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This is a topic from the The Writing on the Walrus forum on inthe00s.
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PREVIOUS PAGE: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/21/11 at 5:47 pm
The Catherine Tate Show
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 01/21/11 at 9:23 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 01/22/11 at 4:11 am
The series finale of "Medium". At the end, I told my hubby, "My friend Q has met the real Allison Dubois and her husband." ;D
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/22/11 at 4:13 am
The News
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: danootaandme on 01/22/11 at 7:10 am
Jimmy Fallon
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/22/11 at 7:15 am
Cash In A Celebrity Attic
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 01/22/11 at 7:42 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: danootaandme on 01/23/11 at 7:06 am
Local News
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 01/23/11 at 8:10 am
Family Guy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/23/11 at 8:11 am
Three Men in Another Boat
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 01/23/11 at 3:19 pm
Diners Drive-ins and Dives.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/23/11 at 3:20 pm
Vanilla Ice skating on Dancing On Ice
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 01/24/11 at 8:24 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 01/25/11 at 7:11 pm
The Golden Girls
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 01/25/11 at 9:25 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 01/26/11 at 8:16 pm
The beginning of a program on MLB Network, but I felt like not watching the whole thing.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: 80sfan on 01/26/11 at 9:30 pm
Family Guy
Oh God, I love that show!
Well, the last thing I watched on TV was Man vs. Food. 8)
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: lorac61469 on 01/26/11 at 10:42 pm
American Idol
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Dagwood on 01/26/11 at 10:50 pm
Same here. American Idol
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 01/27/11 at 8:07 am
snowstorm coverage.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 01/29/11 at 6:44 am
Dr. G. Medical Examiner
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/29/11 at 6:49 am
The first episode of Episodes that was broadcast the other week.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 01/29/11 at 8:07 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 01/29/11 at 11:39 pm
Didn't really watch much TV today. Just turned it on for a few seconds, to see what was on MLB network.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 01/30/11 at 8:02 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 02/10/11 at 11:52 pm
A couple winning less than $10,000 on "Wheel Of Fortune." Not too often that I see that low of a figure. They failed to solve the bonus round puzzle, but I figured it out easily, before they called out C, D, and M (none of which appeared in the puzzle; I don't even know why 9 out of 10 contestants seem to pick those consonants!).
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: 80sfan on 02/11/11 at 1:09 am
Being Erica. What an amazing show!! I think it's a Canadian show? ???
I like how she time travels.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 02/11/11 at 12:59 pm
Something about Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. I don't even know. The tv landed there when I stopped surfing to look up something on wiki.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 02/11/11 at 4:02 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 02/18/11 at 2:09 pm
A local weather report. I like to watch those every morning.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/18/11 at 2:47 pm
The News, briefly.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 02/18/11 at 3:25 pm
Man vs Food.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: karen on 02/18/11 at 4:11 pm
Embarrassing Bodies
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/18/11 at 4:32 pm
Little Britain
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/18/11 at 5:13 pm
David Armand on Fast And Loose
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 02/18/11 at 10:00 pm
The News.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/19/11 at 7:29 am
David Armand on Fast And Loose
The YouTube clip of what I watched last night.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 02/19/11 at 8:02 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/19/11 at 8:03 am
Some of the opening match in the Cricket World Cup.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/19/11 at 12:16 pm
Rory and Paddy's Great British Adventure
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 02/19/11 at 3:49 pm
I don't know the name of the show, but it was recreating a stunt where some guy ended up getting his flight suit heel caught on the edge of the plane when he was skydiving. The original guy hung under the plane (upside down) for 40 minutes 10,000 feet (3.048 km) above ground until he was able to get loose and fall with his parachute to the ground (and live to tell about it)
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/19/11 at 3:59 pm
The Unknown Hancock
A unique insight into one of the most masterful clowns of the modern age, Tony Hancock. He came to represent the hopes, dreams and frustrations of the average man, but in private he was complex and troubled. Includes contributions from friends and colleagues.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 02/19/11 at 10:41 pm
A re-showing of a Countdown on MLB Network.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 02/20/11 at 8:13 am
Family Guy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/20/11 at 11:20 am
One Foot in the Grave: Things Aren't Simple Any More
After years of frustrated anger and railing against the system, Victor Meldrew breathes his last `I don't believe it' after falling victim to a hit-and-run driver. At first, it seems as if the shock of his death will take a long time to settle for long-suffering Margaret
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 02/20/11 at 5:59 pm
My Strange Addiction I love this show!
