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Subject: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: aja675 on 07/10/16 at 7:54 am

What things would have changed? How different would the pop cultural references you'd have grown up with be? Would you experience various historical events differently?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/10/16 at 8:24 am

Honestly, if I were born in either 1998 or 1997, pretty much nothing would change. There is barely remembering 9/11, but I wouldn't remember that much about 9/11. Even if I were born in either 1997 or 1998, I would still have few glimpses of the day itself. Not to mention that it wouldn't be as important as my core childhood memories. If I were born in 1995 or 1996, then I suppose 9/11 would be worth remembering, but I wouldn't understand that much about the attacks. As for pop culture that I remember in my life, it wouldn't matter. 1997-2000 babies pretty much grew up with almost the same TV shows, movies, etc. So, it wouldn't bother me too much if I were born in '98 or '97.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: #Infinity on 07/10/16 at 11:07 am

One or two years isn't really enough to make too huge of a difference, but I suppose it would have been nice to have remembered all of the mid-90s and not just 1996 and pieces of 1995. I still definitely would have joined in on Pokémania as a kid, and I'm sure I would've been a huge fan of DDR and eurobeat music in the 2000s, especially since the vast majority of people I knew from the online communities pertaining to those things were older than me.

I would have met and interacted with different people, however, since I would have been in a different graduating class. Actually, I would have been part of the class of 2009, which at my high school was a milestone for being the 100th graduating class, not to mention the last under our headmaster, who retired in 2009 after 26 years. Of course, I likely never would have developed an infatuation for the girl in my real class, in which case college may have turned out to be a completely different experience.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 80sfan on 07/10/16 at 1:41 pm

I would be able to remember at least a little bit of Vietnam. And I would be able to remember the seven/eight months we (my family) were in the Philippines. I would also remember moving to America. I don't remember the move to America at all.

I would remember ALL of the 1990's, instead of not remembering 1990.

I would like pop culture for two more years.

I would probably remember memories of Madonna, during the peak of her career (around 1989 to 1991).

I would have remembered a little bit of 1989, at least. And that would have been awesome!

I probably wouldn't have as many mental health issues. 1988 was a horrible year for my mother, the year I was born.

So yeah, things would have made a difference, for me, personally.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 80sfan on 07/10/16 at 1:43 pm

I would have been more into Goosebumps. Because two years, during your first decade of life, is a huge difference.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 80sfan on 07/10/16 at 1:46 pm

I would have been able to remember the VERY AND EARLIEST years of Fox Kids!!!

I would have bought Nirvana's Nevermind album.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/10/16 at 2:41 pm

Honestly, if I were born in the mid 90s, I would remember:

A pre-9/11 America, before it became very polarized towards the government.
When Smash Mouth, NSYNC, and other early 2000s musicians became popular.
When my parents lived in Brooklyn during the 90s, and I could remember their apartment.
Fox Kids, Powerhouse era Cartoon Network, Silver age Nickelodeon, and the Bookworm Bunch block on PBS Kids
A little bit of the late 90s
Bill Clinton's presidency
The Simpsons before Season 13
Having a Nintendo 64 or Playstation 2 (even though the PS2 was available during the late 2000s, I didn't get one)
AOL when it was really popular during the early 2000s

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Howard on 07/10/16 at 2:45 pm

That's a tough question, If I was born a year or two earlier, I would've been about 44 years old. You know I don't think things would've changed much at all, I probably would've remembered the 80's a little more.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: violet_shy on 07/10/16 at 2:50 pm

That would be weird :o

I like that I was born when I was.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nally on 07/10/16 at 6:53 pm

For me, I would've been able to vote in the 1996 presidential election. (I'd have become the legal voting age that year.) And I'd now be almost 38.

I would have also probably gone to different schools and met different people...and possibly have different experiences of sorts.


I like that I was born when I was. too.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/10/16 at 6:55 pm

For me, I would've been able to vote in the 1996 presidential election. (I'd have become the legal voting age that year.) And I'd now be almost 38.

I would have also probably gone to different schools and met different people...and possibly have different experiences of sorts.

However: too.

Who would you vote for in the 1996 presidential election?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nally on 07/10/16 at 6:57 pm

Who would you vote for in the 1996 presidential election?

Definitely not Bob Dole.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/10/16 at 7:05 pm

Definitely not Bob Dole.

So I suppose you wanted Clinton to be re-elected in '96?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nally on 07/10/16 at 7:09 pm

So I suppose you wanted Clinton to be re-elected in '96?

That was my personal preference, yes. I also supported him in '92; at that time I was 12 and somewhat aware of how the system worked. Additionally, my class was studying the election and the three major candidates. We even watched the debates (on tape) on a TV in the classroom.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: d90 on 07/11/16 at 1:49 am

If I were born a year earlier I would have lived one years in the 1980s as a baby and I would  have remembered 1992.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: aja675 on 07/11/16 at 6:34 am

If I were born two years earlier, I'd probably remember 1996, assuming I could also remember things from when I was 2 just like my current self.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/11/16 at 6:54 am

Boy oh Boy!! :o
I took me a while, but I realize there would have been quite a few changes had I been born in the fall of 1993. I know two years isn't that big of a difference, but regarding my life it would have caused some significant changes.

I would have gotten the Nintendo 64 in 1997, not 99.
I most likely would have gotten the PS2 in 2001 instead of 03.
I would have gotten the XBOX 360 in 2007, not 08.
I would have experienced the entire Silver Age era Nick and Powerhouse era CN.
I would have been done with the kids networks; full time in 2004. I would have PARTLY watched some series.
I would have gotten into wrestling consistently in 1998 probably.
I would remember more Michael Jordan games. and more old school NBA games as well. Since I watched with my Dad a lot back then.
I'd recall my Dad watching the final season of Seinfeld live! :o
I'd crystal clearly remember when Siskel and Ebert were still reviewing together.
I'd remember 1998 and 1999 crystal clearly.
I would have had the 1st grad teacher and 8th grade teachers at my old school , before they retired.
I would have left my elementary school before the economic crisis happened.
I would have been in high school before Obama was elected.
I would have left before he got re-elcted
I would have voted for him in the last election
I'd officially be closer to age 25 now.
I would be viewed MUCH differently in my generation, aka I wouldn't be seen as a ''cusp.''  >:(
I'd be a solid Y2K/early 00s era kid.
I'd be in the workforce right now as we speak.

Good Grief, that was a lot!!! :o ;D But it's the truth. Most of that stuff would have probably have happened.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: MarkMc1990 on 07/11/16 at 12:22 pm

A think a big difference for me is that I would have been in jr. high during 9/11 and would have watched the coverage at school. In reality I was in 5th grade (elementary school) and they mentioned nothing to us about it, so I didn't learn the news until I got home that day. Watching the coverage as everything was unfolding might have made me feel more "involved" with the events of the day, even if I still remember the late afternoon/evening pretty vividly anyway.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/11/16 at 1:02 pm

I would have been able to vote in the 2012 election.

My life in terms of the friends I made and hung out with would have been completely different.

I would have been older than all of my cousins and growing up with them would've felt different being 3-5 years older instead of 1-3.

I would have gotten into kid stations much earlier AND experienced the golden age of kid stations much longer up to 3rd or 4th grade.

I would be able to remember 2000 & 2001 much better and clearer in detail.

My entire single digits would have been pre-2004.

I'd be a complete early 00's kid instead of an early/mid 00's hybrid.

My entire high school years would have been spent in the electropop era of music rather than just half of it.

I would have gotten into mainstream music in the mid 2000's instead of the late 2000's.

I would have probably started with 5th gen consoles instead of 6th.

By definition of the generations, I would be 100% millennial/Y instead of being on the cusp of Y & Z.

I would be 21 & over able to drink throughout the entire 2nd half of the 2010's instead of only being the legal age from 2017-2019, and I would have been able to go to sports bars during the football season since 2015 as well, damn I still have one more season under 21!

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/11/16 at 3:37 pm

damn I still have one more season under 21!

haha! ::) ::) ::)

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/11/16 at 3:53 pm

haha! ::) ::) ::)

Yeah, since your birthday is in October you'll be able to be in sports bars for the majority of this upcoming football season.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 07/11/16 at 4:11 pm

I graduated high school a year early, so only a few things would change if I were born a year earlier in 1992. I would remember the late 1990s more clearly. I'd probably become more involved with the Internet in the mid-2000s, seeing as I'd turn 13 in 2005 instead of 2006. My first election would be the Toronto municipal election in October 2010, instead of the Canadian federal election in May 2011. I doubt my single vote would be enough to stop Rob Ford, but seeing as I didn't like any of the two main candidates, it would have been a much more cynical start to politics for me. In the 2011 election I hopped my way to the ballot box to vote for Jack Layton.

Being born in 1991 and graduating in 2009 would be a bigger shift. I would probably be too old for Yu-gi-oh! in the early 2000s. I probably wouldn't despise my preteen years, seeing as I'd remain in my childhood neighbourhood until I turn 13 in 2004. I only had a boyfriend for a period of a month in mid-2004. If I was born two years earlier, it's possibly that my maturity level would be high enough to start a relationship earlier, and make it last one or two years before I move out. That would be a really huge shift on my life perspective.

My first two years of high school would be spent in the PS2 era. If I still got my first job when I was 14, then it's possible that the system I'd own the most games for would be the PS2 instead of the DS. Seeing as my entire high school experience would be in the mid-late 2000s, I'd imagine it'd be entirely miserable. Starting high school in late 2005 would be an awful start, since my family was going through tough times then. Mid-2009 would be a horrendous year to graduate as well, since my neighbourhood was very negatively affected by the Great Recession. I wonder if I would ever run my semi-popular blog that I kept in 2009-2011, seeing as I'd be swamped by many other time commitments. I'd probably be as anti-social media as some of the posters over here. Spending my entire university years in the early '10s would be incredible. If I still had to go on academic leave in 2013 for personal reasons, then it's possible that my GPA would have been high enough to not lose most my scholarships. Heck, I could have graduated in 2013 itself and just concentrate on my family that year.

