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Subject: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Marty McFly on 04/10/09 at 7:26 pm
I always thought if you didn't know about the bad or negative stuff of a time, that makes it really seem innocent.
The Gulf War in early 1991 was the first thing like that I was aware of as it happened. I was 9 so I didn't know all the details, but enough to know it was serious, and I recall my parents and people at school discussing it too. I don't think I was fully aware of most things though until the mid 90s, just by seeing more on tv or hearing things from people, even the lives of some kids at school went through.
Even though I love the 90s, that's probably why they'll never seem quite as innocent to me (well '94+ or so anyway). I knew most of the grittier side of it, whereas in the 80s I totally didn't know the bad stuff until later.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Frank on 04/10/09 at 7:30 pm
The assassination of Robert Kennedy. :\'(
I was pretty young and too young to remember Pres. Kennedy's assassination. But when my parents kept saying "They got another one. Hasn't this family suffered enough?"
So I added "What other one? What's happened to this family?" So they explained the story.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: loki 13 on 04/10/09 at 7:31 pm
The war in Viet Nam.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 04/10/09 at 7:36 pm
I'm sure there are others, but the first one that I consciously remember affecting Americans was the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion.
I kinda vaguely remember when Anwar Sadat was assassinated, my social studies teacher made an announcement about it before class, although he had to explain who he was and kind of also explain why it was significant (to a 9 year old.)
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: coqueta83 on 04/10/09 at 7:39 pm
The Challenger explosion and the Chernobyl disaster. :\'(
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: snozberries on 04/10/09 at 7:39 pm
The hostage crisis. But I was just a stupid kid so I didn't get how big it was. I was just annoyed that that ted koppel dude kept delaying the late night airing of Chuck's Chick's (Charlie's Angels) every night.
I think the regan shooting and the Challenger were the next biggies I remember.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 04/10/09 at 7:44 pm
Gosh How could I forget the Iranian Embassy Hostage Crisis?
When the hostages were finally realeased (I think 1980???), one of the teachers from my school sent a telegram to the returning hostages which was read at the national press conference. Because of that, my elementary school was in the regional spotlight, we had a news helicopter land in our school yard from Pittsburgh (which was over a hour's drive away by car). All the local television stations and newspapers came in and did stories on the teacher and we had assemblies that day. We had tied yellow ribbons on the shrubbery outside.
I still have the newspaper clippings in my scrapbook, I ran across them a couple weeks ago while taking care of my mom.
I had forgotten about that.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: gibbo on 04/10/09 at 9:33 pm
I also remember the assassination of Robert Kennedy and seeing the footage of JFK's assassination replayed at that time. The Vietnam War just seemed to be there forever.
I particularly recall the Rev Jim Jones 'mass suicide' at Jonestown in the late 70's.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/10/09 at 9:49 pm
The ongoing famine in Bangladesh during the seventies.
I heard people discussing Watergate and Vietnam in early childhood, but I couldn't comprehend what was going on.
The first "bad world event" I really remember from start to finish was the Iranian hostage crisis.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: whistledog on 04/10/09 at 9:52 pm
Living right across the lake from NY State, I remember hearing of the The North Division Street Explosion in the early 80s, but the first one I can actually fully recall was the Challenger Disaster in 1986
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/10/09 at 9:53 pm
I also remember the assassination of Robert Kennedy and seeing the footage of JFK's assassination replayed at that time. The Vietnam War just seemed to be there forever.
I particularly recall the Rev Jim Jones 'mass suicide' at Jonestown in the late 70's.
Yeah, I remember that crystal clear too. However, the Jonestown massacre's effect on the world stage was not as great as the hostage crisis. Not to belittle Jonestown in which nearly a thousand people died horrible deaths, including a U.S. Congressman, Leo Ryan (D. CA) was murdered on foreign soil.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: ladybug316 on 04/10/09 at 9:54 pm
The hostage crisis. But I was just a stupid kid so I didn't get how big it was. I was just annoyed that that ted koppel dude kept delaying the late night airing of Chuck's Chick's (Charlie's Angels) every night.
