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Subject: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 06/05/18 at 11:35 am
I'm asking this topic because most people seem to point 2007 as the beginning with the iPhone, but the problem is that very few had one at that time, let alone the other high tech phones such as the T-Mobile Sidekick and the HTC Dream. The majority still had simple phones either being the flip or the slide.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: SeaCaptainMan97 on 06/05/18 at 11:44 am
Summer 2011, or the 2011-2012 season. It was during summer 2011 when smartphone (iPhone 4) adoption rates hit 50%.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/05/18 at 11:44 am
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: 2001 on 06/05/18 at 1:19 pm
2009ish. I have a shoebox from 2009 and it's already advertising the apps the shoe has (??). "There's an app for that"-culture was in full force in 2009.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: bchris02 on 06/05/18 at 1:25 pm
2009ish. I have a shoebox from 2009 and it's already advertising the apps the shoe has (??). "There's an app for that"-culture was in full force in 2009.
This. 2009 was the year that smartphone culture moved into the mainstream. I got my first iPhone in 2008 and to be honest, I miss that era when having one was still a novelty.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: 2001 on 06/05/18 at 2:03 pm
This. 2009 was the year that smartphone culture moved into the mainstream. I got my first iPhone in 2008 and to be honest, I miss that era when having one was still a novelty.
There are a few other music videos from 2008/2009 I noticed that advertise smartphones.
BTW, here's the shoebox I was talking about
Since that's an iPhone 3G/3GS, and the Nike Sportsband+ was discontinued in the summer of 2010, I almost certainly bought these shoes in the summer of 2009 (before the start of 2009-10 school year, if I recall).
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 06/05/18 at 3:27 pm
Summer 2011, or the 2011-2012 season. It was during summer 2011 when smartphone (iPhone 4) adoption rates hit 50%.
I agree especially since that's when everyone started to get one; however, I think we were still in a transitional era during that period. You had those who owned smartphones while the other half still had traditional ones.
2009ish. I have a shoebox from 2009, and it's already advertising the apps the shoe has (??). "There's an app for that"-culture was in full force in 2009.
This. 2009 was the year that smartphone culture moved into the mainstream. I got my first iPhone in 2008 and to be honest; I miss that era when having one was still a novelty.
It's true that 2009 may have been the year where smartphones became well-known but weren't they still a luxury at that time? I don't remember the bulk of the public having them compared to 2011/12 and after. Oh, and do you both consider the T-mobile Sidekick, HTC Dream (T-mobile G1) and the MyTouch a smartphone? The only person I knew who had those types was my sister, and that's because she had her own money.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Jaydawg89 on 06/05/18 at 3:35 pm
They seem to of taken over between 2009 - 2012, I got mine in 2009 and it was the iPhone 3GS. Not many people had one in 2009 meanwhile, by 2012 pretty much everyone had one. I would say they were already getting pretty common by late 2010.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/05/18 at 3:52 pm
Any answer other than 2012 is invalid and especially if you say 2009 or 2010.
"A Nielsen study in May boasted similar results, finding that 50.4 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers owned smartphones - a drastic jump from 18 percent in 2009."
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 06/05/18 at 4:00 pm
Any answer other than 2012 is invalid and especially if you say 2009 or 2010.
"A Nielsen study in May boasted similar results, finding that 50.4 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers owned smartphones - a drastic jump from 18 percent in 2009."
So, you agree that before 2012 we were in a transition between cell phones and smart ones?
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: ZeldaFan20 on 06/05/18 at 4:10 pm
I'd say around 2011-2012.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/05/18 at 4:14 pm
Any answer other than 2012 is invalid and especially if you say 2009 or 2010.
"A Nielsen study in May boasted similar results, finding that 50.4 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers owned smartphones - a drastic jump from 18 percent in 2009."
It depends on where you live because in my area it was pretty normal to have smartphone by late 2010. It wasn't as advanced as it is today but I remember plenty of people had a classic android phone or a blackberry in 2010, heck I had the the T-mobile G1 in November 2009 so it wasn't that rare for a kid to have a smartphone pre 2012.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 06/05/18 at 4:27 pm
It depends on where you live because in my area it was pretty normal to have a smartphone by late 2010. It wasn't as advanced as it is today but I remember plenty of people had a standard Android phone or a blackberry in 2010. Heck I had the T-mobile G1 in November 2009, so it wasn't that rare for a kid to have a smartphone pre-2012.
Oh nice! You had one too? So did my sister. I feel like you're the only one who remembers certain items most people don't seem to recall. Do you remember this phone too? I think my mom had one of them.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/05/18 at 4:40 pm
Oh nice! You had one too? So did my sister. I feel like you're the only one who remembers certain items most people don't seem to recall. Do you remember this phone too? I think my mom had one of them.
