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Subject: Famous person lyrics quiz(Done!!!)
these songs have a famos person in the LYRICS...doesnt have to be title limit 8 NO LIMIT!!!!
1)And if you stamped on mickey rooney
He would still turn round and smile,
mordor Celluloid heros-Kinks
2)Do you remember your president Nixon?
Indy Young AMericans-David Bowie
3)Poor old Johnny Ray
Jaytee Come on Eileen-Dexys midnight runners
4)With the aid of 8 dust brothers Beck, Hanson
Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson
Tone You get what you give-New Radicals
5)Roy Cohn Juan Peron, Tosconini, Dacron
Tone We didnt start the fire-Billy Joel
6)Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio?
jaytee Mrs Robinson-Simon and Garfunkel
7)You learn love from Charlie Sheen
Tone Intuition-Jewle
8)Jackie Wilson-Shangra-las-Young Rascals
(They were Rockin')
Indy ROCK int he USA-John Mellencamp
9)Spot light on Otis Redding now
TOne Sweet soul music-Arthur Conley
10)Well I hope Neil Young will remember, a Southern Man dont need him around anyhow
Indy Sweet Home Alabama-Lynyrd Skynyrd
11)With your master plan, Mr. Hendrix understood
daddysgirl That says it all-Dunkin Sheik
12)Glen Millers band was better than before
Jaytee Remingising-Little River Band
13)About a man riding 'cross the desert and it starred Gregory Peck.
daddys girl Brownsville girl-Bob Dylan
14)Tryin' hard to look like Gary Cooper (super duper)
Indy Puttin on the ritz-Taco
15)I love Jack White like a little brother
Maddog We all love one another-White Stripes
16)While Lennin read a book of Marx
Jaytee American Pie-Don Mclean
17)Oh Oh and you're Mary Tyler Moore
Indy Buddy Holly-Weezer
18)Hot like wasabe when I bust rhymes
Big like Leann Rimes
Indy One Week-BNL
19)Leonard Bernstien!
Indy Its the end of the world as we know it-REM
20)And no ones getting fat except Mama Cass
Jaytee Creque Ally-Mamas and Papas
21)Tin Soldiers and Nixon coming
Indy Ohio-CSNY
22)Put on a little Dylan
sitting on a fence
Kenny Only wanna be with you-Hootie and the Blowfish
23)A dinosaur Victrola listening to Buck Owens
Paul UK Looking out my back door-CCR
24)Like Mussellini and Kennedy
Kenny Cult of personality-Living Colour
25)Just like Marie Antoinette
Jaytee Killer Queen-Queen
26)A cold war kid McCarthey time
Merry Lenningrad-Billy Joel
27)Like Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
lebeiw Like a rolling stone-Bob Dylan
28)Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer,
Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna,
Paul UK Give peace a chance-John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
29)Mr. Hughes hid in Dylan's shoes wearing his disguise
jaytee Garden Party-Rick Nelson
30)Like Chief Sitting Bull, Tom Paine
Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcom X
Daddys girl Renegades of Funk-RATM
31)Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs
so I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst
Tone the Real Slim shady-Eminem
32)Napoleon did surrender
Jaytee Waterloo-ABBA
33)When a man named Al Capone tried to make this town his own
maddog the night chicago died-Paper Lace
34)Just like the old man in
That famous book by Nabakov
JPT Dont stand so close to me-Police
35)Jimmy Dean JAMES DEAN
JPT Rock on-David Essex
36)Andy Kaufman in the wrestling match
maddog Man on the moon-REM
37)Oh, Mr. Barnum, save a place for me
Sioux Goodbye cruel world-James Darren or Freddy Cannon
38)That's 'Retha Franklin
She don't remember the Queen of Soul
ladybug Hey ninteen-Steely Dan
39)Cobain can you hear the spheres
Tone Californication-RHCP
40)She got Greta Garbo Stand off sighs
lebiew Bette Davis Eyes-Kim Carnes
41)She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
lebeiw Drops of jupiter-Train
42)Ride Sally Ride trying to trick you
Tone Lay down sally-Eric Clapton OR Mustange Sally-Wilson Pickett
43)But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
Bobo Revolution-Beatles
you know, I probably could have done a whole quiz just on Dylan
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
Hi Billy
#3 Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners
#8 Mrs. Robinson - Simon and Garfunkel
#12 Reminiscing - Little River Band
#16 American Pie - Don McLean
#20 Creque Alley - Mamas & Papas
#25 Killer Queen - Queen
#29 Garden Party - Ricky Nelson
#32 Waterloo - ABBA
It pays to be the first one to get to a quiz! :)
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
2. Young Americans-David Bowie
8. R-O-C-K In The USA-John Cougar Mellencamp
10. Sweet Home Alabama-Lynyrd Skynyrd
14. Puttin' On The Ritz-Taco (among others)
17. Buddy Holly-Weezer
18. One Week Barenaked Ladies
19. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)-REM
21. Ohio-Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
#5 - we didnt start the fire, billy joel
#6 - mrs. robinson, simon and garfunkel
#7- intuition, jewel
#9- sweet soul music? arthur conley
#4- you get what you give, new radicals
#31 - the real slim shady, eminem
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
1.Celluloid Heroes-The Kinks
Go Redsox Go!!!
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
27. Like A Rolling Stone--Bob Dylan
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
Hi Billy - not many left to go at but I think the following are un-guessed so far...
#15 Well It's True That We Love One Another - The White Stripes (I sing this as a trio in the car with my 2 elder daughters)
#33 The Night Chicago Died - Paper Lace (at least in the UK, I have a feeling someone else had a hit with this in the USA).
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
Just two Billy...
#23. Lookin' Out My Back Door - Creedence Clearwater Revival
#28. Give Peace A Chance - Plastic Ono Band
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
22. Hootie and the Blowfish - Only Wanna Be with You
24. Living Colour - Cult of Personality
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
Don't you think eight per person was a bit much when you only had 33 songs? :'(
25. Killer Queen - Queen
26. Leningrad - Billy Joel
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
6. Mrs. Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
19 - Rem, it's the end of the world as we know it
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz
Don't you think eight per person was a bit much when you only had 33 songs? :'(
End Quote
thats why Im gonna add more right now
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(MORE ADDED)
34. The Police - Don't Stand So Close
35. David Essex - Rock On
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(MORE ADDED)
#37 - "Goodbye Cruel World" - Freddy "boom Boom" cannon
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(MORE ADDED)
#36 Man On The Moon - R.E.M.
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(MORE ADDED)
40. Bette Davis Eyes--Kim Carnes
41. Drops of Jupiter--Train
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(MORE ADDED)
39- californication, rhcp
42 - mustang sally, wilson pickett
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(MORE ADDED)
#38 is "Hey, Nineteen" by Steely Dan :)
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(MORE ADDED)
42 - mustang sally, wilson pickett
End Quote
not really the one I was thinking of, but it fits
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(MORE ADDED)
43. Revolution - Beatles
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(3 left!!!!!!)
30. renegades of funk- rage against the machine
11. That Says It All-Duncan Sheik
13. brownsville girl- bob dylan
Subject: Re: Famous person lyrics quiz(3 left!!!!!!)
30. renegades of funk- rage against the machine
11. That Says It All-Duncan Sheik
13. brownsville girl- bob dylan
End Quote
thats for finishing it