Politically, my first would election would still be the Toronto municipal election in 2010. It's possible that I could have been in university while the G20 protests were going on in Toronto, which would make me much more anti-Conservative than I am now. As it was, during the 2011 election, some of my friends voting Conservative didn't bother me at all; I was okay with the Conservatives winning again because they reduced sales tax and kept the economy mostly stable.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 80sfan on 07/11/16 at 4:41 pm

I graduated high school a year early, so only a few things would change if I were born a year earlier in 1992. I would remember the late 1990s more clearly. I'd probably become more involved with the Internet in the mid-2000s, seeing as I'd turn 13 in 2005 instead of 2006. My first election would be the Toronto municipal election in October 2010, instead of the Canadian federal election in May 2011. I doubt my single vote would be enough to stop Rob Ford, but seeing as I didn't like any of the two main candidates, it would have been a much more cynical start to politics for me. In the 2011 election I hopped my way to the ballot box to vote for Jack Layton.

Being born in 1991 and graduating in 2009 would be a bigger shift. I would probably be too old for Yu-gi-oh! in the early 2000s. I probably wouldn't despise my preteen years, seeing as I'd remain in my childhood neighbourhood until I turn 13 in 2004. I only had a boyfriend for a period of a month in mid-2004. If I was born two years earlier, it's possibly that my maturity level would be high enough to start a relationship earlier, and make it last one or two years before I move out. That would be a really huge shift on my life perspective.

My first two years of high school would be spent in the PS2 era. If I still got my first job when I was 14, then it's possible that the system I'd own the most games for would be the PS2 instead of the DS. Seeing as my entire high school experience would be in the mid-late 2000s, I'd imagine it'd be entirely miserable. Starting high school in late 2005 would be an awful start, since my family was going through tough times then. Mid-2009 would be a horrendous year to graduate as well, since my neighbourhood was very negatively affected by the Great Recession. I wonder if I would ever run my semi-popular blog that I kept in 2009-2011, seeing as I'd be swamped by many other time commitments. I'd probably be as anti-social media as some of the posters over here. Spending my entire university years in the early '10s would be incredible. If I still had to go on academic leave in 2013 for personal reasons, then it's possible that my GPA would have been high enough to not lose most my scholarships. Heck, I could have graduated in 2013 itself and just concentrate on my family that year.

Politically, my first would election would still be the Toronto municipal election in 2010. It's possible that I could have been in university while the G20 protests were going on in Toronto, which would make me much more anti-Conservative than I am now. As it was, during the 2011 election, some of my friends voting Conservative didn't bother me at all; I was okay with the Conservatives winning again because they reduced sales tax and kept the economy mostly stable.

You would have been an even slower poke.  :-X  :D

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 07/11/16 at 4:47 pm

You would have been an even slower poke.  :-X  :D

A Slowbro.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Starlighter on 07/11/16 at 5:41 pm

I would have remembered more of the 80's.  Since most of my friends back then and I met because we had the same classes and were in the same grade I would have had a different group of friends. 

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: aja675 on 07/12/16 at 3:44 am

If I were born two years earlier, I'd probably remember 1996, assuming I could also remember things from when I was 2 just like my current self.

Here's how my memories work:

Age 1- A few memories that do not really paint a picture of 1997.
Age 2- Vague, but numerous.
Age 3- 30% crystallized.
Age 4- 88% crystallized.
Age 5- 100% crystallized.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 07/13/16 at 12:25 am

If I had been born a year earlier than I was, then I would have graduated high school in 2010 and would have voted in the midterms that same year. I would have different sets of friends obviously. Like Infinity, I still would have been immersed with Pokemon and remember the mid 90s much more. I still would play the same game consoles that i had. I probably would have began using social media a little earlier since I kinda had AOL and would have had Myspace a little much earlier as well.

If I had been born two years earlier than I was, then I would have graduated high school in 2009. I also would be a quarter age right now and be the same age as Sonic the hedgehog and the SNES. I would recall the first era of CN (The Checkerboard era). I would have been able to drink in the early 10s. My adolescence would have began as soon as 2000 hit. My HS reunion would be 3 years from right now. I maybe wouldn't have been into Yu-Gi-Oh since I would have been in 6th grade when it rose to popularity. I would be halfway to 30 :o and I would have been into Power Rangers (although I was back then) as equally as Pokemon. 

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/13/16 at 7:13 am

Here's how my memories work:

Age 1- A few memories that do not really paint a picture of 1997.
Age 2- Vague, but numerous.
Age 3- 30% crystallized.
Age 4- 88% crystallized.
Age 5- 100% crystallized.

Add 1 to each of those and that's how I feel about my life personally. Honestly for me, 2001 is the first year my memories become clear in life, it's the first year in my life I can remember events that occurred in the family in a specific order. Unlike 1998-2000, not only I can only vaguely remember 1998-2000, but I can't even remember the events that happened in my family well either, other than the old houses or apartments my grandparents, aunts, or uncles used to live in before 2001/02. While 2001 is the first year my memories are clear, the first full year I was able to grasp the pop culture was 2002 in its entirety, so I still mark 2002 as the first full year of my core childhood and the year my memories were 100% crystallized. 2001 still feels like billions of years ago to me while 2002 just feels simply long time ago.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 07/13/16 at 2:49 pm

Here's how my memories work:

Age 1- A few memories that do not really paint a picture of 1997.
Age 2- Vague, but numerous.
Age 3- 30% crystallized.
Age 4- 88% crystallized.
Age 5- 100% crystallized.

You have really good memory.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/13/16 at 2:53 pm

You have really good memory.

When would you say your memories crystallized 100%?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Howard on 07/13/16 at 2:55 pm

If I had been born a year earlier than I was, then I would have graduated high school in 2010 and would have voted in the midterms that same year. I would have different sets of friends obviously. Like Infinity, I still would have been immersed with Pokemon and remember the mid 90s much more. I still would play the same game consoles that i had. I probably would have began using social media a little earlier since I kinda had AOL and would have had Myspace a little much earlier as well.

If I had been born two years earlier than I was, then I would have graduated high school in 2009. I also would be a quarter age right now and be the same age as Sonic the hedgehog and the SNES. I would recall the first era of CN (The Checkerboard era). I would have been able to drink in the early 10s. My adolescence would have began as soon as 2000 hit. My HS reunion would be 3 years from right now. I maybe wouldn't have been into Yu-Gi-Oh since I would have been in 6th grade when it rose to popularity. I would be halfway to 30 :o and I would have been into Power Rangers (although I was back then) as equally as Pokemon.

I would have graduated High School in 1990.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Catherine91UK on 07/13/16 at 2:57 pm

If I'd been born 2 years earlier (1989), I would have clear memories of 1993 and vague memories of 1992. I would probably remember John Major being prime minister before Tony Blair. I probably would have bought my first CD in 1999 instead of 2001 - perhaps it would have been a cassette instead of a CD! I would have finished my education by the time the 2008 crisis began. I would probably be in a different job to the one I'm in now.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 07/13/16 at 3:02 pm

When would you say your memories crystallized 100%?

Like... 2001 maybe?  :-[ My memories from 1997-2000 feel kind of shaky. My parents talk about the weird sh*t I did back then, and it sounds vaguely familiar, but I would never actively recall that on my own.

E.g. my parents were laughing yesterday about how I would always bug them at night. I would ask them to drive me to school, so I could check to see if the school disappeared or not. I remember driving by my school at night and getting really excited, but I don't remember it being because I thought it had disappeared ;D

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/13/16 at 3:16 pm

Like... 2001 maybe?  :-I would ask them to drive me to school, so I could check to see if the school disappeared or not. I remember driving by my school at night and getting really excited, but I don't remember it being because I thought it had disappeared ;D

That sounds like one of the weirdest things I've ever read from someone in this forum.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 07/13/16 at 3:47 pm

That sounds like one of the weirdest things I've ever read from someone in this forum.

I think I watched too much Goosebumps lol.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/13/16 at 4:00 pm

I think I watched too much Goosebumps lol.

lol. I think you got scared on that episode where they had a haunted school.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/13/16 at 6:58 pm

Like... 2001 maybe?  :-[ My memories from 1997-2000 feel kind of shaky. My parents talk about the weird sh*t I did back then, and it sounds vaguely familiar, but I would never actively recall that on my own.

E.g. my parents were laughing yesterday about how I would always bug them at night. I would ask them to drive me to school, so I could check to see if the school disappeared or not. I remember driving by my school at night and getting really excited, but I don't remember it being because I thought it had disappeared ;D

Why the hell does everybody but me believe the difference between age 7 & 8 is huge  :-[ :-\\ >:(

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/13/16 at 7:09 pm

Why the hell does everybody but me believe the difference between age 7 & 8 is huge  :-[ :-\\ >:(

Because it doesn't really seem that big whenever you compare the ages of 7 and 8. You go to elementary school at both ages, and you basically have the same core childhood things at both ages. The differences between 4 and 5 seem more different than 7 and 8. You usually go to pre-K at age 4, while you go to kindergarten at age 5. You also tend to maybe grow out of some of your preschool interests, even though most Kindergartners still watched the same stuff as they did when they were 4. But to something like me, where I did started watching Spongebob when I was in Kindergarten was sort of like a difference. Especially when my pre-K and Kindergarten years were really different. Not to mention that your memories start to crystallize when you're about 4 and a half to 5. So, it's more of a difference than ages 7 and 8.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/13/16 at 7:27 pm

Because it doesn't really seem that big whenever you compare the ages of 7 and 8. You go to elementary school at both ages, and you basically have the same core childhood things at both ages. The differences between 4 and 5 seem more different than 7 and 8. You usually go to pre-K at age 4, while you go to kindergarten at age 5. You also tend to maybe grow out of some of your preschool interests, even though most Kindergartners still watched the same stuff as they did when they were 4. But to something like me, where I did started watching Spongebob when I was in Kindergarten was sort of like a difference. Especially when my pre-K and Kindergarten years were really different. Not to mention that your memories start to crystallize when you're about 4 and a half to 5. So, it's more of a difference than ages 7 and 8.

