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Subject: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/05/16 at 9:20 am
Let's have a discussion or post pictures about some of the racing video games or franchises we enjoyed playing with ourselves or friends throughout the years. Any racing game you loved playing on your Nintendo, XBOX, PC, Sega, or Playstation console or handheld. I think it's a genre of gaming that has definitely declined in popularity over the last several years with the exception of a few franchises like Forza or Mario Kart which are still going on today. A couple that come to mind that I loved to play when I was younger was Need for Speed Underground and Crash Nitro Kart. I'll get into more detail about these games and many others later.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/05/16 at 9:28 am
It has only been one racing game for me and that was Mario Cart.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/05/16 at 9:28 am
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 is the best racing game of all time.
It's actually the Gamecube version I prefer to the PS2 (I know, surprising, ain't it?).
Underground was really good. I like that one Story of the Year song on the soundtrack (Aside from their first EP under a different name, they're not a band I'm too crazy about).
The Burnout games are also incredible (not those crappy PSP spin-offs).
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/05/16 at 9:40 am
I'm a huge Gran Turismo geek and have had every edition on every system since it first came out in 1997 or 1998 on the PS1.
Right now I have GT6 on the PS3 and although I'm not a serious racer I like getting online and turning laps on the Nurnburgring, it's one way I unwind after work.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: 2001 on 01/05/16 at 9:50 am
The Need for Speed games were great! Loved those drifting/race missions. One of the few racing games that challenged me.
One of my favourite racing games is actually rather recent
This game is super-creative, I was very disappointed when reviewers panned it because it wasn't a carbon-copy of Banjo Kazooie/Tooie. You build your own car with weird contraptions and then you complete missions and race! You have to build the right kind of car for different kinds of races, which is where the tricky part lies. I had a blast with this game.
This game is all sorts of mad fun! It's bike-racing game, and a lot of relies on doing super neat tricks while riding in mid-air as well as racing well. Good stuff.
And yeah, who doesn't love the Mario Kart series. Won't even bother posting pictures of that. That series still dominates my life, especially Mario Kart 7 for the 3DS.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: 2001 on 01/05/16 at 9:53 am
I'm a huge Gran Turismo geek and have had every edition on every system since it first came out in 1997 or 1998 on the PS1.
Right now I have GT6 on the PS3 and although I'm not a serious racer I like getting online and turning laps on the Nurnburgring, it's one way I unwind after work.
I didn't play the PS1 games, but the GT4 and GT5 were really great racing games.
On GT6 online, my friends would troll everyone else by driving backwards and crashing into them ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: snozberries on 01/05/16 at 10:47 am
It's lame but I really loved the Nintendo game rc pro am
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 01/05/16 at 12:01 pm
Some of my favorites as a kid
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/05/16 at 12:22 pm
Some of my favorites as a kid
I preferred Mario Kart 64 over Double Dash. Don't care how long it has aged. In terms of originality and creativity Mario Kart 64 will always remain as my favorite Mario Kart game console wise of the entire series. Even though I never owned one. Playing it with my friends and cousins was enough to give me nostalgia for it. It was the Mario Kart game that got the franchise going with so many items added, epic courses whether it was easy ones or difficult ones, and the 4 player tournaments with your friends on racing or battle mode. I owned Double Dash for the Gamecube which was epic as well including the courses, similar modes and introduced the all cup tour which was amazing, but the 2 people in 1 kart was a huge turnoff for me. However I loved the special items though. What I also loved about 64 was the hated courses. Remember how difficult Yoshi Valley, Toad's Turnpike, and Rainbow Road were 8-P my gosh! Surprisingly I was good with Bowser's Castle though. Overall when it comes to the Mario Kart franchise, DS still gave me the best to offer.
