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Subject: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/10/16 at 8:30 pm

This might be fun. Pretend that you can live for ten years in a custom decade. It can be combined decades or one decade. It's your choice. For instance, you could pick the '80s and list the reasons why you prefer the decade. You also could combine the best of decade x (y,z) and the best of decade x (y,z). Feel free to choose your own categories too. Remember that you'll spend ten years in your pick.

I'll choose the fashions of the '60s because of the "Mad Men" era of this decade. I'll take the films of the '70s since both "The Godfather" and "Star Wars" were made then. I'll pick the music of the '80s since there were so many great songs by so many great artists in so many great genres. I'll select the TV of the '90s. You can't go wrong with "Seinfeld" and "The X-Files". As for technology, the '00s are fine because it seems like things went off the deep end after that. I mean no offense, but I don't like much about the '10s. There are some good alternative rock songs, which definitely don't trump the '80s.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: JordanK1982 on 10/10/16 at 10:15 pm

Ooh, good thread! This is gonna be a tough one...

The music would be a mixture of the best genres spanning from the 60's to early 00's with stuff ranging from The Beach Boys to Ramones to Circle Jerks to Nirvana to blink-182. I'd focus music the most on the 80's-early 00's.

With fashion, I'd go with the mid 80's to mid 90's (roughly 1982 to 1995). E.g. Stone/acid wash, flannel, big hair, buzz cuts, spiky hair, backwards caps, baggy pants, chain wallets, dickies. A lot of the 80's stuff I mentioned transcended the 80's into the 90's but I would love to have a full 10 years of all that kind of stuff. Focus would be equal as I love both 80's and 90's fashion.

Movies? I'd say 70's to 90's but with more focus on the 80's as that's my favorite decade for film. E.g. Star Wars, Alien, Dirty Harry, American Pie, Dumb and Dumber, Empire Records, Clueless Bill and Ted, Fast Times, Caddyshack, Vacation, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller, The Sure Thing, Gleaming the Cube, Thrashin', Return of the Jedi, Ghostbusters, Gremlins. Thrown in some Charles Bronson and Clint Eastwood 60's westerns in there, too, and I'm good.

Television I would go with late 80's to early 00's with the most focus on the 90's and early 00's. E.g. Malcolm in the Middle, Beavis and Butthead, King of the Hill, Buffy, Saved By The Bell, Fresh Prince, My So-Called Life, Ren and Stimpy. 

Skateboarding (a activity I've done since the mid 90's and continue to do) I would go from 1984 to 1994, just before the X-Games hit. Keep the shaped boards, plastic add-ons, Punk Rock and wacky clothes of the 80's but with the concaves and technical street tricks of the 90's.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: #Infinity on 10/11/16 at 1:03 am

I know this is going to be silly, but inspired by my username, I'll call this decade the #∞0's. Just for fun, not only will I describe what pop culture I would want during the period, but also the era's progression.

* Fashion - Predominantly 60s-themed from #∞0 to #∞4, late 80s-style around #∞4 to early #∞7, and finally Y2K casualness dominating #∞7 to #∞9.
* Technology - Roughly spans from 1997 to 2006. You eventually have the convenience of iTunes, Wikipedia, and YouTube, but the charm of video stores and malls isn't forgotten, either.
* Social Values - Roughly the mindset of the 80s at the start and the 90s by the end, but with the acceptance for LGBT rights associated with the current decade.
* Music - #∞0 is like 1983, while #∞9 is equivalent to 1997. The 80s and 90s, in general, were my favorite time for popular music.
* Television - 90s all the way. Really not even close, as much as I love The Twilight Zone from the early 60s.
* Movies - 80s during the first half of the decade, 90s for the second.
* Video Games - Definitely the Y2K era (1997-2001).
* Politics - Mostly 90s-like.

Without further ado, here is a rough description of the three sub-eras of this decade:

The Early #∞0's:

The Mid-#∞0's:
(Really, this entire sub-era could just be represented by the year 1989 in film; '89 has to be like my favorite year for movies ever!)

The Late #∞0's:

I'm not sure if the above descriptions form anything coherent, but if they all did coincide and I was here to experience them, I'd be absolutely stoked!

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/11/16 at 2:54 pm

My own decade would be like a mix between the 90s and 2000s.

*Fashion - Predominantly early-mid 90s themed in the early portion, late 90s/early 2000s in the mid portion, and mid-late 2000s in the late portion.
*Technology - It spans from premium cable TV, Macintosh/IBM computers, Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis TVs, and primitive internet in the early portion, while having digital cable, broadband Internet, and instant messengers pre-installed in the mid portion, along with having Myspace and YouTube during the late portion. It's basically gonna be like 1991-2007 towards the decade.
*Social Values - Most people would have mixed liberal/conservative social views during the decade. In other words, it's like centrist values.
*Television - 90s during the early portion, late 90s/early 2000s in the mid portion, and mid-late 2000s in the late portion.
*Movies - Same with television.
*Video Games - Between the Y2K era and core 2000s.
*Politics - People would mostly be conservative during the early portion (supporting George H.W. Bush), while being liberal in the mid portion (supporting Bill Clinton), and having centrist ideas in the late portion.
*Music - Mid 90s in the early portion, late 90s/early 2000s in the mid portion, and mid-late 2000s (mostly 2004-2008) in the late portion.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: violet_shy on 10/11/16 at 6:07 pm

Here's my decade, it's called Generation Oasis which begins in the year 8800.

