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Subject: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 02/07/13 at 5:54 pm
For me it was probably Gerald Ford. Nixon resigned when I was 3 so I don't remember him.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: warped on 02/07/13 at 6:11 pm
For my own country that would be Lester B Pearson.
For the USA? 1st term Nixon. I don't really remember Johnson. But I should remember Johnson because I remember when RFK was killed. And LBJ was President at that time.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/07/13 at 6:14 pm
Ford. I'm sure I saw Nixon, but I was too young to recognize him.
The first President I remember watching speak on TV was Jimmeh Cawtah.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: snozberries on 02/07/13 at 6:25 pm
I think it was Ford for me...
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Bobby on 02/07/13 at 7:37 pm
It was Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thatcher for me.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: whistledog on 02/07/13 at 7:47 pm
For me, it was Pierre Trudeau (Canada) and Ronald Reagan (USA)
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: warped on 02/07/13 at 7:52 pm
For me, it was Pierre Trudeau (Canada) and Ronald Reagan (USA)
Trudeau was leader from 1968 till 1984 (except for a few months in 1979-80), If this were a CDN baord, most people would put Trudeau as first leader they ever saw.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: nally on 02/07/13 at 8:02 pm
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: ninny on 02/07/13 at 8:09 pm
JFK and I was 3.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/07/13 at 8:53 pm
I remember seeing and hearing Richard Nixon addressing the astronauts on the moon landing.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Dagwood on 02/07/13 at 9:52 pm
Probably Carter. I am sure I saw Ford but I was still pretty young and didn't care. ;D
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/07/13 at 9:57 pm
Trudeau was leader from 1968 till 1984 (except for a few months in 1979-80), If this were a CDN baord, most people would put Trudeau as first leader they ever saw.
I used to get him mixed up with the Doonesbury guy!
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Paul on 02/08/13 at 4:08 am
Most probably Ford, but he was a bit of a non-entity in any case, so I probably wouldn't have been aware of who he was anyway...
First one I was actually aware of was Carter...mercilessly lampooned at every turn with that grin of his!
Over here...Ted Heath (saints preserve us!)
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: warped on 02/08/13 at 6:00 am
I used to get him mixed up with the Doonesbury guy!
And when Trudeau became old, he looked like Mr. Burns (Simpsons)
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Howard on 02/08/13 at 7:05 am
Ronald Reagan
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/08/13 at 8:48 am
Nixon. I do remember when Johnson died and I remember some people on t.v. talking about him but didn't remember him. I was alive when JFK was shot but I was WAY too young to remember.
My sister had a friend who used to "do" Nixon. She would say, "I am President Nixon." She would make the peace sign on both of her hands-the index & middle fingers in a V shape and say, "Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace." She would go on, "I would like to stop the war." Again with the fingers "Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace."
This would always crack us up. Remember, she was probably only about 9 or so-maybe younger when she was doing this.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: meesa on 02/08/13 at 8:53 am
I should remember Gerald Ford, but I don't. I remember Jimmy Carter, mostly because my g'father would rant about him when he came on the tv or radio.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Inertia on 02/08/13 at 8:57 am
I have vague memories of George H. W. Bush being in office.
I remember Bill Clinton better.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: 80sfan on 02/08/13 at 11:22 am
George HW Bush circa 1992.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: snozberries on 02/08/13 at 12:56 pm
I should remember Gerald Ford, but I don't. I remember Jimmy Carter, mostly because my g'father would rant about him when he came on the tv or radio.
I remember carter more than ford because I was more cognizant of what was going on. I remember the election campaign.
I'm sure I've seen Nixon but I don't remember seeing him.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: danootaandme on 02/08/13 at 2:26 pm
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 02/08/13 at 3:01 pm
Unless someone can remember Truman, we have a winner!
Only person here I can think of who might remember Give Em' Hell Harry on TV would be hot_wax.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: warped on 02/08/13 at 3:05 pm
Maybe Don Carlos might remember Truman.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: danootaandme on 02/08/13 at 5:28 pm
Unless someone can remember Truman, we have a winner!
Only person here I can think of who might remember Give Em' Hell Harry on TV would be hot_wax.
I can remember when Senator Kennedy was John Kennedy, and when we thought we wouldn't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/08/13 at 6:58 pm
Maybe Don Carlos might remember Truman.
