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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: LyricBoy on 07/19/04 at 3:24 pm
Jeez o wheez. Governor Arnold calls some of his opposition "girlie men" and now they are all up in arms, accusing him of being sexist and homophobic. As I recall, in the Saturday Night Live skits, Hanz and Franz referred to weaklings and "wimps" as girlie men. Never a reference to them being homosexual as I recall.
No doubt these "girlie men" are some of the same people who resort to name calling "deserter", "nazi", "racist", etc... when referring to some Repubs, or who use similar vitriol for their fellow Democrat opponents in the California primaries.
Only a TRUE "girlie man" would ask for an apology for being called what he really is. Anybody else would simply laugh it off as political jousting.
"Mommy, Mommy! Ahnold called me a girlie man! Tell him to stop! Puh-leeze Mommy!"
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/19/04 at 3:31 pm
Jeez o wheez. Governor Arnold calls some of his opposition "girlie men" and now they are all up in arms, accusing him of being sexist and homophobic. As I recall, in the Saturday Night Live skits, Hanz and Franz referred to weaklings and "wimps" as girlie men. Never a reference to them being homosexual as I recall.
No doubt these "girlie men" are some of the same people who resort to name calling "deserter", "nazi", "racist", etc... when referring to some Repubs, or who use similar vitriol for their fellow Democrat opponents in the California primaries.
Only a TRUE "girlie man" would ask for an apology for being called what he really is. Anybody else would simply laugh it off as political jousting.
"Mommy, Mommy! Ahnold called me a girlie man! Tell him to stop! Puh-leeze Mommy!"
What else can one expect from the Govornator?
Its too bad our "political leaders" (not just AAAnold) are so intellectually limited that this kind of thing is becoming the extent of their discourse.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/19/04 at 3:53 pm
What else can one expect from the Govornator?
Its too bad our "political leaders" (not just AAAnold) are so intellectually limited that this kind of thing is becoming the extent of their discourse.
Arnold is intelligent, but not wise or thoughtful. Arnold is "business smart" and that's all that matters in the GOP, the party of big business. He doesn't give a crap about the lives of average Californians, he just cares about managing the government--private sector business deals.
He calls the opposition "girlie men" because it's all a big f**king game to him.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Dagwood on 07/19/04 at 5:07 pm
Jeez o wheez. Governor Arnold calls some of his opposition "girlie men" and now they are all up in arms, accusing him of being sexist and homophobic. As I recall, in the Saturday Night Live skits, Hanz and Franz referred to weaklings and "wimps" as girlie men. Never a reference to them being homosexual as I recall.
No doubt these "girlie men" are some of the same people who resort to name calling "deserter", "nazi", "racist", etc... when referring to some Repubs, or who use similar vitriol for their fellow Democrat opponents in the California primaries.
Only a TRUE "girlie man" would ask for an apology for being called what he really is. Anybody else would simply laugh it off as political jousting.
"Mommy, Mommy! Ahnold called me a girlie man! Tell him to stop! Puh-leeze Mommy!"
I agree with you, Lyricboy.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Jessica on 07/19/04 at 5:12 pm
I agree with you, Lyricboy.
Ditto. Get a frickin' sense of humor, people!
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: ChuckyG on 07/19/04 at 5:18 pm
Jeez o wheez. Governor Arnold calls some of his opposition "girlie men" and now they are all up in arms, accusing him of being sexist and homophobic. As I recall, in the Saturday Night Live skits, Hanz and Franz referred to weaklings and "wimps" as girlie men. Never a reference to them being homosexual as I recall.
No doubt these "girlie men" are some of the same people who resort to name calling "deserter", "nazi", "racist", etc... when referring to some Repubs, or who use similar vitriol for their fellow Democrat opponents in the California primaries.
Only a TRUE "girlie man" would ask for an apology for being called what he really is. Anybody else would simply laugh it off as political jousting.
"Mommy, Mommy! Ahnold called me a girlie man! Tell him to stop! Puh-leeze Mommy!"
Sounds like the same kind of nonsense the Republicans pulled last week over Whoopi's remarks. The difference of course, is that she's not elected to hold office. I guess it's just more of the same double standard we're used to from both parties.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: womberty on 07/19/04 at 5:59 pm
Sounds like the same kind of nonsense the Republicans pulled last week over Whoopi's remarks.
