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Subject: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/04/05 at 3:03 am

qhats everyones favorite SNL skits?  From any time period. 

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 10/04/05 at 4:59 am

Chevy Chase parodying President Gerald Ford

Gilda Radner doing 'Gimmie Mick'!(which female singer is she parodying in the skit? I was thinking Patti Smith but I didn't want to get it wrong)

Wayne's World!

Eddie Murphy's HOT TUB parody of James Brown!

Weekend Update!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 10/04/05 at 7:29 am

Celebrity Jeopardy, with Sean Connery...  ;D

"I'll take The Rapists for $2000, Alex!'

"That's not what your mom said Trebeck!"

"I'll take swords for $1000, Alex!"

"What is a leather glove?"

"All on the count of villainy, Trebeck!"


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tanya1976 on 10/04/05 at 9:26 am

Wayne's World
The Church Lady
The land shark
Any by Eddie Murphy

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: duranchick on 10/04/05 at 9:44 am

Christopher Walken - "I need more cowbell" - in the skit with BOC recording "Don't Fear the Reaper".  Will Ferrell was over the top.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 10/04/05 at 9:49 am

I like the fake commercials the best! Especially the ones for Buckwheat's compilation album ("Hi, I'm Buh Weet, remembuh me?") and the one for trapdoors.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Satish on 10/04/05 at 9:56 am

I watched SNL mostly in the 90s. I liked:

David Spade doing the Hollywood Minute. It was so funny hearing him do those mean celebrity jokes!   ;D

Dana Carvey imitating the first President Bush.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/04/05 at 10:14 am

Some classics:
Land Shark
Killer Christmas Trees
Killer Bees
And the one with the giant lobsters.

I always like Emily Latella (Gilda Radner). She always called Chevy Chase "Chedder Cheese".  Some of the ones that I can remember is "Sax and Violins" on t.v., and "Busting school children".  "Oh, that's different. Never mind."

Then there is Point/Counter Point- "Jane, you ingorant slut."

But that one that truly got me was when Jane Curtain ripped open her shirt. (I think that had something to do with the fact that I used some "leafy substance" at the time.  ;) )


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 10/04/05 at 12:43 pm

Anyone remember the SNL episode when Paul Simon was dressed up as a turkey?

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: whistledog on 10/04/05 at 12:48 pm

Eddie Murphy - Mr. Robinson's Neighbourhood

Chris Kattan and Will Ferrel - The Butabi Brothers

Jon Lovitz - The Liar

Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest - "I Hate When that Happens"

Billy Crystal - Fernando "You Look Mahvelous"

There was one from 1984 that always cracked me up where the idea was the Three Stooges teached a karate class.  Joe Piscopo played Curly Joe, and in one scene, his pants fell down, which wasn't part of the script.  That just killed me laughing  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 10/04/05 at 3:22 pm

I wasn't a regular SNL watcher, but I did enjoy most of the fake commercials, as stated above; aside from that, I did watch some skits with Eddie Murphy on Comedy Central a few years back; they were pretty funny.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Apricot on 10/04/05 at 3:34 pm

Then there is Point/Counter Point- "Jane, you ingorant slut."

They made fun of that when they parodied the Point-Counterpoint debates two politicians had (Was it Bill Clinton and someone else?) but they had someone say "Bill, you ignoranat slut."  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 10/04/05 at 3:44 pm

Here are the things I remember and liked as a kid watching SNL throughout the years:

Jack Handy commercials

The Church Lady

Toontsies The Driving Cat

Pat: Is it a she or a he?

Wayne's World

Dana Carvey's Impressions of Presidents, etc.

Martin Short's Ed Grimely

Han's and Franz (We're Gonna - Pump - You Up)

Dieter (Sprockets)

Linda Richman

and so many more...

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Southern Image on 10/04/05 at 3:51 pm

Wil Ferrel and Cheri O' Terri  as the Cheerleaders

Molly Shannon as the Catholic School girl

David Spade & Chris Farley as the Gap Girls  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Skippy on 10/04/05 at 5:55 pm

  The "Pepsi Syndrome". Dan Akroyd playing Pres. Carter; "I'll be o.k. Roslyn, I got my little yellow booties on". Then he grows to monstrous proportions. Also many of the ones already mentioned, especially from the first 15 years.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/04/05 at 6:19 pm

  The "Pepsi Syndrome". Dan Akroyd playing Pres. Carter; "I'll be o.k. Roslyn, I got my little yellow booties on". Then he grows to monstrous proportions. Also many of the ones already mentioned, especially from the first 15 years.

How could I have forgotten the "Pepsi Syndrome". That was classic.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Harmonica on 10/04/05 at 6:48 pm

Celebrity Jeopardy, with Sean Connery...  ;D

"I'll take The Rapists for $2000, Alex!'

"That's not what your mom said Trebeck!"

"I'll take swords for $1000, Alex!"

"What is a <a  style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='leather glove'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">leather glove</a>?"

"All on the count of villainy, Trebeck!"


"I don't remember but you're mother's a whore"

"It's a Frickin hammer!"

And my all time favorite

"Is the Tea, hot or cold, hot or cold?  Here is your hint"
(Ricky Martin Singing) "Hot hot hot hot hot"
"Yes Sean Connery"
"Was it iced tea?"

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 10/04/05 at 8:00 pm

I wasn't a regular SNL watcher, but I did enjoy most of the fake commercials, as stated above; aside from that, I did watch some skits with Eddie Murphy on Comedy Central a few years back; they were pretty funny.
One of their fake ads touted a "Love Toilet" for couples...

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 10/04/05 at 8:02 pm

There was a skit with a guy in a bathtub that liked to draw pictures...

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Harmonica on 10/04/05 at 8:36 pm

There was a skit with a guy in a bathtub that liked to draw pictures...

I remember it.  It was either Al Franken or Mike Myers.  Almost positive it was Mike Myers.  I think his name was Simon, and he said, "Draw" really funny.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 10/04/05 at 9:35 pm

I also love the Bass-a-matic, it was funny but gross!  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 10/04/05 at 9:36 pm

Christopher Walken - "I need more cowbell" - in the skit with BOC recording "Don't Fear the Reaper".  Will Ferrell was over the top.

Classic!  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 10/04/05 at 10:13 pm

I like the fake commercials the best! Especially the ones for Buckwheat's compilation album ("Hi, I'm Buh Weet, remembuh me?") and the one for trapdoors.

Totally agree about the fake commercials, those were the best!  I especially like when Jane Curtin did them, she's a natural.

I liked mostly everything Gilda Radner did. 

Eddie Murphy's Mister Robinson's Neighborhood and I'm Gumby Damnit!

The Butabi Brothers (Still love Night at the Roxburry)

Loved "Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, No fries - chips, No coke - Pessi" skit

and of course - Samarui whatever skits always cracked me up

Of the guest hosts - I liked Christopher Walken's "The Continental" skits - funny stuff

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 10/04/05 at 10:29 pm

Wayne's World is also another favorite of mine!  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 10/04/05 at 10:40 pm

One of their fake ads touted a "Love Toilet" for couples...

...which was designed just like the Addams Family's "Love seat." ;D

I also have heard/seen some of the political satires. Dana Carvey's impersonation of Bush the Elder is funny; I think he's also impersonated G.W. Bush.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/04/05 at 11:39 pm

E.T. parody with Tim Kazurinsky as Elliott, and Mr. T as E.T.'s father!
The Mr. Bill Show
The Coneheads
Ed Grimley
Fernando's Hideaway
Wayne's World
Hanz unt Franz
Sprockets (with Dieter)
"I hate when that happens!" (Billy Crystal, Cristopher Guest)
The Church Lady
The crazy pill-popping lady (Cheri Oteri)
Drawing with Simon (Mike Myers)
President Ford (Chevy Chase)
"Big Red" (toy commercial spoof, toy is a plastic lumbrjack that sprays red goop everywhere)
"Simmer Down Now!" (Cajun lady, Cheri Oteri)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/05/05 at 10:56 am

"Once upon a time there were lots of people. That's all I wanted to say."

"She's choppin' broccoli"

;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Dominic L. on 10/05/05 at 10:14 pm

"Once upon a time there were lots of people. That's all I wanted to say."

"She's choppin' broccoli"

;D ;D ;D


I love the broccoli one!

I also like this newer one where this hobo has a script for a movie, it was funny...

and the cowbell one of course

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/05/05 at 11:05 pm

-Jon Lovitz as the lier
-Jerry Seinfeld teaching the history class
-More cowbell!
-Beluchi as Beethoven doing My girl
-Blues Brothers
-Bee Hospital
-Piscopo and Murphy as Sinatra and Stevie WOnder doing their ebony and ivory parody
-Beluchi doing Joe Cocker while Joe Cocker is on stage
-The game show hosted by Steve Martin in which all the questions were decided by scholars on the subjects and all the answers by college students
-Tom Hanks, Damon Wayens and Jon Lovitz as Jerry Seinfeld observational comics
-Choppin Brocali
-Church Lady
-Weekend Update
-Tritopen (the painkiller)
-Trapdoor commerical
-Deep Thoughts
-Phil Hartman or Darrell Hammond as Clinton
-Stand up and Win
-Farley as a motavational speaker
-Dana Carvey as Bush
-Mcgloclin group
-Sinatra Group
-That model show that nora dunn was the host of
-Ashley Simpson messing up her lip syncing

I cant remember any more

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: thenewwavechick on 10/05/05 at 11:22 pm

Some of my favorite skits are:

Dan Akroyd & Steve Martin (Two Wild and Crazy Guys)
Gilda Radner as Emily Latella ("Nevermind")
The whole Nerds skits with Bill Murray and Gilda Radner
The skit with the syncornized swimmers (Martin Short and Harry Sherer).  Martin Short cracked me up.  And Christopher Guest as the choreographer was classic.
Molly Shannon's Mary Catherine Gallagher
The "Happy Fun Ball" commercial (anytime I see those medicine commercials on TV all I can think of all the disclaimers during the Happy Fun Ball commercial)
The Gumby Christmas Special with Eddie Murphy as Gumby and Julia Louis Dreyfuss and Gary Kroger as Donny & Marie who make out on the special. 
The skit with Phil Hartman as Frank Sinatra, and Sting as Billy Idol (Sting did a great Billy Idol)
The Christopher Walken Blue Oyster Cult skit ("Can we have more cowbell?")
The Spartan Spirit Cheerleaders

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/05/05 at 11:48 pm

Oh yeah, I forgot "Deep Jack Handy."

