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Subject: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/24/16 at 8:42 pm

I used VHS tapes as a kid until my dad threw it away around early 2009. So, it was kinda dramatic for me to lose a thing that I cherished through most of my childhood. Do you guys ever miss using VHS tapes?

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 08/24/16 at 8:49 pm

I still watch VHS tapes from time to time. I've got several favorite movies on VHS that I've never bought on DVD (the 1990 TMNT movie, Ace Ventura, Titanic, etc.), so I will still hook up the old VCR whenever I'm in the mood.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: 2001 on 08/24/16 at 8:52 pm

2005 probably. I got my DVD player in 2003, but I still rented some VHS tapes every now and then. Sometime in 2005, all the VHS tapes disappeared from the stores, that's around the time I stopped using them. I learnt how to download movies around then too, err, not my proudest moment but what is a kid without income supposed to do.

I miss my childhood, which involved going to the store everyday to rent new movies on VHS. But do I crave for the format to make a comeback? No. I like streaming movies onto my TV with my Chromecast through the Netflix app. Super convenient.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 08/24/16 at 9:14 pm

I miss my childhood, which involved going to the store everyday to rent new movies on VHS. But do I crave for the format to make a comeback? No. I like streaming movies onto my TV with my Chromecast through the Netflix app. Super convenient.

I know how you feel on this. I'm kind of torn, too. On the one hand, streaming services are mega convenient, and the amount of old TV shows and movies on YouTube is actually staggering.

But, at the same time, there was just something special about going to the video store. We had a Movie Gallery about half a mile from my house growing up, and I would ride my bike up there every week when I got my allowance to see what new movies and video games they had. And that's not even counting the random classics from the '70s and '80s that would just pop up there form time to time as well, and the bins of used tapes and video games you could buy for half price. I do miss those days sometimes. :-\\

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/24/16 at 9:22 pm

2005 probably. I got my DVD player in 2003, but I still rented some VHS tapes every now and then. Sometime in 2005, all the VHS tapes disappeared from the stores, that's around the time I stopped using them. I learnt how to download movies around then too, err, not my proudest moment but what is a kid without income supposed to do.

I miss my childhood, which involved going to the store everyday to rent new movies on VHS. But do I crave for the format to make a comeback? No. I like streaming movies onto my TV with my Chromecast through the Netflix app. Super convenient.

I feel you, bro. I remember watching a movie on YouTube (back in 2008), and I had to watch it on 6 or 7 parts. It wasn't the same as downloading movies, but it was uploaded by somebody who secretly recorded it on his camera.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: 1999 Baby, 2000s Kid on 08/24/16 at 9:51 pm

2011, I think. We still have all our VHS tapes, but my mom got rid of our VCR.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/24/16 at 10:09 pm

The last movie that I watched on VHS was possibly the first Shrek movie, around 2009/10 (not at my house though).

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: musicguy93 on 08/24/16 at 10:19 pm

Probably sometime around 2011. That was the year my family's VHS player completely stopped working.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/24/16 at 11:17 pm

2011 probably. I forgot.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Starlighter on 08/25/16 at 2:55 pm

I know how you feel on this. I'm kind of torn, too. On the one hand, streaming services are mega convenient, and the amount of old TV shows and movies on YouTube is actually staggering.

But, at the same time, there was just something special about going to the video store. We had a Movie Gallery about half a mile from my house growing up, and I would ride my bike up there every week when I got my allowance to see what new movies and video games they had. And that's not even counting the random classics from the '70s and '80s that would just pop up there form time to time as well, and the bins of used tapes and video games you could buy for half price. I do miss those days sometimes. :-\\

I miss video stores too.

The thing about streaming services that annoys me is that sometimes a particular streaming provider has exclusive rights to a movie so you can't just subscribe to one and have access to everything.  Video stores pretty much had everything that was available at the time. 

The last time I used a VHS tape was last month.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/25/16 at 3:07 pm

I miss video stores too.