Yep, the my touch 3G. My sister had that phone. I remeber that phone just comming out when I got the G1.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/05/18 at 4:51 pm
Another groundbreaking phone that came out around that time is the Sprint Evo. It was the first phone to have 4G Lte data. 7LTSqQP9gHw I still remember the commerical like it was yesterday which is why I say 2010 was when smartphones really started taking off, and plus the Iphone4 came out that year which is the quintessential early 10s phone.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/05/18 at 4:58 pm
Um, people in thread are literally going against statistical evidence lol.
A few people using smartphones in your area doesn't mean that "smartphone culture took over" at that point.
Smartphone culture took over in 2012...that is the answer.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/05/18 at 4:59 pm
So, you agree that before 2012 we were in a transition between cell phones and smart ones?
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Rainbowz on 06/05/18 at 5:02 pm
I'd say during the 2010-2011 school year IMO.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 06/05/18 at 5:09 pm
Yep, the MyTouch 3G. My sister had that phone. I remember that phone just coming out when I got the G1.
You know, it's weird that we had a few proto-smartphones before everyone had the iPhone. First, there was the T-Mobile Sidekick, then the HTC Dream G1, then the MyTouch and last, the Blackberry all in a short time.
Another groundbreaking phone that came out around that time is the Sprint Evo. It was the first phone to have 4G LTE data. 7LTSqQP9gHw
I still remember the commercial like it was yesterday which is why I say 2010 was when smartphones started taking off, and the Iphone4 came out that year which is the quintessential early 10s phone.
For some reason, I don't remember seeing the commercial, but I DO recall the Sprint Evo. Not only was that the first to have 4G, but it had that iconic screen.
Then in 2011, Verizon released the Droid which one my friends had. Those two were the top smartphones everyone wanted to have if they were an Android fan.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/05/18 at 5:20 pm
Um, people in thread are literally going against statistical evidence lol.
A few people using smartphones in your area doesn't mean that "smartphone culture took over" at that point.
Smartphone culture took over in 2012...that is the answer.
Yea, but under 50 percent can still mean a lot of people, especially in the United States where there's over 300 million people. I remember when I was in NYC at my Godmother's church in summer 2010, just about every adult there had a Blackberry so again common doesn't nesscarly mean taken over. Look at this article on Facebook in 2016, where it says 50.3 percent of the US population is on it, but yet we'll say that was when Facebook was"uncool". Under 50 percent doesn't mean nobody had a smartphone it just means that not everyone's grandmother has one yet. Teens and Young Adults tend to be early adopters to technology while people over 50 tend to wait a few years after their kids and grandkids are on a platform. Just look at Snapchat, a few years ago most adults looked at it as a kid-centric platform but now your starting to see more people over 30 use it.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mqg96 on 06/05/18 at 5:21 pm
A smartphone is a type of cellphone. It's basically an integrated cellphone with a computer inside (which includes internet data communication and WI-FI access) and those usually have a bunch of apps on there as well including the internet browser of course. My sister had an Android smartphone in 7th grade and this was the 2010-11 school year. I was in 8th grade when I started noticing classmates getting smartphones but it was about half and half between smartphones and basic flip phones and sliding phones. Blackberries are technically smartphones too, basically the early ones with crappy browsers compared to smartphones today. Honestly I would say the smartphone era began in the early 2010's in general, rather it was 2010, 2011, or 2012. 2012 was just the year smartphones became the majority of cellphone users worldwide, but that doesn't mean people weren't buying smartphones yet. People were already buying smartphones outside of Blackberry well before 2012. I believe the mid 00's was the peak of the basic cell phone era with flip phones, sliding phones and Nokia phones, while the late 00's was the transitional period from regular cellphones to smartphones when many cellphone companies started transitioning over to smartphones, and the Blackberry was in its prime.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/05/18 at 5:26 pm
The Droid actually came out in 2009 because the phone was used to promote the Transformers 2 movie. ZISvhPeY9NA
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mqg96 on 06/05/18 at 5:30 pm
BTW people, an iPhone technically isn't considered as a smartphone, but since it has a bunch of apps and has internet browser like regular smartphones and not basic cellphones, I still consider the release of the iPhone in 2007 as part of that transitional period from basic flip phones and sliding phones to smartphones and iPhones.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 06/05/18 at 5:32 pm
The Droid actually came out in 2009 because the phone was used to promote the Transformers 2 movie. ZISvhPeY9NA
Oh, my bad. I remember seeing the droid commercials in 2011, or maybe I'm getting the years mixed up. But still that and the Sprint Evo were the two Androids everyone wanted back then.
BTW people, an iPhone technically isn't considered as a smartphone, but since it has a bunch of apps and has internet browser like regular smartphones and not basic cellphones, I still consider the release of the iPhone in 2007 as part of that transitional period from basic flip phones and sliding phones to smartphones and iPhones.
