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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Absolutely Vile on 06/07/04 at 1:02 pm
I don't think they should continue. Even though they can be interesting at first, they just end up getting ugly in the end (as has been stated before). I think political discussions bring out the worst in people, and I thought the purpose of these forums was to have fun. Mudslinging and arguing is not fun! It's always one against the other, and one side will always swear left, right and centre they're right and everyone else is wrong. That is not a serious debate.
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Hairspray on 06/07/04 at 1:13 pm
Most people should be able to have these discussions with little incident if they only followed the rules. I think that's where the problem lies more than anything; in the lack of following the forum guidelines and presenting proper decorum.
Why should the people who enjoy these discussions have to suffer because of the inconsiderate few?
I say ban the heck outta the rule breakers mercilessly!
Oh, wait. I will already be doing that from now on!!! :D
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Jessica on 06/07/04 at 1:15 pm
I think they should continue, but like Hairspray said, people need to think about what they're posting. It's great to see what people have to say about the politics, but when it just stoops to name calling and the "We're better than you" mentality, it does get nerve wracking.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/07/04 at 1:24 pm
"Politics" is too wide and varied a topic to ban. I see no place for impugning another's character, which a few people here do when discussion gets prickly. Beyond that, if aggression and sarcasm in debate makes others uncomfortable, I will refrain from it. I don't need to use a provocative style. However, I can only account for my own behavior, no one else's.
Forbidding political discussions will have a greater negative effect than the current "mudslinging." I don't think members should be afraid to bring up topics pertaining to current events because they may be deemed "political" and nixed.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Absolutely Vile on 06/07/04 at 1:31 pm
Most people should be able to have these discussions with little incident if they only followed the rules. I think that's where the problem lies more than anything; in the lack of following the forum guidelines and presenting proper decorum.
Why should the people who enjoy these discussions have to suffer because of the inconsiderate few?
I say ban the heck outta the rule breakers mercilessly!ÂÂ
Oh, wait. I will already be doing that from now on!!! :D
Good point, but aren't there other forums elsewhere more suited to these discussions? Why must we have them here? And by the way...the "inconsiderate few" are still around!! Also, if political threads are only going to turn bad and be deleted, what's the point in having them in the first place? You might get rid of some troublemakers, but I can guarantee you that there will soon be more to take their place!
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/07/04 at 1:33 pm
I like the fact that we can discuss political issues here-it really makes this message board a place where all aspects of life can be discussed. But I know that some people get emotional. I do like the political discussions but name calling is not a discussion. I would really hate to lose this kind of discussion because there are some people who have a hard time distingushing between an issue and the person who made the stated the issue.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: pennsygirl on 06/07/04 at 2:10 pm
I agree that it would be nice to be able to have these kind of discussions, but with a topic like politics, it's really hard for tempers not to flare and things to get heated. It's ok as long as people can keep themselves in check.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: hoogbest on 06/07/04 at 2:11 pm
I think it's a good decision. No political discussions means no chance of people posting something that they think is not offensive when in fact to someone else it is. This is what led to some of the disagreements before. Again, I for one think no political discussions is a good decision and I hope our moderator will stick to the decision and not let anyone sneak around it. People who just can't live without posting politically should move on to other sites that sepcialize in such discussions. Please note anytime I see a political post from now on I will notify the monitor. Let's all just relax and have fun.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/07/04 at 2:21 pm
These hateful, name-calling discussions are all the fault of the (    fill in the blank    ) political party.
If people just would see the light and agree with the doctrine of the (    fill in the blank    ) party, then true learning will have taken place.
(    fill in the blank    ) is the only party that has the best interests of The People in mind !
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: PoPCultureGirl on 06/07/04 at 2:27 pm
I voted "no". There are PLENTY of political messageboards that are just about politics that allow people to argue, agree & disagree. I like coming here & reading & posting about entertainment issues and/or news, but it's hard to have a good atmosphere when people are fighting & arguing all the time :-\\
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/07/04 at 2:31 pm
I think it's a good decision. No political discussions means no chance of people posting something that they think is not offensive when in fact to someone else it is. This is what led to some of the disagreements before. Again, I for one think no political discussions is a good decision and I hope our moderator will stick to the decision and not let anyone sneak around it. People who just can't live without posting politically should move on to other sites that sepcialize in such discussions. Please note anytime I see a political post from now on I will notify the monitor. Let's all just relax and have fun.
just ignore them... they're not banned yet, and reporting them will not change anything.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Absolutely Vile on 06/07/04 at 2:33 pm
I voted "no". There are PLENTY of political messageboards that are just about politics that allow people to argue, agree & disagree. I like coming here & reading & posting about entertainment issues and/or news, but it's hard to have a good atmosphere when people are fighting & arguing all the time :-\\ÂÂ
I totally agree!! I'm here to have fun! Not argue politics. That can be done elsewhere. Remember the discussion rule of thumb: NEVER talk about politics or religion!! :)
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/07/04 at 2:34 pm
I have no plans on banning the political topics.
