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Subject: One Hit Wonders and Known One Hit Wonders That Were Not

Written By: whistledog on 07/06/23 at 8:46 pm

I've often debated doing another one hit wonder thread, but this time, you can discuss your favourite one hit wonders, and ones that are known as one hit wonders but actually were not

The question is though, how do you define a one hit wonder?  Some say an artist that only had 1 Top 40 hit, but you'd be surprised the number of songs you might remember being popular that never made the Top 40 or in some cases did not even chart.  I believe a one hit wonder should be an artist that only had 1 charting single, regardless if it made the Top 40 or not, but you be the judge!

Ready... Set... Go!

Subject: Re: One Hit Wonders and Known One Hit Wonders That Were Not

Written By: whistledog on 07/06/23 at 8:56 pm

Here is one that is 100% a one hit wonder as it was the only song they ever released.  The Assembly was a short lived project created by Vince Clarke and producer Eric Radcliffe.  In 1983, they released their only single titled Never Never that featured ex-Undertones singer Feargal Sharkey and it peaked at #4 in the UK and #49 in Canada.  The music reminds me of something from a fairytale story and it just works and I love it!

I have the 12" Single of this on vinyl and it's even better because they took a fantastic song and made it longer.  Yes please!


Subject: Re: One Hit Wonders and Known One Hit Wonders That Were Not

Written By: whistledog on 07/06/23 at 9:06 pm

Speaking of Feargal Sharkey, as a solo artist, he had a few hits in his native UK including the #1 single A Good Heart, which was his only charting song in the US (#74) and Canada (#4).  This is not just one of my favourite songs of the 80s, but one of my favourite songs of all time!  I cannot give this song enough praise!


Subject: Re: One Hit Wonders and Known One Hit Wonders That Were Not

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 07/06/23 at 10:05 pm

I'm still not sure how this thread is different than the other one hit wonder thread. Are you defining "known one hit wonders that were not" (as opposed to "one hit wonders" who are bands/artists that had one top 40 hit)  as "someone who is believed to have been a one hit wonder but really isn't because the song wasn't technically a hit, just a well known song"? Whew!  The "known one hit wonder that was not" or "believed to be a one hit wonder" might be somebody like Andy Williams, who is known for "Moon River", and presumably people think it was a hit at some point, but, although it was on his 1962 album "Moon River and Other Great Movie Themes", it was actually never even released as a single. Is this what we're talking about? I still think it's redundant with the other thread.

Subject: Re: One Hit Wonders and Known One Hit Wonders That Were Not

Written By: whistledog on 07/07/23 at 8:08 am

I didn't know another one hit wonder thread had been started recently, but feel free to discuss anything one hit wonder related

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