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Subject: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 06/24/19 at 11:26 pm
This thread is everything Beatles! There's already a thread for this day in Beatles history
but this is for anything else - stories, vignettes, memories, song or video posts, images, you name it! If it relates to the Beatles post it here.
Welcome topics are the Beatles (of course), Beatles music, Beatles-related concerts, movies, TV or TV specials, radio, streaming Beatles, Beatles as a pop culture phenomenon, Beatle-bands, Beatlefests, ex-Beatles (John, Paul, George or Ringo), Beatle-penned songs, Beatle song covers, Apple records, or anything about the group.
Song posts are encouraged. Your Beatles (or ex-Beatles) favorite song, your favorite on a particular album or in a specific era, or just one you're feeling right now.
If needing suggestions, you could start with one of the following questions (choose one or more):
- What was the context when you first heard about the Beatles?
- What was the context that you first heard Beatles music being played? Who was playing it? Where?
- What do you think of the Beatles' place in rock music history?
- Did you ever see any Beatles' movies?
- Your favorite Beatles song or Top Ten or Top however many or favorite Album(s)?
- Do you or did you ever have a favorite Beatle?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 06/24/19 at 11:32 pm
Where should I begin?
I have seen their movie Hard Day's Night a number of times... most recently in 2014 in a cinema (as a 50th anniversary celebration of the film's original release). It had some great moments.
All-time favourite songs? I probably have several.
I will make more replies later; I'm just getting some of my thoughts out now. :)
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 06/24/19 at 11:57 pm
A great tune for the beginning of summer (I've loved blasting this in my car with the windows down) -
Good Day, Sunshine - from their 1966 Revolver album...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Lizardmatum on 06/25/19 at 4:11 pm
-First heard about them when my dad (who was a teen in the 60's) sang yellow submarine to me as a child and then proceeded to mention it was from a band called the Beatles he also mentioned that the narrator of Thomas the Tank Engine (which was one of my favorite preschool shows) was Ringo Starr, one of the members of the band.
- I first heard a song by them when I sang she loves you and I wanna hold your hand in a choir that I was apart of in my teens. I listened to it over and over on CD in order to get familiar with it. this was 2012 it wouldn't be until 2017 when i started to delve into their songs more.
-They are legends. So creative and diverse in their music, and absolutely deserve their place in rock music history. Hopefully people will continue to discover how great their music is just as I have.
-Only saw Magical Mystery Tour and the documentary 8 days a week. Still have yet to see Let it Be, hard days night, yellow submarine and Help!
-Honestly I love them all so much I cant rank either the songs or the albums but if I had to pick one song that I think is most representative of the genius of the band its 'A Day In The Life'.
- I love John Lennon's songwriting the most but I think my favorite Beatle personality-wise is Ringo. He just seemed the most humble back in the day and got along with everyone else easily too!
What an awesome Band! My favorite ever by Far!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 06/25/19 at 11:19 pm
-First heard about them when my dad (who was a teen in the 60's) sang yellow submarine to me as a child and then proceeded to mention it was from a band called the Beatles he also mentioned that the narrator of Thomas the Tank Engine (which was one of my favorite preschool shows) was Ringo Starr, one of the members of the band.
- I first heard a song by them when I sang she loves you and I wanna hold your hand in a choir that I was apart of in my teens. I listened to it over and over on CD in order to get familiar with it. this was 2012 it wouldn't be until 2017 when i started to delve into their songs more.
-They are legends. So creative and diverse in their music, and absolutely deserve their place in rock music history. Hopefully people will continue to discover how great their music is just as I have.
-Only saw Magical Mystery Tour and the documentary 8 days a week. Still have yet to see Let it Be, hard days night, yellow submarine and Help!
-Honestly I love them all so much I cant rank either the songs or the albums but if I had to pick one song that I think is most representative of the genius of the band its 'A Day In The Life'.
- I love John Lennon's songwriting the most but I think my favorite Beatle personality-wise is Ringo. He just seemed the most humble back in the day and got along with everyone else easily too!
What an awesome Band! My favorite ever by Far!
O0 awesome!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 06/25/19 at 11:35 pm
I have another bit of info to share. (I knew I would!)
Pete Best, as many of you probably know, was the original drummer for the Beatles, serving in the early 1960s: from August 1960 until being dismissed from the group in August 1962.
In October of 2017, I was on a repositioning cruise (from Vancouver to L.A.), when, on one of the sea days, it was announced that Pete Best himself was on board the ship, and during a special event he sat down with the cruise director to discuss his time with the Beatles! (As well as his upbringing and how he eventually joined the band.) A number of people attended the presentation, including me, so I got to learn some interesting info. In fact, I am attaching a photo of the presentation in which he stood on stage to address the audience. (A large picture of him can be seen on the screen on the back of the stage.)
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 06/26/19 at 6:06 am
I have another bit of info to share. (I knew I would!)
Pete Best, as many of you probably know, was the original drummer for the Beatles, serving in the early 1960s: from August 1960 until being dismissed from the group in August 1962.
In October of 2017, I was on a repositioning cruise (from Vancouver to L.A.), when, on one of the sea days, it was announced that Pete Best himself was on board the ship, and during a special event he sat down with the cruise director to discuss his time with the Beatles! (As well as his upbringing and how he eventually joined the band.) A number of people attended the presentation, including me, so I got to learn some interesting info. In fact, I am attaching a photo of the presentation in which he stood on stage to address the audience. (A large picture of him can be seen on the screen on the back of the stage.)
I would've loved hearing what Pete Best had to say! :D
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 06/26/19 at 11:02 pm
I posted this story couple years ago, but it bears repeating.
I attended a Chicago "Beatlefest" event in (I think) summer 1983 with my brother. My third. Among other awesomeness, Beatlefest featured a Beatles cover band, Liverpool, and had a dance floor set up in their close proximity. Fun! I was dying to hear the band play a specific Beatles tune but had no way to communicate it. So I got creative. I got a plain white oversized T, had "Little Child" emblazoned in bold red letters on the back, split the T down the front and piped it in red (I sew) to make it a cute "tie front", and donned that over a red ribbed tank with a white cheerleader style skirt and dance-able summer sandals. I donned this proudly on the dance floor hoping it would get my song played. Sadly, it didn't. It may have had influence, though, as here's that very same band in 2007:
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: randyripoff on 06/30/19 at 1:25 pm
There was a book called Paperback Writer that was a parody of their history. One of the chapters covered their first meeting with Bob Dylan and how he wrote his songs, and I recall it being quite funny. In short, it wasn't exactly deep thoughts driving Dylan's lyrics.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/02/19 at 12:06 pm
Back in the 1960s my influence of the Beatles came from my elder sister, she had friends and shared the records, and I could not help overhearing the sounds from her bedroom!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/02/19 at 6:36 pm
It was on this day in 2001, that Liverpool Airport at Speke was renamed John Lennon Airport. Yoko Ono was present to unveil a new logo that included the late Beatle's famous self- portrait and the words, 'Above Us Only Sky' taken from his 'Imagine' album. Someone once wrote of portrait (in the baggage hall) "Imagine no possessions"...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/05/19 at 12:56 pm
When I was kid, my oldest sister went to Atlantic City with some friends of hers and brought me back a gift. She left the gift over at her friend's house and I went with her to retrieve it. Her friend's mother was looking through a closet to find it. The mother said, "Is is Paul?" My sister said, "No, Ringo?" She looked at me and smiled. At that time I had no idea who Paul or Ringo were until, Mrs. Stone pulled out my Ringo.
Man, I wish I still had that. I'm sure it is worth a lot more than my sister paid for it.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/06/19 at 9:10 am
When I was kid, my oldest sister went to Atlantic City with some friends of hers and brought me back a gift. She left the gift over at her friend's house and I went with her to retrieve it. Her friend's mother was looking through a closet to find it. The mother said, "Is is Paul?" My sister said, "No, Ringo?" She looked at me and smiled. At that time I had no idea who Paul or Ringo were until, Mrs. Stone pulled out my Ringo.
Man, I wish I still had that. I'm sure it is worth a lot more than my sister paid for it.
That is awesome! :D I recall seeing things like this being sold at Beatlefest for a pretty penny...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Redhairkid on 07/06/19 at 9:56 am
My nephew is 36 and has been a Beatle fan since his youth.
My older cousin David got me into the Beatles, he was always playing their songs. Their music will endure forever.
What I particularly like about them is the fact that they were all genuine down to earth people from modest backgrounds rather than from more affluent background who have everything handed to them on a plate and think they are entitled.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/06/19 at 10:16 pm
Normally I'm not quoting the "...History" threads as I mentioned earlier - but here's a clear exception:
July 6th 1957: John Lennon and Paul McCartney meet for the first time, as teenagers at Woolton Fete, three years before forming the Beatles.
The fate of the Rock and Roll kingdom turned that day, and we Beatles' fans can be forever grateful :D
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 07/06/19 at 11:16 pm
Normally I'm not quoting the "...History" threads as I mentioned earlier - but here's a clear exception:
The fate of the Rock and Roll kingdom turned that day, and we Beatles' fans can be forever grateful :D
Hey, that's fine. After all, it is a key moment in the band's evolution. :)
And the date was also a Saturday July 6th, just like today.