I see what you're saying, but my question is why does everybody think that a 7 year old is completely different than an 8 year old? Pre-K or Kindergarteners have nothing to do with my question. Although, I do know a lot of people who believe pre-K and Kindergarten is the same thing and should be lumped together, but honestly I disagree, because it's called K-12 for a reason. Kindergarten is mandatory but pre-K is not. Kindergarteners go to the same school as 1st-5th graders. When I graduated high school part of the principal's speech was think back to your first day of Kindergarten when you first walked in. Because the whole process is "K-12".

Here's a random story. At my church when the old children's ministry used to be around. They'd have grasshoppers for ages 2 & 3, praisers for ages 4 & 5, super church for ages 6 through 4th grade, quest 56 for 5th & 6th graders, and crossovers 78 for 7th & 8th graders. Notice what's weird about the super church thing, if you were 5 in Kindergarten, you'd still be in praisers with the 4 year old's, but if you were 6 in Kindergarten, you'd be in super church along with the 1st-4th graders. That's bizarre but true story!

My point is that Slowpoke just said that his memories didn't crystallize until 2001 when he was 8. I remember several months ago, ArcticFox saying that he couldn't remember the early 2000's well and the mid 2000's was his peak, which means age 8 would have been when his memories crystallized. Last year, Katana told me that age 8 was the first she could remember well. Eric said that age 8 was different than 5-7 only because he moved. Zelek said something about people squeezing a bunch of memories from 7 & under and never focusing on age 8 and onwards. One guy born in 1995 on personality cafe said that he doesn't remember much from age 6 or even 7, and said that most of his childhood memories was from age 8-11. Bchris told us a couple months ago that age 8-11 was his peak and ignoring 6 or 7. This is why I've come to this question. Personally for me, it's age 6, but everybody is different.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 07/13/16 at 7:30 pm

Why the hell does everybody but me believe the difference between age 7 & 8 is huge  :-[ :-\\ >:(

I didn't say that!  ;D

What I've learned from hanging out with a lot of kids is that every child is unique. For some people ages 7 and 8 might be a huge difference, for others it may not. Some people don't start talking until they're 4 years old and others are blabbermouths at 2. In the long run it usually evens out, there's no correct way of growing up. ;D

For me 7 and 8 wasn't a huge difference. I just remember being 8 better.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/13/16 at 7:32 pm

I didn't say that!  ;D

What I've learned from hanging out with a lot of kids is that every child is unique. For some people ages 7 and 8 might be a huge difference, for others it may not. Some people don't start talking until they're 4 years old and others are blabbermouths at 2. In the long run it usually evens out, there's no correct way of growing up. ;D

For me 7 and 8 wasn't a huge difference. I just remember being 8 better.

I remember 6-8 evenly, but 9-11 I remember better though. 12 & up like yesterday.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/13/16 at 8:15 pm

I see what you're saying, but my question is why does everybody think that a 7 year old is completely different than an 8 year old? Pre-K or Kindergarteners have nothing to do with my question. Although, I do know a lot of people who believe pre-K and Kindergarten is the same thing and should be lumped together, but honestly I disagree, because it's called K-12 for a reason. Kindergarten is mandatory but pre-K is not. Kindergarteners go to the same school as 1st-5th graders. When I graduated high school part of the principal's speech was think back to your first day of Kindergarten when you first walked in. Because the whole process is "K-12".

Well, that's why I think ages 4 and 5 are different, despite the fact that you somehow go to pre-K at age 5 before the end of your Pre-K school year. Which is why Kindergartners are really different than pre-K kids, despite having almost the same curriculum and such.

My point is that Slowpoke just said that his memories didn't crystallize until 2001 when he was 8. I remember several months ago, ArcticFox saying that he couldn't remember the early 2000's well and the mid 2000's was his peak, which means age 8 would have been when his memories crystallized. Last year, Katana told me that age 8 was the first she could remember well. Eric said that age 8 was different than 5-7 only because he moved. Zelek said something about people squeezing a bunch of memories from 7 & under and never focusing on age 8 and onwards. One guy born in 1995 on personality cafe said that he doesn't remember much from age 6 or even 7, and said that most of his childhood memories was from age 8-11. Bchris told us a couple months ago that age 8-11 was his peak and ignoring 6 or 7. This is why I've come to this question. Personally for me, it's age 6, but everybody is different.

Well, it just depends on your mindset. I just chose ages 4 and 5, because not only is really different towards most kids, but it was also when I transitioned from my vague memories to my sorta crystalized memories. Which is why I love mentioning 2005, because there were tons of stuff that I remembered towards that year.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/14/16 at 9:39 pm

I see what you're saying, but my question is why does everybody think that a 7 year old is completely different than an 8 year old? Pre-K or Kindergarteners have nothing to do with my question. Although, I do know a lot of people who believe pre-K and Kindergarten is the same thing and should be lumped together, but honestly I disagree, because it's called K-12 for a reason. Kindergarten is mandatory but pre-K is not. Kindergarteners go to the same school as 1st-5th graders. When I graduated high school part of the principal's speech was think back to your first day of Kindergarten when you first walked in. Because the whole process is "K-12".

Here's a random story. At my church when the old children's ministry used to be around. They'd have grasshoppers for ages 2 & 3, praisers for ages 4 & 5, super church for ages 6 through 4th grade, quest 56 for 5th & 6th graders, and crossovers 78 for 7th & 8th graders. Notice what's weird about the super church thing, if you were 5 in Kindergarten, you'd still be in praisers with the 4 year old's, but if you were 6 in Kindergarten, you'd be in super church along with the 1st-4th graders. That's bizarre but true story!

My point is that Slowpoke just said that his memories didn't crystallize until 2001 when he was 8. I remember several months ago, ArcticFox saying that he couldn't remember the early 2000's well and the mid 2000's was his peak, which means age 8 would have been when his memories crystallized. Last year, Katana told me that age 8 was the first she could remember well. Eric said that age 8 was different than 5-7 only because he moved. Zelek said something about people squeezing a bunch of memories from 7 & under and never focusing on age 8 and onwards. One guy born in 1995 on personality cafe said that he doesn't remember much from age 6 or even 7, and said that most of his childhood memories was from age 8-11. Bchris told us a couple months ago that age 8-11 was his peak and ignoring 6 or 7. This is why I've come to this question. Personally for me, it's age 6, but everybody is different.

Well everyone has different type of school experiences .
For example, the private school I went to was preschool-8th grade. That is why pre K and kindergarten felt the exact same to me. 1st-3rd felt the same and 4th and 5th feeling the same, and 6th-8th being one era.

And everybody's memories are different;  Katana's memory probably just isn't that great, BChris probably prefers his 8-11 life  over 5, 6, and 7 cause the kid culture REMAINED kinda consistent., and Arctic probably focuses more on his PERSONAL LIFE than the kid culture.
Regarding myself, My memories became crystal when I turned 5.  :) But I've said it before and I'll say it again, when I moved to Florissant, MO in fall 2003 that marked the second half of my peak childhood.
PERSONAL LIFE wise, late 2003-mid 06 was my peak. :) But kid culturally on the other hand.... it will ALWAYS be 2000-2004. ;) :)

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/14/16 at 10:34 pm

I remember 6-8 evenly, but 9-11 I remember better though. 12 & up like yesterday.

I remember 5-7 evenly, 8-10 evenly, and 11-12 like yesterday!

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/14/16 at 10:59 pm

Well, that's why I think ages 4 and 5 are different, despite the fact that you somehow go to pre-K at age 5 before the end of your Pre-K school year. Which is why Kindergartners are really different than pre-K kids, despite having almost the same curriculum and such.

True going from 4 to 5 was kinda big for me.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/14/16 at 11:30 pm

Well everyone has different type of school experiences .
For example, the private school I went to was preschool-8th grade. That is why pre K and kindergarten felt the exact same to me. 1st-3rd felt the same and 4th and 5th feeling the same, and 6th-8th being one era.

And everybody's memories are different;  Katana's memory probably just isn't that great, BChris probably prefers his 8-11 life  over 5, 6, and 7 cause the kid culture REMAINED kinda consistent., and Arctic probably focuses more on his PERSONAL LIFE than the kid culture.
Regarding myself, My memories became crystal when I turned 5.  :) But I've said it before and I'll say it again, when I moved to Florissant, MO in fall 2003 that marked the second half of my peak childhood.
PERSONAL LIFE wise, late 2003-mid 06 was my peak. :) But kid culturally on the other hand.... it will ALWAYS be 2000-2004. ;) :)

For my personal life and the friends I hung out with in elementary school I would consider age 10-12 to be my peak childhood. Sounds bizarre but it's the truth.

Also, when you moved to Florissant, MO, did you go to the same private school or did you go to a different one (or different campus)?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 07/15/16 at 12:30 am

If I'd have been born in 1985 I don't think my childhood would've been all that different, honestly. The most obvious change is that I would be able to remember at least a little bit of the late '80s, and would've started preschool in 1989. My elementary school years would've been from 1990-1996 instead of 1992-1998, but I don't really see that as a big shift. Other than that, not much. My first video game console still would've been the NES, and I still would've been a massive fan of TMNT, Goosebumps, Power Rangers, Pogs, and all the usual '90s kid stuff. I probably would've been a bit too old to get into Pokemon, though.

Even starting high school in 1999 instead of 2001 wouldn't really be that big of a change, because the general cultural vibe of those two years are so similar. I would've graduated in 2003 instead of 2005, though, which would've given me two more years worth of expereince in the job market before the Great Recession hit. Also, my first presidential election would've been 2004 instead of 2008.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/15/16 at 12:38 am

If I'd have been born in 1985 I don't think my childhood would've been all that different, honestly. The most obvious change is that I would be able to remember at least a little bit of the late '80s, and would've started preschool in 1989. My elementary school years would've been from 1990-1996 instead of 1992-1998, but I don't really see that as a big shift. Other than that, not much. My first video game console still would've been the NES, and I still would've been a massive fan of TMNT, Goosebumps, Power Rangers, Pogs, and all the usual '90s kid stuff. I probably would've been a bit too old to get into Pokemon, though.

