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This is a topic from the The Writing on the Walrus forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/29/08 at 10:14 pm
If you always had something silly and cessy to say about a inthe00er, here's your chance!
I'll start with Jamie McBain....
Wow, Jamie McBain, where did he come up with that chessy nickname?
And how often does he watch The Simpsons?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/29/08 at 10:27 pm
Damn, I USED to enjoy eating flies. However, since they've been visiting 'McDonalds' lately, ... the flavor :( 8-P
Hence-forth, I'm gonna refer to these less enjoyable insects >:( .... as
'Mc-flies' ! >:(
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Jessica on 11/29/08 at 11:16 pm
Mr. Mister's incessant use of spaces and smilies is going to be the death of me. :) ;) :D ;D 8) :-*
HA! ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: whistledog on 11/29/08 at 11:24 pm
Mr. Mister. A British born Australian who took his name from an 80s American band. That's three nations and a whole lot of space :D :D
A whooooooooooole lot of space :D
Even more space :D
and still more space :D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Jessica on 11/29/08 at 11:35 pm
whistledog: he's Canadian and his screename involves a wiener and processed cheese. ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/29/08 at 11:38 pm
Space, Mr. Mister's final frontier.
These are voyages of the USS Mr. Mister
His on going mission....... To be the only British borned Australian, named after a two hit wonder, 80's band, on inthe00's.com to waste as much space as possible!
To boldy go, where no British borned Austrlian, named after a two hit wonder, has go before !
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/29/08 at 11:41 pm
Whistledog, when I think of his nick name, I think of Snoopy, with a whistle in his mouth, as a referee at a hockey game.
Not a weiner and processed cheese.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/29/08 at 11:42 pm
Sometimes, I get Al B's name. mixed up with Al B. Sure.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/29/08 at 11:52 pm
Jamie McBain, if that is really you're last name.....
Seriously dude.... what is your last name?
You're about as Scotish as a really bad comedian, doing a really bad Sean Connery impersoniation.
Which would be... you!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 12:42 am
Mr. Mister's incessant use of spaces and smilies is going to be the death of me. :) ;) :D ;D 8) :-*
HA! ;D
Mr. Mister. A British born Australian who took his name from an 80s American band. That's three nations and a whole lot of space :D :D
A whooooooooooole lot of space :D
Even more space :D
and still more space :D
Space, Mr. Mister's final frontier.
These are voyages of the USS Mr. Mister
His on going mission....... To be the only British borned Australian, named after a two hit wonder, 80's band, on inthe00's.com to waste as much space as possible!
To boldy go, where no British borned Austrlian, named after a two hit wonder, has go before !
Aah ... the 'tributes' ... are starting to 'roll in' ::) ;) ;D
My '5 year' mission ..... to corrupt 'inthe00s' more than it has EVER been corrupted ...
To infiltrate it with lame posts, stupid photoshopping efforts ... and plenty of SPACES !!! 8)
Space, McChucky .... I need MORE SPACE ! :-* :-*
Sorry Mister .... I canna give yer TOO many more Gigabytes to waste .... until I get ANOTHER server ! :P
:\'( :\'( :\'(
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/30/08 at 12:49 am
If Mr. Mister, would to have more space, space itself would collapse into a black hole!
And congrads, you are the first Prime Minister of Smileyfaceland!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 1:05 am
And congrads, you are the first Prime Minister of Smileyfaceland!
>:( "We DID try to start a union here ... a few months back ! I was the chief instigator ! "
:( "Yes .... he DOES tend to use us .... just a LITTLE bit .... we don't get much rest. SOME compensation would be nice ? "
??? "Waddya say ?"
::) "Clean yer ears out ! "
:-X "They're having a fight again, think I'd better keep quiet "
:-\\ "Well, they may have a point ? "
8) " Chill guys, 'Mister's' alright with me !
:o "We have a rebel in our midst's ? "
:P "Yes we do .... and I"m another !"
;) "We're really having fun !"
:-* "You look cute, reader ! "
8-P "Sloppy kisses, I hate that ! "
:\'( "I never get kissed"
:-[ "Me neither ! "
:) "I'm hard to upset"
;D "Well it's been ... "
:D "Fun ! "
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/30/08 at 1:31 am
Mr. Mister sat a new world's record of most smiley faces, in a post!
