Subject: richard III, Shakespeares play!
Written By: emma on 10/25/03 at 07:45 a.m.
hey there everyone i need your help!
im currently in my final year at university in england and for my dissertation im doing richard III, one of Shakespeares plays!
i would like feedback on whether youve heard of this play,what you think of it or what you think of shakespeare he still relevant today?if so,why?do you hate his plays?why?is the language hard for youi to understand?do you prefer watching his plays on stage or screen than raeding them?
any views you may have would be helpful for my research-thankyou
Subject: Re: richard III, Shakespeares play!
Written By: Travolta03 on 10/31/03 at 08:41 a.m.
I have heard of the play though as far as I can remember I have not read it or seen it. I don't think the Richard and Henry plays are really touched on in high school or college. Only upperlevel university courses normally discuss the history plays.
My personal opinion (as a junior English major) is that I adore Shakespeare. He's so clever and inventive. I'm so impressed by his skillfulness and story telling.
I love seeing his plays performed live and I enjoy the movies that are made from his work. I do read the works and like to have extensive explanations on the plays when I read them. I mean this in reference to a class discussion or professor lecture. When I don¡¦t want to think so hard I like to just sit back and watch. They seem to be so much easier to grasp when the audience can see it acted out.
My personal favorite is A Mid Summer Nights Dream and I think he's still very relevant and entertaining. Many of his dramas incorporate such relevant things as family, love, loss, murder, conspiracy, misunderstandings and friendship. These are all issue we all deal with daily. These are the things that make up our lives. There are a lot of comparative elements from his plays to history and life.
Some people seem to think his work is boring and perhaps over rated (compared to others, such as Marlowe) but I think he's just great. I think the language it a barrier for many. But if you see it performed live the language is conquerable and an average audience can really understand most everything. The language becomes obsolete when you understand the actions and motives. However since his language is vital to the show the audience mysteriously is able to understand as if it was the dialect they speak every day. They are able to make the connection and really enjoy the shows. I think reading and understanding (for some) is a little harder to do. But it¡¦s not rocket science, just Shakespeare. ƒº
Theatre and drama (plays) in general are not for everyone. It's a subjective genre and appeals to a certain kind of person. However I have seen folks who aren't into theater really enjoy Shakespeare¡¦s comedy once they gave it a chance. I took a few of my non-believing friends to see Taming of the Shrew and Merry Wives of Windsor, then some other interpretations of Romeo and Juliet and AMSND. By the end they were laughing like crazy and had converted over to my side. ;)
I hope this helps. ;)