know he's a heading your way
Cause this ain't no rag it's a flag
And it stands for the USA
Repeat Chorus
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: Mushroom on 08/09/04 at 10:56 pm
One thing that I have noticed for many years, is the differences between Country, and any other form of music.
One thing about working as a professional DJ is that I listen to all kinds of music. Rap, Hip-Hop, Gangsta, R&B, Country, Rock, Metal, Alternative, Punk, Jazz, Blues, I listen to them all. I even listen to most of them on my own for enjoyment.
But out of all of those, only Blues and Country tend to sing about God. Very rarely do you hear a Rap song about family, God, or country. Yet, Country is full of such references.
I think this is one thing that angers so many people about Country music. Unlike groups like Stryper or Lifehouse or MC Hammer, they do not hide their beliefs behind lyrics. They have no problem with being "in your face" about religion or family or country. And I think this is what makes some people uncomfortable with it.
It is easy to call Country music "simple", or "stupid" or "ignorant", even "bigoted". It is just as easy to try and say all Rap is "violent" or "degradeing". But neither statement is true. Just like Rap is mostly about life in an Urban setting, Country is more Pastoral.
In settings like you find in the SE USA (Alabama, Georgia, Florida, etc) there are almost no large urban settings. So naturally, they are more focused on things that are talked about in Country music. But these are people just like any other in this country. They sing about what they feel and believe in. To dismiss it is a very ignorant thing to do.
In fact, modern Country music is a descendent of the old "Country & Western" style of such artists as Hank Williams Sr. and Jimmy Rodgers. Both of these artists readily admitted that their styles were heavily influenced by Blues, a predominantly Black form of music. It is also descended from Gospel, which started in black churches.
So before anybody tries to bash Country as "ignorant hick music", please *LISTEN* to it. It is easy to say "so and so is a country singer and white, so he is a bigot". It is much more difficult to listen to the music, then make an educated statement based on more then just one song (that was probably not even listened to).
Country is no more a raceist form of music then Rap is. In fact, both
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/10/04 at 12:53 am
So before anybody tries to bash Country as "ignorant hick music", please *LISTEN* to it.ÂÂ
I don't bash Country, I enjoy it very much. It doesn't matter what style of music it is, if it's good, chances are I'm going to like it. I tend to enjoy more "old school" country, bluegrass, and genuine "hillbilly" music. I don't care much for top country 40.
Now when guys like Charlie Daniels, Lee Greenwood, and Toby Keith become marching music for Fox News and hitch their wagons to a dumb*ss fascist like Sean Hannity, my reaction is going to be "bleeeep you!" I'd say the same if they did this with hip-hop or opera, for crying out loud.
It's pretty clear to me these guys promote a xenophobic, hostile, and jingoistic attitude, just like Fox News.
Yeah, I've got a major problem with the destructiveness and hedonism of hip-hop, but I'll tell you, I find the values purveyed by television commercials ten times more offensive.
As for Country, family, God, and, well, country, it is true they profess down-home values. So does Bruce Springsteen, but he's in the dog house with conservatives because he'd like to see national policies that would actually benefit the folks down-home!
Subject: Re: Charlie Daniels' Song Offends Arab-Americans (??)
Written By: Dagwood on 08/10/04 at 7:18 am
I think this is one thing that angers so many people about Country music. Unlike groups like Stryper
Not to be nitpicky, but Stryper doesn't hide behind their lyrics. 95% of their lyrics are about God. They don't hide their beliefs at all.
As for country, that is why I like it. I love to hear songs about God and you are right, there are a lot of country songs like that.