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Subject: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/11/22 at 4:57 pm

This topic is in part inspired by Your Favorite Songs From the Year You Graduated High School but expands on the idea.  Instead of focusing on a calendar year, it delimits by school year (including the summer that follows).  It's for any school years where you were old enough to follow the current music of the day.

The topic is about celebrating those special songs, the ones you loved as a student, the ones that take you back.  Post your entry, and not only might the rest of us get to know you more, you might just learn something new about yourself.

You can participate in one of two ways:

Option 1 - when you have the time and energy to be comprehensive.  For the selected school year, post your grade and also the calendar years.  If you like, tell a synopsis of the highlights/lowlights of that school year.  Then post a playlist of roughly 7 to 15 favorite songs that were your "soundtrack" that year.  Embed one or two special representative songs (i.e. make them clickable YouTubes).  You can hyperlink others if you like, or just list them, it's up to you.  That's about it.

Option 2 - if you want to post just one or two representative songs for a school year, or add on based on a prior post.  As in option 1, post the grade and calendar years, and optionally something descriptive.  Then embed your one (or two) song(s).  That's it.

(I recommend also listing the title separately on embedded YouTubes, as sometimes they disappear.)

You can always add to your list later in another post, even for the same school year, if that's easier.

One thing - please don't post you were in 1st Grade and then list all your fave Disney princess songs.  That's not the point.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/11/22 at 5:03 pm

My year - High School Sophomore (Fall 1974 - Summer 1975)

My sophomore year was challenging in that I changed schools that year.  So everyone and everything was new.  Plus I now had a long, complicated commute to and from school, unlike before.  It took some time to get acclimated.  But it was a great year for music.  That's the backdrop.

My playlist:

I had a hard time whittling down my list, but this is a pretty representative group of songs I loved then:

John Lennon - #9 Dream

LaBelle - Lady Marmalade

Carole King - Jazzman
Carl Carlton - Everlasting Love
Harry Chapin - Cat's In The Cradle
Billy Swan - I Can Help
Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds - Fallin' In Love
Eagles - Best Of My Love
Sugarloaf - Don't Call Us, We'll Call You
Phoebe Snow - Poetry Man
Sweet Sensation - Sad Sweet Dreamer
Earth, Wind & Fire - Shining Star
Queen - Killer Queen
Elton John - Philadelphia Freedom
David Bowie - Young Americans
Ace - How Long
Pilot - Magic
America - Sister Golden Hair
Wings - Listen To What The Man Said

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: Contigo on 10/13/22 at 4:56 pm

1974-75 was the year I graduated . So many of those songs are very familiar to me :)
I will try and come up with a Different year in high school and list a few songs

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/14/22 at 1:53 pm

10th grade (1978-1979):

I will do a list later but two songs jumped out at me that year in a strange way-and they were by the same group who I never heard of before.

The first one was at a party that I went with my then boyfriend. It was funny because his mother was there, too and I remember she was drinking bloody Marys. Anyway, someone turned on a new record they had and when the song started, I got up to dance. It could have been because I was a bit buzzed at the time. Everyone complemented me on my dancing when the song was done.

It was the following week and I was sitting in English class. It was a nice day and the windows were opened. I don't know if we were taking a test or just reading but the room was pretty quiet. But, there were people outside the school and they had their car radio going and a song come on. I KNEW it was the same group who sang that song that I danced to at the party but I had no idea what the name was.

To this day, whenever I hear either song, I think of the party and sitting in English hearing the music outside the window.

I later found out that the first song was Roxanne (for a short period of time, Roxanne became my nickname-not too sure how it started. Probably because of the party.)

The other song was I Can't Stand Losing You. And of course both are done by the Police.


Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/14/22 at 2:46 pm

10th grade (1978-1979):

I will do a list later but two songs jumped out at me that year in a strange way-and they were by the same group who I never heard of before.

The first one was at a party that I went with my then boyfriend. It was funny because his mother was there, too and I remember she was drinking bloody Marys. Anyway, someone turned on a new record they had and when the song started, I got up to dance. It could have been because I was a bit buzzed at the time. Everyone complemented me on my dancing when the song was done.

It was the following week and I was sitting in English class. It was a nice day and the windows were opened. I don't know if we were taking a test or just reading but the room was pretty quiet. But, there were people outside the school and they had their car radio going and a song come on. I KNEW it was the same group who sang that song that I danced to at the party but I had no idea what the name was.

To this day, whenever I hear either song, I think of the party and sitting in English hearing the music outside the window.

I later found out that the first song was Roxanne (for a short period of time, Roxanne became my nickname-not too sure how it started. Probably because of the party.)

The other song was I Can't Stand Losing You. And of course both are done by the Police.


O0 Love that story!

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: Contigo on 10/15/22 at 1:26 pm

1972-73 school year
That's 50 years ago  :-[

11th grade for me
There were some great songs that school year. Included are

Tie a yellow ribbon - Tony Orlando
Reeling in the years - Steely Dan
Crocodile Rock- Elton John
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie Wonder
Love Train - O'Jays
You're so vain - Carly Simon
I am woman - Helen Reddy
Clair- Gilbert O'Sullivan
Yesterday once more - Carpenters

Pink Floyd's dark side of the moon was released in 1973 I believe. Led Zeppelin's houses of the holy as well. I believe the Sears Tower in Chicago and World trade center in NY both opened up in 1973 .

The school year started off on a sad note with the shooting at the Munich summer Olympics.   
I cant remember what concerts I saw that year, just too long ago.  I had a girlfriend for part of the year, she didnt attend my school though, neighborhood girl.
It was one of the last music years I really liked, before disco arrived on the scene.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/25/22 at 10:23 pm

1972-73 school year
That's 50 years ago  :-[

11th grade for me
There were some great songs that school year. Included are

Tie a yellow ribbon - Tony Orlando
Reeling in the years - Steely Dan
Crocodile Rock- Elton John
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie Wonder
Love Train - O'Jays
You're so vain - Carly Simon
I am woman - Helen Reddy
Clair- Gilbert O'Sullivan
Yesterday once more - Carpenters

Pink Floyd's dark side of the moon was released in 1973 I believe. Led Zeppelin's houses of the holy as well. I believe the Sears Tower in Chicago and World trade center in NY both opened up in 1973 .

The school year started off on a sad note with the shooting at the Munich summer Olympics.   
I cant remember what concerts I saw that year, just too long ago.  I had a girlfriend for part of the year, she didnt attend my school though, neighborhood girl.
It was one of the last music years I really liked, before disco arrived on the scene.

O0 Love this post!

As it happens, the time period of your 11th Grade lines up with my 8th Grade school year.  I may have to circle back and add a post about 8th Grade.  First, I'll cover another school year of mine.  :)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/25/22 at 10:26 pm

My year - 7th Grade (Fall 1971 - Summer 1972)

7th Grade was decent, despite that like my sophomore year, I was in a new school and everyone and everything was new.  Since the family had just moved, this change was expected and welcome.  A peculiarity of 7th Grade is that I had a "null" period where I had logistic challenges listening to the radio, as (for instance) my old transistor radio no longer picked up my stations; it took some time to work this out, and I missed some popular Top 40 music (until later).

My playlist:

Here's a pretty representative (and long) list of songs I love from then:

Jackson Browne - Doctor My Eyes (Early 1972)  :)

Bill Withers - Lean On Me (Spring 1972)  :)

Neil Young - Old Man
Elton John - Rocket Man
Van Morrison - Wild Night
Paul Simon - Mother And Child Reunion
Al Green - Look What You've Done For Me
T. Rex - Bang A Gong (Get It On)
Yes - Roundabout
America - Horse With No Name
Don McLean - American Pie
Stylistics - Betcha By Golly Wow
Badfinger - Day After Day
Todd Rundgren - I Saw The Light
Cat Stevens - Peace Train
Aretha Franklin - Rock Steady
Jonathan Edwards - Sunshine
Joan Baez - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
Rolling Stones - Tumbling Dice

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 10/25/22 at 11:57 pm

Okay, let me see if I'm doing this right...

The school year: 1993-94 (8th grade for me)

It was overall an enjoyable time for me; I admit I got hooked on listening to top 40 radio thanks to my mom who often played it in the car as she drove me to school... especially after the Northridge Earthquake which displaced us from our home for a three-month span.

"All That She Wants" Ace Of Base

"Cantaloop/Flip Fantasia" by US3

The rest (in no particular order):
Cryin' - Aerosmith
Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms
The Sign - Ace Of Base
Whatta Man - Salt N Pepa
Whoomp, There It Is! - Tag Team
Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
Mr. Vain - Culture Beat
Don't Turn Around - Ace Of Base
If You Go - Jon Secada
Loser - Beck
Wild Night - John Mellencamp featuring Me'shell Ndegeocello

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/26/22 at 9:28 pm

Okay, let me see if I'm doing this right...

The school year: 1993-94 (8th grade for me)

It was overall an enjoyable time for me; I admit I got hooked on listening to top 40 radio thanks to my mom who often played it in the car as she drove me to school... especially after the Northridge Earthquake which displaced us from our home for a three-month span.

"All That She Wants" Ace Of Base
"Cantaloop/Flip Fantasia" by US3
The rest (in no particular order):
Cryin' - Aerosmith
Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms
The Sign - Ace Of Base
Whatta Man - Salt N Pepa
Whoomp, There It Is! - Tag Team
Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
Mr. Vain - Culture Beat
Don't Turn Around - Ace Of Base
If You Go - Jon Secada
Loser - Beck
Wild Night - John Mellencamp featuring Me'shell Ndegeocello

O0 Love your post!  Yes, it is exactly "right".

Interesting hearing about being affected by the '94 Northridge quake; some close relatives of mine were also heavily impacted by that dreadful quake.  :-\\

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 10/26/22 at 10:55 pm

O0 Love your post!  Yes, it is exactly "right".