The thing about streaming services that annoys me is that sometimes a particular streaming provider has exclusive rights to a movie so you can't just subscribe to one and have access to everything.  Video stores pretty much had everything that was available at the time. 

The last time I used a VHS tape was last month.

Do you still have a VCR?

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: 1999 Baby, 2000s Kid on 08/25/16 at 3:12 pm

I miss video stores too.

The thing about streaming services that annoys me is that sometimes a particular streaming provider has exclusive rights to a movie so you can't just subscribe to one and have access to everything.  Video stores pretty much had everything that was available at the time. 

The last time I used a VHS tape was last month.

We have a movie/video game store that still lets you rent VHS tapes.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 08/25/16 at 4:10 pm

I used VHS tapes as a kid until my dad threw it away around early 2009. So, it was kinda dramatic for me to lose a thing that I cherished through most of my childhood. Do you guys ever miss using VHS tapes?

I remember using one in the late 2000's but in a way I miss VCR tapes.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 08/25/16 at 4:12 pm

I miss video stores too.

The thing about streaming services that annoys me is that sometimes a particular streaming provider has exclusive rights to a movie so you can't just subscribe to one and have access to everything.  Video stores pretty much had everything that was available at the time. 

The last time I used a VHS tape was last month.

I feel the same way too. :(

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 08/25/16 at 4:12 pm

Do you still have a VCR?

I don't think we have one anymore.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/25/16 at 4:13 pm

I remember using one in the late 2000's but in a way I miss VCR tapes.

Me too. I never really saw any other movie on VHS since late 2009 or early 2010.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 08/25/16 at 5:17 pm

Me too. I never really saw any other movie on VHS since late 2009 or early 2010.

I have pro-wrestling on mine.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Fearsword on 08/25/16 at 6:21 pm

2009, before I got Foxtel IQ

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Starlighter on 08/25/16 at 8:16 pm

Do you still have a VCR?

Yes, but it doesn't rewind anymore. 

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/25/16 at 8:18 pm

Yes, but it doesn't rewind anymore.

Oh.  :(

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: HazelBlue99 on 08/26/16 at 3:08 am

Just a few months ago. I still use my video player to convert my VHS recordings onto my computer. However, the last time I used a VCR player on a regular basis was January 2010.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 08/26/16 at 7:59 am

Me too. I never really saw any other movie on VHS since late 2009 or early 2010.

You can always get a used one online somewhere.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/27/16 at 10:48 pm

It was 2006 when I still had a working VCR. I still have lots of tapes, but I don't play them anymore because of the internet and DVDS/Blu-Rays.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Willmisses2004 on 09/06/16 at 9:00 pm

Last week at my cousins' place. He had The Incredibles on VHS so we just chilled and watched that.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 09/10/16 at 8:37 am

Last week at my cousins' place. He had The Incredibles on VHS so we just chilled and watched that.

Your cousin seems cool. It's lucky for him that he still has a VCR in this day and age.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Willmisses2004 on 09/10/16 at 11:27 am

Your cousin seems cool. It's lucky for him that he still has a VCR in this day and age.
Yeah, we were just messing around and he found his VCR in a closet. I was surprised it worked.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 09/10/16 at 11:34 am

Yeah, we were just messing around and he found his VCR in a closet. I was surprised it worked.

I wish mine worked. It could boot up, but before I cut the cord, it couldn't really play any VHS tapes.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Mat1991 on 09/10/16 at 2:00 pm

I just watched a VHS copy of Beauty and the Beast that I bought at a movie trading store last night.  ::)

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 09/10/16 at 2:10 pm

I just watched a VHS copy of Beauty and the Beast that I bought at a movie trading store last night.  ::)

It makes me wish that I had a vintage movie store where I live.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 09/10/16 at 5:48 pm

Yeah, we were just messing around and he found his VCR in a closet. I was surprised it worked.

Was everything still intact?

