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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/10/04 at 7:30 pm
I heard this on Hannity's radio program, Ketchup that will go against Kerry's wife's Heinz ketchup. All money will go to help Bush win in November, coming soon to some major cities and states.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: MooRocca on 07/10/04 at 7:35 pm
I heard this on Hannity's radio program, Ketchup that will go against Kerry's wife's Heinz ketchup. All money will go to help Bush win in November, coming soon to some major cities and states.
I saw the ad for that on a couple of parody pages when I was browsing some older stuff on Amiright, yesterday. Funny and a cute as heck idea! But, the Magnetic Bush Doll ad I saw on one of the parodies, today, was even funnier.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/10/04 at 7:46 pm
I heard this on Hannity's radio program, Ketchup that will go against Kerry's wife's Heinz ketchup. All money will go to help Bush win in November, coming soon to some major cities and states.
The right-wing has no sense of humor. That doesn't mean they don't try to be funny, it just means they're no good at it. My local AM station WHMP 1400 in Northampton dropped Hannity for The O'Franken Factor. Thank God!
Northampton, Mass., is in the middle of what's called the Five College area, and is highly progressive. Franken is no threat to Hannity nationwide, but it seemed for the longest time that AM stations were absolutely beholden to right-wing dogma. Limbaugh and those guys always said business is business, and America wants to hear them. Well, a little market research in my area will tell you folks around here would rather listen to Al Franken!
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/10/04 at 9:15 pm
The right-wing has no sense of humor. That doesn't mean they don't try to be funny, it just means they're no good at it. My local AM station WHMP 1400 in Northampton dropped Hannity for The O'Franken Factor. Thank God!
Northampton, Mass., is in the middle of what's called the Five College area, and is highly progressive. Franken is no threat to Hannity nationwide, but it seemed for the longest time that AM stations were absolutely beholden to right-wing dogma. Limbaugh and those guys always said business is business, and America wants to hear them. Well, a little market research in my area will tell you folks around here would rather listen to Al Franken!
After reading this I went to www.airamericaradio.com and read this. They got dropped from one station and added in Northampton so the number of stations is:
Rush Limbaugh: 600
Sean Hannity: 450
Bill O'Reilly: 420
Al Franken: 15
15 stations, he can't get over 15 stations. Also Bill broke the story of how they ran out of money and the DNC came in and gave them 25 million (which is they are losing FAST) to keep them alive. They are pulling out all the guns in hopes of staying alive until election day after which the DNC will stop giving money to them and they will fall apart. So enjoy Maxwell, Hannity will be back soon!
Also the 15 stations aren't exactly in the best most populated areas. Alaska? Also Rush Limbaugh is (well no duh) killing Al Franken nationwide and is killing Al Franken in ratings in New York. New York is the MOST liberal state in the U.S. which over 60% will vote Kerry and Al Franken can't beat Limbaugh in NEW YORK of all places! All of Al's would-be listeners are at the mall or a Bush protest march or something.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/10/04 at 10:31 pm
By the way, I am not a Kerry supporter and I will not be votiing for him.
Same here...also, he looks too much like a kennedy, doesn't he :o
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: LyricBoy on 07/10/04 at 10:37 pm
Same here...also, he looks too much like a kennedy, doesn't he :o
Yes, except I've never seen him underwater, drunk, behind the wheel of his car.
Heh heh...
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/10/04 at 10:54 pm
After reading this I went to www.airamericaradio.com and read this. They got dropped from one station and added in Northampton so the number of stations is:
Rush Limbaugh: 600
Sean Hannity: 450
Bill O'Reilly: 420
Al Franken: 15
15 stations, he can't get over 15 stations. Also Bill broke the story of how they ran out of money and the DNC came in and gave them 25 million (which is they are losing FAST) to keep them alive. They are pulling out all the guns in hopes of staying alive until election day after which the DNC will stop giving money to them and they will fall apart. So enjoy Maxwell, Hannity will be back soon!ÂÂÂ
Also the 15 stations aren't exactly in the best most populated areas. Alaska? Also Rush Limbaugh is (well no duh) killing Al Franken nationwide and is killing Al Franken in ratings in New York. New York is the MOST liberal state in the U.S. which over 60% will vote Kerry and Al Franken can't beat Limbaugh in NEW YORK of all places! All of Al's would-be listeners are at the mall or a Bush protest march or something.
