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Subject: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Red Ant on 06/08/06 at 6:31 pm
I'd start a poll, but there are entirely too many good comedians to do that. So, just list your favorite comedian(s), and why. I'll post mine later.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Dominic L. on 06/08/06 at 6:35 pm
Billl Cosby!?
Er.. Seinfeld, I guess.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: whistledog on 06/08/06 at 7:48 pm
I like Jeremy Hotz. He's a canuck, but I guess he is known in the US. I've seen him on Leno a few times. The way he stands there with his fist on his chin cracks me up
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 06/08/06 at 10:09 pm
Denis Leary is one of favorites.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Dagwood on 06/08/06 at 10:41 pm
George Carlin and Robin Williams are two of my faves.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/08/06 at 11:06 pm
I think that Sinbad is really funny!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/09/06 at 12:49 am
George Carlin and Robin Williams are two of my faves.
I also like Lewis Black.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nicki_morrissey on 06/09/06 at 1:05 am
Mitch Hedberg was original and brilliant! I miss him bunches. :(
And yes, Denis Leary is great too! And hot.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/09/06 at 1:12 am
Spike Milligan and Dave Allen set the scene for British comedy.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nicki_morrissey on 06/09/06 at 1:21 am
Speaking of British comedy...
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/09/06 at 1:28 am
Following on with the Goodies, of which came from the same Cambridge Universty, and at one point Tim Brooke-Taylor was to be a member of Monty Python, but he turned it down, for he did not feel he had the criteria of writing comedy.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 06/09/06 at 2:52 am
The late Buddy Hackett, one of the best joke tellers in stand-up. His HBO special is a comedic gem if you can find it.
Robert Schimmel, another superb stand-up comedian & joke teller. He had a special I recorded on VHS many years ago on Showtime that is hilarious. His timing and delivery were excellent, side splittin'.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: tomario on 06/09/06 at 6:20 am
bill hicks was a master
bob williamson from the 70s
(jasper carrott type stuff)
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Gis on 06/09/06 at 6:54 am
Wow where do you start ??
Ronnie Barker is a long time hero.
Of recent stuff I'm a huge fan of The Mighty Boosh, Ross Noble, Dylan Moran and Eddie Izzard.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/09/06 at 10:48 am
Jim Gaffigan is very funny.
Hes done several stand-up specials on Comedy Central, he had a role as Eric & Kelso's boss on That 70s Show(at the hotel restaurant), and hes recently been in the Sierra Mist commercials with some former MAD TV stars.
Edit: Oh and how could I forget the Man? Richard Pryor! He was the best. 8)
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Dominic L. on 06/09/06 at 11:33 am
Speaking of British comedy...
I LOVE them!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/09/06 at 12:55 pm
Benny Hill
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: whistledog on 06/09/06 at 4:16 pm
How about Carrot Top? Those crazy gismos he pulls out of his trunk are great
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: philbo on 06/09/06 at 5:57 pm
bill hicks was a master
Take note all ye Denis Leary fans: Bill Hicks was doing most of that material first. I will admit to liking Leary, but Hicks was a genius.
(jasper carrott type stuff)
Big fan of Jasper's, too. And Dave Allen, Ben Elton, Jeremy Hardy etc.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 06/09/06 at 6:04 pm
Benny Hill's saucy seaside comedy has me in stitches and Dennis Leary's harshness cracks me up
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nicki_morrissey on 06/09/06 at 7:22 pm
Benny Hill's saucy seaside comedy has me in stitches
Yeah, I love me some Benny Hill. I looooved his limericks, but I was turned off by the pervyness.
But he always had hot girls on there. *shrugs*
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Tia on 06/09/06 at 9:33 pm
Yeah, I love me some Benny Hill. I looooved his limericks, but I was turned off by the pervyness.
But he always had hot girls on there. *shrugs*
i generally appreciated the perviness, but theought his jokes sucked.
i like classic 70s steve martin, 80s eddie murphy (although he was really kinda bigoted!), and george carlin.
oh! and paula poundstone is pretty damn funny.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: xtine on 06/09/06 at 11:48 pm
i'm not really a fan of stand-up comedy, but dane cook cracks me up.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: whistledog on 06/10/06 at 12:21 am
Billy Crystal cracks me up. Whenever he'd dress up as Fernando and do that whole "You Look Mahvelous" bit, it was great 8)
He also made a great Sammy Davis Jr.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 06/10/06 at 1:09 am
Billy Crystal cracks me up. Whenever he'd dress up as Fernando and do that whole "You Look Mahvelous" bit, it was great 8)
He also made a great Sammy Davis Jr.
