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Subject: Jury Duty
Written By: KKay on 05/30/07 at 9:15 pm
I was on the jury of a murder case...ten days, sequestered.
it was really dull until someone asked for the evidence in the jury room ...the photos, the blood stained clothing. some people really got angry. it's a strange dynamic. some said they didnt want that responsibility...
anyway, we found the guy not guilty.
that reasonable doubt thing is really rough.
anyone here have that experience?
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/30/07 at 10:22 pm
I've never been called for jury duty in my 30 years of life (knock on wood).
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: KKay on 05/30/07 at 10:22 pm
I've never been called for jury duty in my 30 years of life (knock on wood).
it's the worst!
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Step-chan on 05/30/07 at 10:28 pm
I've never been called for jury duty in my 30 years of life (knock on wood).
Neither have I.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: whistledog on 05/30/07 at 10:29 pm
I hope I never get called for Jury Duty. Apparently there is no way out of it?
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: KKay on 05/30/07 at 10:30 pm
i think it's different state to state.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/30/07 at 10:32 pm
I hope I never get called for Jury Duty. Apparently there is no way out of it?
I know can write a letter stating why you can't be in it (because of a sickness or job, etc)..and they will usually excuse you.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: spaceace on 05/30/07 at 10:35 pm
I wouldn't mind Jury Duty. I'm studying to become a paralegal.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: whistledog on 05/30/07 at 10:44 pm
I know can write a letter stating why you can't be in it (because of a sickness or job, etc)..and they will usually excuse you.
I wonder if it has to be a valid excuse? lol
If I ever got a letter to appear for Jury Duty, I'd break my leg if I had to, just to get out of it ;D
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/30/07 at 10:49 pm
I wonder if it has to be a valid excuse? lol
If I ever got a letter to appear for Jury Duty, I'd break my leg if I had to, just to get out of it ;D
well, I know my mom got called for jury duty....but she couldn't miss all that she wrote a letter and they excused her.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: spaceace on 05/30/07 at 11:13 pm
Am I the only one who really wants jury duty? :-\\
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: spaceace on 05/30/07 at 11:38 pm
Actually I'm interested in attending once for the experience.
Me too. I'm interested in the whole process. I've never really understood why people get so freaked out over it.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: spaceace on 05/30/07 at 11:39 pm
This sounds like a silly solution, but couldn't this be something for homeless or outta work people? It's pay, food, and maybe even room.
You do have a point there.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 05/31/07 at 1:50 am
I've served on a jury in Superior Court here in Northern California, and the funny thing is this girl I knew was there and she got picked to be on the jury too. If they knew we were friends, they would probably eliminate one of us, but we didn't tell them, and we served for 2 days and found the guy guilty. He had to go to jail & I felt bad about that. I've been called in for jury summons at least 4 times and once, as we're waiting to go into the courtroom for the selection process, the Judge comes into the waiting room and tells us there will be no trial, that the case had just been settled out of court and we could all go home. The other times, I've spent all day going through selection process and didn't get picked, so bring a book with you if you have to go because it can be a long day.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: karen on 05/31/07 at 3:27 am
This sounds like a silly solution, but couldn't this be something for homeless or outta work people? It's pay, food, and maybe even room.
It isn't a solution because its supposed to be trial by the people. I believe this means a representative mix of the population. In the UK at least there has been a worry that some cases are too complex for trial by jury and this would get worse if the majority of the jury were uneducated.
I did jury duty a few years ago and found it an interesting experience. I listened to two cases. One we threw out because of lack of evidence and confusing/conflicting statememnts from the accusers side. The other we found not guilty because we believed the defendant when he said he couldn't have injured the man because if he wanted to injure him he'd have a bit more than a nose bleed at the end of it!
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 05/31/07 at 7:05 am
I wouldn't mind it, but have only been called once. I never had to go because it was in a different county than I lived in and since we had moved, I was ineligible.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Paul on 05/31/07 at 7:09 am
I had mixed feelings about my jury call...
I sat on two was fantastically gripping and the other was the polar extreme! (I think at one point the paint was peeling off the walls out of boredom!)