Interesting hearing about being affected by the '94 Northridge quake; some close relatives of mine were also heavily impacted by that dreadful quake.  :-\\


Yes… I was living in a mobile home, which certainly was “mobile” when the quake struck! It got knocked off the foundation and needed serious repairs, so we spent the next three months living in hotels.

Full story in another thread:

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: whistledog on 10/27/22 at 11:15 pm

I entered Grade 9 for the 1991-1992 school year.  I wasn't a big music guy back then as I only really listened to what was on the radio and only even did that whenever I was in a place where a radio was on, so most of the songs I liked then, I didn't know the artist or song title (I've since rectified that).

My mom had this cassette tape called This is Music '92 that I liked listening to.  It was a various artist collection containing 14 Top 40 hits of the time, and the standout track for me was called Everybody Gets A Second Chance by Mike + The Mechanics.  As much as I am a die hard 80s fan, this will always be my favourite song by them


Another standout track on that album for me was called Standing, Push and Fall by a Quebec band called World on Edge.  They looked like a hair metal act, but they did pop songs and ballads and at the time this song was massive in Canada and it still sounds great today!


Interestingly enough, as many years had passed, that tape got lost but one day while I was in the parking lot of a Mr. Sub sandwich shop, suddenly that song Standing, Push and Fall randomly popped into my head, and I couldn't remember who performed it, so I googled it on my phone.  This was before you could just go on YouTube and get any song you wanted, so luckily, I had remembered seeing a World on Edge cassette tape at my local Goodwill thrift shop and sure enough, I did. 

Best 50c I ever spent as when I listened to it, there were 3 other songs on it that I remembered from radio, and one of my most favourite things ever is hearing a song I haven't heard in years!

1991-1992 was a real good time for music.  Here are some others in that time that I really enjoyed...

Rik Emmett - Saved By Love
Timmy T - One More Try
Kim Mitchell - America
Haywire - Buzz
Right Said Fred - Don't Talk Just Kiss
Keven Jordan - Just Another Day
Chesney Hawkes - The One And Only
West End Girls - Not Like Kissing You
Stacy Earl - Romeo and Juliet
Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - Good Vibrations
Crash Test Dummies - Superman's Song
Celine Dion - Have A Heart
Prince and the New Power Generation - Cream
Harem Scarem - Slowly Slipping Away
Big House - Dollar In My Pocket (Pretty Things)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 10/29/22 at 11:34 pm

I'm going to make another contribution to this thread.

Moving my 9th grade year, 1994-95. (For me that was my freshman year of high school.)

There were plenty of enjoyable songs that I enjoyed listening to during that span; it's kinda hard for me to pick a "top two" to embed. After a great deal of consideration, I've decided on these two:

"All I Wanna Do" Sheryl Crow

"Lucky One" by Amy Grant

(Both were popular in the late summer, right around the time my school year began.)

The rest (in no particular order):
Living In Danger - Ace Of Base
Here Comes The Hotstepper - Ini Kamoze
I'm The Only One - Melissa Etheridge
When I Come Around - Green Day
What Would You Say - Dave Matthews Band
Buddy Holly - Weezer
Hold My Hand - Hootie & The Blowfish
Secret - Madonna
Take A Bow - Madonna
You Gotta Be - Des'Ree
You Got It - Bonnie Raitt (cover of Roy Orbison's final hit)
I Alone - Live
Creep - TLC
No More I Love You's - Annie Lennox
I Know - Dionne Farris
Tootsee Roll - 69 Boyz
I'll Be There For You (Theme from 'Friends') - The Rembrandts

And a few notables left over from the summer of 1994:
I Swear - All 4 One (this one actually came out during my final months of 8th grade, but it was still on the charts in September, when I began 9th)
Until I Fall Away - Gin Blossoms
Shine - Collective Soul
I'll Remember - Madonna
Stay (I Missed You) - Lisa Loeb
Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Elton John

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/06/22 at 9:23 pm

I entered Grade 9 for the 1991-1992 school year.  I wasn't a big music guy back then as I only really listened to what was on the radio and only even did that whenever I was in a place where a radio was on, so most of the songs I liked then, I didn't know the artist or song title (I've since rectified that).

My mom had this cassette tape called This is Music '92 that I liked listening to.  It was a various artist collection containing 14 Top 40 hits of the time, and the standout track for me was called Everybody Gets A Second Chance by Mike + The Mechanics.  As much as I am a die hard 80s fan, this will always be my favourite song by them

Another standout track on that album for me was called Standing, Push and Fall by a Quebec band called World on Edge.  They looked like a hair metal act, but they did pop songs and ballads and at the time this song was massive in Canada and it still sounds great today!

Interestingly enough, as many years had passed, that tape got lost but one day while I was in the parking lot of a Mr. Sub sandwich shop, suddenly that song Standing, Push and Fall randomly popped into my head, and I couldn't remember who performed it, so I googled it on my phone.  This was before you could just go on YouTube and get any song you wanted, so luckily, I had remembered seeing a World on Edge cassette tape at my local Goodwill thrift shop and sure enough, I did. 

Best 50c I ever spent as when I listened to it, there were 3 other songs on it that I remembered from radio, and one of my most favourite things ever is hearing a song I haven't heard in years!

1991-1992 was a real good time for music.  Here are some others in that time that I really enjoyed...

Rik Emmett - Saved By Love
Timmy T - One More Try
Kim Mitchell - America
Haywire - Buzz
Right Said Fred - Don't Talk Just Kiss
Keven Jordan - Just Another Day
Chesney Hawkes - The One And Only
West End Girls - Not Like Kissing You
Stacy Earl - Romeo and Juliet
Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - Good Vibrations
Crash Test Dummies - Superman's Song
Celine Dion - Have A Heart
Prince and the New Power Generation - Cream
Harem Scarem - Slowly Slipping Away
Big House - Dollar In My Pocket (Pretty Things)

O0 Nice list, whistledog!  Hyperlinking the songs is a nice touch.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/06/22 at 9:27 pm

1972-73 school year
11th grade for me
There were some great songs that school year. Included are

Tie a yellow ribbon - Tony Orlando
Reeling in the years - Steely Dan
Crocodile Rock- Elton John
You are the sunshine of my life - Stevie Wonder
Love Train - O'Jays
You're so vain - Carly Simon
I am woman - Helen Reddy
Clair- Gilbert O'Sullivan
Yesterday once more - Carpenters

Pink Floyd's dark side of the moon was released in 1973 I believe. Led Zeppelin's houses of the holy as well. I believe the Sears Tower in Chicago and World trade center in NY both opened up in 1973 .

Fall 1972 to Summer 1973 was my 8th Grade schoolyear.  Personally, 8th Grade was a little sad for me, let's call it a serious case of unrequited love.

I too loved the music!  By 8th Grade I listened constantly, and even bought a 45 or two.  The above list is excellent; some of my other favorites:

Chicago - Dialogue (Fall 1972)

War - The Cisco Kid (early 1973)

Pink Floyd - Money
Leon Russell - Tight Rope
Skylark - Wildflower
Doobie Brothers - Long Train Runnin'
Main Ingredient - Everybody Plays The Fool
Moody Blues - I'm Just A Singer (In A Rock And Roll Band)
Three Dog Night - Shambala
Jethro Tull - Living In The Past
King Harvest - Dancing In The Moonlight
Rod Stewart - You Wear It Well
George Harrison - Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)
Billy Preston - Will It Go Round In Circles
Albert Hammond - It Never Rains In Southern California

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 11/06/22 at 9:30 pm

O0 Nice list, whistledog!  Hyperlinking the songs is a nice touch.

Doing so was a suggestion in the introductory post (and you've even done so). I for one have not taken the time to do it, but I have contemplated doing so in the next reply that I make. :)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/06/22 at 9:35 pm

Doing so was a suggestion in the introductory post (and you've even done so). I for one have not taken the time to do it, but I have contemplated doing so in the next reply that I make. :)

It's certainly not required - and I admit it does take more time.  But when you have the time to, it's a nice touch.  :)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 11/06/22 at 11:02 pm

Moving on to 1995-96, my sophomore year of high school.

This was when I started getting acquainted with Casey Kasem and his weekly countdown shows. The one he was hosting at the time, "American Hot 20", focused on Adult pop hits, and included several "long distance dedication" segments. I was still an avid listener of top 40 in general.

To start with...

"Roll To Me" by Del Amitri (this one jumped out at me at the time because it was one of the shortest hit songs, at just a shade over two minutes long):

...and "Give Me One Reason" by Tracy Chapman:

Some left over from the summer months:
Runaround - Blues Traveler
Waterfalls - TLC
Kiss From A Rose - Seal
December - Collective Soul

And the rest (in no particular order):
One Of Us - Joan Osborne
Only Wanna Be With You - Hootie & The Blowfish
Till I Hear It From You - Gin Blossoms
A Girl Like You - Edwyn Collins
Good - Better Than Ezra
As I Lay Me Down - Sophie B Hawkins ("Who loves tacos!")
Back For Good - Take That
Wonderwall - Oasis
The World I Know - Collective Soul
Time - Hootie & The Blowfish
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
Follow You Down - Gin Blossoms
Runaway - Janet Jackson
Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion
Hook - Blues Traveler
Name - Goo Goo Dolls
Closer To Free - Bodeans
Set U Free - Planet Soul
Tell Me - Groove Theory
Carnival - Natalie Merchant
Wonder - Natalie Merchant
Insensitive - Jann Arden
Somebody's Crying - Chris Isaak
Nobody Knows - Tony Rich Project
Just A Girl - No Doubt
Big Me - Foo Fighters
Alanis Morissette: "Hand In My Pocket", "Ironic" and "You Learn" (I decided not to link to these because I think I have plenty of them already)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/07/22 at 8:56 am

Moving on to 1995-96, my sophomore year of high school.

This was when I started getting acquainted with Casey Kasem and his weekly countdown shows. The one he was hosting at the time, "American Hot 20", focused on Adult pop hits, and included several "long distance dedication" segments. I was still an avid listener of top 40 in general.