The fashion:



Some of the popular films which are classics:



Music, some 80s rock and popular music in the 8800s:



Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/11/16 at 11:07 pm

Ooh, good thread! This is gonna be a tough one...

The music would be a mixture of the best genres spanning from the 60's to early 00's with stuff ranging from The Beach Boys to Ramones to Circle Jerks to Nirvana to blink-182. I'd focus music the most on the 80's-early 00's.

With fashion, I'd go with the mid 80's to mid 90's (roughly 1982 to 1995). E.g. Stone/acid wash, flannel, big hair, buzz cuts, spiky hair, backwards caps, baggy pants, chain wallets, dickies. A lot of the 80's stuff I mentioned transcended the 80's into the 90's but I would love to have a full 10 years of all that kind of stuff. Focus would be equal as I love both 80's and 90's fashion.

Movies? I'd say 70's to 90's but with more focus on the 80's as that's my favorite decade for film. E.g. Star Wars, Alien, Dirty Harry, American Pie, Dumb and Dumber, Empire Records, Clueless Bill and Ted, Fast Times, Caddyshack, Vacation, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller, The Sure Thing, Gleaming the Cube, Thrashin', Return of the Jedi, Ghostbusters, Gremlins. Thrown in some Charles Bronson and Clint Eastwood 60's westerns in there, too, and I'm good.

Television I would go with late 80's to early 00's with the most focus on the 90's and early 00's. E.g. Malcolm in the Middle, Beavis and Butthead, King of the Hill, Buffy, Saved By The Bell, Fresh Prince, My So-Called Life, Ren and Stimpy. 

Skateboarding (a activity I've done since the mid 90's and continue to do) I would go from 1984 to 1994, just before the X-Games hit. Keep the shaped boards, plastic add-ons, Punk Rock and wacky clothes of the 80's but with the concaves and technical street tricks of the 90's.

Thanks. I like your post too, but I should explain something. Each item (movies, music, TV, etc.) is linked to just one decade. I probably should have been more clear with my classifications and descriptions. For instance, you prefer music in the '80s. In my scenario, you can't pick music from the decades that follow or precede the '80s. You can choose fashion from the '90s, though. I hope that makes sense.  :)

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/11/16 at 11:35 pm

* Technology - Roughly spans from 1997 to 2006. You eventually have the convenience of iTunes, Wikipedia, and YouTube, but the charm of video stores and malls isn't forgotten, either.

I love your whole post. The above quote really hits home, though. I share your preference for a good mix of the internet and nostalgia. It's the best of both worlds. I really miss the malls of my youth! I went to my old hangout one weekend. It was a Saturday afternoon. It looked like a Wednesday morning in 1990, and there was mostly clothing stores and shoe stores. The food court still was there. There were no book stores or CD stores. The toy store closed. Even Spencer's Gifts was gone! I felt somewhat depressed. It looked so blah and bland. The colorful character disappeared. The funny thing is that it was fairly active in 2009.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/11/16 at 11:44 pm

My own decade would be like a mix between the 90s and 2000s.

*Fashion - Predominantly early-mid 90s themed in the early portion, late 90s/early 2000s in the mid portion, and mid-late 2000s in the late portion.
*Technology - It spans from premium cable TV, Macintosh/IBM computers, Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis TVs, and primitive internet in the early portion, while having digital cable, broadband Internet, and instant messengers pre-installed in the mid portion, along with having Myspace and YouTube during the late portion. It's basically gonna be like 1991-2007 towards the decade.
*Social Values - Most people would have mixed liberal/conservative social views during the decade. In other words, it's like centrist values.
*Television - 90s during the early portion, late 90s/early 2000s in the mid portion, and mid-late 2000s in the late portion.
*Movies - Same with television.
*Video Games - Between the Y2K era and core 2000s.
*Politics - People would mostly be conservative during the early portion (supporting George H.W. Bush), while being liberal in the mid portion (supporting Bill Clinton), and having centrist ideas in the late portion.
*Music - Mid 90s in the early portion, late 90s/early 2000s in the mid portion, and mid-late 2000s (mostly 2004-2008) in the late portion.

It seems like most people prefer music from their youth. I know that there are exceptions to this rule, though. You read You Tube posts from young kids, and they often say that they prefer songs from the '80s and/or '90s. They say that they hate the Justin Bieber era. You can objectively see their point. The popular acts now aren't in the same league as the popular acts then. It's not just a case of age and generation. The big acts, since 2010, pale in comparison to the big acts since 1940!

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/11/16 at 11:49 pm

Here's my decade, it's called Generation Oasis which begins in the year 8800.