And the food was dire (it wasn't prison food, but it could have passed for it! :P)
I hope I never get called for Jury Duty. Apparently there is no way out of it?
I can't say for you Canucks, but in Britain it's fiendishly difficult to avoid it...
In normal circumstances, you can 'defer' once...but that's it!
The only times they'll exempt you is if you can prove that your service may cause you disruption (e.g. if you have a very young family), if you're over 70 years of age, or if you've done another stint within three years...
...or, of course, if you're on remand! ;)
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/31/07 at 12:10 pm
I have served twice. Both times in Texas. The first time, I sat there ALL day thinking I wasn't going to be called and was just about ready to go home when they called me about 4 or so in the afternoon. >:( The judge looked like he was ready to fall asleep except when he was playing with a pen and rubber band. At one point, someone's briefcase fell over and woke everyone up and we all laughed about it. It was a criminal case that ended in a hung jury (I was one of 2 who did not go with the majority but I can't remember which way I voted). What really got me was when we were walking out, the defense lawyer asked which 2 were the ones who didn't go with the others. I was appalled that he would ask such a question-and no one told him. Can't remember what time I got home that day but it was late-after sitting there since 8 that morning.
The next time was about 3 years later. I had received my notice but we had just purchased tickets for a trip. I wrote a letter to the judge saying that I am willing but if I change our plans we would be out the $$$ we spent on our plane tickets. I received another letter a couple of weeks later with a new date. This time I was called fairly early in the day, thinking that I might actually get home fairly early-yeah right. This time it was a civil case. And if you ask me it was pretty stupid. My take on the matter was that there were two couples-neighbors. One owned the road that they all lived on and the other was allowed to use it (to get to and from their house). My theory is they got into an argument (I can't say what it is was about) and the couple who owned the road basically said, "Well, if you are going to be that way about it, you can't use our road". So they went to court. For THREE days (at about $6 a day ::) ) we had to listen to these two couples hash it out. One the third day, we got back from lunch ready to hear more of their B.S. when the judge said that they settled. What a waste of 3 days. Oh, BTW, the judge in that second case is now Senator John Cornyn.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: danootaandme on 05/31/07 at 12:50 pm
Am I the only one who really wants jury duty? :-\\
No. I have been called twice, but didn't have to serve and was sorely disappointed. It is really selfish not to, unless there are extenuating circumstances( catastrophic illness, or something of that nature). Being sequestered is an unusual experience and if it looks like that might happen the should choose the people for that kind of a jury appropriately.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 05/31/07 at 4:26 pm
I've attended once, about 2 years ago. It wasn't an awful experience, but it wasn't very exciting and luckily during the whole "picking of the jury" in the courtroom, we had to return the next day for them to finish and luckily that following morning the judge said the case had been canceled. So, we were one lucky group!
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: KKay on 05/31/07 at 4:27 pm
I hated the 'picking the jury' part of it.
i was even a freind of an ADA at the time..and i was chosen anyway.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: spaceace on 05/31/07 at 4:30 pm
I hated the 'picking the jury' part of it.
i was even a freind of an ADA at the time..and i was chosen anyway.
I don't think that's enough to claim conflict of interest and get pulled. I think you would have to have a specific view of the case prior to selection in order to be pulled. In other words bias.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: loki 13 on 05/31/07 at 4:32 pm
One thing I'll never understand; it's your constitutional right to have a trial by jury, why isn't it your right
to refuse to serve on a jury? If you don't answer a summons to serve you could face an arrest warrent and
possible fines.
My employer doesn't pay for jury duty, and being the only money earner in the household I was always able
to get out of jury duty. The half a dozen or so times I was called, I never even went to the courthouse.
I don't know the law in all the states but a sure fire way not to get summoned in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.
Don't vote, They select the jury pool by registered and active voter lists.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 05/31/07 at 4:36 pm
Because of my fascination with true crime, I think it would be very interesting to be a jury member in a murder case...
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Ashkicksass on 05/31/07 at 4:46 pm
I would love to serve on a jury. My mom, dad, and two sisters have all served, and all found it interesting. I was called once, but we had planned a trip to Washington DC that week, so I wasn't able to go. It wasn't even a big deal. I hope I get called again - I think it would be great.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Henk on 05/31/07 at 4:51 pm
We don't have trial by jury. We believe our judges are pretty much capable of doing their job.
