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Subject: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 11/19/13 at 12:22 am

It's a song in Swedish about a player who broke the protagonist's heart. The player did not suffer the consequences of his actions and remained popular among women.

The lyrics don't match my exact situation, but I had a classmate three years ago who was mean to me and is now a celebrity, so I get how the song's protagonist feels.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: on 11/19/13 at 1:49 am


Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel.  I once dedicated this song to my mother when Retro Request was on Much More Music.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: aja675 on 02/28/16 at 5:31 am


I dedicate this song to some axxxxxxx I know in real life. They say I’m a sxxx and that I’m good at useless things but bad at my studies, and that I’m the boy with the worst attention span and they’re the people who put up with that.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: on 02/28/16 at 10:42 am


I dedicate this video to all the teachers that I ever had who thought that I wouldn't ever amount to anything.  I give you a really huge middle finger.  :P F--K you! Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!! :P

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: aja675 on 03/26/16 at 8:19 am

This song reminds me of some people who I keep on overthinking about regardless of whether they are physically there or not. I keep on thinking about their meanness even when they aren't there.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: Howard on 03/29/16 at 3:26 pm
This one is for Cool.  >:(

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: on 03/30/16 at 12:12 pm

This one is for Cool too.  >:(


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: JordanK1982 on 03/31/16 at 4:51 am
This one is for Cool.  >:(

We're dedicating songs to Cool? Neat!


I dedicate this to Cool. >:( I hate Papa Roach and Yo-Yo Rap Metal so a crappy song is all he gets.

"Danger, danger
I slay snakes like a ranger
Military style fears God, not a stranger
Now tell me whose crew slicker? Mine's sicker"

(Those lyrics make no sense but whatever. I am slicker, homie.)

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: meesa on 03/31/16 at 7:16 am

Cleaned this thread up; it is a dedicate-a-song thread and we need to keep it like that.

Keep dedicating guys!

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: Howard on 03/31/16 at 2:58 pm

Cleaned this thread up; it is a dedicate-a-song thread and we need to keep it like that.

Keep dedicating guys!

Sorry Meesa. :(

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: meesa on 03/31/16 at 3:35 pm

Sorry Meesa. :(

No worries Howard, everything's all good. :)

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: humaeast on 06/03/16 at 3:51 pm

"Everybody Wants to Rule the World" to Leigh Daniel Avidan

"Cake by the Ocean" to TOM from Toonami

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: violet_shy on 06/03/16 at 7:22 pm

How bout to other inthe00s members! Two at a time though.

To Jeffrey:

To Howard:

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: aja675 on 07/24/16 at 5:26 am


I know this song is about death, but I have my own personal meaning for this: this song for me represents the hope of mine that my real, happy self will come back to me.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: aja675 on 07/26/16 at 1:27 am


I could relate to the lyrics of this song.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: violet_shy on 07/27/16 at 1:25 pm

Because I'm sleeeeeepy...and I love this song.


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: Looney Toon on 07/27/16 at 3:02 pm


I feel like I'm in a disco party ready to amp it up to some rhythmic beat. Just sit on back and enjoy yourself. Although I tend to be a very upbeat person in a lot of situations. 

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 08/10/16 at 12:49 am


This song really describes how I feel about the same people I have ranted about in the "2016 is schizophrenic'' thread and in the earlier posts of this thread.

"And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me"

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 08/20/16 at 9:20 am


I may look spoiled, and materially, I may be, but the last time I ever experienced social approval was when today's grade schoolers were babies.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 08/23/16 at 12:41 pm

For Gord Downie. 

Courage my word
It didn't come it doesn't matter
Courage your word
It didn't come it doesn't matter
Courage my word
It didn't come it doesn't matter
Courage it couldn't come at a worse time


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 09/09/16 at 9:13 am


"And while you go on living your life, I'm still stuck here, living in your words.''
I dedicate this song to my frenemies of four years who had fights with me over the most trivial things.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 09/18/16 at 1:05 am

Hz8oA39OYw0 Someday, you'll realize what you're missing.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 10/14/16 at 6:12 am


I dedicate this song to anyone who has ever underestimated my worth.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 10/25/16 at 4:10 am


I dedicate this song to all the negative vibes in the world. I want to be released from them, but they're so addictive, and to quote the song, "I know it's wrong, so why do I keep coming back?"

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 10/28/16 at 4:38 am


"Ever since the day you went away and left me lonely and cold
My life just hasn't been the same ohh baby, nooo"

I think that describes how I feel about some personal traumas.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: aja675 on 02/01/17 at 4:47 am


I know this song is about death, but I have my own personal meaning for this: this song for me represents the hope of mine that my real, happy self will come back to me.