To start with...

"Roll To Me" by Del Amitri (this one jumped out at me at the time because it was one of the shortest hit songs, at just a shade over two minutes long):
...and "Give Me One Reason" by Tracy Chapman:
Some left over from the summer months:
Runaround - Blues Traveler
Waterfalls - TLC
Kiss From A Rose - Seal
December - Collective Soul

And the rest (in no particular order):
One Of Us - Joan Osborne
Only Wanna Be With You - Hootie & The Blowfish
Till I Hear It From You - Gin Blossoms
A Girl Like You - Edwyn Collins
Good - Better Than Ezra
As I Lay Me Down - Sophie B Hawkins ("Who loves tacos!")
Back For Good - Take That
Wonderwall - Oasis
The World I Know - Collective Soul
Time - Hootie & The Blowfish
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
Follow You Down - Gin Blossoms
Runaway - Janet Jackson
Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion
Hook - Blues Traveler
Name - Goo Goo Dolls
Closer To Free - Bodeans
Set U Free - Planet Soul
Tell Me - Groove Theory
Carnival - Natalie Merchant
Wonder - Natalie Merchant
Insensitive - Jann Arden
Somebody's Crying - Chris Isaak
Alanis Morissette: "Hand In My Pocket", "Ironic" and "You Learn" (I decided not to link to these because I think I have plenty of them already)

O0 Great post!  There are songs in your list where I'd heard the song and like it but didn't know what it was til now.  I appreciate that!

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 11/07/22 at 7:23 pm

O0 Great post!  There are songs in your list where I'd heard the song and like it but didn't know what it was til now.  I appreciate that!

Yeah, I had plenty of favorites during that fiscal year. I might insert a few because I just remembered there were others I liked from that span. Glad my links were helpful.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/11/22 at 9:35 pm

This time I'll cover my n-th year of college (long story) from Fall 1982 to Summer 1983.  Life changed so much for me during winter break, I'm only covering Fall 1982.  Before winter break, I was a "half and half" student, working part time at a government office and taking a part time load of college courses.  After winter break, I started my first semester of student "co-op" employment, basically a paid, repeated internship with a corporate employer.  I was delighted to co-op; I had to interview with several employers, and my "favorite" one hired me.  :)  I digress.

I had generally stopped listening to Top 40 radio by this time.  However, during Fall 1982 I took a Physics class with a lab; this lab had a radio continuously playing hit music.  The songs from that timeframe take me back to that semester:

Fleetwood Mac - Hold Me

The Clash - Rock The Casbah

Supertramp - It's Raining Again
Hall & Oates - Maneater
Crosby, Stills & Nash - Southern Cross
Dionne Warwick - Heartbreaker
Men At Work - Who Can It Be Now?
Alan Parsons Project - Eye In the Sky
Laura Branigan - Gloria
America - You Can Do Magic
Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran (So Far Away)
Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out
John Cougar (AKA Mellencamp) - Jack & Diane

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 11/11/22 at 11:47 pm

^ Great selections, all of them!! O0 (I was only 2 then, but I know all those songs now!)

I have contemplated doing a post based on one of my college years, but I'd like to get through my highschool years first.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/12/22 at 1:29 pm

^ Yes, college counts!  So long as you had an avenue to listen to current (of the time) music.

(Many college students abandon current music in favor of "niche" sounds that grab them, myself included.  That even applies to younger students, though not as many.)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 11/12/22 at 3:46 pm

Moving on to my junior year of high school (1996-97).

Even though I was still aware of most hits that were current at the time, I also began getting acquainted with older songs (particularly those of the 1980s) and began enjoying them. Still, for the purpose of this thread, I will only keep it to songs from the fiscal year I'm focusing on.

First of all, a few hits left over from the summer that were still on the charts in September:
Change The World - Eric Clapton
Standing Outside A Broken Phonebooth With Money In My Hand - Primitive Radio Gods
I Love You Always Forever - Donna Lewis
Macarena - Los Del Rio (this one actually got its first share of radio airplay a year earlier, in summer 1995, but became a big hit a year later)
Flood - Jars Of Clay
Spiderwebs - No Doubt
Who Will Save Your Soul - Jewel

And now, the two "representative" songs I'm selecting:
"If It Makes You Happy" by Sheryl Crow

"How Do I Live" by LeAnn Rimes

...and the rest, in no particular order:
Every Day Is A Winding Road - Sheryl Crow
A Change Would Do You Good - Sheryl Crow
Head Over Feet - Alanis Morissette
I Go Blind - Hootie & The Blowfish
Don't Speak - No Doubt
No Diggity - Blackstreet
Barely Breathing - Duncan Sheik
Lovefool - The Cardigans
You Were Meant For Me - Jewel
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Where Have All The Cowboys Gone - Paula Cole
Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews Band
One Headlight - The Wallflowers
Naked Eye - Luscious Jackson
Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai
The Impression That I Get - Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Push - Matchbox Twenty

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/12/22 at 8:16 pm

Moving on to my junior year of high school (1996-97).

Even though I was still aware of most hits that were current at the time, I also began getting acquainted with older songs (particularly those of the 1980s) and began enjoying them. Still, for the purpose of this thread, I will only keep it to songs from the fiscal year I'm focusing on.

First of all, a few hits left over from the summer that were still on the charts in September:
Change The World - Eric Clapton
Standing Outside A Broken Phonebooth With Money In My Hand - Primitive Radio Gods
I Love You Always Forever - Donna Lewis
Macarena - Los Del Rio (this one actually got its first share of radio airplay a year earlier, in summer 1995, but became a big hit a year later)
Flood - Jars Of Clay
Spiderwebs - No Doubt
Who Will Save Your Soul - Jewel

And now, the two "representative" songs I'm selecting:
"If It Makes You Happy" by Sheryl Crow
"How Do I Live" by LeAnn Rimes

...and the rest, in no particular order:
Every Day Is A Winding Road - Sheryl Crow
A Change Would Do You Good - Sheryl Crow
Head Over Feet - Alanis Morissette
I Go Blind - Hootie & The Blowfish
Don't Speak - No Doubt
No Diggity - Blackstreet
Barely Breathing - Duncan Sheik
Lovefool - The Cardigans
You Were Meant For Me - Jewel
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Where Have All The Cowboys Gone - Paula Cole
Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews Band
One Headlight - The Wallflowers
Naked Eye - Luscious Jackson
Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai

O0 Great post, nally!  I enjoy reading it.  And like the previous posts, I found songs I've heard but didn't know what they are until now.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 11/12/22 at 11:47 pm

I enjoy reading it. And like the previous posts, I found songs I've heard but didn't know what they are until now.

Thanks again! :) And as I’ve said previously, I’m glad my links have been helpful to you.

This thread has been lots of fun to contribute to.


Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/14/22 at 1:34 pm

Ninth grade:

(No order)

-We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions-Queen
-Thicker Than Water-Andy Gibb
-I Go Crazy-Paul Davis
-Don't Give Up On Us Baby-David Soul
-Landlord-David Soul
-Emotion-Samantha Sang
-If I Can't Have You-Yvonne Elliman
-Love Is Like Oxygen-Sweet
-It's A Heartache-Bonnie Tyler
-Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad-Meatloaf
-Sometimes When We Touch-Dan Hill
-Hot Blooded-Foreigner
-Long, Long Way From Home-Foreigner
-Feels Like The First Time-Foreigner
-Dust In The Wind-Kansas
-Come Sail Away-Styx
-Castle Walls-Styx
-Man In The Wilderness-Styx
-Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue-Crystal Gayle
-Because The Night-Patti Smith
-Copacabana-Barry Manilow (Yeah, I confess lol)
-Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood-Santa Esmeralda

I'm sure there were more from this year.

(And yeah, I know this dates me. I HATE when I do that.)


Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/14/22 at 7:39 pm

Ninth grade:

(No order)

-We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions-Queen
-Thicker Than Water-Andy Gibb
-I Go Crazy-Paul Davis
-Don't Give Up On Us Baby-David Soul
-Landlord-David Soul
-Emotion-Samantha Sang
-If I Can't Have You-Yvonne Elliman
-Love Is Like Oxygen-Sweet
-It's A Heartache-Bonnie Tyler
-Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad-Meatloaf
-Sometimes When We Touch-Dan Hill
-Hot Blooded-Foreigner
-Long, Long Way From Home-Foreigner
-Feels Like The First Time-Foreigner
-Dust In The Wind-Kansas
-Come Sail Away-Styx
-Castle Walls-Styx
-Man In The Wilderness-Styx
-Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue-Crystal Gayle
-Because The Night-Patti Smith
-Copacabana-Barry Manilow (Yeah, I confess lol)
-Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood-Santa Esmeralda

I'm sure there were more from this year.

(And yeah, I know this dates me. I HATE when I do that.)


O0 Great list!  The timeframe appears to be Fall 1977 to Summer 1978, as that lines up with when I was in my first year at University.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/19/22 at 9:19 pm

My year - High School Sophomore (Fall 1974 - Summer 1975)

My sophomore year was challenging in that I changed schools that year.  So everyone and everything was new.  Plus I now had a long, complicated commute to and from school, unlike before.  It took some time to get acclimated.  But it was a great year for music.  That's the backdrop.

