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Subject: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
Daffy Duck and Egghead
the early 30s one where he sings the merry-go-round broke down(which gets adapted into the looney tunes theme I read), and ends with another duck carrying him off to the mental inst. but then they both go mental on Egghead and bounce away. Daffy's second appearance in theaters.
Robin Hood Daffy
Daffy tries to convince porky that he's robin hood. "YOIKS, and AWAY!!!" WHAM!!!
Duck Amuck
the one where he's stuck in all the crazy scenes and doesn't know who's putting him in them! "That's strange, all of a sudden I don't quite feel like myself. Oh I feel alright... and yet I.. I uh... EEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!"
Drip-Along Daffy
daffy and porky are in the wild west, and daffy, after proclaiming himself as sheriff, gets into trouble with the criminal at the bar. The bar scene where daffy talks porky into drinking a dangerous drink, then takes one himself, is the highlight. "Mary had a little lamb..."
Scarlet Pumpernickel
daffy tries to get into drama part. I think this one has to have the most looney tunes characters in any of their earlier cartoons!
The Ducksters
daffy is host of a radio game show and porky is his unfortunate assistant who wins horrible(horribly infamous) prizes, such as the rock of gibraltar falling on his head.
Deduce, You Say
daffy as sherlock holmes tries to catch the Shropshire Slasher.
Duck! Rabbit, Duck!
The winter hunting episode. Daffy's trying, yet again, to trick elmer into hunting Bugs Bunny. "Shoot me again! I enjoy it!"
Ducking the Devil
Daffy's only outing with Taz, where he tries to lure him into the zoo. He says at the end, "I'm a coward... but I'm a greeeeeedy little coward!"
The Duxorcist
where Daffy becomes an exorcist and tries to rescue a lady in distress, who was possessed. She says, "mary had a little lamb... BUT I ATE IT!!!" This was released in 1987 as part of Quackbusters.
Boobs in the Woods
Porky goes into the woods to paint, but daffy gets in the way; thus becoming a replacement engine for porky's car in the end.
Subject: Re: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
Robin Hood Daffy: 5.0
That's the only one I know of offhand. The others I don't really know by title, but I probably would if I saw them. I mean, I haven't memorized all the titles of the ones I've seen. Is "Duck Rabbit Duck" the one where Bugs and asks Elmer Fudd: "Do you wanna shoot him now or wait until you get home?....He doesn't have to shoot you now."
Subject: Re: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
I tried describing them as best as I could...
Duck rabbit duck is the hunting one where they're in the snow, and Bugs convinces Elmer that he's not a stewin' wabbit, but a fricasseein' wabbit.
Subject: Re: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
I collected some pictures of these cartoons if it'll help:
http://www.nonstick.com/wpics/egghead.htm (only picture I could find of him. that cartoon's a hard one to find, even on the net!)
Sadly, I could only find title shots for some of them. Hopefully, you'll remember these more.
Subject: Re: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
Daffy Duck and Egghead
the early 30s one where he sings the merry-go-round broke down(which gets adapted into the looney tunes theme I read), and ends with another duck carrying him off to the mental inst. but then they both go mental on Egghead and bounce away. Daffy's second appearance in theaters.
4, I've actually seen this on "Toon Heads" on Cartoon Network. Unfortunately, it's now seen on 3:00 AM on Sundays. Most of these cartoons can be seen on their "Bugs & Daffy" hour. :)
Robin Hood Daffy
Daffy tries to convince porky that he's robin hood. "YOIKS, and AWAY!!!" WHAM!!!
3, OK, but not the best Robin Hood parody done by a cartoon. IMO, "Robin Hoek", from "Ren & Stimpy" is the best.
Duck Amuck
the one where he's stuck in all the crazy scenes and doesn't know who's putting him in them! "That's strange, all of a sudden I don't quite feel like myself. Oh I feel alright... and yet I.. I uh... EEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!"
5, a Classic
Drip-Along Daffy
daffy and porky are in the wild west, and daffy, after proclaiming himself as sheriff, gets into trouble with the criminal at the bar. The bar scene where daffy talks porky into drinking a dangerous drink, then takes one himself, is the highlight. "Mary had a little lamb..."
4. Funny.
Scarlet Pumpernickel
daffy tries to get into drama part. I think this one has to have the most looney tunes characters in any of their earlier cartoons!
3 IMO, not one of the best.
The Ducksters
daffy is host of a radio game show and porky is his unfortunate assistant who wins horrible(horribly infamous) prizes, such as the rock of gibraltar falling on his head.
3, Funny, but some gags are done in many other cartoons.
Deduce, You Say
daffy as sherlock holmes tries to catch the Shropshire Slasher.
Don't remember
Duck! Rabbit, Duck!
The winter hunting episode. Daffy's trying, yet again, to trick elmer into hunting Bugs Bunny. "Shoot me again! I enjoy it!"