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 02/21/11 at 7:53 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/25/11 at 5:22 pm
David Armand on Fast and Loose
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 02/26/11 at 1:07 am
A local weather forecast on the news.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/26/11 at 5:16 am
Whose Line Is It Anyway
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: karen on 02/26/11 at 6:07 am
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/26/11 at 8:16 am
Christine Hamilton on Celebrity Masterchef
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/26/11 at 10:14 am
David Armand on Fast and Loose
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: karen on 02/26/11 at 3:25 pm
Let's Dance for Comic Relief
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/26/11 at 3:28 pm
Let's Dance for Comic Relief
We have recorded that for later.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/26/11 at 3:28 pm
Who Do You Think You Are?
Spike Lee
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/26/11 at 3:59 pm
Lulu and Noel Fielding on Let's Dance For Comic Relief
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 02/26/11 at 4:43 pm
Married With Children.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 02/26/11 at 5:08 pm
Toddlers and Tiaras
(and wishing I had a daughter!)
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: karen on 02/26/11 at 5:12 pm
Lulu and Noel Fielding on Let's Dance For Comic Relief
I wondered if you would be watching her! And if I remember rightly Gis is a fan of him
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/26/11 at 5:20 pm
I wondered if you would be watching her! And if I remember rightly Gis is a fan of him
I hope she did she him.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 02/27/11 at 12:23 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 02/27/11 at 1:10 am
I watched "Celebrity Ghost Stories" which isn't smart to watch by yourself when hubby is out and the house is all dark and cats are bumping into things and knocking stuff down and the house creaks and groans. lol I'm such a scaredy cat.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 02/27/11 at 5:12 pm
Married With Children.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: karen on 02/27/11 at 6:58 pm
CSI:Miami a really old one
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 02/28/11 at 8:05 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/28/11 at 4:30 pm
The Oscars: Highlight show
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/01/11 at 4:23 am
University Challenge
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/01/11 at 7:59 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 03/01/11 at 11:05 pm
Wheel Of Fortune. The guy who reached the bonus round failed to solve the puzzle and blew $100,000. I could've won that money, since I figured out the bonus puzzle after the basic letters (R,S,T,L,N,E) were revealed.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/02/11 at 8:00 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 03/03/11 at 11:25 pm
2 reruns of the U.S. version of "The Office" also flipped back and forth to House Hunters International.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/04/11 at 8:26 am
The Office.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 03/04/11 at 2:33 pm
What channel and what time does it come on where you are? The time slot it used to have for me has been taken by the King of Queens. >:(
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/04/11 at 5:14 pm
David Armand on Fast and Loose.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/04/11 at 9:00 pm
What channel and what time does it come on where you are? The time slot it used to have for me has been taken by the King of Queens. >:(
1130pm Weekdays
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/04/11 at 9:01 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/05/11 at 10:52 am
Stephen Fry hosts the entertaining quiz show with regular contributor Alan Davies and guests David Mitchell, Andy Hamilton and John Sessions. Coming under discussion are `D' subjects including doves
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: danootaandme on 03/05/11 at 3:32 pm
Surviving the Dust Bowl
The dust bowl was America's worst ecological disaster. Featuring interviews with those who survived its terrible toll, Surviving the Dust Bowl is an emotional tribute to those who endured its traumatic consequences.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/05/11 at 5:06 pm
A Question Of Sport
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/06/11 at 9:47 am
David Armand on Fast and Loose.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 03/06/11 at 10:56 pm
MLB Network's "30 Clubs In 30 Days"; today's episode profiled my team, the L.A. Dodgers. 8)
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/07/11 at 8:04 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/07/11 at 3:39 pm
University Challenge
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: danootaandme on 03/07/11 at 3:52 pm
Judge Judy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 03/07/11 at 11:48 pm
Dr. G.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/08/11 at 8:07 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/08/11 at 3:05 pm
Wonders of the Universe
Season 1 Episode 1 of 4
Destiny Professor Brian Cox explores how the development of mankind and the history of the universe are intertwined, visiting dramatic locations around the world to illustrate the fundamental scientific principles that govern the laws of nature. He begins by investigating time, charting the evolution of the cosmos and explaining why the universe must one day come to an end.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/08/11 at 8:40 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: danootaandme on 03/11/11 at 2:33 pm
The Thing With Two Heads
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/11/11 at 8:19 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/13/11 at 4:31 am
Let's Dance For Comic Relief
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/13/11 at 8:10 am
Family Guy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/13/11 at 1:08 pm
Time Team
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/14/11 at 7:22 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/14/11 at 3:28 pm
University Challenge
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 03/14/11 at 4:58 pm
Mystery ER.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/14/11 at 4:58 pm
Only Connect
Specials, Comic Relief Special
A special edition of the show as six celebrity brains try to deduce hidden connections.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/15/11 at 7:13 am
Family Guy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 03/15/11 at 11:18 am
More updates about the situation in Japan. :(
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/15/11 at 2:44 pm
Wonders of the Universe
In the second stop in his exploration of the wonders of the universe, Professor Brian Cox goes in search of humanity's very essence to answer the biggest questions of all: what are we? And where do we come from? This film is the story of matter - the stuff of which we are all made.