What about Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley auditioning for Chippendale's?

There was this other one with Martin Short as Katherine Hepburns cousin, the Hot Dog vendor, and another where Short played a nervous lawyer who kept saying, "I know that...I'm not getting defensive, why is it always the other guy who's getting defensive?  Maybe you're getting defensive.  Changing the subject?  Of course I'm changing the subject, 'coz it's boring, it's boring stuff you're talking about..."

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/07/05 at 7:18 pm

What about Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley auditioning for Chippendale's?

that one is histerical

There was this other one with Martin Short as Katherine Hepburns cousin, the Hot Dog vendor, and another where Short played a nervous lawyer who kept saying, "I know that...I'm not getting defensive, why is it always the other guy who's getting defensive?  Maybe you're getting defensive.  Changing the subject?  Of course I'm changing the subject, 'coz it's boring, it's boring stuff you're talking about..."

I might be insane, but I hate Martin Short. 

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: thenewwavechick on 10/08/05 at 4:07 am

Oh yeah, I forgot "Deep Jack Handy."

What about Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley auditioning for Chippendale's?

There was this other one with Martin Short as Katherine Hepburns cousin, the Hot Dog vendor, and another where Short played a nervous lawyer who kept saying, "I know that...I'm not getting defensive, why is it always the other guy who's getting defensive?  Maybe you're getting defensive.  Changing the subject?  Of course I'm changing the subject, 'coz it's boring, it's boring stuff you're talking about..."

OMG, I just remembered another Martin Short as Katherine Hepburn skit.  It was Kate * Ali with Martin as Katherine Hepburn and Billy Crystal as Mohamad Ali.  :P

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: La Sine Pesroh on 10/08/05 at 8:12 pm

There was this other one with Martin Short as Katherine Hepburns cousin, the Hot Dog vendor, and another where Short played a nervous lawyer who kept saying, "I know that...I'm not getting defensive, why is it always the other guy who's getting defensive?  Maybe you're getting defensive.  Changing the subject?  Of course I'm changing the subject, 'coz it's boring, it's boring stuff you're talking about..."
Ah, yes.  Martin Short as "Nathan Thurm," the sweaty, chain-smoking lawyer.

Also, there was one about 10 years ago with Nicolas Cage as an expectant father who was debating with his wife what to name their unborn son, and every time she'd suggest a name he'd find the lamest reason why other kids could make fun of that name. Then the doorbell rings, and Rob Schneider (as a deliveryman) is standing at the door. "Package for Mr. Asswipe," he says. Nicolas Cage gives him a dirty look and says, "No, that's Oz-WEE-pay."  ;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 10/08/05 at 8:28 pm

I still wonder if anyone else besides me remembers the SNL skit with Paul Simon(who also was the musical guest) dressed up as a TURKEY...?

And the 'Love Toilet" was supposedly sold at Bamberger's....yes that was a real department store chain that got bought out by Macy's!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: La Sine Pesroh on 10/08/05 at 8:35 pm

I still wonder if anyone else besides me remembers the SNL skit with Paul Simon(who also was the musical guest) dressed up as a TURKEY...?
I've seen that--Paul Simon seemed kind of bitter.  ;D

Also, the infamous "Jingleheimer Junction" skit from a few years back was really funny.

Alec Baldwin was one of the funniest guest hosts. He had a recurring skit where he played a man named "Pete Sweaty," and he would go on some local public radio show hosted by two middle-aged ladies (I think Ana Gastmeyer was one of them) to talk about his receipes for his "Sweaty Balls" or his "Sweaty Weiner." Inevitably one of the ladies would sample his concoction and say, "Mmmm...your Sweaty Weiner feels so good in my mouth..."

He was also on the "Inside The Actor's Studio" spoof, and he did a dead-on impression of Charles Nelson Reilly (most well-known for his regular appearances on the 1970's game show "Match Game") that had me falling out of my chair.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/08/05 at 11:49 pm

I still wonder if anyone else besides me remembers the SNL skit with Paul Simon(who also was the musical guest) dressed up as a TURKEY...?

There was a more recent one in which Paul Simon and his agent are auditioning dancers, and these two geeky guys are doing awful pantomime to all his hits.  It was hysterical, but I can't recall the actors who did it.  They did one like that with Sting also.

I might be insane, but I hate Martin Short. 

I'm a big fan, but I wouldn't begrudge anybody for hating Martin Short, especially after the Jimminy Glick Show.  I found Glick hysterical in a perverse way because it annoyed the cr@p out of me at the same time!

That reminds me of another Short character, the songwriter Irving C. Cohn.  He was a spoof on the old Tin Pan Ally guys.  Cohn boasted of writing over ten thousand songs...but they all sounded exactly alike:  "Gimme a C, a bouncy C!"
You might still be insane anyway.

OMG, I just remembered another Martin Short as Katherine Hepburn skit.  It was Kate * Ali with Martin as Katherine Hepburn and Billy Crystal as Mohamad Ali.  :P

Yeah, yeah, I remember that!  I liked that one because it was just kinda...weeeeird!

Ah, yes.  Martin Short as "Nathan Thurm," the sweaty, chain-smoking lawyer.

Thanks, "Nathan Thurm," that was the name! 
Around the time Short was doing that sketch, I saw the president of Phillip Morris on TV, and he was talking just like Nathan Thurm.  I think it was "60 Minutes" or something.  The reporter was asking him how he felt about his product making all those people sicke, and the guy was like: "Sick?  What do you mean 'sick'?  I smoke, my wife smokes, and my children smoke.  We're not sick, nobody's sick!  You can't prove smoking makes anybody sick..."  All the while, the PM guy was taking copious drags of his cigarette!
Oh yeah, another thing Thurm used to say:
"Is it me, or is it him?"

Trivia:  Does anybody know why "Weekend Update" was renamed "The Saturday Night News" in the early '80s?  I never knew why.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/09/05 at 12:46 am

I still wonder if anyone else besides me remembers the SNL skit with Paul Simon(who also was the musical guest) dressed up as a TURKEY...?

that was the second episode I believe

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/09/05 at 12:49 am

There was a more recent one in which Paul Simon and his agent are auditioning dancers, and these two geeky guys are doing awful pantomime to all his hits.  It was hysterical, but I can't recall the actors who did it.  They did one like that with Sting also.

I believe it was Chris Parnell and Chris Kattan. 

I'm a big fan, but I wouldn't begrudge anybody for hating Martin Short, especially after the Jimminy Glick Show.  I found Glick hysterical in a perverse way because it annoyed the cr@p out of me at the same time!

That reminds me of another Short character, the songwriter Irving C. Cohn.  He was a spoof on the old Tin Pan Ally guys.  Cohn boasted of writing over ten thousand songs...but they all sounded exactly alike:  "Gimme a C, a bouncy C!"
You might still be insane anyway.

Irving C. Cohn was a funny concept...that was really it.  Nathan Thurm was kinda funny.  I really got annoyed with Ed Brimley though

Trivia:  Does anybody know why "Weekend Update" was renamed "The Saturday Night News" in the early '80s?  I never knew why.

yeah, Ive seen reruns with that....I dont know why either. 

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/09/05 at 1:04 am

I believe it was Chris Parnell and Chris Kattan. 
Irving C. Cohn was a funny concept...that was really it.  Nathan Thurm was kinda funny.  I really got annoyed with Ed Brimley though

That's Ed Grimley
"Pat Sajack ought to be a pretty decent guy, I must say!"

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: PETER on 10/09/05 at 1:07 am

Alec Baldwins' last name in the skit was Schwetty.

Paul Simon dressed up as the turkey and then sang Still Crazy After all These Years while in the costume.

My favorite was a short while back with Rachael Dracht as Debby Downer which started the others in the scene to laugh and they keep bringing her back now.

Most annoying are the one joke political bits..opening the show or take offs of court hearings. 

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/09/05 at 1:22 am

Somebody already mentioned Chris Farley,
You'll end up living in a VAN down by the RIVER!
But I just wanted to say how much it reminded me of my dad!

Who remembers the ad spoof "Handi-Off"?  It was a product for dissolving extra fingers.  You know how you've hated that unsiightly sixth finger all your life? 
There's a part where a guy says to Victoria Jackson, "Pick you up at six?," and she raises her hand and proudly announces, "Let's make it five!"
And don't forget about new "Toe-Riffic"!

Another ad spoof I liked came at the time of the oat bran craze.  A cereal called "Colon Blow."  Poking fun of Total brand cereal's long-running catch, "It would take four bowls of Brand X to get the fibre in just one bowl of Total,"  the ad spoof went, "it would take 750 bowls of your brand to equal the fibre in just ONE bowl of Colon Blow"!  And it shows a guy on a mountain of cereal bowls eating a bowl of Colon Blow.
And don't forget about new "Super Colon Blow...."