My playlist:

I had a hard time whittling down my list, but this is a pretty representative group of songs I loved then:

John Lennon - #9 Dream

LaBelle - Lady Marmalade

Carole King - Jazzman
Carl Carlton - Everlasting Love
Harry Chapin - Cat's In The Cradle
Billy Swan - I Can Help
Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds - Fallin' In Love
Eagles - Best Of My Love
Sugarloaf - Don't Call Us, We'll Call You
Phoebe Snow - Poetry Man
Sweet Sensation - Sad Sweet Dreamer
Earth, Wind & Fire - Shining Star
Queen - Killer Queen
Elton John - Philadelphia Freedom
David Bowie - Young Americans
Ace - How Long
Pilot - Magic
America - Sister Golden Hair
Wings - Listen To What The Man Said

High School Sophomore year revisited.  As I'd whittled down the original list so much, I decided to add additional tunes to the original list to round it out more.  Here are a few more special tunes from my Sophomore year:

Stevie Wonder - You Haven't Done Nothin'

Olivia Newton-John - Have You Never Been Mellow

Chicago - Wishing You Were Here
Barry White - You're The First, The Last, My Everything
Jethro Tull - Bungle In The Jungle
Frankie Valli - My Eyes Adored You
Ringo Starr - No No Song
Grand Funk - Bad Time
Ozark Mountain Daredevils - Jackie Blue
Sweet - Ballroom Blitz

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 12/04/22 at 11:03 pm

Finally I've figured out, but it took a long long time...

Yes, I'm talking about my list for my high school senior year (1997-98). It was a busy time for me; still, there are plenty of notable songs I remember and enjoyed from that span. Fasten your seatbelts, this is gonna be a long list.

Starting with some summer 1997 hits that remained on the charts into September:
All For You - Sister Hazel (the opening line of which, begins this post; full song here so you can have a listen)
Building A Mystery - Sarah McLachlan
How Bizarre - O.M.C.
Men In Black - Will Smith
Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind
Sunny Came Home - Shawn Colvin
To The Moon And Back - Savage Garden
The Difference - The Wallflowers
Fly - Sugar Ray

And now, on to the school year months (September 1997 thru June 1998). Starting off with:
"Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden

"Frozen" by Madonna

...and the rest, in no particular order:
I Don't Want To Wait - Paula Cole
Walkin' On The Sun - Smash Mouth
Takes A Little Time - Amy Grant
Tubthumping - Chumbawamba
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve
Brick - Ben Folds Five
How's It Going To Be - Third Eye Blind
I Will Buy You A New Life - Everclear
3 A.M. - Matchbox Twenty
Real World - Matchbox Twenty
Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) - Green Day
Sweet Surrender - Sarah McLachlan
Adia - Sarah McLachlan
The Mummers' Dance - Loreena McKennitt
Gettin' Jiggy With It - Will Smith
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia
Zoot Suit Riot - Cherry Poppin' Daddies
Sex & Candy - Marcy Playground
The Way - Fastball
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Uninvited - Alanis Morissette
Crush - Jennifer Paige
Kind And Generous - Natalie Merchant
Closing Time - Semisonic

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/05/22 at 10:05 pm

Finally I've figured out, but it took a long long time...

Yes, I'm talking about my list for my high school senior year (1997-98). It was a busy time for me; still, there are plenty of notable songs I remember and enjoyed from that span. Fasten your seatbelts, this is gonna be a long list.

Starting with some summer 1997 hits that remained on the charts into September:
All For You - Sister Hazel (the opening line of which, begins this post; full song here so you can have a listen)
Building A Mystery - Sarah McLachlan
How Bizarre - O.M.C.
Men In Black - Will Smith
Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind
Sunny Came Home - Shawn Colvin
To The Moon And Back - Savage Garden
The Difference - The Wallflowers
Fly - Sugar Ray

And now, on to the school year months (September 1997 thru June 1998). Starting off with:
"Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden
"Frozen" by Madonna
...and the rest, in no particular order:
I Don't Want To Wait - Paula Cole
Walkin' On The Sun - Smash Mouth
Takes A Little Time - Amy Grant
Tubthumping - Chumbawamba
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve
Brick - Ben Folds Five
How's It Going To Be - Third Eye Blind
I Will Buy You A New Life - Everclear
3 A.M. - Matchbox Twenty
Real World - Matchbox Twenty
Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) - Green Day
Sweet Surrender - Sarah McLachlan
Adia - Sarah McLachlan
The Mummers' Dance - Loreena McKennitt
Gettin' Jiggy With It - Will Smith
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia
Zoot Suit Riot - Cherry Poppin' Daddies
Sex & Candy - Marcy Playground
The Way - Fastball
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Uninvited - Alanis Morissette
Crush - Jennifer Paige
Kind And Generous - Natalie Merchant
Closing Time - Semisonic

O0 Great list, Jeffrey!  I like how the summer of '97 leads into the schoolyear.  Wonderful!  It occurs to me that early 1998 is when I got married, so your list would include songs popular when I tied the knot.  I love it!

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 12/05/22 at 11:26 pm

O0 Great list, Jeffrey!  I like how the summer of '97 leads into the schoolyear.  Wonderful!  It occurs to me that early 1998 is when I got married, so your list would include songs popular when I tied the knot.  I love it!

Thank you! :) Yep, I’ve been prefacing most of my lists with hits from the summer months, figuring that would make logical sense. And it just so happened that the opening lyrics of one such song (“All For You” by Sister Hazel) appropriately expressed the fact that preparing my list was not exactly an easy task. Still, all of these were popular all over the radio during my senior year. And I’m pretty sure I heard all of them at least once at my graduation party; I had the radio tuned to a particular station that I listened to regularly at the time.

And I’m glad to know that this list takes you back to a significant event in your life!! (That means you are fast approaching your 25th anniversary!!!)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/17/22 at 5:53 pm

...I’m glad to know that this list takes you back to a significant event in your life!! (That means you are fast approaching your 25th anniversary!!!)

Thanks for noticing our upcoming anniversary, Jeffrey!  :)  We're hoping to do something big...

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/17/22 at 5:59 pm

This time I'll cover my 2nd year at University (unfortunately not my alma mater) from Fall 1978 to Summer 1979.  I had stopped listening to Top 40 radio by this time.  However, I took a weekly student job at the gym building that year; it had a radio playing current hits, primarily "soft rock" hits and little Disco.  So I got an earful.  (Although I did like Disco at that time, as I went out dancing most every weekend then.)  The songs from that timeframe take me back to that school year and that nice little gym building job:

Al Stewart - Time Passages

George Harrison - Blow Away

Chris Rea - Fool (If You Think It's Over)
Little River Band - Reminiscing
Bob Seger - Hollywood Nights
Paul Davis - Sweet Life
Firefall - Strange Way
Dan Fogelberg - The Power Of Gold
Eric Clapton - Promises
Billy Joel - My Life
Nicolette Larson - Lotta Love
Poco - Crazy Love
Suzi Quatro & Chris Norman - Stumblin' In
England Dan & John Ford Coley - Love Is The Answer
Bee Gees - Love You Inside Out
Doobie Brothers - Minute By Minute
John Stewart - Gold

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 12/17/22 at 6:09 pm

This time I'll cover my 2nd year at University (unfortunately not my alma mater) from Fall 1978 to Summer 1979.  I had stopped listening to Top 40 radio by this time.  However, I took a weekly student job at the gym building that year; it had a radio playing current hits, primarily "soft rock" hits and little Disco.  So I got an earful.  (Although I did like Disco at that time, as I went out dancing most every weekend then.)  The songs from that timeframe take me back to that school year and that nice little gym building job:

Al Stewart - Time Passages

George Harrison - Blow Away

Chris Rea - Fool (If You Think It's Over)
Little River Band - Reminiscing
Bob Seger - Hollywood Nights
Paul Davis - Sweet Life
Firefall - Strange Way
Dan Fogelberg - The Power Of Gold
Eric Clapton - Promises
Billy Joel - My Life
Nicolette Larson - Lotta Love
Poco - Crazy Love
Suzi Quatro & Chris Norman - Stumblin' In
England Dan & John Ford Coley - Love Is The Answer
Bee Gees - Love You Inside Out
Doobie Brothers - Minute By Minute
John Stewart - Gold

Very nice! I know a handful of those songs. O0 My mom spent some time working in radio before I was born, so she probably remembers some of them too.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/17/22 at 6:55 pm

Very nice! I know a handful of those songs. O0 My mom spent some time working in radio before I was born, so she probably remembers some of them too.

That's interesting - was your mom an "on-air" personality?

(Although many people work radio that never go on the air - plus, at that time there weren't as many women who had regular over-the-air jobs.)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 12/17/22 at 9:15 pm

That's interesting - was your mom an "on-air" personality?

(Although many people work radio that never go on the air - plus, at that time there weren't as many women who had regular over-the-air jobs.)

Yeah. She also sometimes did newscasts. This was in the L.A. market. I know about her work in radio because she’s told me lots of stories about it. She majored in journalism in college and even worked at the campus radio station back then. And after I was born, she decided to quit working in radio so she could be a stay-at-home mom for the next seven years.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 12/19/22 at 12:13 am

High School Sophomore year revisited.  As I'd whittled down the original list so much, I decided to add additional tunes to the original list to round it out more.

You've inspired me to do the same with one of my lists. That said, before I post any memorable songs from my college years, I'm going to revisit one of my earlier posts.

The school year: 1993-94 (8th grade for me)

It was overall an enjoyable time for me; I admit I got hooked on listening to top 40 radio thanks to my mom who often played it in the car as she drove me to school... especially after the Northridge Earthquake which displaced us from our home for a three-month span.

"All That She Wants" Ace Of Base
"Cantaloop/Flip Fantasia" by US3

The rest (in no particular order):
Cryin' - Aerosmith
Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms
The Sign - Ace Of Base
Whatta Man - Salt N Pepa
Whoomp, There It Is! - Tag Team
Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
Mr. Vain - Culture Beat
Don't Turn Around - Ace Of Base
If You Go - Jon Secada
Loser - Beck
Wild Night - John Mellencamp featuring Me'shell Ndegeocello

I know I have been prefacing most of my lists with summer hits that remained popular into the month of September and beyond, but I did not think to do so with my 1993-94 (8th grade) list, mainly because I was not yet an avid listener of top 40 radio in the summer of 1993. However, I do realize that there are several songs from that span which were still on the charts in September (and I liked); so they should be mentioned. So here goes...