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Willmisses2004 on 09/10/16 at 8:55 pm

Was everything still intact?
Almost, it had a couple of scratch marks on it.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: apollonia1986 on 09/11/16 at 2:28 pm

A few months ago. I have some old MJ footage and pageant stuff on VHA that I watch from time to time. I also have my high school graduation on tape and me thanking my late mother for loving me so's real sentimental.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 09/11/16 at 2:54 pm

A few months ago. I have some old MJ footage and pageant stuff on VHA that I watch from time to time. I also have my high school graduation on tape and me thanking my late mother for loving me so's real sentimental.

What kind of Michael Jackson footage? I remember taping the Michael Jackson Bad special from August 1987 when it aired on CBS, Do you have that?

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: apollonia1986 on 09/11/16 at 10:11 pm

What kind of Michael Jackson footage? I remember taping the Michael Jackson Bad special from August 1987 when it aired on CBS, Do you have that?

Everything. Documentaries, news, videos, concerts... anything to do with him. LOL  Do you mean "Bad Around the World" yes, i bought the tape off another fan.  :)

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 09/12/16 at 4:43 pm

Everything. Documentaries, news, videos, concerts... anything to do with him. LOL  Do you mean "Bad Around the World" yes, i bought the tape off another fan.  :)

It was The Bad special that aired on CBS that had him underground in the train station where it transformed himself in the black leather jacket.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: yelimsexa on 09/13/16 at 10:42 am

In terms of watching a VHS for pleasure before I got the nostalgia bug in 2013 via converting tapes onto DVD, probably 2007 as I would still record a few shows up until I switched to exclusively DVDs (though I was already starting to get the online video bug around then as competition). The last time I purchased a new VHS tape though was 2002 though since that was when my family got a DVD player.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: nally on 01/31/18 at 11:08 pm

I wanna say sometime in the early 2010s. I still have all of mine, they're just packed away in a safe place.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: bchris02 on 01/31/18 at 11:13 pm

Probably late 2000s sometime, can't remember when.  I think that was the last time my parents had a VCR.  After about 2001 it was only on very special occasion that we watched a VHS.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 02/01/18 at 5:26 am

I wanna say sometime in the early 2010s. I still have all of mine, they're just packed away in a safe place.

I have mine stored on my shelf and I think that the last time I used it was probably during the early to mid 2000's.

Subject: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Dude111 on 02/06/18 at 12:21 am

I love my VCR :)

I just got the movie AT CLOSE RANGE today at goodwill (1986) .. I havent seen it but its one of the first ones released. (It has a brown guard)

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 02/06/18 at 7:38 am

I love my VCR :)

I just got the movie AT CLOSE RANGE today at goodwill (1986) .. I havent seen it but its one of the first ones released. (It has a brown guard)

and it still works? :o

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/06/18 at 7:39 am

and it still works? :o
I have not even tried to test to see if my VCR works or not.

Subject: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Dude111 on 02/06/18 at 2:24 pm

You should test it buddy :)

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/06/18 at 2:24 pm

You should test it buddy :)

I have to relocate my VHS tapes first.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Dundee on 04/09/18 at 3:07 pm

1 week ago

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: piecesof93 on 04/09/18 at 3:14 pm

Sometime in the early 2000s. Probably 2002.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 04/10/18 at 7:33 am

a couple of years ago.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: mwalker1996 on 04/10/18 at 7:38 am

2010 when I was just randomly watched a tape of me and my brother at his 6th birthday party at chuck-e-chesse from 2003.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: GH1996 on 04/10/18 at 3:18 pm

Probably almost 2 years ago, i used to watch them quite frequently, i have a lot of old snowboarding & skateboarding movies from the 90's/00's that i've accumulated over the years

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 04/10/18 at 3:26 pm

I still own a whole lot of WWF wrestling tapes that I have accumulated over the years and they are old as hell but they are a lot of matches and shows that I taped from TV.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: ofkx on 04/11/18 at 5:58 am

My school gave out my kindergarten graduation tape on VHS :o.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Jaydawg89 on 04/11/18 at 4:41 pm