Now I preferred Crash Nitro Kart over Crash Team Racing, because I thought the story mode and cut scenes for Nitro Kart was much more interesting and I thought the course designs were much better on there with a better selection of characters. I also liked the powerslide boosting technique you were able to do as well. I guess I have more nostalgia for Nitro Kart than Team Racing. I've played Team Racing a few times but I didn't like the controls that much for some reason and the courses weren't as appealing to me. One thing I liked about both of the games was that if you got up to 10 wumpa fruits your items are a lot more powerful. Like the TNT box which gives you 5 seconds to hop it off, but with 10 wumpa fruits it's a Nitro box that explodes immediately if you hit it. Or the Aku Aku invincibility mask lasting much longer.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/05/16 at 12:27 pm
It's lame but I really loved the Nintendo game rc pro am
Lame? No way! Not only was RC Pro-Am my favorite NES game, it was far and away the best racing game on a home console up to that point. For as crude as it is compared to today's games, it had some surprisingly good drifting action.
It wasn't until the original Gran Turismo came along in the late 1990s that I found a racing game that was as realistic and fun to play as RC Pro-Am.
Plus...the bombs and rockets! ;)
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/05/16 at 12:31 pm
It wasn't until the original Gran Turismo came along in the late 1990s that I found a racing game that was as realistic and fun to play as RC Pro-Am.
Man, Gran Turismo is one of the hardest games ever, though! Every time I play, I end up crashing into the side off the road. I can never stay on the track because making turns are next to impossible. And when I'm not crashing, I'm spinning out! I've never won a race in Gran Turismo. Not even once.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/05/16 at 12:34 pm
Man, Gran Turismo is one of the hardest games ever, though! Every time I play, I end up crashing into the side off the road. I can never stay on the track because making turns are next to impossible in that game. And when I'm not crashing, I'm spinning out!
After all of you talking about the Gran Turismo series now I wish I had gotten into it LOL. I'm thinking it wasn't like Need for Speed for Forza based off how y'all are reminiscing about it. I may have played it before on someone's PS2 or PSP years ago not realizing what it was but I'm not sure since it's been a long time.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/05/16 at 12:40 pm
After all of you talking about the Gran Turismo series now I wish I had gotten into it LOL. I'm thinking it wasn't like Need for Speed for Forza based off how y'all are reminiscing about it. I may have played it before on someone's PS2 or PSP years ago not realizing what it was but I'm not sure since it's been a long time.
You have to be really good at racing or something to actually accomplish something in that game. I used to think I was a pro at racing games because I played so much Need for Speed and Burnout and totally killed my friends in multiplayer but then I played Gran Turismo and my abilities were clearly not as good as I thought. 8-P
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/05/16 at 12:41 pm
I didn't play the PS1 games, but the GT4 and GT5 were really great racing games.
On GT6 online, my friends would troll everyone else by driving backwards and crashing into them ;D
Do you still play GT6? And, for that matter does anyone else here? If so maybe some night we ought to get some 00zers together, log onto PSN, set up a room and turn a few laps. Might be kinda fun.
Man, Gran Turismo is one of the hardest games ever, though! Every time I play, I end up crashing into the side off the road. I can never stay on the track because making turns are next to impossible. And when I'm not crashing, I'm spinning out! I've never won a race in Gran Turismo. Not even once.
There's definitely a big learning curve there but the licensing mode is a good tutorial, it starts you out with the smaller cars and gradually builds your skills up until you can handle the faster cars.
Plus tuning your car (especially the suspension), while seeming quite daunting, is absolutely crucial. A lot of times I'll Google setups for different cars and just plug them in and usually they'll work.
But man I'll tell you, once you get a car dialed in and run it on a track that you've become familiar with you can just tear it up and it's an absolute blast, especially when you run with someone with a similar skill level.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/05/16 at 12:44 pm
You have to be really good at racing or something to actually accomplish something in that game. I used to think I was a pro at racing games because I played so much Need for Speed and Burnout and totally killed my friends in multiplayer but then I played Gran Turismo and my abilities were clearly not as good as I thought. 8-P
Yeah that sucks, I know a lot of racing games that are like that too. This doesn't just apply to racing genre of games, but even in first person shooters or platform games since you were a master at one franchise or even one version of the game, you'll go to another franchise or the next version of that same genre end up assuming it's gonna be a piece a cake and then BOOM! it's so much harder due to the controls feeling different and you get killed online every time, or even on the single player mode too.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/05/16 at 12:49 pm
Anyone played Diddy Kong Racing? I didn't ask my parents to waste their money on this one. I played the DS version once at my cousin's house and I actually thought it was okay-ish, but let's be honest no where near as good as the Mario Kart games. It was mediocre at best but I'd consider it as an honorable mention.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/05/16 at 12:53 pm
Do you still play GT6? And, for that matter does anyone else here? If so maybe some night we ought to get some 00zers together, log onto PSN, set up a room and turn a few laps. Might be kinda fun.