"I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me" by Expose

"Hey Jealousy" by Gin Blossoms

"Fields Of Gold" by Sting
"Plush" by Stone Temple Pilots
"Break It Down Again" by Tears For Fears
"Regret" by New Order
"Shoop" by Salt N Pepa (ok, this one was actually released in September, shortly after the school year began, so I'll count it as an honorable mention)
Also during the summer I saw the movie Free Willy, the soundtrack of which featured "Will You Be There" by Michael Jackson. That one also stood out to me.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/21/22 at 10:33 pm

...I'm going to revisit one of my earlier posts.

I know I have been prefacing most of my lists with summer hits that remained popular into the month of September and beyond, but I did not think to do so with my 1993-94 (8th grade) list, mainly because I was not yet an avid listener of top 40 radio in the summer of 1993. However, I do realize that there are several songs from that span which were still on the charts in September (and I liked); so they should be mentioned. So here goes...

"I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me" by Expose
"Hey Jealousy" by Gin Blossoms
"Fields Of Gold" by Sting
"Plush" by Stone Temple Pilots
"Break It Down Again" by Tears For Fears
"Regret" by New Order
"Shoop" by Salt N Pepa (ok, this one was actually released in September, shortly after the school year began, so I'll count it as an honorable mention)
Also during the summer I saw the movie Free Willy, the soundtrack of which featured "Will You Be There" by Michael Jackson. That one also stood out to me.

O0 Great list, Jeffrey!  Thanks for including that you weren't an avid listener until 8th Grade.  For me, that was 6th Grade (Fall 1970).  IOW there were a lot of great tunes out before 6th Grade, for which I have no associations (unlike the songs I heard when I was a listener myself).  It makes a difference, doesn't it?  Those songs we heard when we were engaged listeners became our "soundtrack"; other songs, like them or not, just aren't in the same category.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/22/22 at 2:36 pm

10th grade:

No order:

-Roxanne-The Police (already wrote about it)
-Can't Stand Losing You-The Police (already wrote about it)
-Knock on Wood-Amii Stewart (mine & my then boyfriend's song)
-Logical Song-Supertramp (I actually used this song in a video I created about my life)
-My Sharona-The Knack
-Do You Think I'm Sexy-Rod Stewart
-Le Freak-Chic
-I Will Survive-Gloria Gaynor
-Y.M.C.A. -Village People
-Fire-Pointer Sisters
-Another Brick in the Wall-Pink Floyd
-Heart of Glass-Blondie
-Tragedy-The Bee Gees
-Don't Cry Out Loud-Melissa Manchester
-Paradise by The Dashboard Light-Meatloaf
-You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth-Meatloaf
-Gold-John Stewart
-Sultans of Swing-Dire Straits
-Double Vision-Foreigner
-The Devil Went Down to Georgia-Charlie Daniels Band
-Hold The Line-Toto
-I Want You-The Beatles. (I know this song was from early but that was the year the movie Sgt Pepper came out and I fell in love with the song.)

In French, every week, our teacher would have our lessons on tape. At the end of the lesson, he would always put music on and I fell in love with a lot of it. He FINALLY gave me a tape of a lot of the music that I bugged him for, for YEARS!  This song was my favorite. It is called The Rock Collection by Laurent Voulzy.

Yeah, my French teacher also taught us a whole bunch of French songs like this drinking folk song. Yup, this song and others takes me right back to 10th grade French Club.


Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 12/22/22 at 10:54 pm

O0 Great list, Jeffrey!  Thanks for including that you weren't an avid listener until 8th Grade.  For me, that was 6th Grade (Fall 1970).  IOW there were a lot of great tunes out before 6th Grade, for which I have no associations (unlike the songs I heard when I was a listener myself).  It makes a difference, doesn't it?

I did listen to some pop music on the radio before I was 13, but not frequently. Usually if there was a hit song out that I really liked, I'd turn the radio to the pop stations just to listen for that particular song. One such example was "Too Many Walls" by Cathy Dennis, which was a hit in 1991 (during the summer I turned 11; I still love that song to this day). And after I became an avid listener in early 1994 (as indicated in my very first reply to this thread), there were specific songs I would usually listen for... and while I still had a fondness for them, I would hear other songs which I would also develop a liking for! Hence the lists I came up with.

Those songs we heard when we were engaged listeners became our "soundtrack"; other songs, like them or not, just aren't in the same category.
So true.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/23/22 at 11:20 am

I did listen to some pop music on the radio before I was 13, but not frequently. Usually if there was a hit song out that I really liked, I'd turn the radio to the pop stations just to listen for that particular song. One such example was "Too Many Walls" by Cathy Dennis, which was a hit in 1991 (during the summer I turned 11; I still love that song to this day). And after I became an avid listener in early 1994 (as indicated in my very first reply to this thread), there were specific songs I would usually listen for... and while I still had a fondness for them, I would hear other songs which I would also develop a liking for! Hence the lists I came up with...

O0 Good to know!

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/23/22 at 11:31 am

10th grade:

No order:

-Roxanne-The Police (already wrote about it)
-Can't Stand Losing You-The Police (already wrote about it)
-Knock on Wood-Amii Stewart (mine & my then boyfriend's song)
-Logical Song-Supertramp (I actually used this song in a video I created about my life)
-My Sharona-The Knack
-Do You Think I'm Sexy-Rod Stewart
-Le Freak-Chic
-I Will Survive-Gloria Gaynor
-Y.M.C.A. -Village People
-Fire-Pointer Sisters
-Another Brick in the Wall-Pink Floyd
-Heart of Glass-Blondie
-Tragedy-The Bee Gees
-Don't Cry Out Loud-Melissa Manchester
-Paradise by The Dashboard Light-Meatloaf
-You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth-Meatloaf
-Gold-John Stewart
-Sultans of Swing-Dire Straits
-Double Vision-Foreigner
-The Devil Went Down to Georgia-Charlie Daniels Band
-Hold The Line-Toto
-I Want You-The Beatles. (I know this song was from early but that was the year the movie Sgt Pepper came out and I fell in love with the song.)

In French, every week, our teacher would have our lessons on tape. At the end of the lesson, he would always put music on and I fell in love with a lot of it. He FINALLY gave me a tape of a lot of the music that I bugged him for, for YEARS!  This song was my favorite. It is called The Rock Collection by Laurent Voulzy.

The Rock Collection

Yeah, my French teacher also taught us a whole bunch of French songs like this drinking folk song. Yup, this song and others takes me right back to 10th grade French Club.

Chevaliers De La Table Ronde


Great list!  This timeframe overlaps with my 2nd year at University.  Your French teacher sounds awesome; there's something extra special about cool teachers.  I enjoyed the two tunes, BTW.  :)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/22 at 3:15 pm

Great list!  This timeframe overlaps with my 2nd year at University.  Your French teacher sounds awesome; there's something extra special about cool teachers.  I enjoyed the two tunes, BTW.  :)

Yeah, he was. I had the hots for him. (Ooh la, la.  ;) :D ;D ;D ) But, I know I am not the only one. I think almost EVERY girl in his classes-even in the school did. (Tried to find a pic of him online but the only ones I could find were tiny but man, he was mighty fine.) He used to bum cigs off me all the time. lol. I was going to make a comment when I made that list as to how the song "You Took The Words Out of My Mouth" reminds me of him. (No, it is not what you think it is. lol) Like I said, I was in French Club. He used to bring a bunch of us kids home afterward. One day, he brought me and another person home when that song came on (I think he had the album on tape in his car). At the beginning of the song where it goes, "On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses...", he made some comments about how you could just see him devouring her. And yeah, when he dropped me off, he said something in French and the only thing I could understand was "un cigarette." Yeah, he bummed another one from me. To this day, I can't listen to that song without thinking of him.


Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/23/22 at 5:43 pm

Yeah, he was. I had the hots for him. (Ooh la, la.  ;) :D ;D ;D ) But, I know I am not the only one. I think almost EVERY girl in his classes-even in the school did. (Tried to find a pic of him online but the only ones I could find were tiny but man, he was mighty fine.) He used to bum cigs off me all the time. lol. I was going to make a comment when I made that list as to how the song "You Took The Words Out of My Mouth" reminds me of him. (No, it is not what you think it is. lol) Like I said, I was in French Club. He used to bring a bunch of us kids home afterward. One day, he brought me and another person home when that song came on (I think he had the album on tape in his car). At the beginning of the song where it goes, "On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses...", he made some comments about how you could just see him devouring her. And yeah, when he dropped me off, he said something in French and the only thing I could understand was "un cigarette." Yeah, he bummed another one from me. To this day, I can't listen to that song without thinking of him.


