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Subject: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: JamieMcBain on 01/29/10 at 11:20 pm

Some that I remember are:

Romeo and Juliet

The Outsders

Flowers For Algernon


The Pigman

The Last Canadian


What books did you have to read in high school?

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Frank on 01/30/10 at 2:25 am

Some that I remember are:

Romeo and Juliet

The Outsders

Flowers For Algernon


The Pigman

The Last Canadian


What books did you have to read in high school?

Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, Julius Caesar, King Lear, and a bunch of French books by Moliere  and other French authors

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Christie Marie M on 01/30/10 at 4:12 pm

Some I remember are:

Island Of The Blue Dolphins

The Catcher In The Rye

Bridge To Terabithia


From The Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

West Side Story

The Crucible

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Bobby on 01/30/10 at 7:34 pm

From what I can remember...

Lord of the Flies - William Golding
Macbeth - William Shakespeare
Hamlet - William Shakespeare
King Lear - William Shakespeare
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy
The Miller's Tale (from The Canterbury Tales) - Geoffrey Chaucer
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte

George Orwell influenced me the most with Animal Farm and 1984.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: loki 13 on 01/30/10 at 7:59 pm

In High School, the English courses I needed to take didn't require much reading assignments. The only books
I had to read were:

The Ox-Bow Incident...Walter Van Tilburg Clark

The Most Dangerous Game....Richard Connelly (Short Story)

Animal Farm...George Orwell

The Lottery...Shirley Jackson (Short Story)

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: whistledog on 01/30/10 at 8:24 pm

Flowers for Algernon

Go Boy!

Animal Farm


Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/01/10 at 9:16 pm

The Most Dangerous Game....Richard Connelly (Short Story)

Animal Farm...George Orwell

The Lottery...Shirley Jackson

Also had to read those too!

Ditto, Watership Down as well.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: danootaandme on 02/02/10 at 11:46 am

Red Badge of Courage - Steven Crane

The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Moby Dick/Billy Budd - Herman Melville

The Odyssey - Homer(may have been Junior High)

That's about all I can remember. 

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/02/10 at 1:52 pm

Romeo & Juliet
The Pigman
The Lottery
Spoon River Anthology
The Jungle
The Prince (never could get past the first page of this book)

I know there were more but I just can't think of them right now.


Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: danootaandme on 02/03/10 at 10:19 am

It was the books out of school that I read that I remember best.  The authors I didn't get in school,  the Russians-Gorky, Turgenev, Yevtushenko, the French-Gide, Camus, Sartre, deBeauvoir, -the Americans Kerouac, Steinbeck, Faulkner - the English-Wilde, Hardy, Lawrence, to name a few.  Many of these authors were banned in the classroom, if not the country(D.H. Lawrence).  There were a few teachers who would hint at authors who might be interesting to those they knew were readers.  They could only hint, though.  The possibility of being fired for suggesting books thought to be outside of the norm is still a real threat.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: silhouette on 03/18/10 at 12:06 am

Romeo and Juliet, The Outsiders, Flowers For Algernon, and the dreaded Jon Steinbeck novels. Not a huge fan of Steinbeck.  ;) The Red Pony and The Pearl, specifically.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: danootaandme on 03/18/10 at 6:58 am

Romeo and Juliet, The Outsiders, Flowers For Algernon, and the dreaded Jon Steinbeck novels. Not a huge fan of Steinbeck.  ;) The Red Pony and The Pearl, specifically.

Put them aside and read Of Mice and Men or Cannery Row.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: topforty on 03/18/10 at 10:30 pm

Romeo and Juliet

Black Like Me

sections of Roots

Caravans, the last book I read in high school, senioritis set in and I never finished it.  Freshman year in college, it was the first book I had to read for a lit course.  Still never finished it there either.

Silas Marner (The song "Music Box Dancer" goes hand in hand with this book as it was a hit when we read it and it seems the song would have fit into the era in which the story took place)

Gone With The Wind   

There has to be more but they escape me right now as I get muddled up these days as to what I may have read in high school, college or on my own, but those I definitely recall as assigned reading in high school.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Fairee07 on 03/18/10 at 11:03 pm

In highschool (from what I remeber):  Julius Caesar, Field of Dreams, Taming of the Shrew, Lord of the Flies, Romeo and Juliet, Heart of Darkness, King Lear, greek mythology, and short stories...

