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Subject: Why do the big changes come in Snake Years (weird pattern)?

Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 01/22/17 at 4:30 pm

Anyone notice this odd pattern?

Start of the Bolshevik Revolution - 1917, year of the Fire Snake
Stock Market Crash/Black Tuesday - 1929, year of the Earth Snake
Bombing of Pearl Harbor - 1941, year of the Metal Snake
Korean Armistice - 1953, year of the Water Snake
Voting Rights Act - 1965, year of the Wood Snake
Star Wars Release - 1977, year of the Fire Snake
Fall of the Berlin Wall - 1989, year of the Earth Snake
9/11 - 2001, year of the Metal Snake

Subject: Re: Why do the big changes come in Snake Years (weird pattern)?

Written By: musicguy93 on 01/22/17 at 4:56 pm

Anyone notice this odd pattern?

Start of the Bolshevik Revolution - 1917, year of the Fire Snake
Stock Market Crash/Black Tuesday - 1929, year of the Earth Snake
Bombing of Pearl Harbor - 1941, year of the Metal Snake
Korean Armistice - 1953, year of the Water Snake
Voting Rights Act - 1965, year of the Wood Snake
Star Wars Release - 1977, year of the Fire Snake
Fall of the Berlin Wall - 1989, year of the Earth Snake
9/11 - 2001, year of the Metal Snake

What about 2013?

Subject: Re: Why do the big changes come in Snake Years (weird pattern)?

Written By: Redhairkid on 01/23/17 at 12:21 pm

I can see the significance and importance of all the events except the Star Wars one. It's just a film.

Subject: Re: Why do the big changes come in Snake Years (weird pattern)?

Written By: #Infinity on 01/23/17 at 1:36 pm

Frankly, every year has significant events that can be argued ad revolutionary. While you're at it, why not add the Years of the Pig the mix:

1947 - Truman enacts the Truman Doctrine, setting the Cold War into full motion.
1959 - The Day the Music Died and the Cuban Revolution
1971 - Don McLean releases the iconic "American Pie," which coincidentally refers to events from the previous entry.
1983 - Sally Ride becomes the first woman in space.
1995 - The Internet becomes mainstream.
2007 - Apple releases the iPhone, Netflix begins streaming movies, and the Great Recession begins.

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