Brian reveals how our origins are entwined with the life cycle of the stars. But he begins his journey here on Earth. In Nepal, he observes a Hindu cremation. Hindu philosophy is based on an eternal cycle of creation and destruction, where the physical elements of the body are recycled on to the next stage. Brian draws a parallel with the life cycle of the stars that led to our own creation.
Next, he explains how the Earth's resources have been recycled through the ages. How every atom that makes up everything we see, was at some time a part of something else. Our world is made up of just 92 elements, and these same 92 elements are found throughout the entire universe. We are part of the universe because we are made of the same stuff as the universe.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 03/16/11 at 10:30 pm
Wheel Of Fortune.
Before that, Jeopardy. Tonight's episode was unusual, in that only one contestant got to play Final Jeopardy! That's because the other two players finished with negative scores. It was bad enough that the champion was running away (he accumulated $29,200 in the main game), but the other two weren't doing so well at all; they buzzed in on the higher-dollar clues and got 'em wrong. ::)
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/19/11 at 5:05 am
Live ICC Cricket World Cup
Bangladesh v South Africa
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/19/11 at 6:53 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/19/11 at 7:15 am
The Outnumbered special on Comic Relief.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 03/19/11 at 11:35 pm
A DVD of cruise destinations from Princess Cruises.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/20/11 at 2:01 am
The News, it made me feel depressed.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/20/11 at 5:03 am
The Brittas Empire: Back from the Dead
News comes through from Bulgaria of Gordon's demise. Chris Barrie stars.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/20/11 at 6:52 am
The News, it made me feel depressed.
Me too,all around the world.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/20/11 at 7:03 am
Me too,all around the world.
I wish to stop watching the news now.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/20/11 at 7:05 am
I wish to stop watching the news now.
I'll watch it later.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/21/11 at 3:36 pm
University Challenge
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/22/11 at 6:50 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: silhouette on 03/22/11 at 6:09 pm
Same here.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/22/11 at 7:56 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/23/11 at 3:34 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/23/11 at 7:32 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/24/11 at 3:54 pm
Time Team
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/25/11 at 6:55 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 03/25/11 at 12:15 pm
Local weather reports.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/25/11 at 7:32 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/26/11 at 1:44 am
Comic Relief's 24 Hour Panel People
David Walliams anchors the UK's first ever 24-hour panel show for Red Nose Day.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/26/11 at 6:57 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/26/11 at 7:06 am
The Life and Legacy of Spike Millgan
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/26/11 at 2:24 pm
The news
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/27/11 at 3:26 am
The news
More of the News.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/27/11 at 6:54 am
Family Guy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/28/11 at 1:19 am
Horizon: Japan Earthquake
A Horizon Special with Iain Stewart. A look at the geological forces that unleashed the devastating Japanese earthquake.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/28/11 at 1:20 am
Horizon: Japan Earthquake
A Horizon Special with Iain Stewart. A look at the geological forces that unleashed the devastating Japanese earthquake.
Followed by...
Wonders of the Universe: Messengers
Brian Cox shows how light holds the key to our understanding of the whole universe.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/28/11 at 7:13 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/30/11 at 1:11 pm
University Challenge
(which was on last Monday).