And I'm sure I will have something more to contribute to this thread.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: whistledog on 07/07/19 at 11:07 am
I love talking about songs that Beatles members wrote that were hits for other artists. One of my favourites was called On the wings of a nightingale. It was a comeback hit in 1984 for The Everly Brothers and it was written especially for them by Paul McCartney
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 07/07/19 at 11:29 am
I love talking about songs that Beatles members wrote that were hits for other artists. One of my favourites was called On the wings of a nightingale. It was a comeback hit in 1984 for The Everly Brothers and it was written especially for them by Paul McCartney
Jackie Lomax
"Sour Milk Sea"
written by George Harrison
Jackie Lomax – vocals
George Harrison – acoustic guitar, lead guitar
Eric Clapton – lead guitar
Nicky Hopkins – piano
Paul McCartney – bass (or possibly Klaus Voorman)
Ringo Starr – drums
uncredited – Hammond organ
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: whistledog on 07/07/19 at 11:32 am
In 1987, Paul assembled a host of then popular British singers and musicians to record a new version of Let it be under the name Ferry Aid, to help aid families who lost loved ones in the infamous Zebrugge Disaster. This version is really good and Paul himself sings the opening verse
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: whistledog on 07/07/19 at 11:35 am
Jackie Lomax
"Sour Milk Sea"
written by George Harrison
That is a really good song. It was a Top 30 hit here in Canada back in 1968
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 07/07/19 at 11:51 am
That is a really good song. It was a Top 30 hit here in Canada back in 1968
And there was this one.
God Save Us
Bill Elliot & The Elastic Oz Band
written by John Lennon & Yoko Ono
A benefit single for the Oz magazine defense fund.
Bill Elliot: vocals
John Lennon: electric guitar
Klaus Voormann: bass guitar
Phil Kenzie, Geoff Driscoll: tenor saxophone
Dave Coxhill: baritone saxophone
Diane: keyboards
Ringo Starr: drums
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/07/19 at 4:14 pm
Happy Birthday to Ringo Starr, born July 7, 1940 :D
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/09/19 at 3:33 am
Happy Birthday to Ringo Starr, born July 7, 1940 :D
He now claims that he is too busy to sign autographs to his fans.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 07/09/19 at 7:36 am
He now claims that he is too busy to sign autographs to his fans.
Why is he too busy?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/09/19 at 7:38 am
Why is he too busy?
That is the big question, I will try and look it up.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/09/19 at 10:28 am
Happy Birthday to Ringo Starr, born July 7, 1940 :D
He now claims that he is too busy to sign autographs to his fans.
Why is he too busy?
That is the big question, I will try and look it up.
Back in 2008, the former Beatles drummer has posted a message on his website telling fans that anything sent to him after October 20 will be thrown in the bin. Peace and love!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/09/19 at 11:29 am
When I was kid, my oldest sister went to Atlantic City with some friends of hers and brought me back a gift. She left the gift over at her friend's house and I went with her to retrieve it. Her friend's mother was looking through a closet to find it. The mother said, "Is is Paul?" My sister said, "No, Ringo?" She looked at me and smiled. At that time I had no idea who Paul or Ringo were until, Mrs. Stone pulled out my Ringo.
Man, I wish I still had that. I'm sure it is worth a lot more than my sister paid for it.
After thinking about this for the last couple of days, I think I made a booboo. It was Paul that she gave me.
I do remember the guitar and not the drum.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/09/19 at 12:32 pm
After thinking about this for the last couple of days, I think I made a booboo. It was Paul that she gave me.
I do remember the guitar and not the drum.
Definitely Paul with his left handed guitar, and his caricature.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 07/09/19 at 2:12 pm
Back in 2008, the former Beatles drummer has posted a message on his website telling fans that anything sent to him after October 20 will be thrown in the bin. Peace and love!
That isn't right!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/09/19 at 2:17 pm
That isn't right!
I would think he lost several fans on his decision?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/09/19 at 7:54 pm
Um, I'll take one of each, please! ;) ;D :D
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/10/19 at 12:37 am
Um, I'll take one of each, please! ;) ;D :D
...and the others?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles: The Beatles' first contract sells for £275k
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/10/19 at 2:26 am
The Beatles' first contract with Brian Epstein sells for £275k
The Beatles' first contract with manager Brian Epstein has sold for £275,000 at auction.
Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, and original drummer Pete Best, signed the document on 24 January 1962, before achieving fame. It gave Epstein responsibility for finding the band work, and managing their schedule and publicity. The document was the first of two contracts drawn up between Epstein and The Beatles.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/10/19 at 9:00 pm
...and the others?
Why yes, of course! :D
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/10/19 at 10:22 pm
Any fans of George Harrison's Concert For Bangladesh? I have the DVD - it is fantastic! So many amazing gems to savor. The concert likely raised the profile of some featured artists, for one perhaps Billy Preston, plus the following artist who co-led this gem with George:
George Harrison w/ Leon Russell - live - Beware Of Darkness :)
from the Concert for Bangladesh (August 1971)
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 07/10/19 at 10:56 pm
Any fans of George Harrison's Concert For Bangladesh? I have the DVD - it is fantastic! So many amazing gems to savor. The concert likely raised the profile of some featured artists, for one perhaps Billy Preston, plus the following artist who co-led this gem with George:
George Harrison w/ Leon Russell - live - Beware Of Darkness :)
from the Concert for Bangladesh (August 1971)
I've got the DVD too. I love it and the documentary that comes with it. Before that I had to make do with the VHS of it I taped from MTV the night before the Live Aid concert in 1985. MTV broadcast the Bangla Desh movie (with commercials) as a sort of lead-up to Live Aid, the Bangla Desh concert being the first all star charity concert, so to speak. I also saw the movie in a theater when it was brand new in March, 1972. Its hard to imagine in this instantaneous age how things used to be back then. The concert took place in August, 1971. The album came out in December 1971 and the movie came out in March 1972. And that was faster than Woodstock. The Woodstock movie came out a year after the event.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/10/19 at 11:18 pm
...Its hard to imagine in this instantaneous age how things used to be back then. The concert took place in August, 1971. The album came out in December 1971 and the movie came out in March 1972. And that was faster than Woodstock. The Woodstock movie came out a year after the event.
So true! Plus, anything we missed back then, we were generally SOL, unless the TV gods were kind enough to suggest to some TV station honcho that they should televise it. :-\\ We couldn't look it up on YouTube...
In regards to the Concert for Bangladesh, the one act I would've loved to see more of was Badfinger. It was terrific having Pete Ham accompany George in Here Comes The Sun, but a Badfinger tune would've been a fine addition to the show IMO.
On the other hand, Dylan was rockin' it - loved his set!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 07/11/19 at 11:21 pm
Last August, I went to a show at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, presented by Bob Eubanks... in which he discussed the Beatles' 1964 and 1965 concerts at the Hollywood Bowl. He helped produce the events, having been a California-based disc jockey for much of the 1960s. It was quite an interesting presentation. At various points in the presentation, an onstage cover band performed various Beatles songs.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/12/19 at 1:05 pm
I was listening to the album Sgt Pepper this morning.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/16/19 at 6:31 am
Anybody else love the Beatles' early years sound? I do I do! :D
I just stumbled onto this live BBC radio recording. It's definitely worth posting...
The Beatles - Ask Me Why - on air, live at the BBC, September 1963
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/23/19 at 9:01 am
I was listening to the album Sgt Pepper this morning.
That was the album I brought on my wages from my from first job.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/23/19 at 12:16 pm
That was the album I brought on my wages from my from first job.
Abbey Road was my first Beatles album. I think it was given to me-by my dad. I could be wrong. Or I was listening to my dad's album when I was living with him (age 14). After I stopped living with him (age 15), I had to get the album for myself. I really can't remember. I just know that Abbey Road was my first Beatles album. I now have all of them on CD.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/31/19 at 10:49 pm
Abbey Road was my first Beatles album. I think it was given to me-by my dad. I could be wrong. Or I was listening to my dad's album when I was living with him (age 14). After I stopped living with him (age 15), I had to get the album for myself. I really can't remember. I just know that Abbey Road was my first Beatles album. I now have all of them on CD.
O0 Abbey Road - awesome!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/31/19 at 10:53 pm
My early Beatles-related memory. It was likely late summer 1964 - I was 4. People around me had been buzzing about this new phenomenon, the Beatles, not to mention what I'd seen on TV. I didn't know then to like the group - their name sounded creepy crawly (I heard "beetles"). So at nursery school, we were approaching "graduation" time, of sorts - certain kids about to peel off for Kindergarten, my brother being one of them. So I don't know what precipitated this, but one of the boys rushes into the basement playroom where the rest of us were, exclaiming "let's be the Beatles!" In a flash, several (including my brother) had grabbed mops or brooms for guitars, put the mop heads on their heads, and jumped up and down on the daybed singing "she loves you YEAH YEAH YEAH" and "I wanna hold your hand hand hand!". This impromptu concert was about as much giggly euphoria as a four year old girl could take. :D
I think they got in the bulk of three songs in before the headmaster came down to break up the ruckus. My mind changed about the Beatles that day - never to look back...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/08/19 at 6:53 am
It was 50 years ago today...
Now today is one day I wished to be at the Abbey Road Crossing, for it is the 50th anniversary of when photographer Iain Macmillan took the iconic photo that becomes the cover image of the Beatles' album Abbey Road. I know it will crowded.
It looks like the webcam is slow! I cannot access it at the moment.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/20/19 at 11:20 am
Over the years I always felt that John Lennon wrote better lyrics than Paul McCartney, and vice versa with melodies. Reflecting on that Paul wrote "Yesterday" entirely on his own.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: violet_shy on 08/20/19 at 4:49 pm
Has anyone ever dreamed with a Beatles song while sleeping?
Happened to me last night. I kept hearing "If I fell" as I dreamed. Can't remember the dream just the song. Weird.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/20/19 at 4:52 pm
Has anyone ever dreamed with a Beatles song while sleeping?
Happened to me last night. I kept hearing "If I fell" as I dreamed. Can't remember the dream just the song. Weird.
First thing to note, the tune for "Yesterday" came to Paul McCartney in a dream, and over the initial weeks he was playing it to friends, and musicians, asking is this tune already famous. It turned out not to be, and the rest is history.
