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Subject: Fav decade

Written By: Snoopygirl on 12/22/06 at 7:56 pm

How bout this one? What is your favorite decade and why?

Mine is the 70's. I was born in '68 so I grew up in this decade. I think it was a great time to be a kid. It was politically uncorrect at that time. You could be out from sunup to the time the streetlights came on and parents didn't freak out.  You made your own fun because there wasn't no computers, cellphones, playstations, cable, VCRs, and DVD's.  Nobody was worried about healthy eating like they are today. Look at the cereals we had when we were kids. Talk about sugar highs. You got up at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning in your pjs and a bowl of cereal and parked yourself in front of the tv and stayed there til early afternoon when the cartoons were over. We had Schoolhouse Rock, Afterschool Specials, the CBS Special Presentation bumpers before a special came on ( boy was I upset when that came on and it was for some variety show instead of a cartoon ),Funny Face drink, Marathon Bar. Look at the styles we had! I remember in the mid70's some of the kids in my grade school used to wear checkered pants and striped shirts and nobody made fun of them. Try getting away with that today. ;D
You could even play with plastic toy guns and noone thought nothing of it. I feel sorry for the kids today that never experienced this decade. I know I'm forgetting stuff but my minds gone blank right now :D
Too bad there's not a time machine to go back for just one day :)

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Tia on 12/24/06 at 4:43 pm

mine would definitely be the 70s too. i was born in 69. i wasn't really clear how much into the 70s i was until i started uploading youtube clips from my dvd collection and -- so much of it is 70s! i think everything except the meatballs clips is from the 70s (well, wax is early 90s and there's a couple late 60s things...) but still. it was the age of board games and pong and big wheels and we liked it very much.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Tia on 12/24/06 at 4:49 pm

added a poll. if anybody's favorite decade is the 1940s, color me impressed.

other favorite things about the 1970s -- the real star wars movie! movies ran for consecutive weeks! like, star wars had the ad in the paper would always say, "52nd smash week!" like broadway.

space: 1999
the hardy boys/nancy drew mysteries. but mainly nancy drew.
these pens

you could buy them for 29 cents apiece and make spaceships outta the caps by putting four of them together. (i guess i was really into spaceships.)

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: MewMewkara on 12/27/06 at 5:28 pm

80's all the way! I love everything about it. I think it was a decade for teens. The music, clothes, hair, movies, tv, it's just awesome! I was born in 1991 but I wish I was born in 1971 so I could have been a teen in the 80's. And I wish I could stay in the 80's forever.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Tia on 12/27/06 at 5:48 pm

80's all the way! I love everything about it. I think it was a decade for teens. The music, clothes, hair, movies, tv, it's just awesome! I was born in 1991 but I wish I was born in 1971 so I could have been a teen in the 80's. And I wish I could stay in the 80's forever.
that's so awesome that you feel nostalgia for a decade you weren't in. i got mad feeling for the 50s and 60s and i suspect it's because reruns from those years were on during my childhood years. i worshipped lost in space, flying nun, star trek, all that stuff. i'm wondering how you felt about things from the 90s, the decade you grew up in? i have a feeling you'll like that stuff better as you grow older... ;)

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Brian06 on 12/27/06 at 5:56 pm

90s followed by 00s.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: MewMewkara on 12/27/06 at 7:25 pm

that's so awesome that you feel nostalgia for a decade you weren't in. i got mad feeling for the 50s and 60s and i suspect it's because reruns from those years were on during my childhood years. i worshipped lost in space, flying nun, star trek, all that stuff. i'm wondering how you felt about things from the 90s, the decade you grew up in? i have a feeling you'll like that stuff better as you grow older... ;)

The 90's were okay. I was just a kids back then so I don't remember much. I never liked the music or any other pop culture things of the 90's. I've been an 80's fan since 2000. In the 90's I liked shows like Rugrats, Doug, etc but that's about it. I like the early 90's. (1990-1992) After that, 80's stuff was gone.  :\'( My favorite era is 1978-1992. I used to like the 70's(still kinda do) a lot a few years ago but I just like the 80's. I guess I won't dislike the 90's as much as I do when I'm older since I was a child back then.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/27/06 at 7:32 pm

The 80's.  Some of my favorite songs, films, and TV shows are from the 80's.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Marty McFly on 12/29/06 at 7:24 am

The 90's were okay. I was just a kids back then so I don't remember much. I never liked the music or any other pop culture things of the 90's. I've been an 80's fan since 2000. In the 90's I liked shows like Rugrats, Doug, etc but that's about it. I like the early 90's. (1990-1992) After that, 80's stuff was gone.  :\'( My favorite era is 1978-1992. I used to like the 70's(still kinda do) a lot a few years ago but I just like the 80's. I guess I won't dislike the 90's as much as I do when I'm older since I was a child back then.

I'm exactly a decade older than you, being born in 1981 and I get what you're saying.