Of course, we could be wrong there (and most likely are...).
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: spaceace on 05/31/07 at 4:52 pm
We don't have trial by jury. We believe our judges are pretty much capable of doing their job.
Of course, we could be wrong there (and most likely are...).
They do that in France too I believe.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 05/31/07 at 4:55 pm
I don't know the law in all the states but a sure fire way not to get summoned in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.
Don't vote, They select the jury pool by registered and active voter lists.
Well, it actually holds true on my end. I voted for president in 2000, and recieved a summons not too long after. Somehow I got out of it, (I think because I was a full time student or something). I recieved a second summons when I reregistered in 2004 to vote. That was the time when I actually went to the jury (which took place in August 2005).
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: danootaandme on 05/31/07 at 5:24 pm
One thing I'll never understand; it's your constitutional right to have a trial by jury, why isn't it your right
to refuse to serve on a jury? If you don't answer a summons to serve you could face an arrest warrent and
possible fines.
My employer doesn't pay for jury duty, and being the only money earner in the household I was always able
to get out of jury duty. The half a dozen or so times I was called, I never even went to the courthouse.
I don't know the law in all the states but a sure fire way not to get summoned in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.
Don't vote, They select the jury pool by registered and active voter lists.
Trial by jury is a cornerstone of democracy, it is price we pay, and a cheap price considering what we get for it.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Howard on 05/31/07 at 7:48 pm
never been called for jury duty.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Gis on 06/01/07 at 1:22 am
One thing I'll never understand; it's your constitutional right to have a trial by jury, why isn't it your right
to refuse to serve on a jury? If you don't answer a summons to serve you could face an arrest warrent and
possible fines.
My employer doesn't pay for jury duty, and being the only money earner in the household I was always able
to get out of jury duty. The half a dozen or so times I was called, I never even went to the courthouse.
I don't know the law in all the states but a sure fire way not to get summoned in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.
Don't vote, They select the jury pool by registered and active voter lists.
You can't even use that as an excuse in the U.K as they pay you 'expenses' not that that amounts to very much.My brother tried to get out of it that way as his wife was hugely pregnant and not working when he got called but all they let him do was defer it until after the baby was born,
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: danootaandme on 06/01/07 at 11:06 am
In reality I think that each person should be allowed to choose a time during the year that's most convient for them.
Well wouldn't that be nice, but unworkable. Too many slackers who can't even take the responsiblity to take an hour to vote are gonna decide when they can serve on a jury. Fuggedaboutit. This country is full of people who wave the flags and enjoy that fruits of what our ancestors willingly died for, and people die for everyday, but ask them to give back and it "why should I" "I don't have to" "I'm too busy" I I I I, makes me wanna heave
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 06/01/07 at 1:29 pm
In reality I think that each person should be allowed to choose a time during the year that's most convient for them.
Sometimes you can delay it for a later time. I was able to do that in 2005, until I was out of school. I think it's only fair when you have a commitment like that. They were understanding and I was grateful for that.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Howard on 06/01/07 at 4:54 pm
In reality I think that each person should be allowed to choose a time during the year that's most convient for them.
That way It's easier to let us choose instead of letting them choose.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Brian06 on 06/01/07 at 5:22 pm
Haven't been called yet for jury duty, I am registered to vote so it's bound to happen one day.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: wildcard on 06/01/07 at 6:23 pm
I just got a letter in the mail today for jury duty.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 06/05/07 at 3:39 pm
I've only had to report my entire life. However, I did receive a summons before that.
The first time I received a jury summons, was in 2000. All I had to do was call a certain phone number the night before, to see if my group number was scheduled to report the next day. And I had to do this every night for the rest of the week; by the end of the week, my group number was excused, so I was off the hook!
In April 2004, I actually had to report to the criminal justice complex, for the first time ever. I almost got selected to appear on a jury, but since I was a college student, I got excused and didn't have to come back the next day!
The second (and most recent) time I had to go, was last June. Again, it was only for one day. I did not get called to report to any courtroom, so by the end of the day, I was in the "excused" group.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Howard on 06/05/07 at 4:20 pm
I just got a letter in the mail today for jury duty.
