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Subject: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/25/06 at 11:09 am
To go with the theme of many of the threads in the PPP-what was the last one you have seen?
For me it was a Crucible-just yesterday.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/25/06 at 7:10 pm
the last one for me was, "Phantom of the Opera". It was my 3rd time seeing it (but my first in Pittsburgh...the other two times were in Canada)....but it was the first time for my husband...he enjoyed it a lot. This year for our anniversary....he's supposed to take me to see, "Cats". :)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: whistledog on 09/25/06 at 8:06 pm
The last (which was also the first and only) play I saw was The Phantom of the Opera in 1989 at the Pantages Theatre in Toronto. I remember it well because I was very ill that day, but regardless I really wanted to go, so I toughed it out
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/25/06 at 9:51 pm
The last (which was also the first and only) play I saw was The Phantom of the Opera in 1989 at the Pantages Theatre in Toronto. I remember it well because I was very ill that day, but regardless I really wanted to go, so I toughed it out
wow...that's ironic....the 2nd time I was there I had the flu so bad...I was sick as a dog...but I wanted to go so I toughed it out as well. ;)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/26/06 at 11:52 am
I am so jealous. I would LOVE to go see Phantom.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/26/06 at 1:51 pm
I am so jealous. I would LOVE to go see Phantom.
it's one of those musicals that draw you in the entire an enchantiing kind of way. It must also be the kind of musical that you either love or hate....not to many people think it's just okay (from what I have heard from those that have seen it). I absolutely loved it...on the other hand, my mom hated it....meh, to each his own.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: KKay on 09/26/06 at 2:23 pm
My mom took us (me and Ceekay) about two years ago; she was so inlove with it she got the movie and the CD and all kinds of stuff related to it. I don't know how C felt about it, but I really was dissapointed. It was recorded and the set changes were slow and the whole thing seemed so cheap that I could n't take it. And that's the Broadway show. Blech.
That was a confession- don't think I told C that yet.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/26/06 at 2:56 pm
it's one of those musicals that draw you in the entire an enchantiing kind of way. It must also be the kind of musical that you either love or hate....not to many people think it's just okay (from what I have heard from those that have seen it). I absolutely loved it...on the other hand, my mom hated it....meh, to each his own.
I know just about every line from the score. I orginally had it on cassette and I think I wore out those tapes (two volume set) and then I got it on CD. I do have the movie which I know they "rewrote" ::). I really hate when they do that. But I would love to see it on stage. I'm sure I would love it.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CeeKay on 09/26/06 at 3:44 pm
My mom took us (me and Ceekay) about two years ago; she was so inlove with it she got the movie and the CD and all kinds of stuff related to it. I don't know how C felt about it, but I really was dissapointed. It was recorded and the set changes were slow and the whole thing seemed so cheap that I could n't take it. And that's the Broadway show. Blech.
That was a confession- don't think I told C that yet.
Bahaha. No, you didn't tell me that. But that's okay. I liked it but I hated that the music was recorded. As a former pit-orchestra musician (okay, not professional, but still...) I greatly prefer a live orchestra to anything else. What a shame that we seem to be losing that.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CeeKay on 09/26/06 at 6:04 pm
I saw a musical called, "Crowns." It told the stories of the lives of several generations of Black women -- spinning each story around the hats that wore to church. The music was gospel style. The show was fantastic.
I'm going to see the stage version of Amadeus on Friday.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 09/27/06 at 8:19 pm
Seen: "The Who's Quadrophenia".
Been in: "Finian's Rainbow", or "Sacramento's Best Of Broadway", in 1996.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/28/06 at 11:40 am
Seen: "The Who's Quadrophenia".
Been in: "Finian's Rainbow", or "Sacramento's Best Of Broadway", in 1996.
What part in Finian's Rainbow?
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 09/28/06 at 3:54 pm
I was cast as Finian McLonergan.
I was trying for Og, but I was cast as the lead for 3 reasons:
1. I was the cast member with the most seniority in the group- 3 years.
2. I had the most authentic Irish accent, and the best tenor voice.
3. I can't dance very well, because of my feet, and Finian's part wasn't a big dancing part.
(I was later informed that a close fourth reason was that none of the female cast members wanted me getting any part where there was a remote chance that they'd have to kiss me.)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/28/06 at 3:57 pm
I was cast as Finian McLonergan.
I was trying for Og, but I was cast as the lead for 3 reasons:
1. I was the cast member with the most seniority in the group- 3 years.
2. I had the most authentic Irish accent, and the best tenor voice.
3. I can't dance very well, because of my feet, and Finian's part wasn't a big dancing part.
(I was later informed that a close fourth reason was that none of the female cast members wanted me getting any part where there was a remote chance that they'd have to kiss me.)