Even starting high school in 1999 instead of 2001 wouldn't really be that big of a change, because the general cultural vibe of those two years are so similar. I would've graduated in 2003 instead of 2005, though, which would've given me two more years worth of expereince in the job market before the Great Recession hit. Also, my first presidential election would've been 2004 instead of 2008.

The biggest thing that would be different about you is that you'd be an elder Millennial, and not one of the prime members of the generation. You'd feel more old school to me and ''less young.'' Well, from my perspective. ;)  Your peak childhood would've been from 1990-1995, without any cultural era overlap whatsoever.
Also you'd be a mid 80s born, not a late 80s born.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 07/15/16 at 1:17 am

The biggest thing that would be different about you is that you'd be an elder Millennial, and not one of the prime members of the generation. You'd feel more old school to me and ''less young.'' Well, from my perspective. ;)  Your peak childhood would've been from 1990-1995, without any cultural era overlap whatsoever.
Also you'd be a mid 80s born, not a late 80s born.

You know, I just had another depressing birthday a few days ago. The closer you start getting to 30, the more comforting it is to know that younger guys still think of you as being "new school". ;D

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/15/16 at 1:21 am

You know, I just had another depressing birthday a few days ago. The closer you start getting to 30, the more comforting it is to know that younger guys still think of you as being "new school". ;D

You late 80s born don't feel as old as the early-mid 80s born tho. ;) ;) ;)

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 07/15/16 at 1:30 am

You late 80s born don't feel as old as the early-mid 80s born tho. ;) ;) ;)

Oh, I don't even want to think about being an early '80s baby. If I was born in 1980 I'd be getting dangerously close to 40 right now! Now that's scary! :o

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/15/16 at 1:32 am

Oh, I don't even want to think about being an early '80s baby. If I was born in 1980 I'd be getting dangerously close to 40 right now! Now that's scary! :o

Yeah it's scary to think AVGN is slowly pushing 40...... :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 07/15/16 at 1:50 am

Yeah it's scary to think AVGN is slowly pushing 40...... :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

As well as the Nostalgia Critic, too. What's really weird is thinking about all of the Y2K era music stars I grew up listening to getting to that point. Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera will all be turning 40 within the next several years. Nelly is already 41, and Eminem is almost 45! :o

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/15/16 at 1:56 am

As well as the Nostalgia Critic, too. What's really weird is thinking about all of the Y2K era music stars I grew up listening to getting to that point. Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera will all be turning 40 within the next several years. Nelly is already 41, and Eminem is almost 45! :o

Yep it's the sign of the times. the youngest gen X members are nearing the 40s.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 07/15/16 at 2:00 am

Yep it's the sign of the times. the youngest gen X members are nearing the 40s.

The youngest Gen Xers are turning 35 this year so we have 5 years to go until they get to be all 40+

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/15/16 at 2:09 am

I'm on the cusp of early and core but I feel more early than core from my very early and detailed memory. I feel like an earlier Millennial who's slightly out of place within the core because of it.

Sure, on the cusp of early and core but most people your age lean a little more towards core... ;)

Welp this just goes to show you the theory, everyone experiences growing up differently. Cause Katana Queen doesn't remember that much before 1993, and BChris02 doesn't feel the early 90s were important as his mid 90s life and they're both a year older than you are. :o
But it's cool you're not like that! :D

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 07/15/16 at 2:17 am

Sure, on the cusp of early and core but most people your age lean a little more towards core... ;)

Welp this just goes to show you the theory, everyone experiences growing up differently. Cause Katana Queen doesn't remember that much before 1993, and BChris02 doesn't feel the early 90s were important as his mid 90s life and they're both a year older than you are. :o
But it's cool you're not like that! :D

When do you consider late Millennials?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 07/15/16 at 2:24 am

When do you consider late Millennials?

Honestly.... I'm not even sure really. People keep on and keep on changing their definitions and birth years.
I consider myself to be a late millennial, but that could change within a few years. But I kinda think 1991 and 1992 born are on the cusp of core and late.

All I know is that it ends in 2000.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/15/16 at 6:33 am

Yeah it's scary to think AVGN is slowly pushing 40...... :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

As well as the Nostalgia Critic, too. What's really weird is thinking about all of the Y2K era music stars I grew up listening to getting to that point. Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera will all be turning 40 within the next several years. Nelly is already 41, and Eminem is almost 45! :o

Well, they wouldn't turn 40 until the 2020s, so it's not like they're going to be that old soon.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/15/16 at 7:19 am

Yeah it's scary to think AVGN is slowly pushing 40...... :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Oh, I don't even want to think about being an early '80s baby. If I was born in 1980 I'd be getting dangerously close to 40 right now! Now that's scary! :o

On top of this people, it's even scarier that early 70's babies are about to hit their 50's too! I can remember when some early 70's babies in my personal life were still in their late 20's when I was a toddler/preschooler.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/15/16 at 8:16 am

On top of this people, it's even scarier that early 70's babies are about to hit their 50's too! I can remember when some early 70's babies in my personal life were still in their late 20's when I was a toddler/preschooler.

Damn, that seems like a long time ago when you say it like that.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Howard on 07/15/16 at 8:59 am

You late 80s born don't feel as old as the early-mid 80s born tho. ;) ;) ;)

I was born in the mid 70's.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 07/15/16 at 9:29 am

If I'd have been born in 1985 I don't think my childhood would've been all that different, honestly. The most obvious change is that I would be able to remember at least a little bit of the late '80s, and would've started preschool in 1989. My elementary school years would've been from 1990-1996 instead of 1992-1998, but I don't really see that as a big shift. Other than that, not much. My first video game console still would've been the NES, and I still would've been a massive fan of TMNT, Goosebumps, Power Rangers, Pogs, and all the usual '90s kid stuff. I probably would've been a bit too old to get into Pokemon, though.

Even starting high school in 1999 instead of 2001 wouldn't really be that big of a change, because the general cultural vibe of those two years are so similar. I would've graduated in 2003 instead of 2005, though, which would've given me two more years worth of expereince in the job market before the Great Recession hit. Also, my first presidential election would've been 2004 instead of 2008.

The big difference is you wouldn't be a useless, pansy, post-1987 millennial.

I'm sorry  :-X :-X :-X *hides*
But where is the lie?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Howard on 07/15/16 at 10:36 am

As well as the Nostalgia Critic, too. What's really weird is thinking about all of the Y2K era music stars I grew up listening to getting to that point. Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera will all be turning 40 within the next several years. Nelly is already 41, and Eminem is almost 45! :o

It's crazy to think about that.  :o

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Richbrings2life on 07/15/16 at 3:20 pm

To me, I'll end the late millennials birth year to 1997.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Howard on 07/15/16 at 3:52 pm

If I was born a year or two earlier, I maybe would've been able to see my great grandfather before he passed away a year before I was born, He died in 1973.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Looney Toon on 07/16/16 at 8:50 am

Not any different in terms of what I'd experience within pop culture as 1-2 don't make much of a difference. Only difference would be life in school as I'd have different friends, but then again the same thing could be said if I just would've gone to a different school at the same age.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 07/16/16 at 10:52 pm

The big difference is you wouldn't be a useless, pansy, post-1987 millennial.

I'm sorry  :-X :-X :-X *hides*
But where is the lie?

You haven't heard? Gen Y has officially been pushed back to 2001, which now means that the "Useless, Pansy Millennial" era doesn't begin until post-1990. :P

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Looney Toon on 07/17/16 at 12:01 am

You haven't heard? Gen Y has officially been pushed back to 2001, which now means that the "Useless, Pansy Millennial" era doesn't begin until post-1990. :P

Pushed to 2001? Where'd you read that at as I'm curious on why they decided to change the end date.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 07/17/16 at 12:40 am

Pushed to 2001? Where'd you read that at as I'm curious on why they decided to change the end date.

I've been noticing it quite a bit lately in news stories and on various discussion forums, including here. For a long time it seemed like the consensus was the Gen Y ended around 1995-96, but it's getting fairly common these days to see it pushed up to 2000-01.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 07/17/16 at 12:42 am

I've been noticing it quite a bit lately in news stories and on various discussion forums, including here. For a long time it seemed like the consensus was the Gen Y ended around 1995-96, but it's getting fairly common these days to see it pushed up to 2000-01.

Another common way I see it is going up to 2004.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/17/16 at 9:03 am

Another common way I see it is going up to 2004.

2004 born's are Gen Z without a question. Modern generations can't go past 20 years that's too long. If 1982 or 1983 born's are part of Gen Y/millennials then no way a 2004 born could be part of the millennial generation. If early 70's babies are the peak of X and late 80's babies are the peak of Y, then it would make complete sense for mid 2000's babies to be the peak of Z.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 07/17/16 at 5:31 pm

2004 born's are Gen Z without a question. Modern generations can't go past 20 years that's too long. If 1982 or 1983 born's are part of Gen Y/millennials then no way a 2004 born could be part of the millennial generation. If early 70's babies are the peak of X and late 80's babies are the peak of Y, then it would make complete sense for mid 2000's babies to be the peak of Z.

Yeah but according to the generational theorists, it ends in 2004 because the crisis era will end some time in the 2020s.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/17/16 at 5:41 pm

Yeah but according to the generational theorists, it ends in 2004 because the crisis era will end some time in the 2020s.

I actually agree with mqg96 on this. 2004 babies were basically part of Gen Z without any questions. I don't see of how they have any Millennial traits, especially when they graduated elementary school a year ago.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 07/17/16 at 6:36 pm

I actually agree with mqg96 on this. 2004 babies were basically part of Gen Z without any questions. I don't see of how they have any Millennial traits, especially when they graduated elementary school a year ago.

Personally, I think either 2001 or 2000 is the first Z year. Likely 2001.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/17/16 at 6:40 pm

I actually agree with mqg96 on this. 2004 babies were basically part of Gen Z without any questions. I don't see of how they have any Millennial traits, especially when they graduated elementary school a year ago.