We should have a drinking game, a shot of Foster's for each time, Mr. Mister posts a smiley face!
But then, we would all be drunk!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/30/08 at 1:41 am
Jamie McBain, you do realize that most people are in bed, while you are typing this?
Unless, you a vampire who types on message boards, while people are asleep!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 2:04 am
That's McBain ::)
I'll bet he think's THIS post is about him. ::)
Hey McBain (McBain) ... I'll bet you think this post is about YOU !
Don't YOU !
Don't YOU ! Don't YOU ! ? ???
(Sorta reminds me of a song, but I can't think which one ! ;) ;D )
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 11/30/08 at 6:39 am
Anybody want to roast me? ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/30/08 at 7:02 am
A little bit of butter, salt and pepper and you may turn out quite tasty
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 8:13 am
Anybody want to roast me? ;D
One day he'll learn to keep quiet ? ??? ::)
A little bit of butter, salt and pepper and you may turn out quite tasty
Yes, what a good idea. You know, when you go out on a pork hunt ....
Pork hunt ! :( ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Gis on 11/30/08 at 12:47 pm
Actually for the longest time I have noticed how Mr Mister's posting style mirrors Barbara Cartland's dialogue style so much it's frightening! ;D
I quote from one of her books;
'I have to go away...for a few days...perhaps it will be...more.Can you make some...excuse so that Papa does not...worry...or even feel curious as to why I am not...at his bed-side?'
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 11/30/08 at 5:59 pm
One day he'll learn to keep quiet ? ??? ::)
Yes, what a good idea. You know, when you go out on a pork hunt ....
Pork hunt ! :( ::)
Now that's what I call a roast. ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/30/08 at 6:03 pm
I gotta roast Step-chan, because he's been here almost 4 years and still no one knows what he looks like.
Is he an International Man Of Mystery?!? :o :o :o
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 11/30/08 at 6:04 pm
I gotta roast Step-chan, because he's been here almost 4 years and still no one knows what he looks like.
Is he an International Man Of Mystery?!? :o :o :o
he's a secret Asian Man. ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/30/08 at 6:05 pm
he's a secret Asian Man. ;D
Good one, Howard! ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 11/30/08 at 6:06 pm
Good one, Howard! ;D
Thanks Al,We'll eventually find out soon enough.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/30/08 at 6:07 pm
Thanks Al,We'll eventually find out soon enough.
Could this be him?!? :o
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 11/30/08 at 6:09 pm
Could this be him?!? :o
No,he's too asian.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 6:30 pm
he's a secret Asian Man. ;D
No,he's too asian.
TOO Asian ? (there IS such a thing ... and in ANY case ??? ).
::) Thanks for the 'lead' ... Howard ! ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/30/08 at 6:44 pm
No,he's too asian.
How about this guy?
Is he more of a "secret Asian?" ???
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 11/30/08 at 6:58 pm
I gotta roast Al-B, for the funniest something... err.... I'll think of something soon.
:D :D :D :D :D :D
I gotta roast Step-chan, because he's been here almost 4 years and still no one knows what he looks like.
Is he an International Man Of Mystery?!? :o :o :o
Nope, more of a Hoosier Man of Mystery.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 11/30/08 at 7:00 pm
he's a secret Asian Man. ;D
Funny, I have a parody idea for Secret Agent Man. It's called Gothic Asian Man(although I work something else into as well).
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 11/30/08 at 7:02 pm
Could this be him?!? :o
I thought that guy looked familiar.(When quoting you)
:D ;D ::) ;)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 11/30/08 at 7:03 pm
How about this guy?
Is he more of a "secret Asian?" ???
Man, I would never ever shave my head bald. :D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 7:05 pm
TOO Asian ? (there IS such a thing ... and in ANY case ??? ).
::) Thanks for the 'lead' ... Howard ! ::)
Hang on ... maybe I owe Howard an apology. Just managed to take a pic of that 'mystery man'. Here, I've uploaded it for you guys.
Looks like this 'Step-Chan' guy never really existed ... but is just a second account ... an alias for .........
