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Subject: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: loki 13 on 07/03/07 at 4:11 pm

The DJs at our local radio station want to try to get together a movie festival of rock films. They asked
listeners to call in an give what rock films they think should be seen on the big screen. Some movies
lose something on television, TV just doesn't do them justice. I took this a step further, there are
some nonmusical movies that also need to be experienced on the big screen. I think if you haven't
seen these movies on the big screen, you're definitely missing something.


Star Wars (the original)
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
Ghost Rider
Wizard Of Oz
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry
The Shining

Rock Movies:

The Last Waltz
Pink Floyd, Live At Pompeii
The Song Remains The Same
Gimme Shelter

Made for TV but should be on the big screen:

Winds Of War

What other movies belong on this list? what movie, rock or not, must be experienced on the big screen?

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/03/07 at 4:29 pm

Rocky Horror-complete with audience participation.


Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/07 at 4:41 pm

I was working at the cinema when CE3K first opened on its premier run in the UK. The film had the sound recorded with Dolby Stereo, which was the big thing in sound back then. For the scene when the mothership appears over the Devil Mountain, the whole cinema shook and caused cracks to appear and the builders had to be called in very quickly.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Davester on 07/03/07 at 4:45 pm

  Add Duel (1971) to the made for TV but should be on the big screen...

  I'd also add Masada (Mini-series - 1981) to that category, but it would have to be four hours long on the big screen.  I have forbidden the studio from editing it... :P

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/07 at 4:50 pm

   Add Duel (1971) to the made for TV but should be on the big screen...

In the big screen version of Duel Steven Spielberg can be seen sitting in the back passenger seat in the rear view mirror.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Davester on 07/03/07 at 4:51 pm

In the big screen version of Duel Steven Spielberg can be seen sitting in the back passenger seat in the rear view mirror.

  For real..?  Back seat director...

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: whistledog on 07/03/07 at 5:02 pm

The Perfect Storm.  Watching those giant waves is best seen on a gigantic screen!

The Island.  It had some of the best action sequences I ever saw in a movie, and watching it on the big screen made it even more spectacular

Vertical Limit.  More spectacular action.  It is more thrilling on a gigantic screen

Cliffhanger.  See above

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: loki 13 on 07/03/07 at 5:55 pm

Rocky Horror-complete with audience participation.


Rocky Horror Picture Show was on my list ,as was Duel, I forgot to add them.  :-[

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: spaceace on 07/03/07 at 6:04 pm

Sound of Music

Corpse Bride

HELP (The Beatles)

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: zcrito on 07/03/07 at 6:07 pm

   Add Duel (1971) to the made for TV but should be on the big screen...

   I'd also add Masada (Mini-series - 1981) to that category, but it would have to be four hours long on the big screen.  I have forbidden the studio from editing it... :P

Add Duel (1971) to the made for TV but should be on the big screen...

Good luck on that day ever coming back. It'll never happen again.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/03/07 at 7:44 pm

Rocky Horror-complete with audience participation.


I second that!! I love it every chance I get!

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/04/07 at 8:23 am

I have Casablanca (and Dr Strangelove) on the big screen with an audience. It is great hearing the groans and laughter at the classic lines from those films.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: statsqueen on 07/04/07 at 9:20 am

The Matrix movies, the LOTR movies, Harry Potter movies to add to the lists above.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/04/07 at 9:23 am

Film Prodcer Sam Goldwyn said the best thing:

“A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad.”

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: agoraphobicwhacko on 07/04/07 at 12:24 pm

Independence Day(those effects were mindblowing at the time)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre-original(this needs to be rereleased in theatres)
Apocalypse Now

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: JamieMcBain on 07/04/07 at 2:56 pm

Alien should up there. i have seen the director's cut of the film on a big screen, it was amazing.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: coqueta83 on 07/04/07 at 9:48 pm

Grease-saw it on the big screen when it was re-released in 1998. Incredible!  :)

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Davester on 07/04/07 at 11:01 pm

Grease-saw it on the big screen when it was re-released in 1998. Incredible!  :)

  I saw it on sort of a big screen in '78...