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/30/11 at 2:31 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/30/11 at 3:11 pm
Britain From Above
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/31/11 at 7:12 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 03/31/11 at 11:39 am
Parts of the CBS Early Show.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/31/11 at 2:17 pm
UFO UK: New Evidence
The revelations of the British Ministry of Defence UFO files, including the `Welsh Roswell', an alleged alien craft crash from where the Government supposedly removed extraterrestrial bodies. Other documents include a letter claiming that Churchill ordered a cover-up of a wartime clash between a UFO and an RAF bomber, and the story of a film of a Blue Streak missile test in 1964, believed to show an unidentified spaceman.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 03/31/11 at 7:37 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: danootaandme on 04/01/11 at 6:15 am
Netflix "Nip and Tuck" marathon
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/01/11 at 6:59 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/01/11 at 1:58 pm
The News
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/01/11 at 6:04 pm
Question Time
A recording from last night
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/01/11 at 7:39 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 04/01/11 at 9:00 pm
King of the Hill. ;D
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/02/11 at 1:29 am
The Joy of Stats
Documentary exploring the history of statistics and how they can help society today.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/02/11 at 7:00 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/02/11 at 7:23 am
Live cricket from Mumbai.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/02/11 at 7:24 am
The Joy of Stats
Documentary exploring the history of statistics and how they can help society today.
btw, I feel asleep during it!
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 04/02/11 at 10:22 pm
MLB Network; the Red Sox-Rangers game was showing.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/03/11 at 3:45 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/03/11 at 6:56 am
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/03/11 at 6:57 am
Family Guy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/03/11 at 6:59 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/03/11 at 8:53 am
The closing moments of "One Foot In The Algarve"
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 04/04/11 at 11:09 am
A few minutes of "Quick Pitch" on MLB Network.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/04/11 at 1:37 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/07/11 at 3:16 pm
American Idol
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/07/11 at 7:30 pm
a comedy show.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/08/11 at 1:05 pm
The News
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: apollonia1986 on 04/08/11 at 5:28 pm
I was watching Intervention, but the meth-head was so pathetic, I changed to Monsters Inside Me. Now I'm scared to eat any piece of meat that's not well done for fear of parasites.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/08/11 at 7:50 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/09/11 at 1:44 am
Have I Got News for You
With guest host Jack Dee and panellists Caroline Wyatt and Jon Richardson.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/09/11 at 2:56 am
Michael Clarke hitting 101 as Australia make 270-7 in one-day international against Bangladesh
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/09/11 at 4:23 am
Tiger Woods on the 12th hole at the US Masters from Augusta.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/09/11 at 6:55 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/09/11 at 7:39 am
Some cookery program
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/09/11 at 12:15 pm
The Grand National
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 04/09/11 at 6:52 pm
meh...A bit of the Yankees-Redsox game on Fox.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/09/11 at 7:56 pm
a fixing house show.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/10/11 at 2:13 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/10/11 at 7:25 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/12/11 at 1:06 pm
The film Chariots Of Fire
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/12/11 at 7:43 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/15/11 at 3:04 pm
A Question Of Sport
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 04/15/11 at 7:21 pm
"Family Game Night", but I think the episode shown might've been a rerun.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/15/11 at 7:25 pm
King Of Queens
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/16/11 at 2:22 pm
..and now watching another edition of the same program.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/16/11 at 4:23 pm
Britain's Got Talent
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/16/11 at 7:37 pm
King of Queens
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/17/11 at 9:11 am
Penny Points to Paradise
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/22/11 at 12:11 pm
Storage Wars
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/22/11 at 1:37 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/23/11 at 4:21 pm
The edition that was broadcast last Sunday.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/23/11 at 7:38 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv yesterday ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/24/11 at 3:01 am
Britain's Got Talent
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/24/11 at 7:01 am
Family Guy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/24/11 at 7:12 am
Urbi et Orbi
Pope Benedict XVI gives his Easter message and blessing, live from St Peter's Square.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/24/11 at 12:40 pm
An old edition of QI
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/24/11 at 12:49 pm
Lucha Libre
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/24/11 at 4:13 pm
The Gift of Promise
When a local businesswoman is bludgeoned to death, it appears to be a blackmail plot gone wrong. However, as the body count rises, Lewis and Hathaway realise there is a decades-old secret at the heart of the case, which they must uncover to bring the present-day murders to a halt. Detective drama, guest starring Anna Chancellor and Cherie Lunghi, with Kevin Whately and Laurence Fox. Last in the series
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv yesterday ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/25/11 at 4:48 am
Bee Gees: In Our Own Time
Documentary following the story of the Bee Gees.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/25/11 at 7:10 am
Married With Children.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 04/26/11 at 11:10 pm
Dodgers game...once again I was disappointed. :-\\
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/27/11 at 6:57 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/27/11 at 12:05 pm
The News
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/27/11 at 7:22 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/29/11 at 3:31 am
American Idol
I did not wish to see it.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/29/11 at 7:06 am
Married With Children.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/29/11 at 7:06 am
Can you guess what I have been watching?
