The Pop Culture Information Society...
These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.
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Subject: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/13/06 at 6:07 pm
Yeah, so why is that? Why do return day after day, even if there's that high possibility of not even getting a single response to what we wrote the day prior. Is it because we're like a support group of sorts? or, do we enjoy just talking of the minute details of our lives to people who seem to think the same way as you and I?
What are your reasons?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/13/06 at 6:09 pm
I know several of the longtime members and we use the board as a means to keep in touch. That's a good enough reason for me :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/13/06 at 6:11 pm
Because my life is empty, shallow and meaningless and posting here continuously helps alleviate the dull, boring hours and keeps me from eventually going insane and taking my own life in a fit of psychotic fury.
Actually, it's just fun.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/13/06 at 6:12 pm
8) Its an outlet for me..I love the 70s and 80s and meeting new and VERY interesting PPLE...I was offline for around 8 months and I couldnt wait to get back on to see..old friends!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/13/06 at 6:22 pm
I'm bored ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/13/06 at 6:42 pm
Because my life is empty, shallow and meaningless and posting here continuously helps alleviate the dull, boring hours and keeps me from eventually going insane and taking my own life in a fit of psychotic fury.
Actually, it's just fun
Well said, towards the end, though.. otherwise I was going to call 911.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Morton on 09/13/06 at 6:55 pm
Curiosity mostly. I like to read other peoples replies to the threads that I post in, and also because I would get bored.
Of course, very soon I won't be on as much with me starting University on Monday. I'll try to keep weekends free ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/13/06 at 7:07 pm
I came here originally for the 80s discussions and still come here for the 80s discussions. Lately though, I mostly come for the quizzes and the arcade
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Barefoot_Blues on 09/13/06 at 9:05 pm
I get my major supply of porn here. Yeah, keep them coming ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Southern Image on 09/13/06 at 9:13 pm
I get my major supply of porn here. Yeah, keep them coming ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: DJ Midas on 09/13/06 at 9:58 pm
I come back to see how many threads I can kill and see how many people call me a noob each day. :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ktelqueen on 09/13/06 at 10:28 pm
..addiction :D ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/13/06 at 10:55 pm
The beer. Definitely the beer.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/14/06 at 12:17 am
now it's to see the ass on the Show Us Your BOO_TAY thread 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/14/06 at 12:20 am
now it's to see the ass on the Show Us Your BOO_TAY thread 8)
:D are BANNED...LOL...
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/14/06 at 12:21 am
:D are BANNED...LOL...
maybe you better report me :o
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/14/06 at 12:23 am
maybe you better report me :o
::) I am taking yourA** LOL.... 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/14/06 at 1:30 am
at first it was the music threads, then it was the board games, then it evolved into more socializing, then it was for the comedy & hilarity. Now I come here for all of those reasons at any given time. But mostly, it's the people here. 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/14/06 at 1:31 am
at first it was the music threads, then it was the board games, then it evolved into more socializing, then it was for the comedy & hilarity. Now I come here for all of those reasons at any given time. But mostly, it's the people here. 8)
Don't lie.
You're here because of me. Even before I was here, you were here for me.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/14/06 at 1:38 am
Don't lie.
You're here because of me. Even before I was here, you were here for me.
;D of course I am/was. I am your density;_ylu=X3oDMTBsNXZtZnJjBHNlYwNwcm9mBHZ0aWQDSTk5OV83Mw--/SIG=134opo4e7/EXP=1158302273/**http%3a//
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/14/06 at 1:39 am
;D of course I am/was. I am your density;_ylu=X3oDMTBsNXZtZnJjBHNlYwNwcm9mBHZ0aWQDSTk5OV83Mw--/SIG=134opo4e7/EXP=1158302273/**http%3a//
My density? Awesome.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/14/06 at 1:48 am
I return here for the community spirit of the boards.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/14/06 at 1:52 am
My density? Awesome.
yup, density. That's one of my favorite lines in BTTF when George is trying to ask Elaine out. ;D what a great trilogy. I need to watch soon.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/14/06 at 1:57 am
yup, density. That's one of my favorite lines in BTTF when George is trying to ask Elaine out. ;D what a great trilogy. I need to watch soon.
LOLZ.....I thought you misspelled destiny. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/14/06 at 1:58 am
at first it was the music threads, then it was the board games, then it evolved into more socializing, then it was for the comedy & hilarity. Now I come here for all of those reasons at any given time. But mostly, it's the people here. 8)
8) I agree..thePPLE are some of the most interesting.funny ...bunch
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/14/06 at 1:59 am
LOLZ.....I thought you misspelled destiny. ;D
did you think I misspelled? I was wondering because you made it bold. now you remember the movie scene right? and now you're relieved, thought I was gettin a little too serious there, didn't ya ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/14/06 at 3:09 am
did you think I misspelled? I was wondering because you made it bold. now you remember the movie scene right? and now you're relieved, thought I was gettin a little too serious there, didn't ya ;D
No, I don't know what scene you're talking about.....I've never seen Back To The Future. I thought you were trying to say "destiny" and misspelled it.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 09/14/06 at 3:26 am
A forum is only as good as the people who post in it. So I guess it's the people.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Gis on 09/14/06 at 4:48 am
Got lured in here by a lyric quiz and kind of stayed..................
It gives me something to do at work other than actual work.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: karen on 09/14/06 at 5:25 am
Got lured in here by a lyric quiz and kind of stayed..................
It gives me something to do at work other than actual work.
Me too
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 09/14/06 at 7:25 am
I'm a glutton for punishment ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/14/06 at 9:24 am
It gives me something to do at work other than actual work.
...oh yeah?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Gis on 09/14/06 at 10:20 am
...oh yeah?
Absolutely and it stops me going on Ebay and spending money I haven't got!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/14/06 at 11:58 am
So many reasons.
I'm addicted
The sense of community and to keep in touch with friends
To have discussions about issues
Reminisce about days gone by
To procrastinate on other things I SHOULD be doing
Keeps me from spending $$$ on e-bay
It's fun and makes me laugh
I'm sure there are many other reasons that I can't think of right now.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 09/14/06 at 12:25 pm
Because I don't want to be alone at work. You guys keep me company :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/14/06 at 1:34 pm
Originally I came here when I was looking for lyrics quizzes to play. Now I make my own quizzes and post them here. I get so much enjoyment out of reading threads that have to do with music. I've made some wonderful friends here (you know who you are) who like a lot of the same things I do, and it's such a delight to be able to come back and talk to them day after day. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/14/06 at 3:38 pm
I have friends on here :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CeeKay on 09/15/06 at 9:42 am
Because it's fun....
It's a great way to hang out with my sis even though we live far away from each other...
I've made some friends here and the threads often make me laugh....
Half the time I start and end my day in an empty house; You guys give me company....
Lots of reasons -- it's a cool place to hang out.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 09/15/06 at 12:34 pm
because you all are friendlier than the 'real' people i know
and tv stinks.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/15/06 at 1:42 pm
For my reasons, I think they are all around the same as everyone elses. It's a friendly and intelligent atmosphere and I feel comfortable with you all to even discuss when I am about to go pee! ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CeeKay on 09/15/06 at 1:49 pm
For my reasons, I think they are all around the same as everyone elses. It's a friendly and intelligent atmosphere and I feel comfortable with you all to even discuss when I am about to go pee! ;D
Very good ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/15/06 at 4:02 pm
It gives me something to do.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/15/06 at 4:08 pm
Yes, it does pass the time away.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/15/06 at 4:41 pm
Yes, it does pass the time away.
Too fast, a lot of times! :o
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Paul on 09/15/06 at 5:12 pm
Too fast, a lot of times! :o
I'm with you there, young Karen! ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/15/06 at 7:22 pm
That's true. It does pass the time way too quickly. It's a very strange feeling that some things can make time go excruciatingly slow and other things can make time go exceedingly fast.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/15/06 at 7:28 pm
part of the draw and lure here is ya just never know what you're gonna see or read, and there's a thrill in that. 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/15/06 at 7:32 pm
part of the draw and lure here is ya just never know what you're gonna see or read, and there's a thrill in that. 8)
Very true. I just can't get enough of the hilarious comments people can make.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Dominic L. on 09/15/06 at 8:47 pm
because you all are friendlier than the 'real' people i know
and tv stinks.
