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Subject: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: MarkMc1990 on 12/11/13 at 2:23 am

I have a couple

One is that I'm back in high school, it's the first day of classes, and I either cannot locate my locker OR I don't know my schedule or what room I'm supposed to go to. And then I start panicking thinking the bell is going to ring and I'm going to get in trouble for being late. It's weird because I'm rarely late for anything in real life.

I also have a similar dream where I'm back in college and I remember halfway through the semester that I'm enrolled in a class that I haven't been going to. Then I freak out thinking that I probably missed deadlines for major assignments and exams already and won't be able to pass the class.

I mentioned in another thread that I do not like severe weather. I have had NUMEROUS dreams where I've looked out my window and saw a tornado in the distance. Then I run down to my basement thinking the tornado will strike my house, but I wait and wait and it never does...

I'd like to hear others' dreams as well. Anyone here interested in interpreting dreams?

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/11/13 at 2:47 am

Now that I am at an older age, I find that my dreams are no recurring, but more graphic, best described as true to life as if it was really happening. When on waking I easier forget them.

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: warped on 12/11/13 at 6:12 am

I have always been interested in dreams because my dreams are often so bizarre. I have read Freud's "Interpretation of dreams" and a book written by Carl Yung regarding dreams (but the title of the book escapes me now)

I have 2 recurring dreams:

1. I am looking for something..someone..but can never find it. Sometimes it's as Mark said, looking for a classroom, or looking for my office cubicle at work, but unable to locate it. Sometimes I am looking for someone, usually it's my wife or a past romantic interest a long time ago,  I see them in a haze, I hear their voice, I can almost reach them, but not touch them.

2. An all out violent global thermonuclear war on earth, pretty much everything exploding everywhere, massive deaths and destruction everywhere, no buildings left get the picture. Even Aliens and zombies are around sometimes, looking for victims...and I am trying to survive (usually with a celebrity guest star or 2 included in the dream) without getting killed (and I never get killed)

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: snozberries on 12/11/13 at 8:13 pm

I used to have really violent recurring dreams... most of them about other people (or sometimes me)  being murdered...thankfully I don't have them any longer.

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/12/13 at 7:30 am

The only one that I have is that I have moved.  I don't know why, but that one always gets to me.  I guess it is because I have been in the same place for 20 years...change is scary.

Not that I plan on moving.  Heck, I just paid off my house...don't want another payment. ;D

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: warped on 12/12/13 at 12:08 pm

I wish someone would post:
'In my dreams I wake up every morning at 6am in a hotel room in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to  “I got you babe “ by Sonny and Cher on the radio (etc..)'

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/12/13 at 1:45 pm

I have a couple

One is that I'm back in high school, it's the first day of classes, and I either cannot locate my locker OR I don't know my schedule or what room I'm supposed to go to. And then I start panicking thinking the bell is going to ring and I'm going to get in trouble for being late. It's weird because I'm rarely late for anything in real life.

I also have a similar dream where I'm back in college and I remember halfway through the semester that I'm enrolled in a class that I haven't been going to. Then I freak out thinking that I probably missed deadlines for major assignments and exams already and won't be able to pass the class.

This is a very common dream. It is just your anxieties about not being prepared playing itself out in your dreams.

I mentioned in another thread that I do not like severe weather. I have had NUMEROUS dreams where I've looked out my window and saw a tornado in the distance. Then I run down to my basement thinking the tornado will strike my house, but I wait and wait and it never does...

I'd like to hear others' dreams as well. Anyone here interested in interpreting dreams?

This is my recurring dream-tornadoes. I have had dreams where there were more than one tornado, another with just a little itty bitty one attacking my foot, and another that had a HUGE one that swept people away. Each dream is different except that there is a tornado in it. But, that is how my anxieties play itself out in my dreams. When there is something annoying, that is when I had the dream about the tiny tornado attacking my foot. When I was dealing with some very heavy sh!t, that was when I had the dream about the HUGE one. Hadn't had one in a while so I guess things are good right now.  :D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: loki 13 on 12/12/13 at 7:50 pm

There are two that stick out.

1) I am late for something; class, work, whatever but I can never seem to remember combinations. The car
keyless entry, locker combinations, bank account numbers even phone numbers.

2) Seems like disaster dreams are normal. I too dream of disasters, I am usually a witness to disasters; car
wrecks, train wrecks, airplane crashes, and I too have tornado dreams.

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: Inertia on 12/12/13 at 10:13 pm

I have a couple

One is that I'm back in high school, it's the first day of classes, and I either cannot locate my locker OR I don't know my schedule or what room I'm supposed to go to. And then I start panicking thinking the bell is going to ring and I'm going to get in trouble for being late. It's weird because I'm rarely late for anything in real life.

I also have a similar dream where I'm back in college and I remember halfway through the semester that I'm enrolled in a class that I haven't been going to. Then I freak out thinking that I probably missed deadlines for major assignments and exams already and won't be able to pass the class.

I mentioned in another thread that I do not like severe weather. I have had NUMEROUS dreams where I've looked out my window and saw a tornado in the distance. Then I run down to my basement thinking the tornado will strike my house, but I wait and wait and it never does...

I'd like to hear others' dreams as well. Anyone here interested in interpreting dreams?

Your college dream has happened to me more than once. It has happened even now that I have graduated.

I have dreams about tornadoes on a frequent basis too. I'm sort of fascinated by them too though so those dreams are not scary to me, just very random.

I have many dreams where I am other people and other genders. I'm not sure what it means.

I have dreams where I dream I am asleep and then I awake inside of a dream, then awake inside of that dream, and so on and so forth. The process continues until I physically move my limbs in the real world and force myself to awake.