Did the Republicans pull that, or just Slim-Fast? They have the right to decide whether or not they want a spokesperson with a controversial (and very public) political viewpoint. The governor is the people's spokesman, and our only option would be to recall him. ;)
But seriously, guys, can't a person make a reference to culturally popular humor without getting attacked? If somebody quoted a line from Mike Myers' "Linda Richmond" character complete with accent, would they be accused of making fun of Jews?
Hans and Frans made fun of Arnold, and he's taken the joke for his own. Some people would call that having a sense of humor.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: LyricBoy on 07/19/04 at 7:13 pm
Did the Republicans pull that, or just Slim-Fast? They have the right to decide whether or not they want a spokesperson with a controversial (and very public) political viewpoint. The governor is the people's spokesman, and our only option would be to recall him. ;)
But seriously, guys, can't a person make a reference to culturally popular humor without getting attacked? If somebody quoted a line from Mike Myers' "Linda Richmond" character complete with accent, would they be accused of making fun of Jews?
Hans and Frans made fun of Arnold, and he's taken the joke for his own. Some people would call that having a sense of humor.
In fact, the honcho at SlimeFast is a DEMOCRAT. He blew Whoopie away because her remarks were in bad taste, and he did not want that sort of thing associated with his company. He's not a Bush supporter in any way.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: danootaandme on 07/19/04 at 7:26 pm
I tend to expect a higher standard from someone elected to office. After all, he is Governor to girlie
men as well as manly men., and what about the manly girls, and girlie girls,. Wait, what should
I be offended that he called them girlie men, and not womanly men, or maybe boylie boys would
have been more appropriate? Drizzle, drazzle, druzzle, drome, time for this one to come home.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Indy Gent on 07/19/04 at 7:33 pm
I'm a girlie man and darn proud of it. Stick that in your triceps, Ahhh-nold. ;D
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: AL-B on 07/19/04 at 7:47 pm
I'm a girlie man and darn proud of it. Stick that in your triceps, Ahhh-nold. ;D
Don't be a girlie man...BE A CURLY MAN!!! :D
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/19/04 at 8:12 pm
The Governator is my hero. That was quite possibly one of the coolest things I've ever heard about ;D
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/19/04 at 8:34 pm
I tend to expect a higher standard from someone elected to office.ÂÂÂ
I tend to expect a higher standard for electing someone to office. A higher standard than Ahhnold! Gimme a gosh-darn break!
AL-B wrote: Don't be a girlie man...BE A CURLY MAN!!!
LMFAO!! Well done, AL-B, well done, indeed!
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: My name is Kenny on 07/19/04 at 11:54 pm
I hope he challenges them to a pose-down next.
God, this is the greatest thing ever.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/20/04 at 1:45 am
Democrats are just mad that thier stronghold of California is now under GOP control. Arnold has a 69% approval rating! He came in, cleaned up the mess after decades of liberals, buisnesses are coming back and California is returning to its once great self. Jobs are being created, everything the governor wants he gets, the democratic house won't pass the bill? Let the people vote! Democrats have had their say in California for years and have failed, now Arnold and the republicans have theirs. And its getting 69% approval in one of the most liberal states in the U.S. He will win the next governors' election in California by even a bigger landslide.
As for ''girle men,'' cry me river, build a bridge, and get over it.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/20/04 at 6:32 am
Leftists Who Dish Out Bush-Hitler Comparisons Can't Take Schwarzenegger's Girlie-Men Crack?
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/20/04 at 6:56 am
Leftists Who Dish Out Bush-Hitler Comparisons Can't Take Schwarzenegger's Girlie-Men Crack?
Well, I don't know how many griping now actually made Bush-Hitler comparisons, but I think griping about Girlie-men is a mistake. "Girlie-men" is an example of how politically immature Arnold is. It's an example of the blurring of politics and show-biz, which is very dangerous. However, for Liberals to to start the hue and cry about it merely plays into right-wing hands. The Republicans are trying to dismiss economic issues by citing inane polls and skewed statistics (sound familiar?), and make the national debate about "cultural issues." They can manipulat the complaints of liberals here into all kinds distracting BS.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: ChuckyG on 07/20/04 at 4:24 pm
Did the Republicans pull that, or just Slim-Fast? They have the right to decide whether or not they want a spokesperson with a controversial (and very public) political viewpoint. The governor is the people's spokesman, and our only option would be to recall him. ;)
But seriously, guys, can't a person make a reference to culturally popular humor without getting attacked? If somebody quoted a line from Mike Myers' "Linda Richmond" character complete with accent, would they be accused of making fun of Jews?