SNL kickstarted many comedians careers, Billy Crystal had a stint for awhile there.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/10/06 at 1:44 am
Big fan of Jasper's, too. And Dave Allen, Ben Elton, Jeremy Hardy etc.
Barry Cryer, Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Stephen Fry, Paul Merton, Sandi Toskig, etc...
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 06/10/06 at 5:10 am
When it comes to all-time comedy greats, there are 5 specific masters who have had a most profound impact on me:
1. Emo Phillips.This skinny stickpin in the bib overalls with the bobbed hair and the voice that reminds one of what 5 seconds of helium and some 'shrooms would sound like, is quite the profound comic. I love the way he'd say something and then it made you think later on, 'My God- he has a point!'
FAVORITE BIT: "I saw a rabbit costume, for $100, & I asked, "Well, when am I gonna wear it?" I was told, "How about Easter?" I bought it. Well, apparently, our church is more conservative than most!"
2. Dexter Madison.I only saw this fellow once, on Bud Friedman's "Comedy @ The Improv". He came out with a martini, and in a double-breasted suit. He was absolutely hilarious!! I never forgot his performance! Quite the classy performer- he never cursed once.
FAVORITE BIT: "On my college English final, the question was: 'What is the most profound thing you have learned from this course?' Well, the only thing I could come with, was that if you re-arrange the letters in the name "T.S. Eliot", you get "toilets".....Dexter pulled a 'B' in that course."
3. Rodney Dangerfield.Growing up, I was a child with severe self-esteem and self-confidence issues.
He taught me that laughing at myself is OK- and that most people have no ammo against you, after you hack yourself down. I really miss him- I got to talk to him twice, before he died. He will ALWAYS have my respect.
FAVORITE BIT: (actual e-mail to me, in response to the question, "Do you get laid more often than I do?"
"Hiya Wayne, yes I probably do get laid more often than you. But then you probably masturbate more than I do. Take care, Rodney"
4. Bill Cosby.He showed the world that you don't have to curse every other word, and you don't have to talk just about sex, drugs, or politics to be funny. Most of the hilarious routines he has, are from his own experiences.
FAVORITE BIT: Either "200 MPH", or "Fathers & Gas".
5. James Gregory.Before Foxworthy, Engvall, Carrington & White (I refuse to mention "Larry the Cable Dork"), there was...James Gregory. This Southern comedian was quite the wise-cracker, and the first time I heard him was on Dolly Parton's final TV series. I later found out he had at least 3 LPs out, and I howled with laughter over many of his jokes.
FAVORITE BIT: (on flying from GA to CA)"If you read the label on the plane cushions, it says: "If the plane crashes into a body of water, the seats will float. Well, lah-ti-dah! There's no body of water between L.A. and Georgia. You wanna impress me, show me a seat that'll bounce out of a cornfield!!"
For those who made me laugh: I salute you!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 06/10/06 at 10:20 am
Yeah, I love me some Benny Hill. I looooved his limericks, but I was turned off by the pervyness.
But he always had hot girls on there. *shrugs*
but it wasn't genuine perviness, it was just put on..apparently despite being always surrounded by stunning women he never had any physical relationships with them, as they stated in a documentary about his life.
I still split my sides laughing when he pats the baldy bloke really fast on the head..and the speeded up running after women is dam ned hilarious ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Step-chan on 06/10/06 at 1:54 pm
George Carlin, Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor, to name a few.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 06/10/06 at 5:27 pm
Dennis Miller and George Carlin.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: whistledog on 06/10/06 at 5:30 pm
Dennis Miller and George Carlin.