Don Carlos watched Lincoln's inaugural address. Back then television sets were coal-fired and you had to wind 'em up with a crank!
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Howard on 02/08/13 at 7:47 pm
Abraham Lincoln. :D
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: fusefan on 02/08/13 at 8:26 pm
Bill Clinton
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/08/13 at 8:28 pm
Actually, I think I do remember Harry S om TV, but I'm not sure. I do remember Ike, and Stevenson on TV. There were no debates, but they both were on the tube
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 02/10/13 at 8:38 pm
George HW Bush circa 1992.
Same for me. The first specific memory I have of seeing a president on TV was the first Bush giving his concession speech on the night he lost his re-election bid.
Also, just to add a little tid bit of interesting information, the first president to ever appear on television period was Franklin Roosevelt way back in 1939. The speech in question was given on April 30, 1939 by FDR to mark the opening of the New York World's Fair, and was broadcast on NBC to only about 1,000 viewers.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Starde on 02/12/13 at 10:31 pm
Bill Clinton for me.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/12/13 at 10:53 pm
Actually, I think I do remember Harry S om TV, but I'm not sure. I do remember Ike, and Stevenson on TV. There were no debates, but they both were on the tube
Of course, very, very few people had television when Truman was president.
"I like Ike" was the thing!
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/13/13 at 3:31 am
Abraham Lincoln. :D
Well Steven Spielberg has filmed him recently.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: snozberries on 02/13/13 at 6:25 pm
Well Steven Spielberg has filmed him recently.
they are using his image in Lincoln (the car) commercial here
also I saw a commercial the other day featuring a few dead presidents as a singing group ;D
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Howard on 02/14/13 at 7:22 am
they are using his image in Lincoln (the car) commercial here
also I saw a commercial the other day featuring a few dead presidents as a singing group ;D
were they doing a slow jam?
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: snozberries on 02/14/13 at 11:50 am
were they doing a slow jam?
that's it... it freaking cracks me up!!!!
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Howard on 02/14/13 at 1:39 pm
that's it... it freaking cracks me up!!!!
funny commercial.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Mushroom on 02/14/13 at 4:04 pm
For me it would be LBJ, afre one of the last Apollo launches prior to 11.
Heck, you should see how everybody looks at me cross-eyed when I tell them I have now served under 5 different Presidents, dating back to the first Reagan administration.
And do not forget, President Ford was also lampooned a lot when he was President. Chevy Chase immortalized him in every Saturday Night Live opening sequence.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/13 at 3:54 pm
Gerald Ford.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Zeb on 02/16/13 at 9:23 pm
Papa Bush talking about the first war in Iraq and the L.A. riots as well; I was in the second grade. I have no recollection of Ronald Wilson Reagan in any way shape or form whatsoever. Moreover, I would watch Dana Carvey destroy Bush on SNL. Just out of curiosity who lampooned Reagan on that show in the 80s?
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/17/13 at 7:45 am
Papa Bush talking about the first war in Iraq and the L.A. riots as well; I was in the second grade. I have no recollection of Ronald Wilson Reagan in any way shape or form whatsoever. Moreover, I would watch Dana Carvey destroy Bush on SNL. Just out of curiosity who lampooned Reagan on that show in the 80s?
Joe Piscopo, Phil Hartman, and even Randy Quaid.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Starde on 02/18/13 at 9:17 pm
were they doing a slow jam?
Oh my God! ;D ;D ;D They should've aired this during the Super Bowl!
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: af2010 on 02/21/13 at 6:26 pm
I remember Bush Sr being president, but I don't really have a specific memory of seeing him on TV.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: nally on 04/28/24 at 2:08 pm
Papa Bush talking about the first war in Iraq and the L.A. riots as well; I was in the second grade. I have no recollection of Ronald Wilson Reagan in any way shape or form whatsoever. Moreover, I would watch Dana Carvey destroy Bush on SNL. Just out of curiosity who lampooned Reagan on that show in the 80s?
I think the late Phil Hartman impersonated President Reagan a few times.
Subject: Re: Who is the first president you can remember seeing on TV?
Written By: Howard on 04/28/24 at 3:00 pm
Ronald Reagan
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