Are you going?
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/13/07 at 10:25 am
I just received a questionire about jury duty. I wonder if I could use my vision (or lack of it) as an excuse to get out of it. But there is that saying about "blind justice". :-\\ Why do they always seem to pick me? I don't think Hubby has EVER served.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 04/27/09 at 3:08 pm
I received a summons just last month...and I am currently on standby for this week. However, I called the designated telephone number last Friday after 5pm and found out that only the first group was scheduled to report today (Monday). So today, after 5pm, I need to call back again to see which groups are scheduled to report tomorrow...and so on for the rest of the week. Chances are that my group might not get selected, since it's a high number, but ya never know. If, by Friday, I don't get called to report, then my service will be complete!
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: anabel on 04/27/09 at 9:18 pm
Wow, I'm jealous...I've always wanted to do Jury Duty and only got called once, then it got cancelled. I've always wanted to just be a part of the process....I've watched too much Law and Order.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Paul on 04/28/09 at 6:53 am
Trial by jury is a cornerstone of democracy, it is price we pay, and a cheap price considering what we get for it.
Just in case you're interested, the cost of an 'average' Crown Court trial in the UK is approximately £30,000...
...per day! :o
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 04/28/09 at 11:26 pm
Anyhoo, I am scheduled to report for jury service tomorrow, as I mentioned in another thread, so I won't be on the 'puter at all during the day. Hopefully I won't get picked for a jury...altho ya never know.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Brian06 on 04/29/09 at 12:52 am
Funny how I got called a mere like 2 months after I made my post saying I never got called. ;D I ended up serving for 7 days in the fall of 2007, most of the time I was just waiting there doing nothing but I got called into 3 court rooms, I wasn't picked for the first 2 but eventually I ended up serving on a jury and we came to a verdict and all that. It was quite an interesting experience, I had never really been in a court room before so I learned quite a bit. ;)
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/29/09 at 9:59 pm
Anyhoo, I am scheduled to report for jury service tomorrow, as I mentioned in another thread, so I won't be on the 'puter at all during the day. Hopefully I won't get picked for a jury...altho ya never know.
good luck with that, Jeff! :)
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 04/29/09 at 10:13 pm
good luck with that, Jeff! :)
Thanks Erin... now here's what happened: my name got called, but I didn't get selected for a jury. That's because they were able to establish a full group of jurors before they got to me (and others who'd gotten called to report to a certain courtroom).
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: mooster on 04/30/09 at 7:37 am
Thanks Erin... now here's what happened: my name got called, but I didn't get selected for a jury. That's because they were able to establish a full group of jurors before they got to me (and others who'd gotten called to report to a certain courtroom).
You almost made it by the sound of it Jeff ;)
I've been called up twice - 10 years apart. The first time our panel wasn't needed. The second time I was selected and served on the jury for just over a week. As Brian said - it's an interesting experience.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 04/30/09 at 6:28 pm
You almost made it by the sound of it Jeff ;)
I've been called up twice - 10 years apart. The first time our panel wasn't needed. The second time I was selected and served on the jury for just over a week. As Brian said - it's an interesting experience.
I bet it is. They even showed a video in the assembly room to explain what it was all about. Even for the first-timers who were probably nervous about it.
Like I said, my service is complete...until at least May 2010.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Womble on 05/03/09 at 9:43 am
I bet it is. They even showed a video in the assembly room to explain what it was all about. Even for the first-timers who were probably nervous about it.
Like I said, my service is complete...until at least May 2010.
Some counties in various states give a longer waiting period than one year before eligabilty to be called again. For example, NYC has a wating period of 6 years. Too bad you can't get more of a breather.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 05/03/09 at 12:11 pm
I haven't been called yet...but then, I only became a U.S. citizen a little less than a year ago! :)
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 05/03/09 at 12:20 pm
I haven't been called yet...but then, I only became a U.S. citizen a little less than a year ago! :)
oh,really? ??? I didn't know that. I know that you were born in Canada (if memory serves me correctly?).