??? :o :-X
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 11/30/08 at 7:06 pm
Hang on ... maybe I owe Howard an apology. Just managed to take a pic of that 'mystery man'. Here, I've uploaded it for you guys.
Looks like this 'Step-Chan' guy never really existed ... but is just a second account ... an alias for .........
??? :o :-X
Who is that person you put on there?(PM me if it's not allowed to be discussed on here)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 7:07 pm
Man, I would never ever shave my head bald. :D
Bald head INDEED 'Rice' 'Stephen' ... you've just been 'out-ed' ! :P
(He's STILL trying to carry on the charade ::) ) .
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 11/30/08 at 7:10 pm
Bald head INDEED 'Rice' 'Stephen' ... you've just been 'out-ed' ! :P
(He's STILL trying to carry on the charade ::) ) .
Nope, Rice Cube doesn't like to save naughty illustrations like I do. ;D
He even commented on something about that along while back(which he never did answer my PMs on).
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 7:14 pm
Nope, Rice Cube doesn't like to save naughty illustrations like I do. ;D
He even commented on something about that along while back(which he never did answer my PMs on).
You could STILL be him ... just set up almost polar opposite identities ... to try for the realism of the 'Step-Chan' character. Until you ACTUALLY get around to posting your pic (and even then ? ) ..... the jury will remain out !
:D ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 11/30/08 at 7:55 pm
You could STILL be him ... just set up almost polar opposite identities ... to try for the realism of the 'Step-Chan' character. Until you ACTUALLY get around to posting your pic (and even then ? ) ..... the jury will remain out !
:D ;D
Well, I wouldn't call different tastes in porn to be polar opposites. :D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 8:05 pm
Well, I wouldn't call different tastes in porn to be polar opposites. :D
You're a smart one Rice Stephen .... you knew going 'polar opposites' .... would have SOME of us .... 'on to you' .... so you decided to go 'polar middling' .
Face it ..... you just
CAN'T win ! :P
:D ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 11/30/08 at 9:34 pm
You're a smart one Rice Stephen .... you knew going 'polar opposites' .... would have SOME of us .... 'on to you' .... so you decided to go 'polar middling' .
Face it ..... you just
CAN'T win ! :P
:D ;D
Well, I think I found a furry version of me, does that help?
(Until I get this computer's problems fixed that is)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/30/08 at 11:54 pm
Maybe Step-Chan, is the Keyser Soze of inthe00's.
The greatest trick, that Step-chan, ever pulled, was convincing inthe00's, that he never existed.
And with like that....
He was gone!
Maybe..... he's really Kevin Spacey!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 11:55 pm
Poor Jamie ^ ^ ... got caught in the 'quote box' ! :P ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/30/08 at 11:57 pm
Yes, I did!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 11/30/08 at 11:59 pm
Maybe Step-Chan.
Maybe..... he's really Kevin Spacey!
If ANYONE'S 'Space
y' ... on THIS site >:(
It's ME ! 8) :P
:D ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: adagio on 12/01/08 at 12:20 am
I gotta roast Step-chan, because he's been here almost 4 years and still no one knows what he looks like.
Is he an International Man Of Mystery?!? :o :o :o
Not Asian that I know of...he posts on amiright.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/01/08 at 12:27 am
Not Asian that I know of...he posts on amiright.
Trust 'professor' Howard to lead us up a blind alley. He makes me think of the accountant in Monty Python ... who wants to be a lion tamer .... mistaking domestic cats ..... for lions. Like Howard ... he wants to go from one profession to another dramatically different one , in one fell swoop !
Howard ...... do NOT quit 'carts' for being a detective .............JUST yet ! >:( 8)
:D ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: adagio on 12/01/08 at 12:27 am
If ANYONE'S 'Space
y' ... on THIS site >:(
It's ME ! 8) :P
:D ;D
NOW I see that card...see it was below the horizon! 8) (like I said)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: adagio on 12/01/08 at 12:29 am
Trust 'professor' Howard to lead us up a blind alley. He makes me think of the accountant in Monty Python ... who wants to be a lion tamer .... mistaking domestic cats ..... for lions. Like Howard ... he wants to go from one profession to another dramatically different one , in one fell swoop !
