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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: saver on 06/26/04 at 1:25 pm
New just in how 3 Turkish citizens were kidnapped and are now threatened with decapitation...
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/26/04 at 4:21 pm
Unfortunately, I think you are right. There is "no exit" (also the name of a play by Sartre, which you might want to read). But clearly, the current "strategy" (if it can be called such) is a disaster. (Unrecognized) bofy bags coming home every day, and the beat goes on. No WMD's, no Al Quida cooperation, just more dead bodies...and more and more. Thanks Mr. Bush, thanks for another quagmire.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: saver on 06/26/04 at 6:18 pm
Unfortunately Bush has to take the heat for it all.
Good to hear Kerry figures he would keep us there to finish up things.
Who knows what is waiting for us when we enter something like this...there are many Iraqis who are thankful, but the ones fighting are various groups breaking off to fight us.
Well, the 30th is soon here.
Where will this next turn take us?
Good luck all.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Dagwood on 06/26/04 at 6:41 pm
Well, the 30th is soon here.
Where will this next turn take us?
Good luck all.
I am glad the 30th is almost here. We can only hope things will calm down when the power is shifted back to the Iraqis. I knew it would be bad coming up to this day, but I had no clue it would be this bad.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/26/04 at 6:56 pm
I am glad the 30th is almost here. We can only hope things will calm down when the power is shifted back to the Iraqis. I knew it would be bad coming up to this day, but I had no clue it would be this bad.
I really hope you are right. Somehow I am afraid that it is only going to get worse before it gets better.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 06/26/04 at 8:27 pm
I am glad the 30th is almost here. We can only hope things will calm down when the power is shifted back to the Iraqis. I knew it would be bad coming up to this day, but I had no clue it would be this bad.
It really scares me that it is getting worse instead of better...if Iraq gets an Ayatollah Khomeini-type extremist in power....that would be an absolute NIGHTMARE...!!
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 06/26/04 at 8:30 pm
New just in how 3 Turkish citizens were kidnapped and are now threatened with decapitation...
I suspect Osama Bin Loser is behind the killings,to try and demoralize the USA and our allies..It ain't working,Osama!!
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Dagwood on 06/26/04 at 9:52 pm
It really scares me that it is getting worse instead of better...if Iraq gets an Ayatollah Khomeini-type extremist in power....that would be an absolute NIGHTMARE...!!
I think the reason it is getting worse is the extremists are running out of time to get into power. They are trying to influence people to follow them...I guess influence isn't the word, the word would be scare.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 06/26/04 at 10:21 pm
I think the reason it is getting worse is the extremists are running out of time to get into power. They are trying to influence people to follow them...I guess influence isn't the word, the word would be scare.ÂÂÂ
I remember when Khomeini got into power in Iran,52 American hostages went thru h*ll for over a year....I hope Iraq is not the same type of government...USA-haters...
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: saver on 06/27/04 at 2:47 am
A popular radio talk show host puts his spin on it all to favor Bush and keep him in office because if we don't the terroists will be strengthened knowing they took the Commander top dog down.The change of power will then speak to the world that we would rather get someone in charge who will let them continue their rampage.
Maybe right.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 06/27/04 at 4:10 am
A popular radio talk show host puts his spin on it all to favor Bush and keep him in office because if we don't the terroists will be strengthened knowing they took the Commander top dog down.The change of power will then speak to the world that we would rather get someone in charge who will let them continue their rampage.
Maybe right.ÂÂÂ
My honest opinion is that Saddam needed to be toppled,the Iraqis coudn't do it themselves. So GWB sent our military in there to get rid of a genocidal despot who would not even blink an eye as his cronies killed INNOCENT Iraqis who did not agree with him!! D*** Saddam,may he ROT in H*LL with Hitler,Mussolini,Stalin,and all other dictators!! Same goes for Osama Bin Loser!!
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/27/04 at 4:22 pm
My honest opinion is that Saddam needed to be toppled,the Iraqis coudn't do it themselves. So GWB sent our military in there to get rid of a genocidal despot who would not even blink an eye as his cronies killed INNOCENT Iraqis who did not agree with him!! D*** Saddam,may he ROT in H*LL with Hitler,Mussolini,Stalin,and all other dictators!! Same goes for Osama Bin Loser!!
You seem to imply, if I'm not mistaken, that GWB invaded for altruistic, humanitarian reasons. Sorry, but I just can't buy that argument, and, in fact, it was never made until after the fact. Saddam was a bad guy when George 1st refused to invade, or even support the Shiite attempt to get rid of him. Reragan sent Rumsfeld to Bagdad and sold Saddam WMD's for his war against Iran. And beyond that region, our 20th Century foreign policy makes it clear that we will support any brutal dictator who can afford a pair of sun glasses as long as they will make their country safe for Coka Cola.
All that aside, I think the only answer for the U.S. is to give up the unilateralism and get NATO and especially the UN involved, unless we are willing to see the rise of an Iraqi "taliban" or make it the 51st state.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 06/27/04 at 7:28 pm
You seem to imply, if I'm not mistaken, that GWB invaded for altruistic, humanitarian reasons. Sorry, but I just can't buy that argument, and, in fact, it was never made until after the fact. Saddam was a bad guy when George 1st refused to invade, or even support the Shiite attempt to get rid of him. Reragan sent Rumsfeld to Bagdad and sold Saddam WMD's for his war against Iran. And beyond that region, our 20th Century foreign policy makes it clear that we will support any brutal dictator who can afford a pair of sun glasses as long as they will make their country safe for Coka Cola.
