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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/25/04 at 5:22 pm
Tomorrow (Saturday) is when the green party holds its national convention. If they endorse Nader it will be a HUGE boost for his campaign to get on all 50 state ballots, if not it will be near impossible for him to get on all the ballots. Not even some top Green Party members are sure yet, so tomorrow will be very interesting, it could very well mean the entire election.
-An interesting side note, a Nader for president woman stopped by my house yesterday and asked me to sign a petition to quote ''get atleast one anti-war person on the ballot.'' I told her Nader had no chance and she told me that he isn't out to win the election, he is out to win 5% of the vote so that the federal government will give the green/populas (some new party Nader is founding) some money for a real attempt at the election in 2008. I never knew that, Nader wants all state ballots because he knows he won't get very many votes in any state and again his goal is 5% (in 2000 he only got 3%.) Any way I didn't sign the petition.
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/26/04 at 3:15 pm
In case you want to watch live to see if the green party endorses Nader it will be on at 8:30 p.m. eastern standard time on C-Span.
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/26/04 at 3:30 pm
Tomorrow (Saturday) is when the green party holds its national convention. If they endorse Nader it will be a HUGE boost for his campaign to get on all 50 state ballots, if not it will be near impossible for him to get on all the ballots. Not even some top Green Party members are sure yet, so tomorrow will be very interesting, it could very well mean the entire election.
So where is Pat Buchanan when we need. Oh wait, all those Jews for Buchanan in Florida (along with all those illegally disenfranchised blacks) cost Gore the election :-\\ :\'(
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/26/04 at 6:21 pm
Poor poor Nader, he didn't get the Green Party's endorsement which instead went to ?David Cobb? (who the hell is he?) Today also old Nader will try to get on Oregon's ballot, he needs at least 1,000 people reguardless of political party, to get together at one place and sign a petition. Most of the people will no-doubt be republicans. Any way every news media story i've heard about this predict he will get on the Oregon ballot, buts its to soon to tell. Results will come in at 7:00 PST, so its 10:00 here.
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/26/04 at 8:27 pm
Sheesh i'm watching the Green party now, they're so peaceful yet so hateful to republicans and democrats. I mean they HATE Bush and Kerry with a passion. Sheesh no wonder they get about 3% of the vote.
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/26/04 at 9:03 pm
Sheesh i'm watching the Green party now, they're so peaceful yet so hateful to republicans and democrats. I mean they HATE Bush and Kerry with a passion. Sheesh no wonder they get about 3% of the vote.
What do you call the Republicans and Democrats? A love fest? As far as the Greens and other minor parties are concerned it's the Reps and Dems who have undermined our political Democracy and prostituted our national resources to greedy private interests. They may be right, but I still will vote Kerry in hopes of getting rid of the George W. Bush Administration, which is a horror among horrors.
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/27/04 at 12:33 pm
I can't figure out if he made Oregon or not. Nader has like I said already made Arizona and Oregon would be his second, also he already has the required 5,000 signatures to get on the ballot in Ohio but since he doesn't have to submit them until July 15th, he is going to wait and collect more signatures in case some of the signatures are claimed invalid. Nader's website, newspapers, fox news will NOT tell me if he made Oregon or not so its anyones' guess.
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/27/04 at 12:35 pm
I find this rather interesting. Now, why on earth would republicans want Nader on the ballot? Could it be because they know that in a head-to-head "battle", they know that Dubya would lose? Talk about "dirty politics" ::)
See the thing is they are NOT trying to hide it they openly admit they want Nader on the ballot because they think it will help Bush. Nader knows this and a few democrats have asked him to denounce the republicans, but he says ''I'll take any help I can get, this country doesn't belong to only two parties.''
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/27/04 at 4:13 pm
See the thing is they are NOT trying to hide it they openly admit they want Nader on the ballot because they think it will help Bush. Nader knows this and a few democrats have asked him to denounce the republicans, but he says ''I'll take any help I can get, this country doesn't belong to only two parties.''
And in a better democracy he'd be right, but as long as our political process is structured as it is, 2 dominant parties are inevitable. It would take a major rewite of the Constitution to change that, something I would probable support, although multi-party systems have their disadvantages too.