Personally, I have dreamed of the Beatles and various songs. over my many years.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/20/19 at 4:54 pm
Has anyone ever dreamed with a Beatles song while sleeping?
Happened to me last night. I kept hearing "If I fell" as I dreamed. Can't remember the dream just the song. Weird.
First thing to note, the tune for "Yesterday" came to Paul McCartney in a dream, and over the initial weeks he was playing it to friends, and musicians, asking is this tune already famous. It turned out not to be, and the rest is history.
Personally, I have dreamed of the Beatles and various songs. over my many years.
Of which reminds me, I must see the movie "Yesterday".
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 08/20/19 at 7:54 pm
First thing to note, the tune for "Yesterday" came to Paul McCartney in a dream, and over the initial weeks he was playing it to friends, and musicians, asking is this tune already famous. It turned out not to be, and the rest is history...
O0 Pretty awesome!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 08/20/19 at 7:55 pm
Has anyone ever dreamed with a Beatles song while sleeping?
Happened to me last night. I kept hearing "If I fell" as I dreamed. Can't remember the dream just the song. Weird.
I don't need much coaxing...
The Beatles - If I Fell :D
(from 1964's A Hard Day's Night movie & album)
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 08/20/19 at 10:06 pm
I don't need much coaxing...
The Beatles - If I Fell :D
(from 1964's A Hard Day's Night movie & album)
I have seen that film several times, as noted earlier in this thread!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/21/19 at 6:42 am
First thing to note, the tune for "Yesterday" came to Paul McCartney in a dream, and over the initial weeks he was playing it to friends, and musicians, asking is this tune already famous. It turned out not to be, and the rest is history.
O0 Pretty awesome!
If ever I get to met Paul McCartney, I wish to ask him is this true, and is there anymore he can add to this.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/22/19 at 11:23 am
Back in 1964 Liberty Records released an album "The Chipmunks Sing the Beatles" it sold well, but who here has heard it?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 08/24/19 at 10:24 pm
Back in 1964 Liberty Records released an album "The Chipmunks Sing the Beatles" it sold well, but who here has heard it?
I believe I may have "heard of" it. I recall years ago listening to a radio program about the Beatles, and if I remember right they played a clip from that album. As far as the album, I can't say I've "heard" it.
It might be pretty interesting - on the other hand, I wouldn't likely be too thrilled if it's not well done...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/25/19 at 7:27 am
I believe I may have "heard of" it. I recall years ago listening to a radio program about the Beatles, and if I remember right they played a clip from that album. As far as the album, I can't say I've "heard" it.
It might be pretty interesting - on the other hand, I wouldn't likely be too thrilled if it's not well done...
I have heard tracks myself before, but now I do not wish to...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/30/19 at 6:28 am
How closely does any member here listen to "Hey Jude" (released in 1968), for...
Quoting from Wiki
" At 2:58 of the song on the single version, someone can allegedly be heard to say, "F___ing hell!" There is some dispute as to who said this, and whether it was really exclaimed at all. Sound engineers Ken Scott and Geoff Emerick claim the exclamation came from McCartney and that it was Lennon's idea to leave the mistake in the final mix. "'Paul hit a clunker on the piano and said a naughty word,' Lennon gleefully crowed, 'but I insisted we leave it in, buried just low enough so that it can barely be heard. Most people won't ever spot it ... but we'll know it's there.'" However, in the Kevin Ryan and Brian Kehew book Recording the Beatles, discussing the recording processes behind the Beatles' sessions, engineer Malcolm Toft recalls, "Barry Sheffield engineered 'Hey Jude', but I mixed it ... John Lennon says a very rude word about halfway through the song. At 2:59 you will hear a 'Whoa!' from him in the background. About two seconds later you will hear, 'F___ing hell!' This was because when he was doing a vocal backing, Barry sent him the foldback level too loud and he threw the cans on the ground and uttered the expletive. But, because it had been bounced down with the main vocal, it could not be removed. I just managed to bring the fader down for a split second on the mix to try to lessen the effect." Others argue that the voice is Ringo Starr's."
I hear it every time.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 08/31/19 at 9:22 pm
How closely does any member here listen to "Hey Jude" (released in 1968), for...
Quoting from Wiki
" At 2:58 of the song on the single version, someone can allegedly be heard to say, "F___ing hell!" There is some dispute as to who said this, and whether it was really exclaimed at all. Sound engineers Ken Scott and Geoff Emerick claim the exclamation came from McCartney and that it was Lennon's idea to leave the mistake in the final mix. "'Paul hit a clunker on the piano and said a naughty word,' Lennon gleefully crowed, 'but I insisted we leave it in, buried just low enough so that it can barely be heard. Most people won't ever spot it ... but we'll know it's there.'" However, in the Kevin Ryan and Brian Kehew book Recording the Beatles, discussing the recording processes behind the Beatles' sessions, engineer Malcolm Toft recalls, "Barry Sheffield engineered 'Hey Jude', but I mixed it ... John Lennon says a very rude word about halfway through the song. At 2:59 you will hear a 'Whoa!' from him in the background. About two seconds later you will hear, 'F___ing hell!' This was because when he was doing a vocal backing, Barry sent him the foldback level too loud and he threw the cans on the ground and uttered the expletive. But, because it had been bounced down with the main vocal, it could not be removed. I just managed to bring the fader down for a split second on the mix to try to lessen the effect." Others argue that the voice is Ringo Starr's."
I hear it every time.
Whoa - first time I heard that ;D I couldn't exactly make out what was being said, but that fits...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 08/31/19 at 9:38 pm
Whoa - first time I heard that ;D I couldn't exactly make out what was being said, but that fits...
Another hidden thing you may not have noticed is that at 1:44 on Ringo's "It Don't Come Easy" the background singers (members of Badfinger) sing "Hare Krishna". It's clearly there but it's barely noticeable. But once you hear it you will never NOT hear it again. This is a holdover from when George (the main author of the song) cut it himself and sang the lead vocal. He instructed the Badfinger singers to chant "Hare Krishna". It's MUCH more pronounced on the unreleased Harrison version (which can be found on Youtube). The backing track of the Harrison version was later used for the version Ringo sings.
Listen for it:
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/01/19 at 6:03 pm
Another hidden thing you may not have noticed is that at 1:44 on Ringo's "It Don't Come Easy" the background singers (members of Badfinger) sing "Hare Krishna". It's clearly there but it's barely noticeable. But once you hear it you will never NOT hear it again. This is a holdover from when George (the main author of the song) cut it himself and sang the lead vocal. He instructed the Badfinger singers to chant "Hare Krishna". It's MUCH more pronounced on the unreleased Harrison version (which can be found on Youtube). The backing track of the Harrison version was later used for the version Ringo sings...
Wow cool! :D It's definitely easier to hear in the George Harrison version
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/13/19 at 11:53 am
Another hidden thing you may not have noticed is that at 1:44 on Ringo's "It Don't Come Easy" the background singers (members of Badfinger) sing "Hare Krishna". It's clearly there but it's barely noticeable. But once you hear it you will never NOT hear it again. This is a holdover from when George (the main author of the song) cut it himself and sang the lead vocal. He instructed the Badfinger singers to chant "Hare Krishna". It's MUCH more pronounced on the unreleased Harrison version (which can be found on Youtube). The backing track of the Harrison version was later used for the version Ringo sings.
Listen for it:
I known the song well over the years but never noticed that before.
BTW, happy birthday to his son Zak for today.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/13/19 at 11:58 am
Good news for Beatles fans:
Strawberry Field site opens as tourist attraction
The children's home that inspired The Beatles' famous song Strawberry Fields Forever is to open its gates as a tourist attraction and youth centre.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 09/13/19 at 1:43 pm
Good news for Beatles fans:
Strawberry Field site opens as tourist attraction
The children's home that inspired The Beatles' famous song Strawberry Fields Forever is to open its gates as a tourist attraction and youth centre.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/13/19 at 1:48 pm
I have been twice to Liverpool, but do wish to go again to the Beatles tour.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 09/13/19 at 1:56 pm
I have been twice to Liverpool, but do wish to go again to the Beatles tour.
and cross Abbey Road?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/13/19 at 2:04 pm
and cross Abbey Road?
Many a time, with photos somewhere.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 09/14/19 at 2:57 pm
Many a time, with photos somewhere.
Does Abbey Road have stop signs?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/14/19 at 3:07 pm
Does Abbey Road have stop signs?
It is a pedestrian crossing, similar to the below image
No stop signs, but traffic does have to stop if someone is crossing.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 09/14/19 at 3:29 pm
It is a pedestrian crossing, similar to the below image
No stop signs, but traffic does have to stop if someone is crossing.
Isn't that dangerous?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/14/19 at 3:38 pm
Isn't that dangerous?
It can be if the cars are approaching too fast, but is in the rule book of the road driving "The Highway Code" too slow down.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/17/19 at 1:40 pm
Just three words...
"Is Paul Dead?"
The clues are out there!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/17/19 at 7:44 pm
Just three words...
"Is Paul Dead?"
The clues are out there!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/17/19 at 8:12 pm
Regarding vinyl releases, "USA" releases differed from "UK" releases. Who saw that a problem? The Beatles did! That is why they came up with the idea of the infamous "butcher cover" for the album "Yesterday and Today".
(The Butcher Cover - recommend not to look at this while eating 8-P ):
This distasteful album cover was a way for the Beatles to protest what Capitol records was doing to the American album releases. You see, "Yesterday and Today" was never supposed to be an album - at least in the minds of the Beatles. In essence, whereas the UK releases generally contained 14 songs apiece, Capitol records culled different combinations of songs from these to make the US versions, which generally contained only 11 songs (or less). The Beatles used the Butcher cover to protest Capitol's greedy behavior. However, the public wasn't happy with the cover and so Capitol had to recall the early released Yesterday and Today albums and paste a "boring" cover on top of it (ironically any album having the butcher cover today commands a pretty penny, as it is a collector's item).