Didn't I explain not long ago how I believed AirAmerica stands a better chance of sinking than swimming? They still do. If AirAmerica goes under, Franken may be able to survive at stations on which he has established himself. Maybe not. It depends on market shares, revenues, and the projections of station management. It's tough for a new network to establish itself, especially one that runs against the ideological grain of the the networks who have the markets sewn up.
It's no surprise to me Limbaugh still beats Franken in New York City.
Remember, the Limbaugh phenomenon didn't happen overnight, nor can Limbaugh's talent piped in from Satan take much credit.
The suckering of America into a self-destructive blend of Christian populism and economic fascism was 25 years in the making before Limbaugh hit the airwaves.
Two current books explain this phenomenon best:
David Brock: The Republican Noise Machine
Thomas Frank: What's the Matter with Kansas?
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/11/04 at 12:03 am
If you care about the livlihoods of the "average Joe," why would you vote for Bush?
Why would we vote for some Massachusetts liberal who has a billion dollars and supports abortion?
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/11/04 at 9:56 am
Why would we vote for some Massachusetts liberal who has a billion dollars and supports abortion?
Abortion has nothing to do with people's livelihoods. This is a prime example of what Thomas Frank talks about in What's the Matter with Kansas. When the average Joe votes Republican on "values," what does he get?
"Vote to stop abortion; receive a rollback in capital gains taxes. Vote to make our country strong again; receive deindustrializaton. Vote to screw those politically correct college professors,; receive electricity deregulation. Vote to get government off our backs; receive conglomeration and monopoly everywhere from media to meatpacking. Vote to stand tall against terrorists; receive social security privatization. Vote to strike a blow against elitism; receive a social order in which wealth is more concentrated than ever before in our lifetimes, in which workers have been stripped of pwer and CEOs a rewarded in a manner beyond imagining." (p. 7, emphasis his)
Regarding abortion, I would say it is Republicans who support the economic situations that make abortion appealing: instability, insecurity, and marginalization for the working classes, selfishness and self-indulgence for the upper classes. In the gated communities of cupcakeland, no woman has a baby she doesn't want. They never did when abortion was illegal, either. Private physicians did it hush-hush. The financial Republican elite, the ones who REALLY control corporate America are themselves pro-choice. They have gay friends, drink French wine, drive imported cars, and patronize degenerate art. A lot of smoke pot, or toot a little blow. Most of them don't care much for the Patriot Act, and wouldn't have THEIR kids join the military. They look down their noses at the rabble who actually buy into the George W. Bush/Tom De Lay religious fanaticism, and they laugh. What do you think goes on at the Cheney homestead when it's party time?ÂÂÂ
Of course, the economic elite has no problem with the social agenda as presented. They know they'll always have access to abortion. They know the government will never get to intrude on their decadent lifestyles. The ECONOMIC benefits the multimillionaires and multi-multimiliionaires receive from the average Joe's values vote are just swwweeeet!!!
Why does it suddenly matter that John Kerry's a billionaire (even though he isn't really)? Why is "class warfare" suddenly cool when it comes to the Kerry/Edwards ticket?
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: AL-B on 07/11/04 at 12:24 pm
I heard this on Hannity's radio program, Ketchup that will go against Kerry's wife's Heinz ketchup. All money will go to help Bush win in November, coming soon to some major cities and states.
It's stuff like this that makes me hate politics so much.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/11/04 at 1:52 pm
So is this "W" ketchup a vegetable?
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/11/04 at 4:30 pm
So is this "W" ketchup a vegetable?
WEll, Mr. Bush is, so I guess his ketchup will be too. Follows no?
