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Subject: If very early Millennials can opt out explain this

Written By: nintieskid999 on 02/22/18 at 10:04 pm

Why should someone born in 1983 get to opt out if he doesn't share views, opinions, or personality traits of Millennials but not someone born in 1990 who can't identify with his peers? It makes no sense.

Subject: Re: If very early Millennials can opt out explain this

Written By: mxcrashxm on 02/22/18 at 10:14 pm

A 1983 person shouldn't be able to leave and be in a microgeneration. The reason why this whole Xennial thing is going on is that the media somewhat still doesn't know what a Millennial is and thinks they are people born in the millennium rather than those grew up in that period. Furthermore, there are many stereotypical traits associated with the Millennials that the media keeps propagating on them which are nowhere near true at all. 

Subject: Re: If very early Millennials can opt out explain this

Written By: SeaCaptainMan97 on 02/22/18 at 10:21 pm

No one born in any year has to accept a generation label, because generations don't truly exist.
As a matter of fact, generation labels are typically seen as derogatory, people don't want to be associated prematurely by what age demographic they're in.

Subject: Re: If very early Millennials can opt out explain this

Written By: 2001 on 02/22/18 at 10:29 pm

You're right, it doesn't make any sense, so why do you still believe any of it? :P

Subject: Re: If very early Millennials can opt out explain this

Written By: mxcrashxm on 02/22/18 at 10:43 pm

No one born in any year has to accept a generation label, because generations don't truly exist.
As a matter of fact, generation labels are typically seen as derogatory, people don't want to be associated prematurely with what age demographic they're in.
They became that way after how Millennials and Boomers, in general, have been treated as entitled, whiny, lazy and selfish over the last several years despite that those characteristics are not true at all.

Subject: Re: If very early Millennials can opt out explain this

Written By: meesa on 02/24/18 at 9:10 pm

Why should someone born in 1983 get to opt out if he doesn't share views, opinions, or personality traits of Millennials but not someone born in 1990 who can't identify with his peers? It makes no sense.

It has been pointed out before that it doesn't matter. Who cares? People relate to whatever they relate to, and maybe for some purposes it's beneficial  if people are broken down into generational groupings, but really, the only ones who benefit from it in any concrete way are businesses that use it for marketing purposes.

This subject can sometimes lead down a road of decadeology that can become particularly tiresome.

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