Exactly my thoughts.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/15/06 at 11:10 pm
I come here to watch inthe00s most popular show, "Sex Talk with Howard". Every day, it's something new ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/15/06 at 11:28 pm
;D To read all the stuff everyone says about
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/18/06 at 4:49 pm
;D To read all the stuff everyone says about
Thank You. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/19/06 at 1:32 am
;D To read all the stuff everyone says about
No only just Howard, it is all the talk with other members.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/19/06 at 2:05 am
Just so I can hang out with this wonderful cast of characters 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/19/06 at 2:20 am
Because it's the only forum I belong to that doesn't have one set can talk about ANYTHING here.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/19/06 at 2:31 am
and we get to check out each others bums. 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/19/06 at 4:32 am
Just so I can hang out with this wonderful cast of characters 8)
Can I be the cameo guest star who has a recurring role?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/19/06 at 4:34 am
Can I be the cameo guest star who has a recurring role?
You mean like Heather Locklear was on Melrose Place? Sure.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/19/06 at 5:46 pm
coffee and chat
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/23/06 at 10:13 am
It is one way on catching up on the news.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Apricot on 09/23/06 at 1:04 pm
My current reasons:
1. It's very broad-topics. We can discuss anything.
2. I've been around so long, it seems weird to leave now.
3. I kinda have this hope that one day, it'll be as interesting as it used to be.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/23/06 at 1:09 pm
3. I kinda have this hope that one day, it'll be as interesting as it used to be.
Well, isn't that a kick to Chucky's balls.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Davester on 09/23/06 at 1:32 pm
Well, isn't that a kick to Chucky's balls.
I think the kick was aimed at our balls...
Um, erm...well, you know what I mean... ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Apricot on 09/23/06 at 1:39 pm
That was a kick at no one's balls.. especially not Chucky's. It's not his fault that things just aren't the way they used to be.
And I'm not calling the people here uninteresting either. It's just that this place used to be more fun.. a lot of the older users have left or stopped posting so much, so fun threads don't come by as often. This place is fun, but you have to admit, the monotony of just answering whatever question the thread asks and being done with it gets very old. I miss the in-depth arguments and discussions we used to have, instead of "What does poop taste like?" and "What Member Are You Closest In Age To?".. we used to have tons of threads every bit as funny as the "Monday Night and I'm Alone" thread or stuff like that.. but it's lacking nowadays
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/23/06 at 1:46 pm
That was a kick at no one's balls.. especially not Chucky's. It's not his fault that things just aren't the way they used to be.
And I'm not calling the people here uninteresting either. It's just that this place used to be more fun.. a lot of the older users have left or stopped posting so much, so fun threads don't come by as often. This place is fun, but you have to admit, the monotony of just answering whatever question the thread asks and being done with it gets very old. I miss the in-depth arguments and discussions we used to have, instead of "What does poop taste like?" and "What Member Are You Closest In Age To?".. we used to have tons of threads every bit as funny as the "Monday Night and I'm Alone" thread or stuff like that.. but it's lacking nowadays
It was a thinly veiled kick at our balls, then....if not Chucky's. So we're boring. Whatever.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Davester on 09/23/06 at 1:53 pm
That was a kick at no one's balls.. especially not Chucky's. It's not his fault that things just aren't the way they used to be.
And I'm not calling the people here uninteresting either. It's just that this place used to be more fun.. a lot of the older users have left or stopped posting so much, so fun threads don't come by as often. This place is fun, but you have to admit, the monotony of just answering whatever question the thread asks and being done with it gets very old. I miss the in-depth arguments and discussions we used to have, instead of "What does poop taste like?" and "What Member Are You Closest In Age To?".. we used to have tons of threads every bit as funny as the "Monday Night and I'm Alone" thread or stuff like that.. but it's lacking nowadays
Actually, I know what you're talking about. I know I'll be proved wrong, but I figured that just about all that could be said, asked or stated about the 70s, 80s and 90s (especially the 80s) had been said, asked and stated many times over, but what can ya do..? Chucky has sort of capitalized on the popularity of this board and has created more specialized areas; Food, Stage, Humor & etc. Were you here when the games and quizzes didn't have a separate board. EEgads..! They were all over the place..!
And you don't think my posts are fun..? I try. I really do... :-[
You hurt me, really hurt me... :P ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/23/06 at 2:26 pm
Actually, I know what you're talking about. I know I'll be proved wrong, but I figured that just about all that could be said, asked or stated about the 70s, 80s and 90s (especially the 80s) had been said, asked and stated many times over, but what can ya do..? Chucky has sort of capitalized on the popularity of this board and has created more specialized areas; Food, Stage, Humor & etc. Were you here when the games and quizzes didn't have a separate board. EEgads..! They were all over the place..!
And you don't think my posts are fun..? I try. I really do... :-[
You hurt me, really hurt me... :P ;)
I think your posts are fun. I still say you should post that gadiator picture-that should bring out the fun. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Davester on 09/23/06 at 2:50 pm
I think your posts are fun. I still say you should post that gadiator picture-that should bring out the fun. ;D ;D ;D
S-h-h-h-h...not so loud... :P
Someone might hear ya...
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Apricot on 09/23/06 at 3:03 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Apricot on 09/23/06 at 3:05 pm
And you don't think my posts are fun..? I try. I really do... :-[
You hurt me, really hurt me... :P ;)
Actually, I used to not like you.. I don't know, I just got a weird vibe from your posts.. but about a year ago, I started to "get it" when I read your stuff, and now I'd say that you are, in fact, pretty cool. The Renaissance I refer to is when everything was that cool.. it was truly a golden age.. even the fights were better back then. *sighs, leans back in rocking chair*
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Davester on 09/23/06 at 3:11 pm
Actually, I used to not like you.. I don't know, I just got a weird vibe from your posts.. but about a year ago, I started to "get it" when I read your stuff, and now I'd say that you are, in fact, pretty cool. The Renaissance I refer to is when everything was that cool.. it was truly a golden age.. even the fights were better back then. *sighs, leans back in rocking chair*
I - I - I - I wow...
Wasn't expecting that...
Thanks for the compliment, young man :)...
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/23/06 at 3:19 pm
S-h-h-h-h...not so loud... :P
Someone might hear ya...
So, Davester. Remember the "good old days" here at the boards when we had a lot of FUN members like Landgon Hughes, Philbo, Gabble Rachet, etc. Remember all those great threads like "Anteater vs Cyclos". You couldn't come to the boards without SOMETHING going on, huh? ;) :D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Davester on 09/23/06 at 3:30 pm
So, Davester. Remember the "good old days" here at the boards when we had a lot of FUN members like Landgon Hughes, Philbo, Gabble Rachet, etc. Remember all those great threads like "Anteater vs Cyclos". You couldn't come to the boards without SOMETHING going on, huh? ;) :D ;D ;D ;D
Please no, not the anteaters... :-\\ (actually, I'm L-ing my MFAO thinking about it...)
Things haven't really changed that much, I s'pose...
It's really kind of a relief I'm not getting my chops busted by Tarzan Boy anymore... ;D
Note to members: When it's all over, I will know your most intimate bodily functions, uh, intimately...
groove ;) on all...
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/23/06 at 3:46 pm
Please no, not the anteaters... :-\\ (actually, I'm L-ing my MFAO thinking about it...)
Things haven't really changed that much, I s'pose...
It's really kind of a relief I'm not getting my chops busted by Tarzan Boy anymore... ;D
Note to members: When it's all over, I will know your most intimate bodily functions, uh, intimately...
groove ;) on all...
Ah yes, TB. Can never forget him. Or Crazy Don. We had our share of "colorful chacters" didn't we?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/23/06 at 5:17 pm
After a short break I have returned, to find that not much has happened.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/23/06 at 5:29 pm
After a short break I have returned, to find that not much has happened.