Once Sgt. Pepper hit, the practice of making different albums for "USA" and "UK" stopped.
Any thoughts about the different album configurations? I will add personally that whereas I say my favorite Beatles album is Rubber Soul, it is the "USA" version of the album I refer to...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 09/18/19 at 2:45 pm
Just three words...
"Is Paul Dead?"
The clues are out there!
He is still touring.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 09/20/19 at 3:24 pm
Regarding vinyl releases, "USA" releases differed from "UK" releases. Who saw that a problem? The Beatles did! That is why they came up with the idea of the infamous "butcher cover" for the album "Yesterday and Today".
This distasteful album cover was a way for the Beatles to protest what Capitol records was doing to the American album releases. You see, "Yesterday and Today" was never supposed to be an album - at least in the minds of the Beatles. In essence, whereas the UK releases generally contained 14 songs apiece, Capitol records culled different combinations of songs from these to make the US versions, which generally contained only 11 songs (or less). The Beatles used the Butcher cover to protest Capitol's greedy behavior. However, the public wasn't happy with the cover and so Capitol had to recall the early released Yesterday and Today albums and paste a "boring" cover on top of it (ironically any album having the butcher cover today commands a pretty penny, as it is a collector's item).
Once Sgt. Pepper hit, the practice of making different albums for "USA" and "UK" stopped.
Any thoughts about the different album configurations? I will add personally that whereas I say my favorite Beatles album is Rubber Soul, it is the "USA" version of the album I refer to...
Both the Beatles and the Stones had "American" and "UK" album releases. This was due to the fact that UK albums traditionally had fourteen or so songs in the early days while American LPs traditionally had twelve and later ten. "Flowers" was to the Stones what "Yesterday and Today" was to the Beatles. A collection of the songs that didn't make it onto the American albums.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/22/19 at 3:42 pm
Regarding vinyl releases, "USA" releases differed from "UK" releases...
Perhaps among the worst examples of this was the U.S. version of the album "Help!". It contains the following seven outstanding Beatles cuts, a collection whose quality is second to none:
The Night Before
You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
I Need You
Another Girl
Ticket To Ride
You're Going To Lose That Girl
It also contains five more songs, instrumentals from the Help! movie soundtrack:
Another Hard Day's Night
In The Tyrol
Me To You Fantasy
The Bitter End
The Chase
I'm not criticizing the dozen or so people who love those instrumentals equally to the Beatles' cuts. But WHY did Capitol interleave the songs together, so that if you put the LP album on and let it play, your euphoria with the awesome Beatles' songs is repeatedly interrupted by instrumental filler? WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!?!?
BTW the Help! album, to my knowledge, cost the same price as the others...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 10/04/19 at 12:49 pm
Perhaps among the worst examples of this was the U.S. version of the album "Help!". It contains the following seven outstanding Beatles cuts, a collection whose quality is second to none:
The Night Before
You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
I Need You
Another Girl
Ticket To Ride
You're Going To Lose That Girl
It also contains five more songs, instrumentals from the Help! movie soundtrack:
Another Hard Day's Night
In The Tyrol
Me To You Fantasy
The Bitter End
The Chase
I'm not criticizing the dozen or so people who love those instrumentals equally to the Beatles' cuts. But WHY did Capitol interleave the songs together, so that if you put the LP album on and let it play, your euphoria with the awesome Beatles' songs is repeatedly interrupted by instrumental filler? WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!?!?
BTW the Help! album, to my knowledge, cost the same price as the others...
Hmmm, that is interesting...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/05/19 at 5:43 am
The Beatles' Abbey Road returns to number one 50 years on
The Beatles' Abbey Road has returned to number one in the UK, 50 years after it first topped the album charts. The Fab Four reclaimed the top spot with an expanded anniversary edition. The feat also sees the album set a record - the gap of 49 years and 252 days since its initial chart-topping run ended in early 1970 is the longest gap before returning to number one. "It's hard to believe that Abbey Road still holds up after all these years," tweeted Sir Paul McCartney on Friday. "But then again it's a bloody cool album," he added.
The new version features original tracks such as Here Comes The Sun and Come Together as well as previously unheard material from the recording sessions.
The previous record for longest gap between number one appearances by the same album was held by (yup, you guessed it) The Beatles again, for their seminal 1967 record, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The sprawling psych-rock masterpiece returned to number one in 2017 courtesy of another anniversary re-release - a mere 49 years and 125 days after its previous spell at the top.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/09/19 at 11:06 am
From another topic:
Back in October 2013, we visited Strawberry Fields, the memorial to John Lennon in Central Park, New York, located near the Dakota Building, his residence and site of the fateful shooting. All the time I was there I was getting a strange shiver down my spine, I feeling I have always had where something is spooky happening. I asked our host to check something on the Google on her phone and it turned out it was October 8th, one day before the birthday of John Lennon. We then walked to Times Square, via Fifth Avenue, I think (passing Trump Tower), and spent time there sitting down drinking tea/coffee waiting for a friend of our host. Now, if we were there a day later, more events would had been happening at Strawberry Fields, and at Times Square Paul McCartney gave a free concert prompting his then latest album. We missed out on it!
Subject: Quarrymen photo emerges on Fab Four split anniversary
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/10/20 at 10:31 am
A rare photograph of the trio who evolved into the Beatles has emerged. The previously-unpublished photo of The Quarrymen shows Paul McCartney, John Lennon and George Harrison a year before becoming The Beatles. The picture, captured in a Liverpool home in 1959, has surfaced on the 50th anniversary of McCartney announcing he was leaving the group. "History shines in every dimly-lit detail," said Beatles' historian and author Mark Lewisohn. "Within a year of this moment the Quarrymen had become The Beatles, professional musicians playing long hours in Hamburg," he added.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/27/20 at 12:14 pm
Of which reminds me, I must see the movie "Yesterday".
I did get to see this film, and I do not know why, but after the expectation of the delights of this film I was disappointed with it, may it was me for I was down with flu at the time.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/07/20 at 3:21 am
Today sees the 80th birthday of Ringo Starr, but he is not the first Beatle to reach 80 for the drummer Jimmie Nicol (turned 80 August 2019) who temporary replaced Ringo during a series of concerts during the height of Beatlemania in 1964, when Ringo Starr became ill with tonsillitis and was hospitalised. Paul McCartney celebrated his 78th birthday last June.
Happy birthday Ringo!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles - Liverpool's Cavern Club in 'fight for survival'
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/15/20 at 2:24 pm
The Cavern Club in Liverpool, best known for launching The Beatles, says it is facing a fight for its survival as a result of the pandemic. The venue usually hosts about 800,000 visitors a year but one of its directors, Bill Heckle, said it had lost £30,000 a week since the lockdown began in March. He said: "We went five months before unfortunately we had to make about 20 people redundant." The Cavern is reopening for virtual sets by music bands from around the world later in August. But its survival depends on a bid to the government's cultural recovery fund, a Liverpool City Council spokesperson said. The city's mayor Joe Anderson said: "Liverpool City Council is doing all it can to help our venues but we can only do so much, given how much financial pressure we are under supporting the most vulnerable in our communities."
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles - Liverpool's Cavern Club in 'fight for survival'
Written By: AmericanGirl on 08/15/20 at 8:51 pm
The Cavern Club in Liverpool, best known for launching The Beatles, says it is facing a fight for its survival as a result of the pandemic. The venue usually hosts about 800,000 visitors a year but one of its directors, Bill Heckle, said it had lost £30,000 a week since the lockdown began in March. He said: "We went five months before unfortunately we had to make about 20 people redundant." The Cavern is reopening for virtual sets by music bands from around the world later in August. But its survival depends on a bid to the government's cultural recovery fund, a Liverpool City Council spokesperson said. The city's mayor Joe Anderson said: "Liverpool City Council is doing all it can to help our venues but we can only do so much, given how much financial pressure we are under supporting the most vulnerable in our communities."
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/16/20 at 1:17 am
I have been to Liverpool twice and on both visits shamefully we had no time to visit the Cavern Club, but we did do the Beatles Story museum, which has an exact mock up of the Craven Club and you realise how small and cramped it is.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/16/20 at 5:01 pm
I have been to Liverpool twice and on both visits shamefully we had no time to visit the Cavern Club, but we did do the Beatles Story museum, which has an exact mock up of the Craven Club and you realise how small and cramped it is.
...and I do plan to go to Liverpool again, stay a few days and do everything Beatle, but nowadays the pandemic has stopped me.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: 80sfan on 08/18/20 at 3:46 pm
I think The Beatles breaking up by 1970 gave/gives them a kinda 'faraway, exotic, they were of another, classic, time' type of energy to them.
Who knows? Perhaps they would have outstayed their welcome, and made very tacky music and then ruined their legacy and the idealism about them!
Sometimes things happen in a weird way.
I don't think it matters one way, or the other, at the end of the day, though! The Beatles have sold roughly 400 million copies worldwide. So, it's not like
they're suffering!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 08/18/20 at 5:51 pm
I think The Beatles breaking up by 1970 gave/gives them a kinda 'faraway, exotic, they were of another, classic, time' type of energy to them.
Who knows? Perhaps they would have outstayed their welcome, and made very tacky music and then ruined their legacy and the idealism about them!
Sometimes things happen in a weird way.
I don't think it matters one way, or the other, at the end of the day, though! The Beatles have sold roughly 400 million copies worldwide. So, it's not like
they're suffering!