Howard ...... do NOT quit 'carts' for being a detective .............JUST yet ! >:( 8)
:D ;D
You act like you know his name anyway..hehehehe
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/01/08 at 7:00 am
We'll never know his identity. :(
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/01/08 at 8:05 am
Meat for roasting ?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/01/08 at 12:35 pm
Unless your a vegitarian?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 12/01/08 at 2:23 pm
We'll never know his identity. :(
Well, I still need to fix my computer problem.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/01/08 at 5:52 pm
Well, I still need to fix my computer problem.
Well fix it,What are you waiting for? ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/01/08 at 6:42 pm
Well fix it,What are you waiting for? ::)
We should send Rice Stephen .... a V. I. P. invitation to the 'procrastination' club. He'll fit in PERFECTLY ! 8)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/01/08 at 6:43 pm
As 'president' of that club .... I shall get right on to it !
ANYTIME next year ! :D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/01/08 at 6:44 pm
As 'president' of that club .... I shall get right on to it !
ANYTIME next year ! :D
At the AGM ?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/01/08 at 6:48 pm
As 'president' of that club .... I shall get right on to it !
ANYTIME next year ! :D
Do it now.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/01/08 at 6:51 pm
At the AGM ?
You know ... I've been pondering why are ranks haven't swelled in the procrastination club. :( I wonder if it has ANYTHING to do with my putting off mailing out the promotional leaflets ? :-X
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/01/08 at 6:52 pm
You know ... I've been pondering why are ranks haven't swelled in the procrastination club. :( I wonder if it has ANYTHING to do with my putting off mailing out the promotional leaflets ? :-X
You know ... I've been pondering why are ranks haven't swelled in the procrastination club. :( I wonder if it has ANYTHING to do with my putting off mailing out the promotional leaflets ? :-X
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/01/08 at 6:53 pm
I don't remember leaflets. ???
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/01/08 at 6:54 pm
I don't remember leaflets. ???
I never got any!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/01/08 at 6:54 pm
I never got any!
me neither.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/01/08 at 6:56 pm
me neither.
I thought is that postman again.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/01/08 at 7:03 pm
Do it now.
Do it now ? ??? DO IT NOW ? :o >:( :(
TOTALLY against the ethos of the procrastination club ! >:(
But ....
Me ... 'Bizarro Mister' from 'Down Under' .... explain why me upside down ! ... Me send that invitation out to Bizarro Step Chan PRONTO !
SO 'pronto' ... mailed it to him ... day before him born ! 8)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 12/01/08 at 11:11 pm
Well fix it,What are you waiting for? ::)
I have to have the money and help to do it. ::)
That and I need to back all the images I found to my flashdrives.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 12/01/08 at 11:18 pm
We should send Rice Stephen .... a V. I. P. invitation to the 'procrastination' club. He'll fit in PERFECTLY ! 8)
More like a V. I. P. invitation to the need a better job and getting my privacy back club.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/01/08 at 11:23 pm
More like a V. I. P. invitation to the need a better job and my privacy club.
More like a V. I. P. invitation to the lower class income club.
You changed THAT ^ (edit that was so quick, it hasn't shown ) (WAS .... )
More like a V. I. P. invitation to the lower class income club.
.... but I caught ya ! :P ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 12/01/08 at 11:23 pm
Do it now ? ??? DO IT NOW ? :o >:( :(
TOTALLY against the ethos of the procrastination club ! >:(
But ....
Me ... 'Bizarro Mister' from 'Down Under' .... explain why me upside down ! ... Me send that invitation out to Bizarro Step Chan PRONTO !
SO 'pronto' ... mailed it to him ... day before him born ! 8)
But Bizarro Step-chan didn't open it, Bizarro Step-chan busy reading Bizarro Sabrina online. :D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/01/08 at 11:26 pm
Now that's a club that we can start! ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 12/01/08 at 11:30 pm
You changed THAT ^ (edit that was so quick, it hasn't shown ) (WAS .... )
.... but I caught ya ! :P ;D
I changed it because of what I came up with after posting(not the first time that's happen, I hate it when that happens)... I liked the better job/getting privacy back(in my apartment) better.
I have on several occasions edited a post quick enough to where it didn't show an edit down at the bottom, must have happened in the same minute.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/01/08 at 11:36 pm
I changed it because of what I came up with after posting(not the first time that's happen, I hate it when that happens)... I liked the better job/getting privacy back(in my apartment) better.
