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Subject: doctor who human suits ( my first sci fi script)
Written By: mr crowly on 01/29/07 at 11:42 am
this is my first script ive been working on ive only got the first minute and a half so far ( iam a slow typer ) but i was just wondering what you guys think of it so far ive still got a lot to work on but here it is so far. ie spelling cammara angles ect but as i said its only the first minute and a half
dr who human suits page 1
exteria forest night intro screen
the wind is whistling loudly the leaves is waving about vilontly two people are walking trough the forest both carrying heavy sacks
they are dreased in long cloaks with hoods over their heads. the cloaks are long going over the feet coulour is white with a gold sash around the waist
they are walking along normally when one of the people hears something he stops to try and spot something his company calls on him
person one : come on man its going to rain soon
persontwo : did you hear that
person one comes running back looking a bit angry
person one : hear what ( cheacks behind his freand) theres nothing there
person two shaken and nervous i really did hear something it sounded like thunder
person one shakes his head then starst to move
person one come on i wont leave you person two takes one more look around then both leave
they turn round to be faced with a shadow like figure we cant make out it featurs yet person one runs away but the 2nd person stands frozen the frist person turns to screams
first person: are you all right he rushes back to face the back of his freand
first person : you really scared i know it was just our mind playing tricks now come on
he tugs on the mates shoulder turns him round to be faced with a corpse person two is totaly decomposed nothing is shown of him orther than white skin his eyes is no longer in sockets hisa body is nothing more a skeleton person one lets go of the body and the body crumples in to dust straeght away he then runs he gets so far then the same shado figure reaches out to him befor he reacts person two starts to decay screams can be heard then the shadow figure vansishes
interia tardis screen 1
the tardis controll room is the old version theres scilence then we hear voices comming from the back a male and female are agruin its quite freandly but very stern at t he same time . this is THE DOCTOR and KENYA
doctor : so you think time traveling dosent excist right
kenya: well we were taught that there are no other planest to vist like they were wiped out or something know what i mean
the doctor walks in to the controll room with his hands in his pockets and a stern look on his face kenya follows running up towards him
doctor : so you think it dosent exsit well let me show you kenya prepair for the shock of youre life
the doctor starts working the tardis the noices can be heard kenya covers her ears and looks around expecting to be atcked
the noices stop kenya comes to her sences and the doctor look at her with a smug smile on his face
doctor opens the door
doctor : so you want to go first or shall i
kenya bows to the doctor then the doctor walks out kenya follows suit
screen 2 exteria forest
doctor cheaks his watch then turns to kenya who is looking around at the screen around her the forest is dark and creepy trees dont have leaves on them the ground is dead . hardly any flowers grows . no sighn of life can be seen
doctor : no time hmmm theres no year ether strange really dont you think kenya
kenya (dazzled) what oh yes pancakes very strange
doctor what i was talking bout this place
the doctor takes kenyas hand and looks her in the eye
doctor : kenya i know youre feeling uneasy but trust me something gonna happen
shots is fired in the sky people in hoods same as befor the docotor and kenya is surrounded by hooded monks
doctor: i just had to open my bad mouth
kenya : yup
DOCTOR : iam going to get so much stick for this but take us to youre leader
kenya covers her eyes embarasment
there matching on to through the forest the doctor and kenya are in front the hoods are at the back the hoods are poiting guns towards them telling them to go on the amont of trees get less and less the more they go on they then all stop in front of a crowd of tents most of them have lights in them others are dark but you can see t he shape of the tents a old man comes forward he streaches out his arms the hoods do the same in responce the doctor and kenya look round the old man then turns round to the doctor and kenya
old man: whats going here then why did you bring these two here
one of the hoods steps forward then kneels down in front of the old man as if praying to wards them
hood : we found these two near the body of our fellow hoods we beleve they killed them ( the hood turns round towards them acusing therm)
and advice will be greatfull thanks ps i hope this is the right section for this ;D
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