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Subject: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/23/09 at 2:48 pm

While checking out videos on You Tube, I came about a video for the band Q-Feel, and their song, Dancing In Heaven, when to my suprise....

The band turned out to be the most dorkiest looking dudes, ever!

Another bands or singers, that turned out to look different, than what you imagined, after seeing a music video of them?

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: woops on 02/23/09 at 2:57 pm

Amy Winehouse "Rehab"  ::)  8-P

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: Frank on 02/23/09 at 2:59 pm

Christopher Cross

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/23/09 at 3:28 pm

For me, for awhile it was Matthew Wilder.

I have always imagined the guy who sang Break My Stride, to a 80's reggae pop song, up until I saw a video for it.

I was surprised to find out, that he wasn't.

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: Claybricks on 02/23/09 at 4:20 pm

Donnie Iris - Ah! Leah!


Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: Red Ant on 02/23/09 at 4:32 pm

Biggest surprise ever is still hands-down Rick Astley. For once, a link to his video that isn't a Rick-roll:

Also, the real woman who sang on C+C Music Factory's "Everybody Dance Now" looks quite different than the woman in the video.

signature banned as well

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: whistledog on 02/23/09 at 9:52 pm

The big one for me was Paul Davis.  First time I ever saw him was a music video for 'Cool Night' which was a live performance on American Bandstand (I don't think he ever had an official music video for any of his songs).  He looked like a 70s stoner ... scruffy looking beard, long straight hair parted down the middle but man did he have a wonderful voice

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: woops on 02/23/09 at 11:43 pm

Jane Child "Don't Wanna Fall In Love"

Never actually saw video, but on one of those VH1 specials...

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: Dagwood on 02/23/09 at 11:58 pm

Jane Child "Don't Wanna Fall In Love"

Never actually saw video, but on one of those VH1 specials...

Isn't that the lady with the nose ring that links to the earring?  I never got that look.

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: woops on 02/24/09 at 12:15 am


(OK, found video... good thing that look never became popular)

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: Frank on 02/24/09 at 3:05 am

Dan Hill -Sometimes when we touch

really not what I thought he'd look like

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/24/09 at 11:05 am

I heard the song Born To Be Alive, at a nearby MacDonald's and was curious as to who the singer was.

To my surprise, he looked like the most scrawniest looking dude, with the worst perm haircut, imaginable.


Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/24/09 at 11:06 am

The irony, is that Frank Beard, of ZZ Top, is the only member of ZZ Top, without a beard!


Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/24/09 at 8:04 pm

I always thought Toto looked like the guys who worked for Apple in the '70s!

Christopher Cross is a eunuch, which might explain a few things.

The C & C Music Factory vocalist is Martha Wash, who was in the Weather Girls.  She's of ample build.  MTV only likes skinny girls, so they put that Liberian singer up there to lip-sync Marth Wash's "Everybody dance now" lyric.

Matthew Wilder looked like a cross between Richard Simmons and Weird Al!

The put Talk Talk on tour with Duran Duran (to be cute cute), so I thought they'd have the boy band look.  They didn't.  Mark Hollis?  He's a rather homely man.  Other than Al Jourgensen of Ministry, nobody  spat more bile on his early work than Mr. Hollis.  He said the record company pigeonholed his band with the other synth bands, and that Talk Talk only used synths early on for budgetary reasons.  Hollis said "The Spirit of Eden" and "Laughing Stock" express the music they really wanted to make; however, I think "The Party's Over" and "It's My Life" are too good for them to have been just faking it.  Anyway, I thought they hired some funny-looking dude for the "It's My Life Video," when it was actually Mark Hollis with squiggled on face!
Then I saw "Such A Shame."  I suppose he's cute in a Howard Zinn sort of way!

Speaking Ministry:

Ministry, 1983, the New Romantic thing:

Ministry, 1993, the Aleister Crowley thing:

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: coqueta83 on 02/24/09 at 8:26 pm

Donnie Iris - Ah! Leah!


Yeah, he definitely looked different from what I thought. Same with Paul Davis. I think they're both terrific, though.  :)

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: whistledog on 02/24/09 at 10:55 pm

Dan Hill -Sometimes when we touch

really not what I thought he'd look like

And after all these years, he still has that scruffy looking beard lol

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: woops on 03/01/09 at 3:10 pm


For a rock band, the singer looks slightly out of place. Probably the hair and outfit.

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: woops on 04/14/09 at 2:33 pm

Saw Will To Power on one of those cheesy VH1 specials...

The male looks like a buffed-up Yanni  :o

I like the song "Dreamin", which I would've pictured a typical '80's pop singer with the fashion of the era

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: Frank on 04/14/09 at 5:39 pm

I always thought Toto looked like the guys who worked for Apple in the '70s!

Christopher Cross is a eunuch, which might explain a few things.

The C & C Music Factory vocalist is Martha Wash, who was in the Weather Girls.  She's of ample build.  MTV only likes skinny girls, so they put that Liberian singer up there to lip-sync Marth Wash's "Everybody dance now" lyric.

Matthew Wilder looked like a cross between Richard Simmons and Weird Al!

The put Talk Talk on tour with Duran Duran (to be cute cute), so I thought they'd have the boy band look.  They didn't.  Mark Hollis?  He's a rather homely man.  Other than Al Jourgensen of Ministry, nobody  spat more bile on his early work than Mr. Hollis.  He said the record company pigeonholed his band with the other synth bands, and that Talk Talk only used synths early on for budgetary reasons.  Hollis said "The Spirit of Eden" and "Laughing Stock" express the music they really wanted to make; however, I think "The Party's Over" and "It's My Life" are too good for them to have been just faking it.  Anyway, I thought they hired some funny-looking dude for the "It's My Life Video," when it was actually Mark Hollis with squiggled on face!
Then I saw "Such A Shame."  I suppose he's cute in a Howard Zinn sort of way!

Your comments often make me laugh. Appreciate them. Karma for you!

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: anabel on 04/21/09 at 9:37 pm

I remember thinking that Rick Astley was probably African American by his voice-imagine my surprise that he was this pale redhead!

Was anyone else grossed out the first time KISS appeared on MTV without their makeup?

Subject: Re: So.... that's what you look like, in your music video?

Written By: Step-chan on 04/23/09 at 10:57 pm

Jimmy Buffett is thinner than I thought he would be.

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