I have on several occasions edited a post quick enough to where it didn't show an edit down at the bottom, must have happened in the same minute.
I absolutely DETEST ... when I submit a post ... and within a microsecond of hitting 'post' .... spot a spelling error ... but it is embarrassingly too late ! I seem to do it ALL the time ..
e.g .... mixing up their / there
your /you're
These words SOUND the same .... but .... you know what I mean ?
Ugh !
I end up having to do the edit ... so I don't look TOO stupid / uneducated. Well, I certainly wouldn't want people to get the WRONG idea about me now .... would I ?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: adagio on 12/02/08 at 12:15 am
Maybe the right impression??? ???
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/02/08 at 12:29 am
Maybe the right impression??? ???
One of the most educated 'failures' ... on the planet ! :-X :-[
??? ??? 8)
:D ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: adagio on 12/02/08 at 12:36 am
okaaay! ;)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 8:29 am
Now that's a club that we can start! ;D
Would it be a club that we have to pay?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/02/08 at 8:36 am
Would it be a club that we have to pay?
The BEST things in life are free. Well, that's one of the big lies of today ? :-\\
However, I certainly like 'free' .......... so .......... if YOU wanna pay ::) to join some club ........ BE my guest ! :P ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 8:37 am
What club is that? The Billzy Club? ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/02/08 at 9:31 am
What club is that? The Billzy Club? ::)
To be honest ..... I did not EVEN consider the idea ! :o :-http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/3680/couchpt2.jpg
"Yes How-hard ... I will use EVERYTHING and 'anything' in my pants power .... to 'heal' you ! :) 8)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: karen on 12/02/08 at 10:36 am
You know ... I've been pondering why are ranks haven't swelled in the procrastination club. :( I wonder if it has ANYTHING to do with my putting off mailing out the promotional leaflets ? :-X
I bet a lot of the potential members are like me. I keep putting off posting in the procrastination thread
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/02/08 at 10:37 am
I bet a lot of the potential members are like me. I keep putting off posting in the procrastination thread
Thats the spirit!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/02/08 at 1:56 pm
No, but you can procrastinate paying into it.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 3:39 pm
To be honest ..... I did not EVEN consider the idea ! :o :-http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/3680/couchpt2.jpg
"Yes How-hard ... I will use EVERYTHING and 'anything' in my pants power .... to 'heal' you ! :) 8)
I'm not buying that book. ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/02/08 at 3:40 pm
I'm not buying that book. ::)
It's a best seller!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 3:40 pm
It's a best seller!
But why does it have Billzy and Me on it? ???
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/02/08 at 3:41 pm
But why does it have Billzy and Me on it? ???
It sells more
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/02/08 at 3:42 pm
I'm not buying that book. ::)
You look so relaxed. Was Dr. Billzy gentle with you ? ???
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 3:43 pm
is it about therapy?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/02/08 at 3:43 pm
It's a best seller!
You look so relaxed. Was Dr. Billzy gentle with you ? ???
Will there be a film made of it?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 3:44 pm
Will there be a film made of it?
What's the rating? I hope PG-13.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/02/08 at 3:45 pm
What's the rating? I hope PG-13.
It will be educational.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 3:47 pm
It will be educational.
or maybe it will be a comedy.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/02/08 at 3:48 pm
is it about therapy?
Therapy, passion, excitement !
What's the rating? I hope PG-13.
I believe you and him have a scene ...... :o
I don't think PG-13 quite covers it ? :-X
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/02/08 at 3:49 pm
or maybe it will be a comedy.
A few jokes thrown in?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 3:50 pm
Therapy, passion, excitement !
I believe you and him have a scene ...... :o
I don't think PG-13 quite covers it ? :-X
rated R?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/02/08 at 3:51 pm
A few jokes thrown in?
Hopefully ?
rated R?
Triple x ... at a modest estimate.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 3:53 pm
Hopefully ?
Triple x ... at a modest estimate.
No,too hardcore,lower the rating,please! >:(
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/02/08 at 3:59 pm
Triple x ... at a modest estimate.
Remember it is set on a couch.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 4:04 pm
Remember it is set on a couch.