The fashion:



Some of the popular films which are classics:



Music, some 80s rock and popular music in the 8800s:



That's quite creative. It's a bit like an alternate dimension or a parallel universe. Well, present reality seems like that too at times.  :-\\ Your imaginary world looks good right now.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: 80sfan on 10/11/16 at 11:57 pm

Fashion- 1950's
TV- 1990's
Movies- 1990's
Energy- 1980's
Political philosophy/social values- 1980's
Technology- 2000's decade

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: JordanK1982 on 10/12/16 at 12:25 am

Thanks. I like your post too, but I should explain something. Each item (movies, music, TV, etc.) is linked to just one decade. I probably should have been more clear with my classifications and descriptions. For instance, you prefer music in the '80s. In my scenario, you can't pick music from the decades that follow or precede the '80s. You can choose fashion from the '90s, though. I hope that makes sense.  :)

Oh, ok! This should make it a little more interesting.

For music, I would pick the 80's. Not only were the 80's an amazing time for music but all the 90's-early 00's Pop Punk I grew up with existed in earlier forms in the 80's with bands like Dag Nasty, Scream, Big Drill Car, The Freeze, Fastbacks and the Lookout records scene.

For fashion, I'd go with the 90's. The early 90's had both holdover fashions from the 80's and the distinct fashions of the 90's and the rest of the decade continued the baggy + loose casual clothing introduced in the 80's (even if the fits did get a lot baggier). Including the entire decade gives me a lot of variety to choose from with a little loophole to sneak in some 80's.

Technology, I go with the 90's again. You had the convenience of the internet (as convenient as dial-up was...) while still retaining the somewhat-more-advanced-but-not-quite-21st-century-yet late 20th century feel that began roughly around the early 80's. Still love my video tapes and cassettes. Not only that but to have technology that is convenient enough but doesn't get in the way of social communication, getting fresh air and learning a new activity (like... You guessed it! Skateboarding!).

Movies would be 80's hands down. No contest. My all-time favorite decade for movies.

Television I'd pick the 90's. I love stuff like Beavis and Butthead, King of the Hill, My So-Called Life, Fresh Prince, Simpsons and Buffy.

Social attitudes, I would go with 80's because I love the no holds barred "totally rad, dude!" energy of that decade.

And, of course, I've got to include skateboarding again. This one is tough but I would have to say 90's due to the fact that I got my first board in 1995 and that decade was pretty much my era with brands like Blind, Alien Workshop and Toy Machine. I would like my decade to be like early 90's most of all. Shaped boards and plastics had started to die out during this era and the still-popular popsicle shape had been gaining momentum so I'd like my decade to remain like 1990 and 1991 in terms of deck shapes and accessories but with the progressive street tricks of 1990-1994.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/12/16 at 1:16 am

Fashion- 1950's
TV- 1990's
Movies- 1990's
Energy- 1980's
Political philosophy/social values- 1980's
Technology- 2000's decade

It's interesting that no one picks the teens for technology. Maybe Big Brother plays a hidden role in it. We're sick and tired of people spying on us. It's just a thought.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: 80sfan on 10/12/16 at 1:23 am

It's interesting that no one picks the teens for technology. Maybe Big Brother plays a hidden role in it. We're sick and tired of people spying on us. It's just a thought.

Perhaps because the ten/teens are so blatant?

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/12/16 at 1:32 am

Oh, ok! This should make it a little more interesting.

For music, I would pick the 80's. Not only were the 80's an amazing time for music but all the 90's-early 00's Pop Punk I grew up with existed in earlier forms in the 80's with bands like Dag Nasty, Scream, Big Drill Car, The Freeze, Fastbacks and the Lookout records scene.

For fashion, I'd go with the 90's. The early 90's had both holdover fashions from the 80's and the distinct fashions of the 90's and the rest of the decade continued the baggy + loose casual clothing introduced in the 80's (even if the fits did get a lot baggier). Including the entire decade gives me a lot of variety to choose from with a little loophole to sneak in some 80's.

Technology, I go with the 90's again. You had the convenience of the internet (as convenient as dial-up was...) while still retaining the somewhat-more-advanced-but-not-quite-21st-century-yet late 20th century feel that began roughly around the early 80's. Still love my video tapes and cassettes. Not only that but to have technology that is convenient enough but doesn't get in the way of social communication, getting fresh air and learning a new activity (like... You guessed it! Skateboarding!).

Movies would be 80's hands down. No contest. My all-time favorite decade for movies.

Television I'd pick the 90's. I love stuff like Beavis and Butthead, King of the Hill, My So-Called Life, Fresh Prince, Simpsons and Buffy.

Social attitudes, I would go with 80's because I love the no holds barred "totally rad, dude!" energy of that decade.

And, of course, I've got to include skateboarding again. This one is tough but I would have to say 90's due to the fact that I got my first board in 1995 and that decade was pretty much my era with brands like Blind, Alien Workshop and Toy Machine. I would like my decade to be like early 90's most of all. Shaped boards and plastics had started to die out during this era and the still-popular popsicle shape had been gaining momentum so I'd like my decade to remain like 1990 and 1991 in terms of deck shapes and accessories but with the progressive street tricks of 1990-1994.

I'm relieved. I almost started a new thread. You weren't the only one who blended and blurred the decades. It gave me an idea for a new thread, though.