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/29/11 at 7:08 am
Can you guess what I have been watching?
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: karen on 04/29/11 at 9:42 am
Newsround, hoping to see the kiss
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/29/11 at 1:23 pm
Arena: Produced by George Martin
Rich and intimate portrait of celebrated record producer, Sir George Martin.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/29/11 at 1:24 pm
Newsround, hoping to see the kiss
...and was it shown?
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 04/29/11 at 7:45 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv yesterday ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/30/11 at 1:25 am
Britain's Got More Talent
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 04/30/11 at 1:39 am
Part of a re-showing of the Royal Wedding...on CNN.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/30/11 at 2:45 am
The News
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/01/11 at 2:19 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/01/11 at 7:09 am
Family Guy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/01/11 at 4:32 pm
Britain's Got Talent
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 05/01/11 at 9:09 pm
The latest episode of "20 Greatest Games" on MLB Network, featuring the 3rd best game. This episode was 2 hours long, unlike the last 17, which were all 1 1/2 hours long each.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/02/11 at 6:09 am
The major news of today.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/02/11 at 7:14 am
Osama Bin Laden
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/02/11 at 12:10 pm
Time Team
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/06/11 at 3:27 am
Essential Classics
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/06/11 at 6:12 am
Channel Islands to Dover
Final part in the series exploring Britain's coastline. Neil and the team make their way from the Channel Islands to Dover, where their epic adventure began.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/06/11 at 7:02 am
Family Guy.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/06/11 at 7:09 am
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/06/11 at 7:10 am
Married With Children.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/06/11 at 10:43 am
Wartime Secrets With Harry Harris
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/06/11 at 3:49 pm
A Question Of Sport
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/07/11 at 1:58 am
The sad news of Seve Ballesteros dying on the news
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/07/11 at 6:53 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/07/11 at 6:56 am
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/13/11 at 3:30 pm
Have I Got News for You
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 05/13/11 at 4:28 pm
A movie starring Ving Rhames as a drag queen ex-convict who takes in Alfre Woodard as a abused former drug adict/current rehab/current drug addict and her daughter. It was called "Holiday Heart", it was pretty good, albeit strange.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: karen on 05/13/11 at 4:29 pm
a bit of The Mentalist
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/13/11 at 4:30 pm
The last bit of American Idol
I just happened to be in the room.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: karen on 05/13/11 at 4:39 pm
The last bit of American Idol
I just happened to be in the room.
A likely story!
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/13/11 at 4:39 pm
A likely story!
It's true, I tell you.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/13/11 at 7:49 pm
Fresh Prince
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/14/11 at 6:03 am
Saturday Kitchen
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/14/11 at 7:00 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/14/11 at 7:09 am
About 5 seconds of Whose Line Is It anyway.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/14/11 at 12:15 pm
Dad's Army: Time on My Hands
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 05/14/11 at 7:34 pm
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/14/11 at 7:35 pm
Fresh Prince
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/11 at 1:30 am
The News
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/11 at 1:31 am
btw, I did watch the Eurovision Song Contest yesterday.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/15/11 at 7:13 am
Family Guy
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/11 at 7:14 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/11 at 7:32 am
Would I Lie To You?
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/11 at 8:14 am
Have I Got News For You
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/11 at 10:11 am
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/15/11 at 1:42 pm
Inside Edition
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/11 at 2:14 pm
Britain's Got Talent
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/16/11 at 7:17 am
American Dad
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/21/11 at 11:26 am
Have I Got News For You
A recording from yesterday.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/21/11 at 1:20 pm
Have I Got News For You
An old edition from the early 90s
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/21/11 at 3:12 pm
Operation Mincemeat
Ben Macintyre recreates the story of a deception which changed the course of history.
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: nally on 05/21/11 at 6:56 pm
The remake version of the Parent Trap movie... but the channel it was on edited out several scenes. I HIW they do that!
Subject: Re: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?
Written By: Howard on 05/21/11 at 7:30 pm
Seinfeld last night.
NEXT PAGE: What was the last thing you watched on tv today ?