I have dreams where I have the ability to fly. Who doesn't?

I use to dream about dinosaurs every night. There was also a time when I dreamed about amusement parks every night. I still do now to both on occasion. Oh and I dream about volcanoes often erupting too.

Actually, I have a lot of recurring dreams or common themes now that I think about it, even more than I mentioned above. Rofl

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: Foo Bar on 12/12/13 at 10:25 pm

I also have a similar dream where I'm back in college and I remember halfway through the semester that I'm enrolled in a class that I haven't been going to. Then I freak out thinking that I probably missed deadlines for major assignments and exams already and won't be able to pass the class.

And the best part is, these dreams will never, ever go away.  I know because I still have them, and it's been a decade or two since then.  The funny thing is I can remember the last few times I've had them about educational institutions, but I don't remember ever having had that dream about a work situation.  Go figure.

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: apollonia1986 on 01/02/14 at 1:11 am

Yeah, for some reason, in a lot of my dreams I'm running away from someone or something, and then I leap off of something.
Sometime it's the roof of a building, or the top of a staircase.

It's strange, but I wonder what it means.

I also used to dream about ants specifically. And a dream site said ants meant I was tedious or restless in life.

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/02/14 at 10:39 am

Yeah, for some reason, in a lot of my dreams I'm running away from someone or something, and then I leap off of something.
Sometime it's the roof of a building, or the top of a staircase.

It's strange, but I wonder what it means.

I also used to dream about ants specifically. And a dream site said ants meant I was tedious or restless in life.

The dream pretty much says it all. There is something you are running away from-something you fear. It doesn't have to be something/someone tangible. If I had to make a guess, I would say in your case, what you want to run away from is your health issues.


Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: apollonia1986 on 01/02/14 at 12:09 pm

The dream pretty much says it all. There is something you are running away from-something you fear. It doesn't have to be something/someone tangible. If I had to make a guess, I would say in your case, what you want to run away from is your health issues.


I don't know, I've been running and leaping for much longer than I've been sick.

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/02/14 at 12:20 pm

I don't know, I've been running and leaping for much longer than I've been sick.

It doesn't have to be ONE thing. It could be several things at once. But, I can't tell you what it is. I don't know you well enough for that. You will have to really look deep into yourself and really be honest with yourself to figure out what it is. Being honest with yourself is not as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of courage. And if you do figure out what it is, remember you don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to. But, it will give you some insight and maybe you will be able to fight that demon once you realize what that demon is.


Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: Ripley on 01/02/14 at 5:36 pm

I've had a lot dreams where I'm running.  My guess: I'm afraid of failure so I'm not trying for a career. 

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: warped on 01/07/14 at 5:44 am

I had a dream last night that Betty White, Harry Morgan (Col. Potter from MASH) and I couldn't find our workplace after eating lunch in a food downtown Toronto. We had to take roller coasters, trains, and using GPS (a device hanging from Betty White's nose) to find the building we work in.

Bit then: Alice in Wonderland, The green hornet and Terry Bradshaw (ex NFL player) didn't let us in because we didn't have the password. So I googled "Canadian Tax services and ice cream shops" in New York and found the password..which was "2506".

We went back to work and collected our paycheck and spent it all on green foods coz it was St Patricks day.

Cool dream...

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: MarkMc1990 on 02/22/14 at 11:30 pm

I have been having my recurring dream about suddenly remembering the college class I'm enrolled in halfway through the semester almost every night lately :-\\

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: Katluver on 02/23/14 at 1:22 am

When I was 5/6, I vaguely remember having these nightmares which composed of flashes of anger (people, monsters?...)
Then when I was around 10/11, I would have this recurring dream that my house had a secret passageway or another stairwell.

I would also had frequent dreams that my parents had a swimming pool (something that I always wanted) until I moved out.

Other recurring dreams that I had when growing up included wearing something bizarre to school like forgetting to take my headgear off or going partially nude.

I do have frequent dreams about downhill skiing, but I think that's because it's one of my favorite passions.

And yes, I still have dreams about my teeth falling out.  :-[

I find that if I don't empty my bladder before going to bed, that I have those "panic" dreams about running late and getting lost, or running out of time on an exam..

Subject: Re: Do you have any recurring dreams?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/23/14 at 10:20 am

I have been having my recurring dream about suddenly remembering the college class I'm enrolled in halfway through the semester almost every night lately :-\\

This is actually a normal dream. It just means that you are a bit stressed and worried that you are unprepared.

When I was 5/6, I vaguely remember having these nightmares which composed of flashes of anger (people, monsters?...)
Then when I was around 10/11, I would have this recurring dream that my house had a secret passageway or another stairwell.

I would also had frequent dreams that my parents had a swimming pool (something that I always wanted) until I moved out.

Other recurring dreams that I had when growing up included wearing something bizarre to school like forgetting to take my headgear off or going partially nude.

I do have frequent dreams about downhill skiing, but I think that's because it's one of my favorite passions.

And yes, I still have dreams about my teeth falling out.  :-[

I find that if I don't empty my bladder before going to bed, that I have those "panic" dreams about running late and getting lost, or running out of time on an exam..

Most of these are pretty normal, too. The one about your teeth falling out means that you have lost something-or fear that you will lose something. The key is to figure out what the tooth represents. Not knowing you, I can't tell you what that something is.

The dream about showing up at school nude or wearing something bizarre is very obvious. It just shows you have a fear of being ridiculed or that something about you will be "exposed."

As for your dream about the secret passageway, that just means that you are discovering things that you didn't know existed before. I have had similar dreams where I am in some house/building and I just keep going into rooms exploring and then going into the next room. I LOVE those dreams. I think they are fun.


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