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/09/05 at 3:53 pm

Puppy Uppers and Doggie Downers.  :D ;D


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: La Sine Pesroh on 10/09/05 at 7:31 pm

Thanks, "Nathan Thurm," that was the name! 
Around the time Short was doing that sketch, I saw the president of Phillip Morris on TV, and he was talking just like Nathan Thurm.  I think it was "60 Minutes" or something.  The reporter was asking him how he felt about his product making all those people sicke, and the guy was like: "Sick?  What do you mean 'sick'?  I smoke, my wife smokes, and my children smoke.  We're not sick, nobody's sick!  You can't prove smoking makes anybody sick..."  All the while, the PM guy was taking copious drags of his cigarette!
Oh yeah, another thing Thurm used to say:
"Is it me, or is it him?"
I remember Nathan Thurm from another skit where Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest were the "Minkman Brothers," who were the leading producers of novelties (like fake dog poo and whoopie cushions), and Mike Wallace (played by I forget who) was investigating their claims that shoddy knockoffs of their products were being produced in sweatshops in Third World countries. Nathan Thurm was representing the companies whose novelties were made in sweatshops, and every time Mike Wallace would pin him down he'd say, "I know that! How could I be so ignorant as to not know that?"
Somebody already mentioned Chris Farley,
You'll end up living in a VAN down by the RIVER!
But I just wanted to say how much it reminded me of my dad!

Who remembers the ad spoof "Handi-Off"? It was a product for dissolving extra fingers. You know how you've hated that unsiightly sixth finger all your life?
There's a part where a guy says to Victoria Jackson, "Pick you up at six?," and she raises her hand and proudly announces, "Let's make it five!"
And don't forget about new "Toe-Riffic"!

Another ad spoof I liked came at the time of the oat bran craze. A cereal called "Colon Blow." Poking fun of Total brand cereal's long-running catch, "It would take four bowls of Brand X to get the fibre in just one bowl of Total," the ad spoof went, "it would take 750 bowls of your brand to equal the fibre in just ONE bowl of Colon Blow"! And it shows a guy on a mountain of cereal bowls eating a bowl of Colon Blow.
And don't forget about new "Super Colon Blow...."
How about the adult undergarments called "Oops, I Crapped My Pants!"  ;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 10/10/05 at 12:59 pm

What about Bass-O-Matic?  ;D

or James Brown's Hot Tub?  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 10/10/05 at 1:13 pm

Or The Joe Pesci Show, with Jim Breuer as Joe Pesci and Alec Baldwin as Robert DeNiro?  ;D

Excuse me? "Irritating"? Did Mad freakin' Max just call me "irritating"?


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/10/05 at 3:06 pm

Or The Joe Pesci Show, with Jim Breuer as Joe Pesci and Alec Baldwin as Robert DeNiro?  ;D

Excuse me? "Irritating"? Did Mad freakin' Max just call me "irritating"?


I liked the Joe Pesci Show in which the real Joe Pesci showed up with Robert DeNiro!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 10/10/05 at 6:27 pm

I liked the Joe Pesci Show in which the real Joe Pesci showed up with Robert DeNiro!

Me too!  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Rice_Cube on 10/10/05 at 6:49 pm

Christopher Walken - "I need more cowbell" - in the skit with BOC recording "Don't Fear the Reaper".  Will Ferrell was over the top.

I have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!

I liked the show hosted by Conan O'Brien where he dressed up as Right Said Fred.  That killed me :D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/10/05 at 9:10 pm

That's Ed Grimley
"Pat Sajack ought to be a pretty decent guy, I must say!"

where the hell did I get Brimley from? lol

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/10/05 at 9:47 pm

where the hell did I get Brimley from? lol

Eh, easy to get B's and G's mixed.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 10/11/05 at 7:18 pm

There was one "Weekend Update" where they had "Jan Brady" as a guest...

And the Church Lady..."Could it beeeeeeeee.......SATAN!?!"

Hans and Franz "We're gonna pump(hand clap)you up!"

One SNL I absolutely HATED was with MC Hammer as both host and musical guest...There were better rappers around than Hammer(head)...

And I still have to wonder why the people who get the hosts for SNL went with Jeff Gordon when they got a NASCAR driver to host..IMO I don't think he was all that funny..but the man is POPULAR which is why SNL probably picked him.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: limblifter on 10/15/05 at 4:21 am

IMO. The funniest skits are the Bill Brasky ones.

"If you put a phonograph needle to Brasky's nipple, it plays The Beach Boys Pet Sounds."

Basically anything with Will Farrelll is gold. His Robert Goulet, "Behind The Music" with the Blue Oyster Cult ( More Cowbell is a classic).

And who can forget him playing Harry Carey? LOL "Would You Eat The Moon If It Were Made Of Ribs?"

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Dominic L. on 10/15/05 at 7:56 am

I still wonder if anyone else besides me remembers the SNL skit with Paul Simon(who also was the musical guest) dressed up as a TURKEY...?

I remember Paul Simon in the turkey outfit... I don't remember the skit

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Dominic L. on 10/15/05 at 7:57 am

What about Bass-O-Matic?   ;D

ah, the Bass-O-Matic... that must be pretty tasty!

Hey, what about that Roadkill Restaurant commercial where you bring in dead animals and they cook it for you?

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/15/05 at 1:12 pm

I remember Paul Simon in the turkey outfit... I don't remember the skit

it was from the second episode I believe...the skit was, he was suppose to come out on stage in the turkey constume and sing one of his songs (i forget which one..I think it was "The 59th street bridge song"), but he sings two lines and then gets really angry and walks off stage where he is confronted by Lorne Michaels.  He tells Lorne that it just doesnt feel right that he has to sing this song dressed as a turkey, but Lorne convinces him otherwise. 

I think that was it. 

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/15/05 at 2:44 pm

Anyone remember the Church Chat with the "Church Lady" (Dana Carvey) right after the Jimmy Swaggart scandal?
She had Jimmy Swaggart and Pat Robertson as guests (not the real JS and PR, if only!, that would have been awesome.)  That was my favorite Church Chat.
Swaggart (sobbing): I let down my people, I let down my family, I let down my church, and I let down my Lord...
Church Lady: Didn't we let something else down, too?
Swaggart: What?
Church Lady: Our pants!!!
Swaggart: (sobbing outburst)
Robertson (simpering): Now, Church Lady, I...I think you're being a little hard on Reverend Swaggart, now....
Church Lady: Now, Patrick, hush up, give Mr. Mouth a rest!  Now, Jimmy, let me help you atone...(takes his hand)...Now you're back in the that motel room with that tramp, litt-el Jimmy out of the pulpit, picture a pair of round bulbous buttocks gyrating, they're just gyrating away, back and forth...Are you picturing it?
Swaggart: Y-Yes.
Church Lady: (slapping Swaggart's hand) STOP!!!

That's an inexact rendition of the banter from memory.  Actually, I think it's when Robertson starts to say, "Now, Church Lady, I was more of a tele-journalist than a televangelist..." that Church Lady tells him to "Give Mr. Mouth a rest!"
Also Church Lady leads them in singing "If You're Happy and You Know It," in which Swaggart sings a sobbing solo, and Robertson sings a giggling solo.  Anyway....

Also, the sketch from the late '80s, "Chicken make lousy house pet," has been on my mind since the new panic over the Asian bird flu!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Keet on 10/16/05 at 12:21 am

it was from the second episode I believe...the skit was, he was suppose to come out on stage in the turkey constume and sing one of his songs (i forget which one..I think it was "The 59th street bridge song"), but he sings two lines and then gets really angry and walks off stage where he is confronted by Lorne Michaels.  He tells Lorne that it just doesnt feel right that he has to sing this song dressed as a turkey, but Lorne convinces him otherwise. 

I think that was it. 

I remember that one.  He started singing "Still Crazy After All These Years"  After the first few lines of the song, he stopped and began to tell how humiliating it was standing there singing in a big turkey outfit and I think talking about how he didn't remember agreeing to this part of the act.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Keet on 10/16/05 at 1:11 am

One of my favorites was the skit of MTV (Julia Louise-Dreyfuss as Nina Blackwood) interviewing the rock group, the Garage men, with Jim Belushi, Brad Hall and Gary Kroeger.  They didn't have an album yet but they did have a  video. "We don't want to sell records, we just want to have chicks.."

Another favorite was the skit were Joe Piscopo walks into the mensroom stall, sits down and begins to sing "Under the Boardwalk"  The other three guys in the stalls next to him begin to harmonize with him.

Mr. Robinsons Neighborhood with Eddie Murphy

The skit where William Shatner begins to yell at the Trekkies for being such geeks.

And the film showing the dangers of kids addicted to video games

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: La Sine Pesroh on 10/16/05 at 3:04 am

And of course there was Eddie Murphy as "Little Richard Simmons," singing his updated version of "Tutti Frutti":

I know a gal named Daisy,
The b!tch is fat and lazy...


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: LyricBoy on 10/16/05 at 12:48 pm

Here's some of my favorites:

Eddie Murphy doing "Buh-Wheat Sings the Classics".  ("Wookin Pa Nub...")

The Alpo commercial where Akroyd smacks his wife in the head with the can when she wonders if it is good for their dog. ("Whap!  Read the label!...")

The advertisement for the Custom Deluxe II automobile, where the ride is so smooth you can perform a circumcision while driving down a cobblestone street. ("Perfect!...")

The spoof on those Total Cereal commercials, where SNL advertised a product called Colon Blow  ("It would take 300,000 bowls of your breakfast cereal to equal the fiber in one bowl of Colon Blow...")

;D ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Skippy on 10/16/05 at 2:19 pm

  The skits with Billy Crystal were great....."You look Maaavelous", "Know what I hate?" He also did a fair Sammy Davis jr.
  Remember when Rich Hall did the Talking Heads "Once in a Lifetime" skit?......."You may ask yourself, why such a big suit? You may ask yourself, can this suit be taken in? You may ask yourself, does this store have any mirrors? You may ask yourself, did I get a bad deal?"  I was rolling on the floor over that really big suit he wore.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/16/05 at 2:46 pm

Here's some of my favorites:

Eddie Murphy doing "Buh-Wheat Sings the Classics".  ("Wookin Pa Nub...")