All that aside, I think the only answer for the U.S. is to give up the unilateralism and get NATO and especially the UN involved, unless we are willing to see the rise of an Iraqi "taliban" or make it the 51st state.
Yes we have supported some real SCUMBAGS as dictators:
Ferdinand Marcos who with wife Imelda(the shoe nut)robbed the Phillipines blind..
The Shah of Iran whose SAVAK secret police murdered devout Shiite Muslims.We even were dumb enough to give him asylum WHEN HE DESERVED DEATH at the hands of those he persecuted!
Manuel Noriega,who was in cahoots with the Medellin and Cali cocaine cartels to let their poison enter our country..
Francisco Franco....Spanish FASCIST PIG dictator...and killer of anyone who hated him and his filthy corrupt regime..namely college students who despised him...
I could go on and on here,those are just a few...
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Powerslave on 06/28/04 at 1:25 am
Yes we have supported some real SCUMBAGS as dictators:
Ferdinand Marcos who with wife Imelda(the shoe nut)robbed the Phillipines blind..
The Shah of Iran whose SAVAK secret police murdered devout Shiite Muslims.We even were dumb enough to give him asylum WHEN HE DESERVED DEATH at the hands of those he persecuted!
Manuel Noriega,who was in cahoots with the Medellin and Cali cocaine cartels to let their poison enter our country..
Francisco Franco....Spanish FASCIST PIG dictator...and killer of anyone who hated him and his filthy corrupt regime..namely college students who despised him...
I could go on and on here,those are just a few...
This is the best post you have ever made. :) And you're right, the list could go on. Auguste Pinochet, anyone?
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: saver on 06/28/04 at 3:00 am
$10 says that on the 28th or 29th, there will be an "extension" ;)ÂÂÂ
I totalled the figure from the 9000 participants who took you upon your bet..you owe $90,000!(LOL)
They handed Iraq over 2 days EARLIER.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: philbo on 06/28/04 at 6:48 am
I suspect Osama Bin Loser is behind the killings,to try and demoralize the USA and our allies..It ain't working,Osama!!
The latest round of killings haven't been to demoralize the USA - they're trying to destabilize the whole country, to make it ungovernable by reasonable methods so that it's going to take a military dictatorship to run the country again. Obviously they're hoping that said dictatorship will have their preferred head of state (be it Saddam or any other). That's why they've been targeting Iraqi police.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/28/04 at 3:15 pm
The latest round of killings haven't been to demoralize the USA - they're trying to destabilize the whole country, to make it ungovernable by reasonable methods so that it's going to take a military dictatorship to run the country again. Obviously they're hoping that said dictatorship will have their preferred head of state (be it Saddam or any other). That's why they've been targeting Iraqi police.
I agree with this assesment. I think we are dealing with several different groups, with different motivations. The simplest one is just to "get the occupiers out" and is probably the mopst dangerous because it is, from what I read, the most wide-spread. Then there are the religios factions (Sunni & Shiia, each of which wants to settle scores and impose its own brand of Islam. Last, we need to keep an eye on the Kurds, some of whom want to ceceed from Iraq and creat "Kurdistan with their Turkish bretheran. Clearly, the "sniviling idiot" and his neocon friends have opened a pandora's box that will be hard to close. God help us!!!
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Dagwood on 06/28/04 at 6:43 pm
heehee. Actually, I never said $10@, so everyone gets $.001111111. Aww, heck, I'll be generous--everyone gets a penny ;) ;D
Woohoo! ;D
Ok, here is what I don't understand. People wanted Bush to hand over power to the Iraqi's...now that he has they are slamming him because he did. What is he supposed to do?
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: philbo on 06/29/04 at 4:37 am
Ok, here is what I don't understand. People wanted Bush to hand over power to the Iraqi's...now that he has they are slamming him because he did. What is he supposed to do?
Who's slamming him because power's been handed back? Not seen any of that on the news over here
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Dagwood on 06/29/04 at 6:26 pm
Who's slamming him because power's been handed back? Not seen any of that on the news over here
I have heard it on radio talk shows, here. Maybe it is just people that aren't happy no matter what happens, no matter who is in charge. I don't know, but it totally annoyed me.
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/29/04 at 6:39 pm
I have heard it on radio talk shows, here. Maybe it is just people that aren't happy no matter what happens, no matter who is in charge. I don't know, but it totally annoyed me.
Look at it this way for a sec. Brener is out, no longer "Procouncil" or whatever. Negroponte (of contra fame) is in, with what is purported to be the biggest U.S. embassy in the world. Iraqui soverignty? Give me a break. Did anyone ever hear of a banana republic?
Subject: Re: stupid Iraqi rebels need to chop off own heads,others don't work
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 06/29/04 at 9:45 pm
This is the best post you have ever made. :) And you're right, the list could go on. Auguste Pinochet, anyone?
POL POT of Cambodia,who had his enemies BUTCHERED in most horrible fashion!
the SO B's who rule Communist China(anyone remember Tienanmen Square in 1989?)
the Duvalier's of Haiti,who looted that country blind and who are IN LARGE PART responsible for the deplorable conditions MOST Haitians have to put up with!
Fidel Castro,who lives the privileged life while Cuban citizens get the bottom of the barrel!