I think the regan shooting and the Challenger were the next biggies I remember.
I was going to list those exact events, Q. ;)
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/10/09 at 11:31 pm
Definitely the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion...I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in elementary school and they made us watch footage of it. :(
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: snozberries on 04/11/09 at 12:00 am
Gosh How could I forget the Iranian Embassy Hostage Crisis?
When the hostages were finally realeased (I think 1980???), one of the teachers from my school sent a telegram to the returning hostages which was read at the national press conference. Because of that, my elementary school was in the regional spotlight, we had a news helicopter land in our school yard from Pittsburgh (which was over a hour's drive away by car). All the local television stations and newspapers came in and did stories on the teacher and we had assemblies that day. We had tied yellow ribbons on the shrubbery outside.
I still have the newspaper clippings in my scrapbook, I ran across them a couple weeks ago while taking care of my mom.
I had forgotten about that.
Suddenly I feel so petty. :-\\
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Davester on 04/11/09 at 12:09 am
The hostage crisis. But I was just a stupid kid so I didn't get how big it was. I was just annoyed that that ted koppel dude kept delaying the late night airing of Chuck's Chick's (Charlie's Angels) every night.
I think the regan shooting and the Challenger were the next biggies I remember.
Me too. The hostage crisis and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan...
To add: It was horrifying to watch the blindfolded hostages being paraded through the chanting throng every night. There was talk of them being tortured and also the possibility of them being killed. Remember the "countdown"? The nightly news would begin with "Day 51", "Day 100" &etc...
Gosh How could I forget the Iranian Embassy Hostage Crisis?
When the hostages were finally realeased (I think 1980???), one of the teachers from my school sent a telegram to the returning hostages which was read at the national press conference. Because of that, my elementary school was in the regional spotlight, we had a news helicopter land in our school yard from Pittsburgh (which was over a hour's drive away by car). All the local television stations and newspapers came in and did stories on the teacher and we had assemblies that day. We had tied yellow ribbons on the shrubbery outside.
I still have the newspaper clippings in my scrapbook, I ran across them a couple weeks ago while taking care of my mom.
I had forgotten about that.
The hostages were released just after Reagan was inaugurated, in 1981. Both Reagan and Carter were taking credit for negotiating the release. Watched it on TV because I was home sick from school... :)
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 04/11/09 at 12:26 am
Suddenly I feel so petty. :-\\
Awww...don't. There are alot of events, as a kid, that just somehow don't get recognized by how serious they are (unless you are at ground zero). Alot of things didn't make much sense to me when I was little (unless I saw a television show about it.) Events take on new meaning as adults. I don't think *I* fully understood the hostage situation back then, although I sorta did.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: gibbo on 04/11/09 at 12:33 am
Awww...don't. There are alot of events, as a kid, that just somehow don't get recognized by how serious they are (unless you are at ground zero). Alot of things didn't make much sense to me when I was little (unless I saw a television show about it.) Events take on new meaning as adults. I don't think *I* fully understood the hostage situation back then, although I sorta did.
Tjat's very true...over here, in Australia, the hostage crisis didn't seem to have the same impact as if I had been in the US perhaps. The Challenger explosion was tragic but was high profile because it was televised. In terms of lives lost there have been many more significant disasters. The earquake last week in Italy for example.....
But I guess this thread is about the bad events that impacted us as individuals ....for whatever reason!
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: PIERSON2009 on 04/11/09 at 1:06 pm
The first big dister I remember was the Waco Texas massacre on 2/28/1993. Then the next big disaster would have to be September 11,2001.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Tia on 04/11/09 at 2:05 pm
Suddenly I feel so petty. :-\\
mine is jonestown. and it was the same, i didn't get it. they showed the pictures of all the corpses and they all had their arms around each other and i thought they liked each other.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/11/09 at 2:05 pm
I had lived through a whole bunch of them in the '60s but don't really recall them. I was too busy playing to pay any attention to what was going on in the world. I knew we were at war, and I remember my mother telling me that there were men walking on the moon in 1969 but otherwise, the '60s for me were just a fun time.