Let's face it. We can find great (fill in the blank) in most decades before 2010. Sure, we can find good stuff after 2009, but culture and entertainment pale in comparison to the other decades. We can objectively say that. You bring up a main reason for this. People just don't communicate and visit like they did in the past. Texting replaced talking to a certain extent. It was bad enough in the '00s when people's cell phones were attached to their ears. I almost feel sorry for the teens (if you can feel sorry for decades). Maybe we'll get flying cars and robot maids before 2020. They might be enough to save this sorry decade. Well, let's hope we make it for another four years!

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/12/16 at 1:34 am

Perhaps because the ten/teens are so blatant?

It could be. It's like too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: 80sfan on 10/12/16 at 1:53 am

The 2010's is the worst pop culture decade.....ever!  8-P

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/12/16 at 10:15 am

It seems like most people prefer music from their youth. I know that there are exceptions to this rule, though. You read You Tube posts from young kids, and they often say that they prefer songs from the '80s and/or '90s. They say that they hate the Justin Bieber era. You can objectively see their point. The popular acts now aren't in the same league as the popular acts then. It's not just a case of age and generation. The big acts, since 2010, pale in comparison to the big acts since 1940!

I actually prefer music from the 2000s as well. I love how the decade had a great amount of R&B, rock (along with its other sub-genres), techno, etc. It was a good time for me, back then. But yeah, I really don't prefer listening to music from this decade. It's not really that diverse (music-wise), and most of the hits nowadays are just "trap rap" and other sorts of hip hop. It's like nobody really cares for other types of music, for some reason.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: apollonia1986 on 10/12/16 at 6:57 pm

Gosh, I'm trying to think of what I'd like. I admire the past so much.
I'd like to look nice and feminine, so I know I'd want elements of fashion from the 20s (flapper and Egyptian revival) the 30s (that long lean look) and the 80s (the last hurrah for glam) I'd else want really big hair or the sleek bobs of the earlier eras.
For music, I'm driven by 80s/90s music and i want to be a world where I could catch Michael Jackson, 3T and Prince onstage (not at the same time, that'd be pure bedlam) and just have music with a meaning again. The same for the tv shows and music videos and things.
I would like some current technology. I'm married to my laptop and social media, but maybe not have it so prevalent. I mentioned concerts. I'd like to be at a show and see people actually watching the show, not a sea of iphones recording (3T just did a concert last month and it was all iphones)
I'd just kind of like to relive my childhood in some ways. Excluding the 90s fashion. Everything I wanted to wear I was else too young or too fat. Id like to enjoy the movies and television shows I grew up on again. The world before the Kardashians took over.  :)

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/12/16 at 9:49 pm

The 2010's is the worst pop culture decade.....ever!  8-P

I can't disagree with that. There are some great singers, like Adele, though.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/12/16 at 9:59 pm

I actually prefer music from the 2000s as well. I love how the decade had a great amount of R&B, rock (along with its other sub-genres), techno, etc. It was a good time for me, back then. But yeah, I really don't prefer listening to music from this decade. It's not really that diverse (music-wise), and most of the hits nowadays are just "trap rap" and other sorts of hip hop. It's like nobody really cares for other types of music, for some reason.

I like alternative rock from this decade, but I'm not really into other genres from this decade. There are some great bands and great singers, like Adele, though. It just seems like there were more great artists in the past. Of course, people said the same thing in the '80s.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/12/16 at 10:09 pm

Gosh, I'm trying to think of what I'd like. I admire the past so much.
I'd like to look nice and feminine, so I know I'd want elements of fashion from the 20s (flapper and Egyptian revival) the 30s (that long lean look) and the 80s (the last hurrah for glam) I'd else want really big hair or the sleek bobs of the earlier eras.
For music, I'm driven by 80s/90s music and i want to be a world where I could catch Michael Jackson, 3T and Prince onstage (not at the same time, that'd be pure bedlam) and just have music with a meaning again. The same for the tv shows and music videos and things.
I would like some current technology. I'm married to my laptop and social media, but maybe not have it so prevalent. I mentioned concerts. I'd like to be at a show and see people actually watching the show, not a sea of iphones recording (3T just did a concert last month and it was all iphones)
I'd just kind of like to relive my childhood in some ways. Excluding the 90s fashion. Everything I wanted to wear I was else too young or too fat. Id like to enjoy the movies and television shows I grew up on again. The world before the Kardashians took over.  :)

You mentioned two pet peeves of mine: cell phones and the Kardashians. They're enough to make me build a time machine to escape them. As for the present decade, I sometimes wish that ETs would abduct me.  ;) I'd swap 1916 for 2016.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/13/16 at 6:59 am

I like alternative rock from this decade, but I'm not really into other genres from this decade. There are some great bands and great singers, like Adele, though. It just seems like there were more great artists in the past. Of course, people said the same thing in the '80s.

They say the same thing in every decade. It's not different to have people like music from the past in any decade. But I do agree that Adele is a decent singer.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: apollonia1986 on 10/13/16 at 6:47 pm

You mentioned two pet peeves of mine: cell phones and the Kardashians. They're enough to make me build a time machine to escape them. As for the present decade, I sometimes wish that ETs would abduct me.  ;) I'd swap 1916 for 2016.