I agree with everything Maxwell said above. The Republican party doesn't give a rat's backside about the average working stiff, or the middle class either. It has, however, through its own propoganda and through fools like Hannity and Rush, convinced too many that it does. Check out the "family values" of Newt, or Henry Hyde. At least old Strom supported his "dark little secret."
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/11/04 at 5:10 pm
WEll, Mr. Bush is, so I guess his ketchup will be too. Follows no?
I agree with everything Maxwell said above. The Republican party doesn't give a rat's backside about the average working stiff, or the middle class either. It has, however, through its own propoganda and through fools like Hannity and Rush, convinced too many that it does. Check out the "family values" of Newt, or Henry Hyde. At least old Strom supported his "dark little secret."
Thanks, DC, but the problem is, too many working stiffs do believe the Republican party is the party of "values." They talk Jesus but walk Satan. The Dems have a lot of work to do.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/11/04 at 6:45 pm
Thanks, DC, but the problem is, too many working stiffs do believe the Republican party is the party of "values." They talk Jesus but walk Satan. The Dems have a lot of work to do.
I know we are getting off the topic (what else is new? ;)) but I really do have to respond to this. You are so right Max. Dubya is NOT a Christian like he claims to be (I'm sure a lot Bush supporters are going to jump all over about this). He lies, cheats, and he does not "practice" what he preachers. He does not live as a Christian. Ok, he goes to church-but IMO, that doesn't make someone a Christian. I'm sure he has broke quite a few Commandments and hasn't "repented" only covered it up and lied about it.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/11/04 at 7:20 pm
The average joe doesn't want to vote for democrats because they are not secularist. They don't want gay marriage or ''under God'' taken out of the pledge. Those kind of values are what the republicans will no-doubt help keep. Maxwell admited it when he said ''the republicans want to take us back to the early 1900's socially.'' Even though I don't agree with that it certainly shows that he knows what the republicans and the democrats stand for socially.
www.wketchup.com and place your order now!
You don't support democrats....
Why should your ketchup?
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: Junior on 07/11/04 at 10:41 pm
The average joe doesn't want to vote for democrats because they are not secularist.ÂÂÂ
;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/11/04 at 10:55 pm
Okay some democrats claim Bush is fundamentalist and others say he is secretly not even a Christian. United huh? Why don't you get your stories and lies and accusations together then try the same bull.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/12/04 at 12:43 am
The average joe doesn't want to vote for democrats because they are not secularist. They don't want gay marriage or ''under God'' taken out of the pledge. Those kind of values are what the republicans will no-doubt help keep. Maxwell admited it when he said ''the republicans want to take us back to the early 1900's socially.'' Even though I don't agree with that it certainly shows
Oh lordy lordy lordy lordy! My, yes, it sure does!
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/12/04 at 9:16 pm
Okay some democrats claim Bush is fundamentalist and others say he is secretly not even a Christian. United huh? Why don't you get your stories and lies and accusations together then try the same bull.
Frankly, I think Mr bBush would pretetent to ber a martian if he thought it would help him get elected. I don'y think he would know a belief if he fell over one. He, and his family, IMHO are totally corrupt, totally without honor, totally without patriotism, and totally capable of anything - ANYTHING, that will perpetuate the power and wealth of their family.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: danootaandme on 07/15/04 at 4:04 pm
By the way, my grandmother, bless her church-going, straight ticket republican heart, was against placing "under god" in the pledge of allegiance when they did it . Until the day she died she said "one nation, indivisible". That was the way it was written and that is the way she said it, true conservative, that she
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/15/04 at 4:16 pm
By the way, my grandmother, bless her church-going, straight ticket republican heart, was against placing "under god" in the pledge of allegiance when they did it . Until the day she died she said "one nation, indivisible". That was the way it was written and that is the way she said it, true conservative, that she
My father, 83 and still going strong, WAS a "straight ticket republican" but has become more liberal as the republican party has become more overtly racist and more overtly fundamentalist. He now votes for democrats. He is especially frustrated over the health care issue. As an honorably discharges vet of WWII (including Normandy), he has to wait at least 6 months to get an appointment with a VA MD. That's deplorable, and the proposed VA budget (hardly keeping up with inflation) promise no improvement. Luckily, he can afford not to rely on the VA, but what about those who can't? Supporting out troops? Don't the old ones deserve as much as the new ones?