Hans and Frans made fun of Arnold, and he's taken the joke for his own. Some people would call that having a sense of humor.
The Republicans were up in arms, asking for complete transcripts and demanding an apology from Kerry, who didn't even make the comments. The Slimfast thing is their own decision, if they want to do it, all the more power to them. Though if they didn't have a morality clause in their contract, I bet they'll get sued over it.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/24/04 at 4:24 pm
First, Ahhhnold's remark was not made in fun. Anyone who saw the news clips can attest to that. There was no humor intended. Rather, it was a vitriolic challange to members of the stste legislature who disagreed with his policies.
Second, just what is a "girly man"? Is it a transdresser? Is it a homosexual? Is it someone with less physical strength than the Governator? Or is it anyone who disagrees with him? By the way, he can call me a girly man any time he wants to, I could care. He could probably kill me with 1 hand tied behind his back in a fist fight, but I suspect I could bury him in a debate, although I would be willing to take him on in either forum.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/25/04 at 12:03 am
We chide "girly man" Democrats, meanwhile, nobody notices the California legislature hectored into denying the rights of workers to sue for sexual harrassment--a subject Ahhnold knows better than anyone named Kennedy!
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: danootaandme on 07/25/04 at 9:27 am
Well all those he called "girlie men" better step up to the plate,they can either prove him right or prove him wrong.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/25/04 at 1:07 pm
Well all those he called "girlie men" better step up to the plate,they can either prove him right or prove him wrong.
How would they do that? By knuckling under and doing as he wishes? Seems to me that if they disagree with his policies and priorities, than resisting them IS "standing up to the plate".
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: danootaandme on 07/25/04 at 6:22 pm
Yup, that is the way I see it. The only way a girlie man can show that he is made of sterner stuff is to stay the course. What Arnold said was funny, but it is up to the girlie men to show him that the joke was over
once it passed his lips. It should be very interesting to see how the rest of his term plays out.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/26/04 at 12:39 am
I ask, just where are all the "manly girls" when you need them?
??? ;D
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/26/04 at 4:33 pm
I ask, just where are all the "manly girls" when you need them?
??? ;D
Mine are in congress, Bernard Sanders, I-VT, Pat Laehy, D-VT, Jim Jeffords I-VT, and mostly, they do what I think is right.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: danootaandme on 07/26/04 at 5:36 pm
I ask, just where are all the "manly girls" when you need them?
??? ;D
Studying Hilary, Anne Richards, Margaret Chase Smith, and gearing up for the race.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Johnny_D on 09/01/04 at 1:26 pm
Zippy the Pinhead says...
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/01/04 at 2:27 pm
Zippy the Pinhead says...
Thanks for Zippy! That about sums it up.
Ahhnold was out there AGAIN using the phrase "girly men." My disgust has nothing to do with any perceived homophobia, but the sheer fatuousness and contempt for muture, civil discourse it displays.
Can you BELIEVE some right-wingers want to amend the Constitution to allow Ahhnold to run for Prez? The want to change the Constitution after 215 years because they want to see a B-movie muscleman run the country...this is Futurama level nuttiness! Oh, shoot me first!
The right-wing has shown it's contempt for the Theory of Evolution, but I think they're interested in devolution in which the biggest Alpha Male gets to lead the pack! If we don't stop these bozos, America has a future as the new Russia!
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/01/04 at 3:33 pm
I don't know, and it doesn't matter who reinvigorated this thread, but I think Ahhhnold's reference to Girlie men last night points up the contradiction in the Repub party and in Ahhhnold's (non)thinking. As I remember he gave lip service to diversity of opinion, but his "girlie men" remark seems to me to negate that recognition. Seems to me he was sasying "it's ok to disagree with me, but if you do, you must be a girlie man". As an aside, let me ask how ANY woman could not consider that an insult?
In a previous post I said I'd take him on either phyically or intellectually. After last night, I'd take him on intellectually with half my brian tied behind my back.
And what about his association with nazism?