I'd still like to have the right to vote, but you're kind of right. I guess cause I was caught up in the Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie hoopla of the early 00s, I like them more than I do the Kardashians that came after (although 2 of them dated 2 members of 3T which is how I knew of them before they ever took a selfe!) I don't know. Things were simpler, times were simpler. I got to be a kid. Now there's like 8 year olds who can do makeup better than me and be "Instagram Baddies" and it's just really weird and different and I worry if I ever have a kid, just knowing her childhood would be vastly different than mine. I got to grow up and act stupid and learn from my stupidity without it being posted on the web for all times. And speaking of those K people I wonder just what in the hell will be the next wave AFTER them!  :o

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/13/16 at 9:28 pm

They say the same thing in every decade. It's not different to have people like music from the past in any decade. But I do agree that Adele is a decent singer.

Hippies hated new wave and punk rock. Disco fans slammed grunge rock. I'm not a big fan of 2016 music. Still, many people (even teens) think that current music is inferior.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/13/16 at 9:37 pm

I'd still like to have the right to vote, but you're kind of right. I guess cause I was caught up in the Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie hoopla of the early 00s, I like them more than I do the Kardashians that came after (although 2 of them dated 2 members of 3T which is how I knew of them before they ever took a selfe!) I don't know. Things were simpler, times were simpler. I got to be a kid. Now there's like 8 year olds who can do makeup better than me and be "Instagram Baddies" and it's just really weird and different and I worry if I ever have a kid, just knowing her childhood would be vastly different than mine. I got to grow up and act stupid and learn from my stupidity without it being posted on the web for all times. And speaking of those K people I wonder just what in the hell will be the next wave AFTER them!  :o

Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to what nonsense will replace the Kardashians. Think of the important things that get much less attention than that family. I hope and pray that we come to our senses before they're replaced by something even more ridiculous! Where is their sense of priorities?

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/14/16 at 10:01 pm

For fashion, I'd like to have the clothing and hairstyles of the 1940s.

For music, I'd like to have a Big Band revival (Big Band era from the 30s and 40s), 90s and 00s style R&B to come back, the Traditional Pop and Vocal Jazz from the 1930s to the 1960s, soft rock of the 60s and 70s, and 2000s style pop.

For movies and tv it's harder for me, I guess just let them continue as they are, I wouldn't watch too much anyways, I guess that means 2010s, most of my favorite movies range from the late 70s to the late 00s, but I'd still let them just continue as they are.

For video games, I'd choose the styles of games that released anywhere from 2001 to 2007 (love all years in gaming though, even 2016 has amazing games) to be the dominant force with late 90s, late 00s, early 10s, and mid 10s styles there as well. The more variety, the better.

For technology, I'd choose mid 2000s for the first part of the decade ending with the late 2010s as the last part.

The '90s had the best of both worlds. There was a swing revival for a few years back then.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/15/16 at 10:59 am

Hippies hated new wave and punk rock. Disco fans slammed grunge rock. I'm not a big fan of 2016 music. Still, many people (even teens) think that current music is inferior.

Same with most 80s and 90s fans slamming down 2000s music back then. Even though it's more calm today.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/15/16 at 8:40 pm

Same with most 80s and 90s fans slamming down 2000s music back then. Even though it's more calm today.

There were many great alternative rock songs in the '00s. The mainstream pop and mainstream rock stuff wasn't the best. They were better than much of the Top Forty now, though. Rap really went downhill! JMO

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/15/16 at 9:10 pm

There were many great alternative rock songs in the '00s. The mainstream pop and mainstream rock stuff wasn't the best. They were better than much of the Top Forty now, though. Rap really went downhill! JMO

Anything with rock was okay in the 2000s. People still listened to it back then.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: JordanK1982 on 10/15/16 at 10:37 pm

I'm relieved. I almost started a new thread. You weren't the only one who blended and blurred the decades. It gave me an idea for a new thread, though.

Let's face it. We can find great (fill in the blank) in most decades before 2010. Sure, we can find good stuff after 2009, but culture and entertainment pale in comparison to the other decades. We can objectively say that. You bring up a main reason for this. People just don't communicate and visit like they did in the past. Texting replaced talking to a certain extent. It was bad enough in the '00s when people's cell phones were attached to their ears. I almost feel sorry for the teens (if you can feel sorry for decades). Maybe we'll get flying cars and robot maids before 2020. They might be enough to save this sorry decade. Well, let's hope we make it for another four years!

Oh definitely. It's pretty scary the way things have been going these past few years. Everything's so homogeneous. All these people into the same tired rap music, urban-ghetto-hipster fashion and all while they're trapped inside a virtual social media world. That's why I like the 80's, 90's and early 00's. People were more unique and diverse back then.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/16/16 at 9:00 am

It's interesting that no one picks the teens for technology. Maybe Big Brother plays a hidden role in it. We're sick and tired of people spying on us. It's just a thought.