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: LyricBoy on 07/19/04 at 7:29 pm
He, and his family, IMHO are totally corrupt, totally without honor, totally without patriotism, and ...
Hey Don Carlos...
After you get yourself shot out of a torpedo bomber plane over the Pacific Ocean, then you, too, can say that the first President Bush is unpatriotic and have even a shred of credibility.
When was the last time that you faced enemy fire and were shot out of your seat at 10,000 feet fighting for your country, float alone on a raft for six hours wondering if the enemy is going to capture you, then get rescued by a submarine? ex-President George H.W. Bush is a frigging WW2 WAR HERO, in the same league as Senators Bob Dole and Inoue, and President John F. Kennedy. For his service he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, with the citation as follows:
CITATION: "For heroism and extraordinary achievement in aerial flight as Pilot of a Torpedo Plane in Torpedo Squadron FIFTY ONE, attached to the U.S.S. San Jacinto, in action against enemy Japanese forces in the vicinity of the Bonin Islands, on September 2, 1944. Leading one section of a four-plane division in a strike against a radio station, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Bush pressed home an attack in the face of intense antiaircraft fire. Although his plane was hit and set afire at the beginning of his dive, he continued his plunge toward the target and succeeded in scoring damaging bomb hits before bailing out of the craft. His courage and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Reserve."
By the way, Lt. J.G. George Bush was the youngest Navy pilot to volunteer for the service in World War II, and in total flew 58 combat missions, and three more Air Medals in addition to his DFC..
Note on the moderation:
Interestingly what "launched" this post (which was later "moderated") was a direct personal attack on the honor and patriotism of a highly-decorated war hero who risked his life for the freedom of the peoples of America, China, the Phillipines, Korea, French Indochina, Burma, India, and numerous South Pacific Island nations. Direct attacks on the honor, integrity and patriotism of highly decorated war heroes and their families are, of course, tolerated here., as they remain "unmoderated"
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/19/04 at 9:01 pm
Hey Don Carlos...
After you get yourself shot out of a torpedo bomber plane over the Pacific Ocean, then you, too, can say that the first President Bush is unpatriotic and have even a shred of credibility.
That's why Republicans ARE NOT trying to discredit John Kerry's military service any way they can. That's why Republicans DID NOT compare disabled veteran Sen. Max Cleland to Osama Bin Laden in a campaign attack ad. That's why Karl Rove DID NOT smear former POW Sen. John McCaine in the 2000 primaries in order to make Chicken George and Big Time D-i-c-k (both of whom did their d@mnedest to stay out of the jungle) look better!
Daddy Bush's war record is unassailable, but I guess any veteran who opposes a man named Bush is fair game!
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: LyricBoy on 07/20/04 at 10:13 am
That's why Republicans ARE NOT trying to discredit John Kerry's military service any way they can. That's why Republicans DID NOT compare disabled veteran Sen. Max Cleland to Osama Bin Laden in a campaign attack ad. That's why Karl Rove DID NOT smear former POW Sen. John McCaine in the 2000 primaries in order to make Chicken George and Big Time D-i-c-k (both of whom did their d@mnedest to stay out of the jungle) look better!
Daddy Bush's war record is unassailable, but I guess any veteran who opposes a man named Bush is fair game!
Anyone who assail's Kerry's war record is an idiot, regardless of what party he works for. He did his duty and was definitely in harm's way. As such he has a bit of my admiration and gratitude for answering the call to duty.
However... his record of behaviour AFTER his stint in 'Nam is fair game. Just ask the residents of the notorious "Hanoi Hilton" how they felt about having Kerry's pictures and statements shoved in their faces while they were in jail.
Ask them how they felt when their NVA captors played recordings of Kerry calling them murderers. HE COULD HAVE assailed and protested the war WITHOUT assailing his comrades, which is exactly what he did.