A song I connect to the same situation, and one which actually is canonically about this kind of thing: yvFEjM46xZE

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 02/03/17 at 12:03 am


How I often feel about my childhood. I do indeed wish I was back in the day.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 02/04/17 at 1:03 pm

For Donald Trump


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: nally on 02/04/17 at 2:14 pm

How bout to other inthe00s members! Two at a time though.

To Jeffrey:

I had not seen this thread yet, but I really appreciate this post. Thank you so much Jessica Ann! :) 8)

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: nally on 02/04/17 at 2:16 pm

For Donald Trump

I actually don't know this song, but I totally agree with your sentiments here. I will take a listen to it when I have a chance.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 02/05/17 at 11:54 am

I actually don't know this song, but I totally agree with your sentiments here. I will take a listen to it when I have a chance.

They were/still are a Canadian band that didn't make it in the U.S.  :)

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: nally on 02/05/17 at 6:17 pm

They were/still are a Canadian band that didn't make it in the U.S.  :)

thanks for your info. O0

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: TheKid99 on 02/07/17 at 12:09 pm

I posted this in the Pop Punk thread and thought it was appropriate here as well...

Im going to share this memory I have of late last year...

I dedicate this song to my former best friend.... the one for better or worse... changed who I am by introducing me to the best genre of music ever, pop punk.

Without him in my life, I feel alone every day.... and I think back to better times....

I wonder what is going on, but all I can do is look back.

I remember October 7th - October 8th, 2016. This was the first song I listened to in the car... at 2:00 am... after the best amusment park visit I had ever had. For two and a half hours, all I did was talk with him.... that is all we did.... and I think back to that... and I just.... want to relive it I guess... think of anything you could talk about.... nothing was too bad... too cringy.... too horrible.... to awful.... to judgmental.... too calloused... or too stupid to talk about. Philosophies and what I thought of my then budding interest into the fantastic genre of pop punk.

That day in a very long email he had told me about Senses Fail... his favorite pop punk band. He set up his playlist to introduce me to it... which I was looking forward to...

In the car... he turned on the playlist..... in the process.... we got lost.... but this song was playing.... with lyrics and music so powerful that it shut us up... and we just let the music enfold us...

Late nights in the car.... 2:00 am.... with nothing else to do but let the music enfold you. We drove around for an hour.... before finally arriving at my house at 2:50 am... little did I know just how much I would miss this day.

Even then... i teared up with this song.... and yet... he didnt judge me one bit... the music is the judge of who you really are... and I think back to the lyrics, and the song, and just how great I felt that night... and I just internally cry inside.

I was so perfectly copacetic in late 2016.... but that is now gone....

Now the song wasnt pop punk.... it was more hardcore.... but it helped ease in to the less hardcore early Senses Fail.

The first Senses Fail song I heard that was just this masterpiece introduction.... was this below....
"My Fear Of An Unlived Life"

We all struggle to breathe sometimes
We all just want to feel alive

I just get so damn scared at night
That I won't be the person who I should

This life is so fragile, we can break in two
We can face the truth with grace and choose to lose our hardened views

One day I will be gone
But all the things that I have done will remain
They will remain
My actions remain
My actions remain

There is nothing sadder than an unlived life
You cannot run from the things you hide
You must turn and face the fear inside
There is nothing sadder than an unlived life

We are all longing for compassion
We are all longing for acceptance
There is nothing that shows more strength
Than meeting pain with compassion
Because we all have wounded hearts
We are just as blind in the dark
And we all quiver in fear
When the ones we love disappear

But the love they gave us, it stays here
But the love they showed us, it stays here
But the love they gave us, it stays here

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 03/17/17 at 10:26 pm

EoMqALaIgNQ This is the soundtrack that plays in my head when I find someone hot.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 03/18/17 at 1:21 am

It just takes some time
little girl you're in the middle
of the ride
everything, everything
will be just fine
everything, everything
will be alright, alright.


Dedicated to everybody who thought that I was the token "weird" kid.  F|_|ck you! I don't care anymore.  :P :P :P :P

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 04/07/17 at 12:44 am


My meaning for these songs is that I don't want a-holes in my life like the ones in my life from 13-19.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 06/03/17 at 6:06 am


Two personal meanings for this song:

1. I get too nervous when people claim to be enjoying my friendship but I feel like they're too dudebro/The Plastics-y. Like, they make me wonder if they'd make fun of me if they stuck around long enough.
2. When people compliment me in a gushy enough manner, they make me go all, "Weh?* Am I really all that special?'', and they make me all anxious even though it's supposedly a good thing to be complimented. I guess I'm just used to being in my bubble of negativity.

