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Subject: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: Max Power on 08/05/06 at 5:05 pm

Including the ones who got banned like Peter Rose.

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: Sister Morphine on 08/05/06 at 6:37 pm

Pete Rose isn't in the HOF because he was a moron.  However if they let Barroid Bonds in the Hall, they better let Rose in, otherwise it's going to look very hypocritical.

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: Max Power on 08/05/06 at 9:34 pm

Pete Rose isn't in the HOF because he was a moron.  However if they let Barroid Bonds in the Hall, they better let Rose in, otherwise it's going to look very hypocritical.

Same sentiment though Bonds did put up HOF numbers before the stuff, too bad too he would've gotten in clean but  his desire for more power hurts his credibility.

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: freeridemt on 08/07/06 at 12:02 am

I think the big test will be next year. If they vote  McGwire in.  So far a lot of Hall of fame voters say they are not gonna vote for him. I think the wait and see is in order. I'm one of those that think Rose should be in.

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: hot_wax on 08/11/07 at 6:37 pm

I think the big test will be next year. If they vote  McGwire in.  So far a lot of Hall of fame voters say they are not gonna vote for him. I think the wait and see is in order. I'm one of those that think Rose should be in.

I agree with you, Pete Rose should be get into the Hall on his merits as a player not what he did as a manager.

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: hot_wax on 08/11/07 at 7:04 pm

I think the big test will be next year. If they vote  McGwire in.  So far a lot of Hall of fame voters say they are not gonna vote for him. I think the wait and see is in order. I'm one of those that think Rose should be in.

McGwire's not really Hall worthy no matter how he tried to improve his playing, his total career is not Hall worthy, he's was at best a good player, that's all, why he went to the drugs because he was only good and it wasn't good enough for him. In defense of him, the drugs weren't illegal then, but his intent why he used them will keep him out of the Hall.

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: hot_wax on 08/11/07 at 7:47 pm

Same sentiment though Bonds did put up HOF numbers before the stuff, too bad too he would've gotten in clean but  his desire for more power hurts his credibility.

Bonds is laughing at all us, he can give a rats ass on what people think of him as a lying, cheater and will want his due in the Hall too?, fudge him! he's an ass hole! and fudge all those ass holes who supported him in his breaking Hank Aarons record, a record that was honestly broken by an up-standing role model player and did with only his God given talent and body. If Bonds gets voted into the Hall of fame I'll never watch another baseball game ever because it will be as phoney as Pro-Wrestling.

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: danootaandme on 08/12/07 at 4:46 am

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Jim Rice

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: Satish on 08/16/07 at 8:43 pm

During the 1970s and 80s, there were many ice hockey players from eastern Europe who were good enough to play in the NHL but weren't allowed to because of the oppressive communist governments they lived under. It was only when the Cold War ended in 1991 that the eastern European players were finally able to come and play in the NHL.

There were quite a few players from the former Soviet Union in the 70s and 80s that aren't in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto who probably should be, even though they never played in the NHL. So far, the only three players who have been inducted for their accomplishments in the Soviet era are the goalie Vladislav Tretiak, the defenceman Viacheslav Fetisov, and the forward Valeri Kharlamov. Kharlamov was only inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2005. He probably should have been let in years earlier. Some other great players from the Soviet era who deserve consideration are Vladimir Petrov, Boris Mikhailov, and Igor Larionov.

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: tv on 09/20/07 at 9:49 am

Goose Gossage or Don Mattingly.

Subject: Re: Best players not in Hall of Fame?

Written By: jpwana on 10/25/07 at 7:56 pm

there are many....

If Rose gets in then Joe Jackson should go right in with him.

Tony Oliva, very underatted hitter
Gil Hodges, long long overdue

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