So it's a proto-smartphone like the HTC Dream?
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/05/18 at 5:39 pm
BTW people, an iPhone technically isn't considered as a smartphone, but since it has a bunch of apps and has internet browser like regular smartphones and not basic cellphones, I still consider the release of the iPhone in 2007 as part of that transitional period from basic flip phones and sliding phones to smartphones and iPhones.
You're making a lot of good points. The early 10s was the golden age of smartphones no doubt. Fliphones was pretty much dead at my school by 2009, but slider phones were common well-throughout the early 2010s. Fliphones defently peaked around the mid 2000s when you started seeing people use their phones as cameras. By 2007, slider phones became cool while fliphones were starting to get seen as basic but still common. By 2008 the Blackberry exploded with the curve and that's when people started realizing that phones can be used for more than just calling and texting. Once the 2010s arrived, touchscreen phones began replacing keyboard phones, By 2013 keyboard phones were dead and everyone just got used to touchscreens.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mqg96 on 06/05/18 at 5:40 pm
So it's a proto-smartphone like the HTC Dream?
This should explain, but honestly since the Apple company has APPS to use on its iPhone's opposed to running like an operating system like smartphones where you can do the same stuff, I still consider both to be in the same class. Both are NOT basic flip phones, sliding phones or Nokia.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/05/18 at 5:48 pm
This should explain, but honestly since the Apple company has APPS to use on its iPhone's opposed to running like an operating system like smartphones where you can do the same stuff, I still consider both to be in the same class. Both are NOT basic flip phones, sliding phones or Nokia.
So basically, in order a phone to be considered a smartphone it has to run like a computer. I thought Iphones are supposed to run like Mac's?
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Jaydawg89 on 06/05/18 at 6:23 pm
It depends on where you live because in my area it was pretty normal to have smartphone by late 2010. It wasn't as advanced as it is today but I remember plenty of people had a classic android phone or a blackberry in 2010, heck I had the the T-mobile G1 in November 2009 so it wasn't that rare for a kid to have a smartphone pre 2012.
Exactly the same here, they were already pretty common sight in late 2010, over half the people I knew between 18 - 29 had a Smartphone by then.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: HazelBlue99 on 06/05/18 at 7:36 pm
Smartphones started to become commonplace in my area around Mid-Late 2011. Although, they were still a bit of a novelty when I started High School in Early 2012.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/05/18 at 7:41 pm
Smartphones started to become commonplace in my area around Mid-Late 2011. Although, they were still a bit of a novelty when I started High School in Early 2012.
At least according to mqg96. He said the iphone isn't a smartphone which is mindblowing since the iphone pretty much started the modern touch-screen phone market.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mqg96 on 06/05/18 at 7:43 pm
Smartphones started to become commonplace in my area around Mid-Late 2011. Although, they were still a bit of a novelty when I started High School in Early 2012.
I always forget you're from Australia. I don't know when smartphones and iPhones became common in your area.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/05/18 at 7:46 pm
I always forget you're from Australia. I don't know when smartphones and iPhones became common in your area.
He said people were still using Nokia brick phones in 2010 in Australia which is mind-blowing since those phones were considered ancient by then.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mqg96 on 06/05/18 at 7:46 pm
So basically, in order a phone to be considered a smartphone it has to run like a computer. I thought Iphones are supposed to run like Mac's?
Yeah, that's just the way the devices were built. Just think of it like this, if the phones have a bunch of apps that allow you to use a solid internet browser and have a bunch of apps for other tools such as the GPS or HQ camera, then it's all in the same category for me. Regardless of whether the smartphone era started in 2012 (according to Black Panther) or not, there's no doubt the late 00's was the transition out of the basic flip phone and Nokia cellphone era into the era of smartphones and iPhones. Smartphones and iPhones were in full force by the early 2010's period.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: HazelBlue99 on 06/05/18 at 7:58 pm
I always forget you're from Australia. I don't know when smartphones and iPhones became common in your area.
Haha. :P Like I mentioned earlier, I noticed smartphones becoming common around Mid-Late 2011.
He said people were still using Nokia brick phones in 2010 in Australia which is mind-blowing since those phones were considered ancient by then.
I'm sure there would have been people back in 2009-2010 who had iPhones. I just personally don't remember seeing anyone using a smartphone until around Early/Mid 2011. It was definitely transitional, like the US.