Also keep in mind that 2004 born's are kids of this current decade too, not the 2000's, and even then most people don't consider kids of the 2000's to be 100% millennial/Y like the kids of the 90's are. 2004 born's never touched a grade school year in the 2000's. They're not even halfway done with middle school yet and we're heading into the late 2010's this fall. So the thought of 2004 born's being part of Gen Y is a complete joke. Not even close. As a 1996 born I can't even consider myself as a peak Y person, I definitely have Z traits in me too.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 07/17/16 at 6:43 pm

Personally, I think either 2001 or 2000 is the first Z year. Likely 2001.

Really it can be anywhere between 1995-2000 that's the end of Y or start of Z according to most recent sources and demographics. If someone is in the earlier years of the cohort, they lean towards Y, but if someone's in the later years of the cohort, they lean towards Z.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/17/16 at 7:40 pm

Also keep in mind that 2004 born's are kids of this current decade too, not the 2000's, and even then most people don't consider kids of the 2000's to be 100% millennial/Y like the kids of the 90's are. 2004 born's never touched a grade school year in the 2000's. They're not even halfway done with middle school yet and we're heading into the late 2010's this fall. So the thought of 2004 born's being part of Gen Y is a complete joke. Not even close. As a 1996 born I can't even consider myself as a peak Y person, I definitely have Z traits in me too.

Well, I think mid-late 90s babies are just considered to be Y/Z hybrids. That's pretty much a better word than cusps, which aren't really that hard to explain. Same with how 1992 babies are considered 90s/2000s hybrids, because they spent half of their childhood in the 90s, and half in the 2000s.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 07/17/16 at 11:18 pm

You haven't heard? Gen Y has officially been pushed back to 2001, which now means that the "Useless, Pansy Millennial" era doesn't begin until post-1990. :P

I heard it's 2004 now. The useless pansy millennial era is now 1987-2004, come into our shame circle. Or we could just say useless, pansy millennials are post-1994 :P

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 07/18/16 at 6:19 am

I heard it's 2004 now. The useless pansy millennial era is now 1987-2004, come into our shame circle. Or we could just say useless, pansy millennials are post-1994 :P

I'm pretty sure 2004 babies never really had any Millennial traits. Especially when they entered elementary school (at least in the U.S.) around late 2009. They were barely 2000s kids, and they mostly spent their childhood in the early-mid 2010s. I would rather just end this Millennial gap with 2002 babies, because at least they spent a fair amount of their childhoods in the 2000s.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Looney Toon on 07/18/16 at 9:19 am

I heard it's 2004 now. The useless pansy millennial era is now 1987-2004, come into our shame circle. Or we could just say useless, pansy millennials are post-1994 :P

I hereby declare Slowpoke as the quintessential pansy millennial. Wear this title with honor, soldier.  8)

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: wixness on 07/20/16 at 4:09 am

I would have been more immersed in the pop culture of the 2000s, and I would have started uni at around 2014-2015  ;D

However, I would be one of those bitter 90s kids in their 20s in the 2010s ranting online about it, and I also wouldn't have a lot of planets in Aquarius in my natal chart.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: aja675 on 07/25/16 at 9:52 am

I graduated high school a year early, so only a few things would change if I were born a year earlier in 1992. I would remember the late 1990s more clearly. I'd probably become more involved with the Internet in the mid-2000s, seeing as I'd turn 13 in 2005 instead of 2006. My first election would be the Toronto municipal election in October 2010, instead of the Canadian federal election in May 2011. I doubt my single vote would be enough to stop Rob Ford, but seeing as I didn't like any of the two main candidates, it would have been a much more cynical start to politics for me. In the 2011 election I hopped my way to the ballot box to vote for Jack Layton.

Being born in 1991 and graduating in 2009 would be a bigger shift. I would probably be too old for Yu-gi-oh! in the early 2000s. I probably wouldn't despise my preteen years, seeing as I'd remain in my childhood neighbourhood until I turn 13 in 2004. I only had a boyfriend for a period of a month in mid-2004. If I was born two years earlier, it's possibly that my maturity level would be high enough to start a relationship earlier, and make it last one or two years before I move out. That would be a really huge shift on my life perspective.

My first two years of high school would be spent in the PS2 era. If I still got my first job when I was 14, then it's possible that the system I'd own the most games for would be the PS2 instead of the DS. Seeing as my entire high school experience would be in the mid-late 2000s, I'd imagine it'd be entirely miserable. Starting high school in late 2005 would be an awful start, since my family was going through tough times then. Mid-2009 would be a horrendous year to graduate as well, since my neighbourhood was very negatively affected by the Great Recession. I wonder if I would ever run my semi-popular blog that I kept in 2009-2011, seeing as I'd be swamped by many other time commitments. I'd probably be as anti-social media as some of the posters over here. Spending my entire university years in the early '10s would be incredible. If I still had to go on academic leave in 2013 for personal reasons, then it's possible that my GPA would have been high enough to not lose most my scholarships. Heck, I could have graduated in 2013 itself and just concentrate on my family that year.

Politically, my first would election would still be the Toronto municipal election in 2010. It's possible that I could have been in university while the G20 protests were going on in Toronto, which would make me much more anti-Conservative than I am now. As it was, during the 2011 election, some of my friends voting Conservative didn't bother me at all; I was okay with the Conservatives winning again because they reduced sales tax and kept the economy mostly stable.
If I were born in 1995, not much would change because they put me ahead because I could already read in preschool. As a result, during my school days, I was like the Emma Bunton of our class.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/28/16 at 7:40 am

Being born a couple of years earlier would given me full time retirement right now!

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 07/28/16 at 12:58 pm

I hereby declare Slowpoke as the quintessential pansy millennial. Wear this title with honor, soldier.  8)

Y'know I ain't complainin'

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Howard on 07/28/16 at 3:29 pm

I would've probably got a chance to visit my late Great Grandfather when he was alive. 

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: HazelBlue99 on 08/11/16 at 7:06 am

Well I was only born 2.5 months after the end of 1998, so my life wouldn't be any different at all. :P If I was born in 1997, however, I would probably be able to remember a few vague things from 1999 and 2000, which would be pretty good.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 08/11/16 at 8:08 am

I'm pretty sure 2004 babies never really had any Millennial traits. Especially when they entered elementary school (at least in the U.S.) around late 2009. They were barely 2000s kids, and they mostly spent their childhood in the early-mid 2010s. I would rather just end this Millennial gap with 2002 babies, because at least they spent a fair amount of their childhoods in the 2000s.

2004 borns are the last to have consistent memories of 2007, before the 08 crash.

This entire era will last until the middle of the 2020s so they'll have a short time being adults in this time period
The Millennial cuspers (as in Generation Z who cusps with Millennial) probably end in 2006 or 2007.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/11/16 at 9:03 am

2004 borns are the last to have consistent memories of 2007, before the 08 crash.

This entire era will last until the middle of the 2020s so they'll have a short time being adults in this time period
The Millennial cuspers (as in Generation Z who cusps with Millennial) probably end in 2006 or 2007.

But mid 2000s babies don't really have a lot of memories in the 2000s. Especially when they were in elementary school during the early-mid 2010s. So, they aren't really Millennial cuspers to start with.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 08/11/16 at 5:04 pm

2004 borns are the last to have consistent memories of 2007, before the 08 crash.

This entire era will last until the middle of the 2020s so they'll have a short time being adults in this time period
The Millennial cuspers (as in Generation Z who cusps with Millennial) probably end in 2006 or 2007.

3 year olds don't know the state of the economy.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/11/16 at 5:15 pm

3 year olds don't know the state of the economy.

Especially when they don't have that much clear memories. So remembering the 2008 recession is just nearly impossible to begin with, if you were a toddler at the time.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: apollonia1986 on 08/11/16 at 5:49 pm

I don't think a couple of years would make  that much difference for me, unfortunately. I literally think my end game would be the same.
I may have found MJ and 3T earlier, but that's about all I can say. Whether I came along in 84 or 88 instead of 86.
If I was born in 84 I could at least say I was born at MJs height.
And I'd have had 2 extra years with my parents.  :)

Otherwise, naaah.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 08/11/16 at 5:58 pm

Especially when they don't have that much clear memories. So remembering the 2008 recession is just nearly impossible to begin with, if you were a toddler at the time.

They don't remember the economy but the feel they had for the time stays with them psychologically, especially if they were born in January 2004. I cut it off at December 2004 because 2004 is the last full year to remember the entire year of 2007, from January to December.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 08/11/16 at 6:12 pm

They don't remember the economy but the feel they had for the time stays with them psychologically, especially if they were born in January 2004. I cut it off at December 2004 because 2004 is the last full year to remember the entire year of 2007, from January to December.

I... doubt it. I can get a feel for 1996/1997, but I had no idea what was going in with the Dot-com Bubble or any early 2000s economic downturn, and I was already 5-10 during that.

Do you remember the early '90s recession?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/11/16 at 6:15 pm

They don't remember the economy but the feel they had for the time stays with them psychologically, especially if they were born in January 2004. I cut it off at December 2004 because 2004 is the last full year to remember the entire year of 2007, from January to December.

I don't think 2004 babies would remember the entire year of 2007. I had my first memories from 2002, but that doesn't mean I remember the entire year of 2002. Same with 2003 and early 2004, which is why your early childhood memories are usually vague. I could say that I remember most of 2004, but probably not the entire year. Hell, my life from 2004 were just half of my pre-K year and half of my Kindergarten year. It doesn't really seem that memorable, although I do like my Kindergarten year more.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: HazelBlue99 on 08/12/16 at 1:10 am

I'm pretty sure 2004 babies never really had any Millennial traits. Especially when they entered elementary school (at least in the U.S.) around late 2009. They were barely 2000s kids, and they mostly spent their childhood in the early-mid 2010s. I would rather just end this Millennial gap with 2002 babies, because at least they spent a fair amount of their childhoods in the 2000s.