5, A Classic
Ducking the Devil
Daffy's only outing with Taz, where he tries to lure him into the zoo. He says at the end, "I'm a coward... but I'm a greeeeeedy little coward!"
4, Funny.
The Duxorcist
where Daffy becomes an exorcist and tries to rescue a lady in distress, who was possessed. She says, "mary had a little lamb... BUT I ATE IT!!!" This was released in 1987 as part of Quackbusters.
Funny. Cartoon Network should air these movies more often.
Boobs in the Woods
Porky goes into the woods to paint, but daffy gets in the way; thus becoming a replacement engine for porky's car in the end.
3, OK, but not one of the best.
Subject: Re: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
I tried describing them as best as I could...
Duck rabbit duck is the hunting one where they're in the snow, and Bugs convinces Elmer that he's not a stewin' wabbit, but a fricasseein' wabbit.
End Quote
Now that you mention it, it sounds familiar now. I think I remember that one, so I'll give it a 4.
Subject: Re: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
Daffy Duck and Egghead -3
Robin Hood Daffy -3
Duck Amuck -3
Drip-Along Daffy -3
Scarlet Pumpernickel -3
The Ducksters -4
Deduce, You Say -4
Duck! Rabbit, Duck! -4
Ducking the Devil -5
The Duxorcist -5
Boobs in the Woods -4
Subject: Re: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
All but The Duxcorist are 5s. Warner really should know better than to try and recapture the magic.
Subject: Re: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
Daffy Duck and Egghead -3
Robin Hood Daffy -3
Duck Amuck -3
Drip-Along Daffy -3
Scarlet Pumpernickel -3
The Ducksters -4
Deduce, You Say -4
Duck! Rabbit, Duck! -4
Ducking the Devil -5
The Duxorcist -5
Boobs in the Woods -4
End Quote
You give all these cartoons negative ratings?
Subject: Re: Rate these Daffy Duck cartoons!
You forgot to include the absolute best Daffy Duck cartoon ever IMO. That being Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2 Century. In this episode Daffy goes head to head with Marvin Martian over control of Planet X. Porky plays the subordinate (yet much smarter than Daffy) space cadet. I laugh like crazy every time I see it.
Daffy Duck and Egghead
the early 30s one where he sings the merry-go-round broke down(which gets adapted into the looney tunes theme I read), and ends with another duck carrying him off to the mental inst. but then they both go mental on Egghead and bounce away. Daffy's second appearance in theaters.
still in the charaters formative period, better yet to come
Robin Hood Daffy
Daffy tries to convince porky that he's robin hood. "YOIKS, and AWAY!!!" WHAM!!!
HO HO GUARD TURN PARRY SPIN!!! Thwap! into his bill hehe love it
Duck Amuck
the one where he's stuck in all the crazy scenes and doesn't know who's putting him in them! "That's strange, all of a sudden I don't quite feel like myself. Oh I feel alright... and yet I.. I uh... EEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!"
Totally offbeat and hilarious and probably the first time a cartoon character actually acknowledges he is a cartoon charater, my second favorite
Drip-Along Daffy
daffy and porky are in the wild west, and daffy, after proclaiming himself as sheriff, gets into trouble with the criminal at the bar. The bar scene where daffy talks porky into drinking a dangerous drink, then takes one himself, is the highlight. "Mary had a little lamb..."
a fun parody on a classic western, Porky (again) becomes the hero at the end
Scarlet Pumpernickel
daffy tries to get into drama part. I think this one has to have the most looney tunes characters in any of their earlier cartoons!
a great takeoff on an Errol Flynn picture
The Ducksters
daffy is host of a radio game show and porky is his unfortunate assistant who wins horrible(horribly infamous) prizes, such as the rock of gibraltar falling on his head.
another one where Porky and Daffy play off each other so funny
Deduce, You Say
daffy as sherlock holmes tries to catch the Shropshire Slasher.
totally hilarious when Daffy tries to arrest the Slashers mother for selling dandilions without a license and gets beaten to a pulp!
Duck! Rabbit, Duck!
The winter hunting episode. Daffy's trying, yet again, to trick elmer into hunting Bugs Bunny. "Shoot me again! I enjoy it!"
at least big 10 laughs a minute on this one, Bugs always outsmarts Daffy with Elmer Fudd in the middle of it all, there are two others that have a similar situation, Rabbit Fire! and Rabbit Seasoning
Ducking the Devil
Daffy's only outing with Taz, where he tries to lure him into the zoo. He says at the end, "I'm a coward... but I'm a greeeeeedy little coward!" not much of a Taz fan
The Duxorcist
where Daffy becomes an exorcist and tries to rescue a lady in distress, who was possessed. She says, "mary had a little lamb... BUT I ATE IT!!!" This was released in 1987 as part of Quackbusters.
a good try but not much like the originals
Boobs in the Woods
Porky goes into the woods to paint, but daffy gets in the way; thus becoming a replacement engine for porky's car in the end.
obnoxious but still funny