Actually, here's a really interesting video. It's of NYE coverage of 2010 and it shows crowds of people walking around the Sydney CBD. Check out the part between 0:59 - 3:02. The majority of people are not using smartphones or any mobile device. The man at 1:32 is even using a digital camera to take a photo of the cameraman. ;D
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 06/05/18 at 9:26 pm
Pretty sure when I was a junior in HS.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: ofkx on 06/06/18 at 7:39 pm
2012. First touchscreen smartphone I've seen was my dad's in late 2010/early 2011, but no one other than him had one.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/06/18 at 9:06 pm
2012. First touchscreen smartphone I've seen was my dad's in late 2010/early 2011, but no one other than him had one.
Oh wow, I guess it depends how old were at the time because it was very common to see people use smartphones in 2010/2011 from my perspective since I was a teenager by then and even the adults in my family had a smartphone; by you being only 8 and 9 years old you were less likely to see smartphone since your less likely to pay attention to technology at that age, most kids at that point either didn't have a cellphone or just had a basic phone, and it depends on the area you live in. Your dad must be really tech-savvy for him to be the only one you saw that had one.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: 2001 on 06/06/18 at 10:07 pm
Oh wow, I guess it depends how old were at the time because it was very common to see people use smartphones in 2010/2011 from my perspective since I was a teenager by then and even the adults in my family had a smartphone; by you being only 8 and 9 years old you were less likely to see smartphone since your less likely to pay attention to technology at that age, most kids at that point either didn't have a cellphone or just had a basic phone, and it depends on the area you live in. Your dad must be really tech-savvy for him to be the only one you saw that had one.
My then 15 year old brother got an iPhone in late 2009. They were like 150 bucks by then on contract. That would have been rare in early 2009 but by the end of the year it was not out of the ordinary for teens to own smartphones. I got my Samsung Galaxy S in late 2010.
I think by the time I graduated in spring 2010 about 20-30% of my classmates owned smartphones and many more owned an iPod Touch, so "smartphone culture" was definitely around then. Late 2011 to see you first smartphone is very shocking lol, they were already everywhere by then lol.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: piecesof93 on 06/06/18 at 10:10 pm
I got my first smartphone in 2011 (probably late or mid 2011). At that time, I would say that the amount of kids at my school who had smartphones v. regular phones was about 50/50. By the time 2012 was in full force, most people around me had smartphones. Based on that I would say 2012.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/06/18 at 10:43 pm
I got my first smartphone in 2011 (probably late or mid 2011). At that time, I would say that the amount of kids at my school who had smartphones v. regular phones was about 50/50. By the time 2012 was in full force, most people around me had smartphones. Based on that I would say 2012.
That's around the time my cousins were getting their first smartphones. 2011 was pretty much a smartphone year, if you didn't have a smartphone by late 2011 then you either were a young kid getting their first cellphone or an elderly person who aren't up to date with technology. I can see why people on here say 2012 is the year smartphones became a thing since the popularity of the iphone exploded at that time and was no longer looked at as a "rich man's" phone" Blackberries was pretty much dead by then.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/06/18 at 10:46 pm
My then 15 year old brother got an iPhone in late 2009. They were like 150 bucks by then on contract. That would have been rare in early 2009 but by the end of the year it was not out of the ordinary for teens to own smartphones. I got my Samsung Galaxy S in late 2010.
I think by the time I graduated in spring 2010 about 20-30% of my classmates owned smartphones and many more owned an iPod Touch, so "smartphone culture" was definitely around then. Late 2011 to see you first smartphone is very shocking lol, they were already everywhere by then lol.
I believe you meant to quote Ofxx. I was saying that is was fairly common for a teenager to have a smartphone by 2010.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: 2001 on 06/06/18 at 10:48 pm
I believe you meant to quote Ofxx. I was saying that is was fairly common for a teenager to have a smartphone by 2010.
Oh, I meant to add on to what you were saying with Ofxx being the OP.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/06/18 at 10:59 pm
Oh, I meant to add on to what you were saying with Ofxx being the OP.
Ok makes sense, my 2000 born friend said he had his first cellphone in 2010 but it was a regular slider phone, so when I said, kids, I meant under 12.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: whistledog on 06/07/18 at 2:36 am
It depends on where you live because in my area it was pretty normal to have smartphone by late 2010. It wasn't as advanced as it is today but I remember plenty of people had a classic android phone or a blackberry in 2010, heck I had the the T-mobile G1 in November 2009 so it wasn't that rare for a kid to have a smartphone pre 2012.
The T-Mobile G1 (or HTC Dream as it was known outside the United States) was the first ever Android phone, and its launch was huge. I worked for a company that dealt with them, and the influx of people wanting to ditch their flip phones in favour of one was crazy. It IMO was the start of the smartphone craze
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/07/18 at 9:36 am
The T-Mobile G1 (or HTC Dream as it was known outside the United States) was the first ever Android phone, and its launch was huge. I worked for a company that dealt with them, and the influx of people wanting to ditch their flip phones in favour of one was crazy. It IMO was the start of the smartphone craze
Yep even Blackberry users were jealous of me lol/
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: kr37 on 06/07/18 at 10:44 am
The first time I remember seeing someone use a smartphone was in early 2010. I thought touchscreens were absolutely amazing.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: ofkx on 06/07/18 at 12:12 pm
My then 15 year old brother got an iPhone in late 2009. They were like 150 bucks by then on contract. That would have been rare in early 2009 but by the end of the year it was not out of the ordinary for teens to own smartphones. I got my Samsung Galaxy S in late 2010.