I love how Dennis Miller speaks his mind. Whenever he's a guest on The Tonight Show, he just comes right out with the truth. It's great ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Red Ant on 06/11/06 at 12:43 am
Quite a good list going here. I'd have to say George Carlin (wow, was he on fire with his last special or what :o), Denis Leary, Richard Pryor, and the Blue Collar Comedy Tour Guys. The last is hit or miss though, Larry the Cable guy is funny but Larry: Health Inspector was a waste of 90 minutes and 9$ for the ticket. Ron White is either on or off too.
I love Mind of Mencia, but the few of Carlos' stand-up acts I've seen fell way short of the show.
I watch comedy specials on Comedy Central quite a lot, and there are numerous amateur comedians that are quite good, but not good enough that I remember their names.
Dennis Miller is good too.
And I have to admit I liked watching Gallagher, and not just for when he was smashing fruit with a big freakin' mallet.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 06/11/06 at 1:36 am
I love how Dennis Miller speaks his mind. Whenever he's a guest on The Tonight Show, he just comes right out with the truth. It's great ;D
I watched Dennis Miller Live on HBO from the time it started to the last episode and was BEYOND pissed when they cancelled it. I also have all his "Rants" books.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Tia on 06/11/06 at 8:20 am
dennis miller is a dumfuk.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 06/11/06 at 10:15 am
dennis miller is a dumfuk.
Says you.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Tam on 06/11/06 at 11:18 am
I have loved Bill COsby since I heard his album:
"To Russell, My brother whomI've slept with"
The whole skit with them jumping on the bed, falling off, poking each other in the eye! Makes me laugh my a$$ off!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 06/11/06 at 11:50 am
I really enjoy the stand-up comedy of Dane Cook, and I managed to find a clip of my favorite routine of his over at You Tube, where he describes working at Burger King and the "Pickle Molester"... ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/11/06 at 1:48 pm
The dearly departed pair of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: jackas on 06/11/06 at 10:54 pm
I really enjoy the stand-up comedy of Dane Cook, and I managed to find a clip of my favorite routine of his over at You Tube, where he describes working at Burger King and the "Pickle Molester"... ;D
...and the pickles, and the pickles, and the pickles... ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: jackas on 06/11/06 at 11:02 pm
Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Dennis Miller, Dane Cook, Russ Meneve, Greg Giraldo, Dave Chappelle...........
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 06/12/06 at 4:17 am
I have loved Bill COsby since I heard his album:
"To Russell, My brother whomI've slept with"
The whole skit with them jumping on the bed, falling off, poking each other in the eye! Makes me laugh my a$$ off!
Have you heard "Revenge", or "200 MPH"? Those are even more hilarious!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/12/06 at 12:19 pm
Hugh Dennis, Steve Punt, Marcus Brigstock, Jon Holmes, Emma Kennedy and Mitch Benn.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 06/12/06 at 2:08 pm
...and the pickles, and the pickles, and the pickles... ;D ;D
;D I know, that kills me everytime I see it!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 06/12/06 at 2:38 pm
I enjoy certain variations of comedy. I enjoy George Carlin's style. His play of the English language is amazing. He has a fantastic way with words. Sometimes, Rodney Dangerfield cracks me up (especially in Caddyshack). Jerry Seinfeld is pretty good as a stand up comedian. Dane Cook is a great stand up as well.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 06/12/06 at 3:24 pm
Just an addendum, I saw Jay Leno in Las Vegas a few years ago, and he was surprisingly very good as a stand up comedian. He also had a great opening pianist, but I can't remember his name.
I'd like to hit the Punchline in the City.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: jackas on 06/12/06 at 3:26 pm
Just an addendum, I saw Jay Leno in Las Vegas a few years ago, and he was surprisingly very good as a stand up comedian. He also had a great opening pianist, but I can't remember his name.
I'd like to hit the Punchline in the City.
I always want to go out there when I'm in CA, but there never seems to be anyone good when I'm in town. :-\\
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 06/12/06 at 5:20 pm
One of my favorite comic sketches/skits is George Carlin's "Seven Dirty Words".
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: jackas on 06/12/06 at 5:23 pm
One of my favorite comic sketches/skits is George Carlin's "Seven Dirty Words".
Just wanted to see which of the seven dirty words would make it through the filter.
