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Subject: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: y2kkid92 on 03/17/18 at 2:54 am

From a 4 year olds perspective starting primary school in the UK I still got my first painting I made it was a rainbow basically with the 9/9/96 date signed Jake, I remember the girl who I was speaking to who gave me the idea what to paint, taking myself away from everyone else to stand by the sliding glass doors and starring at the drizzly weather and dim sky's while feeling sad, us getting in a group and saying our name going to the hospital afterwards with my mum for something where I asked for some of the animated series spider-man stickers at the hospital shop that I put on my front door, to top it all of  it was the same week PAC died can't say i knew who he was but my older brother used to play his stuff a lot, so to describe late 1996 it felt very atmospheric but in a a bad way, the whole wide world felt  scary to me, although at reception we would still get naps, which  in year 1 that was all gone in the 1997-1998 school year, luckily late 90s culture was in full effect by then which was less mature which made me feel more at ease sub consciously who can say? But I felt way different in the 1997-1998 school year whatever the case may be

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/17/18 at 3:22 am

I remember my first day clearly, aged 5 years, in the early 1960s, standing in line with other mothers and future pupils/schoolfriends.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: y2kkid92 on 03/17/18 at 4:52 am

I remember my first day clearly, aged 5 years, in the early 1960s, standing in line with other mothers and future pupils/schoolfriends.

Yh and don't forget the walk to school with your mums friends kids who would naturally turn out to be your childhood friends, you from the UK didn't they have reception at primary school back in your day for 4-5 y/o?, because in my day that's when everyone started not year 1

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/17/18 at 4:55 am

Yh and don't forget the walk to school with your mums friends kids who would naturally turn out to be your childhood friends, you from the UK didn't they have reception at primary school back in your day for 4-5 y/o?, because in my day that's when everyone started not year 1
Back then it was straight to primary school.

I do recall, going to and from school, with my mother and family.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: y2kkid92 on 03/17/18 at 5:06 am

Back then it was straight to primary school.

I do recall, going to and from school, with my mother and family.

you do know that reception is primary school? it just is non-mandatory primary school,  but virtually all the parents make there kids do it so there not unfamiliar with who there  year 1 classmates, reception is all the same stander-ed primary school 6-7 hours, and same lesson structure, and all the same teachers from year 1, except unlike year 1 its more lax less and less pressured. For the just turned 4/yo like me and my other friend who had just turned 4 the week before, the teachers where mindful of the younger students in the year who may struggle keeping up with longer days so we were allowed naps like nursery there weren't monsters!

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/17/18 at 5:18 am

you do know that reception is primary school? it just is non-mandatory primary school,  but virtually all the parents make there kids do it so there not unfamiliar with who there  year 1 classmates, reception is all the same stander-ed primary school 6-7 hours, and same lesson structure, and all the same teachers from year 1, except unlike year 1 its more lax less and less pressured. For the just turned 4/yo like me and my other friend who had just turned 4 the week before, the teachers where mindful of the younger students in the year who may struggle keeping up with longer days so we were allowed naps like nursery there weren't monsters!
I/we call it primary school, and at the age of 12, secondary school starts, that was how it was for me, and those those for my generation in the UK.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: TwilightPrince16 on 03/17/18 at 9:14 am

I don't remember my first day of preschool, however, I do remember my first day of kindergarten. It was in 2007 and I was five years old. I remember seeing my name tag on my desk, and at the time, I didn't even know how to spell my name. I started looking at other kids' name tags and started learning names.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: y2kkid92 on 03/17/18 at 10:03 am

I don't remember my first day of preschool, however, I do remember my first day of kindergarten. It was in 2007 and I was five years old. I remember seeing my name tag on my desk, and at the time, I didn't even know how to spell my name. I started looking at other kids' name tags and started learning names.

Reception at primary school isn't pre-school!, I started pre-school in 1994, Schooling in the UK is 4-15 y/o, most of the milllenials from the UK would class there first day of school as reception at primary school not year 1!, bit of a misunderstanding here with different nationalitys and different generations but it happens, just out of curiosity your a  young guy did your teachers still use the chalkboard?