In the movie, Finian had a big dancing part thanks to Fred Astaire. ;)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 09/28/06 at 6:12 pm
In the movie, Finian had a big dancing part thanks to Fred Astaire. ;)
In the movie, they also had Robert "The Music Man" Preston.
Thank Gaud I didn't have to dance much, but I DID get to act drunk, at one point.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/28/06 at 6:28 pm
In the movie, they also had Robert "The Music Man" Preston.
Thank Gaud I didn't have to dance much, but I DID get to act drunk, at one point.
Robert Preston wasn't in Finian's Rainbow-or are you saying that Robert Preston couldn't sing nor dance in the Music Man?
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 09/28/06 at 10:44 pm
Robert Preston wasn't in Finian's Rainbow-or are you saying that Robert Preston couldn't sing nor dance in the Music Man?
He most certainly was in "Finian's Rainbow"- he played Woody.
And he couldn't dance very well in "Music Man", either.
His singing is passable...but I wouldn't tag him for Michael Crawford.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/29/06 at 11:29 am
He most certainly was in "Finian's Rainbow"- he played Woody.
And he couldn't dance very well in "Music Man", either.
His singing is passable...but I wouldn't tag him for Michael Crawford.
That was Don Francks.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Abix on 10/02/06 at 11:08 am
Say Goodnight Gracie
My Way
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: karen on 10/03/06 at 10:03 am
The last musical I saw was Cats. We all went along. It would have helped if we'd known a bit of the story beforehand because it was hard to follow the story and tell the children what was going on at the same time.
My daughter was in her dance school show the other week called Movies, Musicals and More. About 180 dancers in various age classes did a show dancing and singing to lots of well-known musical numbers. The "and More" bit of the title included some children's television programmes for the younger classes. My daughter danced and sang to Little People from Les Miserables, Who Will Buy from Oliver and Be My Guest from Beauty and the Beast. I've seen a little of the show during the dress rehearsals but was too busy in the dressing room to see it all so i'm buying the DVD.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 10/07/06 at 2:32 am
In the past couple of weeks I have been to a fabulous play twice and a musical once - so I thought I would paste my reviews of both from my blog rather than starting from scratch. Sorry if the local references dont make sense to all !!
WOW, WOW and WOW - so very much to catch up on !!
In the past few weeks I have been to a few amazing shows and really need to catch up on myself.
First up on Sep19 (Tues) Laurel and I went to opening night of the play The Woman in Black - a two man play starring John Waters and Brett Tucker. Thanks John & Zoe for the tickets - they were fab seats.
I dont honestly remember ever seeing a 2 man play before and I really have to admire actors who are capable of memorising and delivering so much dialogue. The play is about a haunting and clever sound & lighting effects - along with the two amazing actors creating the appropriate suspense levels - left the audience jumping and screaming in all the right moments. Its a play within a play and a really nicely written story with a killer twist that beats The Crying Game and 6th Sense for its unexpectedness.
I went again with Mum the following Friday (22nd) - sitting in the centre of the second row. I wasnt sure if the suspense would be ruined by already knowing the storyline - it wasnt ! I still leapt in fright in many parts but was also able to concentrate more on the dialogue and both actors sterling performances.
Thank you to the producers for bringing such an unusual play to Perth with such talented performers.
My only complaint - the usual one - Perth venues. The Burswood Showroom was far too big and cavernous for the production. It needed the intimacy and warmth of the Regal or His Maj. I cannot fathom that the audience members sitting beyond row Z could have possibly appreciated the attention to detail and facial expressions of the actors (but then I think that of all audiences - being the girl that never sits further back than 10th row !).
So last night - what to say about last night.
Hugh Jackman and The Boy From Oz.
Really that says it all ! But no I should say more !
I saw the original Todd McKenney production in 2000 and have always felt Todd was purely perfect in the role of Peter Allen. So I had to separate this new production in my mind and not compare the two.
Having been a Hugh Jackman fan ever since he served me tortellini while still studying acting - I knew I had to see him in this massive new arena style production.
The show was utterly incredible. "Huge" is too small a word to describe it.
Hugh was cheeky, on the ball, full of fast ad libbed retorts, dancin mad, hilarious - all of it.