I just don't pick the '10s for technology, since most of the modern devices that are made from the decade are tedious.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: SpyroKev on 10/16/16 at 10:42 am

I wish I could add a well thought out original post to this topic. My ideal decade is pretty much, Late 90s-Early-Mid 2000s.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: muppethammer26 on 10/16/16 at 12:54 pm

I would create my own decade, which will take the place of the 2020's:

* Fashion - 90s-themed from 2020 to 2023, early 00s-style around 2024 to 2026, and late 00s casualness dominating 2027 to 2029.
* Technology - Basically the technology of the 2020's.
* Social Values - Roughly going back to the mindset of the 70s at the start and the 80s by the end, but with the acceptance for LGBT rights associated with the current decade.
* Music - early 2020's is like a mix of mid 80's/early 00's, mid 2020's is a mix of early 90's/mid 90's, and late 2020's is equivalent to a mix of late 90's/late 00's.
* Television - 90s all the way.
* Movies - 80s-like for the first half, 90s-like for the second half.
* Video Games - The feel of the 5th/6th gen with the technological advances of the 9th/10th gen.
* Politics - Mostly 90s-like.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/16/16 at 9:38 pm

Anything with rock was okay in the 2000s. People still listened to it back then.

It's like what I say in the other thread. Technology changes the game when it comes to profits and ratings. Rock was huge when new songs were introduced on radio. You had to buy hard copies too.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/16/16 at 9:43 pm

Oh definitely. It's pretty scary the way things have been going these past few years. Everything's so homogeneous. All these people into the same tired rap music, urban-ghetto-hipster fashion and all while they're trapped inside a virtual social media world. That's why I like the 80's, 90's and early 00's. People were more unique and diverse back then.

Look at NWA and Public Enemy. Now, compare their worst songs to Kanye West's best releases, and you might find that the emperor wears no clothes. You could make the same kind of comparison in other genres. For instance, compare Willie Nelson's material to Luke Bryan's material.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/16/16 at 9:48 pm

I just don't pick the '10s for technology, since most of the modern devices that are made from the decade are tedious.

They are tedious, and some of them are dangerous. Look at the fires caused by sabotage or shoddiness. Maybe they get too greedy when they rush questionable products to the market at the expense of safety. The improvements usually don't justify the rush.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/16/16 at 9:53 pm

I wish I could add a well thought out original post to this topic. My ideal decade is pretty much, Late 90s-Early-Mid 2000s.

You realize that was a good era when you look at the charts. You don't realize that there were a lot of good shows and songs until you find lists of them. That might be because we sometimes wrongly link the '00s to the '10s. The former is better than the latter.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/16/16 at 10:00 pm

I would create my own decade, which will take the place of the 2020's:

* Fashion - 90s-themed from 2020 to 2023, early 00s-style around 2024 to 2026, and late 00s casualness dominating 2027 to 2029.
* Technology - Basically the technology of the 2020's.
* Social Values - Roughly going back to the mindset of the 70s at the start and the 80s by the end, but with the acceptance for LGBT rights associated with the current decade.
* Music - early 2020's is like a mix of mid 80's/early 00's, mid 2020's is a mix of early 90's/mid 90's, and late 2020's is equivalent to a mix of late 90's/late 00's.
* Television - 90s all the way.
* Movies - 80s-like for the first half, 90s-like for the second half.
* Video Games - The feel of the 5th/6th gen with the technological advances of the 9th/10th gen.
* Politics - Mostly 90s-like.

That sounds like a cool future, one that won't look like a dystopian science fiction work. I would like to return to a time, like the '80s or the '90s, when more people had a sense of hope and optimism. There was so much happiness at the end of the Cold War! Now, some of our politicians sound like they want to start World War III.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/17/16 at 6:56 am

They are tedious, and some of them are dangerous. Look at the fires caused by sabotage or shoddiness. Maybe they get too greedy when they rush questionable products to the market at the expense of safety. The improvements usually don't justify the rush.

Yeah. The Galaxy Note 7 was a piece of crap, since it caused several incidents with its users. So much so, that it got banned from airports.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/17/16 at 11:17 pm

Yeah. The Galaxy Note 7 was a piece of crap, since it caused several incidents with its users. So much so, that it got banned from airports.

That's what happens when they use slave labor. I assume that some parts were made in China.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/18/16 at 5:48 am

That's what happens when they use slave labor. I assume that some parts were made in China.

I don't think having it manufactured in China was the case. I mean, they're really settled with manufacturing crap in China, and nobody had that much reactions over it.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/18/16 at 8:56 pm

I don't think having it manufactured in China was the case. I mean, they're really settled with manufacturing crap in China, and nobody had that much reactions over it.

I couldn't tell you where it was made. They have major labor violations in China, though.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/19/16 at 5:53 am

I couldn't tell you where it was made. They have major labor violations in China, though.

Not to mention all the sweat shops.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/19/16 at 8:16 pm

Not to mention all the sweat shops.

That's a great point. Some sweat shops use slave labor.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: XYkid on 10/25/16 at 4:33 pm

My ideal decade would be a time when 80s, 90s and early 2000s culture is popular, but with more technology.
So basically this decade, but with better music and a lot less political turmoil.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Knew Wave on 10/25/16 at 11:39 pm

My ideal decade would be a time when 80s, 90s and early 2000s culture is popular, but with more technology.
So basically this decade, but with better music and a lot less political turmoil.