I agree. There are people who question whether Late 90's babies even have enough Millennial traits for them to be considered a Y/Z Cusp, so I find it hard to believe that someone born in 2004 would have any noticeable Millennial traits. In my opinion, the only way someone born in 2004 could have any Millennial traits, is if they have an older brother or sister who was born before 2001, but even then, it would still be a bit of a stretch.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 08/12/16 at 10:27 am

I agree. There are people who question whether Late 90's babies even have enough Millennial traits for them to be considered a Y/Z Cusp, so I find it hard to believe that someone born in 2004 would have any noticeable Millennial traits. In my opinion, the only way someone born in 2004 could have any Millennial traits, is if they have an older brother or sister who was born before 2001, but even then, it would still be a bit of a stretch.

I taught my 2005 born sister the Macarena. Honorary Gen Y? ;D

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/12/16 at 11:08 am

I agree. There are people who question whether Late 90's babies even have enough Millennial traits for them to be considered a Y/Z Cusp, so I find it hard to believe that someone born in 2004 would have any noticeable Millennial traits. In my opinion, the only way someone born in 2004 could have any Millennial traits, is if they have an older brother or sister who was born before 2001, but even then, it would still be a bit of a stretch.

It's definitive to say that late 90s babies are somehow Y/Z cusps, since they didn't really have that much modern technology (meaning stuff like smartphones and tablets) in their life until they were in their preteens or early teens.

I taught my 2005 born sister the Macarena. Honorary Gen Y? ;D

You should have her listen to more 90s/early 2000s songs.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 08/12/16 at 1:46 pm

You should have her listen to more 90s/early 2000s songs.

She memorized Complicated. A Gen Y essential. ;D

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/12/16 at 1:50 pm

She memorized Complicated. A Gen Y essential. ;D

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 08/12/16 at 2:01 pm

I don't think 2004 babies would remember the entire year of 2007. I had my first memories from 2002, but that doesn't mean I remember the entire year of 2002. Same with 2003 and early 2004, which is why your early childhood memories are usually vague. I could say that I remember most of 2004, but probably not the entire year. Hell, my life from 2004 were just half of my pre-K year and half of my Kindergarten year. It doesn't really seem that memorable, although I do like my Kindergarten year more.

This is EXACTLY how I feel about 2001 being 5 throughout the year, being in pre-K the first half and Kindergarten the second half. My 2001 memories are like a hybrid between my 1998-2000 vague memories and my 2002-present crystal clear memories. Kindergarten was also way more memorable for me than pre-K. Age 6 was a lot more memorable for me than age 5.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mqg96 on 08/12/16 at 2:13 pm

They don't remember the economy but the feel they had for the time stays with them psychologically, especially if they were born in January 2004. I cut it off at December 2004 because 2004 is the last full year to remember the entire year of 2007, from January to December.

Nobody considers this as a definition for a Y/Z cutoff. Number one, babies, toddlers, or kids aren't aware of how the economy is. They're too young to understand. Number two, it's about how you GREW up fully, a 2004 born just vaguely remembering one year before the stock market crash happens is just as little influence as 2005-2009 born's with the recession. People born in let's say the early 90's on the other hand, spent the majority of their time under 18 before the stock market crash happened and they'd have a full understanding of the economy and world around them. I'm sorry people, but it's time to debunk the myth of 2000's born's being part of the millennial/Y generation. It's outdated and most sources over the last couple of years end Gen Y and start Gen Z around the mid-late 90's. I don't understand why people are sooo ashamed of being part of Gen Z. People act like Gen Z is supposed to turn off worse than millennials/Y, but it's really the complete opposite. I find it funny how late Baby Boomers try so hard to consider themselves part of Gen X too, because they don't want to be considered as "old". Early plurals feel the complete opposite when they try to squeeze themselves in the millennial generation because they're ashamed of being too "young".

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/12/16 at 2:25 pm

This is EXACTLY how I feel about 2001 being 5 throughout the year, being in pre-K the first half and Kindergarten the second half. My 2001 memories are like a hybrid between my 1998-2000 vague memories and my 2002-present crystal clear memories. Kindergarten was also way more memorable for me than pre-K. Age 6 was a lot more memorable for me than age 5.

I agree, even though I find my memories from ages 5-9 to be my favorite. It seemed better than my memories from 2002-mid 2004.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: HazelBlue99 on 08/12/16 at 7:09 pm

I'm sorry people, but it's time to debunk the myth of 2000's born's being part of the millennial/Y generation. It's outdated and most sources over the last couple of years end Gen Y and start Gen Z around the mid-late 90's.

Personally, I believe the only 2000's borns who have a valid case for being a Gen Y/Z cusp are those born in the year 2000. Anyone who was born after the year 2000 is early Gen Z, in my opinion.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/12/16 at 7:12 pm

Personally, I believe the only 2000's borns who have a valid case for being a Gen Y/Z cusp are those born in the year 2000. Anyone who was born after the year 2000 is early Gen Z, in my opinion.

This, simply because 2000 babies are similar towards 1999 babies generation-wise.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Looney Toon on 08/12/16 at 8:19 pm

Nobody considers this as a definition for a Y/Z cutoff. Number one, babies, toddlers, or kids aren't aware of how the economy is. They're too young to understand. Number two, it's about how you GREW up fully, a 2004 born just vaguely remembering one year before the stock market crash happens is just as little influence as 2005-2009 born's with the recession. People born in let's say the early 90's on the other hand, spent the majority of their time under 18 before the stock market crash happened and they'd have a full understanding of the economy and world around them. I'm sorry people, but it's time to debunk the myth of 2000's born's being part of the millennial/Y generation. It's outdated and most sources over the last couple of years end Gen Y and start Gen Z around the mid-late 90's. I don't understand why people are sooo ashamed of being part of Gen Z. People act like Gen Z is supposed to turn off worse than millennials/Y, but it's really the complete opposite. I find it funny how late Baby Boomers try so hard to consider themselves part of Gen X too, because they don't want to be considered as "old". Early plurals feel the complete opposite when they try to squeeze themselves in the millennial generation because they're ashamed of being too "young".

Which is weird to me. Especially since Plurals are said (and examined apparently) to be better than Millennials. I'm just gonna remove the sugar coating here. Millennials are THE worst generation we've had as of late. They didn't do much to help the overall issues we face and most are still struggling just to get through their own lives. Heck they're still jokingly called the Peter Pan generation since it apparently takes them up to their late 20s-early 30s to fully mature and do something good with their lives. Plurals are already showing some promise. If they succeed or not is beyond my knowledge, but what I'm saying is that trying to be considered a millennial or being ashamed to be a plural is nonsense. Millennials had their chance. They f**ked up. Now it's the Plural's turn. All researchers are sitting back and putting their faith in the latest youth of today. The first set of digital natives who will push things forward.

Sorry for the rant. I just never liked when people feel ashamed of being young. It's not like being older makes you better.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: aja675 on 08/12/16 at 8:34 pm

I taught my 2005 born sister the Macarena. Honorary Gen Y? ;D
I think a huge difference if I were born two years earlier or even just a year earlier would be that I'd actually remember it.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/12/16 at 8:39 pm

Nobody considers this as a definition for a Y/Z cutoff. Number one, babies, toddlers, or kids aren't aware of how the economy is. They're too young to understand. Number two, it's about how you GREW up fully, a 2004 born just vaguely remembering one year before the stock market crash happens is just as little influence as 2005-2009 born's with the recession. People born in let's say the early 90's on the other hand, spent the majority of their time under 18 before the stock market crash happened and they'd have a full understanding of the economy and world around them. I'm sorry people, but it's time to debunk the myth of 2000's born's being part of the millennial/Y generation. It's outdated and most sources over the last couple of years end Gen Y and start Gen Z around the mid-late 90's. I don't understand why people are sooo ashamed of being part of Gen Z. People act like Gen Z is supposed to turn off worse than millennials/Y, but it's really the complete opposite. I find it funny how late Baby Boomers try so hard to consider themselves part of Gen X too, because they don't want to be considered as "old". Early plurals feel the complete opposite when they try to squeeze themselves in the millennial generation because they're ashamed of being too "young".
Agreed in the bold. I've been noticing this for a while especially since I had an argument with someone on another site who denied being a Millennial. I honestly don't understand either. Every generation is going to have positive and negative criticisms no matter what. That's just how the world works.

Now, I have noticed the same thing with older Millennials trying very hard to place themselves into Gen X when they're not even close to being part of that generation.  The younger Boomers seem to have forgotten that just because they have wrinkles and saggy skin, doesn't mean they're old. Besides, the requirements to be a Boomer seems off sided since it only includes events that occurred in the 60s. What about the 1972 election? Nixon's resignation? Disco? Golden Age of Rock? Those things are what the younger Boomers participated in within their culture. I'm starting to now think that Obama himself can't be an Xer since everything about him was more in a Boomer environment than X. I mean for one, the BB pop culture was still in full swing (although it was on its way out) until at least 1984 and he was over the target audience by then.

Which is weird to me. Especially since Plurals are said (and examined apparently) to be better than Millennials. I'm just gonna remove the sugar coating here. Millennials are THE worst generation we've had as of late. They didn't do much to help the overall issues we face and most are still struggling just to get through their own lives. Heck they're still jokingly called the Peter Pan generation since it apparently takes them up to their late 20s-early 30s to fully mature and do something good with their lives. Plurals are already showing some promise. If they succeed or not is beyond my knowledge, but what I'm saying is that trying to be considered a millennial or being ashamed to be a plural is nonsense. Millennials had their chance. They f**ked up. Now it's the Plural's turn. All researchers are sitting back and putting their faith in the latest youth of today. The first set of digital natives who will push things forward.

Sorry for the rant. I just never liked when people feel ashamed of being young. It's not like being older makes you better.
Wait wait wait ??? ??? ??? Just hold on a second. I don't know if you're aware, but Millennials are not even in the positions of the higher office. We are barely just getting there. They didn't cause Iraq, the recession or even today's political climate. That fault would go to the Boomers since they were all in Congress when those events took place. So, there's no way you blame this generation. As for the stereotypes, those are untrue as well. Not everyone is immature and refusing to grow up. There are some like that, but they are in the minority. Most are actually in their careers, married, having children, and are doing great things for themselves and others. The Plurals, OTOH, will also do great things in the future, but they are definitely not there yet.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/12/16 at 8:46 pm

Wait wait wait ??? ??? ??? Just hold on a second. I don't know if you're aware, but Millennials are not even in the positions of the higher office. We are barely just getting there. They didn't cause Iraq, the recession or even today's political climate. That fault would go to the Boomers since they were all in Congress when those events took place. So, there's no way you blame this generation. As for the stereotypes, those are untrue as well. Not everyone is immature and refusing to grow up. There are some like that, but they are in the minority. Most are actually in their careers, married, having children, and are doing great things for themselves and others. The Plurals, OTOH, will also do great things in the future, but they are definitely not there yet.