I do recall listening to the radio when Judy Garland died in 1969 as well as when Louis Armstrong died in 1971.
But, I would have to say that first world event that I recall were the '72 Olympics in Munich, Germany. It was the first Olympics I recall but I also remember the hostage situation with the Israeli wrestling team. :\'( :\'( :\'(
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 04/11/09 at 4:15 pm
The first actual event I remember was the Challenger explosion. I was in second grade and we were studying space travel, and had been doing a whole unit on the Challenger, especially teacher Christa MaCuliffe going into space for the first time, so we all gathered around to watch it take off. When it exploded, none of us kids had any idea what had happened. One of the teachers in the room screamed, and they all started to cry. But the kids all just sat there, because we had no idea what had just happened until they told us.
I also have really strong memories of starving children in Ethiopia when I was little. I remember "We Are the World" being really big, and it bringing a lot of attention to hunger in Africa, and I know that we did a lot of stuff for Africa in my church. I just remember always being worried about the little kids in Ethiopia.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Marty McFly on 04/11/09 at 4:30 pm
You know what, even though obviously part of me wishes I could've been older to be more a part of the 80s, in a way I'm glad I was born when I was. I didn't start learning about the darker, more serious aspects until later on in the '90s (i.e. fear of nuclear war, AIDS, the inner city violence, Ethiopian famine). All I knew was loads of music, video games, toys and sort of a basic "feel" of the times. :)
If I'd been born like 7 years earlier, I probably wouldn't see them as innocently as I do now (I'm talking purely from personal memories, not later knowledge) if I could've understood the bad things too.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Marty McFly on 04/11/09 at 4:38 pm
I also have really strong memories of starving children in Ethiopia when I was little. I remember "We Are the World" being really big, and it bringing a lot of attention to hunger in Africa, and I know that we did a lot of stuff for Africa in my church. I just remember always being worried about the little kids in Ethiopia.
Yeah that was sad to think that could happen in the "modern" world, I wonder what happened to those kids. :( I noticed whenever they air '80s specials (like VH1's Behind the Music 1984 episode) they show flashbacks to that alot. I heard that "Do They Know it's Christmas" song raised alot of funds and awareness, I hope it helped.
My dad also has this 20/20 show on tape from 1983, where these kids (like 10-12 at the time) organized for gifts to be sent to one of those African countries too. It was really neat, Geraldo hosted it actually, lol - he went over there and they documented the whole thing.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: tv on 04/11/09 at 5:44 pm
The first bad event that I remember was the Gulf War in early 1991.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/11/09 at 6:23 pm
First vivid bad world event I remember was Reagan's assassination attempt. I barely remember John Lennon being killed.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Brian06 on 04/11/09 at 8:27 pm
I'd say the first thing that I was definitely aware of and vividly remember by was probably Oklahoma City in 1995, I remember being scared to go to the federal building in Cleveland because of what happened in OKC.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Dagwood on 04/11/09 at 8:34 pm
I'm going to have to say Reagan's attempted assassination. I was 11. The next would probably be the Challenger.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Mushroom on 04/12/09 at 2:59 am
For me it would be Apollo 13, July 1970.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Womble on 04/12/09 at 9:55 am
I don't know if this would be considered a world event but I'm sure news of the incident reached other countries at the time and left an impact. I'm referring to the "Manson Murders". I remember watching the news on TV and learning about the killings. Very Tragic.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Frank on 04/13/09 at 12:53 am
First vivid bad world event I remember was Reagan's assassination attempt. I barely remember John Lennon being killed.
I remember when John Lennon was killed. That was a tough one.