Let me just tell you that the last three did. ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: adagio on 06/13/06 at 10:09 pm
Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, and the other two ....the one with sleeves cracks me up, not that garbage man.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/14/06 at 12:50 am
Paul Merton is a diamond!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Luke Brattoni on 06/14/06 at 5:24 am
Margaret Cho- she doesn't just 'go there'. She's a travel agent to new destinations.
"I slept with a woman on the ship, and afterwards I was thinking... am I gaaaaay? Am I straaaaaight? Then I realised... I'm just slutty.
So where's my parade?!"
"I was on the floor in the emergency room, and this woman came up to me and said 'Hi, my name is Gwen and I'm here to wash your vagina!"
"If you are a woman, if you are a person of colour, if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, if you are a person of size, if you are person of intelligence, if you are a person of integrity, then you are considered a minority in this world. And it's going to be really hard for us to find messages of self-love and support anywhere.... If you don't have self-esteem, you will hesitate to do anything in your life.... You will hesitate to report a rape. You will hesitate to defend yourself when you are discriminated against because of your race, your sexuality, your size, your gender. You will hesitate to vote; you will hesitate to dream. For us to have self-esteem is truly an act of revolution, and our revolution is long overdue. "
Demetri Martin- it's all in the delivery. And this delivery boy deserves a tip.
"About a month ago I got a cactus. A week later, it died. I was really depressed, because I was like... 'Damn! I am less nurturing than a desert!'"
"I wanna make a jigsaw puzzle that's 40,000 pieces. And when you finish it, it says 'Go outside.'"
"Some jokes are short and elegant, like a mathematical proof or a midget in a ballgown."
Barry Humphries- what little I've seen of Dame Edna and Les Patterson is enough to validate the status.
"I was born in Melbourne with a precious gift. Dame Nature stooped over my cot and gave me this gift... it was the ability to laugh at the misfortunes of others.
"My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet... she's now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia."
"I'm that low I could parachute out of a snake's a***hole and still have room to free-fall."
...and this British guy who looks like Peter Jackson... I've been struggling to remember his name for minutes.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 06/14/06 at 1:57 pm
Margaret Cho is another great comedienne. Good choice, Luke Brattoni!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Apricot on 06/14/06 at 9:59 pm
Patton Oswalt, Jim Gaffigan, Harland Williams, The Sklar Brothers, Slovin and Allen, Wanda Sykes, Greg Rogell... I'm a big fan of stand-up.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: loki 13 on 06/24/06 at 4:07 pm
George Carlin
Steven Wright
Eddie Izzard
Rita Rudner
Paula Poundstone
Chris Rock
These are just a few of my favorites.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 06/24/06 at 5:49 pm
There's a comedian named John Toomey, who's Canadian ('A'), ands who does songs by making interesting noises with his hands. I actually heard him do "New York, New York" and "Hello, Dolly" in this manner, and he has the standard John Entwistle "I'm bored" look on his face. It's quite comical!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: hornet on 06/26/06 at 5:36 am
i've heard and liked
Bill Hicks r.i.p
George Carlin ( though his swearing is bit overused ) ..but i love where he comes from with his sarcasm.
Bil Cosby
even ol' Hal Roach
and many others .
but their's one Comedian that really gets me going in tears , and it's all about observational humour ! ..
Carl Barron ...if one has never ever thought about the stupidity/curiosity of everyday human life with what and how we do things & our true honest/curious inner thoughts that we never admit too , then this bloke does it for you !
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 07/04/06 at 8:05 am
Will Sasso, erstwhile of Mad TV, did some of my favorite skits from that show. I found my absolute favorite skit featuring Will as Kenny Rogers on the MTV show, Jackass over at You Tube... This is priceless!!!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Silver Power on 07/06/06 at 7:47 pm
My Favorite is Weird Al. Duh.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 07/06/06 at 7:51 pm
My favorite comedians I hate:
-Andrew Dice Clay
-Larry the Cable Dork
-Martin Lawrence
-Dave Chappelle
-Larry the Cable Dork (he's so bad, I have to mention him twice)
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: annonymouse on 07/19/06 at 9:49 pm
ellen degeneras
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 07/20/06 at 2:40 am
Steve Harvey
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: mugg on 07/21/06 at 8:34 am
Redd Foxx... show me a man who won't eat puddy and i'll show you a neighbor who will.... i'll be a dirty old man untill i'm a dead old man... was at a ballgame with my girlfriend, foulball hit her right between the legs... i broke 3 fingers ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/21/06 at 3:01 pm
Bill Cosby
Robin Williams
George Carlin
Billy Connelly (though I haven't seen him around lately)
Steven Wright
Rita Rudner
Bob Testa (WHO?? :o :o This guy I used to work with who was soooo funny. He used to get me tickets whenever he played at a local comedy club. ;D ;D I am really surprised he didn't go with his comedy because he was good.)