Aren't we supposed to get off the couch? ???
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/02/08 at 4:05 pm
No,too hardcore,lower the rating,please! >:(
It does get 'hot and steamy' .
Remember it is set on a couch.
I believe he has a vibrator and cuffs built into it ?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/02/08 at 4:10 pm
It does get 'hot and steamy' .
I believe he has a vibrator and cuffs built into it ?
does this take place in a sauna since it's supposed to be "hot and steamy"? ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/02/08 at 4:13 pm
does this take place in a sauna since it's supposed to be "hot and steamy"? ::)
Not necessarily. He has a paddle to get part of your anatomy 'hot'. The room is soundproofed, so your moans of ecstasy .... do not wake up the neighbours. You can REALLY let your hair down, with Dr. Billzy.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/02/08 at 4:18 pm
I believe he has a vibrator and cuffs built into it ?
...and straps?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/02/08 at 4:41 pm
...and straps?
A mandatory item ?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/02/08 at 4:42 pm
A mandatory item ?
...and the buckles?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 12/02/08 at 5:20 pm
I absolutely DETEST ... when I submit a post ... and within a microsecond of hitting 'post' .... spot a spelling error ... but it is embarrassingly too late ! I seem to do it ALL the time ..
e.g .... mixing up their / there
your /you're
These words SOUND the same .... but .... you know what I mean ?
Ugh !
I end up having to do the edit ... so I don't look TOO stupid / uneducated. Well, I certainly wouldn't want people to get the WRONG idea about me now .... would I ?
Yeah, I also saw that I forgot words as well in my post. :D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/03/08 at 8:26 am
Not necessarily. He has a paddle to get part of your anatomy 'hot'. The room is soundproofed, so your moans of ecstasy .... do not wake up the neighbours. You can REALLY let your hair down, with Dr. Billzy.
That should be a good story. ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/03/08 at 9:07 am
Not necessarily. He has a paddle to get part of your anatomy 'hot'. The room is soundproofed, so your moans of ecstasy .... do not wake up the neighbours. You can REALLY let your hair down, with Dr. Billzy.
That should be a good story. ::)
I'm pleased you think so. :)
Coz SOMEBODY http://www.xtremepccentral.com/forums/images/smilies/innocent.gif ............ took a picture ! :-X
??? :o ::)
:D ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/03/08 at 11:22 am
My eyes are burning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/03/08 at 8:16 pm
I'm pleased you think so. :)
Coz SOMEBODY http://www.xtremepccentral.com/forums/images/smilies/innocent.gif ............ took a picture ! :-X
??? :o ::)
:D ;D
Wow,what's he doing down there? :o
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/03/08 at 8:22 pm
Wow,what's he doing down there? :o
I have NO idea . ::) :-X
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/03/08 at 8:26 pm
I have NO idea . ::) :-X
don't play stupid Alan. ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/03/08 at 9:32 pm
http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s78/AL-B_photos/gallery_29_2_61814.gif http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s78/AL-B_photos/gallery_29_2_61814.gif http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s78/AL-B_photos/gallery_29_2_61814.gif
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 12/03/08 at 10:08 pm
No,too hardcore,lower the rating,please! >:(
Don't be like that...
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/03/08 at 10:50 pm
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: adagio on 12/03/08 at 11:40 pm
I have NO idea . ::) :-X
yay...your sig.s fixed Alan ;D ;D ;D
8) 8) 8)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/03/08 at 11:44 pm
yay...your sig.s fixed Alan ;D ;D ;D
8) 8) 8)
Only within the last hour, Belle. Even then ... only because ... it was also finally looking sick ... to MY eyes. Don't know how it was, that I was suddenly seeing what others may have ... for days/ weeks ? :-\\
When I actually got around to it ... it took less than a minute ?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/04/08 at 7:49 am
I still want to know what Billzy was doing there? ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/04/08 at 9:13 am
Good question....
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/04/08 at 8:20 pm
Good question....
Maybe we should ask Alan.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/04/08 at 8:30 pm
Only within the last hour, Belle. Even then ... only because ... it was also finally looking sick ... to MY eyes. Don't know how it was, that I was suddenly seeing what others may have ... for days/ weeks ? :-\\
When I actually got around to it ... it took less than a minute ?