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: nupur on 03/19/10 at 12:37 pm

Too many!  :D

Twelfth Night...................................Shakespeare
King Lear..........................................Shakespeare
A Separate Peace..............................John Knowles
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?................Peter Hedges
The Catcher in the Rye.......................JD Salinger
Ellen Foster.......................................Kaye Gibbons
The Crucible.......................................Arthur Miller
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn......Mark Twain
Their Eyes Were Watching God.............Zora Neale Hurston
The Great Gatsby................................F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sophie's Choice...................................William Styron
Invitation to a Beheading......................Vladimir Nabokov
All the Pretty Horses.............................Cormac McCarthy

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Fairee07 on 03/19/10 at 12:44 pm

Too many!  :D

Twelfth Night...................................Shakespeare
King Lear..........................................Shakespeare
A Separate Peace..............................John Knowles
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?................Peter Hedges
The Catcher in the Rye.......................JD Salinger
Ellen Foster.......................................Kaye Gibbons
The Crucible.......................................Arthur Miller
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn......Mark Twain
Their Eyes Were Watching God.............Zora Neale Hurston
The Great Gatsby................................F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sophie's Choice...................................William Styron
Invitation to a Beheading......................Vladimir Nabokov
All the Pretty Horses.............................Cormac McCarthy

Macbeth----that's what I read in grade 12 English! I couldn't remember that last night. Thanks for listing it.

Oh, and it was "Shoeless Joes" I read and "Field of Dreams" that I watched in grade 10 English!

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: belladonna on 04/01/10 at 1:59 am

The Great Gatsby
Fail Safe
Romeo and Juliet
The Old Man and the Sea - ugh!  hated this with a white hot passion
Animal Farm
The Crucible
Lord of the Flies
Of Mice and Men
Spoon River Anthology
The Jungle - really liked this one to my surprise
and as some others mentioned the short story, The Lottery.  Great story and a surprising choice by my very tightly wound teacher.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: nupur on 04/01/10 at 10:23 am

The Great Gatsby
Fail Safe
Romeo and Juliet
The Old Man and the Sea - ugh!  hated this with a white hot passion
Animal Farm
The Crucible
Lord of the Flies
Of Mice and Men
Spoon River Anthology
The Jungle - really liked this one to my surprise
and as some others mentioned the short story, The Lottery.  Great story and a surprising choice by my very tightly wound teacher.

Really? I think this was a summer reading book I had to read before my 8th grade year. Admittedly, the plot moved along a bit slowly. I haven't read it since then, but I remember really liking how Hemingway concluded it.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: belladonna on 04/02/10 at 12:50 am

Really? I think this was a summer reading book I had to read before my 8th grade year. Admittedly, the plot moved along a bit slowly. I haven't read it since then, but I remember really liking how Hemingway concluded it.

Yep, hated it!  The only thing I haven't wiped from my memory of it, is a line that goes something along the lines of;  "And he stood up and peed over the side of the boat."  Don't know why that stuck and wish it hadn't.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: nupur on 04/02/10 at 12:11 pm

Yep, hated it!  The only thing I haven't wiped from my memory of it, is a line that goes something along the lines of;  "And he stood up and peed over the side of the boat."  Don't know why that stuck and wish it hadn't.

;D That's an awful image to have stuck with you! The main thing that the book left with me was the picture of the marlin's skeleton once the old man made it back to shore. I liked how there was a mix of a sense of accomplishment and loss at the same time.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/03/10 at 12:58 am

I remember getting assigned to read "Old Yeller."  I couldn't believe they would assign such an unbelievable piece of crap book at school.  I also read "Go Ask Alice" in eighth grade.  They assign that one at the same time as they assigned "The Diary of Ann Frank."  Yeah, a real Jewish 15-year old girl getting killed in Nazi pogrom was given some weird parity with a conjured Mormon 15-year-old hippie chick gets effed up on drugs.  Always thought that was in bad taste!

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: silhouette on 04/05/10 at 6:33 pm

I hated Go Ask Alice. I know what you mean, Maxwell.

I loved The Great Gatsby though. Hated The Red Pony with a passion.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/12/10 at 11:54 pm

Voltaire: Candide

Memorable for me because of some objectionable remark I made about James the Anabaptist and the wine-drunk prof called me a "f**king idiot" and I wanted Voltaire to rise from the grave and bitch-slap the little snob.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: lola669 on 04/13/10 at 7:16 am

The Scarlet Letter  8-P

Waiting for Godot

The Metamorphosis

Of Mice and Men

Silas Marner  8-P

The Stranger

Romeo and Juliette

These are the ones I can remember, I'm sure there are more.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Frank on 04/13/10 at 11:58 am

Voltaire: Candide

Memorable for me because of some objectionable remark I made about James the Anabaptist and the wine-drunk prof called me a "f**king idiot" and I wanted Voltaire to rise from the grave and bitch-slap the little snob.