O0 I don't recall any specific teachers I had that reaction to, even though there were several teachers I was fond of.  When I took Spanish as a Freshman, several young men I knew well enough told me she (my Spanish teacher) was very attractive.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/28/22 at 2:36 pm

This time I'll cover my 2nd year at University (unfortunately not my alma mater) from Fall 1978 to Summer 1979.  I had stopped listening to Top 40 radio by this time.  However, I took a weekly student job at the gym building that year; it had a radio playing current hits, primarily "soft rock" hits and little Disco.  So I got an earful.  (Although I did like Disco at that time, as I went out dancing most every weekend then.)  The songs from that timeframe take me back to that school year and that nice little gym building job:

Al Stewart - Time Passages
George Harrison - Blow Away

Chris Rea - Fool (If You Think It's Over)
Little River Band - Reminiscing
Bob Seger - Hollywood Nights
Paul Davis - Sweet Life
Firefall - Strange Way
Dan Fogelberg - The Power Of Gold
Eric Clapton - Promises
Billy Joel - My Life
Nicolette Larson - Lotta Love
Poco - Crazy Love
Suzi Quatro & Chris Norman - Stumblin' In
England Dan & John Ford Coley - Love Is The Answer
Bee Gees - Love You Inside Out
Doobie Brothers - Minute By Minute
John Stewart - Gold

I'm revisiting my post from my 2nd year at university (78/79), but with an entirely different emphasis.  I was, for better or worse, "party girl" during that school year.  Of course this was at the height of Disco.  Every weekend, often more than once, I'd put on my party clothes around 10pm (yes) and then make my way to one of the many campus parties, meeting some friends there (or sometimes not).  I have to say this activity had a negative effect on my studies.  Live and learn.  But it was fun!  For brevity I'm sticking to Disco (leaving out the slow songs).  I danced (sometimes extensively) at campus parties to all of these (and more) that year:

Chic - Le Freak

Earth, Wind & Fire - September

Peaches & Herb - Shake Your Groove Thing
Dan Hartman - Instant Replay
Kleeer - Keep Your Body Workin'
Sylvester - Dance (Disco Heat)
Sister Sledge - He's The Greatest Dancer
Musique - In The Bush
Rod Stewart - Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?
GQ - Disco Nights (Rock-Freak)
Cheryl Lynn - Got To Be Real
Ashford & Simpson - It Seems To Hang On
Foxy - Get Off
Funkadelic - One Nation Under A Groove (Pt. 1)
Chaka Khan - I'm Every Woman

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/28/22 at 2:44 pm

I'm revisiting my post from my 2nd year at university (78/79), but with an entirely different emphasis.  I was, for better or worse, "party girl" during that school year.  Of course this was at the height of Disco.  Every weekend, often more than once, I'd put on my party clothes around 10pm (yes) and then make my way to one of the many campus parties, meeting some friends there (or sometimes not).  I have to say this activity had a negative effect on my studies.  Live and learn.  But it was fun!  For brevity I'm sticking to Disco (leaving out the slow songs).  I danced (sometimes extensively) at campus parties to all of these (and more) that year:

Chic - Le Freak

I had this one on my 10th grade list. The funny thing was, we were taught a dance to this in gym class and also learned another one in dance class. So, I was getting confused between the two different choreographies to the same song. 


Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/28/22 at 3:01 pm

I had this one on my 10th grade list. The funny thing was, we were taught a dance to this in gym class and also learned another one in dance class. So, I was getting confused between the two different choreographies to the same song. 


O0 I absolutely had noticed that "Le Freak" was on your list.  It was one of the most popular party songs to dance to, especially when new.  Upon hearing the opening shout of "Awww, Freak Out!!!", everyone in the place would quickly grab a partner and bound out to take a spot on the dance floor.  Of course, the dancing I did at school parties wasn't choreographed (kudos to you for that).  For me it was more of the "get up and boogie" variety - always with a guy, fun for me.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 01/06/23 at 8:58 pm

...You can participate in one of two ways:

Option 1 - when you have the time and energy to be comprehensive.  For the selected school year, post your grade and also the calendar years.  If you like, tell a synopsis of the highlights/lowlights of that school year.  Then post a playlist of roughly 7 to 15 favorite songs that were your "soundtrack" that year.  Embed one or two special representative songs (i.e. make them clickable YouTubes).  You can hyperlink others if you like, or just list them, it's up to you.  That's about it.

Option 2 - if you want to post just one or two representative songs for a school year, or add on based on a prior post.  As in option 1, post the grade and calendar years, and optionally something descriptive.  Then embed your one (or two) song(s).  That's it.

A rule amendment - for any who might be squeamish about revealing when you attended school, you can omit the grade you were in from your post and just include the calendar years.  Only include your grade if you're so inclined.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 01/24/23 at 9:36 pm

My year - High School Senior (Fall 1976 - Summer 1977)

Regarding my senior year, the best I could call it is mixed.  There was the excitement of finishing high school at last, a good thing.  But among the tough things is that a large number of my friends were in the grade above and had graduated in Spring 1976.  Not to mention that I met a number of new friends during summer 1976 in another town; I had to leave them behind when returning to school.  So senior year had its tough aspects.  I was still enjoying my music, though.  I liked Disco to an extent, more entrenched now, but was leery of it being pushed too hard.

Here is a representative group of songs I loved then:

Aerosmith - Walk This Way

Stevie Wonder - I Wish

Fleetwood Mac - Say You Love Me
Jefferson Starship - With Your Love
Cliff Richard - Devil Woman
Boz Scaggs - Lowdown
Heart - Magic Man
Blue Oyster Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper
Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do
Boston - More Than A Feeling
Spinners - The Rubberband Man
Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Blinded By The Light
Al Stewart - Year Of The Cat
George Harrison - Crackerbox Palace
10cc - The Things We Do For Love
Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way
Eagles - Hotel California
KC & The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 01/24/23 at 10:40 pm

My year - High School Senior (Fall 1976 - Summer 1977)

Regarding my senior year, the best I could call it is mixed.  There was the excitement of finishing high school at last, a good thing.  But among the tough things is that a large number of my friends were in the grade above and had graduated in Spring 1976.  Not to mention that I met a number of new friends during summer 1976 in another town; I had to leave them behind when returning to school.  So senior year had its tough aspects.  I was still enjoying my music, though.  I liked Disco to an extent, more entrenched now, but was leery of it being pushed too hard.

Here is a representative group of songs I loved then:

Aerosmith - Walk This Way

Stevie Wonder - I Wish

Fleetwood Mac - Say You Love Me
Jefferson Starship - With Your Love
Cliff Richard - Devil Woman
Boz Scaggs - Lowdown
Heart - Magic Man
Blue Oyster Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper
Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do
Boston - More Than A Feeling
Spinners - The Rubberband Man
Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Blinded By The Light
Al Stewart - Year Of The Cat
George Harrison - Crackerbox Palace
10cc - The Things We Do For Love
Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way
Eagles - Hotel California
KC & The Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man

Some good selections you have there. O0 I know a handful of them myself.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 01/24/23 at 11:18 pm

Some good selections you have there. O0 I know a handful of them myself.

Thanks!  :)  You probably have heard most of these.  I will probably revisit this year later just because I had a lot.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 01/24/23 at 11:24 pm

Thanks!  :)  You probably have heard most of these.  I will probably revisit this year later just because I had a lot.

Yep. Most of them on radio, on classic hits or classic rock stations. (They were before my time, but I know lots of songs that were hits before I was born. And I have plenty of favourites!)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 02/16/23 at 11:40 pm

Okay, I'm finally ready to post my list for my first year of college, 1998-1999.

First of all... because the fall semester started in August, the summer break wasn't very long for me, so I'm gonna count any summer hits as part of the fall semester because their popularity continued into the fall months anyway. Plus, during the month of July I was preparing to start college life, at a community college that was close to where I was living.

So, here's my list, which I'm gonna split into "Fall Semester 1998" (which will cover the second half of the calendar year) and "Spring Semester 1999" (which will cover January through May); there will be one "representative" song for each half.

To start with, 1998:
I'll Be - Edwin McCain

Can't Get Enough Of You Baby - Smash Mouth
Jump, Jive & Wail - Brian Setzer Orchestra
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
Ray Of Light - Madonna
One Week - Barenaked Ladies
Inside Out - Eve 6
Wishing I Was There - Natalie Imbruglia
Slide - Goo Goo Dolls
Save Tonight - Eagle Eye Cherry
Angel - Sarah McLachlan
Lullaby - Shawn Mullins
Baby One More Time - Britney Spears
Never There - Cake

And the first half of 1999...
Maria - Blondie

Hands - Jewel
Fly Away - Lenny Kravitz
Every Morning - Sugar Ray
Livin' La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
Praise You - Fatboy Slim
That Don't Impress Me Much - Shania Twain
Man! I Feel Like A Woman - Shania Twain
Sometimes - Britney Spears
Back 2 Good - Matchbox Twenty
I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys
Kiss Me - Sixpence None The Richer

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 02/17/23 at 12:38 pm

Okay, I'm finally ready to post my list for my first year of college, 1998-1999.

First of all... because the fall semester started in August, the summer break wasn't very long for me, so I'm gonna count any summer hits as part of the fall semester because their popularity continued into the fall months anyway. Plus, during the month of July I was preparing to start college life, at a community college that was close to where I was living.

So, here's my list, which I'm gonna split into "Fall Semester 1998" (which will cover the second half of the calendar year) and "Spring Semester 1999" (which will cover January through May); there will be one "representative" song for each half.

To start with, 1998:
I'll Be - Edwin McCain
Can't Get Enough Of You Baby - Smash Mouth
Jump, Jive & Wail - Brian Setzer Orchestra
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
Ray Of Light - Madonna
One Week - Barenaked Ladies
Inside Out - Eve 6
Wishing I Was There - Natalie Imbruglia
Slide - Goo Goo Dolls
Save Tonight - Eagle Eye Cherry
Angel - Sarah McLachlan
Lullaby - Shawn Mullins
Baby One More Time - Britney Spears
Never There - Cake

And the first half of 1999...
Maria - Blondie
Hands - Jewel
Fly Away - Lenny Kravitz
Every Morning - Sugar Ray
Livin' La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
Praise You - Fatboy Slim
That Don't Impress Me Much - Shania Twain
Man! I Feel Like A Woman - Shania Twain
Sometimes - Britney Spears
Back 2 Good - Matchbox Twenty
I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys
Kiss Me - Sixpence None The Richer

O0 Terrific list, Jeffrey!  Incidentally, during that timeframe I was a newlywed.  I also remember Y2K was becoming a major concern (as my hubby works in computer programming, more work for him).

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 02/17/23 at 10:46 pm

O0 Terrific list, Jeffrey!  Incidentally, during that timeframe I was a newlywed.  I also remember Y2K was becoming a major concern (as my hubby works in computer programming, more work for him).

