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Subject: anyone remember the shirt tales?
Written By: janiesweetie on 01/24/04 at 12:04 a.m.
I still have my lunchbox from kindergarten with the shirt tales characters. My daughter is using it as her K lunchbox! Does anyone remember this cartoon? Do you know where I can find info on it for my daughter? :)
Subject: I remember the shirt tales
Written By: MLB on 01/27/04 at 07:31 p.m.
I don't know exactly where to go, but I have found lots of lyrics and band websites using and hitting the "i'm feeling lucky" box instead of "search". Who can say, maybe you can find something selling out there for a good price. And FYI on shirttales, my sister and I are harboring a very old and beat up boardgame that has a very cute 2 dimensional tree house as part of the game set-up.
I am sure things are out there somewhere. If they are re-releasing Care Bears and Strawberry and friends, keep searching.
Subject: Re: anyone remember the shirt tales?
Written By: girlgeorge on 02/04/04 at 05:55 p.m.
Oh my gosh yes! I had totally forgotten about them. Pammy, Bogey, Digger... I had all of them once upon a time. I think they were giving them out in Happy Meals or something.
Subject: Re: anyone remember the shirt tales?
Written By: tactfulbetta on 02/20/04 at 07:54 p.m.
I loved that cartoon! Between me and my two sisters, we had all the stuffed animals. I don't know if you're still interested or not but if you go to Yahoo and type 'shirt tales cartoon' in the search bar you get many many responses.
Didn't think to look at the posted date before replying. Sorry. Still maybe, if you need it, here's some help.