I had a dentist appointment the next morning at 8AM (Tuesday, I believe) and about 10 minutes after I arrived my dental hygienist ran out of the office, said she couldn't cope with anything coz Lennon was dead and she was gonna run off and see her psychiatrist. True story.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/13/09 at 1:12 am
I was only 7 when JFK was assasinated and don't recall it when it happened, but when his lil brother RK was killed, I still remember my older teen sis crying about it as she watched the tv.
when 11 athletes & coaches of the Israeli 1972 Olympic Team were murdered at the games in Munich
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Frank on 04/13/09 at 1:23 am
when 11 athletes & coaches of the Israeli 1972 Olympic Team were murdered at the games in Munich
I remember Jim Mckay on TV (ABC, I think) going over the events
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/13/09 at 1:25 am
I remember Jim Mckay on TV (ABC, I think) going over the events
now that I think about it, I don't really remember much from that part of the 70's
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Frank on 04/13/09 at 1:27 am
now that I think about it, I don't really remember much from that part of the 70's
Just like the member of "The Eagles".. they don't remember the 70-'s either ;D
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 04/13/09 at 1:36 am
Just like the member of "The Eagles".. they don't remember the 70-'s either ;D
yup, and they were knee deep, right in the thick of it.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/13/09 at 2:57 pm
now that I think about it, I don't really remember much from that part of the 70's
Actually, the quote is, "If you remember the 60s, then you weren't there." :D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/13/09 at 9:56 pm
First vivid bad world event I remember was Reagan's assassination attempt. I barely remember John Lennon being killed.
Reagan lived and Lennon died. No justice in the universe!
I remember the night Lennon was shot. My sister woke the house up crying hysterically. She was the only one up late enough to hear the news. I remember hearing the news guy confirm Lennon's death at about 2 a.m. and my mom holding my sobbing sister. My mom ushered me back to bed and I could tell she was fighting back tears. I heard her crying that night too. It was as if a family member died. Then I saw it was not only like that for my mom and my older sister, but for millions and millions around the world. I did not really comprehend the significance of Lennon's life until he was murdered.
My father also loved the Beatles in the sixties, John Lennon especially. Lennon shared my father's mordant wit. Dad's indifferent even callous reaction to Lennon's murder puzzled me. The same guy who rushed out to the Harvard Coop to buy every new Beatles album as soon as it hit the stands and took my sister to see "The Yellow Submarine" when she was four now acted like he could care less. Subsequently, I understood how embittered and rudderless dad had become by 1980. It pains me to say that when the issue of Newsweek arrived bearing on its cover an angelic young Lennon, dad erased the eyes. Sick man. My sister drew them back in with blue magic marker.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/13/09 at 11:33 pm
Reagan lived and Lennon died. No justice in the universe!
I remember the night Lennon was shot. My sister woke the house up crying hysterically. She was the only one up late enough to hear the news. I remember hearing the news guy confirm Lennon's death at about 2 a.m. and my mom holding my sobbing sister. My mom ushered me back to bed and I could tell she was fighting back tears. I heard her crying that night too. It was as if a family member died. Then I saw it was not only like that for my mom and my older sister, but for millions and millions around the world. I did not really comprehend the significance of Lennon's life until he was murdered.
My father also loved the Beatles in the sixties, John Lennon especially. Lennon shared my father's mordant wit. Dad's indifferent even callous reaction to Lennon's murder puzzled me. The same guy who rushed out to the Harvard Coop to buy every new Beatles album as soon as it hit the stands and took my sister to see "The Yellow Submarine" when she was four now acted like he could care less. Subsequently, I understood how embittered and rudderless dad had become by 1980. It pains me to say that when the issue of Newsweek arrived bearing on its cover an angelic young Lennon, dad erased the eyes. Sick man. My sister drew them back in with blue magic marker.
You know what some say besides Billy Joel "only the good die young".
I remember my brothers talking about it the day after it happened. I remember them being kind of disappointed that there was no real funeral. I think they would have gone up to New York. I remember the Life magazine article about it. Funny thing about the effect of the 80's. My parents were pretty laid back until 1980, then things just turned bleak and serious.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: robby76 on 04/14/09 at 12:54 am
I distinctly remember the news of Marvin Gaye's death in April 1984. I was only 7yrs old but remember it coming on the radio in the car. The whole family was talking about it.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/20/09 at 12:24 am
I distinctly remember the news of Marvin Gaye's death in April 1984. I was only 7yrs old but remember it coming on the radio in the car. The whole family was talking about it.