Time to go to the arcade?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/23/06 at 5:29 pm
Time to go to the arcade?
That's true, but which game?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/23/06 at 7:02 pm
No only just Howard, it is all the talk with other members.
8) I agree...but howard wants to suffocate me with my pillow!.. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 09/23/06 at 7:52 pm
I ask myself this question everyday at work.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Apricot on 09/23/06 at 11:40 pm
I ask myself this question everyday at work.
;D It is a bit baffling during the slow times.. I find myself saying "Why do I come home and get on here every day, when all I'm gonna do is two posts? I could be doing anything else with my time, but instead I come onto this site, which has been dead for X days/weeks/months, just to make 2-3 random posts about something I did.."
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/23/06 at 11:48 pm
I come here for the babes 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/24/06 at 12:01 am
I come here for the babes 8)
Right on whistledog, because babes totally rock! 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/24/06 at 1:28 am
Right on whistledog, because babes totally rock! 8)
They sure do 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/24/06 at 1:29 am
You damn right we rock.
When we're not hitting on 15 year olds.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/24/06 at 1:31 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/24/06 at 1:32 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/24/06 at 1:32 am
Who's hittin' on 15 year olds?
I said I thought Marsh was hot, but I didn't know he was 15. Now I feel all "Mrs. Robinson".
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/24/06 at 2:30 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/24/06 at 2:36 am;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12d4patj7/EXP=1159169255/**http%3a//
I wish my leg looked as good as Anne Bancroft's.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/24/06 at 2:45 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/24/06 at 2:48 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/24/06 at 3:23 am
....;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12j3f1snl/EXP=1159172401/**http%3a// cuz' I got nowhere else to go!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/24/06 at 3:29 am
...just checking!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/24/06 at 3:30 am
...just checking!
everything check out ok?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 09/24/06 at 3:50 am
It certainly beats work.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Morton on 09/24/06 at 6:04 am
^ Amen to that
I like to come here on mornings, as it sets me up for the day...
...and usually i'm the only one on, so I get to reply to all my favourite threads without interruption :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/24/06 at 8:03 am
everything check out ok?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/24/06 at 8:04 am
^ Amen to that
I like to come here on mornings, as it sets me up for the day...
...and usually i'm the only one on, so I get to reply to all my favourite threads without interruption :D
I love it when the boards are frantic!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Trimac20 on 09/24/06 at 11:07 am
That's true. It does pass the time way too quickly. It's a very strange feeling that some things can make time go excruciatingly slow and other things can make time go exceedingly fast.
To kill time, that's one of my main reasons.
Other than that, I like discussing everything with people wide widely differing experiences, backgrounds, views.etc. It does help give you perspective.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/24/06 at 8:26 pm
so I can get some...
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/24/06 at 8:50 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/24/06 at 8:52 pm
I'll bet your legs look 10 thousand times better than hers
Jason, you know she can read right thru that veiled compliment to see that all you want her to do is post a nylon enrobed leg ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/24/06 at 8:52 pm
I'll bet your legs look 10 thousand times better than hers
Well, considering she's now deceased I'm sure that's true. But my legs now don't look nearly as good as hers did then.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/24/06 at 10:20 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/24/06 at 10:22 pm
Jason, you know she can read right thru that veiled compliment to see that all you want her to do is post a nylon enrobed leg ;D
I would like to see some proof of her leg ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/24/06 at 11:53 pm
I would like to see some proof of her leg ;D;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12k3copqp/EXP=1159246344/**http%3a//
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/24/06 at 11:54 pm;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12k3copqp/EXP=1159246344/**http%3a//
How did that picture get online? Damn them.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/24/06 at 11:56 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/24/06 at 11:57 pm
don't you remember that pic from that PM you sent? ;D
Damn it Mike, we were supposed to keep that on the D.L. Gosh. ::)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/25/06 at 12:00 am
That's a nice looking leg, but does it work? :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/25/06 at 12:00 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/25/06 at 10:45 am
you can buy those things online.
I recently saw a catalog that had those in it. "You'll shoot your eye out".
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/25/06 at 1:15 pm
Well, it all started when I switched the computer just to check my e-mails.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/25/06 at 3:22 pm
8) I agree...but howard wants to suffocate me with my pillow!.. ;)
No I don't. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/26/06 at 2:04 pm
Well, it all started when I switched the computer just to check my e-mails.
That reminds me, I have not check my e-mails for today yet,
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/26/06 at 3:21 pm
That reminds me, I have not check my e-mails for today yet,
There is probably something in there about how to improve you sex life. You can always just forward that on to Howard. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/26/06 at 3:34 pm
There is probably something in there about how to improve you sex life. You can always just forward that on to Howard. ;)
I skipped on the junk mail, but I did have 43 messages wating for me.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/26/06 at 4:31 pm
Because people here care.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/26/06 at 4:32 pm;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12k3copqp/EXP=1159246344/**http%3a//
Does it come with the whole body? ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/26/06 at 4:33 pm
There is probably something in there about how to improve you sex life. You can always just forward that on to Howard. ;)
No,Thank You. ::)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/26/06 at 4:37 pm
because I get to talk to the coolest people all over the world, and it doesn't cost me a thing, other than my internet bill. 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/26/06 at 4:48 pm
nice people
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/27/06 at 1:17 am
nice people
Wonderful world!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/27/06 at 1:18 am
to help improve International relations
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/27/06 at 5:44 pm
the chocolate chip cookies
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/27/06 at 6:20 pm
My friends are here.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/27/06 at 6:58 pm
because I get to talk to the coolest people all over the world, and it doesn't cost me a thing, other than my internet bill. 8)
8) I totally agree...especially since my dad pays my internet bill...LOOL..... ;D..( Really, I got it back for my daughter...but I use it more than she does!..)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/28/06 at 1:42 am
because I get to talk to the coolest people all over the world, and it doesn't cost me a thing, other than my internet bill. 8)
Too true, it is a lot cheaper than flying.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/28/06 at 1:50 am
the chocolate chip cookies
oh yes, good call Howard, the cookies!!
Too true, it is a lot cheaper than flying.
But I'd fly if it meant I got to see all of you at the big RLM
Sometimes the board provides a sense of comradery that I really appreciate. I've never been a regular on any board, but this one is special and I just keep coming back. 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/29/06 at 4:02 pm
It gives me something to do.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/29/06 at 4:03 pm
The weirdness and the oddities.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/29/06 at 4:10 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/30/06 at 2:24 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 09/30/06 at 2:25 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/30/06 at 3:07 am
just so I can squeeze in one more post 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/01/06 at 6:42 am
Because it is there!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 10/02/06 at 4:24 pm
I have nothing better to do
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/03/06 at 1:49 am
I have nothing better to do
Now that is one way of putting it!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/03/06 at 2:52 am
for the frivolity, the zaniness, and the occasional inuendo 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: deadrockstar on 10/03/06 at 2:55 am
for the frivolity, the zaniness, and the occasional inuendo 8)
hehe. Occasional?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 10/03/06 at 2:55 am
for the frivolity, the zaniness, and the occasional inuendo 8)
Occasional? That's putting it lightly. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 10/03/06 at 2:55 am
hehe. Occasional?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: deadrockstar on 10/03/06 at 2:57 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/03/06 at 3:04 am
hehe. Occasional?
pretty much hourly ;D
Occasional? That's putting it lightly. ;D
ok, I was putting it lightly, this place is a hotbed of innuendos
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 10/03/06 at 6:37 am
for the frivolity, the zaniness, and the occasional inuendo 8)
8) yep!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 10/03/06 at 1:59 pm
So I can talk out of my butt, without anyone really paying attention to what I say anyways....
