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Subject: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: snozberries on 08/11/07 at 11:17 am
Started thinking about this last night. As a TV Junkie- there is very little I haven't watched. A lot I don't like but watch anyway. But as a kid I always hated All in the Family and Barney Miller and never let my parents watch these shows.
Now I appreciate All in the Family for the classic that it truly is. This is one of the best written shows ever made.
I don't know where I sit on Barney Miller, I have seen a few eps as an adult but I'm still not crazy about it. I'm thinking about netflixing Season one to see if my tastes have changed in my old age
Green Acres I watched as a kid and didn't care one way or the other about it. I HATED it from my teens to my 30s but now I have seen a few eps and realize that it's actually kind of genius in a self referential way. Gotta start paying more attention.
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: KKay on 08/11/07 at 12:55 pm
I dno't know if I appreciate it, but Mad TV is not as horrible nor annoying as I thought.
I have laughed several times at the program and will continue to give it another chance
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/11/07 at 1:11 pm
Star Trek-the original. My dad & my brother used to watch it (BEFORE syndication) and I was like, "YUCK!" Then when it started in syndication, I found myself watching it and thinking, "wow, kind of cool". Now I watch it and think, "How primitive and campy". :D ;D ;D But, of course (as most people know), I am really into TNG.
There are more shows for me that have the opposite-shows I loved as a kid but now can't stomach.
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: whistledog on 08/11/07 at 1:13 pm
I used to hate 'Family Guy', but now that it's in syndication, I am starting to enjoy it!
I never used to like 'Little House on the Prairie', but when re-runs aired in the 90s, I really got into it. It's still not a show I would go out of my way to watch, but if there's nothing else on, and I stumble across it, i will watch it
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: Haynsoul on 08/11/07 at 1:15 pm
I dno't know if I appreciate it, but Mad TV is not as horrible nor annoying as I thought.
I have laughed several times at the program and will continue to give it another chance
The annoying part about Mad TV is the gross out sketches. I still recall the sketch where a doctor pulled off a patients toenail and all the meat and blood was coming out of his toe. The audience sounded horrified. :-[
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: KKay on 08/11/07 at 2:04 pm
The annoying part about Mad TV is the gross out sketches. I still recall the sketch where a doctor pulled off a patients toenail and all the meat and blood was coming out of his toe. The audience sounded horrified. :-[
I hear you. they go far for laughs sometimes. not the best writing, but i'm going along with it.
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: snozberries on 08/11/07 at 2:06 pm
There are more shows for me that have the opposite-shows I loved as a kid but now can't stomach.
that was gonna be my next topic but I got busy at work lol
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 08/11/07 at 4:25 pm
The Waltons - I think it's because I'm older and more nostalgic for the past.
The Addams Family
I Love Lucy - Simple, yet hilarious.
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: woops on 08/11/07 at 4:37 pm
I sometimes watch early seasons of "Roseanne", which I can't stand the main actress. One of the better sitcoms from the '80's that aren't "Leave It To Beaver" clones
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: snozberries on 08/11/07 at 4:59 pm
It's funny when Friends came out I hated it and refused to watch but then I watched The One with all the Poker, the 18th episode and fell in love with it. I watched every episode after that. and fell in and out of love with it during the last few seasons but overall I love it.
I was late to ER (thought it was hype then found out by season 3 that it was actually good) and it took me years to catch up on all the episodes I missed. This was before they came to DVD.
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/13/07 at 10:20 pm
Andy Griffith
Leave it to Beaver
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
X Files
Barney Miller
Mary Tyler Moore (never thought I'd live to admit that!)
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: AmericanGirl on 08/13/07 at 11:20 pm
When M.A.S.H. was originally out, I thought it was annoyingly stupid, didn't "get it", and didn't watch it.
Now that I watch it in syndication, I absoluely love the show!
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: gumbypiz on 08/14/07 at 1:55 am
Andy Griffith
Leave it to Beaver
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
X Files
Barney Miller
Mary Tyler Moore (never thought I'd live to admit that!)
Ditto, with the exception of NYPD Blue.
Just the thought of Sipowitz's naked *ss might showing up in an episode will keep me away from that show until they throw dirt on my grave! ;D
I'd like to add:
Rockford Files
Little House on the Prairie :-[
Lassie :-[
Hawaii 5-0 (I put this and the shows following in the "unintentionally funny category")
Adam 12
Dragnet ('67-'70)
Barnaby Jones (Yes, I admit it)
Streets Of San Francisco (In fact if it was a "Quentin Martin" Production, there are some guaranteed hidden laughs in every episode, prologue, epilogue, etc. ::) )
These shows have given me unmatched laughter due to the campy writing or overacted dialogue.
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: tokjct on 08/14/07 at 12:12 pm
Not being female, I would never watch a soap opera. However...about ten years ago...(in my mid-50's)...I somehow watched a daily chapter of Guiding Light on CBS. I could not believe the plot...A woman gives birth to fraternal twins and blood tests reveal that there were two different fathers for the two kids...UNBELIEVABLE! Anyway, within a few months, I was addicted to all the CBS soaps...Guiding Light, The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful and even As the World Turns. I couldn't believe I actually got hooked for a few years on the soaps. Imagine when I went to Waldbaums Supermarket and, while standing on line waiting to be checked out, I'd get into conversation about Victor Newman and his latest romantic conquest or would Reva and Josh get married again... ???
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/14/07 at 12:23 pm
When M.A.S.H. was originally out, I thought it was annoyingly stupid, didn't "get it", and didn't watch it.
Now that I watch it in syndication, I absoluely love the show!
The first few seasons of M*A*S*H, it was basically slapstick humor but as the seasons progressed, it got more serious. The later seasons were truly better because of writing and character development (there wasn't really much character development in the first few seasons). The acting had always been great throughout the entire show.
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: whistledog on 08/14/07 at 5:37 pm
Ditto, with the exception of NYPD Blue.
Just the thought of Sipowitz's naked *ss might showing up in an episode will keep me away from that show until they throw dirt on my grave! ;D
Then you may want to steer clear of the movie 'City of Angels'. He gives a double cheeked performance in it ;D
Subject: Re: TV shows you hated but now appreciate
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/14/07 at 10:39 pm
Ditto, with the exception of NYPD Blue.
Just the thought of Sipowitz's naked *ss might showing up in an episode will keep me away from that show until they throw dirt on my grave! ;D
Dennis Franz had a minor character on "Hill Street Blues." He was tolerable in small doses. His starring role on NYPD Blue was like eating a lard sandwich. Then I thought, "Finally, a cop on a cop show who's actually as vulgar and nasty as a real life cop!"
Little House on the Prairie :-
Lassie :-Hawaii 5-0 (I put this and the shows following in the "unintentionally funny category")
The best theme song and the best widow's peak ever!
Adam 12
First gay cop show.
Dragnet ('67-'70)
Oh yeah! You know it! That Cure song was actually about Jack Webb!
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