The Alpo commercial where Akroyd smacks his wife in the head with the can when she wonders if it is good for their dog. ("Whap!  Read the label!...")

The advertisement for the Custom Deluxe II automobile, where the ride is so smooth you can perform a circumcision while driving down a cobblestone street. ("Perfect!...")

The spoof on those Total Cereal commercials, where SNL advertised a product called Colon Blow  ("It would take 300,000 bowls of your breakfast cereal to equal the fiber in one bowl of Colon Blow...")

;D ;D

Colon Blow was one of my favorites...and don't forget new Super Colon Blow!
Also, remember Adobe, the clay car?

I think my favorite Eddie Murphy sketches were "Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood" ("Now, children, we have our word of the day, what's black and Puerto Rican and has my eyes?  B-A-S-T-A-R-D...Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll sell this brat tomorrow for a cool one grand!")
and "James Brown's Celebrity Hot Tub"
("HA! Gonna git in the hot tub! Owww! Too hot in the hot tub!")

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 10/17/05 at 9:43 pm

the fake ads for 'Gangsta B*tch Barbie'

the skit with the George Bush the first..about when he barfed at some important dinner...

Wayne's World

Firing Line skit with Eddie Murphy(early 1980's)

Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy....

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snlfan on 10/19/05 at 9:54 am

Best SNL commercial EVER is the one for "Oops I Crapped My Pants"

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/19/05 at 2:30 pm

Mister Short-Term Memory

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: matt the rat on 10/21/05 at 12:09 pm

my favorite SNL skit was JInglehimer Juction and and I remember cracking up laughing of that skit

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tia on 10/21/05 at 12:19 pm

stop me if these are already on here -- bill murray as the pot-bellied hercules who's past his prime. they even do the bad dubbing. ("i cannot lift that rock, it is too heavy. i could lift a smaller one.") and the one where it's siskel and ebert (ebert cuz, you know, it was back in the day) only they're reviewing adult films for gay men. (they always have  the same review – "i was interested, then i was VERY, VERY interested, and then suddenly i was...  not interested.")

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Matt the Rat76 on 10/21/05 at 3:23 pm

my there is this other favorite skit on SNL actully two before I go on this this during the hight*sp of the OJ trial one is when Dana Carvey was guest hosting the show and he was the late great Johnny Carson (remember this 1995) and carson was OJ attorny for the day then during the season another favorite this time Marrisa Tome was guest hosting and she plays her My cousin vinny caritter*sp and funny

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 10/22/05 at 1:23 am

Who remembers the ad spoof "Handi-Off"? It was a product for dissolving extra fingers. You know how you've hated that unsiightly sixth finger all your life?
There's a part where a guy says to Victoria Jackson, "Pick you up at six?," and she raises her hand and proudly announces, "Let's make it five!"
And don't forget about new "Toe-Riffic"!

Yes, i've seen that one too. Kinda disgusting, but funny. :P

Another ad spoof I liked came at the time of the oat bran craze. A cereal called "Colon Blow." Poking fun of Total brand cereal's long-running catch, "It would take four bowls of Brand X to get the fibre in just one bowl of Total,"  the ad spoof went, "it would take 750 bowls of your brand to equal the fibre in just ONE bowl of Colon Blow"!  And it shows a guy on a mountain of cereal bowls eating a bowl of Colon Blow.
And don't forget about new "Super Colon Blow...."

I think the announcer was asking the man eating the cereal how many bowls equaled the fiber content of one Colon Blow bowl; the man kept guessing small numbers until the announcer said, "Not even'd take more than 30,000 bowls of your brand to equal the fiber in just ONE bowl of Colon Blow!" And the mountain of cereal bowls pushed up from underneath the man, who was sitting in the chair. "And to get that much fiber," the announcer continued, "you'd have to eat ten bowls a day, every day, for 8 1/2 years!"
Man (from on top of the mountain): "Wow! I'm convinced! I guess Colon Blow must be the highest-fiber cereal on the market?"
Announcer: "Not anymore. There's Super Colon Blow. And it'd take over two million bowls of your cereal to equal the fiber content in one bowl of Super Colon Blow."
(And the mountain of cereal bowls grew even higher.)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 10/22/05 at 1:32 am

What about Bass-O-Matic? ;D

I've seen that one, with the guy putting a fish into a blender and turning the fish into a drink.

Or..."Hi, I'm Mel, from Mel's Char Palace, where you cut your own beef, you slice it to your specifications" (something like that). I especially liked the segment with "Mrs." Mel using a chainsaw. ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/22/05 at 1:39 am

Yes, i've seen that one too. Kinda disgusting, but funny. :P
I think the announcer was asking the man eating the cereal how many bowls equaled the fiber content of one Colon Blow bowl; the man kept guessing small numbers until the announcer said, "Not even'd take more than 30,000 bowls of your brand to equal the fiber in just ONE bowl of Colon Blow!" And the mountain of cereal bowls pushed up from underneath the man, who was sitting in the chair. "And to get that much fiber," the announcer continued, "you'd have to eat ten bowls a day, every day, for 8 1/2 years!"
Man (from on top of the mountain): "Wow! I'm convinced! I guess Colon Blow must be the highest-fiber cereal on the market?"
Announcer: "Not anymore. There's Super Colon Blow. And it'd take over two million bowls of your cereal to equal the fiber content in one bowl of Super Colon Blow."
(And the mountain of cereal bowls grew even higher.)

Speaking of disgusting, did you ever see "Pre-Chew Charlie's"?

Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest in the famous "I hate when that happens" sketch used to get pretty disgusting with the descriptions.  "You wanna talk about some pain, the other day I took that, uh, miniature replica of the empire state building and shoved it up my nose, just to see how far it would go...," and so forth.  Too bad it was on network TV, otherwise they could have brought all manner of private parts into the banter!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/22/05 at 12:03 pm

stop me if these are already on here -- bill murray as the pot-bellied hercules who's past his prime. they even do the bad dubbing. ("i cannot lift that rock, it is too heavy. i could lift a smaller one.")

I forgot about that one.  It was great!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 10/22/05 at 12:54 pm

Speaking of disgusting, did you ever see "Pre-Chew Charlie's"?
:P My dad has a videotape with lots of SNL commercial spoofs, and I don't think that one's among them. :-\\

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 10/24/05 at 11:09 am

Also, remember Adobe, the clay car?

Oh yeah!! If you get into an accident, you can conveniently repair it! :D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/24/05 at 11:58 am

"Baseball been beddy beddy good to me."


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 10/24/05 at 6:29 pm

What about....

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Cool Hand Logan on 10/24/05 at 6:41 pm

Jingleheimer Junction w/Cameron Diaz

Debbie Downer w/Lindsay Lohan......Rachel Dratch is awesome in this skit.

I don't know what the skit was called but it had Molly Shannon and Ana Gasteyer as radio hosts.  When Alec Baldwin (as Pete Schweddy) was on their show....WOW!  Funny stuff!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/24/05 at 9:26 pm

What about....

That sketch reminded me of my own driver ed classes!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 10/24/05 at 10:21 pm

What about....

That's a good one! ;D But I haven't seen it. I've just read about it in my dad's SNL book.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Skippy on 10/24/05 at 10:58 pm

"Baseball been beddy beddy good to me."

  I was watching the 1975 World Series on ESPN Classics(The Red's won too, same as in '75) the other day and that phrase just popped in my head. Garrett Morris is the forgotten Not Ready For Prime Time Player. Remember when he played a con and sang "Gonna get me shotgun and shoot every whitie I see.............? ROTFL.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/25/05 at 1:14 pm

John Lovitz:

Tales of Ribaldry

Tales of RRRRRibaldrrry! (you have to roll the R's)
Stories of the wanton lady and the lusty woodsman! Ohhh my!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: lastofthefamous on 11/01/05 at 6:41 am

matt foley the motivational speaker on halloween.
goth talk
waynes world
halloween costumes with adam sandler

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/01/05 at 11:26 am

Samurai Optometrist. (Used to work at a hospital and my office was across the hall from the Optometrist office. One of the docs was of Japanese descent so you can guess what EVERYONE called him  ;D)


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tia on 11/01/05 at 11:35 am

did anybody see the real old one with, i think it's dan ackroyd and jane curtain, dan's this unscrupulous seller of unsafe children's halloween costumes.

JANE: "now we move on to our next toy, 'johnny human torch' -- now this is just a bunch of oily rags and a lighter."
DAN: "that's right, one flick and 'woosh.' lights up the night."
JANE: "now surely, you have to admit that this toy is not entirely safe for children."
DAN: "look, jane, the world is a dangerous place. i could be driving home in my convertible tonight and a gust of wind could blow my tie in my face and i could choke! gak! so don't give me any of that unsafe stuff."
JANE: "okay, let's move on to this next item, 'johnny invisible pedestrian'..."


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 11/01/05 at 1:03 pm

I just thought of another one that I kinda enjoyed...but it wasn't a commercial spoof. Is anyone familiar with the Stewart Smalley character? I didn't see it, but I do know that the character, played by Al Franken, was part of a SNL skit entitled "Daily Affirmation With Stewart Smalley," from the early 90's. The routine was later spoofed on a real series of radio commercials for Glendale Federal Bank until they went out of business in 1998. His tag line, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!", was a signature line.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Marty McFly on 11/01/05 at 5:32 pm

I like the fake commercials the best! Especially the ones for Buckwheat's compilation album ("Hi, I'm Buh Weet, remembuh me?") and the one for trapdoors.

Hey Jeff, it's cool you're into those too! I was kinda surprised to run across this post (in a good way). :)

I remember there was about a half hour block of those airing on SNL back around 1993. My dad told me how funny they were - we each in fact, taped our own copies of it at the same time (I still have mine. The other is probably in our garage somewhere too).