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/01/04 at 4:22 pm
I don't know, and it doesn't matter who reinvigorated this thread, but I think Ahhhnold's reference to Girlie men last night points up the contradiction in the Repub party and in Ahhhnold's (non)thinking. As I remember he gave lip service to diversity of opinion, but his "girlie men" remark seems to me to negate that recognition. Seems to me he was sasying "it's ok to disagree with me, but if you do, you must be a girlie man". As an aside, let me ask how ANY woman could not consider that an insult?
In a previous post I said I'd take him on either phyically or intellectually. After last night, I'd take him on intellectually with half my brian tied behind my back.ÂÂÂ
And what about his association with nazism?
I've never heard he personally had anything to do with the Nazis. He was born in 1947, I think. His father was a Nazi, but it was dangerous not to be!
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/01/04 at 5:03 pm
I've never heard he personally had anything to do with the Nazis. He was born in 1947, I think. His father was a Nazi, but it was dangerous not to be!
Ahh, Bertolt Brecht remembered. Lots of Austrians (and Germans too) were not Nazis, and apparently were not forced to be. Some joined for the advantages they would derive. But to aquies to evil is to condone evil. I shouldn't suggest that the governator is a facsist, but then we must all be judged by our actions. To me, this "girlie man" crap reeks of homophobia (you will remember that homosexualsa were also sent to the "chambers"), and of mysanthropy, implying that women are not the equivelent of men - less than fully equal.
You may dismiss it as a "cute ture of phrase" but I think it is more revealing of deep seated attituded. Maria, lose this thug!
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: danootaandme on 09/01/04 at 6:59 pm
Ahh, Bertolt Brecht remembered. Lots of Austrians (and Germans too) were not Nazis, and apparently were not forced to be. Some joined for the advantages they would derive. But to aquies to evil is to condone evil. I shouldn't suggest that the governator is a facsist, but then we must all be judged by our actions. To me, this "girlie man" crap reeks of homophobia (you will remember that homosexualsa were also sent to the "chambers"), and of mysanthropy, implying that women are not the equivelent of men - less than fully equal.
You may dismiss it as a "cute ture of phrase" but I think it is more revealing of deep seated attituded. Maria, lose this thug!
Many people in the south during apartheid did not belong to the Klan, but found reasons why they
should not pay equal wages to african americans, or hire them for work, or even go so far as to refer to them using Mr., Mrs. Miss, maam, sir. They quietly benefitted, by being quiet, and justifyed it by saying that they were not that kind of people.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/01/04 at 8:34 pm
Many people in the south during apartheid did not belong to the Klan, but found reasons why they
should not pay equal wages to african americans, or higher them for work, or even go so far as to refer to them using Mr., Mrs. Miss, maam, sir. They quietly benefitted, by being quiet, and justifyed it by saying that they were not that kind of people.ÂÂÂ
That's closer to what I was trying to say. It was only dangerous to actively disagree with the Nazis as an ethnic German. Just as in the South during Jim Crow, a white man did just fine disagreeing with segregation--as long as he kept his dang mouth shut. If he started to agitate, the Klan would torch his home, and maybe kill him.
Ahhnold's father, however, didn't disagree with the Nazis, in fact, he was an enthusiastic Party member.
I think it's important, though, not make too much of this. The problem with Ahhnold is Ahhnold not Ahhnold's late father.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/02/04 at 11:57 am
That's closer to what I was trying to say. It was only dangerous to actively disagree with the Nazis as an ethnic German. Just as in the South during Jim Crow, a white man did just fine disagreeing with segregation--as long as he kept his dang mouth shut. If he started to agitate, the Klan would torch his home, and maybe kill him.
Ahhnold's father, however, didn't disagree with the Nazis, in fact, he was an enthusiastic Party member.
I think it's important, though, not make too much of this. The problem with Ahhnold is Ahhnold not Ahhnold's late father.
Just so.
Subject: Re: They Really ARE "Girlie Men"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/02/04 at 6:15 pm
I thought we evolved beyond referring to the feminine to imply weak, timid, or stupid, but Arnold hasn't. Neither have all those angry white males who are insecure about their own manhood. That's why they NEED Ahhnold for testosterone by proxy!
Mr. Van Driessen sez: "Maybe if you were more comfortable with your
own masculinity, you wouldn't feel so threatened by my macrame."