*Something in between "Lolwut?'' and "Really?''

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: nally on 06/04/17 at 10:19 pm

Britney Spears Sometimes

Two personal meanings for this song:

1. I get too nervous when people claim to be enjoying my friendship but I feel like they're too dudebro/The Plastics-y. Like, they make me wonder if they'd make fun of me if they stuck around long enough.
2. When people compliment me in a gushy enough manner, they make me go all, "Weh?* Am I really all that special?'', and they make me all anxious even though it's supposedly a good thing to be complimented. I guess I'm just used to being in my bubble of negativity.

*Something in between "Lolwut?'' and "Really?''

This is one song of hers that I actually like. O0

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: annimal on 06/04/17 at 10:34 pm

Have to find that You're screwing Yourself parody I wrote.    What has maid you such an angry fool mom?  I wont let you put the blame on me

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: annimal on 06/05/17 at 12:47 pm

Screwing Yourself is here

I know something else I thought of in the past was 

You should have changed your evil ways  mommy
Because I've stopped lovin you

enough of that, I feel much better now 

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 06/05/17 at 3:18 pm


For Gordon Deppe and Rob Preuss thanks for accepting me on Facebook.  :)  Here's hoping that Sandy Horne and Derrick Ross will follow suit.  :)

EDIT: Sandy Horne just accepted my friend request.  That just leaves Derrick Ross, the band's former drummer, to accept my friend request and that will that.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: nally on 06/14/17 at 1:53 pm

For Donald Trump

My turn... also for him: "We're Not Gonna Take It" - Twisted Sister.
Happy birthday Mr Trump, this song is for you!

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 06/15/17 at 6:04 am

BTW, here's a song that reminds me of my younger self because it's about a grotsky little byotch who doesn't learn, lives in a fantasy, messes around without thinking twice, and wears a disguise.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: annimal on 06/15/17 at 1:28 pm

a dream is a wish your heart makes

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone

Written By: aja675 on 08/07/17 at 11:11 pm


I dedicate this song to some axxxxxxx I know in real life. They say I’m a sxxx and that I’m good at useless things but bad at my studies, and that I’m the boy with the worst attention span and they’re the people who put up with that.
s8QYxmpuyxg How I feel about these people not turning out to be what I thought they were.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: annimal on 08/08/17 at 1:10 pm

the beat goes on,  the  beat goes on 

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 08/09/17 at 1:40 am

For Johnnie Dee, from Honeymoon Suite, because he accepted my friend request.  :D


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 09/19/17 at 6:03 am

mcF5wl2PlmU This song reminds me of my old habit of keeping unpleasant information in the back of my mind, or shall I say, the sunken place. It was only when I realized I had alienated so many people that all the lying to myself was not worth it: because I was doing it to please other people, and that's not what I wound up doing.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 11/27/17 at 12:48 am

Another one for the south of the border clown.


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: Rosequartz2000 on 01/06/18 at 6:37 pm

"Even Flow" by Pearl Jam to my neighbor Elizabeth Langhorne... 1977-2003

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: nally on 01/06/18 at 9:21 pm

"Even Flow" by Pearl Jam to my neighbor Elizabeth Langhorne... 1977-2003

Sorry your neighbor died so young :\'(

Someday I'm going to also do this; that is post a song for friend(s) of mine who died too early. I have a couple ideas in mind.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: Rosequartz2000 on 01/06/18 at 10:28 pm

Sorry your neighbor died so young :\'(

Someday I'm going to also do this; that is post a song for friend(s) of mine who died too early. I have a couple ideas in mind.

Yeah. She died in her sleep from a stroke. She gave me so much memories as we hung out together. She was my best friend. That's why so many of my posts mention her!

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: Howard on 01/07/18 at 7:39 am

"Even Flow" by Pearl Jam to my neighbor Elizabeth Langhorne... 1977-2003

sorry about your neighbor.  :\'(

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 01/21/18 at 5:49 am


Because I wish I were whole again.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 01/24/18 at 11:04 pm

National Singles Awareness Day, aka Valentine's Day, is coming up soon and I hate this day with a passion because I spend so much time being single.  Another Hallmark Holliday cooked up to sell chocolates, flowers, and greeting cards.

Maybe I'm just too bitter for my own good


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: Foo Bar on 02/11/18 at 11:01 pm

Maybe I'm just too bitter for my own good

I've got a fistful of money, I'm high at risk,
There's plenty of ways I couldn't resist,
Six billion souls and one urge to live,
I've got a fistful of money and nothing to give.


That's all.