  I remember going with my best friend and his older brother and sister (who were in high school at the time) to someone's house.  In the basement of this house was a makeshift movie theater complete with rows of folding metal chairs, a large pull down movie screen and a snack bar with popcorn and sodas.  The screen must have been, oh, maybe 5' X 10'...

  It's all pretty vague now, but I recall being bored out of my skull.  I was more of a sci-fi guy, back then...

  What I can't figure out, now, so many years later, is how this person got his hands on a reel of a current and popular film to charge admission for and screen in his own basement.  I'm pretty sure that "Grease" was still being shown in the local cinemas at that time...

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/05/07 at 12:26 am

I saw Saturday Night Fever on the big screen and I was falling asleep!

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Green Lantern on 07/05/07 at 8:03 am

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned 'Lawrence of Arabia' so far... (well now they have!  :D ).

I'd seen it a bunch of times over the years on tv, but when I saw a (70mm?) new fangled print on at the big screen around 8 years (?) back .. it looked new to my eyes. The desert looked beautiful and massive, and the whole experience was much more immersive.

I suspect other good candidates for this thread would be: Zulu; Dr. Zhivago; The good, the bad & the ugly ..... and doubtless a whole bunch more that have slipped my mind for now.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/05/07 at 10:53 am

Grease-saw it on the big screen when it was re-released in 1998. Incredible!  :)

I saw it at the drive-in when it first came out. I was with my boyfriend at the time and my sister was in the backseat. I said to her that I would try not to sing if she would try not to sing. During the song "Hopelessly Devoted To You" she started to belt it out. I was so embarrassed. I'm sure the people in the cars next to us heard her, too. That was the last time I went to see a musical with my sister as a "chaperon."  :-[  (Oh yeah, when we went into the theatre, they didn't see her so she got in for free.  ;D )


Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/05/07 at 10:57 am

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned 'Lawrence of Arabia' so far... (well now they have!  :D ).

I'd seen it a bunch of times over the years on tv, but when I saw a (70mm?) new fangled print on at the big screen around 8 years (?) back .. it looked new to my eyes. The desert looked beautiful and massive, and the whole experience was much more immersive.

I suspect other good candidates for this thread would be: Zulu; Dr. Zhivago; The good, the bad & the ugly ..... and doubtless a whole bunch more that have slipped my mind for now.
David Lean's films are a must to be seen on the large screen. I do wish to see 'Lawrence of Arabia' as I have only it on television, and the strange thing is I have never seen it complete, for I have first seen the closing half and eagerly waited to see it again. My chance came on Christmas, I started the film and was interrupted towards the end by a phone which I could not avoid.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Tia on 07/05/07 at 11:47 am

   For real..?  Back seat director...
evidently it was shot anamorphically and then cropped to fit on a TV screen. in the wide screen version they didn't bother to crop out the crew since it wouldn't be in the finished product.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Tia on 07/05/07 at 11:49 am

a lot of crap movies redeem themselves on the big screen just cuz they’re loaded with fun gee whiz stuff. like lake placid, deep impact, twister, day after tomorrow, all prespammersite movies but kinda fun if you see them in the theater, crap if you see them at home. i’m hoping transformers will be the same way, i’ll probably give in and see transformers in the theater.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: gumbypiz on 07/05/07 at 4:06 pm

Independence Day(those effects were mindblowing at the time)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre-original(this needs to be rereleased in theatres)
Apocalypse Now

Can't agree more on Apocalypse Now, need to have it on the biggest screen and with surround sound Dobly 5.1.
The thunder of the choppers at the opening/begining is overwhelming.

Don't know if anyone is a fan of car racing films, but if you've ever seen Steve McQueens "Le Mans", this film is spectacular on a big screen (and the sound of Ferraris and 1600hp Porsches racing at full song (215mph) ain't bad either). 8)

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: La Roche on 07/05/07 at 4:09 pm

a lot of crap movies redeem themselves on the big screen just cuz they’re loaded with fun gee whiz stuff. like lake placid, deep impact, twister, day after tomorrow, all prespammersite movies but kinda fun if you see them in the theater, crap if you see them at home. i’m hoping transformers will be the same way, i’ll probably give in and see transformers in the theater.