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: TwilightPrince16 on 03/17/18 at 10:12 am

Reception at primary school isn't pre-school!, I started pre-school in 1994, Schooling in the UK is 4-15 y/o, most of the milllenials from the UK would class there first day of school as reception at primary school not year 1!, bit of a misunderstanding here with different nationalitys and different generations but it happens, just out of curiosity your a  young guy did your teachers still use the chalkboard?

When I started elementary school, my district was still in the transition of rebuilding new schools. In my two years of preschool, and grades K-2 (all in years 2005 to 2010) the teachers were still using chalkboards because the school I was in was made several decades before a was even born. In 3rd grade (2010-2011 school year), I transferred to a new school that was rebuilt only two years ago at that point, and of course, they had white boards!

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/17/18 at 10:19 am

btw, it was definitely blackboards in the classroom for me.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: mqg96 on 03/17/18 at 10:36 am

Oh definitely, that was one of the most memorable/surreal moments of my entire life actually. That was the first time I was ever surrounded by a lot of white people based off the district I lived in. Before that time in my life the preschool I went to only had people my color (black) and the church I went to at the time was predominantly black as well. What's weird is that I knew of white people and Asians throughout my toddler years at stores or the doctor's office but I had never been surrounded by that many white people in a closed setting prior to my first day of Kindergarten. I made a lot of new friends throughout that school year and it was the first time I felt like I was interacting with the real world without needing my parents assistance.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: y2kkid92 on 03/17/18 at 11:57 am

btw, it was definitely blackboards in the classroom for me.

Yh I guess were old I guess > >:( >:(:(

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: nally on 03/17/18 at 11:59 am

Sort of. I remember starting kindergarten on 9 September 1985, but I didn't quite remember too many specifics. (However, I do remember things about other specific days of being in kindergarten.)

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: y2kkid92 on 03/17/18 at 12:03 pm

I don't remember my first day of preschool, however, I do remember my first day of kindergarten. It was in 2007 and I was five years old. I remember seeing my name tag on my desk, and at the time, I didn't even know how to spell my name. I started looking at other kids' name tags and started learning names.

They made us all huddle around (sat down) and introduce our selfs  :-\\ , being the mid 90's power ranges was still huge and a couple of the kids brought that up when it came to them to say something, the day was especially  memorable because one of my future friends and I got to talking about power ranges almost everyone was really sheepish as you would imagine

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: TwilightPrince16 on 03/17/18 at 12:06 pm

They made us all huddle around (sat down) and introduce our selfs  :-\\ , being the mid 90's power ranges was still huge and a couple of the kids brought that up when it came to them to say something, the day was especially  memorable because one of my future friends and I got to talking about power ranges everyone was really sheepish as you would imagine

Ben 10 was really popular around for kids around the time I was kindergarten. I had a Ben 10 toy watch an so did a few other classmates. It was pretty cool.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: 1999 Baby, 2000s Kid on 03/17/18 at 12:17 pm

Yeah, I remember. I was pretty nervous when walking in the classroom and everyone just turned around staring at me, which made me uncomfortable, lol. I put my backpack up, my name was on one of the desks, so I sat down there next to three other people, I became friends pretty quickly with one of them, who ended up being my Kindergarten best friend, lol, and another one of the three at those desks ended up being one of my two closest friends until I got homeschooled.

It kind of sucks, because I remember seeing him during my first year of homeschooling and he gave me his number, my mom put it in her purse and said she'd keep track of it, but when I asked her if she could give me the number so I could call him to invite him to my 12th birthday, she said she'd lost it, lol. :/

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Howard on 03/17/18 at 3:11 pm

I believe it was Kindergarten September 1979 and I had just turned 5 years old and walking with My Mother to the school.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Wobo on 03/17/18 at 3:20 pm

Yeah I remember it was in 2009.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: TwilightPrince16 on 03/17/18 at 3:21 pm

Yeah I remember it was in 2010.

