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Subject: The song "Look What You've Done To Me" by Boz Scaggs
Written By: Miss Nostalgia on 02/17/13 at 8:13 pm
What year did that song come out?
Subject: Re: The song "Look What You've Done To Me" by Boz Scaggs
Written By: amjikloviet on 02/17/13 at 8:45 pm
Well, on Wikipedia it says the song came out in 1980.
Subject: Re: The song "Look What You've Done To Me" by Boz Scaggs
Written By: meesa on 02/17/13 at 8:58 pm
sounds correct, it was on the Urban Cowboy Soundtrack.
Subject: Re: The song "Look What You've Done To Me" by Boz Scaggs
Written By: warped on 02/18/13 at 6:41 am
1980 is the right year. Late 1980 on the charts.
Subject: Re: The song "Look What You've Done To Me" by Boz Scaggs
Written By: Howard on 02/18/13 at 7:37 pm
Such a fantastic song, such a calm and peaceful one, always loved Boz Scaggs. :)
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