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 10/03/06 at 2:34 pm
it's the best thing my computer knows how to do.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/03/06 at 2:36 pm
It all centres on My Favourites.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 10/03/06 at 2:36 pm
I can release my anger
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/04/06 at 3:10 am
sometimes I come here to be entertained.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/07/06 at 4:04 am
Just the way of life.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 10/07/06 at 9:37 am
8) interestingly enough...I am interested
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/07/06 at 12:05 pm
Okay I have returned, and then I thought why?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/07/06 at 4:01 pm
I like the kookiness
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Apricot on 10/07/06 at 5:38 pm
for the frivolity, the zaniness, and the occasional inuendo 8)
I got your occasional innuendo right here...
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 10/07/06 at 6:00 pm
Cindylovesmusic comes here for some man sausage
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/07/06 at 6:32 pm
I got your occasional innuendo right here...
Innuendo that was done by Queen
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Dominic L. on 10/07/06 at 6:32 pm
Innuendo that was done by Queen
Good song. I especially like "I'm Going Slightly Mad"
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Umbrella Weather on 10/07/06 at 7:14 pm
To vent.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/07/06 at 10:37 pm
I got your occasional innuendo right here...;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12glb08r2/EXP=1160364469/**http%3a// you're so cute when you're being a prick ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GREEN67 on 10/08/06 at 2:29 am
8) just when I thought I could go to sleep...
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: LyricBoy on 10/08/06 at 8:45 am
I come here to:
1. Hear the extreme Left and extreme Right give each other "online wedgies". ::)
2. To keep up with the trends of the decade. 8)
3. To find out what my online buddies are up to. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/08/06 at 8:47 am
8) just when I thought I could go to sleep...
Sleep, now that is a good idea.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 10/09/06 at 5:18 pm
Cindylovesmusic comes here for some man sausage
I'm sure she does ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 10/09/06 at 5:19 pm
There aren't many other websites I'm that interested in.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 10/09/06 at 6:36 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 10/09/06 at 6:43 pm
Why? It's a great message board. There's not too much drama, just a bunch of people hanging out. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 10/09/06 at 6:46 pm
Why? It's a great message board. There's not too much drama, just a bunch of people hanging out. :)
Me Too. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/14/06 at 12:03 am
because I haven't been banned
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/14/06 at 3:33 am
There aren't many other websites I'm that interested in.
My original home changed its format and many of lost interest of staying there.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 10/14/06 at 3:35 am
because I haven't been banned
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/14/06 at 3:42 am
;D I'm really not that bannable. now you, on the other hand......
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/14/06 at 3:47 am
;D I'm really not that bannable. now you, on the other hand......
Don't tell you have been tempted?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/14/06 at 3:48 am
Don't tell you have been tempted?
always tempted, but able to resist temptation 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 10/14/06 at 3:51 am
;D I'm really not that bannable. now you, on the other hand......
You want me gone so you can muscle in on my territory.....yeah well, it ain't gonna happen. >:(
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/14/06 at 3:52 am
always tempted, but able to resist temptation 8)
I don't wish it to happen!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/14/06 at 4:01 am
You want me gone so you can muscle in on my territory.....yeah well, it ain't gonna happen. >:(
No, I don't want that to happen, never. plus, I got all the action here I need, no need to muscle you out. ;D
I don't wish it to happen!
it won't because we are all part of the Postwhore team.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/14/06 at 4:02 am
it won't because we are all part of the Postwhore team.
A Postwhore Community.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/14/06 at 4:13 am
A Postwhore Community.
I do like the sound of that.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/14/06 at 4:31 am
I do like the sound of that.
It has a ring to it?
Inthe00s, The Postwhore Community.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/14/06 at 1:01 pm
It has a ring to it?
Inthe00s, The Postwhore Community.
;D that's perfect!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Ebontyne on 10/14/06 at 1:16 pm
Mostly just out of habit... I'm sure I'll stop at some point.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/17/06 at 1:59 am
this place can be entertaining
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/17/06 at 2:02 am
Mostly just out of habit... I'm sure I'll stop at some point.
Humans are creatures of habit.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 10/17/06 at 2:10 am
I Come here for the excitement leading up to when Mr. Philip Eno will hit the big 100,000 posts
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/17/06 at 2:15 am
I Come here for the excitement leading up to when Mr. Philip Eno will hit the big 100,000 posts
and to see if Barb_Wire_Babe returns?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/17/06 at 2:16 am
I Come here for the excitement leading up to when Mr. Philip Eno will hit the big 100,000 posts
So will I!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 10/17/06 at 2:31 am
and to see if Barb_Wire_Babe returns?
I doubt she will be back. She wasn't even around all that long ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/17/06 at 2:39 am
I doubt she will be back. She wasn't even around all that long ;D
I think she liked you
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Barefoot_Blues on 10/17/06 at 9:26 am
To play games and to make sure Cat doesn't beat me ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/17/06 at 2:16 pm
To play games and to make sure Cat doesn't beat me ;D
I'll get that top score back. Don't worry. ;) ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 10/17/06 at 2:20 pm
... it's exciting to see what new brilliant thoughts have been put out there and to discuss them.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/17/06 at 3:35 pm
Yes we all do!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 10/17/06 at 3:55 pm
This place has it all,music, comedy, drama, seriousness, game playing, flirting. A wide variety makes it appealing.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 10/30/06 at 4:52 pm
Something new every day
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 10/30/06 at 4:54 pm
This place has it all,music, comedy, drama, seriousness, game playing, flirting. A wide variety makes it appealing.
This place is totally like high school, dude.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 10/30/06 at 7:15 pm
Now it's become a habit! But I've had worse habits. 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Abix on 10/30/06 at 7:49 pm
it's addicting.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 10/30/06 at 8:03 pm
Yup. We were both on quite early this morning. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: NullandVoid on 10/30/06 at 8:06 pm
this is a good place to be... ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/31/06 at 2:12 am
This is now a part of my life.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 10/31/06 at 2:16 am
This is now a part of my life.
Same here. I can't imagine just not coming here anymore. I've taken a couple short breaks, but I don't think I do so permanently.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: imadick on 10/31/06 at 11:42 am
bcoz i have this site as my homepage :) whenever i open IE it loads this page
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Abix on 10/31/06 at 11:42 am
Same here. I can't imagine just not coming here anymore. I've taken a couple short breaks, but I don't think I do so permanently.
I take breaks every now and then when "real life" forces me to do so, but I don't think I could ever stay away completely.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 10/31/06 at 11:46 am
I take breaks every now and then when "real life" forces me to do so, but I don't think I could ever stay away completely.
Obviously I can't...I've been coming here for 7 years now! :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/31/06 at 1:23 pm
bcoz i have this site as my homepage :) whenever i open IE it loads this page
Google is my Homepage, but inthe00s has a promenant placing in My Favourites.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 10/31/06 at 5:44 pm
cyberfriends ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/31/06 at 5:46 pm
I'd rather not analyze why. I might stop. It's like a lot of existential questions, better left unanswered!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 10/31/06 at 8:03 pm
cyberfriends are like sausages and laws.
you're better off if you don't konw how they're made.
you're better off if you dont analyze my phrases.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/01/06 at 1:01 am
cyberfriends are like sausages and laws.
you're better off if you don't konw how they're made.
you're better off if you dont analyze my phrases.
I like sausages!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 11/01/06 at 3:50 pm
people to converse with
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/12/06 at 10:28 pm
because there are a lot of really sweet people who give good advice and are always here for you! :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Abix on 11/12/06 at 10:30 pm
because there's just so much to DO here :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 11/13/06 at 4:52 pm
because there are a lot of really sweet people who give good advice and are always here for you! :)
You got that right
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 11/14/06 at 8:48 am
to avoid work.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 11/14/06 at 2:22 pm
Because I have ADD and it makes me do strange things. :D ;D
I have OCD
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/15/06 at 2:06 am
to avoid work.
When not at work what else can I do?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 11/15/06 at 2:10 am
this is the best place to be, when I'm not somewhere better 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 11/15/06 at 4:51 pm
fun and excitement
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 11/15/06 at 5:46 pm
I'm not sure I really want to know why I put myself through this!!! :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Jessica on 11/15/06 at 6:21 pm
Because the natives amuse me.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 11/15/06 at 8:08 pm
because I need a place where I can go off topic once in awhile
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/15/06 at 8:43 pm
because I need a place where I can go off topic once in awhile
Don't go too off-topic.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 11/16/06 at 1:05 am
Don't go too off-topic.