I think by the time I graduated in spring 2010 about 20-30% of my classmates owned smartphones and many more owned an iPod Touch, so "smartphone culture" was definitely around then. Late 2011 to see you first smartphone is very shocking lol, they were already everywhere by then lol.
Late 2010 though, not 2011. iPhones were still relatively expensive at the time compared to other phones and it wasn't really worth the upgrade, so barely anyone got them. Late 2011 the iPhone 4S was released and that's when most people on my area started to upgrade from normal phones to iPhones and other touchscreen smartphones. By mid 2012 though you were in the minority if you didn't own a smartphone but it still wasn't out of the ordinary to own a normal phone.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/07/18 at 12:39 pm
Late 2010 though, not 2011. iPhones were still relatively expensive at the time compared to other phones and it wasn't really worth the upgrade, so barely anyone got them. Late 2011 the iPhone 4S was released and that's when most people on my area started to upgrade from normal phones to iPhones and other touchscreen smartphones. By mid 2012 though you were in the minority if you didn't own a smartphone but it still wasn't out of the ordinary to own a normal phone.
True, that was around the time I got the iPhone 4 and I remember tons of kids getting iPhones during my 10th-grade year. By 2012 Iphones truly semement itself as the status phone rather than just a luxury phone. iPhones pretty much killed the Blackberry craze because the same people who were obsessed with the Blackberry became obsessed with the iPhone. Samsung also became popular around that time with the release of the s3 that was when the Apple vs Samsung war started. Nowadays Samsung has become synonymous with Android, people forget there's more to Android than just Samsung. I guess it's different for Slowpoke because he's in Canada so there carriers are different from ours.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: ZeldaFan20 on 06/07/18 at 6:52 pm
True, that was around the time I got the iPhone 4 and I remember tons of kids getting iPhones during my 10th-grade year. By 2012 Iphones truly semement itself as the status phone rather than just a luxury phone. iPhones pretty much killed the Blackberry craze because the same people who were obsessed with the Blackberry became obsessed with the iPhone. Samsung also became popular around that time with the release of the s3 that was when the Apple vs Samsung war started. Nowadays Samsung has become synonymous with Android, people forget there's more to Android than just Samsung. I guess it's different for Slowpoke because he's in Canada so there carriers are different from ours.
I agree. From my memory, Blackberrys seemed to had peaked in popularity from 2009-2011. Before that, Flip-Phones and Slider Phones were prominent with people in my age group, and after that time period the Blackberry fell sharply in popularity with iPhones and Androids becoming popular with my age group. Overall, using school years, my middle/high school years involving when which phones were popular went like this:
Middle School
2007-2008: Motorola Razr, The LG Chocolate, and Nokia among other slider/clam shell designs
2008-2009: LG Chocolate, Nokia, and Samsung Gravity slider/clam shell designs
2009-2010: Slider/clam shell designs like the Samsung Gravity, Sony Erickson, & Sidekick and the rise in popularity for Blackberrys
High School
2010-2011: Slider Phones like the Sidekick & LG Rumor at the tail end of their popularity and Blackberrys at their peak in popularity
2011-2012: Blackberrys at the tail end of their popularity and iPhones rapidly rising in popularity with the success of the iPhone 4/4S (and Steve Jobs' tragic death that allowed the company to become more prominent)
2012-2013: iPhone 4S/5 in popularity and the rise in Android smartphones becoming viable competitors especially with the release of the Samsung Galaxy S3
2013-2014: The start of the modern era of cell/smartphones with Apple & Android at the forefront; iPhone 5/5S and Samsung Galaxy S4 in their peak in popularity, along with some kids my age jumping on the relatively new Smartwatch trend with the release of the Samsung Galaxy Gear
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/07/18 at 8:01 pm
I agree. From my memory, Blackberrys seemed to had peaked in popularity from 2009-2011. Before that, Flip-Phones and Slider Phones were prominent with people in my age group, and after that time period the Blackberry fell sharply in popularity with iPhones and Androids becoming popular with my age group. Overall, using school years, my middle/high school years involving when which phones were popular went like this:
Middle School
2007-2008: Motorola Razr, The LG Chocolate, and Nokia among other slider/clam shell designs
2008-2009: LG Chocolate, Nokia, and Samsung Gravity slider/clam shell designs
2009-2010: Slider/clam shell designs like the Samsung Gravity, Sony Erickson, & Sidekick and the rise in popularity for Blackberrys
High School
2010-2011: Slider Phones like the Sidekick & LG Rumor at the tail end of their popularity and Blackberrys at their peak in popularity
2011-2012: Blackberrys at the tail end of their popularity and iPhones rapidly rising in popularity with the success of the iPhone 4/4S (and Steve Jobs' tragic death that allowed the company to become more prominent)
2012-2013: iPhone 4S/5 in popularity and the rise in Android smartphones becoming viable competitors especially with the release of the Samsung Galaxy S3
2013-2014: The start of the modern era of cell/smartphones with Apple & Android at the forefront; iPhone 5/5S and Samsung Galaxy S4 in their peak in popularity, along with some kids my age jumping on the relatively new Smartwatch trend with the release of the Samsung Galaxy Gear
Intresting for me 2010-2011 year is when I started seeing kids with android phones.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Dundee on 06/08/18 at 10:25 am
What was very common in 2009-2011 was having a "dumb phone" (not smart at all with very slow to no internet connectivity, being limited to a bunch of widgets and pre-installed apps without being able of adding further much), but with a touchscreen to add a dash of high-tech shine to it.
