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Subject: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: Brendan McClelland on 01/01/07 at 9:33 am

Who is your favorite Disney villain?

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: danootaandme on 01/01/07 at 9:45 am

Cruella DeVil

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: whistledog on 01/01/07 at 4:40 pm

Don Karnage

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: woops on 01/01/07 at 9:18 pm

Yzma from "Emperor's New Groove"

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: Jessica on 01/01/07 at 9:36 pm

I'll go old school and say Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: Tam on 01/01/07 at 11:43 pm

The Hyena's from The Lion King

Hee Hee Hee... say it again, say it again....
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!


Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: nally on 01/02/07 at 12:57 am

I'm a bit surprised you didn't do this as a poll...there are so many choices...from the Disney movies and tv shows (especially the animated ones).

Cruella DeVil seems popular...there were some interesting qualities about her in both the animated version and the live-action version of 101 Dalmatians. If there was a poll, I'd vote for her.

My other choices might include:

Ursula from "The Little Mermaid"
a few others whom I cannot think of right now.

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: Tia on 01/02/07 at 9:40 am

ray milland as evil rich dude aristotle bolt from... surprise!... escape to witch mountain!

ray was so a-list golden-age hollywood and he's great in that. grok his line about resorting to "cruder methods of persuasion." evil bastard!

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: lorac61469 on 01/02/07 at 9:46 am

I'll go old school and say Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.

My favorite!!

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 01/02/07 at 6:11 pm

Ursula from The Little Mermaid. She scared the crap out of me when I saw it at the theatre in 1989.

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: JamieMcBain on 01/02/07 at 8:27 pm

The vastely overlooked The Horned King.

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: Ashkicksass on 01/04/07 at 11:25 am

I could always relate to the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland.

I'm too lazy to post a pic.

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: Abix on 01/04/07 at 12:24 pm

The stepmother in Cinderella, the stepmother in Snow White, Ursula the seawitch, and Scar from Lion King. oh yeah and the mean Aunt in Lady and the Tramp.. the one who put a muzzle on Lady!!

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: nally on 09/01/23 at 8:29 pm

Ursula from The Little Mermaid. She scared the crap out of me when I saw it at the theatre in 1989.

I had the same reaction to her when I first saw the film on video, but the character is well-written.

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: whistledog on 09/08/23 at 2:25 pm

The ultimate question here is what qualifies as a Disney film?  The Walt Disney Company had several different production labels such as Touchstone Pictures and Hollywood Pictures under which they would release more mature movies that weren't necessarily aimed at children.

Best Disney villain?  From the 1997 Touchstone motion picture Con Air, I give you Cyrus Grissom, aka Cyrus the Virus.  If you disagree, the bunny rabbit gets it! lol

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/11/23 at 3:38 pm

Scar from "The Lion King" (1994)

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: nally on 09/18/23 at 10:57 pm

The ultimate question here is what qualifies as a Disney film?  The Walt Disney Company had several different production labels such as Touchstone Pictures and Hollywood Pictures under which they would release more mature movies that weren't necessarily aimed at children.

Best Disney villain?  From the 1997 Touchstone motion picture Con Air, I give you Cyrus Grissom, aka Cyrus the Virus.  If you disagree, the bunny rabbit gets it! lol

That is right, there are a number of live-action films by the Walt Disney Company. And some of them have noteworthy villains. (I can't think of any right now, but if I do, I'll identify said characters.)

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/20/23 at 8:53 am

Technically, the films of the Star Wars franchise are Disney films now.

Subject: Re: Favorite Disney villain

Written By: whistledog on 09/20/23 at 4:20 pm

Technically, the films of the Star Wars franchise are Disney films now.

As are the films of the MCU.  Thanos is one great villain!

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