Marvin Gaye, you should have stayed at home yesterday...
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Davester on 04/20/09 at 12:28 am
Marvin Gaye, you should have stayed at home yesterday...
What happened with MG? Didn't his ex wife kill him..?
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/20/09 at 12:32 am
What happened with MG? Didn't his ex wife kill him..?
No, his old man shot him dead over a cocaine argument! It was frikkin' terrible! We were all like, why'd he shoot Marvin? He was such a sweet guy, never did harm to anybody, he just made us feel gooood with his songs!
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Davester on 04/20/09 at 12:34 am
No, his old man shot him dead over a cocaine argument! If was frikkin' terrible! We were all like, why'd he shoot Marvin? He was such a sweet guy, never did harm to anybody, he just made us feel gooood with his songs!
Ah, yes. His father, now I remember. Thinking of Phil Hartman for some reason...
I remember first hearing about it on the car radio...
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: snozberries on 05/06/09 at 3:03 am
The first actual event I remember was the Challenger explosion. I was in second grade and we were studying space travel, and had been doing a whole unit on the Challenger, especially teacher Christa MaCuliffe going into space for the first time, so we all gathered around to watch it take off. When it exploded, none of us kids had any idea what had happened. One of the teachers in the room screamed, and they all started to cry. But the kids all just sat there, because we had no idea what had just happened until they told us.
I also have really strong memories of starving children in Ethiopia when I was little. I remember "We Are the World" being really big, and it bringing a lot of attention to hunger in Africa, and I know that we did a lot of stuff for Africa in my church. I just remember always being worried about the little kids in Ethiopia.
You were in Second grade for Challenger? Aw geez you're just a kid ;) I'm sooooooo old!
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: snozberries on 05/06/09 at 3:05 am
I remember when John Lennon was killed. That was a tough one.
I had a dentist appointment the next morning at 8AM (Tuesday, I believe) and about 10 minutes after I arrived my dental hygienist ran out of the office, said she couldn't cope with anything coz Lennon was dead and she was gonna run off and see her psychiatrist. True story.
I was at my birthday party watching the movie Car Wash with some friends when they broke in with the news.. I'd just turned 13
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: snozberries on 05/06/09 at 3:06 am
when 11 athletes & coaches of the Israeli 1972 Olympic Team were murdered at the games in Munich
you know for some reason I only learned of this event about 3 years ago... .it totally escaped my radar! :-[
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Kyle23 on 06/21/09 at 4:54 pm
I do remember Y2K and Clintons Impeachment and resignation.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: nally on 02/18/25 at 10:38 pm
I vaguely remember the Challenger incident. :(
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Howard on 02/19/25 at 1:48 am
The Twin Towers crumbling is what I remember. :(
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: ForeverHaunted on 02/20/25 at 3:47 pm
The 2014 measles outbreak at Disneyland as well as the Ebola outbreak on the news from around that same time.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Catherine91UK on 02/22/25 at 9:49 am
Death of Princess Diana in 1997, just before my 6th birthday.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/22/25 at 9:54 am
More 'sad' then 'bad', but first sorrowful memory is watching on television of Sir Winston Churchill on television, which was back in January 1965.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: AmericanGirl on 02/22/25 at 11:32 am
For me, I think it was the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination, in April '68. I'd recently turned 8. I remember when my Dad told us kids MLK was shot, I asked Dad if he was a king. Then I saw some stuff on the TV news but it just scared me.
In June when Robert Kennedy was shot, I freaked out, thinking "everybody's getting shot!". That was a sad time.
Subject: Re: What was the first "bad" world event you remember?
Written By: Howard on 02/22/25 at 1:48 pm
The NASA Explosion in 1986.
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