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Subject: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: whistledog on 06/24/08 at 11:24 pm
Are there any shows that you didn't watch when they were popular, but you now love?
The BIG one for me is "St. Elsewhere". When it originally premiered on NBC in 1982, I was 4 years old, so obviously I was too young to understand the content, but after watching the Season 1 DVD set, I didn't want it to be over. Great acting and great storylines! The episode with Pat Hingle as the brother of a cancer patient had me in tears. But my favourite was the 3 episode story arc where Tim Robbins played a suspected bomber who blew up a bank
Another one is "Stingray". I was old enough to watch shows like that at the time it premiered on NBC (circa 1985-1986) but I never did, but when I bought the DVD set this year, I got right into the storylines of each episode and I couldn't help but wonder why I never watched this show back then. The 2 part premiere where Gregory Sierra played a Mexican Crime Boss was fantastic! The opening sequence and the rock music of that episode was just fantastic!
And last but not least: "Hill Street Blues". I was 3 when it premiered on NBC in 1981, so naturally I didn't watch it, but thanks to the magic of DVD, I was caught up into all the storylines. Those story arcs with Det. John LaRue becoming an alcoholic made for great TV and I was very excited to watch each further episode to see how it progressed . The Season 1 ending cliffhanger had me on the edge of my seat!
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: woops on 06/24/08 at 11:26 pm
I didn't really care for "Mad TV" when it first premiered in 1995, but actually liked it a few years later.
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: robby76 on 06/25/08 at 8:38 am
Keeping it retro, I'd never seen the Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries before but since taking a chance with it on dvd I've become hooked. It's a great slice of 70s nostalgia!
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: AmericanGirl on 06/25/08 at 9:48 pm
M.A.S.H.! :D
For whatever reason, it just didn't grab me when it was current - or maybe just the competition. But I LOVE the reruns!
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 06/26/08 at 10:55 am
"Northern Exposure" I always scoffed at watching it. The whole Moose traveling through an almost empty town looked really boring at my young age, but when it began rerunning on CBS late at night back in the mid-late '90s, I really liked watching it. Now, it's pretty much off the air and I want to get my Northern Exposure fix, but I guess I'll have to buy the DVD's instead :\'(
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: Marty McFly on 06/26/08 at 7:59 pm
"Northern Exposure" I always scoffed at watching it. The whole Moose traveling through an almost empty town looked really boring at my young age, but when it began rerunning on CBS late at night back in the mid-late '90s, I really liked watching it. Now, it's pretty much off the air and I want to get my Northern Exposure fix, but I guess I'll have to buy the DVD's instead :\'(
Oh my gosh, I'm almost the same way! :) Its funny 'cause I remember my dad watched that show all the time around 1993/94, and the only thing that caught me as cool was the Alaskan setting. But the character interactions kinda bored me (I guess because it wasn't funny or fast-paced - I mostly liked comedies back then and kids' stuff, although I was outgrowing kids' stuff lol). It really was more of a drama than a sitcom. But I found a tape last year or so which had lots of episodes on it and I found myself getting it it more than I expected, I guess 'cause I could relate to the dialogue more. ;)
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 06/26/08 at 10:17 pm
"Northern Exposure" I always scoffed at watching it. The whole Moose traveling through an almost empty town looked really boring at my young age, but when it began rerunning on CBS late at night back in the mid-late '90s, I really liked watching it. Now, it's pretty much off the air and I want to get my Northern Exposure fix, but I guess I'll have to buy the DVD's instead :\'(
My parents used to watch that show every week when it first came on television, but I didn't really much care for it until I watched some episodes on tape as well and I found it to be a really cool show. :)
I also didn't like "Step By Step" when I first saw it on TGIF in the early and mid '90s, but after they started to show re-runs on the ABC Family channel a couple of years back I started to like it so much I tried to watch it every day.
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: woops on 06/27/08 at 2:57 pm
Though I still find the lead actress annoying, it's actually a good sitcom and more "realistic" than the cookie cutter sitcoms of the '80's.