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/27/04 at 4:54 pm
Well I still cannot figure out if Nader made Oregon's ballot yesterday or not, Nader's website has posted it yet either. I e-mailed Nader's campaign manager in Oregon and it says I should get a response so i'll be sure to post it.
Another sidenote: I feed sorry for Nader. On his website (www.votenader.org) it says ''help us collect 1,000,000 dollars between June 1st and July 4th and make Nader's independence day a firework'' or something like that. It has a number to the right of that that tells you exactly how much he has gotten and as you know July 4th is very close. He has only collected a little over 206,000 dollars which means he probably won't even make 1/4 of his goal, but he is still happy polls show Nader has more supporters now then at this time in 2000.
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/10/04 at 12:30 am
Nader makes another state, this time Nevada.
Washington, DC: The Independent Presidential Campaign of Ralph Nader submitted more than 11,000 signatures today in Nevada. The submission of signatures came one day early. Nevada requires 5000 signatures turned in for verification to the County Clerk offices today, after which they are sent to the Secretary of State.
The Nader Campaign is active collecting signatures for ballot throughout the United States. Forty-six states have their deadlines in July or later.
Ralph Nader said "I look forward to campaigning in Nevada. The Nader Campaign is offering the voters more choices and more voices in the presidential campaign. Unlike the corporate, political duopoly we are calling for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq and ending the hold corporations have over our government."
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/10/04 at 1:52 pm
Nader makes another state, this time Nevada.
Washington, DC: The Independent Presidential Campaign of Ralph Nader submitted more than 11,000 signatures today in Nevada. The submission of signatures came one day early. Nevada requires 5000 signatures turned in for verification to the County Clerk offices today, after which they are sent to the Secretary of State.
The Nader Campaign is active collecting signatures for ballot throughout the United States. Forty-six states have their deadlines in July or later.
Ralph Nader said "I look forward to campaigning in Nevada. The Nader Campaign is offering the voters more choices and more voices in the presidential campaign. Unlike the corporate, political duopoly we are calling for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq and ending the hold corporations have over our government."
Ralph is right. No matter how long we "stay the course" we're gonna leave a bloody mess when we withdraw. Same thing as with Vietnam. There's not going to be a "...and they lived happily ever after" ending to this debacle. Do we want to stay there six months, two years, five years, ten years? How many of our sons and daughters do we want to see die over there?
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/11/04 at 5:02 pm
Ralph is right. No matter how long we "stay the course" we're gonna leave a bloody mess when we withdraw. Same thing as with Vietnam. There's not going to be a "...and they lived happily ever after" ending to this debacle. Do we want to stay there six months, two years, five years, ten years? How many of our sons and daughters do we want to see die over there?
You don't get it Max, they're not "our sons...", there is no "our". For those in power its "other men's sons...". Check out how many members of Congress or the non-civil service Executive have kids in the military.
Subject: Re: Will Nader get his endorsement tomorrow?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/17/04 at 6:06 am
Nader~Camejo make 3 more ballots: Delaware, South Carolina, and Michigan.
Nader Campaign to turn in Signatures in Delaware, South Carolina and Michigan
Expects to Be on Ballot in All Three States
Washington, DC: The Independent Presidential Campaign of Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo is turning in signatures today in Delaware, South Carolina and Michigan.
The campaign expected to turn in more than 7,500 signatures in Delaware, more than 11,000 signatures in South Carolina, and more than 5,000 in Michigan.
The campaign is seeking to be on the ballot in Michigan on the Reform Party line and will go to court if necessary to be placed on it, but filed its signatures to preserve its rights in court and to respect the Michigan citizens who signed our petitions. The Campaign expects to be on all three state ballots in the Fall. Along with the signatures we collected in Michigan, we submitted to the Secretary of State and Director of Elections a letter from our attorney requesting that we be put on the ballot as the Reform Party candidate. The letter from the campaign's attorney to the secretary of state and bureau of elections is included below.
The Campaign expects to be on more than the 43 states and District of Columbia ballot lines it was in on 2000.