Wouldn't you have started kindergarten in 2009?

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Wobo on 03/17/18 at 3:24 pm

Wouldn't you have started kindergarten in 2009?

Oh yeah my bad.  ;D

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Lyndialy on 03/17/18 at 3:48 pm

I was holding onto my mom's leg because I didn't want to leave her and go to school with a bunch of strangers.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Howard on 03/17/18 at 3:50 pm

I was holding onto my mom's leg because I didn't want to leave her and go to school with a bunch of strangers.

We all go through that stage when we were growing up.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: nally on 03/17/18 at 6:36 pm

I was holding onto my mom's leg because I didn't want to leave her and go to school with a bunch of strangers.

I might have had similar feelings on my first day of kindergarten because I felt a little sad at first; must have been separation anxiety. But after a month or two, I got over it. I'm sure my parents convinced me that everything would be all right.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: mqg96 on 03/17/18 at 6:54 pm

I might have had similar feelings on my first day of kindergarten because I felt a little sad at first; must have been separation anxiety. But after a month or two, I got over it. I'm sure my parents convinced me that everything would be all right.

First day of preschool for me when I was 3 years old. I had already gotten over that by the time I started Kindergarten thank God, but going inside of a public school for the first time with different cultural people was still a huge jump for me. When I was in preschool I just went inside of a building and that was the whole classroom, but in Kindergarten you had to go through hallways and pass by classrooms. My mom walked me to my classroom the whole first week of Kindergarten, then after that I found my way by myself the rest of the school year.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: 2001 on 03/17/18 at 7:34 pm

I vaguely remember it. It was in 1996, I was confused at where we were going and the teacher force fed me a banana my mom packed from lunch so I started crying.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/17/18 at 7:38 pm

I remember being in preschool-I remember a lot about it and a lot of the things we did but I don't recall my first day.


Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: piecesof93 on 03/17/18 at 9:39 pm

Yes, surprisingly I do remember. I also remember my last day of preschool.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Dundee on 03/18/18 at 3:09 am

I actually remember my first day of preschool quite clearly because of how absolutely horrid it was. 2 year old me was brought to a strange, unknown place where my mom left me with other kids and another woman I didn't know about, so I started crying very loudly and atleast other 2 teachers came to see what the hell was wrong and I was suddenly in a "circle of support".

My first day of elementary school/kindergarten/whatever on the other day was pure happiness cuz I felt more in my element ;D

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Lizardmatum on 03/18/18 at 11:50 am

First day of preschool was in about 1999, I remember I immediately went and hid in a plastic toy house  ;D
Can't remember first day of primary school really but do remember trying my backpack and my mum taking a picture of me in preparation.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Lyndialy on 03/24/18 at 3:16 pm

My first day of starting school was in 2010. I was 5 years old, refusing to let go of my mothers legs because I didn't want to be in a class filled with a bunch of strangers, AKA students. I was shy back then. It took me a few weeks to become acclimated to the school and my conditions. My mother walked me to my classroom; I'd always get upset when she left for work. Eventually, I started growing up and I began making friends. I was able to walk myself to class without the assistance of my parents. By the end of the year, I was no longer causing troublesome to my parents and teachers.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Wobo on 03/24/18 at 3:22 pm

My first day of starting school was in 2010. I was 5 years old, refusing to let go of my mothers legs because I didn't want to be in a class filled with a bunch of strangers, AKA students. I was shy back then. It took me a few weeks to become acclimated to the school and my conditions. My mother walked me to my classroom; I'd always get upset when she left for work. Eventually, I started growing up and I began making friends. I was able to walk myself to class without the assistance of my parents. By the end of the year, I was no longer causing troublesome to my parents and teachers.

I remember i used to cry every time I came from school (kindergarten) because I didn't want to leave  ;D

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: nally on 03/24/18 at 9:32 pm

I remember being in preschool-I remember a lot about it and a lot of the things we did but I don't recall my first day.


