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Subject: [Quiz] Christmas Songs
Written By: Dude111 on 08/22/12 at 8:15 am
I got 4 right..
Subject: Re: [Quiz] Christmas Songs
Written By: warped on 08/22/12 at 8:48 am
I only got 8 here.
Subject: Re: [Quiz] Christmas Songs
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/22/12 at 4:56 pm
I got half right. There was one that I was going back and forth with and of course I left it on the wrong answer. :-\\
Subject: Re: [Quiz] Christmas Songs
Written By: mistymented1 on 08/22/12 at 5:45 pm
Congratulations - you have completed Rock and Pop Quiz #4 – Christmas Songs.
You scored 8 out of 20.
Your performance has been rated as 'Average'
Subject: Re: [Quiz] Christmas Songs
Written By: loki 13 on 08/22/12 at 5:55 pm
You scored 18 out of 20.
Your performance has been rated as 'Excellent'
I can't say it was all knowledge, I knew a little more than half the answers and guessed the rest. I just guessed
the answers I've never heard before and turns out most were right.
Subject: Re: [Quiz] Christmas Songs
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/22/12 at 6:29 pm
You scored 18 out of 20.
Your performance has been rated as 'Excellent'
I can't say it was all knowledge, I knew a little more than half the answers and guessed the rest. I just guessed
the answers I've never heard before and turns out most were right.
Way cool. Either knowing or guessing-the results are the same. Congrats.
Subject: Re: [Quiz] Christmas Songs
Written By: gibbo on 08/23/12 at 12:49 am
pretty woeful... :-\\
You scored 9 out of 20.
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