Less political controversy sounds really good right now. Where is that time machine?

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: muppethammer26 on 11/05/17 at 8:39 pm

Not changing the past events, but if I were to create my own calendar system that uses a different numbering scheme, I would make my own century that takes place from the 1940's to the 2030's.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Longaotian00 on 11/05/17 at 9:19 pm

My personal decade would have the best aspects of pop cultures in all the years from about 1981-2011. Obvously this means it would be a very, very changeful and advancing decade.

Fashion: I don't know much about fashion but I would say I would have the fashion of the 80's through to mid 90's.
Music: A mix of 80's and early 90's music in the beginning of the decade, music from about 1998-2003 in the mid part of the decade and 2009-2011 music in the late decade.
Social Values: Late 2000s/Early 2010s: Fairly liberal and progressive decade but not crazy sjw like the mid 2010s
Movies: 100% Early-Mid 2000s
Political: Not sure, I guess 90s, pre 9/11 2000s
Technology: 1995-2005 technology

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Lizardmatum on 11/06/17 at 4:04 pm

Fashion: The 60's!
Music: A nice unusual blend of The mid to late 60's (1963-1969) and Electropop era (2008 -2012)
Live action Movies: anything pre 2000's
TV: The 90's
Technology 90's
Animated movies: ALL DECADES

Gosh I wish this decade existed!

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: yelimsexa on 11/07/17 at 10:07 am

Architecture: 1930s (love the Art Deco style)
TV: 1980s (sorry '90s, but you don't have the cool daytime game shows, catchy commercial jingles, or novelty of early cable like the former)
Music: Early '60s in the first year, mid-'60s in the second, late '60s in the third, and so on until the early '90s in the final year of the decade
Movies: Silent 1920s films in the first year, classic 1930s in the second year, and so on until the 2010s in the final year
Fashion: Same as movies
Video/Arcade Games: Pinball games from the 1950s-70s in the early part, '80s arcade and 8-bit games in the middle, '90s in the later part
Politics/social values: Conservative in the early part, centrist in the middle, left of center in the later part
Technology: '80s in the early part, '90s in the middle, pre-2008 '00s in the late part
Economy: Recession in the early part, steady growth in the middle, bubble in the late part

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Longaotian00 on 11/07/17 at 12:44 pm

Architecture: 1930s (love the Art Deco style)
TV: 1980s (sorry '90s, but you don't have the cool daytime game shows, catchy commercial jingles, or novelty of early cable like the former)
Music: Early '60s in the first year, mid-'60s in the second, late '60s in the third, and so on until the early '90s in the final year of the decade
Movies: Silent 1920s films in the first year, classic 1930s in the second year, and so on until the 2010s in the final year
Fashion: Same as movies
Video/Arcade Games: Pinball games from the 1950s-70s in the early part, '80s arcade and 8-bit games in the middle, '90s in the later part
Politics/social values: Conservative in the early part, centrist in the middle, left of center in the later part
Technology: '80s in the early part, '90s in the middle, pre-2008 '00s in the late part
Economy: Recession in the early part, steady growth in the middle, bubble in the late part

Very changeful decade.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: 80sfan on 01/25/18 at 11:34 pm

Atmosphere- The 1980's
The movies- The 1990's
The music- The 1960's
Television- The 2000's
Current/future historical events- 1970's
Fashion- 1950's
Weather- 1990's
Gas Prices- 1980's
House styles- 1890's
Social Justice/Progression- 2010's
Technology- 2010's
Hot men- 1990's
Poetry/books- 1880's
Economy- 1950's
Sports- 2000's
Kid shows/cartoons- 1990's
Video games- 1990's

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: AndrewShannon on 01/28/18 at 8:34 am

Oh my god! This is exactly what I've been thinking about for so long! <oDo>

Sorry some don't quite fit just one full decade, but I have to be honest.

Fashion: Can’t pick between the 60s and 2000s tbh. <qwq> I’d also love more mid 19th century greatcoats and tophats back. Emo and goth is very much in style. Wool > synthetic materials.

Movies: Either 60s or 70s, since they kinda blend (Hammer Horror, exploitation, Italian horror, all that)

Music: 80s, especially heavy metal, hardcore punk, new wave and goth rock.

TV: 90s had good live action stuff.

Cartoons: 2000s!

Video Games: Y2K era, I like everything from Super Mario 64 to TES IV: Oblivion in the scope of time.

Technology: 2000s, or at least, 2010s if it had a 2000s aesthetic.

Architecture: I can’t choose between Art Deco (1920s) and Postmodern (70s), with lots of medievalesque and gothic inspiration, too.

Atmosphere: 90s, I’d have picked the 80s but it was too out of control and party-happy.

