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Subject: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Wobo on 03/30/18 at 9:09 pm

For me it would be 2010 it would be based off early 2010s culture references ect.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Rainbowz on 03/30/18 at 9:37 pm

It would most likely be the mid-2010's because it's an era that I have a vivid memory of so it'd be easier for me to know how it was truly like. I truly experienced that era, I know how music sounded, what people wore, the latest trends, the slang, etc.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Wobo on 03/30/18 at 9:38 pm

It would most likely be the mid-2010's because it's an era that I have a vivid memory of so it'd be easier for me to know how it was truly like. I truly experienced that era, I know how music sounded, what people wore, the latest trends, the slang, etc.

Yeah I would also chose the Mid 2010s like 2015

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: 2001 on 03/30/18 at 9:38 pm

2014 is the most interesting year of this decade. The Silicon Valley show is perfect, lol. Peak hipster year.

2008 for the 2000s, it has everything.

1996 for the '90s, the "cynical '90s" is there but making way for the cheery Y2K portion.

1968 for the '60s, duh.

1979 for the '70s, it feels like one big party.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Balty Raven on 03/31/18 at 2:31 pm

I would have made a show based on the entire 2000s decade, while putting up 1999 and 2010 as the transitional episodes. Here would be the seasons for the show.

Season 1: 1999/2000
Season 2: 2001
Season 3: 2002
Season 4: 2003
Season 5: 2004
Season 6: 2005
Season 7: 2006
Season 8: 2007
Season 9: 2008
Season 10: 2009/2010

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Dr. Mario on 03/31/18 at 3:05 pm

I'd be about a family in the late 00's/early 10's.

Season 1: 2006
The kids find out about YouTube and try to make a viral videos. They also see a commercial for the Nintendo Wii, but can't get one for Christmas because they're sold out.

Season 2: 2007
The older kids try to convince their parents upgrade their flip phones to iPhone, they're parents weren't keen. They discover Facebook this year.

Season 3: 2008
Talk about the 2008 Election. The parents support Obama. The family starts having financial problems do to the recession.

Season 4: 2009
The oldest brother starts his senior year and is afraid to graduate in 2010. The family reacts to all the celebrity deaths in 2009.

Season 5: 2010
The oldest brother graduates high school and goes to university. The iPad comes out and they're family buys several of them and are fascinated by the device. One of the kids ends up breaking theirs.

Season 6: 2011
The kids find out about Epic Rap Battles of History and decided to make they're own fanmade rap battles themselves. They end up beige very cringe worthy. One of the kids gets a 3DS for Christmas, forgets to turn the 3D effect off, and damages their eyes.

Season 7: 2012
This is when the kids find out about Instagram and take loads of pictures. The Wii U comes out, one of the kids asks for one, and the parents say "But we already have a Wii." The kid tries to explain the difference.

Season 8: 2013
The oldest daughter graduates high school and becomes a famous YouTube vlogger. She visits VidCon. She later becomes a Vine Star. The kids who are still at home are 15, 12, and 8. The 12 and 15 year old boys end up getting into other and aren't home often. The family doesn't feel the same anymore and the series ends with the parents thinking back on the good days.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: 2001 on 03/31/18 at 3:09 pm

I would have made a show based on the entire 2000s decade, while putting up 1999 and 2010 as the transitional episodes. Here would be the seasons for the show.