He ran through the audience at one stage and high fived mum while I managed to touch his sweaty waist (sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh). He grabbed a guy out of the crowd to teach him to swivel like a pro. That guy will be a legend in his house hold for some time ! I might add that by then Hugh was wearing a stunning sequinned Eagles jumper and demonstrating how he could have made the team - in tight gold trousers !
Colleen Hewitt got a extremely well deserved long long standing ovation (the longest I have ever witnessed for a support actor) after belting out Dont Cry Out Loud - so much so that she cried on stage. Hugh followed with Tenterfield Saddler and if there was a dry eye in the house after either I would be surprised.
We Will Rock You diva's Kate Maree Houlihan and Sarah Harlow were the back up vocalists - with little extra ensemble work throughout. They played a joke on Hugh at some point - supposedly something written on their chests that only he could see - must find out what it was !
I Still Call Australia Home was a big big highlight naturally. A huge girls school choir joined Hugh on stage, along with drizaboned extras who carried a MASSIVE Australian flag into the audience and over the tops of our heads - I touched the big star as it went over my head. I Go To Rio was the big fave of the night - the entire audience on their feet singing and dancing and ensemble carrying huge pinata style Oscars and musical notes and other cabaret symbols into the crowd before TONNES of sparkles fell from the roof all over us. They were still falling as Hugh closed the show with a gorgeous ballad Once Before I Go.
So many highlights that I cant even remember them all as I try to describe it all ! I am so glad I went. It was worth every exhorbitant cent. I know I would have whinged for a decade if I had missed out.
I still believe Todd McKenney was and always will be the best man for the Peter Allen job - but I also believe Hugh Jackman is quite possibly the most incredible talent this country has ever produced.
Mum and I walked home in the rain - I stopped to ask a policeman for a plastic bag to protect my expensive theatre program and to mums surprise he handed me an evidence bag ! What a nice policeman.
As we disrobed from our "going out clothes" remnents of sparkles fell from our clothes and bodies - and handbags ! Red foil hearts, silver and gold strips, multi colours diamonds galore. I found a group of sparkles inside my cleavage (you know how it is !!) and the red foil heart had left an imprint right between my boobs and wont wash off - so I am now calling it the Hugh Jackman Hickie !!!
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/12/06 at 4:27 pm
Just got back for seeing Man of LaMancha at the local college. Overall they did a great preformance-but I was a bit disappointed in the band-they were very sluggish which slowed down the singers.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Abix on 11/12/06 at 7:31 pm
A couple weekends ago, I saw my nieces in their highschool play "The Secret Garden" . They were actually in the pit.. as part of the orchestra. My niece Sadie plays the cello, and my niece Claire plays the violin.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/12/06 at 9:45 pm
We just saw a high school presentation of, "Godspell"....they did an AMAZING job...I was WAY impressed! ;)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Abix on 11/12/06 at 11:16 pm
I've never seen Godspell. Is that an Andrew Lloyd Webber production?
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/12/06 at 11:20 pm
I've never seen Godspell. Is that an Andrew Lloyd Webber production?
no, but here's some info on it for ya! :)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Abix on 11/12/06 at 11:31 pm
no, but here's some info on it for ya! :)
thanks a bunch ! :) I recognize the album cover. I remember seeing that billboard as a kid.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/12/06 at 11:32 pm
thanks a bunch ! :) I recognize the album cover. I remember seeing that billboard as a kid.
no problem! :) Yes, it was a very interesting/entertaining musical.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Dominic L. on 11/12/06 at 11:57 pm
Today, I saw the Edward Scissorhands play at The Orpheum in San Francisco. It was ok, the scenery and music was nice, but that's all there was to it. I mean, yeah, they danced, but no dialogue or singing was included. In some cases, this would be ok, but why couldn't they just stop dancing!? Maaan, I wanted them to act normal every once and a while.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Johnny_D on 11/15/06 at 1:32 pm
I am currently halfway through the run of Lerner & Loewe's musical Camelot, with The Savoyard Light Opera Company of Carlisle, Massachusetts. I'm playing Merlyn ... here's the cast list:
I've been cast as Tito Merelli (a.k.a. " Il Stupendo "), the bombastic Italian opera star, in The Concord Players' February 2007 production of the hilarious farce, Lend Me A Tenor ... here's the cast list:
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: lorac61469 on 11/17/06 at 10:46 am
no problem! :) Yes, it was a very interesting/entertaining musical.
I love Godspell. I saw it when I was really young, I think it was around 1976. :o
Last play I saw was a couple of years ago at a local theater (The Barter Theater), A Christmas Carol.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/17/06 at 10:49 am
I love Godspell. I saw it when I was really young, I think it was around 1976. :o
Last play I saw was a couple of years ago at a local theater (The Barter Theater), A Christmas Carol.
