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Subject: Songs that have alternate music videos

Written By: whistledog on 03/16/21 at 1:52 am

Where Does My Heart Beat Now? was a hit single for Celine Dion from her first English album titled Unison released in 1990.  A black and white music video was filmed for the Canadian release, but a color concert style video was filmed for the song's American release. 

LEFT:  Canadian Version | RIGHT:  American and International Version
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In 1991, a third music video was created that blended both the Canadian and American versions, but keeping the black and white, and was released on the Unison VHS home video:

Subject: Re: Songs that have alternate music videos

Written By: whistledog on 03/16/21 at 2:19 am

In 1986, a dance pop duo from Ottawa called One to One had a Top 20 hit in Canada with There Was A Time.  To promote the band in America, a different music video was filmed, but the song failed to chart on Billboard.  Another case of "when good songs get overlooked" I guess

LEFT: Canadian Version | RIGHT: American Version
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Subject: Re: Songs that have alternate music videos

Written By: temaichi on 03/21/21 at 7:57 pm

Band: Soundgarden
Song: Outshined
Released: December, 1991

ORIGINAL VERSION                                                                      ALTERNATIVE VERSION
The video features the band performing the song in a steel mill.          The video features the band performing the song in a yellow-lit studio.
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Subject: Re: Songs that have alternate music videos

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 03/21/21 at 8:13 pm

George Harrison
"Got My Mind Set On You"

The first one is the original and got most of the airplay on MTV. or should I say VH-1, which was created at that time by MTV for the older or "classic" artists. The second video was aimed at a younger demographic, and, if I recall, I saw it only once or twice. It didn't get nearly as much play. It wasn't very "Harrisonesque".

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