You know you're old when the song has lyrics like "six billion souls" instead of seven and a half billion, but whatever.  Here's a little more moral support from even deeper in the backcatalogue:

No more love and no more hate.


No more feelings, never again.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 04/18/18 at 9:22 am


"Since the first time, I've already admired you
I won't deny your appeal is so strong
But I was surprised by your attitude
Oh well, maybe it was just that
You weren't in the mood
That's why I just let it pass so there won't be any trouble
Oh but why are you so snobbish?

Why are you so antipathetic?
What really is your problem?
Oh so mysterious, I can't read you clearly
But I'll admit I have fallen for you
Let's be honest with each other, oh Mr. Antipathetic"

Because one of my Internet haters is actually pretty quiche. I know that sheesh is just as simple as him not liking my guts, but I like making fan fiction in my head about he's secretly in love with me.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 04/27/18 at 1:18 am


This song reminds me of my sheer inability to leave another forum despite wanting to ragequit all the time. :D

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 04/27/18 at 9:08 am


"An unrequited love, from a safe distance. This feeling is just a sweet ache I can live with. Of course there are wishes that can’t come true. I’ve gotten used to that pain."

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: violet_shy on 04/27/18 at 1:22 pm

I'm dedicating "Blue Sky" by Hanson to anyone who is having a bad day or just feels that life is unfair sometimes. Also to my sister because Hanson is her all time favorite band.


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 04/27/18 at 3:31 pm

Someday by Glass Tiger because I think they're going to be at Rock The Plaza in Windsor this August.  I just have to confirm that Alan and the boys will be there.


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 04/29/18 at 6:07 pm


"An unrequited love, from a safe distance. This feeling is just a sweet ache I can live with. Of course there are wishes that can’t come true. I’ve gotten used to that pain."
BiQIc7fG9pA ...fudge me gently with a chainsaw, this isn't a safe distance anymore.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 05/07/18 at 6:18 am

I know I'm totally crossing an ocean for someone who won't even cross a puddle for me, but I'm willing to wait for my hiatus on another forum to end.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 05/15/18 at 7:31 am


I think it's bare hilare how little I could relate to a song. Like, after every line of this song, I wanna scream "NOT! WHAT A (I_am_a_loser_who_has_no_respect_for_women)! SAD!" :D

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 05/16/18 at 7:15 pm

Richard Page From Mr. Mister will be at Rock The Park in London, Ontario at Harris Park.


Also appearing...


Cyndi Lauper


Howard Jones


Bret Michaels


Platinum Blonde


Flock of Seagulls


Men Without Hats

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 06/06/18 at 8:26 am

I must be the only person in the world to listen to this song for the lyrics.  :D

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: nally on 06/14/18 at 5:51 pm

And now, one year later, I'm STILL going to personally dedicate this song to Mr Trump on his birthday:

My turn... also for him: "We're Not Gonna Take It" - Twisted Sister.
Happy birthday Mr Trump, this song is for you!


Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 07/30/18 at 6:23 am


"Unfair .. unreal
I wanna turn my heart into cold steel
that'd be one way
to unlove you
That I can't erase you from my mind
That'd be another way
To unlove you"

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 07/31/18 at 12:14 am


If I could give Doug Ford a middle finger for my hometown of Toronto I would do it!

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 08/08/18 at 6:26 am


I think of this song as like, a letter from my future self to my current self because (hopefully) I would have less crap taste by then.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 09/02/18 at 9:37 pm


"My name is not Steven
He's got nothing on me." :P

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 10/16/18 at 10:18 pm

qzi-mu3Vqlo Exactly the music video I was pretending to be in when I was in Petite France in Seoul.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 11/08/18 at 5:39 am

qzi-mu3Vqlo Exactly the music video I was pretending to be in when I was in Petite France in Seoul.
Also one song I connect with that tag scandal.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 11/25/18 at 6:06 am


'Cause sometimes, it really makes you skeptical when people claim to have changed, even when the talk of the town is supporting the person's claims. After all, is it possible for someone to change that quick?

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 12/26/18 at 7:36 am


My own modified version:

"You say good morning
When it's afternoon
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your midnight
It's drivin' me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jet lagged"

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 01/10/19 at 4:04 am

Because a certain person from a certain forum has not posted there for days.

"Here I am so alone
And there's nothing in this world I can do
Until you're back here baby
Miss you want you need you so
Until you're back here baby
There's a feeling inside
I want you to know
You are the one and I can't
Let you go  :-*"

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 01/11/19 at 12:56 am


Is it strange for me to miss somebody that I've never even met in real life?