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 05/03/09 at 12:20 pm
Some counties in various states give a longer waiting period than one year before eligabilty to be called again. For example, NYC has a wating period of 6 years. Too bad you can't get more of a breather.
Well, in California, I know that the waiting period is at least one year.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 05/03/09 at 1:24 pm
oh,really? ??? I didn't know that. I know that you were born in Canada (if memory serves me correctly?).
You're right, Jeff...I was born in Canada. And just last summer I finally became naturalized. :)
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 05/03/09 at 9:47 pm
You're right, Jeff...I was born in Canada. And just last summer I finally became naturalized. :)
thought so. ;) Thanks for clearing that up.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Dagwood on 05/04/09 at 7:22 pm
I haven't been called yet...but then, I only became a U.S. citizen a little less than a year ago! :)
I've never been called and I've been a citizen all my life and been registered to vote for 13 years. Guess they don't want me.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Paul on 05/05/09 at 6:53 am
I've never been called and I've been a citizen all my life and been registered to vote for 13 years. Guess they don't want me.
It may come...I waited almost 18 years!
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 10/03/16 at 12:12 am
I received another summons in 2010 to report in October...and I was there only for one day, and did not get on a case.
I received another summons in 2014 to report in August... and similarly, was also eventually excused!
And now, in 2016, I have a summons for this week...with the day to report (if any) to be determined, but it won't be tomorrow!
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/03/16 at 10:19 am
I received another summons in 2010 to report in October...and I was there only for one day, and did not get on a case.
I received another summons in 2014 to report in August... and similarly, was also eventually excused!
And now, in 2016, I have a summons for this week...with the day to report (if any) to be determined, but it won't be tomorrow!
I thought they had to wait at least 3 years before they call you again-or maybe that is if you sat on a jury. Or maybe California is different. ??
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 10/03/16 at 7:04 pm
I thought they had to wait at least 3 years before they call you again-or maybe that is if you sat on a jury. Or maybe California is different. ??
Yes, in California it is different. After you complete your service, they wait at least one year before calling you again.
Different states have different rules, I guess.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/03/16 at 7:56 pm
Yes, in California it is different. After you complete your service, they wait at least one year before calling you again.
Different states have different rules, I guess.
I think they have it different in several states. :/
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 10/03/16 at 11:53 pm
I think they have it different in several states. :/
Yeah; they most likely do. I only know firsthand about the policy in California, since that's the only state I've lived in.
And as I mentioned on another thread, I won't be going in tomorrow.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: 80sfan on 10/04/16 at 2:38 am
I received another summons in 2010 to report in October...and I was there only for one day, and did not get on a case.
I received another summons in 2014 to report in August... and similarly, was also eventually excused!
And now, in 2016, I have a summons for this week...with the day to report (if any) to be determined, but it won't be tomorrow!
I've never been summoned.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/04/16 at 8:25 am
I've never been summoned.
Maybe you never voted or it's really different in your state.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/04/16 at 10:32 am
Yes, in California it is different. After you complete your service, they wait at least one year before calling you again.
Different states have different rules, I guess.
A year? That system sounds messed up. With that, my bet is that it is the same people having to serve jury duty ALL THE TIME. My SIL lived in CA for decades and I don't think she ever served on jury duty.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 10/04/16 at 10:54 pm
A year? That system sounds messed up. With that, my bet is that it is the same people having to serve jury duty ALL THE TIME. My SIL lived in CA for decades and I don't think she ever served on jury duty.
Interesting. I guess it's just luck of the draw.
By the way, my group number is one of many scheduled to report tomorrow.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/05/16 at 12:02 am
I've never been summoned.
In the UK, Jury Service is taken from electoral roll. I have known people to have served each time they had moved address and re-registered.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Howard on 10/05/16 at 3:04 pm
I've never been summoned.
I've been summoned but made an legit excuse because of my mental health issues that I was unable to appear at jury duty.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: 80sfan on 10/05/16 at 8:36 pm
In the UK, Jury Service is taken from electoral roll. I have known people to have served each time they had moved address and re-registered.
Even then, nope. I haven't been summoned yet.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: 80sfan on 10/05/16 at 8:36 pm
I've been summoned but made an legit excuse because of my mental health issues that I was unable to appear at jury duty.