If you don't want to read/post about them, it should be pretty obvious from the topic titles which ones to avoid.
People who abuse the political topics to carry out name calling, will find themselves severly limited in their ability to further use the site.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/07/04 at 2:36 pm
I feel a chilling effect coming on. When speech prohibition is broad and ill-defined, and sanctions for violating a speech code are severe (ie. getting banned from the board), the result is nervous self-censorship, and artificial civility.
Members will be discouraged from brining up news items, current events, religious and philosophical discussions, and the like. You won't get the hostile exchanges, but you will get a halt on intellectual stimulation as the forum is relegated to the mundane.
I am perfectly capable of debating in an interrogative rather than an argumentative fashion, I have made that clear. But, it looks like an arbitrary ban is the way people want to go, so I won't get the chance to demonstrate what I mean.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Absolutely Vile on 06/07/04 at 3:00 pm
I'm not suggesting people talk about mundane things! But there are far more intelligent things to discuss than politics. I understand, too, that there are plenty of non-political topics that can also get heated. And they all go the same way as well: "I'm right, you're wrong, and you're stupid for the way you think." I don't mind debating as long as it stays that way! But unfortunately, there are those precious few who are ruining it for everybody else. And there'll only be more of them to replace the ones who have been banned.
I don't think there needs to be much censorship involved. If people left these discussions clean and civil, then the problem we have now wouldn't even exist. But troublemakers are unavoidable. They will always be there. That is why I'm questioning whether these forums should even bother with political discussions.
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/07/04 at 3:11 pm
I don't want to overreact in my assessment either. I think current events are valid and important topics for discussion. It's just frustrating to see all this personal argy-bargy get in the way.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/07/04 at 3:24 pm
These hateful, name-calling discussions are all the fault of the (    fill in the blank    ) political party.
If people just would see the light and agree with the doctrine of the (    fill in the blank    ) party, then true learning will have taken place.
(    fill in the blank    ) is the only party that has the best interests of The People in mind !
This really hits the nail on the head. As has been clear from my posts on other threads, I have some VERY strong political views. That is not to say that I 100% support (or oppose) any party or office holder. I have been highly critical of Mr Bush, both as a person (given his personal history, which has been well documented) and his policies. I have been critical, in fact, of every president I can remember - and I vaguely remember Eisenhower. My problem is with those who generally support their guy and reject ANY critisizm of him/her. The "blind following" complex, and the definition of discent as treason is what leads to animosity, ill feelings, and the pushing of the guidelines envelope, IMHO.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Absolutely Vile on 06/07/04 at 3:27 pm
I don't want to overreact in my assessment either. I think current events are valid and important topics for discussion. It's just frustrating to see all this personal argy-bargy get in the way.
Yeah well, sh** happens, you know? :) (Sorry, couldn't put it any other way.) You're always going to get these weirdos ruining it for everybody else. So what is one to do? You could just keep the discussions going, and be on constant damage control...or you could stop political discussions altogether to make things easier for everyone involved! It's a hard call, really...
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Rush on 06/07/04 at 4:37 pm
Although political debates can be good, unfortunately they go sour really quickly here. I hardly ever post on them anymore and haven't for a good few months now. There a several people on here who like to attack the people who say something against their beliefs rather than question what they say. In other words instead of that is wrong because, we get you are stupid or you are so <enter political orientation here> or even you are from <enter country here> so what do you know. The best one I have seen recently is that someones Avatar is not American so they cannot be.
The problem is that people love the word "You" when they are debating anything on here whether it be politics, guns, etc, And there is no "U" in Debate. Whenever it is used in these topics I would consider that attacking, because what/who/where/political orientation/sex or anything else about there person is irrelevant other than what they say in their message. It should be either I agree with what you are saying but... or what you are saying is wrong because <enter factual evidence here>.ÂÂ
Anyway I voted No, because these topics seem to keep creeping back and when they do they get worse each time.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Rush on 06/07/04 at 4:41 pm
If you don't want to read/post about them, it should be pretty obvious from the topic titles which ones to avoid.