They mostly featured the "classic original" cast of Chevy, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd etc, so I'm guessing they were from the late 70's (meaning they were already classic by that time) and probably not all shown at once.

Off the top of my head, I also liked the "Chia Head" one. ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 11/01/05 at 5:36 pm

Hey Jeff, it's cool you're into those too! I was kinda surprised to run across this post (in a good way). :)

I remember there was about a half hour block of those airing on SNL back around 1993. My dad told me how funny they were - we each in fact, taped our own copies of it at the same time (I still have mine. The other is probably in our garage somewhere too).

They mostly featured the "classic original" cast of Chevy, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd etc, so I'm guessing they were from the late 70's (meaning they were already classic by that time) and probably not all shown at once.

Off the top of my head, I also liked the "Chia Head" one. ;D

Now, I believe, the "Chia Head" is a real product...but it's just like the Chia Pet, in that the plant sprouts up from a wooden block. The (real) "Chia Head" block is shaped like a human head.

And I do remember seeing a special of commercial spoofs one time back in 1993.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Marty McFly on 11/01/05 at 5:38 pm

^ The Chia Head is real?

I bet that makes that mock commercial alot less funny now, LOL! Moreover, I wonder if the inventors of the real ChiaHead got the idea from SNL, or even know about it? ;)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 11/01/05 at 5:43 pm

^ The Chia Head is real?

Well, yes and no. The one you saw is NOT, but the one that's designed just like a Chia Pet is real, like I just mentioned.

I bet that makes that mock commercial alot less funny now, LOL! Moreover, I wonder if the inventors of the real ChiaHead got the idea from SNL, or even know about it? ;)

I'm wondering about that now too...

And there's all kinds of Chia- products out there now. Chia Garfield, Chia Clown, Chia this, Chia that...

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/01/05 at 6:08 pm

I remember one skit with Gilda playing a little girl who was having a fantasy about having a show of her own. It was called "The Judy Miller Show".  At the time I didn't think it was too funny but with Judy Miller in the news these days, I think watching it now would be hilarious.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/01/05 at 7:22 pm

What was the therapy show featuring the pop psychologist with the Brooklyn accent?  Signiture line: "You didn't look at yeself!"

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 11/01/05 at 8:20 pm

I still wonder what female singer Gilda Radner was parodying in the 'Gimmie Mick' skit...

Anyone remember the "Star Trek" parody? There was even a shot of the old NBC Peacock as part of the skit!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/02/05 at 11:42 am

I still wonder what female singer Gilda Radner was parodying in the 'Gimmie Mick' skit...

Anyone remember the "Star Trek" parody? There was even a shot of the old NBC Peacock as part of the skit!

Gilda was parodying Patti Smith.

Oh yeah, I had forgotten about the Star Trek parody.  That was classic like when they all moved back and forth to "simulate" the moving of the ship. Or when Chevy Chase was trying to do the Vulcan grip after the show was cancelled and it wouldn't work.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tia on 11/02/05 at 12:12 pm

Gilda was parodying Patti Smith.

Oh yeah, I had forgotten about the Star Trek parody.  That was classic like when they all moved back and forth to "simulate" the moving of the ship. Or when Chevy Chase was trying to do the Vulcan grip after the show was cancelled and it wouldn't work.


wow, that sounds hilarious. of course, nothing can really beat the original, when they all rock back and forth on the bridge to simulate getting hit by a photon torpedo or what have you and william shatner's looking all purposeful and resolute. man!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/02/05 at 6:21 pm

I just thought of another one. Steve Martin and Dan Akroid going on, "What the hell is that?" They kept repeating it over and over again. The only they said differently was, "Hey, you kids, get away from that." And then would say "What the hell is that?" again. It was kind of stupid but I was lmao.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Skippy on 11/02/05 at 7:12 pm

I just thought of another one. Steve Martin and Dan Akroid going on, "What the hell is that?"

Was it Akroyd or Murray? I remember that skit, funny stuff.....What the hell is that deal?. Oh, I know what that is......Wh..What the hell is that? Weren't they supposed to be drunk bums? LMAO

Did anyone mention Martin and Akroyd as the swingin' Chzecoslovakian brothers. Remember them always talking about the ladies' "ample American breasts"  and their own "bulges"? "We are 2 wild and crazy guys"......LOL

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 11/02/05 at 7:21 pm

Gilda was parodying Patti Smith.

Oh yeah, I had forgotten about the Star Trek parody.  That was classic like when they all moved back and forth to "simulate" the moving of the ship. Or when Chevy Chase was trying to do the Vulcan grip after the show was cancelled and it wouldn't work.


What about TV Funhouse?

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: jlp937 on 11/02/05 at 10:47 pm

Any Dana Carvey skit, that would include The Church Lady, Wayne's World, Hans and Franz!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/03/05 at 12:14 pm

Was it Akroyd or Murray? I remember that skit, funny stuff.....What the hell is that deal?. Oh, I know what that is......Wh..What the hell is that? Weren't they supposed to be drunk bums? LMAO

Did anyone mention Martin and Akroyd as the swingin' Chzecoslovakian brothers. Remember them always talking about the ladies' "ample American breasts"  and their own "bulges"? "We are 2 wild and crazy guys"......LOL

Oh yeah, it was Bill Murray. Thanks for reminding me.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 11/03/05 at 1:20 pm

Any Dana Carvey skit, that would include The Church Lady, Wayne's World, Hans and Franz!

Including the skits where he'd impersonate a President? ;D I like his imitation of George H.W. Bush.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/03/05 at 1:32 pm

Including the skits where he'd impersonate a President? ;D I like his imitation of George H.W. Bush.

He also did a great Ross Perot.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: zcrito on 11/04/05 at 4:52 am

What about....

And somewhere along the way someone would say "Hey, cats can't drive cars", the cat's eyes would go big and its mouth would drop (a fake cat of course), and there would always be a crash...

I remember that one. It was on back in '89 or '90. I used to work 3rd shift then and 2nd shift always brought in a small tv and would leave it on when they left...

(It's amazing the things we remember out of all the crap)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: zcrito on 11/04/05 at 4:55 am

I just thought of another one. Steve Martin and Dan Akroid going on, "What the hell is that?" They kept repeating it over and over again. The only they said differently was, "Hey, you kids, get away from that." And then would say "What the hell is that?" again. It was kind of stupid but I was lmao.


They were so funny back then they could do simple stuff like that and it would work. It was funny.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 11/04/05 at 11:11 pm

He also did a great Ross Perot.


I think there was an episode that was a spoof of the 1992 Presidential debate; Carvey played both GHW Bush and Ross Perot in that one (David Spade also portrayed Perot), and "Bill Clinton" was played by the late Phil Hartman :\'( (who also impersonated other former presidents, I believe).

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: jackas on 11/04/05 at 11:50 pm

My favorite guest is either Alec Baldwin or Christopher Walken.  These are some of my favorite skits.
Father And Son Go Hunting

George W. Bush.....Will Ferrell
George Bush.....Dana Carvey


The Delicious Dish (Schweaty weiner/balls)

Coffee Talk

Suspicious Eyes w/Danny DeVito

Books on Tape

Charlton Heston......Phil Hartman

Behind the Music (More Cowbell)

Canteen Boy Goes Camping

Scoutmaster....Alec Baldwin
Canteen Boy....Adam Sandler

Matt Foley (Living in a van down by the river)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 11/06/05 at 1:22 am

I just remembered another: Neil Diamond Storytellers

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 12/11/05 at 11:46 am

Or The Joe Pesci Show, with Jim Breuer as Joe Pesci and Alec Baldwin as Robert DeNiro?

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/11/05 at 1:59 pm

My all time favorite has to be the one with Tom Hanks as the travelling bootblack who encounters a randy wench, and Jon Lovitz as Evelyn Quince, Victoria Jackson as the wench, and Jan Hooks as the rich lady getting aroused as the bootblack shines her boots.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/11/05 at 2:03 pm

I just realized that no one has mentioned Mr. Bill. Ohhhh Nooooo!!  :o :o :o


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 12/11/05 at 3:09 pm

Dana Carvey's Church Chat, Tooncers the Driving Cat, Phil Hartman as Frankenstein, and Hanz 'n Franz,  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Matt the Rat76 on 12/11/05 at 4:41 pm

my antother SNL skits was with Chevy Chase and The Late Richard Peyor*sp the word assoicastion skit and but the one I like during the late 90's-early 00's was Morining Latte skit wil ferrel and cheri o'teri was two clueless tv moring host and the producer (who ever hosted the show) talk about what he did but one stick in my mind when John goodman was hosted the show and he talked about he went fishing and the cliueless hosts gab about how big it was so toward the end of the skit john goodman brought a fish out and the hosts bugged him again the producer was getting mad and he said "it was a 10 pound bass you stupid B****! and the host turn to the camera dumbfounded then the producer was notice what he said and he said " i was just kidding" classic

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 12/11/05 at 4:44 pm

Dana Carvey's Church Chat, Tooncers the Driving Cat, Phil Hartman as Frankenstein, and Hanz 'n Franz,

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Skippy on 12/11/05 at 6:01 pm

I just realized that no one has mentioned Mr. Bill. Ohhhh Nooooo!!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Abix on 12/11/05 at 6:17 pm

I just remembered another: Neil Diamond Storytellers
I  remember this one.. I LOVED this one. I almost peed my pants watching it.. "  My heart hurts.. My ass.. My heart... My heart and ass hurt.."  Who played Neil Diamond though? I keep thinking it was Wil Ferrelll . It's not on his best of dvds though. Any ideas?