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 07/21/06 at 3:02 pm
Bill Cosby
Robin Williams
George Carlin
Billy Connelly (though I haven't seen him around lately)
Steven Wright
Rita Rudner
Bob Testa (WHO?? :o :o This guy I used to work with who was soooo funny. He used to get me tickets whenever he played at a local comedy club. ;D ;D I am really surprised he didn't go with his comedy because he was good.)
Billy Connelly has been doing several tv programmes travelling around Australia.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nally on 08/20/06 at 1:53 am
My favorite comedians include the "Whose Line Is It Anyway" performers, and most of the "Laugh-In" performers. I'd name names, but there's too many in the aforementioned categories to list right now.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Jack Wilson on 09/19/06 at 9:16 pm
But I also like Steve Martin, Rodney Dangerfield, what ive seen of RRichard Pryor is good,m umm JIM GAFFIGAN and some others
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: GREEN67 on 09/22/06 at 10:18 pm
8)i have sooo many...UMMM Spade, WHO is he???,....... Older...Rodney Dangerfield, Richard Pryor, Steve Martin, All the 70s Sat night live cast,...Red Skelton, Milten Berle, Younger...Bernie Mac, Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey, ( anyone remember In Living Color??)...All the Wayans, Adam Sandler, Jon Stewart, Chris Farley, Mike Myers, .............I am so overwhelmed I cant think...there are so many...
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Matthias on 09/29/06 at 7:45 am
These guys
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/29/06 at 12:01 pm
These guys
With or without the glasses?
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nally on 10/12/06 at 12:20 pm
With or without the glasses?
I think Drew Carey is the only one of them who regularly wears glasses.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/12/06 at 12:31 pm
I think Drew Carey is the only one of them who regularly wears glasses.
I think you are correct there.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nally on 10/12/06 at 5:39 pm
I think you are correct there.
Right. O0
As for the other guys, I've never seen glasses on any of them. But Greg Proops wears 'em. He's usually a "fourth performer", though. Ryan, Colin and Wayne are the three regulars. (That is, on the American version.)
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 10/17/06 at 5:00 pm
Ellen Degeneres
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: La Roche on 10/17/06 at 5:05 pm
Redd Foxx... show me a man who won't eat puddy and i'll show you a neighbor who will.... i'll be a dirty old man untill i'm a dead old man... was at a ballgame with my girlfriend, foulball hit her right between the legs... i broke 3 fingers ;D
Love Redd Foxx!!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/18/06 at 12:37 am
Right. O0
As for the other guys, I've never seen glasses on any of them. But Greg Proops wears 'em. He's usually a "fourth performer", though. Ryan, Colin and Wayne are the three regulars. (That is, on the American version.)
...but the glasses can be used in the prop round of WLIIA?
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 10/18/06 at 12:45 am
Lewis Black.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/18/06 at 12:46 am
Paul Merton
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nally on 10/18/06 at 12:30 pm
...but the glasses can be used in the prop round of WLIIA?
Or "Song Styles", where Wayne sings to an audience member or special guest? Sometimes he'll sing, and the other performers will do time they had to impersonate the Village People, with Wayne singing to a guy named Howard in the style of "YMCA". Wayne wore a policeman's hat...and the other performers wore (in some order) an indian headdress, an army hat, and a construction worker's hat.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/20/06 at 1:15 am
Or "Song Styles", where Wayne sings to an audience member or special guest? Sometimes he'll sing, and the other performers will do time they had to impersonate the Village People, with Wayne singing to a guy named Howard in the style of "YMCA". Wayne wore a policeman's hat...and the other performers wore (in some order) an indian headdress, an army hat, and a construction worker's hat.