Thank you!! Yes, the Y2K issue was quite a concern throughout the late 1990s, even more so during the year 1999. In fact, during my first year of college, I was unsure what direction I wanted to take (academically), so I started out with general ed. I did take an Intro to Computers course during my first semester, and I found it interesting overall (and my professor was good too); and then in the Spring semester I took another computer course that was all about MS Office applications (specifically Word, Excel, and Access), which I also enjoyed. I found myself taking at least one computer-based course each semester, eventually learning about programming (with Visual Basic, which I learnt in 2000), so I thought it might be fun to do computer programming. But to make a long story short, that wasn’t exactly the direction I ended up going.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 06/14/23 at 8:06 pm

My year - 7th Grade (Fall 1971 - Summer 1972)

7th Grade was decent, despite that like my sophomore year, I was in a new school and everyone and everything was new.  Since the family had just moved, this change was expected and welcome.  A peculiarity of 7th Grade is that I had a "null" period where I had logistic challenges listening to the radio, as (for instance) my old transistor radio no longer picked up my stations; it took some time to work this out, and I missed some popular Top 40 music (until later).

My playlist:

Here's a pretty representative (and long) list of songs I love from then:

Jackson Browne - Doctor My Eyes
Bill Withers - Lean On Me

Neil Young - Old Man
Elton John - Rocket Man
Van Morrison - Wild Night
Paul Simon - Mother And Child Reunion
Al Green - Look What You've Done For Me
T. Rex - Bang A Gong (Get It On)
Yes - Roundabout
America - Horse With No Name
Don McLean - American Pie
Stylistics - Betcha By Golly Wow
Badfinger - Day After Day
Todd Rundgren - I Saw The Light
Cat Stevens - Peace Train
Aretha Franklin - Rock Steady
Jonathan Edwards - Sunshine
Joan Baez - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
Rolling Stones - Tumbling Dice

I'm revisiting my post from 7th Grade (71/72), as despite the "null" period I went through, I was really into music then and felt the previous post could use a few more tunes.  Here are more favorite tunes from that time (though by no means exhaustive):

Sly & Family Stone - Family Affair (Fall 1971)

Derek & Dominos - Layla (Summer 1972)

Faces - Stay With Me
The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again
Moody Blues - The Story In Your Eyes
Mac & Katie Kissoon - Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep
Ten Years After - I'd Love To Change The World
Carole King - Sweet Seasons
Robert John - The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Giorgio - Son Of My Father
Michael Jackson - Rockin' Robin
Three Dog Night - The Family Of Man
Alice Cooper - School's Out
Godspell - Day By Day
Graham Nash & David Crosby - Immigration Man
Nilsson - Coconut
Procol Harum - Conquistador

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 08/10/23 at 10:43 pm

I'm going to make another contribution to this thread.

Moving my 9th grade year, 1994-95. (For me that was my freshman year of high school.)

There were plenty of enjoyable songs that I enjoyed listening to during that span; it's kinda hard for me to pick a "top two" to embed. After a great deal of consideration, I've decided on these two:

"All I Wanna Do" Sheryl Crow
"Lucky One" by Amy Grant
(Both were popular in the late summer, right around the time my school year began.)

The rest (in no particular order):
Living In Danger - Ace Of Base
Here Comes The Hotstepper - Ini Kamoze
I'm The Only One - Melissa Etheridge
When I Come Around - Green Day
What Would You Say - Dave Matthews Band
Buddy Holly - Weezer
Hold My Hand - Hootie & The Blowfish
Secret - Madonna
Take A Bow - Madonna
You Gotta Be - Des'Ree
You Got It - Bonnie Raitt (cover of Roy Orbison's final hit)
I Alone - Live
Creep - TLC
No More I Love You's - Annie Lennox
I Know - Dionne Farris
Tootsee Roll - 69 Boyz
I'll Be There For You (Theme from 'Friends') - The Rembrandts

And a few notables left over from the summer of 1994:
I Swear - All 4 One (this one actually came out during my final months of 8th grade, but it was still on the charts in September, when I began 9th)
Until I Fall Away - Gin Blossoms
Shine - Collective Soul
I'll Remember - Madonna
Stay (I Missed You) - Lisa Loeb
Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Elton John

Revisiting my 1994-95 list, I must say that there are other songs popular during that span which I also heard greatly, particularly in the R&B category (such music was huge during the 1990s). This includes three singles by Boyz II Men - "I'll Make Love To You", "On Bended Knee", and "Water Runs Dry." Other notable R&B hits I remember from then include "Never Lie" by Immature, "Freak Like Me" by Adina Howard, "This Is How We Do It" by Montell Jordan, and "At Your Best (You Are Love)" by the late Aaliyah.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 08/10/23 at 11:10 pm

Revisiting my 1994-95 list, I must say that there are other songs popular during that span which I also heard greatly, particularly in the R&B category (such music was huge during the 1990s). This includes three singles by Boyz II Men - "I'll Make Love To You", "On Bended Knee", and "Water Runs Dry." Other notable R&B hits I remember from then include "Never Lie" by Immature, "Freak Like Me" by Adina Howard, "This Is How We Do It" by Montell Jordan, and "At Your Best (You Are Love)" by the late Aaliyah.

O0 Wonderful!  Incidentally, I had to listen to the Aaliyah version of "At Your Best (You Are Love)" to see if it was a cover of the Isley Brothers' gem I'm familiar with.  It is, although the structure got altered a bit.  Good choice!  I probably know some of the others too.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 10/04/23 at 11:11 pm

O0 Wonderful!  Incidentally, I had to listen to the Aaliyah version of "At Your Best (You Are Love)" to see if it was a cover of the Isley Brothers' gem I'm familiar with.  It is, although the structure got altered a bit.  Good choice!  I probably know some of the others too.

Yep, I realised her version was a cover, but it was one that I remember that I liked listening to during the 1994-95 season. Even now, 28-29 years later, I still think it's a nice song.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 10/04/23 at 11:28 pm

Now it is time to move on to my second year of college... 1999-2000. Again, I'm going to make two lists: one for the Fall Semester 1999 (August through December) and one for the Spring Semester 2000 (January through May), and pick one representative song for each.

First off, I'm going to start with some songs that were hits during the summer break, which for me was the months of June and July 1999; most of these remained popular into August, when I went back to school, and beyond.

Smooth - Santana ft. Rob Thomas
All Star - Smash Mouth
American Woman - Lenny Kravitz
Beautiful Stranger - Madonna
Genie In A Bottle - Christina Aguilera
Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Better Days (And the Bottom Drops Out) - Citizen King

Fall Semester 1999:
I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden

Mambo #5 (A Little Bit of) - Lou Bega
Bailamos - Enrique Iglesias
Then The Morning Comes - Smash Mouth
Higher - Creed
Brand New Day - Sting
Last Kiss - Pearl Jam
You Drive Me Crazy - Britney Spears
Steal My Sunshine - Len
Larger Than Life - Backstreet Boys
Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely - Backstreet Boys
What's My Age Again - Blink 182
All The Small Things - Blink 182
Waiting For Tonight - Jennifer Lopez
I Wanna Love You Forever - Jessica Simpson
Learn To Fly - Foo Fighters
What A Girl Wants - Christina Aguilera
Take A Picture - Filter

Spring Semester 2000:
Let's Get Loud - Jennifer Lopez

I Try - Macy Gray
Say My Name - Destiny's Child
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon
Ex-Girlfriend - No Doubt
Otherside - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Never Let You Go - Third Eye Blind
Maria Maria - Santana ft. the Product G&B
Desert Rose - Sting
Charm Attack - Leona Naess
Crash And Burn - Savage Garden
Back Here - BBMak
It's My Life - Bon Jovi
Oops I Did It Again - Britney Spears

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/05/23 at 9:29 pm

Now it is time to move on to my second year of college... 1999-2000. Again, I'm going to make two lists: one for the Fall Semester 1999 (August through December) and one for the Spring Semester 2000 (January through May), and pick one representative song for each.

First off, I'm going to start with some songs that were hits during the summer break, which for me was the months of June and July 1999; most of these remained popular into August, when I went back to school, and beyond.

Smooth - Santana ft. Rob Thomas
All Star - Smash Mouth
American Woman - Lenny Kravitz
Beautiful Stranger - Madonna
Genie In A Bottle - Christina Aguilera
Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Better Days (And the Bottom Drops Out) - Citizen King

Fall Semester 1999:
I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden
Mambo #5 (A Little Bit of) - Lou Bega
Bailamos - Enrique Iglesias
Then The Morning Comes - Smash Mouth
Higher - Creed
Brand New Day - Sting
Last Kiss - Pearl Jam
You Drive Me Crazy - Britney Spears
Larger Than Life - Backstreet Boys
Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely - Backstreet Boys
What's My Age Again - Blink 182
All The Small Things - Blink 182
Waiting For Tonight - Jennifer Lopez
I Wanna Love You Forever - Jessica Simpson
What A Girl Wants - Christina Aguilera
Take A Picture - Filter

Spring Semester 2000:
Let's Get Loud - Jennifer Lopez
I Try - Macy Gray
Say My Name - Destiny's Child
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon
Ex-Girlfriend - No Doubt
Otherside - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Never Let You Go - Third Eye Blind
Maria Maria - Santana ft. the Product G&B
Desert Rose - Sting
Charm Attack - Leona Naess
Crash And Burn - Savage Garden
Back Here - BBMak
It's My Life - Bon Jovi
Oops I Did It Again - Britney Spears

O0 Very nice!  I know a few of these, too.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 11/07/23 at 10:59 pm

O0 Very nice!  I know a few of these, too.

Thanks! I went back into my list just now and inserted two others that I'd remembered from late 1999. I also realized a number of these songs are "decade cusp" songs (released in late 1999 and got popular in early 2000).