It might be because of my health issues, too. I haven't thought of that yet.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 10/05/16 at 10:14 pm
Well, I did get called to a panel this afternoon... but I did not get questioned, as the panel was accepted before they could get to me (and a few other jurors left in the panel), so I'm free at least until October of 2017!
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/06/16 at 10:21 am
Well, I did get called to a panel this afternoon... but I did not get questioned, as the panel was accepted before they could get to me (and a few other jurors left in the panel), so I'm free at least until October of 2017!
Well that's nice.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Don Carlos on 10/06/16 at 10:27 am
Well that's nice.
Off topic: Mets v Socks, that's going to be a tough one for us, we like both
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Baltimoreian on 10/06/16 at 10:30 am
Off topic: Mets v Socks, that's going to be a tough one for us, we like both
That's actually a representation of the 1986 World Series. It was the Mets vs. Red Sox, which the Mets won 4 games to 3.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: 80sfan on 10/06/16 at 11:36 am
Well, I did get called to a panel this afternoon... but I did not get questioned, as the panel was accepted before they could get to me (and a few other jurors left in the panel), so I'm free at least until October of 2017!
Lucked out! :D
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Howard on 10/06/16 at 4:10 pm
It might be because of my health issues, too. I haven't thought of that yet.
I can't appear before a jury.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 10/06/16 at 6:33 pm
Lucked out! :D
Yep, once again.
I had no hardships this time around, so I was able to stay for the jury selection. The judge also mentioned that the trial was expected to last only three days, with a "recess" on Friday, so I wouldn't have really missed any work time had I been selected. And I would have been able to work tomorrow, rather than today, which wouldn't have been a big deal. All I would've needed to do was call my supervisor and let her know in such an event.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 12/17/21 at 10:17 pm
So...I received a summons in the mail last month, for the first time in five years. And I am on call for next week!
Since I have a very low "group number", I am highly likely to have to report on Monday. (There is a special phone number that I have to call on Sunday night, to see if my group is scheduled to report. A recorded message will indicate which ones do.)
I have already notified my boss, and today I told her that once I find out when I'm scheduled to report, I will let her know (via text message) so that she doesn't expect me to show up at the office.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/18/21 at 1:00 pm
So...I received a summons in the mail last month, for the first time in five years. And I am on call for next week!
Since I have a very low "group number", I am highly likely to have to report on Monday. (There is a special phone number that I have to call on Sunday night, to see if my group is scheduled to report. A recorded message will indicate which ones do.)
I have already notified my boss, and today I told her that once I find out when I'm scheduled to report, I will let her know (via text message) so that she doesn't expect me to show up at the office.
Sometimes Jury Duty comes at a really inconvenient time; hopefully that's not the case this time. Hoping that all works out well! :)
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 12/18/21 at 4:12 pm
Sometimes Jury Duty comes at a really inconvenient time; hopefully that's not the case this time. Hoping that all works out well! :)
Yeah...especially since the upcoming week ends with a holiday. Probably not gonna be a whole lotta cases, so maybe it'll be over with quickly. And hopefully I won't have to get on a jury, because then I'd miss more than a whole day of work, and get WAY behind on my tasks.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 12/19/21 at 11:11 pm
Yep...indeed I will be reporting to the courthouse tomorrow. But only for the morning hours (most likely).
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 12/20/21 at 2:41 pm
My service is completed!!
Those of us who did not get called to a panel were excused a little over an hour ago, at 11:30am pacific time.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: karen on 12/20/21 at 3:17 pm
My service is completed!!
Those of us who did not get called to a panel were excused a little over an hour ago, at 11:30am pacific time.
Am I right in thinking you have been on jury duty before? How often might you expect to serve on a jury? I think you only have to serve once in the U.K. and not everyone gets called
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/20/21 at 4:09 pm
My service is completed!!
Those of us who did not get called to a panel were excused a little over an hour ago, at 11:30am pacific time.