^ dear SM, thanks for reminding me
it's the only place I know of where I can talk about taking a crap
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 11/16/06 at 4:41 pm
^ dear SM, thanks for reminding me
it's the only place I know of where I can talk about taking a crap
and nobody listens. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 11/16/06 at 7:33 pm
and nobody listens. ;D
they do listen, and some even seem interested ;D
...I return here Day After Day to see people go on tirades and break each others balls, actually that's not why i return here, but it's almost a daily occurance
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Abix on 11/16/06 at 8:02 pm
cuz it's a good place to rant and rave and just relax. You can spout off in the current affairs topics or just vegetate on the board games.. It all depends on my mood at the given moment. But I know I can't stay away.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/17/06 at 1:17 pm
Something to do when drinking tea.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 11/17/06 at 3:01 pm
something to do and to get away from the every day
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 11/19/06 at 10:24 am
Because Howard would get lonely :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 11/19/06 at 5:40 pm
Because Howard would get lonely :)
yes I would. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/21/06 at 1:41 am
yes I would. ;D
Yes, we must keep Howard occupied!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 11/21/06 at 2:30 am
I come for the free booze.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 11/21/06 at 2:33 am
I come for the free booze.
you mean there's still some left?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 11/21/06 at 2:34 am
you mean there's still some left?
Not after I'm done.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 11/21/06 at 2:38 am
Not after I'm done.
thats the spirit!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 11/21/06 at 10:04 am
thats the spirit!
I come to watch a few people become intoxicated!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 11/21/06 at 10:56 am
I come because I like you guys.
Also, because I don't have any work to do. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/22/06 at 2:17 am
I come for the free booze.
Where is that?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 11/22/06 at 4:18 pm
I come for the free booze.
And the strippers. O0
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/08/07 at 3:11 am
I just need a place to hangout for awhile. When I was younger I'd hang out at the pool hall, then later on the hangout was the tacobell. Now after a gradual maturing process I hang out here on the internet at inthe00s.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 01/08/07 at 10:52 am
I just need a place to hangout for awhile. When I was younger I'd hang out at the pool hall, then later on the hangout was the tacobell. Now after a gradual maturing process I hang out here on the internet at inthe00s.
We should all go hang out at Taco Bell together.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 01/08/07 at 1:09 pm
It just so gosh darn fullfilling. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 01/08/07 at 5:10 pm
To try to get to L33t. But I haven't even broke 1000 yet.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/08/07 at 6:34 pm
hot women.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/08/07 at 6:37 pm
My friends are here.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/08/07 at 6:39 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/08/07 at 6:40 pm
How nice.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/08/07 at 6:44 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/08/07 at 6:46 pm
Sure you have.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/08/07 at 6:49 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/10/07 at 2:09 am
because people here are funny, witty, and sometimes they say sexy things to me 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 01/10/07 at 9:57 am
and i'll stop when you pry the keyboard from my cold, dead fingers.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/10/07 at 11:31 am
Nothing to watch on tv!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/10/07 at 4:58 pm
you never know what might people say.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/10/07 at 4:59 pm
because people here are funny, witty, and sometimes they say sexy things to me 8)
Like when I say how my best friend answers the phone? ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/10/07 at 5:42 pm
cause there's always something to talk about.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 01/10/07 at 5:44 pm
cause there's always something to talk about.
Well then why did I stop for three days? ???
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/10/07 at 5:51 pm
Well then why did I stop for three days? ???
You did? ???
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 01/10/07 at 5:53 pm
You did? ???
Yeah, I got bored.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/10/07 at 5:54 pm
Yeah, I got bored.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 01/10/07 at 5:57 pm
I'm sorry to hear that.
Every once in a while the board has a slow period. You just have to wait it out. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/10/07 at 5:59 pm
Every once in a while the board has a slow period. You just have to wait it out. :)
I know,I've been here for 5 years and rarely do I get bored.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 01/10/07 at 6:12 pm
I know,I've been here for 5 years and rarely do I get bored.
Howard, are you an addict???
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 01/10/07 at 9:04 pm
I rarely get bored...but sometimes I just can't type.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/10/07 at 10:08 pm
so I can enjoy all of your hawtness
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: DJ Midas on 01/10/07 at 10:33 pm
so I can enjoy all of your hawtness
Spank you. :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/10/07 at 10:42 pm
Because I have met so many great people here, that share my obsessions with nostalgia. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 01/10/07 at 10:44 pm
... so I can watch people move it in M C Hammer's pants :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 01/11/07 at 1:02 pm
... so I can watch people move it in M C Hammer's pants :D
That's kind of embarrassing. :-[
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 01/11/07 at 3:01 pm
'cause I'd miss you all should I ever leave.... that and where else could I say that as I was driving past a new apartment complex that they are building down the road and the street address is 1337, I was so in awe that I almost stopped and took a picture of the address sign 'cause it was leet...
Nobody else would know what the hell was fascinating about that sign... ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 01/11/07 at 3:52 pm
Cuz I really really really really missed you guys. :-*
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/11/07 at 4:12 pm
Howard, are you an addict???
I would say yes.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 01/11/07 at 6:35 pm
I would say yes.
Acknowledging that there is a problem is always the first step. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/12/07 at 4:53 pm
Acknowledging that there is a problem is always the first step. :)
I have a problem.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 01/12/07 at 5:42 pm
I have a problem.
Now in order to minimalize this simple remind yourself that everyone else has problems too. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 01/12/07 at 5:44 pm
Now in order to minimalize this simple remind yourself that everyone else has problems too. ;D
You can say that again. I just like how busy this board is. Usually something new to read everytime I get on. Can't think of any other board I'd drag myself off the couch to read...
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/13/07 at 7:48 am
gives me something to do
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 01/13/07 at 8:07 am
What else is there to do at 3 in the morning?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/13/07 at 9:23 am
Something to do when the commercials come on?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Henk on 01/13/07 at 9:44 am
What else is there to do at 3 in the morning?
I suppose sleep isn't an option...?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/13/07 at 9:46 am
I suppose sleep isn't an option...?
Why sleep when you can enjoy yourself?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Henk on 01/13/07 at 9:48 am
Why sleep when you can enjoy yourself?
I find sleep quite enjoyable from time to time - especially at 3 AM. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/13/07 at 9:50 am
I find sleep quite enjoyable from time to time - especially at 3 AM. ;)
Especially if it is dark at the time?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/13/07 at 2:01 pm
What else is there to do at 3 in the morning?
Listen to the radio?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/13/07 at 2:06 pm
What else is there to do at 3 in the morning?
That's pretty much why I'm here at that hour when I can't sleep.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/13/07 at 2:07 pm
That's pretty much why I'm here at that hour when I can't sleep.
So how much sleep do you get? ???
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/13/07 at 2:44 pm
Because I like the people here and I think we've bonded ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/13/07 at 2:47 pm
Ionic, covalent, or interstatically?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/13/07 at 2:48 pm
I told you not to talk about that.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/13/07 at 2:51 pm
How touching.
you got the touching part right ;D
I told you not to talk about that.
everybody is talking about it
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/14/07 at 1:20 pm
something good to talk about
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/07/07 at 8:57 am
because it is fun! :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 02/07/07 at 3:17 pm
good people. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 02/08/07 at 11:02 am
Because after two years I've grown to be fond of a few of you.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 02/08/07 at 11:43 am
For the fun :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/08/07 at 11:44 am
For the fun :D that you? :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 02/08/07 at 2:34 pm that you? :D
I didn't get the joke there. ::)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Tam on 02/08/07 at 3:11 pm
I return here day after day because.... dare I say it ... I am addicted to this place.
I love reading new threads and old ones, I love how each of us changes within a few given hours. I love the difference in our opinions and our views. I love the people I have met here, whom I actually consider to be friends outside of my corner in the livingroom where I sit and interact with you religiously.