Far away and exotic? I remember when they were together. They were far away and exotic then! And yes they broke up at the correct time. These things have a lifespan. I'm surprised they stayed together as long as thy did. John Lennon is on record as saying he wanted to leave as early as 1966. George Harrison left in 1968 during the White Album sessions and was talked into coming back.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: 80sfan on 08/18/20 at 5:56 pm
Far away and exotic? I remember when they were together. They were far away and exotic then! And yes they broke up at the correct time. These things have a lifespan. I'm surprised they stayed together as long as thy did. John Lennon is on record as saying he wanted to leave as early as 1966. George Harrison left in 1968 during the White Album sessions and was talked into coming back.
Darn, there were already signs! Too bad Yoko is used as a scapegoat. ;D
As for exotic and 'faraway,' is because I'm a late 80's born!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 08/18/20 at 6:17 pm
Darn, there were already signs! Too bad Yoko is used as a scapegoat. ;D
As for exotic and 'faraway,' is because I'm a late 80's born!
Of course there were signs. By the time they broke up there was precious little left to break. The Yoko-broke-up-the-Beatles nonsense has unfortunately, at this late point, passed into the realm of folklore, and it is impossible to fight folklore.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/09/20 at 9:21 am
80 years ago today, this boy was born...
Who knew then he would change the musical landscape of the world forever?
Happy Birthday, John!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/09/20 at 9:53 am
On the news just now, showed a report on the 80th birthday of John Lennon, displaying the Empire State Building lit up in his honour with the peace sign ☮️ and footage of him and Yoko walking along The Mall in Central Park. It warmed my heart to see these images, but to also think, I was at Strawberry Fields and walking along The Mall myself almost to the day seven years ago.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/09/20 at 9:55 am
From another topic:
Back in October 2013, we visited Strawberry Fields, the memorial to John Lennon in Central Park, New York, located near the Dakota Building, his residence and site of the fateful shooting. All the time I was there I was getting a strange shiver down my spine, I feeling I have always had where something is spooky happening. I asked our host to check something on the Google on her phone and it turned out it was October 8th, one day before the birthday of John Lennon. We then walked to Times Square, via Fifth Avenue, I think (passing Trump Tower), and spent time there sitting down drinking tea/coffee waiting for a friend of our host. Now, if we were there a day later, more events would had been happening at Strawberry Fields, and at Times Square Paul McCartney gave a free concert prompting his then latest album. We missed out on it!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 10/09/20 at 2:12 pm
This was an enjoyable film documentary into the minds of John Lennon and Mark David Chapman.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 10/09/20 at 2:13 pm
On the news just now, showed a report on the 80th birthday of John Lennon, displaying the Empire State Building lit up in his honour with the peace sign ☮️ and footage of him and Yoko walking along The Mall in Central Park. It warmed my heart to see these images, but to also think, I was at Strawberry Fields and walking along The Mall myself almost to the day seven years ago.
I kind of wonder what he would've thought of The Coronavirus in 2020?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 10/10/20 at 12:02 am
Good ol' Willie Nelson!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/12/20 at 4:57 am
Good ol' Willie Nelson!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/12/20 at 4:58 am
Venues and organisations, including The Cavern Club in Liverpool and the London Symphony Orchestra, are to receive a share of £257m government arts funding. The Cavern, which hosted early gigs from The Beatles, has been given £525,000 to fund the recording of performances from local musicians.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/16/21 at 3:57 pm
There is a story being bantered around the Internet that John Lennon once asked the film director Stanley Kubrick to direct a film with the Beatles in "Lord of the Rings", obviously it never materialised, and seeing some online reports, I read them as fake news, and the chance of a cheap joke 'Lord of the Ringos'.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 06/16/21 at 5:53 pm
There is a story being bantered around the Internet that John Lennon once asked the film director Stanley Kubrick to direct a film with the Beatles in "Lord of the Rings", obviously it never materialised, and seeing some online reports, I read them as fake news, and the chance of a cheap joke 'Lord of the Ringos'.
Lord of the Ringos? :D ;D :D
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/16/21 at 9:48 pm
There is a story being bantered around the Internet that John Lennon once asked the film director Stanley Kubrick to direct a film with the Beatles in "Lord of the Rings", obviously it never materialised, and seeing some online reports, I read them as fake news, and the chance of a cheap joke 'Lord of the Ringos'.
Actually that WAS an idea that was thrown around back then. Not that there's a snowball's chance that it would have happened, but this is the way things were back then. If you were the Beatles, the sky was the limit. Lennon was forever coming up with ideas, some of which came to fruition, some which did not. Some were impractical, but it mattered not. And, of course, "Lord of the Rings" talk was everywhere back then. Don't forget, one of the most popular clubs in London in the late 60s was called Middle Earth. Tyrannosaurus Rex, later known as T. Rex, used to play there, among others.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: andersenb11775 on 06/16/21 at 11:48 pm
As a child of the eighties I can say that Julian Lennon proves that talent is not inherited.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/17/21 at 8:42 am
As a child of the eighties I can say that Julian Lennon proves that talent is not inherited.
For me talent is discovered, and many a person can go through their life not discovering their 'hidden' talent. Parents, of course, can inspire their children, for after John Lennon's divorce for Cynthia when Julian was five years old, had almost no contact with his father until the early 1970s. Those missing tears can mean so much to a young child.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/25/21 at 5:10 am
Why is today 'Global Beatles Day'?
Because: June 25th 1967 - The Beatles performed "All You Need Is Love" live on the "Our World" program.?
Sir Peter Blake's 89th birthday?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/25/21 at 7:38 am
"Jealous Guy" by John Lennon from his 1971 album Imagine, was not released as a single during Lennon's lifetime, it became an international hit in a version by Roxy Music issued in early 1981; this version reached #1 in the UK and Australia, and was a top 10 hit in several European countries. Lennon's own version was subsequently issued as a single, and charted in the US and UK.
Lennon began writing the song in 1968, when, as "Child of Nature", it was among the many songs demoed by the Beatles before they recorded their self-titled double album (also known as the "White Album"). The lyrics were originally inspired by a lecture given by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in early 1968, when the Beatles attended his spiritual retreat in Rishikesh, India. In its rewritten form, the song serves as a confessional in which Lennon addresses the feelings of inadequacy that resulted in his failings as a lover and husband.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/25/21 at 8:35 am
Peter Jackson’s Disney+ Beatles documentary Get Back shines a new, clear light on the band’s story
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/25/21 at 10:31 am
Peter Jackson’s Disney+ Beatles documentary Get Back shines a new, clear light on the band’s story
Have you seen it?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 11/25/21 at 10:41 am
Have you seen it?
I saw the original Let It Be movie in theater in 1970 during it's original release. I won the tickets from a radio station!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/25/21 at 10:54 am
Have you seen it?
The Beatles: Get Back, is over 7 hours in duration, and Disney+ is released on three successive days, November 25th, 26th and 27th. I just watched part one, and it is very enlightening into the way of The Beatles.
I saw the original Let It Be movie in theater in 1970 during it's original release. I won the tickets from a radio station!
I saw "Let It Be" on an original screening on television, and never seen it seen. Seeing the documentary reminds me of certain scenes in "Let It Be".
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 11/25/21 at 11:25 am
Have you seen it?
I don't have Disney+. I'm sure it will eventually be available elsewhere, though.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/25/21 at 11:27 am
I don't have Disney+. I'm sure it will eventually be available elsewhere, though.
My friend, who does not have Disney+, in fact, he does not have wi-fi, is asking me to watch out for on DVD.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/25/21 at 11:29 am
I don't have Disney+. I'm sure it will eventually be available elsewhere, though.
I kind of flip around canceling and subscribing different streaming services throughout the year and will probably resubscribe to Disney+ later on this year.
I have to ask you, VOT70s, are you a Star Wars fan?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 11/25/21 at 11:48 am
I kind of flip around canceling and subscribing different streaming services throughout the year and will probably resubscribe to Disney+ later on this year.
I have to ask you, VOT70s, are you a Star Wars fan?
Never was much for Star Wars. I never even saw the original. I DO remember the advertising campaign back in 1977. I had never seen anything so massive up to that point. By the time it hit the theaters there was not a person on Earth who had not heard of that movie, even if they lived in a cave. The era of the "blockbuster" started in 1975 with "Jaws" and was cemented with "Star Wars".
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/25/21 at 1:57 pm
I subscribed to Disney+ last year when they started streaming Hamilton (which I have watched I don't know how many times already-oh, I think it is time for another viewing). So, we will probably watch this Beatles thingy.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/29/21 at 5:52 am
I subscribed to Disney+ last year when they started streaming Hamilton (which I have watched I don't know how many times already-oh, I think it is time for another viewing). So, we will probably watch this Beatles thingy.
Thank you for reminding me, I still need to see "Hamilton". But will do a quick history research on him first.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/29/21 at 9:37 am
The Beatles: Get Back, is over 7 hours in duration, and Disney+ is released on three successive days, November 25th, 26th and 27th. I just watched part one, and it is very enlightening into the way of The Beatles.
Having seen "The Beatles: Get Back" complete now, I found it a charm to watch. The camera capturing the songs from inspirational starts to 'jam sessions' to the complete recorded songs, it is like witnessing the songs in creation. The was the smile on road manager Mal Evens' face that summed it up, he was glad to be there, working on the best job of his (short) life.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/30/21 at 12:17 pm
In 1968 The Beatles were in the midst of their excursion to India, working on new music. During this time, the band were sent the Lord of the Rings books by their Apple Corps film producer Denis O'Dell who thought they might enjoy it. After this, the Fab Four were keen to get a musical version of fantasy epics.
The director of the 2000's Lord of the Rings adaptation, Peter Jackson, recently gave some insight into what really went on.
Jackson revealed: "Ultimately, they couldn't get the rights from Tolkien, because he didn't like the idea of a pop group doing his story. So it got nixed by him.
Subject: George Harrison's childhood home sells for £171,000
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/30/21 at 2:42 pm
The childhood home of George Harrison has sold for £171,000 at auction.