Yay! You're done. :)
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/20/21 at 4:33 pm
Am I right in thinking you have been on jury duty before? How often might you expect to serve on a jury? I think you only have to serve once in the U.K. and not everyone gets called
I'll say how often one is called for jury duty depends a lot on where you live. There are no minimum times to serve (I don't believe) but there also may be no maximum. In the county I used to live in, I was called 3 times for jury duty, over a span of about 7 years. However in the county I live in today, I've lived here since 1987 and was only called once. There is a large difference in crime rate between the two counties.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 12/20/21 at 6:41 pm
Am I right in thinking you have been on jury duty before? How often might you expect to serve on a jury? I think you only have to serve once in the U.K. and not everyone gets called
Yes I have. About 7 times within the last 17 years.
And once I complete one round of service, I'm done for at least a year.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 12/20/21 at 6:43 pm
Yay! You're done. :)
Yup! O0
Possibly til at least 2023.
I'll say how often one is called for jury duty depends a lot on where you live. There are no minimum times to serve (I don't believe) but there also may be no maximum. In the county I used to live in, I was called 3 times for jury duty, over a span of about 7 years. However in the county I live in today, I've lived here since 1987 and was only called once. There is a large difference in crime rate between the two counties.
That's true. In California (at least where I live), once you serve, you're done for at least 12 months.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: karen on 12/21/21 at 4:10 am
So I just had a look for England. You are exempt for at least two years after serving. This may be extended by the judge if you served on a particularly harrowing case. The chances of being called to serve on a jury are about 35%. I only know a handful of people who have served on a jury hence why I commented on how often nally has done so.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/21/21 at 9:32 am
So I just had a look for England. You are exempt for at least two years after serving. This may be extended by the judge if you served on a particularly harrowing case. The chances of being called to serve on a jury are about 35%. I only know a handful of people who have served on a jury hence why I commented on how often nally has done so.
Yea, since we have local, state and federal courts there is a good deal of variation in the rules. It also depends on where you live. Neither Cat nor I have ever (36 years) been called here in VT, although Cat once served in Texas.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/21/21 at 1:49 pm
Yea, since we have local, state and federal courts there is a good deal of variation in the rules. It also depends on where you live. Neither Cat nor I have ever (36 years) been called here in VT, although Cat once served in Texas.
Twice. There is was every 3 years and sure enough when my 3 years were up, I was called again.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 12/21/21 at 8:11 pm
Twice. There is was every 3 years and sure enough when my 3 years were up, I was called again.
Lucky you.
The longest I ever went without JD was 5 years (2016-2021).
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/22/21 at 11:59 am
Lucky you.
The longest I ever went without JD was 5 years (2016-2021).
I really wouldn't mind serving, could be interesting
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/22/21 at 12:06 pm
I really wouldn't mind serving, could be interesting
But most of the time it's just a lot of tedious waiting around.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/22/21 at 1:19 pm
But most of the time it's just a lot of tedious waiting around.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 12/22/21 at 9:11 pm
I really wouldn't mind serving, could be interesting
Yeah, I've heard some positive reviews about that. My mom actually did get to serve on a jury once; sometime in the 1990s, I think, at the San Fernando courthouse (when we were living out that direction). She said she found it quite interesting.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: nally on 12/22/21 at 9:12 pm
But most of the time it's just a lot of tedious waiting around.
That's right. Which is what I've ended up doing most times. That's why I bring a book to read.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Contigo on 12/23/21 at 10:35 am
I've received several notices in the mail throughout the years in regards to Jury duty, I've filled out forms but never heard back.
Guess it helped when I added that I have 27 distinct personalities on the form , and then crossed it out and said "No I don't", and then crossed that out and said "Yes you do".
They won't ever select us me! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/24/21 at 9:49 am
I've received several notices in the mail throughout the years in regards to Jury duty, I've filled out forms but never heard back.
Guess it helped when I added that I have 27 distinct personalities on the form , and then crossed it out and said "No I don't", and then crossed that out and said "Yes you do".
They won't ever select us me! ;D ;D ;D
Clever. Naughty, but clever
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Written By: whistledog on 02/21/22 at 7:24 pm
I got called for Jury Duty once. Where I live, Jury Duty is not paid for the first 10 days, but is after at $40 a day. I couldn't afford to lose any money as I live from paycheck to paycheck, so I got out of it by doing something I am not too proud of. Let's just say for that one day, I became a person I hate!
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