Mind you, Kerry was exercising his right to free speech when he made those statements. But his comrades-in-arms will tell you that HOW he did it was wholly inappropriate. And because of that, there are LOTS of otherise Democrat veterans who will not vote for him.
The local head of the Vietnam Veterans association where I live, who is a Democrat, will most likely vote for Nader, because he will have nothing to do whatsoever with Kerry, and he does not like Bush.
THAT behaviour is fair game.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/20/04 at 12:53 pm
Hey Don Carlos...
After you get yourself shot out of a torpedo bomber plane over the Pacific Ocean, then you, too, can say that the first President Bush is unpatriotic and have even a shred of credibility.
When was the last time that you faced enemy fire and were shot out of your seat at 10,000 feet fighting for your country, float alone on a raft for six hours wondering if the enemy is going to capture you, then get rescued by a submarine? ex-President George H.W. Bush is a frigging WW2 WAR HERO, in the same league as Senators Bob Dole and Inoue, and President John F. Kennedy. For his service he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, with the citation as follows:
include in this statement anyone who would question Kerry's service in 'Nam.
How do you know that I was never in harm's way? Have you ever seen my military record? I would add that military service and patriotism are not the same thing, and that Poppy's middle eastern and especially Saudi connections cast grave doubts on at least his judgement if not his patrotism.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/20/04 at 1:06 pm
That's why Republicans ARE NOT trying to discredit John Kerry's military service any way they can.ÂÂÂ
I have NEVER heard anyone try to discredit or question Kerry's military service. I do however know people who served in Vietnam who are angry with what he said when he got back from Vietnam. Thats what people question.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: LyricBoy on 07/20/04 at 1:41 pm
How do you know that I was never in harm's way? Have you ever seen my military record? I would add that military service and patriotism are not the same thing, and that Poppy's middle eastern and especially Saudi connections cast grave doubts on at least his judgement if not his patrotism.
Uh... 'Twas you who said that the members of the Bush family are without honor or patriotism. George H.W. Bush was the son of George Prescott Bush, and easily could have avoided service in WW2. Instead, he VOLUNTEERED right out of high school. Got his plane shot up and still kept pressing the attack.
Yeah, that was really bad judgement on his part. He threw personal concern for his well-being aside, to press on the attack to beat the Japanese. Then he flew another 57 combat missions. Really bad judgement. How a guy like that ever got to be President of the United States is a mystery to me.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: LyricBoy on 07/20/04 at 6:07 pm
I have NEVER heard anyone try to discredit or question Kerry's military service. I do however know people who served in Vietnam who are angry with what he said when he got back from Vietnam. Thats what people question.
In fact there have been some hacks out there trying to somehow make Kerry's three Purple Hearts look illegitimate. That's pretty low, and it is an insult to veterans everwhere who have served in combat. (and I am NOT a Kerry supporter).
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/26/04 at 12:14 am
Heard on the local news today that GW raised a whopping $3million at a "party" one night last week that was held at someone's house. Tickets were a minimum of $25000 per couple, though most opted for the $100000 ones, which had no other perks, although the newscaster thinks you might've gotten your pic taken with him. ;) So much for raising funds from "the little people" ::)
True, but both the Republican and the Democratic party do it. They're both parties of big business, big donors, and big money. It's disgusting.
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: Alicia on 07/26/04 at 5:58 pm
I heard this on Hannity's radio program, Ketchup that will go against Kerry's wife's Heinz ketchup. All money will go to help Bush win in November, coming soon to some major cities and states.
I love Kethcup
Subject: Re: NEW....''W'' Ketchup!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/27/04 at 9:38 am
True, but both the Republican and the Democratic party do it. They're both parties of big business, big donors, and big money. It's disgusting.
That is what Nader was talking about last night on The O'Reilly Factor. He isn't to pleased to be banned from Boston either. But both sides do have pioneers who donate 100,000 dollars to a candidate and a ranger who donates 200,000 dollars to a candidate.