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/11/05 at 6:19 pm

Thinking of Richard Pryor  :\'(  I just thought of another one. A parody of the Excorcist. Richard Pryor saying, "The bed must be on the floor! The bed must me on the floor! The bed is on my foot! The bed is on my foot!" And Lorraine Newman playing the Linda Blair character saying, "Your mother eats kitty litter."

There was another one with Andy Kaufman singing a song that went something like: "The cow goes moo, and the horse goes niegh, and the...." doing it as a sing-a-long with the audience.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Abix on 12/11/05 at 6:30 pm

Most of my favorites have been mentioned.
The Neil Diamond Storyteller
Matt Foley , Motivational Speaker (especially when Christina Applegate was guest starring)
Phil Hartman playing Frank Sinatra  with his own talk show
Phil Hartman hawking  the "Chameleon XLT"  " On the inside a pure luxurious ride, but on the outside with 3 different hubcaps, one painted School bus yellow, Standard.  "They may tow it away, but they'll never steal it"
Point Counterpoint with Mick Jagger playing Keith Richards and Mike Myers  playing Mick. "Mick you ignorant Slut"
Gilda playing Rosanne Rosanna Dana when she met Dr Joyce Brothers in the  sauna and "she had this uh little sweatball  dangling off her nose.. and I thought I was gonna DIE!"
Church Chat with Dana Carvey playing the church lady and interviewing Jessica Hahn
The Joe Pesci Show with Robert DeNiro
Christopher Walken "Gotta have more cowbell" and also his "Continental Skits"
The commercials for "Bud Gay"
Saturday TV Funhouse Audio fun  and  the Ambiguously Gay Duo
Adam Sandler's Red Hooded Sweatshirt and Lunch Lady Land
John Belushi impersonating Joe Cocker
Alec Baldwin 's Schwetty Balls
The Pharmacy Lady (Cheri O Teri)
Bill Murray's Lounge Lizard "Star Wars... Nothing but Star Wars...."

There are just so many..  30  yrs of great fun.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Skippy on 12/11/05 at 11:21 pm

Thinking of Richard Pryor

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/12/05 at 11:44 am

Gilda playing Rosanne Rosanna Dana when she met Dr Joyce Brothers in the  sauna and "she had this uh little sweatball  dangling off her nose.. and I thought I was gonna DIE!"

"Hey, Dr. Joyce Brothers, wipe that sweat ball off your nose." 

God bless our fathers, good health to our mothers
And please don't let me sweat like Dr. Joyce Brothers." 

Naw, I don't remember that one.  ;) ;D ;D ;D

John Belushi impersonating Joe Cocker



Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Abix on 12/12/05 at 6:16 pm

"Hey, Dr. Joyce Brothers, wipe that sweat ball off your nose." 

God bless our fathers, good health to our mothers
And please don't let me sweat like Dr. Joyce Brothers." 

Naw, I don't remember that one.  ;) ;D ;D ;D

You do have it down , word for word. It still makes me laugh. God loves Gilda.  I can't wait for the Best of Gilda to be released to DVD.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 12/12/05 at 7:30 pm

Trapped inside the quote box again, huh??

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 12/14/05 at 1:04 am

Most of my favorites have been mentioned.
The Neil Diamond Storyteller
Matt Foley , Motivational Speaker (especially when Christina Applegate was guest starring)
Phil Hartman playing Frank Sinatra

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Billy Florio on 12/14/05 at 8:28 pm


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: jackas on 12/17/05 at 6:19 pm

The commercials for "Bud Gay"

That was one of my favorites too.  It was called Schmitt's Gay.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/18/05 at 7:45 am

I saw the Robert De Niro as a government press aide reading out the names of the ten most wanted terrorist in the USA.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Tia on 12/18/05 at 1:43 pm

schmitt's gay was effin' hilarious. i don't know how they kept a, er, straight face through that. they were probably all turned on.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Abix on 12/19/05 at 1:53 pm

That was one of my favorites too.  It was called Schmitt's Gay.

Oh yeah.. you're right.. but it was a take off of the Bud Light/Coors light  commercials. Hilarious.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/23/06 at 11:59 pm

My all time favorite has to be the one with Tom Hanks as the travelling bootblack who encounters a randy wench, and Jon Lovitz as Evelyn Quince, Victoria Jackson as the wench, and Jan Hooks as the rich lady getting aroused as the bootblack shines her boots.
OK, I declared this as my favorite SNL episode, but it's my 2nd fav, I just remembered my favorite from the early cast.  It was titled  Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute    Dan Ackroyd as a geeky goofy prostitute/ Garrett Morris was his pimp Slick, Margot Kidder was the guest .  funny  ;D  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Donnie Darko on 01/24/06 at 7:31 pm

Most recently, "Lazy Sunday"  8)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/24/06 at 7:33 pm

Most recently, "Lazy Sunday"  8)
What cast members and guest appear in that one?  ???

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Donnie Darko on 01/24/06 at 7:35 pm

What cast members and guest appear in that one?  ???

Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: A. Guest on 09/06/06 at 10:05 pm

I wonder if this thread should now be in the Comedy board. ???

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/07/06 at 2:13 am

I wonder if this thread should now be in the Comedy board. ???

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 12/19/06 at 4:53 pm

I still get a kick out of some of those commercial spoofs. ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/19/06 at 8:16 pm

Master Thespian, now that is one of my favorites!

"Thank you! I am looking for the greatest actor of all time! The theatrical community of all London told me I might be able to find him.. here!"


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/01/07 at 12:26 am

Dick in a Box.  Holy sh*t, I have not laughed that loud at something SNL did in about 15 years.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: malibumike65 on 02/01/07 at 2:19 am

My favorite scene is when The Rock played Nicotrel. Triple H, The Big Show, and Mick Foley make an appearance at the end. The link from youtube is below. Check it out!  ;)

<a href="">Nicotrel</a>

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: jackas on 02/01/07 at 10:14 am

My favorite scene is when The Rock played Nicotrel. Triple H, The Big Show, and Mick Foley make an appearance at the end. The link from youtube is below. Check it out!  ;)

<a href="">Nicotrel</a>

That one was great. ;D  And the Rock is soooo hot!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: vanillagirl on 02/02/07 at 3:53 pm

lazy sunday, hands down, even dug the west coast version.  usually though SNL has sucked

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: yoidy on 02/04/07 at 10:10 pm

I remember when Christopher Lee hosted, and they did these great horror movie preview parodies. I'll never forget Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Rogers, The Thing That Wouldn't Leave, and The Island Of Lost Luggage. They kill me every time!

The things SNL got away with back in the 70s, they couldn't do today. I remember John Belushi doing an ad for "Rape Rap". His schtick was about the rapist being traumatized by what he's done, so there's a hotline to talk him out of his panic. Really sick, hilarious stuff.

Michael O Donoghue, an early writer for the show who also wrote for National Lampoon, had a pitch black, funereal sense of humor. He did Mr. Mike's bedtime tales, Mr. Bill, and a number of other sketches. One was about a babysitter, played by Buck Henry, who couldn't stand the crying baby. To quiet the infant down and settle his shattered nerves, he picked the infant up and ran his head across the bars of his crib, back and forth.

Buck also played a lecherous uncle who constantly photographed his little girl nieces, played by Gilda Radnor and Laraine Newman, whenever their backsides or frontsides were exposed. The poor girls thought it was only a game!

These days SNL is too overly politicized and full of itself. I prefer MADTV, especially the early episodes.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: zcrito on 02/07/07 at 5:25 pm

I remember when Christopher Lee hosted, and they did these great horror movie preview parodies. I'll never forget Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Rogers, The Thing That Wouldn't Leave, and The Island Of Lost Luggage. They kill me every time!

The things SNL got away with back in the 70s, they couldn't do today. I remember John Belushi doing an ad for "Rape Rap". His schtick was about the rapist being traumatized by what he's done, so there's a hotline to talk him out of his panic. Really sick, hilarious stuff.

Michael O Donoghue, an early writer for the show who also wrote for National Lampoon, had a pitch black, funereal sense of humor. He did Mr. Mike's bedtime tales, Mr. Bill, and a number of other sketches. One was about a babysitter, played by Buck Henry, who couldn't stand the crying baby. To quiet the infant down and settle his shattered nerves, he picked the infant up and ran his head across the bars of his crib, back and forth.

Buck also played a lecherous uncle who constantly photographed his little girl nieces, played by Gilda Radnor and Laraine Newman, whenever their backsides or frontsides were exposed. The poor girls thought it was only a game!

These days SNL is too overly politicized and full of itself. I prefer MADTV, especially the early episodes.

Michael O Donoghue. I remember him from those early SNL shows. I haven't seen him on any shows in a while so I did a quick check and found he died in Nov.,1994 (cerebral hemorrhage). Guess that explains why.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snozberries on 03/11/07 at 11:31 pm

anytime they goofed.

Candice Bergan/Gilda Radner in  season one... Society of stupid people (something like that)
Debbie Downer skit with Ben Affleck
Debbie Downer skit with Lindsay Lohan (Disney)
Pierce Brosan at Gap
Nicole Kidman and Mike Myers as the hyperactive kids tied to the jungle gym
Any night Tina Fey did the news... especially Tina and Amy!
Queen Latifah racist excedrine ad... "Denise is the other black woman in the office"  CLASSIC
Junk in a box  cuz it was funny
Nat Portman Rap

oh and the only two funny shows from this season  Ludacris  and Drew Barrymore!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 04/16/07 at 12:18 pm

My favourite SNL period was the old days of Eddie Murphy, Joe Piscopo and Tim Kazurinsky (who is perhaps best known as Sweechuck from the 'Police Academy' films)

I loved Eddie Murphy in Mr. Robinson's Neighbourhood.  He'd come in through the fire escape, and tell us boys and girls about the latest crime he'd just committed ;D

Since then, I've not really liked a group as a whole, but certain skits:

Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon as Hanz and Franz: "We're gonna pump *clap* you up!"
Mike Myers and Dana Carvey in Wayne's World
Chris Kattan and Will Ferrell as Doug and Steve Butabi

Yeah, Dana Carvey did a lot of funny stuff on SNL...he was a crackup. I especially like his imitation of political figures. ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: woops on 04/16/07 at 4:27 pm

Haven't watched much lately since E! only airs recent seasons...