And for me, it is my own little support network where I am not judge as quickly as I would be on the streets. I find each and everyone of you truly sincere in your own way and I value your thoughts and ideals. I may not agree with some of them, but that is why I am me and you are you.
I would like to say that I don't enjoy the drama that goes on - but I would be a liar. 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 02/08/07 at 3:21 pm
^ karma to you 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Tam on 02/08/07 at 3:26 pm
^ karma to you 8)
Right back atcha Jason! 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 02/08/07 at 9:27 pm
i miss you guys. i wanna quit my job so i can be here day after day
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Dominic L. on 02/08/07 at 10:02 pm
i miss you guys. i wanna quit my job so i can be here day after day
We can make you hate us?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 02/08/07 at 10:04 pm
We can make you hate us?
never! but you can convince me to quit my job!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Dominic L. on 02/08/07 at 10:05 pm
never! but you can convince me to quit my job!
D= But then you'd be broke. We're here to help. You suck, go away. :P
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: jackas on 02/08/07 at 10:24 pm
i miss you guys. i wanna quit my job so i can be here day after day
Awww...we miss you too. :(
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 02/09/07 at 3:25 am
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: jackas on 02/09/07 at 5:46 am
LOL ^ Why is that, Richard? Why do you return here day after day?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 02/09/07 at 10:23 am
LOL ^ Why is that, Richard? Why do you return here day after day?
because I got nowhere else to go! sobs hysterically I got nowhere else to go :\'(
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/09/07 at 10:48 am
because I got nowhere else to go! sobs hysterically I got nowhere else to go :\'(
hahaah....this made me laugh so hard! :D ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: jackas on 02/09/07 at 12:08 pm
because I got nowhere else to go! sobs hysterically I got nowhere else to go :\'(
:D :D ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 02/09/07 at 2:36 pm
because I got nowhere else to go! sobs hysterically I got nowhere else to go :\'(
I love that scene!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 02/09/07 at 3:45 pm
To look at The many faces of Howard ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 02/09/07 at 4:16 pm
To look at The many faces of Howard ;D
Me too!!! It's nice to know you have a sense of humor Howard. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 02/09/07 at 4:17 pm
Me too!!! It's nice to know you have a sense of humor Howard. :)
I never thought I'd find it. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 02/26/07 at 2:40 am
to get answers
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 02/26/07 at 8:24 am
I need *somewhere* to post my many pics of Carlos. lol
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 02/26/07 at 3:59 pm
Because someone has to laugh at her pictures. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 02/26/07 at 4:30 pm
good people. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: star80 on 03/06/07 at 3:36 pm
Free Entertainment
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/06/07 at 3:36 pm
Because all my friends are here.....every last kick-ass-and-take-no-prisoners one of them.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: KKay on 03/06/07 at 3:41 pm
in case something funny happens.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Jessica on 03/06/07 at 4:00 pm
To start trouble.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/07/07 at 4:46 pm
to laugh a lot
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/08/07 at 1:41 am
in case something funny happens. case?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/08/07 at 1:44 am
the power of Christ compels me
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/08/07 at 6:22 am
to get a job ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/13/07 at 3:34 am
to see pics of sexy girl friends
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: jackas on 03/13/07 at 7:41 am
to see pics of sexy girl friends
and beach balls :D
and cause you've got nowhere else to go.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/13/07 at 12:25 pm
and beach balls :D
and cause you've got nowhere else to go.
you'd be surprised at how much fun you can have with a couple of beach balls and a dollar bill
and nowhere else will accept me
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/13/07 at 12:27 pm
to see pics of sexy girl friends
Me Too Mike. ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/14/07 at 2:20 am
because sometimes this place can seem like a safe haven away from everything else
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/14/07 at 2:20 am
because sometimes this place can seem like a safe haven away from everything else
Yup, I come here to vent to you guys because I know you'll listen and do whatever you can to help or offer kind words. I appreciate that.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/14/07 at 2:25 am
Yup, I come here to vent to you guys because I know you'll listen and do whatever you can to help or offer kind words. I appreciate that.
very well said. it's nice when it's like that.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 03/14/07 at 3:36 am
to avoid doing housework ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/14/07 at 5:58 pm
It's a place for the everyday
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 03/14/07 at 6:08 pm
So I can talk to normal people. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/14/07 at 6:14 pm
So I can talk to normal people. ;D
There's no such thing as "normal".
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 03/14/07 at 6:17 pm
There's no such thing as "normal".
Howard, you're not normal???? :o
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/14/07 at 7:58 pm
because virtual friends are easy to be with
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: jackas on 03/14/07 at 10:40 pm
to avoid doing housework ;D
LOL I actually do this! :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/14/07 at 10:40 pm
to get support from cool people! :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: jackas on 03/14/07 at 10:40 pm
So I can talk to normal people. ;D
Who you calling normal?! >:(
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 03/14/07 at 10:50 pm
The name is Normal...Ab Normal.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 03/15/07 at 11:59 am
Who you calling normal?! >:(
Oh very well Wierdo.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/15/07 at 2:40 pm
Howard, you're not normal???? :o
nobody is. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 03/15/07 at 2:42 pm
nobody is. ;D
But you're honest. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/15/07 at 3:20 pm
But you're honest. :)
and I get to the point. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: jackas on 03/15/07 at 4:30 pm
Oh very well Wierdo.
Whew! I was starting to worry that I was getting a bad rep.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/16/07 at 1:35 am
it's easy, it's fun, it's free
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/16/07 at 3:26 am
it's easy, it's fun, it's free
Yeap, I have to agree to that!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 03/16/07 at 3:54 am
Just to hear how many times Howard can kvetch about things.
-Oh, and to get the latest British news from Philip, Gis, and a few others.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 03/16/07 at 4:28 am
Because where else can I talk to friends at 5:30 in the morning and nobodt tells at me? ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 03/16/07 at 4:35 am
Because where else can I talk to friends at 5:30 in the morning and nobodt tells at me? ;D
Nobody tells at you?
Nobody tells at you what?
*Instantly acquires a blank Howard-type look on face*
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 03/16/07 at 4:37 am
Nobody tells at you?
Nobody tells at you what?
*Instantly acquires a blank Howard-type look on face*
drat! That will teach me to hit post without doing spell check. Fingers on wrong key syndrome strikes again.
It was supposed to be that nobody yells at me. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 03/16/07 at 4:39 am
drat! That will teach me to hit post without doing spell check. Fingers on wrong key syndrome strikes again.
It was supposed to be that nobody yells at me. ;D
I could never yell at you!
You're too cool, and you live in Ohio.
That alone is reason enough for me.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/16/07 at 6:19 am
Just to hear how many times Howard can kvetch about things.
-Oh, and to get the latest British news from Philip, Gis, and a few others.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/16/07 at 5:22 pm
British news?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/16/07 at 7:25 pm
to read about the many different tales of joy or woe that people are experiencing
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: jackas on 03/16/07 at 10:57 pm
I have no clue.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/07 at 9:31 am
For Good fun and good people.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/17/07 at 4:04 pm
because I want it
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/07 at 4:31 pm
because I want it
How bad? ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/07 at 4:32 pm
I can't seem to figure it out.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/17/07 at 4:32 pm
because I want it
We all want it!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/17/07 at 4:52 pm
We all want it!
If you want it, here it is come and get it.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/17/07 at 4:53 pm
If you want it, here it is come and get it. better hurry cause it may not last.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/17/07 at 4:56 pm better hurry cause it may not last.
you get Badfinger karma
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/07 at 4:58 pm
If you want it, here it is come and get it.
I don't need it anymore,Thank You. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/17/07 at 4:59 pm
I don't need it anymore,Thank You. ;D
are you sure?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/07 at 5:06 pm
are you sure?
Yes,positive. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/17/07 at 5:08 pm
Yes,positive. ;)
Did I hear you say that there must be a catch?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/07 at 5:09 pm
Did I hear you say that there must be a catch?
No,No catch
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/18/07 at 1:16 am
Did I hear you say that there must be a catch?
will you walk away from a fool and his money?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/18/07 at 1:17 am
will you walk away from a fool and his money?
