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Subject: We've been screwed since the 1980s.
Written By: wixness on 02/28/20 at 3:29 pm
I feel like that, for English-speaking countries and western Europe, the 2010s has politically, socially and almost culturally been the decade that picked up from where the 1970s left off; it's gone beyond what I believe the 1970s has been hoping to achieve (anti-discrimination laws, drug legalization, same-sex marriage, hate being uncool in some circles, religious fundamentalism not considered among youth), but I feel like that all that could be wiped away in almost the fraction of the time it took to get us to this point with the fascist uprisings we seem to be getting around here (e.g. with world leaders and political parties such as Trump and the Republican Party, Putin, Erdogan, Bolsonaro, Modi etc.).
Some countries may arguably have reached that stage already (e.g. Turkey, Russia, Iran - not mentioning Saudi Arabia though, which has been repressive since its foundation I believe, and to me discussing it will be beyond the scope of this time period, and China's circumstances are quite unique too).
Economically however, ever since the 1980s, we've been screwed. We now have to live lifestyles that put money at its highest priority more than ever, because of an ideology that cemented itself that believes the free market will heal all social and practical ills; this has been done to a huge cost to our environment and workers' dignity and voices (and sometimes health too), and especially at the expense of those who are unemployed and who live lives largely free of capitalist influence. The late 2000s recession added insult to injury, and events of the 2010s have made this only more apparent, even events not involving bloodshed or arguments about political correctness.
We live in a time where we've surrendered most of our lives yet to corporate control - streaming services control what we can even watch and listen to for corporate profit. Smartphones and current advancements in tech keep an eye on us and remember even our guiltiest of pleasures. Even when not considering tech, all grassroots movements, or that of marginalized people, seem to have failed (e.g. Dakota pipeline, the Wet'suwet'en, Gezi Park and Hong Kong protests). Governments are more and more fighting for companies and not the people they're supposed to represent.
Subject: Re: We've been screwed since the 1980s.
Written By: xX07-GhostXx on 02/28/20 at 3:38 pm
Completely agree
Subject: Re: We've been screwed since the 1980s.
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 02/28/20 at 4:17 pm
I have been saying here for ages that we have never recovered from the 80s. Politically, financially, ideologically, ARTISTICALLY. Take it from someone who was there.
Subject: Re: We've been screwed since the 1980s.
Written By: wixness on 02/28/20 at 4:35 pm
I have been saying here for ages that we have never recovered from the 80s. Politically, financially, ideologically, ARTISTICALLY. Take it from someone who was there.
I may not have seen this when you said this - I don't know when you joined but I think I joined this forum in the middle of the 2010s.
I think the 2010s has gone a little bit above and beyond what the 1970s sought for but I may be inclined to agree with you. Being a hippy or anarchist and/or being associated with it has somehow quickly earned a quiet stigma among people worldwide.
I do think though that I can only enjoy the 2000s because it and the 2010s have been the only decades I was able to understand the world around me. I'm not sure if I should try and yearn for a decade in which I didn't even exist in.
Subject: Re: We've been screwed since the 1980s.
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 02/28/20 at 4:54 pm
I may not have seen this when you said this - I don't know when you joined but I think I joined this forum in the middle of the 2010s.
I think the 2010s has gone a little bit above and beyond what the 1970s sought for but I may be inclined to agree with you. Being a hippy or anarchist and/or being associated with it has somehow quickly earned a quiet stigma among people worldwide.
I do think though that I can only enjoy the 2000s because it and the 2010s have been the only decades I was able to understand the world around me. I'm not sure if I should try and yearn for a decade in which I didn't even exist in.
The difference between the 70s and the "woke" of now though, is that people were still allowed to be funky in the 70s. Now the left is all group-think. You must follow the party line or you are cancelled. What kind of thing is that, for heaven's sake? In colleges one is not allowed to say anything that might potentially offend somebody else. It wasn't that way back then. People went to college expressly to have their minds challenged. From challenge comes growth. The repressive "speech codes" of today's colleges and universities, the "safe spaces", the "trigger warnings", are the antithesis of authentic 60s and 70s radicalism.
Subject: Re: We've been screwed since the 1980s.
Written By: wixness on 02/28/20 at 5:17 pm
The difference between the 70s and the "woke" of now though, is that people were still allowed to be funky in the 70s. Now the left is all group-think. You must follow the party line or you are cancelled. What kind of thing is that, for heaven's sake? In colleges one is not allowed to say anything that might potentially offend somebody else. It wasn't that way back then. People went to college expressly to have their minds challenged. From challenge comes growth. The repressive "speech codes" of today's colleges and universities, the "safe spaces", the "trigger warnings", are the antithesis of authentic 60s and 70s radicalism.
I daresay it's about challenging attitudes now, no longer just political guarantees. I think the left want a change of culture because political guarantees don't seem to work and they see it as a sign of neglect or hate as opposed to the "freedom from..." it was intending to give - as if someone is seen as less than human.
Now, I will say that I am someone who doesn't care as much about race as the average 2010s leftist but I still think it's foolish to agree with someone who either completely disregards it as a problem or thinks only white people are worth anything.
As for gender I prefer to agree with the left on this because I find it the least repressive. "Only two genders" sounds makes me feel like I live in a prison.
I think the 80s merely empowered those socially who believed God picks favorites.
I wonder what examples of "funky" you could list.
Subject: Re: We've been screwed since the 1980s.
Written By: imrane on 03/02/20 at 3:04 am
I really hate the whole working 9 to 5. It's bad for your back, mind and eyes (screen time!). It's high time most jobs reduce the working time or/and switch to hoe office where you can stand up as much as you like and take breaks. I loved my home office days, and hate every moment in the office. I miss university when I had more time. I think I'll finally chase my dreams and become singer or a model lol. :)
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