I don't think the problem is that they don't want to read/post them, I think for a lot of people on here the temptation to do so is too much. They might say that they don't want to debate these topics but they have this urge to read other people's views and then they see something that someone says they don't agree with and they can't help but answer.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Dagwood on 06/07/04 at 6:27 pm
I say they should stay. If you don't like the threads the avoid them. I have seen people disagree in political threads but get along just fine in the non-political ones. Most of the people here are decent and understand that just because you disagree with someone that doesn't mean you can't get along.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Bobby on 06/07/04 at 6:28 pm
I voted that political discussions should be allowed to take place. Why? Because if we ban anything that could cause dissagreement, there would be no messageboard. ;D
Censorship is something we must refrain from - it's freedom of speech (or typing).
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: AL-B on 06/07/04 at 7:20 pm
I say can 'em.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Marian on 06/07/04 at 7:51 pm
I say they should stay. If you don't like the threads the avoid them. I have seen people disagree in political threads but get along just fine in the non-political ones. Most of the people here are decent and understand that just because you disagree with someone that doesn't mean you can't get along.
:oI agree.i say just avoid the threads you don't like.Cheers!
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/07/04 at 8:57 pm
I say let them stay. Having political debates is fun and informing. I've already made a 180 on one of my views due to a very smart post Maxwell said. I hope politics here can continue.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/07/04 at 9:06 pm
See I mean look. The owner of the site and the lead moderator say its okay as long as people don't get into mudslinging. The poll here shows 63% say let them continue. I think now, that this has been brought up, even if politics are allowed to stay, their will be a HUGE reluctence not to get into now. :(
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/07/04 at 9:07 pm
I say let them stay. Having political debates is fun and informing. I've already made a 180 on one of my views due to a very smart post Maxwell said. I hope politics here can continue.
I'm curious as to what view that is.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: 80sRocked on 06/07/04 at 9:38 pm
I would say let them stay under 2 conditions:
1...The things said are not simply repeats over and over...making an 8-9 page thread 3 pages of substance, and 5-6 pages of nothing more than a skipping record.
2...If politics stay in those threads that are specifically meant for that , and are not leaked into other non-political threads. (such as the Reagan thread, which I see is now sadly deleted)
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: resinchaser on 06/07/04 at 9:55 pm
2...If politics stay in those threads that are specifically meant for that , and are not leaked into other non-political threads.ÂÂ
I think that is the most annoying thing about the political debates lately.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: 80sRocked on 06/07/04 at 10:00 pm
I think that is the most annoying thing about the political debates lately.
It certainly is.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Rush on 06/08/04 at 12:03 pm
I would say let them stay under 2 conditions:
1...The things said are not simply repeats over and over...making an 8-9 page thread 3 pages of substance, and 5-6 pages of nothing more than a skipping record.
2...If politics stay in those threads that are specifically meant for that , and are not leaked into other non-political threads. (such as the Reagan thread, which I see is now sadly deleted)
I think that these are the reasons why we have people who said no on this poll, that and they Mudslinging. If these all stop then maybe these people would change their mind.
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/08/04 at 1:45 pm
People can say whatever they please about anybody...I don't mind. I'm going to say that it was very nice to see something positive being reported about Ronald Reagan yesterday. They showed how the German people were honoring him for freeing them and getting the berlin wall torn down :)
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Absolutely Vile on 06/08/04 at 3:57 pm
People can say whatever they please about anybody...I don't mind. I'm going to say that it was very nice to see something positive being reported about Ronald Reagan yesterday. They showed how the German people were honoring him for freeing them and getting the berlin wall torn down :)
I think what Rush was trying to say is that, if people stopped with their mudslinging and insulting of other participants in the discussion, then maybe more people would be more willing to participate in political discussions on this forum! I thought he made that perfectly clear myself...
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: Political Discussions Poll
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/08/04 at 4:38 pm
People can say whatever they please about anybody...I don't mind. I'm going to say that it was very nice to see something positive being reported about Ronald Reagan yesterday. They showed how the German people were honoring him for freeing them and getting the berlin wall torn down :)
Although I disagreed with many of Reagan';s politics, I do acknowledge that he made a contribution to ending the cold war. I think that an assessment of his presidency needs to wait until the valid and understandable emotions surrounding his death dies down. When the time is right, I will be happy to contribute to such an assessment, but first, let his body cool. On the other hand, suggesting that he be added to Mt Rushmore seems a bit premature.
Ok, why did I post this here? Is it political debate? It responds to R&Rfan's post. Was that political debate?
Thomas Jefferson was once asked abour censorship (this may be apophrical) and supposedly said "who's foot should be the guide by which all others are stretched or cut?" Everything that happens around us, in our homes, neighborhoods, towns, states, countries, the world, is, in one way or another related to power, and politics is about power. Ergo, everything is political, and thus grist for for political debate and analysis. It is unavoidable, and limiting it is undesireable IMHO.