I had to read that too, others by Voltaire, Moliere.
I'm happy as long as I don't have to read anymore Shakespeare. I'd rather go for a 2 hour walk in -20 degree temp than read his stuff.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Fairee07 on 04/13/10 at 9:42 pm

The Scarlet Letter   8-P

Waiting for Godot

The Metamorphosis

Of Mice and Men

Silas Marner  8-P

The Stranger

Romeo and Juliette

These are the ones I can remember, I'm sure there are more.

Yes, I read Mice and Men as well in the 9th grade. I knew I was missing something!  I also read this story about a South African man who was trying to save his much younger sister. That's all I remember---don't know the title or author...

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Criz on 04/22/10 at 2:02 pm

It's actually really interesting to see what you had to read, seen as you all come from different places. I'm an English teacher and I'm currently teaching 'Catcher In The Rye' to my 16 year old students...

I tend to teach 'Holes' (Louis Sachar), 'Millions' (Frank Cotterill Boyce) and 'The Curious Incident' (Mark Haddon), Much Ado About Nothing, Two Weeks With The Queen and Macbeth to my 11-14 year olds, and then I have taught 'The Hound of The Baskrvilles', 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'Catcher' to the GCSE group that I have at the minute. 

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: danootaandme on 04/25/10 at 5:56 am

The Great Gatsby
Fail Safe
Romeo and Juliet
The Old Man and the Sea - ugh!  hated this with a white hot passion
Animal Farm
The Crucible
Lord of the Flies
Of Mice and Men
Spoon River Anthology
The Jungle - really liked this one to my surprise
and as some others mentioned the short story, The Lottery.  Great story and a surprising choice by my very tightly wound teacher.

The only Hemingway I liked was "The Old Man and the Sea"  I don't get the whole cult of Hemngway at all.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: danootaandme on 04/25/10 at 6:05 am

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

I don't know how I could have forgotten this one.  There was a docudrama on PBS about Rachel Carson and it jogged my memory.  This is a great, great, book especially for high school kids to get them to think of the environment.  It helped spur the movement and brought all kinds of grief on her head from the petrochemical companies who tried to abuse her reputation because she told the truth.  They named a wildlife refuge on the coast of Maine after her.  All her books are very good, very readable, and very enlightening and I would suggest them to anyone.

1941-Under the Sea Wind
1943-Food From the Sea: Fish and Shellfish of New England
1944-Food From the Sea: Fish and Shellfish of the South Atlantic
1951-The Sea Around Us
1955-The Edge of the Sea
1962-Silent Spring
1965-The Sense of Wonder (posthumous)

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/26/10 at 6:12 pm

Robert Heinlein: Stranger in a Strange Land

Mr. Noyes got me all psyched up with Orwell and Huxley, then he threw that piece of garbage at us.  Total let-down!  At least he didn't assign us Ayn Rand!

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: nally on 07/10/17 at 1:29 pm

The Outsiders
Brave New World
Siddhartha name a few.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Henk on 07/10/17 at 2:35 pm

If I remember correctly, we had to read four books, totalling at least 500 pages, from an extensive list of authors for English class. I think I still have that list somewhere...

I distinctively remember having read Perry Mason And The Case Of The Careless Kitten by Erle Stanley Gardner, and Memento Mori by Muriel Spark, but I can't hink of others from the top of my head.

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: violet_shy on 07/10/17 at 2:40 pm

The Outsiders
Romeo and Juliet
A Raisin in the Sun

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Lizardmatum on 07/12/17 at 10:18 am

The Cather in the rye
Romeo and Juliet
How many miles to Babylon
To Kill a Mockingbird

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: John Titor on 12/19/18 at 3:39 pm

Really hard to remember this for some reason  LOL

But for 8th grade 2001-2002
the books were

Lord of the FLies
Johnny Tremain (whatever the book about a guys hand melting into metal for whatever it was)
The Hobbit

In Junior year we read Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: Mat1991 on 12/20/18 at 4:20 am

9th Grade
A Tale of Two Cities
To Kill a Mockingbird
Romeo and Juliet
Ethan Frome

10th Grade
The House on Mango Street (probably my favorite - a book of vignettes about a poor Hispanic girl living in Chicago)
Julius Caesar
A Separate Peace

11th Grade
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Scarlet Letter
The Crucible
Of Mice and Men

12th Grade (dual credit - basically a college course for high school credit  ;D)
The Glass Menagerie

Subject: Re: Books that you had to read in high school/school

Written By: nally on 08/01/23 at 11:37 pm

A Separate Peace

The Crucible
Of Mice and Men

The Glass Menagerie

I definitely remember reading these in my HS English classes. Although I also got to read/study The Glass Menagerie in a college English class as well.

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