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Subject: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: SeaCaptainMan97 on 03/06/18 at 9:51 pm

Thought this would make an interesting topic discussion.

Many of us owned pets as kids (and still do now), those pets were likely born in the 80s or 90s.
Now, dogs and cats born in the 90s are about equivalent to people born in the 1910s and 1920s, in that there's very few of them left. The youngest ones would be 18, turning 19 at the end of this year, an average pets life expectancy is around 12-15 years.
Most of us here grew up with pets that were born in the 90s.

How does this make you all feel?

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 03/07/18 at 9:50 am

It really depends on dog size.

A small dog born in 1999 would be equivalent to a human born in around 1928.

A medium dog born in 1999 would be equivalent to a human born in around 1919.

A large dog born in 1999 would be equivalent to a human born in around 1906.

A giant dog born in 1999 would be equivalent to a human born in around 1875.

I'm not sure about cats though.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Rainbowz on 03/07/18 at 10:11 am

Why did you have to make this depressing thread?  :\'(

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 03/07/18 at 10:45 am

Why did you have to make this depressing thread?  :\'(

I know right? My brother has a dog that was born in 2000 and I don't know how much longer he's going to be around. :(

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Rainbowz on 03/07/18 at 11:41 am

I know right? My brother has a dog that was born in 2000 and I don't know how much longer he's going to be around. :(

Your brother's dog is a decade older than mine. I got my dog in Christmas of 2010 and he was born in September 2010.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: meesa on 03/07/18 at 12:21 pm

I'm not really certain what you are trying to gauge?

Any pet dying is sad, and a loss.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 03/07/18 at 1:57 pm

Your brother's dog is a decade older than mine. I got my dog in Christmas of 2010 and he was born in September 2010.

What kind is he?

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Rainbowz on 03/07/18 at 2:29 pm

What kind is he?

He's a Shih Tzu.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: nally on 03/07/18 at 2:35 pm

I'm not really certain what you are trying to gauge?

Any pet dying is sad, and a loss.

It certainly is. :\'(

Chances are that if my most recent pet, a long-coat chihuahua named Chloe, hadn't gotten terminally ill with pancreatitis in August 2011, she might have lived a few years longer (and possibly gone by now for sure). I don't know for sure when she was born, but since she was full grown when we got her in early 2003 (from a rescue place), she could have been born as late as 2000 or 2001. (She could've been born before then, too. No record of her birth was known.) Chloe just wasn't very well taken care of by her previous owners; my family and I made sure she had a good life.

My previous pet, a poodle named Dusty, lived for 16 1/2 years. My parents got her as a six-week-old puppy in March of 1977; she died around Labor Day in 1993 (from some sort of cancer; we don't know how dogs can contract that sorta thing; the point is, anytime a pet dies, it's very sad).

...Also I'd like to mention that my mom had a short-coat chihuahua growing up during the 1960s and 70s. That dog lived to be 17 (he died three years before I was born, so I never got a chance to meet him, but my mom says I would've loved him).

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Dundee on 03/07/18 at 5:21 pm

It's a really depressing subject, especially for the fact that there was a lot of kid movies about pets from the 80s-90s. Watching them and knowing that they're all probably dead by now is just... a distressing thought.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Wobo on 03/07/18 at 5:26 pm

Talk about dogs.

I got a pet parakeet on my 7th birthday in 2011 and she died on November 22,2013  :\'(  i used to cry everyday from school because of it.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 03/07/18 at 5:34 pm

How does this make you all feel?

Well, so far it doesn't seem to be making anyone feel happy.    ;D

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Don Carlos on 03/07/18 at 6:09 pm

When pets are loving and loved members of families their passing is always sad, but we know that they had good lives.  We have lost several cats over the years and still remember their uniqueness and personality.  Every day Cat (my favorite "pet") reads rescue stories  aloud, and what to me is really sad is how many animals are abused and neglected.  I can't understand how people can be so cruel to animals - or to other people

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Longaotian00 on 03/08/18 at 1:30 pm

I would say the vast majority of pets from the 90s are gone, one of my dogs was born in 2004 and even she is getting quite old for her dog breed.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Dr. Mario on 04/01/18 at 1:11 pm

My dog from late 2004 died last year.  :\'(

He lived a long live!

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Balty Raven on 04/01/18 at 1:25 pm

I had cats born in 1994 and they died between 2008-2010. One of them died in 2008 because of cancer, while the other one died in 2010 because it was too weak.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: piecesof93 on 04/01/18 at 1:27 pm

I had a dog I received around 1999/2000. She died in the early 2010s. Maybe 2011.  :\'( 

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Howard on 04/01/18 at 2:48 pm

My dog from late 2004 died last year.  :\'(

He lived a long live!

I'm sorry. :(

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: nally on 04/01/18 at 2:53 pm

My dog from late 2004 died last year.  :\'(

He lived a long live!

Sorry for your loss.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Rainbowz on 08/16/18 at 11:06 pm

I just realized this after playing with my hamster that every single hamster that was alive in the year 2010 is dead now, even if they were born then.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 08/17/18 at 12:17 am

I just realized this after playing with my hamster that every single hamster that was alive in the year 2010 is dead now, even if they were born then.

You could probably say that about 2012 or even 2013 as well.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: nally on 08/17/18 at 4:15 pm

I just realized this after playing with my hamster that every single hamster that was alive in the year 2010 is dead now, even if they were born then.

You could probably say that about 2012 or even 2013 as well.

Hamsters probably have reeeally short lifespans.

In fact, I just did a google-search and found out that they usually don't live longer than 3 or 4 yrs, which validates T-Rex's post.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Dundee on 08/17/18 at 4:17 pm

Yeah, hamsters don't make it very long, which means every hamster born in the early 2010s are dead by now.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: ofkx on 08/18/18 at 6:43 am

Delete this thread 😭😭

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 08/19/18 at 1:42 pm

Hamsters probably have reeeally short lifespans.

In fact, I just did a google-search and found out that they usually don't live longer than 3 or 4 yrs, which validates T-Rex's post.

This was back in September of 2014 though.

Subject: Re: Dying Off: Dogs and Cats born in the 90s

Written By: Catherine91UK on 06/27/24 at 5:39 am

This video came up on YouTube a few days ago - a dog still alive who was born in 1999!


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