I have similar recollections; I don't recall my first day either but I have general memories of my activities (just no specifics).

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: nally on 03/24/18 at 9:33 pm

Yes, surprisingly I do remember. I also remember my last day of preschool.

I seem to remember the location of my preschool, and have some memories of being in it (for me, that was the 1984-85 school year)... and maybe one or two of my classmates. Man, that takes me back. :o

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: ofkx on 04/08/18 at 9:17 am

Yeah I do actually. It was kindergarten and all the kids were crying except for me because I was actually excited ;D.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: mjstudios97 on 04/08/18 at 10:41 am

I started kindergarten in September of 2002 just having turned 5 years old. I was going to an elementary school in Los Angeles at the time. I had a babysitter at the time who walked me to school which was just a few blocks away from my apartment block on the top of a hill, and I still remember seeing the crossing guard everyday. In my school, they separated the kindergarteners from the 1st-6th graders, and I still remember having the hardest time climbing the monkey bars and being jealous of my classmates who could. I remember the reading rug, and this little boy and I always picked fights with each other on it, kicking each other and monkeying around but we ended up becoming best friends-- and I remember our school had a little sweet garden when we always went up there and I was always piqued by all of the little lady bugs that flew around-- and the seagulls by the coast that always came during lunch time and I always fed them my lunch because I was a very light eater at the time. We also had a little handbook or little journal we carried home and were required to fill out-- with a few English and Math exercises along with drawing activities and it had charts with instructions on house chores and the food triangle and we were to report it by the end of the week showing how much we've accomplished I think with a parent or guardian's signature-- it was such a cute little sweet time-- I had to memorize my home phone number, home address for emergencies-- and the arts and crafts projects were always a struggle for me and my penmanship wasn't really that good at the time--

I know this was all happening the school year after the Al Quaeda 9/11 attacks-- and the year before the War on Terror began-- I don't have so much recall on the world then-- I had been sheltered so much with the PBS kids and Nickelodeon program lol----

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: violet_shy on 04/08/18 at 12:18 pm

September 1985

I remember I cried so much when my mom left me at school ;D Spent the entire morning crying! ::)

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: pink.panda_v3 on 04/08/18 at 12:23 pm

I was lost completely at my first day of school. I wanted to go back to Pre-K  :-X

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: piecesof93 on 04/08/18 at 12:23 pm

I seem to remember the location of my preschool, and have some memories of being in it (for me, that was the 1984-85 school year)... and maybe one or two of my classmates. Man, that takes me back. :o

I remember my first and last day of preschool but not kindergarden. Why I have more memories of prek than kindergarten is beyond me.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Howard on 04/08/18 at 3:44 pm

Yeah I do actually. It was kindergarten and all the kids were crying except for me because I was actually excited ;D.

Were you just excited to be there?

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Howard on 04/08/18 at 3:44 pm

September 1985

I remember I cried so much when my mom left me at school ;D Spent the entire morning crying! ::)

Why were you crying?  :(

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: nally on 04/08/18 at 10:30 pm

I remember my first and last day of preschool but not kindergarden. Why I have more memories of prek than kindergarten is beyond me.

That's quite interesting. For most people it might be the other way around...although some people probably have no memories of either.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: nally on 04/08/18 at 10:31 pm

Why were you crying?  :(

She could've had separation anxiety or something similar. I had similar feelings at first, as stated in a previous post.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: mwalker1996 on 04/10/18 at 12:04 pm

Oh definitely, that was one of the most memorable/surreal moments of my entire life actually. That was the first time I was ever surrounded by a lot of white people based off the district I lived in. Before that time in my life the preschool I went to only had people my color (black) and the church I went to at the time was predominantly black as well. What's weird is that I knew of white people and Asians throughout my toddler years at stores or the doctor's office but I had never been surrounded by that many white people in a closed setting prior to my first day of Kindergarten. I made a lot of new friends throughout that school year and it was the first time I felt like I was interacting with the real world without needing my parents assistance.
Same here, I remember being scared going to school the first day, but eventually I got over it.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Todd Pettingzoo on 04/11/18 at 6:33 pm

Yes. 1986.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 04/11/18 at 6:53 pm

Yeah I do actually. It was kindergarten and all the kids were crying except for me because I was actually excited ;D.