Prior to seeing the play, I had only heard songs from it....but I was worried that I might be bored seeing it...but I was so wrong, it was so much more than I expected it to be. :)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/17/06 at 12:02 pm
Got a funny story about Godspell. When my mother was very active in theatre, the place she worked at put on Godspell. During a matinee, a bunch of blue-haired old ladies were in the audience. My mother wasn't too sure of their reaction because it was a play geared toward the younger crowd (in those days, i.e. hippies ;D ;D ). When the play was over, my mother heard one lady say to another, "I did enjoy it but I didn't like how it ended." I guess the woman was not aware that it was a retelling of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. :D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/17/06 at 12:03 pm
Got a funny story about Godspell. When my mother was very active in theatre, the place she worked at put on Godspell. During a matinee, a bunch of blue-haired old ladies were in the audience. My mother wasn't too sure of their reaction because it was a play geared toward the younger crowd (in those days, i.e. hippies ;D ;D ). When the play was over, my mother heard one lady say to another, "I did enjoy it but I didn't like how it ended." I guess the woman was not aware that it was a retelling of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. :D ;D ;D
hahaha...that's cute! ;D :D
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: KKay on 11/17/06 at 1:33 pm
I never got around to answering this one fully.
I was a theatre major. Been in: grease, runaways, George M., cindarella , funny thing happened on the way to the forum, scapino!, west side story, macbeth, the wedding, chess (sing thru), working..
i'm sure there are more.
THEN i went on to be an audio engineer for most of my adult life, mostly on tour. shows i have seen more than 200 times:
once on this island, chorus line, 42nd st, into the woods, buddy holly story, rocky horror show (actually, only about 90 times), my fair lady, driving miss daisy
i have seen lots of shows and now i'm really really critical so it's not much fun for me.
but i still like to go with other people.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Johnny_D on 11/20/06 at 1:52 am
The Savoyard Light Opera Company's run of Lerner and Loewe's musical Camelot closed on Sunday, 11/19/2006.
Here are a few photos of me playing Merlyn the Magician:
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Stompgal on 11/21/06 at 3:43 am
The last musical I saw was Cats. I saw it in Cardiff with my felow Home and Leisure students
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: agrimorfee on 11/28/06 at 5:22 pm
Last saw Ragtime...nice production, but totally unmemorable songs. :(
Only have participated in my high school's 1988 production of Gypsy...I played cello in the pit orchestra, and also made catcalls to "Gypsy Rose Lee" during "Let Me Entertain You". ;D
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: spaceace on 12/10/06 at 5:35 pm
I just saw the musical "Pippin" today at the Hershey Theatre. It stared my idol Micky Dolenz as Charlemagne. I loved it!!! :)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/10/06 at 9:37 pm
I just saw the musical "Pippin" today at the Hershey Theatre. It stared my idol Micky Dolenz as Charlemagne. I loved it!!! :)
oh wow...that sounds awesome!! :)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: spaceace on 12/11/06 at 1:53 pm
oh wow...that sounds awesome!! :)
It really is a good play. I would have enjoyed it even without Micky. :)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: FaultyDog on 12/22/06 at 3:45 am
I'm not much of a theatre man...but I did go to the theatre last night, to see Closer by Het Nationale Toneel.
Originally written in 1997, it was adapted for film in 2002 and subsequently rewritten for theatre. I keep forgetting the author's name.. :-[ Anyway, it's about four young(er) people (two men, two women) and their relationships. One woman's a stripper, the other a photographer; one of the men is a dermatologist and the other a necrologist. In twelve scenes we get to see how relationships are built up and tore down, once and again, over a three year period. In the end, all the lying, deceiting and adultery has lead to three unhappy people and one dead. I'm not giving you a full review of the play, you'll have to look it up on the net.
I wasn't very much impressed. I found the whole play to be one big clich
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: mr crowly on 01/29/07 at 12:15 pm
last one Ive seen was chity chiy bang bang last one i did well heres my credits
story ; a group of aliens come down to earth to see what life is like on earth they live with a family
role i was a Singer in a night club i perfromed ( very badly lol ) every breath you take
there was also a talent show where i did a tribute to marc almond
castle of hastle
story a comedy about the medieval days i played a knight who wanted to get the princess
my most famous show as far as publicity goes
this show was about people with learning difficultys coping in the real world there was no specific role as we all had diffrent things to do
my fave and most haunting screen was when we all lind up in a two lines one person whould walk down the space and we all whould call this person names like spastic retard thicko the point was how all these names hurt we did this 4 times
3 in westlothian once in edinburgh and once in london
the island
my last production this was 2 years ago
its about various storys i played a insane man who wanted companionship
Subject: evil dead!