If you want it, here it is come and get it.....but you better hurry 'cuz it's going fast
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/18/07 at 1:25 am
If you want it, here it is come and get it.....but you better hurry 'cuz it's going fast
my heart just keeps gettin warmed tonight. I wish I could double a karma for ya
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/18/07 at 2:38 am
my heart just keeps gettin warmed tonight. I wish I could double a karma for ya
Not to be confused with Jay-z's song with the same title
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/18/07 at 2:58 am
Not to be confused with Jay-z's song with the same title
I am not familiar with it so I shouldn't get confused ;D
I return here day after day to see if everyone is still here
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 03/18/07 at 4:23 am
The madcao, zany, off-da-wall humor of my friends.
-That, and because Howard is a comedy routine, all by himself.
Keep 'em coming, Grasshopper! They're a riot!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/18/07 at 5:54 am
I am not familiar with it so I shouldn't get confused ;D
From what I have heard, do not bother trying
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/18/07 at 6:49 am
will you walk away from a fool and his money?
Depends on how much?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/20/07 at 2:36 am
Depends on how much?
Make your mind up fast
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/20/07 at 6:37 am
Make your mind up fast
I'm not fast enough
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/02/07 at 1:24 am
because I think I like some of you 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/02/07 at 3:58 pm
Cause I can confide in most people here. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 04/02/07 at 4:00 pm
because I think I like some of you 8)
Thank you, Keith Partridge.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 04/02/07 at 7:08 pm
I enjoy the sarcasm.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/02/07 at 8:14 pm
Thank you, Keith Partridge.
I didn't say I think I Love You. I like some of you, LIKE ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/02/07 at 8:31 pm
'Coz I'm hooked. I get the shakes and the jim-jams after 36 hours without it!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 04/02/07 at 8:34 pm
I didn't say I think I Love You. I like some of you, LIKE ;D
I know you didn't say that, silly. I was just commenting on the similarity.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/02/07 at 9:13 pm
I know you didn't say that, silly. I was just commenting on the similarity.
I know that you know ;) & it's a good song
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: La Roche on 04/02/07 at 10:53 pm
because I think I like some of you 8)
But you still love me right?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 04/02/07 at 11:25 pm
I come for the games. I leave with the top scores :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Tam on 04/02/07 at 11:30 pm
Because I am addicted ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/03/07 at 1:43 am
But you still love me right?
;D what do you think?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/03/07 at 7:02 am
very special people
*cue in Mr.Roger's music* ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/03/07 at 7:05 am
But you still love me right?;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=1230kgl8i/EXP=1175688250/**http%3A//
He Loves You. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 04/06/07 at 4:15 am
Because I have too much time on my hands, sometimes.
Other times, it's for camaraderie and companionship.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/06/07 at 1:32 pm
I'm a prisoner here of my own device
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 04/06/07 at 1:47 pm
... because it's fun. But, I know I haven't been on much lately (due to family stuff and college, work, etc).
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/06/07 at 2:04 pm
It gives me a sense of security.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 04/06/07 at 2:23 pm
It gives me a sense of security.
It's different from the "Pimply Butt" thread, certainly!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/06/07 at 2:40 pm
It's different from the "Pimply Butt" thread, certainly!
Yes certainly is. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 04/06/07 at 2:42 pm
We need more "Faces Of" threads.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/06/07 at 2:55 pm
We need more "Faces Of" threads.
Good Idea.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 04/06/07 at 4:03 pm
Because I have no TV and no life.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/07/07 at 7:20 am
good times, great taste
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/07/07 at 7:21 am
Okay then, I am here now what shall I do with it?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/07/07 at 7:22 am
Okay then, I am here now what shall I do with it?
It's your choice. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/07/07 at 7:40 am
It's your choice. ;)
The Arcade for the meantime.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 04/07/07 at 3:27 pm
Because I like asking Philip about London. Travel books just don't cut it. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/08/07 at 2:32 pm
to talk to people.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: wildcard on 04/08/07 at 5:13 pm
to talk to people.
me too
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/12/07 at 3:06 pm
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/13/07 at 7:38 am
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 04/13/07 at 2:36 pm
good rapport.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 04/13/07 at 2:38 pm
It works better than coffee, for waking me up!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/17/07 at 3:16 am
sometimes my fellow members can be so witty & funny and talented
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 05/06/07 at 3:04 am
because you're a bunch of groovy girls and guys, but mostly I return here for the humor
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: spaceace on 05/06/07 at 3:08 pm
Because I can talk about my online friends and my other friends don't know who I'm talking about. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 05/07/07 at 4:11 pm
Because I can talk about my online friends and my other friends don't know who I'm talking about. ;D
That's what I say to Robin sometimes when she wants to know who I talk to or what I'm talking about. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/08/07 at 2:07 pm
You always return home to your family after work, so why not?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 05/08/07 at 4:29 pm
You always return home to your family after work, so why not?
This is always our second family. ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/09/07 at 1:28 pm
This is always our second family. ;D
My distant family.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: SemperYoda on 05/10/07 at 1:05 pm
To meet the love of my life. LOL J/K. ;D
Im here cause I was told I have a good sense of humor from Ash and that I would like this site. Plus I like to meet people from all over the place.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 08/13/07 at 1:41 am
just like The Godfather: " Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in."
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/13/07 at 1:48 am
...because it's there.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 08/13/07 at 1:51 am
it's where?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/13/07 at 1:53 am
...because it's there.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 08/13/07 at 1:55 am
oh... it's here
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/13/07 at 4:32 pm
the rapport.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: coqueta83 on 08/14/07 at 11:58 pm
Because it's a lot of fun here! Thanks, everyone! :) 8)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 08/15/07 at 12:14 am
I come here cause it's very addictive, there are cool people here, and it's fun playing in the arcade :)
Also, this is the only 80s related messageboard where there is lots of traffic regularly. I gots nowhere else ta go :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/15/07 at 6:37 am
Because it's a lot of fun here! Thanks, everyone! :) 8)
You're Welcome.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/15/07 at 2:49 pm
Something to do while listening to the music on the radio.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/15/07 at 7:07 pm
nice people to chat with.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/15/07 at 9:49 pm
'Coz it's easier than having myself committed.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/16/07 at 6:54 am
Mr.Mister. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 08/16/07 at 1:39 pm
so I can razz Step-Chan about Cat Girls :P
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 08/17/07 at 12:37 am
to do my part
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/17/07 at 6:47 am
Catch up with the world wide news and events that the news on the television does not cover.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/17/07 at 2:05 pm
gives me something to do.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: whistledog on 08/17/07 at 2:20 pm
So I can look at my smokin' hot avatar :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/17/07 at 2:21 pm
So I can look at my smokin' hot avatar :D
Me Too. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 08/18/07 at 2:13 am
because it's so simple, and yet sensational. all I have to do is enter my password and suddenly I am here, hanging out with people from different parts of the world and the really cool thing is that we seem to know one another quite well.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/18/07 at 3:19 am
So I can look at my smokin' hot avatar :D
Not anymore
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/18/07 at 3:20 am
because it's so simple, and yet sensational. all I have to do is enter my password and suddenly I am here, hanging out with people from different parts of the world and the really cool thing is that we seem to know one another quite well.
When you shutdown do not log out and when you come back online the board will be up and ready for you. It saves good time.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/18/07 at 6:32 am
When you shutdown do not log out and when you come back online the board will be up and ready for you. It saves good time.
I haven't did that before.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/18/07 at 6:34 am
I haven't did that before.
Providing you use the same internet server on the same computer.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/18/07 at 6:39 am
Providing you use the same internet server on the same computer.
Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/18/07 at 4:25 pm
Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Exactly as me.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/20/07 at 4:13 pm
people to talk to.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/22/07 at 6:05 am
people to talk to.
Exactly so.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 08/22/07 at 6:21 am
Exactly so.
and still after 6 years of being here,It's still nice to come home to. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/22/07 at 12:40 pm
To chat up on the news old and recent.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/22/07 at 12:45 pm
To chat up on the news old and recent.