The Beatles guitarist moved to 25 Upton Green in Speke, Liverpool, in 1949 when he was six years old.
Harrison rehearsed with John Lennon and Paul McCartney at the house, which his family left in 1962 just as the Fab Four were about to hit the big time.
An American fan of the band bought the house when it went under the hammer at Omega Auctions in Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside.
Auctioneer Paul Fairweather said the American was "a Beatles fan but also saw it as a good investment".
In the same auction an original sign from 1960s hotspot Carnaby Street in London fetched nearly £5,800.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/11/21 at 9:10 pm
Having seen "The Beatles: Get Back" complete now, I found it a charm to watch. The camera capturing the songs from inspirational starts to 'jam sessions' to the complete recorded songs, it is like witnessing the songs in creation. The was the smile on road manager Mal Evens' face that summed it up, he was glad to be there, working on the best job of his (short) life.
Just resubscribed to Disney Plus. I finished watching the first segment of Get Back and am halfway into the second.
Not only is it fascinating to watch the songwriting process as it happens, but I feel almost as if I'm getting to know the Beatles themselves.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/12/21 at 9:00 am
10 Times the Beatles Used Pseudonyms on Records:
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/13/21 at 7:39 am
10 Times the Beatles Used Pseudonyms on Records:
The list is interesting, some I knew, but others I was unaware of, especially Harry Georgeson
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 02/11/22 at 10:20 pm
Hubby took me tonite to the local IMAX theater. We saw The Beatles: Get Back - The Rooftop Concert (2022). It was AWESOME! :D So much more detail over the previously released rooftop concert movie (which I love). Well done! I just went, but I'm already hoping to see it again!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: LooseBolt on 02/14/22 at 12:24 pm
Ah yes, I am the designated Beatlemaniac in my family. My wife and I had our second date watching A Hard Day's Night while taking a break from university final exams.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 02/14/22 at 10:48 pm
Ah yes, I am the designated Beatlemaniac in my family. My wife and I had our second date watching A Hard Day's Night while taking a break from university final exams.
That was a good choice! O0
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 02/14/22 at 10:48 pm
Hubby took me tonite to the local IMAX theater. We saw The Beatles: Get Back - The Rooftop Concert (2022). It was AWESOME! :D So much more detail over the previously released rooftop concert movie (which I love). Well done! I just went, but I'm already hoping to see it again!
I'd like to see that at some point!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 02/14/22 at 11:58 pm
I'd like to see that at some point!
O0 If you can, do - very worthwhile!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/17/22 at 6:33 am
Hubby took me tonite to the local IMAX theater. We saw The Beatles: Get Back - The Rooftop Concert (2022). It was AWESOME! :D So much more detail over the previously released rooftop concert movie (which I love). Well done! I just went, but I'm already hoping to see it again!
I am tempted to watch the whole 8 hours of "The Beatles: Get Back" again.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Lizardmatum on 03/09/22 at 11:39 am
I am tempted to watch the whole 8 hours of "The Beatles: Get Back" again.
Same here. It was very interesting
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: andersenb11775 on 04/04/22 at 10:22 am
When you look at the history of the Beatles, you see a lot of users, abusers and exploiters of the Fab Four.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 08/09/22 at 5:46 pm
I am tempted to watch the whole 8 hours of "The Beatles: Get Back" again.
Well I finally watched Get Back (the whole 8 hours). Have the DVD. Have also started watching it a second time, this time with hubby. I love it! :D
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/10/22 at 9:35 am
Can't believe I missed it -
Happy (one day late) Birthday to John Lennon! :D
Jealous Guy
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/10/22 at 9:39 am
Can't believe I missed it -
Happy (one day late) Birthday to John Lennon! :D
Jealous Guy
Also my spooky story regarding...
Back in October 8th 2013, we visited Strawberry Fields, the memorial to John Lennon in Central Park, New York, located near the Dakota Building, his residence and site of the fateful shooting. All the time I was there I was getting a strange shiver down my spine, I feeling I have always had where something is spooky happening. I asked our host to check something on the Google on her phone and it turned out it was October 8th, one day before the birthday of John Lennon. We then walked to Times Square, via Fifth Avenue, I think (passing Trump Tower), and spent time there sitting down drinking tea/coffee waiting for a friend of our host. Now, if we were there a day later, more events would had been happening at Strawberry Fields, and at Times Square Paul McCartney gave a free concert prompting his then latest album. We missed out on it!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/10/22 at 9:46 am
Also my spooky story regarding...
Back in October 8th 2013, we visited Strawberry Fields, the memorial to John Lennon in Central Park, New York, located near the Dakota Building, his residence and site of the fateful shooting. All the time I was there I was getting a strange shiver down my spine, I feeling I have always had where something is spooky happening. I asked our host to check something on the Google on her phone and it turned out it was October 8th, one day before the birthday of John Lennon. We then walked to Times Square, via Fifth Avenue, I think (passing Trump Tower), and spent time there sitting down drinking tea/coffee waiting for a friend of our host. Now, if we were there a day later, more events would had been happening at Strawberry Fields, and at Times Square Paul McCartney gave a free concert prompting his then latest album. We missed out on it!
Cool story! Sorry you missed the next day's magic...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/10/22 at 9:48 am
Cool story! Sorry you missed the next day's magic...
Not only that, a few weeks later Sir Paul McCartney gave a free concert in Covent Garden, London shortly afterwards, only for to discover so the following day when catching up with the local news.
Subject: Five of George Harrison’s Snarkiest Comments
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 02/25/23 at 4:24 pm
Thy may indeed by snarky, but they are also incredibly insightful and utterly truthful. Oh, for a musical artist with this kind of integrity today!
Five of George Harrison’s Snarkiest Comments on His 80th Birthday
5. ‘See you around the clubs’
In Peter Jackson’s The Beatles: Get Back, fans saw how George’s patients were stretched. There were tensions between the bandmates, but things between Paul McCartney and George got to boiling point. George abruptly quit and said, “I think I’ll be leaving the band now.”
John Lennon, surprised, asked, “When?” “Now. Get a replacement. Write into the NME and get a few people,” George said. As he packed up his things, George told the group he’d see them “’round the clubs.” However, George eventually returned to the band.
4. ‘But what do they want? Blood?’
During a 1979 interview with Rolling Stone, George discussed his dissatisfaction with certain Beatles fans who wanted the band to continue.
“They’ve got lots and lots of songs they can play forever,” he said. “But what do they want? Blood? They want us all to die like Elvis Presley? Elvis got stuck in a rut where the only thing he could do was to keep on doing the same old thing, and in the end his health suffered and that was it.
“The Beatles fortunately did that hit-and-run. But every year we were Beatling was like twenty years; so although it might only have been five or six years it seemed like eternity. That was enough for me, I don’t have any desire to do all that…
“People used us as an excuse to trip out, and we were the victims of that. That’s why they want the Beatles to go on, so they can all get silly again. But they don’t have consideration for our well-being when they say, ‘Let’s have the Fab Four again.'”
3. ‘Elton John’s music is something I’ve never thought much of’
Some of George’s snarkiest comments came when he bluntly criticizing his fellow singer-songwriters. In a 1976 interview with India Today, George claimed he didn’t think much of Elton John’s music, even thought they were friends.
“Well, Elton John’s music is something I’ve never thought much of,” he said. “It all sounds the same, though I think he’s written a good song once (many years ago, of course). His music is made to a formula: throw in lyrics, throw in four chords, shake well, and there it is, the new Elton John super-hit!”
2. ‘You don’t want see three old men hobbling around the stage’
George was also very blunt and snarky about The Beatles’ cultural impact. After being hounded about the band for most of his life, he was sick of The Beatles. He never considered himself “Beatle George” anyway. He used to say that The Beatles did some good things, but they also did some rubbish too.
During an interview on Australian TV, an interviewer asked George what the odds were of The Beatles reuniting. “It’s best left as it was,” he said. “With all those nice memories and the records are there. You know, you don’t want see three old men hobbling around the stage pretending to be the Fab Four.”
1. ‘Get another monkey’
If it was one thing that George disliked the most about his fame, it was receiving awards. He didn’t like being rewarded for a career he didn’t even want. In Martin Scorsese’s 2011 documentary, George Harrison: Living in the Material World, George’s widow, Olivia, said, “George had maximum amount of diversion in life.
“Towards the end of his life, I’d say, ‘Oh, they want to give you this award thing.’ He said, ‘I don’t want it. Tell them to get another monkey.’ I’d say, ‘Yeah, but you know, it’s a really nice one. You should have this.’
“And he’d say, ‘Well, if you want it so bad, you go and get it. I’m not going. I’m not doing that anymore.’ Because it’s just a big diversion… He really did draw the line, and I really admired him for that.”
Ultimately, George was snarky because he had to be. Dealing with extreme fame, which he didn’t want, wasn’t easy and he criticized every part. He never took anything seriously and tried to make light of everything.
He believed that life was too short to not say the things he wanted. However, none of his friends or family disliked him for it. It was one of his more endearing traits and something to reflect on during what would’ve been his 80th birthday on Feb. 25.
Subject: Everything Beatles
Written By: Dude111 on 02/25/23 at 6:40 pm
I love everything on the beatles white album except the song REVALUTION #1!!
The original version of that song ON MY 45 is 1000x better!!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 02/25/23 at 7:19 pm
I love everything on the beatles white album except the song REVALUTION #1!!
The original version of that song ON MY 45 is 1000x better!!
Actually it's the other way around. "Revolution 1" was the original recording. It's also the one where John Lennon expresses his ambivalence by singing "but if you're talking about destruction/don't you know you can count me". They re-recorded the song in a faster, rockier version for the single, and Lennon sings (some say cops out) "but if you're talking about destruction/don't you know you can count me out".
Lennon is on record as saying he prefers the slower "Revolution 1" because the words are more easily understood, and, presumably, because he sings "".