Isn't PSN pay-to-play now?
There's definitely a big learning curve there but the licensing mode is a good tutorial, it starts you out with the smaller cars and gradually builds your skills up until you can handle the faster cars.
Plus tuning your car (especially the suspension), while seeming quite daunting, is absolutely crucial. A lot of times I'll Google setups for different cars and just plug them in and usually they'll work.
But man I'll tell you, once you get a car dialed in and run it on a track that you've become familiar with you can just tear it up and it's an absolute blast, especially when you run with someone with a similar skill level.
What I'd usually do is pick the car that looked the coolest and had the highest stats and that never worked out. Then I'd but that mode on where it had the lines on the track and would tell you when to brake but I still spun out. Maybe I'll give it another try using your advice. ;D
Yeah that sucks, I know a lot of racing games that are like that too. This doesn't just apply to racing genre of games, but even in first person shooters or platform games since you were a master at one franchise or even one version of the game, you'll go to another franchise or the next version of that same genre end up assuming it's gonna be a piece a cake and then BOOM! it's so much harder due to the controls feeling different and you get killed online every time, or even on the single player mode too.
100% correct. I can play racing games as long as they're not simulators or realistic. I suck at all First Person Shooters. I would always get killed when I play First Person Shooters online but I'd do the funniest sh*t. There's that Call of Duty mode where you die and don't respawn until next round, right? And since I was the worst on the team, I'd hide out in my base until I was the last one alive. Then I'd run out, put a sticky bomb on the wall and kill myself. The amount of curses and hateful comments I'd get from others on the mics was hilarious. I made so many people leave the game out of anger.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/05/16 at 12:56 pm
On GT6 online, my friends would troll everyone else by driving backwards and crashing into them ;D
Ah, just like me playing Call of Duty. ;)
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/05/16 at 1:05 pm
I suck at all First Person Shooters. I would always get killed when I play First Person Shooters online but I'd do the funniest sh*t. There's that Call of Duty mode where you die and don't respawn until next round, right? And since I was the worst on the team, I'd hide out in my base until I was the last one alive. Then I'd run out, put a sticky bomb on the wall and kill myself. The amount of curses and hateful comments I'd get from others on the mics was hilarious. I made so many people leave the game out of anger.
To be honest I wasn't the best at 1st person shooter either. I didn't jump on the bandwagon of the Call of Duty franchise until Black Ops got popular in 2010-2011, just for the multiplayer online mode and zombie mode, which I got for the XBOX 360 right around the start of 2012 (same year Black Ops II was released which I eventually got as well). Although, I did own Call of Duty 2 for the XBOX in 2005 but I only played the story mode and not multiplayer, and yeah when I was a rookie I got a lot of hate too on the mics but I improved over time. That's why most of the time I muted the mic unless I was playing with my friends or cousins online.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/05/16 at 1:10 pm
I remember playing Burnout a lot as well, it was sick! I used to own one of these including playing the other at my old children's ministry before service began.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/05/16 at 1:16 pm
To be honest I wasn't the best at 1st person shooter either. I didn't jump on the bandwagon of the Call of Duty franchise until Black Ops got popular in 2010-2011, just for the multiplayer online mode and zombie mode, which I got for the XBOX 360 right around the start of 2012 (same year Black Ops II was released which I eventually got as well). Although, I did own Call of Duty 2 for the XBOX in 2005 but I only played the story mode and not multiplayer, and yeah when I was a rookie I got a lot of hate too on the mics but I improved over time. That's why most of the time I muted the mic unless I was playing with my friends or cousins online.
I never really liked Call of Duty. I've only ever owned Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. I thought they were really overrated and a pain in the ass to play but fun it was fun to screw around online. I'm a bit of a sh*t disturber, so I was game with these guys on the mics. Team killing was another one of my specialties but the worst was trying to team kill when you'd get killed yourself or kicked from the game.