I have a pretty accurate memory of 1987+ with some mid '80s too. Sure, it's more family/school stuff, or hearing music and playing video games, but the pop culture made an impression on me, so I stuck with it. There were times I'd be 12 or 13 and I'd think "Hey, this reminds me of when I was 5!" ;)

The '90s and '00s are okay, but yeah, they don't have the magic the '80s did, especially for music.

I used to get annoyed that people my age were stereotyped as being into gangsta rap and grunge or were supposedly "too young to know the '80s firsthand". But as time passes, I realize everybody's different and it's all relative. If someone wants to think that way about me, that's fine because I still know who I am.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Marty McFly on 12/29/06 at 7:25 am

that's so awesome that you feel nostalgia for a decade you weren't in. i got mad feeling for the 50s and 60s and i suspect it's because reruns from those years were on during my childhood years. i worshipped lost in space, flying nun, star trek, all that stuff. i'm wondering how you felt about things from the 90s, the decade you grew up in? i have a feeling you'll like that stuff better as you grow older... ;)

Yeah, the cool thing is, when you're a kid you don't care if something is already old.

I listened to alot of Beatles songs and other '60s and '70s classic rock growing up too. I got into the Pink Panther movies and Steve Martin's early stuff when I was around 10-12 too.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: MewMewkara on 12/29/06 at 10:29 am

I'm exactly a decade older than you, being born in 1981 and I get what you're saying.

I have a pretty accurate memory of 1987+ with some mid '80s too. Sure, it's more family/school stuff, or hearing music and playing video games, but the pop culture made an impression on me, so I stuck with it. There were times I'd be 12 or 13 and I'd think "Hey, this reminds me of when I was 5!" ;)

The '90s and '00s are okay, but yeah, they don't have the magic the '80s did, especially for music.

I used to get annoyed that people my age were stereotyped as being into gangsta rap and grunge or were supposedly "too young to know the '80s firsthand". But as time passes, I realize everybody's different and it's all relative. If someone wants to think that way about me, that's fine because I still know who I am.

I'm glad that you and Tia understand what I mean. Everytime I tell someone what I said earlier, they just give me a weird look or just make fun of me for it. The kids at school make fun of me for liking the 80's and dressing like it but I don't care! <--*random face* I really don't like being a teenager in this time. You're lucky, you remember some of the 80's. I wish it was still the 80's.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: spaceace on 12/29/06 at 11:01 am

The "80's".  Yes, they were crappy going through them, but the nostalgia's incredible. :)

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Roadgeek on 12/29/06 at 2:23 pm

I am a child of the '90s and I will forever be a child of the '90s! Best decade ever! The '80s would be my second favorite decade.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: whistledog on 12/29/06 at 5:40 pm

I was born in the 70s, so I grew up in the 80s, and I loved everything about those years 8)

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Tia on 12/29/06 at 5:44 pm

i really have to admit to liking the 70s better than the 80s. the music was better, the movies were better, and you didn't have to fuss with your hair as much.

although maybe it's just that i hadn't discovered sex yet. everything seemed to go downhill after i learned about the birds and the bees.

wow, that really is clashing with my stolen avatar.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 12/30/06 at 3:04 am


Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 12/30/06 at 3:14 am

80's all the way! I love everything about it. I think it was a decade for teens. The music, clothes, hair, movies, tv, it's just awesome! I was born in 1991 but I wish I was born in 1971 so I could have been a teen in the 80's. And I wish I could stay in the 80's forever.

I see where your coming from with this. I was born in 1987 so, even though I was born in the '80s, i'm still a bit too young to remember much first hand. Despite that, I still find alot of stuff from the '80s to be pretty cool.

I prefer the '90s as a decade since that's when I grew up, but I'd say that i'm actually a bit more fascinated with the '80s since I was born then, but don't really remember the decade too well compared to the '90s which I remember like yesterday.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: KKay on 12/30/06 at 8:37 am

I loved the 80s, but my childhood in the 70s was the best. it is the first entire decade I lived through and it was exciting.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: loki 13 on 12/30/06 at 10:24 am

I would have to say the 70's. I turned 16 in 1978 and this was my favorite time of my life.
Out partying with friends, sleeping out for concert tickets, where $8.50 could put you front
row center, road trips to the Jersey shore and absolutely no worries about bills, work or any
other hardships of adult life.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Marty McFly on 12/31/06 at 3:09 am

I'm glad that you and Tia understand what I mean. Everytime I tell someone what I said earlier, they just give me a weird look or just make fun of me for it. The kids at school make fun of me for liking the 80's and dressing like it but I don't care! <--*random face* I really don't like being a teenager in this time. You're lucky, you remember some of the 80's. I wish it was still the 80's.

Yeah, I've dealt with people like that. That's their loss, lol. Just like what you like.

Sometimes I am jealous of people that got to experience the more "peak Eighties" of 1981-1986. ;) Even at the end of the decade, I was still in my little kid years. I have more personal memories of the '90s, and they were cool in their own way, but it didn't have that special feeling like pre-1993 did (there was a tinge of '80s up to '92 even).