"Sinatra Group"
The Obsession commercial parody
The Spartan Cheerleaders
Wayne's World
the "Disney Vault" cartoon

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Step-chan on 04/16/07 at 4:36 pm

I'm trying to remember.

Oh, wait! A few Eddie Murphy ones come to mind.

James Brown Celebrity hot tub.

Buck Wheat Sings.

The one where the rasta singers are singing at the military banquet. I would say more about it, but it's kinda controversial.(in a dark funny way)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snozberries on 04/16/07 at 11:44 pm

I haven't been too impressed with SNL since Tina Fey left. The only episodes I have liked this season was the one hosted by Chris "Ludacris" Bridges and the one where Drew Barrymore hosted (That dakota fanning/Abigail Breslin skit was hilarious!)

Having said that - Sat's episode with Shia LaBeouf (sp?) wasn't funny but had one of the best skits since the Jingleheimer Junction skit featuring Cameron Diaz.  This is the skit with kids show where the kids have the first letter of their names on their shirts. U, C & K and they have a new friend Frank that they are trying to get to the front of the line.... friiggin hilarious!

So the newest skit to add to SNL hall of fame is the commercial from the family who own the mattress king store. The opened a new store called Sofa King and let me tell you- this skit was  SOFA KING HILARIOUS! Hate to admit it but it took me a minute to get the joke but wow... wonder how it got past the censors!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Snoopygirl on 04/17/07 at 9:33 pm

Mister Robinson's Neighborhood
The Church Lady
Hanz and Franz
James Brown Celebrity Hot Tub
Buckwheat Sings
Mr Bill

The other sketch I liked was when Buckwheat was shot. Joe Piscopo was Ted Koppel and they kept going back to him with the news and he was interviewing people asking if they knew he was shot. When they didn't, he would keep showing the clip of it. Then they were doing a story on his killer and then he was shot.

Joe Piscopo as David Hartman. There was a sketch where he said that the producers found a clip of one of his early works and it was a clip of Bullwinkle.

Ed Grimley
Dana Carvey as Bush
Anything with Phil Hartman

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Snoopygirl on 04/17/07 at 9:38 pm

There was another clip that I remembered. It was from the mid 80's. Julia Louis Dreyfuss was imitating Nina Blackwood and she was introducing a new singing group called The Ugly Sister Step which was Mary Gross and Robin Duke. They kept saying stuff like:

But we are REALLY ugly.
They've taking to wearing garlic around their necks.
The intro of video has been really difficult for us. The cameras keep breaking.

Anyone else remember this skit? I loved it. It was hilarious :)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 05/14/07 at 2:10 pm

Haven't watched much lately since E! only airs recent seasons...

"Sinatra Group"
The Obsession commercial parody
The Spartan Cheerleaders
Wayne's World
the "Disney Vault" cartoon

It would be nice if we could see the earlier seasons (70s/80s) at some point.

By the way I missed the SNL 90's special a couple weeks ago. Did anyone see it?

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: KKay on 05/14/07 at 5:13 pm

Tracy Morgan...he did this guy that had a TV show about animals. i could hardly watch it through the tears of laughter.


"Is a donkey and a mule the same thing"?

"Does this donkey fix cars"?

"Rabbits can't cut they own hair...that's CRAZY"!!

"The rain forest? That sounds wet"!

"I once saw a video of a monkey washing a cat, that's CRAZY"!!

my favorite:  That GOAT is looking at ME!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snozberries on 05/14/07 at 7:47 pm

It would be nice if we could see the earlier seasons (70s/80s) at some point.

By the way I missed the SNL 90's special a couple weeks ago. Did anyone see it?

SNL Season one is avail on DVD

The 90s special is repeating opposite the American Idol Finale.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: KKay on 05/15/07 at 5:11 pm

"If I had a spider like that, I'd make a coat out of it!"

now i cant stop.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Lindee on 05/22/07 at 9:55 am

Gilda Radner doing 'Gimmie Mick'!(which female singer is she parodying in the skit? I was thinking Patti Smith but I didn't want to get it wrong)

The character's name was Candy Slice. I think it was Patti Smith also.

Some of my faves are:
Kiddie Metal (Adam Sandler as Axl Rose and Kiefer Sutherland as Slash) singing nursery rhymes

Dinner with the Van Halens (Valerie Bertinelli was the host and Eddie was in this skit)

Joe Piscopo as Frank Sinatra singing duets with various artists (Adam Sandler as Bono, Rosie O'Donnell as Liza Minnelli, Eddie Murphy as Stevie Wonder)

Sting as Billy Idol on a game show with other celebrities

Wayne's World

Mike Meyers as Mick Jagger and Mick as Keith Richards on weekend update commentary.

Eddie Murphy: James Brown's hot tub party, The Little Richard Simmons Show, Mr Robinson's neighborhood

The swinging Czech brothers (Steve Martin & Dan Ackyroyd)

All the Samurai skits

Dan Ackyroyd As Julia Child (save those livers!)

John Belushi as Joe Cocker


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/22/07 at 11:37 am

Dan Ackyroyd As Julia Child (save those livers!)

That is classic. I think Julia Child even liked Dan Ackyroyd doing Julia Child.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: danootaandme on 05/22/07 at 3:46 pm

Gilda Radner doing 'Gimmie Mick'!(which female singer is she parodying in the skit? I was thinking Patti Smith but I didn't want to get it wrong)

The character's name was Candy Slice. I think it was Patti Smith also.

Eddie Murphy: James Brown's hot tub party, The Little Richard Simmons Show, Mr Robinson's neighborhood

These are my favorites, too!  Little Richard Simmons and James Brown were probably the best I ever saw, and Gilda doing Patti Smith was so on target with what Patti was doing in those days.  Patti and Joe Cocker were both known for being drunk and throwing up on stage.(all class).    ::) 
I was never a big SNL fan by any means, but I think Gilda(RIP  :\'(  ) and Eddie Murphy were/are two of the best comics ever to take the stage.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 05/22/07 at 4:06 pm

That is classic. I think Julia Child even liked Dan Ackyroyd doing Julia Child.


He portrayed her? I don't ever remember seeing that one.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/22/07 at 4:40 pm

He portrayed her? I don't ever remember seeing that one.

I am surprised. Like I said, that is classic. You can find it on "Saturday Night Live: The Best Of Dan Aykroyd"


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 05/22/07 at 4:42 pm

I am surprised. Like I said, that is classic. You can find it on "Saturday Night Live: The Best Of Dan Aykroyd"


Well, like I said earlier in this thread, I wasn't a frequent watcher of it, but I did watch the Commercial Parodies special in July 1993.

If it happened prior to mid-1994, I could read about it in my dad's SNL book.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Me on 05/22/07 at 7:35 pm

Well, like I said earlier in this thread, I wasn't a frequent watcher of it, but I did watch the Commercial Parodies special in July 1993.

If it happened prior to mid-1994, I could read about it in my dad's SNL book.

Yes. It happened in 1978, if memory serves me correctly.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snozberries on 06/01/07 at 8:18 am

I just caught the Partridge Family vs Brady Bunch sing off.... I'd forgotten about it. It's still pretty funny

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Doc Brown on 06/05/07 at 11:03 pm

One of my favorite ad spoofs had to be Rob Schneider doing "Jiffy Express" delivery:
"If it has to be there tomorrow, call the other guys. If it had to be there three weeks ago, call us!
We'll take the package, AND the blame."

Then there were offers to backdate the postmark, custom-age the package, even simulate international misrouting!

And another fave had to be Chris Rock rapping about the Nikey Air Turkey
If you have unexpected extra guests for Thanksgiving, "Just pump it...Pump it up! Gotta pump it...Pump it up!
But what do you do about the pumpkin pie shortage?

Can anyone think of more?

Your Pal,


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Cloudburst on 06/09/07 at 4:24 pm

- Carl Sagan's Global Warming Christmas Special
  "Hello. Does my tan frighten you?"

- Massive Headwound Harry
  "He must smell MY dog"

- Canteen Boy
  "That doesn't feel like a bedbug"

- Il Cantore

- The Gap Girls
- Steve Martin and Dan Akroyd as "Two Wild and Crazy Guys"
  "These pants accentuate our bulges"

- Baba Wawa/Rosanna Rosanna Dana

- Jewess Jeans commercial parody
  "You don't HAVE to be Jewish to wear them...but it helps"

- Brady Bunch vs. The Partridge Family
"I'll show you who's daddy"

- Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood

- Coneheads
  "consuming mass quantities"

- Navy commercial parody
  "Port of Call, Bayou, New Jersey. The Navy Adventure!!"

- The Denise Show with Adam Sandler

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: JamieMcBain on 06/09/07 at 5:19 pm

The Contentential with Christopher Walken

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Cloudburst on 06/09/07 at 10:25 pm

Sting as Billy Idol on a game show with other celebrities

Are you talking about The Sinatra Group?

Sting plays Billy Idol who sits on a panel with Frank Sinatra, Sinead O Connor, Steve Lawrence/Edie Gorme, and that rapper from 2 Live Crew.
It was a take-off on The McLaughlin this what you're talking about?

UI can't recall any game show.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 05/13/08 at 11:14 pm

And another fave had to be Chris Rock rapping about the Nikey Air Turkey
If you have unexpected extra guests for Thanksgiving, "Just pump it...Pump it up! Gotta pump it...Pump it up!
But what do you do about the pumpkin pie shortage?