I remember playing Burnout a lot as well, it was sick! I used to own one of these including playing the other at my old children's ministry before service began.
Burnout was one of the best. This one time I crashed my car so hard it fell through the map and kept going in this infinite loop. It's like, it fell down the road and then it'd fall out of the sky onto the road and through the road again. I had the replay and I thought "maybe I should tape this on my VCR to watch later" but I never did (Yeah, I used to record my own gameplay on my VCR sometimes. Pre-historic early 00's gaming techniques!). I should of because it'd be funny to see.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: Howard on 01/05/16 at 3:19 pm
I'm an old schooler so my favorite racing games were:
Pole Position
Night Driver
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ArcticFox on 01/05/16 at 10:13 pm
Any of the SSX games except Blur. :-X
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/05/16 at 10:17 pm
I remember seeing this game in smoke-filled arcades back in the 70's:
You wouldn't so much steer the car around corners as you would just powerslide it around by flicking the wheel and spinning it back and forth.
And it only cost a quarter to play! :D
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/05/16 at 10:27 pm
Isn't PSN pay-to-play now?
No, it's still free.
What I'd usually do is pick the car that looked the coolest and had the highest stats and that never worked out. Then I'd but that mode on where it had the lines on the track and would tell you when to brake but I still spun out. Maybe I'll give it another try using your advice. ;D
In addition to the suspension modifications I told you about (you can get a pre-tuned racing suspension for a fraction of the cost of a fully-customizable suspension which will work almost as well), tires are key as well.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: whistledog on 01/05/16 at 11:18 pm
R.C. Pro-Am. That brings back memories. I remember getting it for Christmas back in the late 80s and to this day, it is still one of my favourite NES games.
One of my favourite old school console racing games was a launch title for the Turbo Grafx-16 in 1989 called 'Victory Run'. It was the first racing game I ever played that seemed more real than ones I had played before (It was based on an actual race across Europe and you had to replace car parts as needed). It was also super hard in the fact that if you crashed even once, it might as well be game over
One of the most unusual racing games I ever played was called 'Final Lap Twin'. It was a Turbo Grafx-16 game from 1990 that was based on the popular 80s arcade game 'Final Lap'. This game had two modes: You could compete in an F1 style race mode, or you could do an RPG quest mode where you play a young racer who travels from town to town racing locals for money.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/06/16 at 5:37 am
No, it's still free.
Oh, good. I've been told that PS Plus became mandatory on the PS4 and they cancelled PS3's online but it's good to hear that's not the case.
In addition to the suspension modifications I told you about (you can get a pre-tuned racing suspension for a fraction of the cost of a fully-customizable suspension which will work almost as well), tires are key as well.
Hm, that is a good idea. I have terrible attention span so I never actually went through all the customization features; I just wanted to race! I might have GT5 with my PS3 lying around in my closet so I could dig it out and try playing it again. Better yet, I know I got GT3 and 4 on my shelf and since I play my PS2 almost daily, I might try them out for the first time in 11 years. God knows why I bought three of these games if I am so awful at them... :-\\
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: Ripley on 01/06/16 at 8:38 pm
Mario Kart N64!
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: Toon on 01/07/16 at 11:45 am
Crash Team Racing
Diddy Kong Racing
Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing Transformed
Mario Kart Double Dash
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: Zelek2 on 01/07/16 at 3:05 pm
Does this count as a racing game? If so, I'd like to post it.
The thing about this game that I love is that it immerses you in a world of the Simpsons. You can explore a fully detailed map of Springfield, and also uncover gags and references from the first 10 or so seasons.
Also, to quote another reviewer on this game, the music is "slick as f*ck":
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: The Burger King on 01/10/16 at 3:34 pm
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ArcticFox on 01/10/16 at 7:49 pm
The SSX games.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: snozberries on 01/10/16 at 8:14 pm
This thread makes me want to dust off my systems and start playing again. I haven't turned on any of my systems in about a year
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 01/10/16 at 8:20 pm
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/10/16 at 8:24 pm
HELL YES!!! This! and all the Planet Hot Wheels CD-ROM games, website I'd get on, and the cars I collected back in 2003!