This is an LG Cookie, I had one of those :D
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/08/18 at 10:36 am
What was very common in 2009-2011 was having a "dumb phone" (not smart at all with very slow to no internet connectivity, being limited to a bunch of widgets and pre-installed apps without being able of adding further much), but with a touchscreen to add a dash of high-tech shine to it.
This is an LG Cookie, I had one of those :D
Yeah you had a lot of phones like that, my cousin had a Samsung touch screen dumb phone in early 2010, but you still had quite a few smartphone users at that time period moreso than you did in 2008. Android had already had a decent amount of phones on the market by 2010, and of course you had the Blackberry userbase.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 06/13/18 at 11:38 pm
This article should explain, but honestly, since the Apple company has APPS to use on its iPhone's opposed to running like an operating system like smartphones where you can do the same stuff, I still consider both to be in the same class. Both are NOT basic flip phones, sliding phones or Nokia.
I know we see iPhones as smartphones, but I wasn't aware that there are articles that made the distinction between them. It's so weird seeing that,
Nowadays Samsung has become synonymous with Android; people forget there's more to Android than just Samsung.
Yeah, that's true. Back then, there was HTC, Huawei, Motorola, LG, etc.
My then 15-year-old brother got an iPhone in late 2009. They were like 150 bucks by then on contract. That would have been rare in early 2009, but by the end of the year, it was not out of the ordinary for teens to own smartphones. I got my Samsung Galaxy S in late 2010.
I think by the time I graduated in spring 2010 about 20-30% of my classmates owned smartphones and many more owned an iPod Touch, so "smartphone culture" was definitely around then. Late 2011 to see you first smartphone is very shocking lol, they were already everywhere by then lol.
I got my first smartphone in 2011 (probably late or mid-2011). At that time, I would say that the number of kids at my school who had smartphones v. regular phones was about 50/50. By the time 2012 was in full force, most people around me had smartphones. Based on that I would say 2012.
That's around the time my cousins were getting their first smartphones. 2011 was pretty much a smartphone year; if you didn't have a smartphone by late 2011, then you either were a young kid getting their first cellphone or an older adult who isn't up to date with technology. I can see why people on here say 2012 is the year smartphones became a thing since the popularity of the iPhone exploded at that time and was no longer looked at as a "rich man's" phone" Blackberries was pretty much dead by then.
Yeah, I think 2011-12 is a good start. By then it was a transition between traditional phones and smart ones. As for my first smartphone, I got mine in 2011 which was an LG, but I do remember my sister having the T-Mobile G1 in 2008 (and an iPhone 4 in 2010) and my mom having a MyTouch in 2009-10. I also agree with the iTouches. That was a device that almost everyone had back in 2010-11 since it nearly did the same as an iPhone.
The T-Mobile G1 (or HTC Dream outside the United States) was the first ever Android phone, and its launch was huge. I worked for a company that dealt with them, and the influx of people wanting to ditch their flip phones in favor of one was crazy. It IMO was the start of the smartphone craze
Did you ever get one back then?
Oh, and does anyone remember these types of phone?
The first one is that one of my cousins had back in 2010 except hers was more of a square size.
The second one was a phone that could open and reveal a keyboard as well as a more full screen. I have a feeling most people don't remember those two types of phones. They were just as big as the flip and slider phones.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Dundee on 06/14/18 at 8:24 am
^Well there was all sorts of wacky phone designs in the early tens so I'm not even surprised. Anyone remember the xPeria Play ;D? Shįt was really cool looking when it first came out
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Rainbowz on 06/14/18 at 8:29 am
^Well there was all sorts of wacky phone designs in the early tens so I'm not even surprised. Anyone remember the xPeria Play ;D? Shįt was really cool looking when it first came out
Honestly, I feel as if early 2010's smartphones had a lot more variety than now. They also all didn't look the same and could do different stuff.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mqg96 on 06/14/18 at 2:05 pm
Honestly, I feel as if early 2010's smartphones had a lot more variety than now. They also all didn't look the same and could do different stuff.