Politics: A Libertarian National-Capitalist Monarchy has been instated; communists have been rooted out for the most part, though later on, Neo-Fascists and Christian Anarchists start to become a nuisance.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: duenas8 on 01/28/18 at 11:35 pm

Fashion (Y2K)

Music (Electro 80s)

Technology (2010s Without The Internet)

Movies (Old CGI)

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: robby76 on 02/05/18 at 9:22 am

Music - the feelgood 80s
Fashion - 70s hippie style... love bellbottoms and shirts with wild prints
Television - 80s wholesome sitcoms, innovative action shows / cartoons
Politics - no idea
Social values - the 90s were pretty standard overall, a good time in general
Technology - the 00s as I love the internet and You Tube. Social media was fun without being overwhelmingly in your face
Housing / interiors - the 60s were nice and simple. Houses were big, bright and airy. Love  outer stone cladding too.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: christopher on 02/05/18 at 11:34 am

Music: mainly 1975 to 1985 pop, rock, AC, new wave, guitar music in general, also some feel-good jazz tunes from the 1940s/early 50s and the 70s/80s. The occasional Stock Aitken Waterman song for discos
Fashion: Again 1940s and 1975-1985
I love the 40s long hair on many girls but also the styles from the late 70s/early 80s era. This video sums up some late 70s/early 80s way women dressed/looked. I love all looks in it:
TV: 1975-2000
Tech: 2013 (before Win 10) but with reel-to-reel tapes being popular for prerecorded music and the Internet being used mainly by robots/appliances (no WWW protocol). :P
Housing: 40s for homes, 70s/80s for offices
Social values: 90s

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 02/05/18 at 3:40 pm

Music: 1987-2011

Fashion: 1987-1993

Movies: 1987-1989, 1990s

TV: 1990s

Cartoons: 2000s

Video Games: 2000-2007

Technology: 1990s

Architecture: 1950s and early 1960s

Atmosphere: 1990s

Politics: 1990s

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Dundee on 02/25/18 at 7:22 pm

Not gonna take cues from previous decades cuz thats boring, gonna take the 2020s and imagine my own pop culture for them (not gonna happen cuz its way too over-the-top).

Fashion: a.k.a. Bam, Futurism in your face
Holographic Clothing

Platinum Hair widespread

Metallic outfits mainstream

Dark Cabaret/Steampunk-inspired Scene

Plastic fashion as a way of recycling and a street fashion stample

Music: Grime finally crops in the mainstream and replaces Trap as the dominant form of Hip Hop. The current Trap, Dancehall-inspired and Tropical EDM dies out and replaced by a more energetic, chaotic and manic form of EDM such as Bubblegum Bass, Happy Hardcore and Vocal Speedcore/Breakcore. Pop follows the same way and becomes ultra-energetic and cute and somewhat J-pop inspired, in reaction to the current Pop. An new type of Rock, a form of Electro-Rock, becomes a scene in the mid-part of the decade and gains mainstream momentum by the end part of it. It's not like Imagine Dragons and co., a much rougher and aggressive Rock taking cues from Drum 'n Bass, Breakbeat and Dubstep.

Technology: - VR Technology gets perfected and now you can transfer your "consiousness" into a virtual world where you can do whatever you want, akin to the internet.
- The electric cars industry booms as electric cars can now do more distances with less recharging.
- Watch-based phones outsells normal cellphones and have of course cool holographic, non transparant projection for browsing :P

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 02/25/18 at 7:28 pm

Not gonna take cues from previous decades cuz thats boring, gonna take the 2020s and imagine my own pop culture for them (not gonna happen cuz its way too over-the-top).

Fashion: a.k.a. Bam, Futurism in your face
Holographic Clothing

Platinum Hair widespread

Metallic outfits mainstream

Plastic fashion as a way of recycling and a street fashion stample

Music: Grime finally crops in the mainstream and replaces Trap as the dominant form of Hip Hop. The current Trap, Dancehall-inspired and Tropical EDM dies out and replaced by a more energetic, chaotic and manic form of EDM such as Bubblegum Bass, Happy Hardcore and Vocal Speedcore/Breakcore. Pop follows the same way and becomes ultra-energetic and cute and somewhat J-pop inspired, in reaction to the current Pop. An new type of Rock, a form of Electro-Rock, becomes a scene in the mid-part of the decade and gains mainstream momentum by the end part of it. It's not like Imagine Dragons and co., a much rougher and aggressive Rock taking cues from Drum 'n Bass, Breakbeat and Dubstep.

Technology: - VR Technology gets perfected and now you can transfer your "consiousness" into a virtual world where you can do whatever you want, akin to the internet.
- The electric cars industry booms as electric cars can now do more distances with less recharging.
- Watch-based phones outsells normal cellphones and have of course cool holographic, non transparant projection for browsing :P

My goodness...all of this sounds and looks terrible! 8-P

(no offense)

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Dundee on 02/25/18 at 7:35 pm

It's very gaudy and in your face and I love it :D

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 02/25/18 at 7:47 pm

It's very gaudy and in your face and I love it :D

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Rainbowz on 02/25/18 at 8:12 pm

Plastic fashion as a way of recycling and a street fashion stample

I guess in your decade we'd really be living in a Barbie world since it'd be plastic and fantastic.

Subject: Re: Make Your Own Decade

Written By: Wobo on 02/25/18 at 8:23 pm

I don't care for fashion but
2020s in gaming will have more successful VR sets

In Television the 2020s will have mainstream TV all over the place with Netflix being one of them.

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