Written By: vanillagirl on 01/29/07 at 1:00 pm
i saw Evil Dead the Musical in December. didn't sit in the splatter zone unfortunately, but it was an amazing show. though i miss bruce campbell...
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/29/07 at 1:31 pm
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/28/07 at 1:22 am
Last night, Guy and Dolls, starring Don johnson (remember him, yes the one from Miami Vice and Claire Sweeney)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Gis on 03/05/07 at 2:51 am
I went to see a Gilbert and Sullivan production 'Utopia Limited' which was produced by and starred one of my friends from work. It was good concidering they had only done a week of rehearsals!
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: karen on 03/13/07 at 10:01 am
We've got tickets to see Seussical the Musical on 1st April. On the day before my son is going to be a broom in Sorcerers Apprentice
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Gis on 03/21/07 at 12:39 pm
I saw Chicago last night it was great. The girl who was meant to play Roxy was sick so the understudy got to go on.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/21/07 at 12:43 pm
I saw Chicago last night it was great. The girl who was meant to play Roxy was sick so the understudy got to go on.
...and how did the understudy fare?
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Gis on 03/22/07 at 2:28 am
...and how did the understudy fare?
Very well, a bit wobbly at first but then she found her stride and was very good.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/22/07 at 2:54 am
Very well, a bit wobbly at first but then she found her stride and was very good.
Which in time will worry the main star of the show?
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Gis on 03/22/07 at 5:38 pm
I just read reviews of the run aparently the actress playing Roxy originally hurt herself badly in the first night production and they had to bring on the understudy. :-\\
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: RTynanDDS on 05/17/07 at 10:14 pm
Saw "Betrayal" by Harold Pinter last night. It moves backward each scene through a nine-year adulterous affair, so the last moment of the play is the very beginnings of the affair. Only three actors and really great stuff.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/03/07 at 1:51 am
Yesterday I finally watch the DVD of the opera Carmen, it was completed warming.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: statsqueen on 06/10/07 at 12:07 am
My daughter and I went to see Riverdance this afternoon. It was amazing.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/18/07 at 2:17 pm
Just come home from watching as a surprise treat from my son Carmen Jones at the Royal Festival Hall, it was brilliant.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/20/08 at 9:04 am
Yesterday I did attend a concert of the music of Beethoven and Rachmaninov.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: coqueta83 on 01/20/08 at 7:47 pm
The last ones I've seen are Hairspray nearly two years ago and the Nutcracker ballet over a year ago.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/28/08 at 1:50 am
Chicago, last night.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/18/10 at 4:18 pm
I just got back from seeing Jesus Christ, Superstar at the local college. Wonderful production.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/18/10 at 6:49 pm
The last (which was also the first and only) play I saw was The Phantom of the Opera in 1989 at the Pantages Theatre in Toronto. I remember it well because I was very ill that day, but regardless I really wanted to go, so I toughed it out
Me too, without the ill part.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/18/10 at 6:59 pm
Evil Dead the Musical
Plays I have seen that I liked....
Evil Dead the Musical
Les Miserables
Phantom of The Opera
Joesph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Jesus Christ Superstar
West Side Story
Blood Brothers
Ones that suck
Starlight Express (worst musical, EVER!)
Two Gentlemen of Verona
The irony:
I saw it in Stratford-upon-Avon, the place where Shakespeare was born, the act was bad!
One group hated it, even our drama teacher, thought it sucked!
I think that we left mid way, during the play, too!
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: nally on 07/09/24 at 10:29 pm
I can’t even remember. I just know that I haven’t really been in any.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/10/24 at 7:47 am
In the last year I saw You're a Good Man Charlie Brown & Lysistrata.
(I forgot about this thread)
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Howard on 07/10/24 at 8:20 am
In the last year I saw You're a Good Man Charlie Brown & Lysistrata.
(I forgot about this thread)
How was the play?
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: Howard on 07/10/24 at 8:21 am
The last play I believe I saw was Lost In Yonkers.
Subject: Re: What Was the Last Play/Musical You Have Seen/Been In?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/10/24 at 8:25 am
How was the play?
They were both good. I was a little disappointed in Charlie Brown. Every time I see it, everyone is good except Lucy. I wish thay would cast someone who can really do the part. (It is a part I would love to play.)
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