When I get to my third year of college (2000-2001) I will probably have another long list. It was a transitional time for me in more ways than one.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: Howard on 11/08/23 at 7:22 am

Here are the songs that were on the radio during the start of my High School time in the Fall Of 1988:

1  "Faith"- George Michael
2 "Need You Tonight" - INXS
3 "Got My Mind Set on You"- George Harrison
4 "Never Gonna Give You Up" -Rick Astley
5 "Sweet Child o' Mine"- Guns N' Roses
6 "So Emotional"- Whitney Houston
7 "Heaven Is a Place on Earth"- Belinda Carlisle
8 "Could've Been"-Tiffany
9 "Hands to Heaven"-Breathe
10 "Roll with It"-Steve Winwood

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/08/23 at 1:50 pm

Here are the songs that were on the radio during the start of my High School time in the Fall Of 1988:

1  "Faith"- George Michael
2 "Need You Tonight" - INXS
3 "Got My Mind Set on You"- George Harrison
4 "Never Gonna Give You Up" -Rick Astley
5 "Sweet Child o' Mine"- Guns N' Roses
6 "So Emotional"- Whitney Houston
7 "Heaven Is a Place on Earth"- Belinda Carlisle
8 "Could've Been"-Tiffany
9 "Hands to Heaven"-Breathe
10 "Roll with It"-Steve Winwood

O0 Great list, Howard - thanks!  I know most of these, too.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: Howard on 11/08/23 at 2:49 pm

Jump - Kris Kross · 1992
Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg - TLC · 1992
You Won’t See Me Cry - Wilson Phillips · 1992
Keep on Walkin’ - CeCe Peniston · 1992
Everything About You - Ugly Kid Joe · 1992
If You Asked Me To - Celine Dion · 1992
The Best Things In Life Are Free - Luther Vandross · 1992
The World Is Stone - Cyndi Lauper · 1992
I Don’t Care - Shakespears Sister · 1992
Something Good -Utah Saints · 1992

Here are the songs from the month I graduated in June 1992.  :)

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 11/08/23 at 7:33 pm

Jump - Kris Kross · 1992
Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg - TLC · 1992
You Won’t See Me Cry - Wilson Phillips · 1992
Keep on Walkin’ - CeCe Peniston · 1992
Everything About You - Ugly Kid Joe · 1992
If You Asked Me To - Celine Dion · 1992
The Best Things In Life Are Free - Luther Vandross · 1992
The World Is Stone - Cyndi Lauper · 1992
I Don’t Care - Shakespears Sister · 1992
Something Good -Utah Saints · 1992

Here are the songs from the month I graduated in June 1992.  :)

I happen to know a few of those. O0

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 05/18/24 at 12:10 am

My third year of college, 2000-2001, was split between two campuses. In the Fall of 2000, I was at Mission College for my fifth and final semester. In the Spring semester of 2001, I attended Pierce College for my only semester there. (This is because my family and I moved; in November 2000 we sold our mobile home and moved in with my grandmother for three months; in February of 2001 we moved into our new house when it was ready.) So, let’s get to the list of songs I remember from that span.

Summer months of 2000 (June-July); these songs remained popular into August and beyond:
I Need You - LeAnn Rimes
Bent - Matchbox Twenty
Simple Kind of Life - No Doubt
Music - Madonna
Crazy For This Girl - Evan & Jaron
You're a God - Vertical Horizon
Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Fall 2000:
I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack
Beautiful Day - U2
Pinch Me - Barenaked Ladies
With Arms Wide Open - Creed
Cruisin' - Huey Lewis & Gwyneth Paltrow (cover of a 1979 Smokey Robinson hit)
Bathwater - No Doubt
If You're Gone - Matchbox Twenty
Can't Fight the Moonlight - LeAnn Rimes
Don't Tell Me - Madonna
Independent Women Part I - Destiny's Child
Again - Lenny Kravitz

Spring 2001:
I'm Like a Bird - Nelly Furtado
Drive - Incubus
Breathless - The Corrs
The Space Between - Dave Matthews Band
I Did It - Dave Matthews Band
Hanging By a Moment - Lifehouse
Thank You - Dido
Follow Me - Uncle Kracker
Survivor - Destiny's Child
Lady Marmalade - Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mýa, and Pink (Labelle cover)
Yellow - Coldplay

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: AmericanGirl on 05/21/24 at 11:14 am

My third year of college, 2000-2001, was split between two campuses. In the Fall of 2000, I was at Mission College for my fifth and final semester. In the Spring semester of 2001, I attended Pierce College for my only semester there. (This is because my family and I moved; in November 2000 we sold our mobile home and moved in with my grandmother for three months; in February of 2001 we moved into our new house when it was ready.) So, let’s get to the list of songs I remember from that span.

Summer months of 2000 (June-July); these songs remained popular into August and beyond:
I Need You - LeAnn Rimes
Bent - Matchbox Twenty
Simple Kind of Life - No Doubt
Music - Madonna
Crazy For This Girl - Evan & Jaron
You're a God - Vertical Horizon
Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Fall 2000:
I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack
Beautiful Day - U2
Pinch Me - Barenaked Ladies
With Arms Wide Open - Creed
Cruisin' - Huey Lewis & Gwyneth Paltrow (cover of a 1979 Smokey Robinson hit)
Bathwater - No Doubt
If You're Gone - Matchbox Twenty
Can't Fight the Moonlight - LeAnn Rimes
Don't Tell Me - Madonna
Independent Women Part I - Destiny's Child

Spring 2001:
I'm Like a Bird - Nelly Furtado
Drive - Incubus
Breathless - The Corrs
The Space Between - Dave Matthews Band
I Did It - Dave Matthews Band
Hanging By a Moment - Lifehouse
Thank You - Dido
Follow Me - Uncle Kracker
Survivor - Destiny's Child
Lady Marmalade - Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mýa, and Pink (Labelle cover)

O0 Thanks for posting!  As before, I enjoy the perspective from one who knows the music of this timeframe.  Incidentally I'd heard the two highlighted songs, but didn't know them by title, so I learned something.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 05/21/24 at 8:42 pm

O0 Thanks for posting!  As before, I enjoy the perspective from one who knows the music of this timeframe.  Incidentally I'd heard the two highlighted songs, but didn't know them by title, so I learned something.

Thank you too! Glad to know that you learned something from me. :) Yes, those two were favourites of mine from that span. When I get to the 2001-2002 year (my first year at the university, CSU Northridge) I might have a tossup atop the list that I make.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 11/23/24 at 4:47 pm

Okay, now I'm gonna make a list for my fourth year of college (2001-2002), also my first year at the university. Several of these songs take me back.

Starting off with a handful of songs popular during the middle months (June-July 2001) yet remained popular into August, when I started the fall semester...
Unforgiven - The Go-Go's
Island In The Sun - Weezer
Dream On - Depeche Mode
Fallin' - Alicia Keys
Walk On - U2

Fall 2001 semester (August-December):
Turn Off The Light - Nelly Furtado

Only Time - Enya
Superman (It's Not Easy) - Five For Fighting
Everywhere - Michelle Branch
Trouble - Coldplay
Hero - Enrique Iglesias
Wherever You Will Go - The Calling
Get The Party Started - Pink
Dig In - Lenny Kravitz
How You Remind Me - Nickelback
My Sacrifice - Creed
Side - Travis
Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of - U2
Blurry - Puddle Of Mudd

Spring 2002 semester (January-May):
Whenever, Wherever - Shakira

Standing Still - Jewel
Wrong Impression - Natalie Imbruglia
Ain't It Funny - Jennifer Lopez
All You Wanted - Michelle Branch
Can't Get You Out Of My Head - Kylie Minogue
Soak Up The Sun - Sheryl Crow
No Such Thing - John Mayer
Hella Good - No Doubt
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Underneath Your Clothes - Shakira
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
Complicated - Avril LaVigne
Hero - Chad Kroeger & Josey Scott (from the Spiderman soundtrack)

*NOTE: "Whenever, Wherever" was actually released as a single during the fall months of 2001 (as well as the album that it's on, Laundry Service; plus the Spanish version "Suerte" was popular in the Latin-American market), but I put it at the top of my Spring 2002 list because it was still on the charts in the early part of '02, plus it was my favourite song to listen to during the early months of 2002. I even purchased a copy of Laundry Service in May of that year.

Subject: Re: It's Your World: School Days Playlist

Written By: nally on 01/18/25 at 10:15 pm

Okay, now I'm gonna make a list for my fourth year of college (2001-2002), also my first year at the university. Several of these songs take me back.

Starting off with a handful of songs popular during the middle months (June-July 2001) yet remained popular into August, when I started the fall semester...
Unforgiven - The Go-Go's
Island In The Sun - Weezer
Dream On - Depeche Mode
Fallin' - Alicia Keys
Walk On - U2

Fall 2001 semester (August-December):
Turn Off The Light - Nelly Furtado
Only Time - Enya
Superman (It's Not Easy) - Five For Fighting
Everywhere - Michelle Branch
Trouble - Coldplay
Hero - Enrique Iglesias
Wherever You Will Go - The Calling
Get The Party Started - Pink
Dig In - Lenny Kravitz
How You Remind Me - Nickelback
My Sacrifice - Creed
Side - Travis
Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of - U2
Blurry - Puddle Of Mudd

Spring 2002 semester (January-May):
Whenever, Wherever - Shakira
Standing Still - Jewel
Wrong Impression - Natalie Imbruglia
Ain't It Funny - Jennifer Lopez
All You Wanted - Michelle Branch
Can't Get You Out Of My Head - Kylie Minogue
Soak Up The Sun - Sheryl Crow
No Such Thing - John Mayer
Hella Good - No Doubt
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Underneath Your Clothes - Shakira
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
Complicated - Avril LaVigne
Hero - Chad Kroeger & Josey Scott (from the Spiderman soundtrack)

*NOTE: "Whenever, Wherever" was actually released as a single during the fall months of 2001 (as well as the album that it's on, Laundry Service; plus the Spanish version "Suerte" was popular in the Latin-American market), but I put it at the top of my Spring 2002 list because it was still on the charts in the early part of '02, plus it was my favourite song to listen to during the early months of 2002. I even purchased a copy of Laundry Service in May of that year.

I realized there are two distinct songs titled “Hero” that were hits during this span; I’m pretty sure I mentioned them both on the Same Title Different Song thread.

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