I think he wasn't talking about politics in general towards generations. He was saying that millennials are the worst to him, since they're rather immature and most of them still act like teenagers. I see 20-30 year old men and women talking like they're teenagers, and that they text way too much. Just like my friends in high school. It's actually true that they didn't cause the Iraq War, War on Terror, or any of the major political events that happened in 15 years. Hell, they were still physically teenagers when those events happened. Toon's point is that Millennials aren't really supporting their causes, compared to Gen Xers and Baby Boomers.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Looney Toon on 08/12/16 at 8:57 pm

I think he wasn't talking about politics in general towards generations. He was saying that millennials are the worst to him, since they're rather immature and most of them still act like teenagers. I see 20-30 year old men and women talking like they're teenagers, and that they text way too much. Just like my friends in high school. It's actually true that they didn't cause the Iraq War, War on Terror, or any of the major political events that happened in 15 years. Hell, they were still physically teenagers when those events happened. Toon's point is that Millennials aren't really supporting their causes, compared to Gen Xers and Baby Boomers.

Yep. I didn't mention anything on politics since Baby Boomers and Gen X are still running the show (as of the mid 2010s). Until the older generations move out the younger ones can't move up. Not sure where I mentioned Millennials causing the Iraq war or the Recession in my previous post as I'm well aware they had nothing to do with it (The recession was caused by multiple things. Things that I'm sure millennials didn't have much to do with). Not ALL Millennials are lazy immature people as this forum is proof of. Although like you've stated they don't do much to support their causes. This is from some real experiences and from what I keep seeing in videos and articles. But hey Millennials still exist on this earth so we'll see if things will get better. And as mentioned before whether Millennials will be seen as the worst of all time or Plurals being seen as better is all prediction. Time will tell.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 08/12/16 at 9:37 pm

Which is weird to me. Especially since Plurals are said (and examined apparently) to be better than Millennials. I'm just gonna remove the sugar coating here. Millennials are THE worst generation we've had as of late. They didn't do much to help the overall issues we face and most are still struggling just to get through their own lives. Heck they're still jokingly called the Peter Pan generation since it apparently takes them up to their late 20s-early 30s to fully mature and do something good with their lives. Plurals are already showing some promise. If they succeed or not is beyond my knowledge, but what I'm saying is that trying to be considered a millennial or being ashamed to be a plural is nonsense. Millennials had their chance. They f**ked up. Now it's the Plural's turn. All researchers are sitting back and putting their faith in the latest youth of today. The first set of digital natives who will push things forward.

Sorry for the rant. I just never liked when people feel ashamed of being young. It's not like being older makes you better.

Why should I feel worse for an arbitrary year I was born? I was stuck in this horrible era and there's nothing I can do but wait.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Looney Toon on 08/12/16 at 9:41 pm

Why should I feel worse for an arbitrary year I was born? I was stuck in this horrible era and there's nothing I can do but wait.

What counts as a horrible era is subjective, but I don't see a reason to feel worse for a year that you were born in. Just be happy you were able to be born is what I tend to say.  ;)

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 08/12/16 at 9:42 pm

I... doubt it. I can get a feel for 1996/1997, but I had no idea what was going in with the Dot-com Bubble or any early 2000s economic downturn, and I was already 5-10 during that.

Do you remember the early '90s recession?

I remember some of the grittiness and things were less prosperous but had more character. The early 90s was strange. It was this mix of grittiness and cynicism and cheesy things and very optimistic adult contemporary and lots of bubbly innocence at the same time. It's like it didn't know whether to be 80s or 90s. This is what I mean by early 90s contemporary

This was the innocence I remember
I consider myself an early Millennial because of my extreme memory.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 08/12/16 at 9:52 pm

I don't think 2004 babies would remember the entire year of 2007. I had my first memories from 2002, but that doesn't mean I remember the entire year of 2002. Same with 2003 and early 2004, which is why your early childhood memories are usually vague. I could say that I remember most of 2004, but probably not the entire year. Hell, my life from 2004 were just half of my pre-K year and half of my Kindergarten year. It doesn't really seem that memorable, although I do like my Kindergarten year more.

They absorb the feel through Osmosis and it stays with them psychologically. Like the JFK assassination for someone born in 1959 or 1960.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/13/16 at 1:34 am

I think he wasn't talking about politics in general towards generations. He was saying that millennials are the worst to him, since they're rather immature and most of them still act like teenagers. I see 20-30 year old men and women talking like they're teenagers, and that they text way too much. Just like my friends in high school. It's actually true that they didn't cause the Iraq War, War on Terror, or any of the major political events that happened in 15 years. Hell, they were still physically teenagers when those events happened. Toon's point is that Millennials aren't really supporting their causes, compared to Gen Xers and Baby Boomers.

Yep. I didn't mention anything on politics since Baby Boomers and Gen X are still running the show (as of the mid 2010s). Until the older generations move out the younger ones can't move up. Not sure where I mentioned Millennials causing the Iraq war or the Recession in my previous post as I'm well aware they had nothing to do with it (The recession was caused by multiple things. Things that I'm sure millennials didn't have much to do with). Not ALL Millennials are lazy immature people as this forum is proof of. Although like you've stated they don't do much to support their causes. This is from some real experiences and from what I keep seeing in videos and articles. But hey Millennials still exist on this earth so we'll see if things will get better. And as mentioned before whether Millennials will be seen as the worst of all time or Plurals being seen as better is all prediction. Time will tell.

Oh sorry guys. it just that I hate when some folks talk about generations in a negative light when there's more to them. OTT, That's something I understand as I have seen it with some people I know, but they're still in the minority. Most folks have wised up and are taking responsibility and they range from early 20s to mid 30s. Now for causes, what do you guys mean by that?

They absorb the feel through Osmosis and it stays with them psychologically. Like the JFK assassination for someone born in 1959 or 1960.
With this statement, that means this would have happened with 1997 and 1998 people as well since they were at a very young age when 9/11 happened.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 08/13/16 at 1:50 am

Agreed in the bold. I've been noticing this for a while especially since I had an argument with someone on another site who denied being a Millennial. I honestly don't understand either. Every generation is going to have positive and negative criticisms no matter what. That's just how the world works.
What about the 1972 election? Nixon's resignation? Disco? Golden Age of Rock? Those things are what the younger Boomers participated in within their culture. I'm starting to now think that Obama himself can't be an Xer since everything about him was more in a Boomer environment than X. I mean for one, the BB pop culture was still in full swing (although it was on its way out) until at least 1984 and he was over the target audience by then.

I agree with this all man.
I also agree with the early 80s being the final stand for baby boomer culture. It was basically Gen Jones time!

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/13/16 at 10:08 am

They absorb the feel through Osmosis and it stays with them psychologically. Like the JFK assassination for someone born in 1959 or 1960.

The memories that they get from 2007 and 2008 are completely different to what a young adult got from those years. For one thing, 2004 babies would probably be in preschool at the time the recession happened, so it's not like they would understand what the hell an economy is. It would take years for them to understand it completely. Same with late Baby Boomers born in the late 50s/early 60s on how they would remember the day JFK was assassinated in 1963. My dad was 5 when it happened, but he would probably care about something else childhood-wise. Same with my mom, who was only three months and eighteen days old when it happened. So she wouldn't remember anything from that day. It's just completely bollocks of what you describe political events towards toddlers of remembering them.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 08/13/16 at 11:46 pm

The memories that they get from 2007 and 2008 are completely different to what a young adult got from those years. For one thing, 2004 babies would probably be in preschool at the time the recession happened, so it's not like they would understand what the hell an economy is. It would take years for them to understand it completely. Same with late Baby Boomers born in the late 50s/early 60s on how they would remember the day JFK was assassinated in 1963. My dad was 5 when it happened, but he would probably care about something else childhood-wise. Same with my mom, who was only three months and eighteen days old when it happened. So she wouldn't remember anything from that day. It's just completely bollocks of what you describe political events towards toddlers of remembering them.

They wouldn't have to remember the political events. They would just subconsciously know something was wrong and feel the era. It's about the basic feel and emotions they pick up on from the adults around them like their parents.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nintieskid999 on 08/14/16 at 1:28 am

I agree with this all man.
I also agree with the early 80s being the final stand for baby boomer culture. It was basically Gen Jones time!

I think 1982 was the last Boomer oriented year on the radio. If you look at the difference between 1982 and 1983 pop charts, the difference is stark.
Since people born in 1960 were 22 at the time, they're basically the last people to not be part Xer as a whole.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/14/16 at 8:44 am

They wouldn't have to remember the political events. They would just subconsciously know something was wrong and feel the era. It's about the basic feel and emotions they pick up on from the adults around them like their parents.

But that just seems stupid. I could remember the 2000s, but that doesn't mean I remember everything that George W. Bush did as president. I was only a kid back then.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/14/16 at 7:52 pm

I agree with this all man.
I also agree with the early 80s being the final stand for baby boomer culture. It was basically Gen Jones time!
Have you seen people who are Millennials that try to shove themselves as Gen Xers?

If the early 80s were last period for BB culture, that means the mid 60s was the beginning.

I think 1982 was the last Boomer oriented year on the radio. If you look at the difference between 1982 and 1983 pop charts, the difference is stark.
Since people born in 1960 were 22 at the time, they're basically the last people to not be part Xer as a whole.
Do you think those 1961-64 folks are in between both generations? Oh and do you consider people to be part of the X generation if they couldn't vote for Reagan?