Subject: Re: Five of George Harrison’s Snarkiest Comments
Written By: AmericanGirl on 02/25/23 at 9:29 pm
Thy may indeed by snarky, but they are also incredibly insightful and utterly truthful. Oh, for a musical artist with this kind of integrity today!
Five of George Harrison’s Snarkiest Comments on His 80th Birthday
O0 Cool article - thanks!
I love everything on the beatles white album except the song REVALUTION #1!!
The original version of that song ON MY 45 is 1000x better!!
Actually it's the other way around. "Revolution 1" was the original recording. It's also the one where John Lennon expresses his ambivalence by singing "but if you're talking about destruction/don't you know you can count me". They re-recorded the song in a faster, rockier version for the single, and Lennon sings (some say cops out) "but if you're talking about destruction/don't you know you can count me out".
Lennon is on record as saying he prefers the slower "Revolution 1" because the words are more easily understood, and, presumably, because he sings "".
As far as "Revolution 1" and "Revolution" - I like both, differences and all. The one I separate from the White Album is "Revolution 9"; I like owning it, but it messes with the flow IMO. Sometimes I just gotta hear "Revolution 9" - but usually on its own. 8)
Subject: Re: Five of George Harrison’s Snarkiest Comments
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/26/23 at 8:05 am
O0 Cool article - thanks!
As far as "Revolution 1" and "Revolution" - I like both, differences and all. The one I separate from the White Album is "Revolution 9"; I like owning it, but it messes with the flow IMO. Sometimes I just gotta hear "Revolution 9" - but usually on its own. 8)
One time in grad school, we had to go to a weekend gathering. One evening, one of the other students had a guitar and was leading everyone in sing-a-longs. It was actually a lot of fun. But we didn't sing my suggestion. "Hey, let's sing Revolution #9." :D ;D
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/01/23 at 6:11 am
March 1st 1972 - John Lennon was granted an extension on his American work visa.
What would fate had been if has visa extension was refused?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/09/23 at 9:10 am
Today is John Lennon's birthday!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 10/09/23 at 12:05 pm
Here's a magazine that I have in my collection."Words & Music" from November 1972. The little remembered "Words & Music" was short lived, I think it only existed from about 1971-1973, but it was excellent. One of the best music mags of the time, if you ask me. Aside from articles it contained a section with sheet music of hit songs of the day and some album tracks thrown in. This was quite innovative for the time.
And here's when John & Yoko were on the cover of "Jet" magazine with comedian and activist Dick Gregory in October, 1972.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 10/09/23 at 1:15 pm
Circus Magazine, December 1969. Sweet!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 10/09/23 at 1:43 pm
Today is John Lennon's birthday!
Happy Birthday to the late John Lennon.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 10/09/23 at 7:22 pm
Today is John Lennon's birthday!
Happy Birthday to the late John Lennon.
Yup, he would have been 83 years old today. :\'(
There are several musical works of his that I like, both as a Beatles member and as a soloist.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/12/23 at 12:31 pm
It was on this day in 1969, when a caller to Detroit radio station WKNR-FM told disc jockey Russ Gibb about the "Paul is Dead" rumour and its clues. Gibb and other callers then discussed the rumour on air for the next hour, during which Gibb offered further potential clues. Two days later, The Michigan Daily published a satirical review of Abbey Road by University of Michigan student Fred LaBour, who had listened to the exchange on Gibb's show, under the headline "McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought to Light". It identified various clues to McCartney's alleged death on Beatles album covers, particularly on the Abbey Road sleeve. LaBour later said he had invented many of the clues and was astonished when the story was picked up by newspapers across the United States. Noden writes that "Very soon, every college campus, every radio station, had a resident expert." WKNR fuelled the rumour further with its two-hour programme The Beatle Plot, which first aired on 19 October. This show has been called "infamous", a "fraud" and a "mockumentary". It brought enormous worldwide publicity to Gibb and WKNR.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/12/23 at 12:42 pm
It was on this day in 1969, when a caller to Detroit radio station WKNR-FM told disc jockey Russ Gibb about the "Paul is Dead" rumour and its clues. Gibb and other callers then discussed the rumour on air for the next hour, during which Gibb offered further potential clues. Two days later, The Michigan Daily published a satirical review of Abbey Road by University of Michigan student Fred LaBour, who had listened to the exchange on Gibb's show, under the headline "McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought to Light". It identified various clues to McCartney's alleged death on Beatles album covers, particularly on the Abbey Road sleeve. LaBour later said he had invented many of the clues and was astonished when the story was picked up by newspapers across the United States. Noden writes that "Very soon, every college campus, every radio station, had a resident expert." WKNR fuelled the rumour further with its two-hour programme The Beatle Plot, which first aired on 19 October. This show has been called "infamous", a "fraud" and a "mockumentary". It brought enormous worldwide publicity to Gibb and WKNR.
I think there is already a topic on this somewhere
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 10/12/23 at 12:45 pm
It was on this day in 1969, when a caller to Detroit radio station WKNR-FM told disc jockey Russ Gibb about the "Paul is Dead" rumour and its clues. Gibb and other callers then discussed the rumour on air for the next hour, during which Gibb offered further potential clues. Two days later, The Michigan Daily published a satirical review of Abbey Road by University of Michigan student Fred LaBour, who had listened to the exchange on Gibb's show, under the headline "McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought to Light". It identified various clues to McCartney's alleged death on Beatles album covers, particularly on the Abbey Road sleeve. LaBour later said he had invented many of the clues and was astonished when the story was picked up by newspapers across the United States. Noden writes that "Very soon, every college campus, every radio station, had a resident expert." WKNR fuelled the rumour further with its two-hour programme The Beatle Plot, which first aired on 19 October. This show has been called "infamous", a "fraud" and a "mockumentary". It brought enormous worldwide publicity to Gibb and WKNR.
I remember the widespread panic about this in 1969. It even made it to the pages of Life Magazine and there was a network TV special about it. It was a REALLY BIG thing. In retrospect it was all ridiculous nonsense. That's what passed for social media in those days. You'd be amazed at the hardcore Beatle fans who to this day think the Beatles actually intentionally placed all these so-called "clues". But as the Beatles themselves might say, "bullocks!". Lennon pooh-poohed the whole thing until the very day he died, including in that final, exhaustive Playboy interview. As the recent Peter Jackson "Get Back" documentary shows, they could actually agree on very little. Not to mention they changed so rapidly from day to day and album to album that there is simply NO WAY they could have sustained a hoax over five years and six or seven albums until us lunkheads finally picked up on the clues that "Paul is dead".
By the way----this is not to say that there aren't strange things going on. There is almost certainly "backwards masking" going on in "Revolution 9". I broke a turntable myself playing it backwards. Somebody says something, but is emphatically not "turn me on, dead man" as it is alleged to have been. And, yes, John says something at the end of "Strawberry Fields" but it is NOT "I buried Paul". John always claimed he said "cranberry sauce". It sounds like he says "I'm very bored" to me.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 10/12/23 at 12:46 pm
I think there is already a topic on this somewhere
Well if there is, it was worth repeating. It was a textbook case of mass hysteria.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/12/23 at 1:40 pm
Well if there is, it was worth repeating. It was a textbook case of mass hysteria.
Here, but there are slight derailments.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/02/23 at 9:55 pm
Any thoughts on the "new" Beatles' release, "Now and Then"? I had my first listen. Quite the technological marvel! At first blush I like it, don't love it yet, and that may change. But that's just my opinion. Any other thoughts?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 11/02/23 at 10:20 pm
I haven't had a listen to it yet, but I'm going to do so now...
It's already had over 3.7 million views at this point
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 11/02/23 at 10:23 pm
Any thoughts on the "new" Beatles' release, "Now and Then"? I had my first listen. Quite the technological marvel! At first blush I like it, don't love it yet, and that may change. But that's just my opinion. Any other thoughts?
I have to concur. It's kinda nice. :)
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/04/23 at 6:52 pm
Any thoughts on the "new" Beatles' release, "Now and Then"? ...
Ooooh, the new video for the song is something to behold! I love how it blends the old and the new:
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/05/23 at 12:29 pm
Any thoughts on the "new" Beatles' release, "Now and Then"? I had my first listen. Quite the technological marvel! At first blush I like it, don't love it yet, and that may change. But that's just my opinion. Any other thoughts?
I have heard, and saw the pre-publicity for it. It sounds the style of the Beatles, and I love it!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/05/23 at 3:28 pm
Unsurprisingly, Now And Then is making a big splash -
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 11/05/23 at 3:57 pm
Ooooh, the new video for the song is something to behold! I love how it blends the old and the new:
Nice! 🙂
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/06/23 at 5:47 am
"Now and Then" is reported to be the last Beatles songs...
...till Sir Paul McCartney finds another song in his bottom drawer?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 11/06/23 at 3:47 pm
"Now and Then" is reported to be the last Beatles songs...
...till Sir Paul McCartney finds another song in his bottom drawer?
Didn't he form Wings?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/06/23 at 4:32 pm
Didn't he form Wings?
With his then wife Linda McCartney, she played keyboards, session drummer Denny Seiwell, and former Moody Blues guitarist Denny Laine.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/10/23 at 1:27 pm
The Beatles have topped the charts with their single, Now and Then, making them the act with the longest gap between their first and last number ones.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/12/23 at 2:40 pm
John Lennon first met Yoko Ono on 9 November 1966 at the Indica Gallery in London, where Ono was preparing her conceptual art exhibit. They were introduced by gallery owner John Dunbar. Lennon was intrigued by Ono's "Hammer A Nail": patrons hammered a nail into a wooden board, creating the art piece. Although the exhibition had not yet begun, Lennon wanted to hammer a nail into the clean board, but Ono stopped him. Dunbar asked her, "Don't you know who this is? He's a millionaire! He might buy it." According to Lennon's recollection in 1980, Ono had not properly heard of the Beatles, but she relented on condition that Lennon pay her five shillings, to which Lennon said he replied, "I'll give you an imaginary five shillings and hammer an imaginary nail in." Ono subsequently related that Lennon had taken a bite out of the apple on display in her work Apple, much to her fury. The only member of the Beatles Yoko knew was Ringo for 'ringo' in Japanese is 'apple'!
