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Subject: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: Marian on 02/12/06 at 3:25 pm

Michelle Kwan has withdrawn from the Turin Olympics,citing the effects of an injury.Emily Hughes,the younger sister of 2002 Olympic champion Sarah Hughes,will take her place.

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: Dagwood on 02/12/06 at 4:52 pm

Too bad, but at least she knew she couldn't compete.  It was the smart thing to do.

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: danootaandme on 02/12/06 at 5:03 pm

I feel bad for her, this was probably the last chance.  When at top form she is ethereal. 

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: star500 on 02/13/06 at 10:59 am

OH NO!!! It's the curse of the Hughes sisters! ;D Seriously though, it's time for her to move on with her life and become a professional skater. She has been skating for what, 12-13 years something like that as an amateur? She will get paid more if she goes pro too. But hey, if she wants to sit around and wait yet another four years to win the gold, its her choice.... :P

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: nally on 02/13/06 at 4:11 pm

Too bad, but at least she knew she couldn't compete.  It was the smart thing to do.

I agree.

Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. :-\\

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: Marian on 02/13/06 at 4:29 pm

I'm sorry, but IMO, she shouldn't have been there in the first place.  She admitted that she wasn't even at 100% when she petitioned to be on the team, but she thought she might be by the Olympics.
Well it's not as simple as that.In 1998,Elvis Stojko of Canada had a similar injury,but competed,albeit having to water down his difficulty.He did win the silver.It's possible Michelle Kwan could have been competitive with other skaters,and probably would have had a better chance of medaling than Emily Hughes.Hoiwever,it wasn't worth the risk to risk permanent injury.

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: agoraphobicwhacko on 02/14/06 at 1:09 am

I dont think she should have been there either. I cant stand the arrogancy of former elite athletes that think they can just walk in with injury or very little recent training and think they can win it all. But I agree with whoever said it was her final chance. She obviously knew that, and is probably the reason why she rushed into doing this.

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: livinonthe80s on 02/14/06 at 3:54 pm

It is soo easy to say and judge people when youre not in that position.  Michelle has done more for the world of Ice Skating than any other skater.  She really believed that she could be 100% but sometimes life just does something else.  After she admitted that she could not go on after reinjurying her groin and that was big of her to do.  Michelle has a BIG heart and BIG dreams like most of us and I respect her for it.  Though she has not won a gold medal, she still is a Champion in my heart and represents Ice Skating for what it is today.  The younger Hughes should not have any problem since she has been practicing un till now, so I believe there is no harm done.
It was the same when Michelle first came onto the Ice Skating scene where she qualified 3rd and made the team.  Nancy Kerrigan was injuried at the time and was put on the team and Michelle politely stood by.

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: LyricBoy on 02/14/06 at 7:54 pm

She can always go on the Seniors Circuit.

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: agoraphobicwhacko on 02/15/06 at 12:02 am

  Michelle has done more for the world of Ice Skating than any other skater.
Tell that to Tara Lipinski!! ::)

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: Donnie Darko on 02/15/06 at 2:45 am

I can't believe it's been eight years since Tara Lipinski retired.

Anyway, that's really sad. That must suck, having your dream not come true.  :(

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: kellygoo72 on 02/15/06 at 4:19 am

I always loved Michelle and Figure Skating.. She has alotto be proud of.. no matter what! :)

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: Marian on 02/15/06 at 2:08 pm

The trials are in place for a reason.  IMO, if you're not healthy enough to compete THERE, you should not be allowed to compete.  If my memory is correct, Stojko was injured DURING his program.  Kwan was out almost the entire "season" with injuries.  There's no way she should have been allowed on the team.  I love to watch her skate, and if she had been healthy all year, that would be one thing, but being injured a majority of the season is another alltogether.
I don't remember exactly when Elvis was unjured.i think he tried to keep it a secret,but then had to tone down his program.

Subject: Re: Michelle Kwan withdraws from Turin Olympics.

Written By: Harmonica on 02/15/06 at 2:46 pm

It's a real shame what happened to her.  Event ending injuries are not only physically painful but emotionally and mentally painful as well. It's too bad, but usually these injuries only happen to modest and humble athletes.

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