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Subject: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: Spiral13 on 01/05/13 at 6:12 pm

You know what I mean, there will have been people over the past week still writing 2012 on documents/the reality of it being a new year wouldn't have really sunk in immediatley. How long does it normally take to sink in when it's a new year?

Subject: Re: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: Inlandsvägen1986 on 01/05/13 at 6:38 pm

I'd say about 10 days but it lasts probably until February until it's really normal to me. 2013 still sounds kind of weird to me - somehow very futuristic.

Since I like discussing years or decades and their pop culture, it nearly never happens that I write the old year on papers etc. However I am doing the mistake sometimes with the months for some reason...

Subject: Re: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/05/13 at 7:14 pm

By early March is when I'm 100% feeling a new year!

Subject: Re: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: Howard on 01/05/13 at 7:37 pm

Probably for me a couple of weeks.

Subject: Re: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/05/13 at 8:23 pm

Valentine's Day or thereabouts. 

Subject: Re: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: Mat1991 on 01/06/13 at 2:08 am

I'd say about 10 days but it lasts probably until February until it's really normal to me. 2013 still sounds kind of weird to me - somehow very futuristic.

I remember feeling that "2011" sounded futuristic to me at the end of 2010.  :D

Subject: Re: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/06/13 at 3:12 am

January 2nd, for after a heavy night of wine and song, you know for sure that it is the New Year!

Subject: Re: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: Inlandsvägen1986 on 01/06/13 at 3:59 am

I remember feeling that "2011" sounded futuristic to me at the end of 2010.  :D

When I was playing Grand Theft Auto II in the early 2000s, I have read somewhere that the story was supposed to be set in 2013 (however not officially). It sounded like far future to me and the cars and some content of the story looked indeed futuristic... and now we're in that year.  8)

Subject: Re: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: belmont22 on 01/06/13 at 5:06 am

When I was playing Grand Theft Auto II in the early 2000s, I have read somewhere that the story was supposed to be set in 2013 (however not officially). It sounded like far future to me and the cars and some content of the story looked indeed futuristic... and now we're in that year.  8)

Cars of today indeed look futuristic in my opinion. I'm actually still used to the boxy cars of the 80s or the slightly rounded cars of the 90s, because they were the norm as late as 2004-05.

A typical 80's car is like this:

A typical 90's car is like this:

A typical 2010's car is like this:

Subject: Re: How long does it take you to get used to it being a new year?

Written By: belmont22 on 01/06/13 at 5:07 am

Anyway, my birthday is on the 16th so I'd say it really feels like the new year by then.  8)

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