But that just seems stupid. I could remember the 2000s, but that doesn't mean I remember everything that George W. Bush did as president. I was only a kid back then.
This would pretty much apply to people around your age range as well since they wouldn't be able to remember everything that W. Bush did in his presidency.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/14/16 at 8:06 pm

This would pretty much apply to people around your age range as well since they wouldn't be able to remember everything that W. Bush did in his presidency.

I did remember a few days when '43 Bush was still president, but that was when Obama was elected president around late 2008.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/14/16 at 8:16 pm

I did remember a few days when '43 Bush was still president, but that was when Obama was elected president around late 2008.
Do you recall Katrina and the Great Recession by any chance since they both occurred under his watch?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/14/16 at 8:19 pm

Do you recall Katrina and the Great Recession by any chance since they both occurred under his watch?

Well like I said, I only remember a few days of him as president before Obama took the presidency in 2009. Those days happened to be in 2008. So, I don't know if I recall the Great Recession or not. I could remember something about the economy being bad in late 2008/2009, but that's probably something I heard from Family Guy. Since I was really into the show in the late 2000s, despite being a kid at the time, which seems inappropriate for them to watch.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/15/16 at 10:31 pm

Well like I said, I only remember a few days of him as president before Obama took the presidency in 2009. Those days happened to be in 2008. So, I don't know if I recall the Great Recession or not. I could remember something about the economy being bad in late 2008/2009, but that's probably something I heard from Family Guy. Since I was really into the show in the late 2000s, despite being a kid at the time, which seems inappropriate for them to watch.
So I can take it that you recall most things about the 00s except the political stuff right?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 08/16/16 at 12:38 am

Have you seen people who are Millennials that try to shove themselves as Gen Xers?

Yea. On this site. ::) ;)

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/16/16 at 8:20 am

So I can take it that you recall most things about the 00s except the political stuff right?

Most likely, I would say yes. I don't really remember George W. Bush's key actions as president, since I was very little at the time. The only political stuff that I could remember from the 2000s is the 2008 election, where Obama won against McCain. It was pretty much historical, since he was the first non-white politician to become POTUS. But if I were to talk about the 2000s, it would mostly be about the pop culture that I loved as a kid.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Looney Toon on 08/16/16 at 11:40 am

Have you seen people who are Millennials that try to shove themselves as Gen Xers?

Gen X ends in 1990. So therefore I'm an Xer.  8)

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 08/16/16 at 12:40 pm

Gen Y ends in 1990. So therefore I'm an Zer.  8)

Fixed a few typos.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/16/16 at 2:14 pm

Yea. On this site. ::) ;)
Like who? and not just in this site, but I have also seen it happen on other sites as well where some Millennials really project themselves as Xers (when they're really not) ;D ;D including the fact that some Plurals are pushing themselves to be a Millennial ;D ;D ;D

Most likely, I would say yes. I don't really remember George W. Bush's key actions as president, since I was very little at the time. The only political stuff that I could remember from the 2000s is the 2008 election, where Obama won against McCain. It was pretty much historical, since he was the first non-white politician to become POTUS. But if I were to talk about the 2000s, it would mostly be about the pop culture that I loved as a kid.
Did you watch any non-kid movies, TV shows etc. back in the 00s?

Gen X ends in 1990. So therefore I'm an Xer.  8)
Not even close! ;D ::). It ended in the 70s ;)

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/16/16 at 2:29 pm

Did you watch any non-kid movies, TV shows etc. back in the 00s?

Well, I watched The Boondocks, Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons (although it's a bit family friendly), Robot Chicken, a bit of The Sopranos, Everybody Hates Chris, George Lopez, South Park, Lil' Bush, Drawn Together, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, King of the Hill, and Malcolm In The Middle during the 2000s. As for non-kid movies, I think I remember watching The Strangers, and a little bit of Persepolis in the 2000s. If you don't know what Persepolis is, then this article might help you.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/16/16 at 2:38 pm

Well, I watched The Boondocks, Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons (although it's a bit family friendly), Robot Chicken, a bit of The Sopranos, Everybody Hates Chris, George Lopez, South Park, Lil' Bush, Drawn Together, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, King of the Hill, and Malcolm In The Middle during the 2000s. As for non-kid movies, I think I remember watching The Strangers, and a little bit of Persepolis in the 2000s. If you don't know what Persepolis is, then this article might help you.
Damn, that's a bit of everything that I watched except for the movies. Did you ever have to sneak to watch Drawn Together?

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/16/16 at 2:47 pm

Damn, that's a bit of everything that I watched except for the movies. Did you ever have to sneak to watch Drawn Together?

Well... my parents didn't really give a crap when I watched Drawn Together. I mean, it's bad if you watch something like Drawn Together if you were a kid, but it's somehow enjoyable to me. Hell, sometimes my dad watched The Boondocks with me. I'm not making this up.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/16/16 at 2:53 pm

Well... my parents didn't really give a crap when I watched Drawn Together. I mean, it's bad if you watch something like Drawn Together if you were a kid, but it's somehow enjoyable to me. Hell, sometimes my dad watched The Boondocks with me. I'm not making this up.
Same here. Both shows were enjoyable and I was always laughing at their jokes. ;D ;D. Yeah, I didn't have that problem either since I didn't have a limit on what I could watch except for highly adult shows. :D

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/16/16 at 3:03 pm

Same here. Both shows were enjoyable and I was always laughing at their jokes. ;D ;D. Yeah, I didn't have that problem either since I didn't have a limit on what I could watch except for highly adult shows. :D

Same with me. I didn't really watch something like The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Sex and the City, or other shows from HBO or Showtime, since they were really adult and I think my parents would've been pissed if they saw me watching them. So usually when I watched something for teens or adults back in the 2000s, it would most likely be from Adult Swim, Comedy Central, or Nick @ Nite.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 08/16/16 at 3:08 pm

Same with me. I didn't really watch something like The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Sex and the City, or other shows from HBO or Showtime, since they were really adult and I think my parents would've been pissed if they saw me watching them. So usually when I watched something for teens or adults back in the 2000s, it would most likely be from Adult Swim, Comedy Central, or Nick @ Nite.
So I guess you had an implied limit. As long as you weren't watching anything inappropriate, you would be good then.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/16/16 at 3:19 pm

So I guess you had an implied limit. As long as you weren't watching anything inappropriate, you would be good then.

Ehh... something like that. I mean, I could've sneaked on watching a little bit of The Sopranos when I was little, but I didn't do it that often. My parents were okay with me watching Comedy Central, Nick at Nite, and Adult Swim, since it wasn't like I was going to repeat everything they said at my school.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/16/16 at 4:21 pm

I look at my sister who is 3 years older than I am. We only went to the same school a total of 3 years. For me it was 1st, 2nd & 3rd. For her it was 3rd, 4th, & 5th. (It was actually 2 different schools-2 different states.)

I stopped living under the same roof as she did when I was 13 (she was 16). She stayed in that state and I moved several more times (to live with my dad and then my grandmother, and finally my mother & step-father before I left home for good) and lived in several more states.

If I was born a year or two earlier, who knows what state I would have ended up in (other than the State of Confusion where I always am.  :D :D ;D ;D ). 


Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: HazelBlue99 on 08/26/16 at 3:20 am

I taught my 2005 born sister the Macarena. Honorary Gen Y? ;D

You should teach her "Blue" by Eiffel 65. :P

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 08/27/16 at 11:49 pm

You should teach her "Blue" by Eiffel 65. :P

First I have to learn that myself  :o

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/28/16 at 8:38 am

First I have to learn that myself  :o

You're not a true YouTuber unless you actually heard that song. I mean, I'm a mid-late 2000s kid, and I heard that song a lot when YouTube was at its golden age.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: 2001 on 08/28/16 at 9:19 am

You're not a true YouTuber unless you actually heard that song. I mean, I'm a mid-late 2000s kid, and I heard that song a lot when YouTube was at its golden age.

I just listened to it. I remember hearing it at a few parties, but I didn't think it was a meme.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Baltimoreian on 08/28/16 at 9:53 am

I just listened to it. I remember hearing it at a few parties, but I didn't think it was a meme.

It was a meme during the late 2000s, but nobody really listened to it after early 2010.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: nally on 08/01/23 at 9:08 pm

But that just seems stupid. I could remember the 2000s, but that doesn't mean I remember everything that George W. Bush did as president. I was only a kid back then.

Similarly, as a 1980-born, I cannot remember everything that Ronald Reagan did during his presidency. However, he is the first President that I have memories of.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Howard on 08/02/23 at 7:24 am

I would've been 51, most likely my life would've been the same basically, I don't know how my life would be, pretty much the same.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: AmericanGirl on 08/02/23 at 11:46 am

That might have made me old enough to remember President Kennedy's assassination.  The keyword is might.  Another thing, perhaps I wouldn't have had the opportunity to run track for my high school, given that when I joined in '75, girls' track was only in its second year of existence.  That would've been a bummer.

Weighing everything, I think I was born the right year (1960).  8)

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/02/23 at 1:49 pm

That might have made me old enough to remember President Kennedy's assassination.  The keyword is might.  Another thing, perhaps I wouldn't have had the opportunity to run track for my high school, given that when I joined in '75, girls' track was only in its second year of existence.  That would've been a bummer.

Weighing everything, I think I was born the right year (1960).  8)

Being three older than you, I can remember be terrible winter of 1963, but do not recall the assassination of JFK. I can recall vividly watching when England won the Football World Cup in July 1966.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: Howard on 08/02/23 at 4:22 pm

Being born in 1974 was a good thing, I can remember events from 1985-1990 such as The Space Shuttle Disaster in 1986 and the Stock Market Crash in 1987.

Subject: Re: How different would your life be if you were born a year or two earlier?

Written By: ForeverHaunted on 01/28/25 at 12:37 am

My life wouldn't have really been any different if I had been born in 2004 or 2005. I'd still be a mid 2000s baby and have all the same interests I have today. Only thing that would really be different is that I'd have more memories of the 2000s (instead of only being able to remember 2009 as someone who turned 3 that year) and having started kindergarten instead of preschool in 09 if I had been born 2 years before I was.

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