Very true.

.. and then with others you get the exact opposite.

Some films, you go, see them in the theater and loose all of the personal relation. Sounds weird, but it's like, I'm trying to think of an example.. Hannibal.. ok, that film sucked in the movie theater, but take it home and watch it and it's great, you haver a relationship with him.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: snozberries on 07/08/07 at 11:14 am

a lot of crap movies redeem themselves on the big screen just cuz they’re loaded with fun gee whiz stuff. like lake placid, deep impact, twister, day after tomorrow, all prespammersite movies but kinda fun if you see them in the theater, crap if you see them at home. i’m hoping transformers will be the same way, i’ll probably give in and see transformers in the theater.

Aw I enjoyed lake placid... it was sarcastic... and that made it funny

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Gis on 07/09/07 at 4:19 am

I prefer any film on the big screen., I would say something like Gladiator would be hard to get the full effect of on a T.V screen.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: spaceace on 07/09/07 at 10:48 am


The Matrix

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Tia on 07/09/07 at 11:19 am

Aw I enjoyed lake placid... it was sarcastic... and that made it funny
yah, it was fun. the whole time they seemed to be saying, look, you just paid six bucks (i think it was more like six bucks for a matinee back then) for a movie about a giant alligator. you weren't expecting us to give you something serious, were you? the whole thing seemed sorta light-hearted and fun. and people died real good.

anyway, i have to admit a lot of movies i see in the theater exclusively for the gee-whiz factor and sometimes i wont see a movie in the theater even though i figure it'll probably be a good movie, because if it's just an acty drama i'll usually wait for it to come out on dvd. cuz movie tickets are expensive!

unless there's lots of sex. if there's lots of sex you want that BIG screen.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: snozberries on 07/09/07 at 12:16 pm

yah, it was fun. the whole time they seemed to be saying, look, you just paid six bucks (i think it was more like six bucks for a matinee back then) for a movie about a giant alligator. you weren't expecting us to give you something serious, were you? the whole thing seemed sorta light-hearted and fun. and people died real good.

anyway, i have to admit a lot of movies i see in the theater exclusively for the gee-whiz factor and sometimes i wont see a movie in the theater even though i figure it'll probably be a good movie, because if it's just an acty drama i'll usually wait for it to come out on dvd. cuz movie tickets are expensive!

unless there's lots of sex. if there's lots of sex you want that BIG screen.

Big screen sex WHOO HOO.... yeah I have got to watch my superhero movies on the big screen. I really want all my movies on big screen but I can't afford the 108 in Panasonic Widescreen Plasma TV

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: loki 13 on 07/09/07 at 5:12 pm

War Of The Worlds, especially the remake.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: danootaandme on 07/09/07 at 5:17 pm

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned 'Lawrence of Arabia' so far... (well now they have!  :D ).

I'd seen it a bunch of times over the years on tv, but when I saw a (70mm?) new fangled print on at the big screen around 8 years (?) back .. it looked new to my eyes. The desert looked beautiful and massive, and the whole experience was much more immersive.

I suspect other good candidates for this thread would be: Zulu; Dr. Zhivago; The good, the bad & the ugly ..... and doubtless a whole bunch more that have slipped my mind for now.

I was scrolling down to make sure someone mentioned "Lawrence of Arabia".  The others you mentioned are on my must see on the big screen, too.

Subject: Re: Movies that need to be experienced on the big screen!

Written By: Green Lantern on 07/09/07 at 9:00 pm

Very true.

.. and then with others you get the exact opposite.

Some films, you go, see them in the theater and loose all of the personal relation. Sounds weird, but it's like, I'm trying to think of an example.. Hannibal.. ok, that film sucked in the movie theater, but take it home and watch it and it's great, you have a relationship with him.

You think that's good? ^  ::)

Hannibal ... you have a relationship with him.

On your recommendation, I took that movie home.

He's currently worked my fingers to the bone and preparing to nibble on some nuts  :o (!!) washed down with a nice Chianti (of course).


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