Ironically, I was the only one crying on my first day of school.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: karen on 04/12/18 at 4:08 am

Yh and don't forget the walk to school with your mums friends kids who would naturally turn out to be your childhood friends, you from the UK didn't they have reception at primary school back in your day for 4-5 y/o?, because in my day that's when everyone started not year 1

I'm from the UK and when I started primary school in the 70s I went into year 1 infants.  There wasn't a reception class - that concept didn't start in UK schools until sometime in the 90s I think

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: karen on 04/12/18 at 4:27 am

I remember bits of my first day at school.  I was with my mum and all the other mums and new children waiting in the corridor outside the headmistress's office.  We then went in the infant school hall to find out which class we would be in.  My first teacher was Mrs Winson.  We went to the classroom (room 4) and we were split into groups and sat at specific tables.  Each table was named after an animal - I was on the squirrel table.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: y2kkid92 on 04/12/18 at 7:42 am

I'm from the UK and when I started primary school in the 70s I went into year 1 infants.  There wasn't a reception class - that concept didn't start in UK schools until sometime in the 90s I think

year reception definitely felt like all the other years like 1 & 2 it was basically the same thing, I even remember my parents getting a bit angry at my teachers with what they was saying about my classwork it definitely felt just like regular primary school to me & and not just because it was the year was at the primary school either, nowadays the vast majority if not all parent make sure there kids do reception so they no everyone when it comes to year one and are used to the school, letting someone who just turned 4 like me and my friend do a 6 and a half hour school day  :\'( 

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: on 04/13/18 at 12:29 pm


I had just turned 4 and it was the most horrendous time of my life.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: nally on 08/15/23 at 11:13 pm

Ironically, I was the only one crying on my first day of school.

I may have done this during my first few weeks in kindergarten, maybe due to separation anxiety (a concept that I did not realize at the time because I was too young), but as the weeks and months progressed, I got accustomed to the school environment, and I became a happy kid.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Howard on 08/16/23 at 2:42 am

It was in 1979, I had just started Kindergarten.

Subject: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: Dude111 on 08/16/23 at 8:09 pm

I remember my first day.... I was in morning Kindergarden and I remember getting milk everyday,it was fun.......

And I remember we did letter people,that was fun also......

Much better days :(

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: ForeverHaunted on 06/22/24 at 2:45 pm

It was September 7th, 2011. I was 5 years old and I remember my mother and I taking the city bus that morning to the school I had recently been enrolled in. Once we arrived at my new school, I remember sitting in the auditorium (it was a pretty big one too) next to my mother for the first day of school orientation that the principal was hosting for all incoming kindergarteners and their parents. When the assembly was over, my mother walked me into class before leaving until she came back later to pick me up after school.

Having made it through 2 years of preschool previously, I pretty much knew what to expect already, so I wasn't crying or anything when my mother dropped me off that morning. I remember talking to some of the other girls I saw in my class, trying to befriend them.

Subject: Re: do you remember your first day starting school?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/22/24 at 6:41 pm

I remember the bus ride on the first day of 1st grade. I want to a private Episcopal school. There was a girl who was carried on the bus because her legs were in braces. She was put in the seat right behind the driver. Just about the entire ride, she kept demanding, "When are we going to get to Christ Church?! When are we going to get to  Christ Church?!" Pretty much "Are we there yet?" But she was pretty much yelling and banging her hand on the bar that was right behind the driver-who I'm sure wanted to tell her to shut up. I think some of the other kids did tell her to shut up and she started in on them. I think she had the attitude that we were supposed to feel sorry for her because she had to wear leg braces but she was just so obnoxious that I don't think anyone gave her braces any thought and was picked on because of that.

And yeah, she ended up in my class.  ::)


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