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: whistledog on 01/11/16 at 7:41 pm
There was one I used to play on PC back in the 90s called Megarace. It was based around a futuristic game show hosted by some guy named Lance Boyle, and the object was to use the guns on your car and destroy all the other cars in the race before the X number of laps were up. It was super cheesy, but I loved it! It had a bunch of sequels, but I never got around to playing those.
Al-B had previously mentioned one called Sprint. There was one I used to play in the Arcade all the time that was similar called Super Off-Road. I sank all kinds of quarters on this back in the day ...
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: whistledog on 01/11/16 at 7:49 pm
There's a lot of good handheld racing games as well. I really loved Top Gear: Rally for Game Boy Advance. At my job, when not a lot of work was coming in, I would sit at my desk and play this game on my GBA almost non stop. I was so addicted. I used to look forward to the days when there was no work just so I could play it lol
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: AmericanGirl on 01/11/16 at 9:35 pm
Pole Position
A "sit in" Pole Position game was at my college rec hall ('83ish) - I pumped it with a few quarters between classes ::)
For the full effect:
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 01/11/16 at 9:42 pm
The SSX games.
My favorites being
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/11/16 at 11:34 pm
DAMMMM!!!! 8)
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 01/11/16 at 11:42 pm
DAMMMM!!!! 8)
This game was life!
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/12/16 at 4:36 am
The SSX games.
Was that the snowboarding down a mountain game. If so, I played and enjoyed it too, but my son always beat!
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/12/16 at 10:28 am
I own every SSX from the first one up to On Tour. I really like the first 3 but On Tour is no way as good as the first one. Never gonna touch Blur.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 01/12/16 at 12:06 pm
I own every SSX from the first one up to On Tour. I really like the first 3 but On Tour is no way as good as the first one. Never gonna touch Blur.
I own Tricky and 3. I've played the more recent ones at friends houses, but idk they just don't have the same 'WOW' factor as the earlier games did...
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/12/16 at 12:37 pm
This was the last Mario Kart game I played, and the last good one for me before the franchise started having too many add-on's to the point where the classic feel of Mario Kart was officially gone IMO.
The first time in a long time a console Mario Kart game has a single player on one kart since the 64 version. It featured wi-fi mode up to 12 players, and very great courses along with the retro courses again. Although, I believe the Wii version is when the battle mode declined, they took away the boo item in place for that terrible thunder cloud item, and the CPU's create so much chaos with the items lol. The selection of characters in this game was really good. Mario Kart Wii is also when they changed the drifting technique which prevents you from snaking like you could do on Mario Kart DS & earlier. The bicycle technique was really good, etc.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 01/12/16 at 1:46 pm
A "sit in" Pole Position game was at my college rec hall ('83ish) - I pumped it with a few quarters between classes ::)
For the full effect:
One of my older cousins had a Pole Position floppy for his Commodore 64. It was actually just about the first racing game I can remember playing as a kid.
So far as my other favorites, I loved the original Super Mario Kart for the SNES growing up, as well as most of the others folks have already mentioned like Gran Tourismo, Mario Kart 64, Crash Team Racing, etc.
Anyone played Diddy Kong Racing? I didn't ask my parents to waste their money on this one. I played the DS version once at my cousin's house and I actually thought it was okay-ish, but let's be honest no where near as good as the Mario Kart games. It was mediocre at best but I'd consider it as an honorable mention.
I'm really glad someone mentioned Diddy Kong Racing. The Nintendo 64 version hasn't aged all that well, but that game was freakin' revolutionary for it's time, man. The fact that it had an honest to God plot, that you could use different types of vehicles other than just karts, and that you could actually drive yourself around from track-to-track instead of just selecting it from the menu totally blew Mario Kart 64 out of the water at the time. But, like I said, I think MK64 has aged better, and is more fun to play today.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: Howard on 01/12/16 at 3:00 pm
A "sit in" Pole Position game was at my college rec hall ('83ish) - I pumped it with a few quarters between classes ::)
For the full effect:
I enjoyed this game too.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/12/16 at 4:30 pm
I own Tricky and 3. I've played the more recent ones at friends houses, but idk they just don't have the same 'WOW' factor as the earlier games did...