Season 1: 1999/2000
Season 2: 2001
Season 3: 2002
Season 4: 2003
Season 5: 2004
Season 6: 2005
Season 7: 2006
Season 8: 2007
Season 9: 2008
Season 10: 2009/2010

That would be cool, like Mad Men but 2000s. I actually thought up a story that could work with this, maybe I'll type it up later ;D

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Howard on 03/31/18 at 3:34 pm

I would make a show based on the cultural periods of the 1980's.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Balty Raven on 03/31/18 at 3:51 pm

That would be cool, like Mad Men but 2000s. I actually thought up a story that could work with this, maybe I'll type it up later ;D

It's somewhat like That '70s Show, Forrest Gump, and Mad Men. Except the show would be centered on a kid born in 1989 who experiences several cultural and political events throughout the 2000s. He also would have a little brother that would be a few days old in the first episode. The teenager would represent how 90s kids felt about the 2000s, where as the little brother would represent how 2000s kids (especially me) would experience the decade.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Wobo on 03/31/18 at 5:53 pm

I would also choose half of the early 2010s-late 2010s
Season 1: 2012
Season 2: 2013
Season 3: 2014
Season 4: 2015
Season 5: 2016
Season 6: 2017
Season 7: 2018

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Dundee on 03/31/18 at 7:43 pm

I will certainly make a series about late 90s borns going through live. Meaning the seasons would look like this:

Season 1: Early childhood memories => 2003
Season 2: Early teen years memories => 2012
Season 3: College years => 2017
Season 4: Young adults => 2022
Season 5: Conclusion => 2029

Of course the series would debute in 2029 8)

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Balty Raven on 03/31/18 at 7:47 pm

I will certainly make a series about late 90s borns going through live. Meaning the seasons would look like this:

Season 1: Early childhood memories => 2003
Season 2: Early teen years memories => 2012
Season 3: College years => 2017
Season 4: Young adults => 2022
Season 5: Conclusion => 2029

Of course the series would debute in 2029 8)

It sounds like the show would have been better off as a TV mini-series.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: SeaCaptainMan97 on 03/31/18 at 7:47 pm

I wanna see a That 00s Show, where Eric and Donna are the parents of a normal goofy kid (like Eric was) whom hangs out with an emo, a skater, and a Jamaican guy. He has a girlfriend who idolizes Avril Lavigne and Kelly Clarkson, and also they hang out with an annoying poppy girl who likes party rap, this girl dates the emo, the skater, and the Jamaican all at least once in the series.

Also, Red Forman is living with Eric, as he's ageing and can't take care of himself anymore... and he brings a lot of "foot in your ass" quotes to the table...

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Balty Raven on 03/31/18 at 8:03 pm

I wanna see a That 00s Show, where Eric and Donna are the parents of a normal goofy kid (like Eric was) whom hangs out with an emo, a skater, and a Jamaican guy. He has a girlfriend who idolizes Avril Lavigne and Kelly Clarkson, and also they hang out with an annoying poppy girl who likes party rap, this girl dates the emo, the skater, and the Jamaican all at least once in the series.

Also, Red Forman is living with Eric, as he's ageing and can't take care of himself anymore... and he brings a lot of "foot in your ass" quotes to the table...

I would imagine the show would take place between 2003-2007 since that's probably when that goofy kid would probably be in high school.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: prodanny288 on 03/31/18 at 9:35 pm

Late 2000s/early 2010s, my core childhood basically.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: 2001 on 03/31/18 at 11:20 pm

If it were my own life it would start early 2004 on my 11th birthday and end in late 2009 when I'm 16, because those years were the worst and that would make a good movie ;D

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Wobo on 03/31/18 at 11:24 pm

If it were my own life it would start early 2004 on my 11th birthday and end in late 2009 when I'm 16, because those years were the worst and that would make a good movie ;D

Mines would start in 2012 if we're based on my own life

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Balty Raven on 04/01/18 at 11:14 am

If I would make a show based off my personal life, it would've been based off my elementary school years to my 7th grade year.

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: Dundee on 04/01/18 at 11:19 am

If it were my own life it would start early 2004 on my 11th birthday and end in late 2009 when I'm 16, because those years were the worst and that would make a good movie ;D
Turn that project into a movie and make the next Boyhood, there's never enough movies about that :P

Subject: Re: If you were to make a show what cultural period or year would it be based off?

Written By: John Titor on 12/19/18 at 3:13 pm

The 2001-2002 school year


The 2005-2006 school year

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