Well, Kenny MacLean's birthday was January 9, and I forgot to post this video of the tribute concert that his family and friends put on at the Mod Club in Toronto.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 01/11/19 at 2:47 am


Is it strange for me to miss somebody that I've never even met in real life?

Well, Kenny MacLean's birthday was January 9, and I forgot to post this video of the tribute concert that his family and friends put on at the Mod Club in Toronto.
God knows you could. Just look at my post above.  :-*

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: violet_shy on 01/11/19 at 8:03 pm


I am having a rough time in my life right now. So I always say "C'est la vie".

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: humaeast on 01/13/19 at 9:37 am

If we're doing inthe00s users I could give "Seven Years Old" by Lukas Graham to YuYuYuuki. She was actually just an alter ego of mine. "Go make some new friends or you'll be lonely" Because I was lonely, Yuuki was born since I wanted people like me who experienced the time periods I wanted to. I noticed people were sad when I killed her off, which made me sad too; but unlike real people, imaginary friends can be revived. I've currently sought out real online friends like me so I can get real life friends too.

"Boogie Oogie Oogie" by A Taste of Honey to Cyborg from DC Comics, my current fictional character crush. Because of him, I have a crush on an actor named Ucal Shillingford who played a black superhero in a Mucinex commercial I saw during George Lopez; Ucal's character reminded me of Cyborg.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 01/13/19 at 9:57 am

Because a certain person from a certain forum has not posted there for days.

"Here I am so alone
And there's nothing in this world I can do
Until you're back here baby
Miss you want you need you so
Until you're back here baby
There's a feeling inside
I want you to know
You are the one and I can't
Let you go  :-*"
None since December 31.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: humaeast on 05/04/19 at 4:04 pm


To my current fictional crush, Black Vulcan of the Super Friends.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: nally on 06/14/19 at 10:44 am

My turn... also for him: "We're Not Gonna Take It" - Twisted Sister.
Happy birthday Mr Trump, this song is for you!

And now, for the third straight year, I am dedicating this song to him.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: annimal on 06/14/20 at 10:55 am

good morning good morning I'm fine how are you?

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: nally on 06/14/20 at 10:59 am

^ That post seems rather inappropriate for this thread, Ann.


My turn... also for him: "We're Not Gonna Take It" - Twisted Sister.
Happy birthday Mr Trump, this song is for you!

And now, for the third straight year, I am dedicating this song to him.

Once again, this song is dedicated to him. Even more than ever this time. (Hopefully this'll be the last time I'll have to do it on his birthday.)

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 06/14/20 at 1:51 pm

God knows you could. Just look at my post above.  :-*

Is there a reason why you're snapping at me? Especially when I'm trying to steer the post back on topic?  ??? ??? ??? ???

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 06/14/20 at 5:59 pm

Is there a reason why you're snapping at me? Especially when I'm trying to steer the post back on topic?  ??? ??? ??? ???
But I was just saying I could relate to your post.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 06/15/20 at 11:34 pm

But I was just saying I could relate to your post.

Oh, okay! I thought that you were upset about something that I said?

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 03/27/21 at 2:44 am

UUTRTNGS9dk My own personal meaning of this song: this is about the 10,000 promises that this country gave to me during my sheltered private school childhood. (Actually, I'm tempted now to put out a self-hate playlist, because I would have lots of songs for it.)

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 10/01/21 at 4:49 am


''Get me outta here
'Cuz my eyes are burning
From these silly tears
That you brought when you show me you don't really care
And you never loved me, someone get me outta this place
Right now

It's so amazing how you have so many faces
And you are not that person I thought that
I had fell so deep in love with

You changed up your makeup your DNA
I can't recognize you're a stranger to me
I feel so betrayed what a waste of my heart and me''

Personal meaning: from someone from a class-oriented society and who lived in a bubble all my childhood, I was dumb enough to confuse it with reality, and when it turned out it wasn't what things really were like, I couldn't deal with it, and it almost feels like this country changed its makeup and DNA, when in reality, it was always the way it was and I was just not paying attention.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: on 10/02/21 at 4:37 am


This is for everybody who thinks that you won't amount to much of anything.  I'm smart enough not to listen to people who think that I won't make it in the world.  In the words of Mama RuPaul Charles YOU'D BETTER WORK! And that's exactly what I want to do.

Subject: Re: Dedicate a song to someone or post a song that describes how you feel

Written By: aja675 on 02/25/25 at 5:34 am


''Sometimes goodbye
Though it hurts in your heart
Is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye
Though it hurts
Is the only way now for you and me
Though it's the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye
Oh, don't you cry
'Cause true love never dies'' My song for this forum.

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