Do you prefer the Android smartphones or the Samsung's?
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Rainbowz on 06/14/18 at 2:11 pm
Do you prefer the Android smartphones or the Samsung's?
Why did you post my avatar?
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Catherine91UK on 06/14/18 at 2:18 pm
I think 2010 was when I noticed smartphones being considered a standard device instead of a novelty or a luxury.
When I started work in 2011, I think most of my colleagues had smartphones instead of feature phones.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: ofkx on 06/14/18 at 2:45 pm
Honestly, I feel as if early 2010's smartphones had a lot more variety than now. They also all didn't look the same and could do different stuff.
I agree! You had people with Apple, Samsung, LG, Windows, Blackberry, and loads of other companies' phones. Now all you have is Apple and Samsung with barely anyone owning a phone from another company. Their designs also had a lot more variety instead of the iPhone X clones of 2018 8-P.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Longaotian00 on 06/14/18 at 7:56 pm
Started gaining popularity: 2010/11.
I would say the current smartphone era started in 2013 though, thats when everyone had one and they all started looking the same.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/14/18 at 8:12 pm
I know we see iPhones as smartphones, but I wasn't aware that there are articles that made the distinction between them. It's so weird seeing that,
Yeah, that's true. Back then, there was HTC, Huawei, Motorola, LG, etc.
Yeah, I think 2011-12 is a good start. By then it was a transition between traditional phones and smart ones. As for my first smartphone, I got mine in 2011 which was an LG, but I do remember my sister having the T-Mobile G1 in 2008 (and an iPhone 4 in 2010) and my mom having a MyTouch in 2009-10. I also agree with the iTouches. That was a device that almost everyone had back in 2010-11 since it nearly did the same as an iPhone.
Did you ever get one back then?
Oh, and does anyone remember these types of phone?
The first one is that one of my cousins had back in 2010 except hers was more of a square size.
The second one was a phone that could open and reveal a keyboard as well as a more full screen. I have a feeling most people don't remember those two types of phones. They were just as big as the flip and slider phones.
I had the one on the top when I had metro pcs in 2011.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Dundee on 06/14/18 at 8:48 pm
Another cool crazy early 10s smartphone was side keyboard for even more keys!!! :D
Yes, I'm keeping posting wacky early 2010s smartphone designs cuz it's fun to do ;D
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: SeaCaptainMan97 on 06/14/18 at 8:57 pm
Another cool crazy early 10s smartphone was side keyboard for even more keys!!! :D
Yes, I'm keeping posting wacky early 2010s smartphone designs cuz it's fun to do ;D
Wow, that phone has an ENTER key, something even the digital keypad on my Samsung is lacking... many other smartphones that have come out recently lack them too, yet this one had it 8 years ago... That's just terrible, the ENTER key should be a standard on these digital keypads by now! >:(
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: piecesof93 on 06/15/18 at 12:13 pm
Another cool crazy early 10s smartphone was side keyboard for even more keys!!! :D
Yes, I'm keeping posting wacky early 2010s smartphone designs cuz it's fun to do ;D
I miss those phones. How in the world did phone companies go backwards in terms of design.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/05/22 at 2:28 pm
Speaking of smartphones, I have this smartphone and when I charge it, it said 18 hours till full, I don't understand this as to why I have to wait so long till it gets full again? There is an option called "fast charging" but it still goes slow anyway. ::)
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: whistledog on 06/05/22 at 8:02 pm
Speaking of smartphones, I have this smartphone and when I charge it, it said 18 hours till full, I don't understand this as to why I have to wait so long till it gets full again? There is an option called "fast charging" but it still goes slow anyway. ::)
It might be your charge cord. Other than that, it might be your charge port. I usually clean out my charge port using a small rolled up piece of paper to dig the dust out. But if your phone doesn't say "fast charging", then it's almost always the charge cord itself. I worked for a cellphone company for 12 years and came upon stuff like this almost on a daily basis
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: whistledog on 06/05/22 at 8:04 pm
One thing I recommend for anyone wanting to advance themselves in the phone world, avoid the dual screen phones, like the Samsung Z Fold 3. It might sound neat to have a flip phone with dual screens, but where the screen folds, it can bubble up in the center and cause it to look like it's cracked. I've seen hundreds of issues where it has
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/06/22 at 3:34 am
It might be your charge cord. Other than that, it might be your charge port. I usually clean out my charge port using a small rolled up piece of paper to dig the dust out. But if your phone doesn't say "fast charging", then it's almost always the charge cord itself. I worked for a cellphone company for 12 years and came upon stuff like this almost on a daily basis
When I get to work I charge it and when I get home I charge it too. So what do you do in this situation, Should I clean the charge port? ???