Now I need help with my HO HO HOTTIE - he seems to be to large ??? ??? ??? ???
:o :o :o :o
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
::) ::) ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/04/08 at 9:10 pm
Now I need help with my HO HO HOTTIE - he seems to be to large ??? ??? ??? ???
:o :o :o :o
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
::) ::) ::)
Another job, for 'Sir Billzy' ?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/04/08 at 10:00 pm
Another job, for 'Sir Billzy' ?
Oh no, I ain't sharing - HO HO HOTTIE is all mine ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/04/08 at 10:21 pm
Oh no, I ain't sharing - HO HO HOTTIE is all mine ;D ;D ;D
well, aren't you the greedy one ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/04/08 at 10:30 pm
well, aren't you the greedy one ::)
If only the late John Holmes were about .... he'd probably have enough ... 'to go round' ?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/04/08 at 10:33 pm
If only the late John Holmes were about .... he'd probably have enough ... 'to go round' ?
and then some :o
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/05/08 at 8:04 am
Another job, for 'Sir Billzy' ?
What job is that?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/05/08 at 8:29 am
What job is that?
Slurping down / gargling :-X ... a lot of fresh protein ? ??? :o
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/05/08 at 4:30 pm
Slurping down / gargling :-X ... a lot of fresh protein ? ??? :o
I don't want to know what position that is. 8-P
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: adagio on 12/05/08 at 7:52 pm
What job is that?
Guess?!! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/06/08 at 6:54 am
Guess?!! ;D ;D
male stripper?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/06/08 at 10:30 am
male stripper?
...and his is not talking wallpaper here.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: adagio on 12/06/08 at 11:08 am
But, he's being deliberately obtuse! ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/06/08 at 11:21 am
'Ding dong' merrily on high .... in heaven the BELLES are ringing,
Ding dong! verily the sky is riv'n with Angel singing ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: adagio on 12/06/08 at 4:25 pm
::) ::) ::) ;D ;D ;D (phht...that was an unexpcted laugh)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/06/08 at 4:41 pm
...and his is not talking wallpaper here.
No,DUH! ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: wsmith4 on 12/15/08 at 7:25 pm
I love the last pic of us. SO HOT
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 12/15/08 at 7:39 pm
I love the last pic of us. SO HOT
Isn't it lovely? :P ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/15/08 at 7:40 pm
I love the last pic of us. SO HOT
:( And I was going out of my way ... to try to offend you ! >:(
Glad you liked it, 'SIR Billzy' ! ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/12/09 at 10:10 pm
Since, we had alot of fun, last time, let's reintroduce it.....
Green Lantern, love your litteral use of spacing.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 09/13/09 at 6:50 am
I think I'll roast myself. ;D
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/13/09 at 10:36 am
I think I'll roast myself. ;D
Roasted Howard? Think I'll pass.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/13/09 at 10:37 am
More like McLame!
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 09/14/09 at 5:46 am
Roasted Howard? Think I'll pass.
Not that kind of roast. ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/14/09 at 10:15 am
Not that kind of roast. ::)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/14/09 at 10:17 am
I'll roast Howard then.....
For some reason Howard looks like Elvis in his avatar, before the white jump suit era.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Step-chan on 09/14/09 at 1:17 pm
I'll roast Howard then.....
For some reason Howard looks like Elvis in his avatar, before the white jump suit era.
I can curl my upper lip like Elvis can(not sure if it's on the same side though).
I don't know why I just remembered that.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 09/14/09 at 7:17 pm
I'll roast Howard then.....
For some reason Howard looks like Elvis in his avatar, before the white jump suit era.
what would I look like after?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/15/09 at 3:30 pm
what would I look like after?
Elvis as a used car salesman?
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 09/15/09 at 3:48 pm
Elvis as a used car salesman?
I'm better looking than a car salesman. ;)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/18/09 at 7:41 pm
I'm better looking than a car salesman. ;)
I would have to say so, too.
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: Howard on 09/19/09 at 6:45 am
I would have to say so, too.
and I thank you. :)
Subject: Re: Roast a inthe00er!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/19/09 at 9:00 am
and I thank you. :)
Your welcome.