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/13/23 at 9:12 am
John Lennon first met Yoko Ono on 9 November 1966 at the Indica Gallery in London, where Ono was preparing her conceptual art exhibit. They were introduced by gallery owner John Dunbar. Lennon was intrigued by Ono's "Hammer A Nail": patrons hammered a nail into a wooden board, creating the art piece. Although the exhibition had not yet begun, Lennon wanted to hammer a nail into the clean board, but Ono stopped him. Dunbar asked her, "Don't you know who this is? He's a millionaire! He might buy it." According to Lennon's recollection in 1980, Ono had not properly heard of the Beatles, but she relented on condition that Lennon pay her five shillings, to which Lennon said he replied, "I'll give you an imaginary five shillings and hammer an imaginary nail in." Ono subsequently related that Lennon had taken a bite out of the apple on display in her work Apple, much to her fury. The only member of the Beatles Yoko knew was Ringo for 'ringo' in Japanese is 'apple'!
O0 Cool! Thanks for posting this.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/13/23 at 9:31 am
John Lennon first met Yoko Ono on 9 November 1966 at the Indica Gallery in London, where Ono was preparing her conceptual art exhibit. They were introduced by gallery owner John Dunbar. Lennon was intrigued by Ono's "Hammer A Nail": patrons hammered a nail into a wooden board, creating the art piece. Although the exhibition had not yet begun, Lennon wanted to hammer a nail into the clean board, but Ono stopped him. Dunbar asked her, "Don't you know who this is? He's a millionaire! He might buy it." According to Lennon's recollection in 1980, Ono had not properly heard of the Beatles, but she relented on condition that Lennon pay her five shillings, to which Lennon said he replied, "I'll give you an imaginary five shillings and hammer an imaginary nail in." Ono subsequently related that Lennon had taken a bite out of the apple on display in her work Apple, much to her fury. The only member of the Beatles Yoko knew was Ringo for 'ringo' in Japanese is 'apple'!
This is all very accurate, except I'm not so sure about the bit that he took a bite out of the apple that was on display on a pedestal. Although years later in 1980 John did say in an interview that the pedestal for the apple art piece was still in their home and occasionally he would put an apple on it but their son Sean, who was a small child at the time, would always eat it. :)
By the way, when Lennon told Ono "I'll give you an imaginary five shillings to hammer an imaginary nail" THAT'S the moment everything clicked for them and they fell in love. Because, unbeknownst to John at the time, Yoko had all these art pieces or "instruction pieces", compiled into her book "Grapefruit" about imagining this and imagining that. "Imagine the clouds dripping", "imagine the sky", etc, etc. So she immediately realized they were both "on the same wavelength", so to speak. A couple of years later Lennon, with the help of Ono, would take that concept of imagining things and turn it into a song that became very popular.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/13/23 at 9:38 am
Yoko Ono's "Apple", as displayed in the Museum of Modern Art in New York:
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/13/23 at 9:47 am
Yoko Ono's "Apple", as displayed in the Museum of Modern Art in New York:
I imagine that could be an inspiration behind "Apple Corps", founded in January the following year.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/13/23 at 9:54 am
I imagine that could be an inspiration behind "Apple Corps", founded in January the following year.
I certainly always thought so, but there are differing stories. According to Wikipedia:
Beatles' publicist, Derek Taylor, remembered that Paul McCartney had the name for the new company when he visited Taylor's company flat in London: "We're starting a brand new form of business. So, what is the first thing that a child is taught when he begins to grow up? A is for Apple". McCartney then suggested the addition of Apple Core, but they could not register the name, so they used "Corps" (having the same pronunciation). McCartney later revealed that he had been inspired by René Magritte's painting Le Jeu de Mourre, featuring an apple with the words "Au revoir" painted on it.
PS--I see what you did there. ;)
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/13/23 at 10:05 am
I just did some further research and it looks like John did take a bite out of the Apple in 1966. Something of a modern day Adam and Eve story. :-*
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/13/23 at 10:26 am
I just did some further research and it looks like John did take a bite out of the Apple in 1966. Something of a modern day Adam and Eve story. :-*
Thank you.
Just to say, I am researching on the location of the Indica Gallery in London, I saw a wonderful mural of Yoko Ono, I was trying to copy the photo location when my computer seized up, yet again.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/13/23 at 10:44 am
Thank you.
Just to say, I am researching on the location of the Indica Gallery in London, I saw a wonderful mural of Yoko Ono, I was trying to copy the photo location when my computer seized up, yet again.
And the owner of Indica Gallery was John Dunbar who was married to Marianne Faithfull. The London scene was very incestuous in those days.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/13/23 at 10:53 am
And here's Yoko's "Ceiling Painting" at the gallery in 1966, the first thing John saw when he walked in , before he met Yoko. He climbed up the ladder, looked through the magnifying glass and saw the word "yes". That really hooked him. He loved that it said something positive and not "no" or "eff you". Because, as he later said, a lot of the performance art and avant garde art at the time had a negative vibe to it.
It's also clear that the gallery wasn't worried about liability for anybody falling off the ladder. I don't even know if something like this could be done today. ;D
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/13/23 at 11:18 am
Thank you.
Just to say, I am researching on the location of the Indica Gallery in London, I saw a wonderful mural of Yoko Ono, I was trying to copy the photo location when my computer seized up, yet again.
At the entrance of Mason's Yard, the location of the then Indica Gallery is this mural of Yoko Ono, the photo is copyrighted so I will send the URL for it.
In the next few days, if I can, I am going there to get my own photo of it and the current frontage of the Gallery.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/13/23 at 11:35 am
At the entrance of Mason's Yard, the location of the then Indica Gallery is this mural of Yoko Ono, the photo is copyrighted so I will send the URL for it.
In the next few days, if I can, I am going there to get my own photo of it and the current frontage of the Gallery.
Love this! See my post above for story about the ladder and the "YES".
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/13/23 at 11:40 am
And here's Yoko's "Ceiling Painting" at the gallery in 1966, the first thing John saw when he walked in , before he met Yoko. He climbed up the ladder, looked through the magnifying glass and saw the word "yes". That really hooked him. He loved that it said something positive and not "no" or "eff you". Because, as he later said, a lot of the performance art and avant garde art at the time had a negative vibe to it.
It's also clear that the gallery wasn't worried about liability for anybody falling off the ladder. I don't even know if something like this could be done today. ;D
For anything like this today, it's all health and safety, PPE, hard helmet, hard boots and a highly visible jacket has to be worn.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/13/23 at 11:42 am
For anything like this today, it's all health and safety, PPE, hard helmet, hard boots and a highly visible jacket has to be worn.
That's why people took chances in those days and fell in love, and today people stare at screens, go on TikTok, have few real relationships and no social skills.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 12/13/23 at 1:42 pm
Yoko Ono's "Apple", as displayed in the Museum of Modern Art in New York:
Is this apple edible?
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Howard on 12/13/23 at 1:44 pm
That's why people took chances in those days and fell in love, and today people stare at screens, go on TikTok, have few real relationships and no social skills.
You got that right.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/13/23 at 1:57 pm
Is this apple edible?
If you read the previous posts, the original apple in London was edible, but I don't know if the MOMA apple was edible. Although the MOMA exhibition used the original plexiglass pedestal from London.
Subject: Paul McCartney reunited with guitar stolen 51 years ago
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/16/24 at 7:47 am
Sir Paul McCartney has been reunited with the bass guitar he used on Beatles hits including Love Me Do and She Loves You, 51 years after it was stolen from the back of a van in London.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/20/24 at 11:50 am
Director Sir Sam Mendes is to make four separate films about The Beatles - one from each band member's perspective. Sir Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and the families of John Lennon and George Harrison have all granted permission and music rights for the four films. The Oscar-winning director said he was "honoured to be telling the story of the greatest rock band of all time". He added that he was "excited to challenge the notion of what constitutes a trip to the movies". The films, made by Sony Pictures and Sir Sam's Neal Street Productions, will be released in cinemas in 2027.
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 02/25/24 at 3:48 pm
George would have turned 81 today...and in honor of that:
Any fans of George Harrison's Concert For Bangladesh? I have the DVD - it is fantastic! So many amazing gems to savor. The concert likely raised the profile of some featured artists, for one perhaps Billy Preston, plus the following artist who co-led this gem with George:
George Harrison w/ Leon Russell - live - Beware Of Darkness :)
from the Concert for Bangladesh (August 1971)
I am gonna have to check this out...when I can find another video of it (as the one supplied in this post no longer exists).
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 03/01/24 at 12:35 am
George would have turned 81 today...and in honor of that:
I am gonna have to check this out...when I can find another video of it (as the one supplied in this post no longer exists).
Finally I found a vid; I think this is the whole thing...
Subject: Re: Everything Beatles
Written By: nally on 07/30/24 at 10:47 pm
And here's Yoko's "Ceiling Painting" at the gallery in 1966, the first thing John saw when he walked in , before he met Yoko. He climbed up the ladder, looked through the magnifying glass and saw the word "yes". That really hooked him. He loved that it said something positive and not "no" or "eff you". Because, as he later said, a lot of the performance art and avant garde art at the time had a negative vibe to it.
It's also clear that the gallery wasn't worried about liability for anybody falling off the ladder. I don't even know if something like this could be done today. ;D
This is kinda interesting. O0
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