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 07/01/08 at 9:04 am
Oh my gosh, I'm almost the same way! :) Its funny 'cause I remember my dad watched that show all the time around 1993/94, and the only thing that caught me as cool was the Alaskan setting. But the character interactions kinda bored me (I guess because it wasn't funny or fast-paced - I mostly liked comedies back then and kids' stuff, although I was outgrowing kids' stuff lol). It really was more of a drama than a sitcom. But I found a tape last year or so which had lots of episodes on it and I found myself getting it it more than I expected, I guess 'cause I could relate to the dialogue more. ;)
Yeah, I wish I had it on tape, as I never taped any episodes. I know it reran on CBS for quite sometime. Maybe even up until about 3-4 years ago. Then it reran on A & E for awhile. I doubt it does now, since A & E is getting into more Reality shows.
I think my mom finally got me into it after seeing her watch it. I'd sit down and ask her, why do you watch this? Then one night I just thought I'd watch it again and then I thought, hmmm, I can kinda see why now. It's a pretty good show!
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/08/08 at 10:42 pm
I watch all kinds of reruns from "Leave it to Beaver" to "Law & Order." Most of these programs I never saw in their prime. There was only one period in which I was regularly watching primetime TV and that was from about '83 to '87.
I'm still debating on whether or not to watch the entire "Sopranos" series from Netflix. I've only seen a few episodes. It seems in the last few years it became self-parody.
My parents would be horrified, but I genuinely like Andy Griffith!
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: Davester on 07/08/08 at 11:57 pm
"Northern Exposure" I always scoffed at watching it. The whole Moose traveling through an almost empty town looked really boring at my young age, but when it began rerunning on CBS late at night back in the mid-late '90s, I really liked watching it. Now, it's pretty much off the air and I want to get my Northern Exposure fix, but I guess I'll have to buy the DVD's instead :\'(
Very good choice, ma'am...
I scoffed too, at first. A&E replaced my beloved Mike Hammer with Northern Exposure so I took it personally. Started watching, a little, just to see what the deal was...
May sound strange but one of the first things I noticed about the show (since I'd usually tune-in somewhere in the middle of the ep.) was how each one ended. A little off-kilter. Kind of quirky. Touching. It's what kept drawing me back to the show...
You'll notice the recurring theme - that, in Alaska, nature controls us, not the other way around. Naturally occurring phenomena is constantly causing some kind of uproar with the townsfolk; the 20 hours of daylight, the 20 hours of darkness, the spring thaw, the winter freeze, the Moose rut, &etc. Joel never makes the connection until nearly the end, but you can see him change little by little over the course of the series...
It's such a cool show I can't say enough about it. The best of the last 20 years, IMHO...
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: whistledog on 07/11/08 at 10:43 pm
Another one for me is "Jake and the Fatman". I never watched it when it was popular, but I picked up the Season 1/Volume 1 set, and I am addicted. McCabe (The Fatman) always has this angry look on his face, and you can never tell when he is in a cheery mood LOL
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: snozberries on 07/27/08 at 6:36 pm
Beverly Hillbillies and Green Acres used to drive me crazy now I appreciate them and although I don't obsess over them like I do Leave it to Beaver I don't feel the need to turn them off when they come on. (When The Jeffersons and Sanford & Son come on I barely get past the opening music before I feel the need to switch channels.)
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: Bobby on 07/27/08 at 7:09 pm
It took a friend to lend me the sitcom 'I'm Alan Partridge' on DVD before I loved it - probably the best thing Steve Coogan ever did.
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 07/27/08 at 8:17 pm
The Addam's Family, as a kid I thought it was too boring. Now I'm a big fan.
The Walton's- never liked it as a kid. Thought it was too cheesy. Now my Dad and I watch it when I'm over at my parents house.
Hated I Love Lucy as a kid, now I'd love to own all episodes on DVD.
Subject: Re: TV Shows you didn't watch then, but now love
Written By: robby76 on 07/28/08 at 2:04 am
It took a friend to lend me the sitcom 'I'm Alan Partridge' on DVD before I loved it - probably the best thing Steve Coogan ever did.
Fantastic! That is by far my most favourite recent "Britcom". Alan and Lynn are hilarious! Each episode has me roaring. His more current series Saxondale is quite good but not quite up to the level of IAP. Good choice there Bobby - I'm impressed.
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