Last time I ever used one at all was in 2014 but, the last time I ever used it normally was in 2002/03.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: 2001 on 04/11/18 at 4:51 pm

I think a couple of years back. But the last time I seriously used it was 2003/04.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Elor on 04/11/18 at 4:58 pm

I think it was last year. I still have a video of a great vacation on VHS. I never managed to properly digitize it as the there is always something wrong with the sound. I should probably look into that and try again some day. Couldn't stand losing it to old age. ::)

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Dr. Mario on 04/11/18 at 10:14 pm

I found some VHS tapes in my house three years ago. One of them have recordings of Caillou.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Wobo on 04/11/18 at 10:23 pm

Never used one but my Grandma used a camcorder to record my mom when she was young.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Dr. Mario on 04/11/18 at 10:28 pm

Never used one but my Grandma used a camcorder to record my mom when she was young.

How old is your mom?

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Wobo on 04/11/18 at 10:41 pm

How old is your mom?


Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Dr. Mario on 04/11/18 at 10:49 pm


My mom's 45 and my dad's 50.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/11/18 at 11:27 pm

I was at my parents house at a family get together for Easter last Sunday, and we were watching some videos from 10-15 years ago from a VHS-C camcorder that we hooked up to their TV.

They still have their old VHS VCR hooked up, and they got out an old VHS cassette that was marked "AL'S TAPE," which contained stuff that I shot on video when I was in my early-mid 20s, and they said, "Maybe we should watch this." I quickly remembered some of my shenanigans from back then and I replied, "Maybe we shouldn't."  ;D

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: SeaCaptainMan97 on 04/12/18 at 1:05 am

2015, when we converted some old Disney movies and family tapes to the computer.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 04/12/18 at 5:28 am

My mom's 45 and my dad's 50.

My Mom is 73 and My Father will be 76 in October.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: wixness on 04/12/18 at 4:34 pm

Mostly in the 2000s and probably up to the early or mid 2010s. I think the last film we saw on tape was Blues Brothers (1980).

Subject: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Dude111 on 04/13/18 at 10:01 am

I last the movie FRIDAY THE 13th (1980) on VHS this morning :)

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 05/15/20 at 11:03 am

Three weeks ago.  It was my Dad's.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/20 at 11:06 am

Mid 2000s, when I was in a home mathematics university course.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: wagonman76 on 05/15/20 at 11:57 am

Earlier this year. I still have a few players and a ton of tapes.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 05/15/20 at 1:59 pm

Earlier this year. I still have a few players and a ton of tapes.

How are the tapes when you put them in the player?

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: wagonman76 on 05/15/20 at 8:03 pm

How are the tapes when you put them in the player?

Just fine. I do have some cleaning tapes I run once in awhile.

I do use an Emerson vcr. Maybe it’s just the luck of the draw but I’ve had great luck with them. My dad still has the one he got in 1985. I have one in a mini tv that came from a roadside pile over 10 years ago and it works good. Then the one I have now which is a 4 head. I’ve had a lot of other brands and they always ate tapes and crapped out.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: kr37 on 05/15/20 at 8:39 pm

December 2019!

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: nally on 05/16/20 at 12:01 am

I have not even tried to test to see if my VCR works or not.

You should test it buddy :)

I still have one such unit in my household. I cannot remember the last time I "tested" it.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/16/20 at 5:00 am

I have not even tried to test to see if my VCR works or not.
I still need to locate the remote control for it.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: nally on 04/30/24 at 11:27 pm

I wanna say sometime in the early 2010s. I still have all of mine, they're just packed away in a safe place.

I still have not used any since then.

Subject: Re: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Howard on 05/01/24 at 6:59 am

I still have not used any since then.

I haven't watched any since the days of VCRs were still around.

Subject: When was the last time you used a VHS tape?

Written By: Dude111 on 05/01/24 at 10:51 pm

I just watched a tape today :)

Little house on the prarie - Pilot Episode

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