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: MewMewkara on 12/31/06 at 11:47 am

Yeah, I've dealt with people like that. That's their loss, lol. Just like what you like.

Sometimes I am jealous of people that got to experience the more "peak Eighties" of 1981-1986. ;) Even at the end of the decade, I was still in my little kid years. I have more personal memories of the '90s, and they were cool in their own way, but it didn't have that special feeling like pre-1993 did (there was a tinge of '80s up to '92 even).

I know but people can be so mean sometimes. I remember some of the 90's, as far back as 1995 but I don't care for that decade. My sister thinks I'm weird too. She was born in 1977. She says she likes the 80's but is happy with the times were living in now. I'm jealous of her!

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/31/06 at 12:34 pm


Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Marty McFly on 12/31/06 at 1:21 pm

I know but people can be so mean sometimes. I remember some of the 90's, as far back as 1995 but I don't care for that decade. My sister thinks I'm weird too. She was born in 1977. She says she likes the 80's but is happy with the times were living in now. I'm jealous of her!

Oh sorry to hear that. That's a silly thing to be mean about, but yeah, some people are like that if you don't like what's "popular". It was just as bad for me to be talking about '80s stuff during the '90s with people my own age pretending they were too cool to remember it.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/31/06 at 1:46 pm

The 60's - my mom used to always say I was born at the wrong time.  I was totally into the hippie scene when I was a teenager, I made my own bell bottoms, did the long straight hair - the whole nine yards.  I love love love The Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Mamas and the Papas, CSNY, Jimi Hendrix and the Rolling Stones, and would kill or die to be able to go to the original Woodstock. 

Otherwise I would have to say now.  I grew up in the 80's so I have a certain amount of nostalgia for that, and I graduated from high school in 96 so I definitely miss those days too, but I like life now.  I have a good life and a great husband and am mostly content with the way things are today if you don't take politics into account.  But that's another board... ;)

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Satish on 12/31/06 at 2:52 pm

added a poll. if anybody's favorite decade is the 1940s, color me impressed.

other favorite things about the 1970s -- the real star wars movie! movies ran for consecutive weeks! like, star wars had the ad in the paper would always say, "52nd smash week!" like broadway.

space: 1999
the hardy boys/nancy drew mysteries. but mainly nancy drew.
these pens

you could buy them for 29 cents apiece and make spaceships outta the caps by putting four of them together. (i guess i was really into spaceships.)

How do all those things belong to the 70s?  The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew date back to the 20s and 30s. The Mousetrap board game was invented in the mid-60s(and it's still around today.)

And you can probably still get those pens(though I don't know if they still cost 29 cents.).

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: MewMewkara on 01/01/07 at 4:53 pm

Oh sorry to hear that. That's a silly thing to be mean about, but yeah, some people are like that if you don't like what's "popular". It was just as bad for me to be talking about '80s stuff during the '90s with people my own age pretending they were too cool to remember it.

I don't listen to those people anyway. My school starts again tomorrow and I'm gonna dress 80's! (as I do everyday but whatever) I'm haappy I'm not not like everybody else at school.  :D

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: MewMewkara on 01/01/07 at 4:58 pm

The 60's - my mom used to always say I was born at the wrong time.  I was totally into the hippie scene when I was a teenager, I made my own bell bottoms, did the long straight hair - the whole nine yards.  I love love love The Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Mamas and the Papas, CSNY, Jimi Hendrix and the Rolling Stones, and would kill or die to be able to go to the original Woodstock. 

Otherwise I would have to say now.  I grew up in the 80's so I have a certain amount of nostalgia for that, and I graduated from high school in 96 so I definitely miss those days too, but I like life now.  I have a good life and a great husband and am mostly content with the way things are today if you don't take politics into account.  But that's another board... ;)

I was like that a few years ago!  :o I was in love with the 60's. I dressed exactly like that. I listened to the music, too. My mom gave me a pair of bell bottoms 2 or 3 years ago from that time and I was so happy.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Tia on 01/02/07 at 8:43 am

How do all those things belong to the 70s?  The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew date back to the 20s and 30s. The Mousetrap board game was invented in the mid-60s(and it's still around today.)

And you can probably still get those pens(though I don't know if they still cost 29 cents.).
hardy boys -- i meant the t.v. show.

and pens -- i don't think so. although they might be around somewhere. they were everywhere in the 70s though. they were pretty much the only pen out there.

mousetrap -- i dunno, i wasn't around in the 60s.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: Davester on 01/05/07 at 8:54 pm

The "80's".  Yes, they were crappy going through them, but the nostalgia's incredible. :)


  They were  crappy years, weren't they..? 

  But in retrospect, the eighties were a paradise compared to the years that followed...

  Each time I hear "1985"  by Bowling For Soup, I find one more reference that I suddenly wax nostalgic for groove ;) on...

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: tv on 01/06/07 at 1:53 am

The 90's especically 1994-1996 lots of good songs and artists. 1997-1998 were cool too.

Subject: Re: Fav decade

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 01/06/07 at 7:42 am

1960's, based on musical quality vs quantity

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