I do too.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/22/07 at 3:42 pm
Why do I return here several times a day, day after day? It's something to do. Someone to talk to. and it's usually fairly busy so there is usually something new to read.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/22/07 at 3:45 pm
Something to do when listening to your music.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 09/23/07 at 7:27 am
different threads.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/07/07 at 3:15 pm
different threads.
...and new threads.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 10/08/07 at 7:09 am
my 2nd family.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/08/08 at 3:29 am
Catch up with good company.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 05/08/08 at 5:16 am
the people. You all keep me company (and out of trouble!)
I'm growing rather fond of you all. </end sentimental patter> ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/08/08 at 5:58 am
It is either here or down the pub all day long.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 05/08/08 at 6:16 am
fun people.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/08/08 at 1:02 pm
fun people.
...from around the world.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 05/08/08 at 3:09 pm
...from around the world.
different parts of the country.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/08/08 at 3:14 pm
different parts of the country.
...different countries
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 05/08/08 at 3:31 pm
...different countries
and all around the world.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/08/08 at 3:54 pm
and all around the world.
a global affair.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: star80 on 01/13/09 at 11:06 am me something to do in my spare looking at the pics and getting reminded of songs that I had forgotten and it's always interesting to read other people's post of course.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ninny on 01/13/09 at 12:33 pm
It's entertaining,my family likes the arcade, you get to meet interesting people
Plus I can play
;D ;D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Midas on 01/13/09 at 2:17 pm
Misery loves company. :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Jessica on 01/13/09 at 2:23 pm
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/13/09 at 6:27 pm
I come for the drama. :D ;D ;D ;D
Sorry Tam. :-[
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/13/09 at 6:44 pm
To give me something to do every day. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/30/09 at 12:29 pm
...because it is there!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: coqueta83 on 01/30/09 at 7:36 pm
It's a wonderful place to hang out! :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: ninny on 01/31/09 at 5:39 am
Why not,it's a cool place.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 01/31/09 at 7:09 am
It's a wonderful place to hang out! :)
You got that right. ;)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/19/09 at 6:58 am
...because it is there!
ditto again!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: adagio on 03/15/09 at 9:14 pm
I have no idea. ;D I mean, look around
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/16/09 at 5:54 am
lots of pron talk and more.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Frank on 03/17/09 at 1:04 am
coz it's free
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/17/09 at 4:58 am
coz it's free
...and fun!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/09 at 6:57 am
...and fun!
and educational.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/30/09 at 3:01 am
Because it is there!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 07/30/09 at 7:52 am
the fun we have.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: wildcard on 12/13/09 at 1:11 am
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 12/13/09 at 7:08 am
the good people to talk to.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: wildcard on 06/20/10 at 10:44 pm
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Frank on 06/21/10 at 12:39 am
Its' in my contract
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 06/21/10 at 7:19 am
cause of the fun.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Midas on 06/21/10 at 10:27 am
I'm still trying to figure that one out.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 06/21/10 at 3:24 pm
for the cookies and apple juice.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Frank on 06/21/10 at 4:08 pm
because of the air miles
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 06/22/10 at 5:50 am
the good buddies. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Frank on 06/22/10 at 6:03 pm
Because of the free shock treatments. :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Midas on 06/24/10 at 9:48 am
The line here is shorter than the other ones.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 06/24/10 at 7:06 pm
prOn. :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Frank on 06/24/10 at 10:07 pm
Coz I've been kicked out of all the other 1,345,678 boards over the net. :D
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: wildcard on 06/24/10 at 10:12 pm
I'm still thinking
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 06/25/10 at 5:41 am
the free cookies and juice.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Frank on 06/25/10 at 11:14 am
coz my internet connection still works.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/22/16 at 12:15 am
"bump" because a lot of people here have fascinating personalities and great senses of humor (some more warped than others) and are just more interesting than people in my real world. After many years of interacting with one another some of us have met in person and had delightful encounters as can be seen in the mini meet photo section
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/22/16 at 3:43 pm
cause it's a fun place to hang out. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/22/16 at 9:49 pm
cause it's a fun place to hang out. :)
you've been hanging out here for a long time
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/23/16 at 3:49 pm
you've been hanging out here for a long time
for the past 15 years. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/23/16 at 6:14 pm
For 15 years you let your fingers do the talking
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/24/16 at 6:12 am
For 15 years you let your fingers do the talking
Oh those aching fingers!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/24/16 at 6:13 am
the good buddies. :)
The one true reason!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Redhairkid on 03/24/16 at 9:15 am
Because day after day I'm more confused, yet I look for the light through the pouring rain!
Seriously, I enjoy the craíc. And I'm in love with Howard.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/24/16 at 4:21 pm
For 15 years you let your fingers do the talking
with good buddies. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/24/16 at 4:21 pm
The one true reason!
and a nice place to hang out.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/24/16 at 4:22 pm
Because day after day I'm more confused, yet I look for the light through the pouring rain!
Seriously, I enjoy the craíc. And I'm in love with Howard.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/24/16 at 10:15 pm
Cheetos cheese puffs
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Redhairkid on 03/25/16 at 7:42 am
Seriously, Howard, you are a top geezer. I like you as you always speak sense and have a great sense of humour. You are a gentleman.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/25/16 at 8:23 am
Seriously, Howard, you are a top geezer. I like you as you always speak sense and have a great sense of humour. You are a gentleman.
Thanks, I just didn't understand what you had posted.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/25/16 at 8:24 am
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Redhairkid on 03/25/16 at 12:57 pm
Exactly, Howard. Which is basically what the 'craíc' (pronounced 'crack') is. Craíc is an Irish word.
And there is no 'playground mentality' on here either with eejits screaming to the moderators every few seconds and getting someone's perfectly reasonable thread or comment pulled. It happens a lot on British sites.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/25/16 at 11:29 pm
Because day after day I'm more confused, yet I look for the light through the pouring rain!
Seriously, I enjoy the craíc. And I'm in love with Howard.
Howard has the "Kavorka"
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Redhairkid on 03/26/16 at 6:29 am
Howard has the "Kavorka"
So does my avatar!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/26/16 at 8:08 am
Howard has the "Kavorka"
What's The Kavorka? ???
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Redhairkid on 03/26/16 at 8:49 am
The kavorka, Howard, is a Latvian word meaning that you have the allure to make everyone attracted to you.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/26/16 at 4:32 pm
The kavorka, Howard, is a Latvian word meaning that you have the allure to make everyone attracted to you.
Ok Thanks I remember that word was said on a Seinfeld epiosde. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/27/16 at 8:27 pm
Ok Thanks I remember that word was said on a Seinfeld epiosde. :)
glad you remembered the episode. It's funny. so does that mean you are our version of Kramer?
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/28/16 at 2:39 pm
glad you remembered the episode. It's funny. so does that mean you are our version of Kramer?
not as corny as Kramer.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/29/16 at 12:58 am
not as corny as Kramer.
no you are not, but maybe a little corny but you're mostly fun
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 03/29/16 at 4:02 pm
no you are not, but maybe a little corny but you're mostly fun
Thanks. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/12/19 at 10:56 pm's a way of life!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 06/13/19 at 6:09 am
here to have buddies. :)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/13/19 at 6:12 am
here to have buddies. :)
Thank you, I was searching for this topic!
"Don't let that stop you. strangers are just the friends you haven't yet made.”
- W.B. Yeats (1895 - 1939)
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Redhairkid on 06/13/19 at 10:25 am
Strangers are just nuisances!
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/13/19 at 10:37 am
Strangers are just nuisances!
"When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name"
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 06/14/19 at 7:53 am
cause I enjoy the company of others.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/14/19 at 2:47 pm
It is almost a replacement for reading a daily newspaper.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 06/15/19 at 3:13 pm
gives me something to do.
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/19 at 7:28 am
to keep in touch
Subject: Re: Why do you return here day after day?
Written By: Howard on 07/03/19 at 4:02 pm
talk to good buddies. :)
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