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: whistledog on 06/06/22 at 6:50 am
When I get to work I charge it and when I get home I charge it too. So what do you do in this situation, Should I clean the charge port? ???
Clean the charge port. If that doesn't work, then get a new charger
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/06/22 at 2:57 pm
Clean the charge port. If that doesn't work, then get a new charger
And one more thing just yesterday I charged my phone in the break room at work and it said 18 hours till full and then this morning it said 28 hours till full. Has that ever happened to your phone? Where do you plug yours in? ???
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/06/22 at 3:02 pm
And one more thing just yesterday I charged my phone in the break room at work and it said 18 hours till full and then this morning it said 28 hours till full. Has that ever happened to your phone? Where do you plug yours in? ???
Have you cleared the cached data found within storage?
When I charge my phone or tablet I clear the screens/windows first.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/06/22 at 3:23 pm
Have you cleared the cached data found within storage?
When I charge my phone or tablet I clear the screens/windows first.
Where is that located Phil?
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/06/22 at 3:34 pm
Where is that located Phil?
On the tablet: Setting/Storage/Cached Data
On the phone: Setting/Storage/... and then it is the various apps, etc..
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/06/22 at 4:41 pm
Where is that located Phil?
On the tablet: Setting/Storage/Cached Data
On the phone: Setting/Storage/... and then it is the various apps, etc..
Also deleting unwanted documents and photos helps too,
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: whistledog on 06/06/22 at 10:08 pm
And one more thing just yesterday I charged my phone in the break room at work and it said 18 hours till full and then this morning it said 28 hours till full. Has that ever happened to your phone? Where do you plug yours in? ???
You should just be able to plug your phone into the charger and within a half hour, it should be fully charged or close to it. Might be something to do with the battery on your phone. You may want to call your provider to troubleshoot
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/07/22 at 6:45 am
On the tablet: Setting/Storage/Cached Data
On the phone: Setting/Storage/... and then it is the various apps, etc..
I don't think my phone has that, I can't find it.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/07/22 at 6:46 am
Also deleting unwanted documents and photos helps too,
Some of them I'd want to keep.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/07/22 at 6:47 am
Some of them I'd want to keep.
Keep the important photos, download them onto a portable drive, etc.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/07/22 at 6:49 am
You should just be able to plug your phone into the charger and within a half hour, it should be fully charged or close to it. Might be something to do with the battery on your phone. You may want to call your provider to troubleshoot
I only use the phone for YouTube, listening to some music at work, watching Pluto TV, that's basically it and when I get home I've used up a percentage of battery power that sometimes it takes about an hour and a half to about 2 hours till it gets full again.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/07/22 at 6:50 am
I only use the phone for YouTube, listening to some music at work, watching Pluto TV, that's basically it and when I get home I've used up a percentage of battery power that sometimes it takes about an hour and a half to about 2 hours till it gets full again.
Check to see if the phone has any unwanted viruses etc.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/07/22 at 7:26 am
Check to see if the phone has any unwanted viruses etc.
I downloaded this phone cleaner and my phone seems to be running smoothly. O0
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/07/22 at 7:49 am
I downloaded this phone cleaner and my phone seems to be running smoothly. O0
Another thing I do when finding it ages to charge, is to, disconnect the charger from the electrical source and plug it back in again.
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/07/22 at 2:18 pm
Another thing I do when finding it ages to charge, is to, disconnect the charger from the electrical source and plug it back in again.
Will that work with my phone? ???
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/07/22 at 2:22 pm
Will that work with my phone? ???
It certainly works with my tablet, on the initial charge it can say 5 hours, but after as described, it jumps down to 1 hour.
Could your problem be that the charging cable could be faulty?
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: Howard on 06/07/22 at 2:40 pm
It certainly works with my tablet, on the initial charge it can say 5 hours, but after as described, it jumps down to 1 hour.
Could your problem be that the charging cable could be faulty?
I don't think so, How can I check to see if it's faulty?
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: JacobThePlante on 06/20/22 at 4:20 am
I specifically remember in late 2011, especially after Christmas break (so early 2012), a lot of kids in my middle school had the new iPhone 4S
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: NightmareFarm on 06/20/22 at 2:27 pm
First half of 2011
Subject: Re: When did the smartphone era start?
Written By: nally on 01/21/25 at 11:26 pm
First half of 2011
Yep, I’m thinking it was sometime in the early 2010s, even though I myself had a stupidphone during that span.
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