I did see that only once, but wish to see that again.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nally on 10/20/06 at 3:50 pm
I did see that only once, but wish to see that again.
Yeah, it was crazy. :D Wayne misspelled Howard's name "Horward"...and as a blooper, the music abruptly sped up, so Wayne had to sing, "Howard, how'd this song get so damned fast?" When the song was over, Drew Carey pointed out Wayne's misspelling, to which Wayne replied, "It's hard to spell at two hundred and ten beats per minute!" But he was spelling it wrong even before the music's abrupt tempo change. Still, that was hilarious.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/21/06 at 1:17 am
Yeah, it was crazy. :D Wayne misspelled Howard's name "Horward"...and as a blooper, the music abruptly sped up, so Wayne had to sing, "Howard, how'd this song get so damned fast?" When the song was over, Drew Carey pointed out Wayne's misspelling, to which Wayne replied, "It's hard to spell at two hundred and ten beats per minute!" But he was spelling it wrong even before the music's abrupt tempo change. Still, that was hilarious.
I saw it last night on YouTube, (which currently down at the moment), it was laughter all the way through. Even the band suffered.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nally on 10/21/06 at 2:03 am
I saw it last night on YouTube, (which currently down at the moment), it was laughter all the way through. Even the band suffered.
I haven't seen anything on YouTube...except the music video for Ashley Tisdale's "Kiss The Girl", which Mr. Woops had pointed out to me.
By "the band," I assume you're referring to Laura Hall and Lynda Taylor (the two people who play the instruments; Ms. Hall usually plays a piano or keyboard).
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/21/06 at 2:05 am
I haven't seen anything on YouTube...except the music video for Ashley Tisdale's "Kiss The Girl", which Mr. Woops had pointed out to me.
By "the band," I assume you're referring to Laura Hall and Lynda Taylor (the two people who play the instruments; Ms. Hall usually plays a piano or keyboard).
Which one is which? The keyboardist creased up, but the guitarist played faster.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nally on 10/21/06 at 2:07 am
Which one is which? The keyboardist creased up, but the guitarist played faster.
Laura Hall usually plays the piano or keyboard; she must've been the one who screwed up. Lynda Taylor is the guitarist.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/21/06 at 2:41 am
Laura Hall usually plays the piano or keyboard; she must've been the one who screwed up. Lynda Taylor is the guitarist.
This does definitely deserve a repeat viewing.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/24/06 at 10:03 pm
Chris Rock
Dave Chappelle
George Carlin
Denis Leary
Ellen DeGeneres
Harland Williams
Billy Connelly
Richard Pryor
Phil Hartman
Least favorites....
Andrew "Dice" Clay
Carrot Top
Pauly Shore
Larry The Cable Guy
Laura Lampinelli
Kathy Griffin
Joan Rivers
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: PMS on 11/26/06 at 4:09 pm
In the realm of stand up
Bill Cosby
George Carlin
Emo Phillips
Steven Wright
Kathy Griffin
Wanda Sykes (when she's not being preachy)
Favorite comedy troupe is of course the cast of Monty Python
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Silver Power on 01/18/09 at 2:22 am
Dimitri Martin and Mitch Hedberg.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Frank on 02/15/09 at 12:07 am
Steven Wright
George Carlin
Robin Williams
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nally on 09/09/10 at 12:25 pm
This does definitely deserve a repeat viewing.
(Video no longer available)
2:55 = abrupt tempo speed-up
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/09/10 at 8:30 pm
Right now I like Louis C.K., his show on F/X is funny if a bit of a downer at times.
Lisa Lampanelli just flat out kills me on the Comedy Central roasts.
And it really sucks about Robert Schimmel's untimely death, he was freakin' hilarious.
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/12/10 at 5:20 am
2:55 = abrupt tempo speed-up
Ah yes, the classic with Howard!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/12/10 at 5:21 am
Ah yes, the classic with Howard!
Not our Howard, another Howard....
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/12/10 at 5:26 am
2:55 = abrupt tempo speed-up
It is hard to spell at 210 beats per minute!
Subject: Re: Favorite Comedian(s)?
Written By: nally on 01/08/25 at 8:35 am
(Video no longer available)
2:55 = abrupt tempo speed-up
Dangflabit, the video got taken down! >:(
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