Can anyone think of more?

Maybe they could have invented a PUMP-kin pie...which you could pump up! (Just like the nikey turkey.) :D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Davester on 05/14/08 at 12:37 am

  I've been trying to find one with Darryl Hammond as Rev. Jesse Jackson playing phone tag with the Taliban.  Something like the Taliban claimed he called them first but he tells them that he "star-69ed" them...

  Only watched it once, back in 2001...

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Lindee on 05/14/08 at 11:04 am

Are you talking about The Sinatra Group?

Sting plays Billy Idol who sits on a panel with Frank Sinatra, Sinead O Connor, Steve Lawrence/Edie Gorme, and that rapper from 2 Live Crew.
It was a take-off on The McLaughlin this what you're talking about?

UI can't recall any game show.

That's the one. I only caught part of it and not the beginning so I didn't know what it was called.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Lindee on 05/14/08 at 11:49 am

I just caught the Partridge Family vs Brady Bunch sing off.... I'd forgotten about it. It's still pretty funny

I never saw that one. Is there a youtube link for it?

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Shacks Train on 05/20/08 at 2:07 am

Coneheads for me from the original cast.......I Can't stand to watch it now nor Mad TV
"Sometimes Changing The Crops Too Often Ruins The Field"

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 05/20/08 at 2:11 am

I just caught the Partridge Family vs Brady Bunch sing off.... I'd forgotten about it. It's still pretty funny
that's a good skit and I think Susan Dey was the guest

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snozberries on 06/14/08 at 5:12 pm

I never saw that one. Is there a youtube link for it?

I can't find a link for the Brady Bunch vs Partridge Family skit. If you ever get the chance to catch a rerun on Comedy Central its an episode with Susan Dey as the host.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: woops on 06/15/08 at 4:37 pm

Comedy Central doesn't air SNL anymore. They replaced it with Mad TV.

E! now has the rights, though only air episodes from the last several years (which aren't good) and only on weekends.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snozberries on 06/15/08 at 4:43 pm

Comedy Central doesn't air SNL anymore. They replaced it with Mad TV.

E! now has the rights, though only air episodes from the last several years (which aren't good) and only on weekends.

oh that's too bad...

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: greenjello74 on 06/16/08 at 7:51 am

The best one hands down was Richard Pryor  :\'( playing the Exorcist.  "The bed is on my foot, the bed ids on my foot".

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: apollonia1986 on 06/16/08 at 4:39 pm

I liked when Eddie Murphy played as Mr. Robinson.  ;D I die laughing everytime I see that.

And when he was James Brown. oh lord! That man is funny!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: greenjello74 on 06/16/08 at 10:04 pm

Or Gilda Radner playing Patti Smith

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snozberries on 06/22/08 at 5:41 pm

IMAGES by Tyrone Green
Dark and lonely on a summer night
Kill my landlord, kill my landlord
The watchdog barkin', do he bite?
Kill my landlord, kill my landlord
I slip in the window
I break his neck
Then his house I start to wreck.
Got no reason, what the heck.
Kill my landlord, kill my landlord.
"C"-"I"-"L"-"L" my landlord.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Regina on 09/20/08 at 10:13 pm

What about the FUNNIEST commercial ever-the Change Bank?
We give you change that meets your particular change needs...if you want to change $20, we're not going to give you 400 nickels...unless that meets your particular change needs!
We can exchange your old $10 bill for a nice $10 bill for a birthday card-often the same business day!
How do we make any money doing this? 
The answer is simple...volume!
And the guy was so spot-on, he looked like every guy in every jacka$$ customer service commercial running at the time!  ;D
Every time I see that I LMAO!
**And Handi-off and Toe-Riffic, Victoria Jackson is great-"You've tried slamming them off...but there's no hiding it, you've got EXTRA FINGERS..." 
That tingle tells you it's working!
**Happy fun ball is a classic-and as a pharmacist it also reminds me of a pharmaceutical ad as was stated earlier.
**How about when the real John McLaughlin came on with Dana Carvey playing John McLaughlin on the McLaughlin Group parody-"Eleanor, Gee I think you're Swell-e-nor??"  I am surprised the real JMcL never used that one on his show!
So many to mention...but these are some of my faves!  :)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snozberries on 09/21/08 at 10:51 am

I have a new favorite SNL skit  Palin-Clinton open the new season

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/23/08 at 11:08 am

The Contentential with Christopher Walken
Walken is great on SNL.

I also liked the one with him as Colonel Angus.  ;)

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/29/08 at 5:47 pm

Or Gilda Radner playing Patti Smith

And John Belushi playing Joe Cocker.


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 09/04/10 at 9:28 pm

I have a new favorite SNL skit  Palin-Clinton open the new season

Tina Fey does a hilarious job impersonating Sarah Palin in that one :D

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 09/04/10 at 9:30 pm

And here's the one with Eddie Murphy singing the "Buckwheat Sings" compilation (which I enjoyed)...

The third song snippet, which puts question marks on the screen, appears to be a spoof of "Bette Davis Eyes" sung unintelligibly.

I couldn't find the whole thing on Youtube anywhere; they must've deleted it. :-\\

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/04/10 at 10:26 pm

And here's the one with Eddie Murphy singing the "Buckwheat Sings" compilation (which I enjoyed)...

The third song snippet, which puts question marks on the screen, appears to be a spoof of "Bette Davis Eyes" sung unintelligibly.

I couldn't find the whole thing on Youtube anywhere; they must've deleted it. :-\\

Eddie Murphy was especially gifted.  A great comic.  He was a good actor too.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: snozberries on 09/04/10 at 11:29 pm

Eddie Murphy was especially gifted.  A great comic.  He was a good actor too.

operative word there, of course, is was!  ;D

Tho he kicked ass in Dream Girls but that was an exception and no longer the norm.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Frank on 09/04/10 at 11:51 pm

The News with Chevy Chase, or later with Dan Ackroyd and Jane Curtin. The Samurai guy with John Belushi...the Kill my landlord skit....
Fred Garvin, male prostitute, and the old commercial parodies in the 1st 5 seasons.
and of course. Mr Bill!!!!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/05/10 at 12:58 am

operative word there, of course, is was!  ;D

When he got to run his own show it was over-the-top macho man all the time, such as his "Quick" character in "Harlem Nights."  Then the next thing I knew, he was doing the Nutty Professor stuff.  Well, that was the end of him!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/05/10 at 1:03 am

Mr. Bill was great because their was a reaction amongst the older generation against the sadism of the whole thing.  One problem, every one of those men would be lying if Mr. Bill wasn't the first thing he did with a piece of clay.  Well, the second thing.  The first is fashioning an enormous phallus.  The next is bringing forth a homunculus to torture.

That is what you do isn't it?  What are you people, freaks?  What do you mean you never done that?

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Hud on 09/17/10 at 7:41 am

(1) This one is easy. Hands down: William Shatner's "Get a life!"
I can watch this twenty times straight and laugh just as hard at (not with) the trekkies.
After fielding endless questions at another trekkie convention, such as "In episode 256 where you opened the safe to get the secret Zirbolian formula...what was the combination to the safe?", Shatner loses it.
"...This was just a lark I did for a few years to earn some cash and you people have turned it into a colossal waste of time! must be 30. Have you ever kissed a girl?" Johnny (Lovitz, wearing Spock ears) bows head in humiliation and shame.

(2) Most SNL Shorts. Kind of hit and miss, but ones such as Natalie Portman's rap, Lazy Sunday or Motherlover make me glad I tuned in to see.

(3) There are too many skits to name all fav's, but the effort Jan Hooks and Nora Dunn put into their early '90's cornball Christmas party medley was superb and I loved it.

(4) Weekend Update

(5) There was a Burt Reynolds skit in the '70's mocking Deliverance, where some sexually questionable guys are camping and excitedly anticipating if the stalker might potentially "make me squeal like a pig".

My favorite cast were the collection that performed from the late '80's to the mid '90's.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/17/10 at 9:03 pm

Toonces, the cat who could drive a car.

Circa 1989.  A recurring sketch with Dana Carvey and Victoria Jackson and their cat Toonces and...this is buillsh!t! Nobody cares!

Anyway, they went something like this:

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Lindee on 09/18/10 at 1:45 pm

Walken is great on SNL.

I also liked the one with him as Colonel Angus.  ;)

Don't forget the Behind the Music with Blue Oyster Cult. "Gotta have more cowbell".

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: MrCleveland on 09/20/10 at 2:54 pm

I'm going for "Celebrity Jeopardy" and "Lawrence Welk" sketches as my favorites!

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: Hud on 10/19/10 at 8:01 am

Guest host Tom Brady along with the cast demonstrating just how subjective our legal system can be. This is among my top 20 fav skits ever.

Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: nally on 12/01/24 at 7:39 pm

And here's the one with Eddie Murphy singing the "Buckwheat Sings" compilation (which I enjoyed)...

The third song snippet, which puts question marks on the screen, appears to be a spoof of "Bette Davis Eyes" sung unintelligibly.

I couldn't find the whole thing on Youtube anywhere; they must've deleted it. :-\\

Here is the part where he sings it unintelligibly:


Subject: Re: Favorite SNL skits

Written By: whistledog on 12/02/24 at 10:06 pm

A 1997 episode when Doug and Steve Butabi went clubbing with Rocky Balboa.  Initially, Rocky couldn't dance, cause when he did, it looked like he was going to start throwing punches.  Then when he's in the car, Haddaway's What is Love plays, but then Rocky changes it to Eye of the Tiger by Survivor and when Doug changes it back, Rocky punches him in the face lol

For the entire skit, Stallone is in character as Rocky, so from just the skit perspective, is this technically Rocky 6, making the 2007 film Rocky Balboa, the 7th installment? lol


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