SSX, SSX Tricky and SSX 3 are totally rad games. I remember when the McDonalds had those Gamecube stations with SSX setup back in 2001 and 2002. I played those more than the kids did. On Tour is where they started to loose me and Blur looked so bad that I didn't even wanna touch it. Never tried the new PS3 edition, though. Is it any good?
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 01/12/16 at 4:43 pm
SSX, SSX Tricky and SSX 3 are totally rad games. I remember when the McDonalds had those Gamecube stations with SSX setup back in 2001 and 2002. I played those more than the kids did. On Tour is where they started to loose me and Blur looked so bad that I didn't even wanna touch it. Never tried the new PS3 edition, though. Is it any good?
Yeah SSX 1-3 FTW!
Ehh the new ones are decent at best...
Are abominations compare to their older brothers at the worst
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/12/16 at 5:37 pm
Yeah SSX 1-3 FTW!
Ehh the new ones are decent at best...
Are abominations compare to their older brothers at the worst
That's disappointing but I guess I can't say I'm surprised...
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ArcticFox on 01/12/16 at 6:05 pm
I own every SSX from the first one up to On Tour. I really like the first 3 but On Tour is no way as good as the first one. Never gonna touch Blur.
In my opinion the first one is the best. My second favorite is SSX 3 which is the first one that I owned when it came out in 2003.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/12/16 at 7:02 pm
In my opinion the first one is the best. My second favorite is SSX 3 which is the first one that I owned when it came out in 2003.
Mine, too! I first bought it in 2000 when the PS2 came out. I like both Tricky and SSX 3 about the same. On Tour is definitely my least favorite.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 01/25/16 at 1:51 pm
Thanks for listing the ones I like everyone :). Here are some that haven't been listed
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/25/16 at 2:06 pm
This game ruled. It also had Jet Set Radio: Future bundled with it. Pretty sweet if you ask me!
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 01/25/16 at 2:26 pm
This game ruled. It also had Jet Set Radio: Future bundled with it. Pretty sweet if you ask me!
It sure did. I remember playing both games as soon as my family got the Xbox.
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/25/16 at 2:55 pm
It sure did. I remember playing both games as soon as my family got the Xbox.
Same here. I played both of those games all day on my Xbox. In my opinion, the original Xbox will always be the best one. It had good games throughout it's entire lifespan. It's no PS2 but it sure was a rad system!
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 01/28/16 at 11:12 am
Same here. I played both of those games all day on my Xbox. In my opinion, the original Xbox will always be the best one. It had good games throughout it's entire lifespan. It's no PS2 but it sure was a rad system!
I always preferred the PS2 over Xbox, but to each his own
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/28/16 at 1:28 pm
I always preferred the PS2 over Xbox, but to each his own
Oh, no! I do, too! I think the PS2 is the best system! I was saying that the original Xbox is the best over the 360 and the One. It sure as hell isn't better than the mighty PS2! ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: ocarinafan96 on 01/28/16 at 1:31 pm
Oh, no! I do, too! I think the PS2 is the best system! I was saying that the original Xbox is the best over the 360 and the One. It sure as hell isn't better than the mighty PS2! ;D
Lol I agree! The One is pretty lackluster IMO
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 01/28/16 at 1:45 pm
Lol I agree! The One is pretty lackluster IMO
Yeah, man. It seems awful! 8-P
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/29/16 at 11:19 am
This guy explains it all. I was addicted to this game throughout late 2002-2004 including the website. I forgot which energy car I had for my demo disc. Hot Wheels MechaniX from 3:26 to 7:50 was my favorite one of all.
and here's some more epic Planet Hot Wheels stuff I used to do as well!
dQO_fkIXWfA LSm9znM2C30 z_WRN2eVQdM
Nemuu27piTs GKQkW2i-i2M f_v_KGQp_3M
d2H_gY6nwWM uY5097Pth3c p3nvpoO4FHw
s5ip3EAMuck 9MwHS_mx_Wo ZE2tOfhmeQE
Subject: Re: Favorite Racing Games anybody?
Written By: mqg96 on 04/09/16 at 8:55 pm
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